function parseObject($object) { foreach ($object as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { parseObject($value); } if ($key == "_graphic" && !is_int($key)) { processGraphic($value); } } }
/** * encodes an arbitrary variable into JSON format * * @param mixed $var any number, boolean, string, array, or object to be encoded. * see argument 1 to Services_JSON() above for array-parsing behavior. * if var is a strng, note that encode() always expects it * to be in ASCII or UTF-8 format! * * @return mixed JSON string representation of input var or an error if a problem occurs * @access public */ function encode($var) { switch (gettype($var)) { case 'boolean': return $var ? 'true' : 'false'; case 'NULL': return 'null'; case 'integer': return (int) $var; case 'double': case 'float': return (double) $var; case 'string': // STRINGS ARE EXPECTED TO BE IN ASCII OR UTF-8 FORMAT $ascii = ''; $strlen_var = strlen($var); /* * Iterate over every character in the string, * escaping with a slash or encoding to UTF-8 where necessary */ for ($c = 0; $c < $strlen_var; ++$c) { $ord_var_c = ord($var[$c]); switch (true) { case $ord_var_c == 0x8: $ascii .= '\\b'; break; case $ord_var_c == 0x9: $ascii .= '\\t'; break; case $ord_var_c == 0xa: $ascii .= '\\n'; break; case $ord_var_c == 0xc: $ascii .= '\\f'; break; case $ord_var_c == 0xd: $ascii .= '\\r'; break; case $ord_var_c == 0x22: case $ord_var_c == 0x2f: case $ord_var_c == 0x5c: // double quote, slash, slosh $ascii .= '\\' . $var[$c]; break; case $ord_var_c >= 0x20 && $ord_var_c <= 0x7f: // characters U-00000000 - U-0000007F (same as ASCII) $ascii .= $var[$c]; break; case ($ord_var_c & 0xe0) == 0xc0: // characters U-00000080 - U-000007FF, mask 110XXXXX // see $char = pack('C*', $ord_var_c, ord($var[$c + 1])); $c += 1; $utf16 = $this->utf82utf16($char); $ascii .= sprintf('\\u%04s', bin2hex($utf16)); break; case ($ord_var_c & 0xf0) == 0xe0: // characters U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF, mask 1110XXXX // see $char = pack('C*', $ord_var_c, ord($var[$c + 1]), ord($var[$c + 2])); $c += 2; $utf16 = $this->utf82utf16($char); $ascii .= sprintf('\\u%04s', bin2hex($utf16)); break; case ($ord_var_c & 0xf8) == 0xf0: // characters U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF, mask 11110XXX // see $char = pack('C*', $ord_var_c, ord($var[$c + 1]), ord($var[$c + 2]), ord($var[$c + 3])); $c += 3; $utf16 = $this->utf82utf16($char); $ascii .= sprintf('\\u%04s', bin2hex($utf16)); break; case ($ord_var_c & 0xfc) == 0xf8: // characters U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF, mask 111110XX // see $char = pack('C*', $ord_var_c, ord($var[$c + 1]), ord($var[$c + 2]), ord($var[$c + 3]), ord($var[$c + 4])); $c += 4; $utf16 = $this->utf82utf16($char); $ascii .= sprintf('\\u%04s', bin2hex($utf16)); break; case ($ord_var_c & 0xfe) == 0xfc: // characters U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF, mask 1111110X // see $char = pack('C*', $ord_var_c, ord($var[$c + 1]), ord($var[$c + 2]), ord($var[$c + 3]), ord($var[$c + 4]), ord($var[$c + 5])); $c += 5; $utf16 = $this->utf82utf16($char); $ascii .= sprintf('\\u%04s', bin2hex($utf16)); break; } } return '"' . $ascii . '"'; case 'array': /* * As per JSON spec if any array key is not an integer * we must treat the the whole array as an object. We * also try to catch a sparsely populated associative * array with numeric keys here because some JS engines * will create an array with empty indexes up to * max_index which can cause memory issues and because * the keys, which may be relevant, will be remapped * otherwise. * * As per the ECMA and JSON specification an object may * have any string as a property. Unfortunately due to * a hole in the ECMA specification if the key is a * ECMA reserved word or starts with a digit the * parameter is only accessible using ECMAScript's * bracket notation. */ // treat as a JSON object if (is_array($var) && count($var) && array_keys($var) !== range(0, sizeof($var) - 1)) { $properties = array_map(array($this, 'name_value'), array_keys($var), array_values($var)); foreach ($properties as $property) { if (Services_JSON::isError($property)) { return $property; } } return '{' . join(',', $properties) . '}'; } // treat it like a regular array $elements = array_map(array($this, 'encode'), $var); foreach ($elements as $element) { if (Services_JSON::isError($element)) { return $element; } } return '[' . join(',', $elements) . ']'; case 'object': $vars = get_object_vars($var); if (empty($vars)) { $vars = parseObject($var); } $properties = array_map(array($this, 'name_value'), array_keys($vars), array_values($vars)); foreach ($properties as $property) { if (Services_JSON::isError($property)) { return $property; } } return '{' . join(',', $properties) . '}'; default: return $this->use & SERVICES_JSON_SUPPRESS_ERRORS ? 'null' : new Services_JSON_Error(gettype($var) . " can not be encoded as JSON string"); } }