define('SECTION_PLUGINTYPE', 'artefact'); define('SECTION_PLUGINNAME', 'internal'); define('SECTION_PAGE', 'view'); require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php'; require_once 'group.php'; require_once 'pieforms/pieform.php'; require_once get_config('libroot') . 'view.php'; if (param_variable('acceptfriend_submit', null)) { acceptfriend_form(param_integer('id')); } else { if (param_variable('addfriend_submit', null)) { addfriend_form(param_integer('id')); } } $loggedinid = $USER->get('id'); if ($profileurlid = param_alphanumext('profile', null)) { if (!($user = get_record('usr', 'urlid', $profileurlid, 'deleted', 0))) { if ($USER->is_logged_in()) { throw new UserNotFoundException("User {$profileurlid} not found"); } else { // For logged-out users we show "access denied" in order to prevent an enumeration attack throw new AccessDeniedException(get_string('youcannotviewthisusersprofile', 'error')); } } $userid = $user->id; } else { if (!empty($loggedinid)) { $userid = param_integer('id', $loggedinid); } else { $userid = param_integer('id'); }
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * @package mahara * @subpackage core * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @license GNU GPL * @copyright (C) 2006-2008 Catalyst IT Ltd * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('PUBLIC', 1); require 'init.php'; $name = param_alphanumext('name', 'captcha'); // Get 5 random letters. $code = get_random_key(5); $angles = array(40, 0, 340, 20, 310); $lefts = array(30, 50, 70, 95, 110); $bottoms = array(24, 20, 28, 34, 33); $file = theme_get_path('images/captcha.png'); $img = imagecreatefrompng($file); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 60, 60, 60); $ttf = theme_get_path('captcha.ttf'); $captcha = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); $i++) { imagettftext($img, 18, $angles[$i], $lefts[$i], $bottoms[$i], $black, $ttf, $code[$i]); $captcha .= $code[$i]; } $SESSION->set($name, $captcha);
define('TITLE', get_string('pagetitle', 'search.elasticsearch')); safe_require('search', 'elasticsearch'); define('SECTION_PLUGINTYPE', 'search'); define('SECTION_PLUGINNAME', 'elasticsearch'); define('SECTION_PAGE', 'elasticsearch'); global $USER; if (!get_config('publicsearchallowed') && !$USER->is_logged_in()) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $options = array(); $query = param_variable('query', ''); $mainfacetterm = param_alpha('mainfacetterm', null); $options['secfacetterm'] = param_alpha('secfacetterm', ''); $options['owner'] = param_alpha('owner', ''); $options['tagsonly'] = param_boolean('tagsonly', false); $options['sort'] = param_alphanumext('sort', null); $options['license'] = param_variable('license', ''); $offset = param_integer('offset', 0); $filter = param_alpha('filter', $USER->get('admin') ? 'all' : 'myinstitutions'); $limit = param_integer('limit', 10); $filter = 'all'; $query = PluginSearchElasticsearch::clean_query($query); $data = PluginSearchElasticsearch::search_all($query, $limit, $offset, $options, $mainfacetterm, $USER); $data['query'] = $query; // License if (get_config('licensemetadata')) { $data['license_on'] = true; $license_options = array(); $licenses = get_records_assoc('artefact_license', null, null, 'displayname'); foreach ($licenses as $l) { $license_options[$l->name] = $l->displayname;
$elements = array(); $elements['membership'] = array('type' => 'html', 'value' => '<h4>' . get_string('Membership', 'group') . '</h4>'); $cancreatecontrolled = $USER->get('admin') || $USER->get('staff') || $USER->is_institutional_admin() || $USER->is_institutional_staff(); $elements['open'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'title' => get_string('Open', 'group'), 'description' => get_string('opendescription', 'group'), 'defaultvalue' => $group_data->open, 'disabled' => !$cancreatecontrolled && $group_data->controlled); if ($cancreatecontrolled || $group_data->controlled) { $elements['controlled'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'title' => get_string('Controlled', 'group'), 'description' => get_string('controlleddescription', 'group'), 'defaultvalue' => $group_data->controlled, 'disabled' => !$cancreatecontrolled); } else { $form['elements']['controlled'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $group_data->controlled); } $elements['request'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'title' => get_string('request', 'group'), 'description' => get_string('requestdescription', 'group'), 'defaultvalue' => !$group_data->open && $group_data->request, 'disabled' => $group_data->open); // The grouptype determines the allowed roles $grouptypeoptions = group_get_grouptype_options($group_data->grouptype); // Hide the grouptype option if it was passed in as a parameter, if the user // isn't allowed to change it, or if there's only one option. if (!$id) { $grouptypeparam = param_alphanumext('grouptype', 0); if (isset($grouptypeoptions[$grouptypeparam])) { $group_data->grouptype = $grouptypeparam; $forcegrouptype = true; } } else { if (!isset($grouptypeoptions[$group_data->grouptype])) { // The user can't create groups of this type. Probably a non-staff user // who's been promoted to admin of a controlled group. $forcegrouptype = true; } } if (!empty($forcegrouptype) || count($grouptypeoptions) < 2) { $form['elements']['grouptype'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $group_data->grouptype); } else { $elements['grouptype'] = array('type' => 'select', 'title' => get_string('Roles', 'group'), 'options' => $grouptypeoptions, 'defaultvalue' => $group_data->grouptype, 'help' => true);
/** * Check if the form is supposed to be collapsed * @param array $element The element to render * @return boolean if the fieldset should be collapsed */ function pieform_is_collapsed(Pieform $form, $element) { $formname = $form->get_name(); $iscollapsed = !empty($element['collapsed']); // if name element is not set, element should not be collapsed if (!isset($element['name'])) { return false; } $valid = param_alphanumext('fs', null) !== $element['name']; // Work out whether any of the children have errors on them foreach ($element['elements'] as $subelement) { if (isset($subelement['error'])) { return false; // collapsible element should be open } } if (isset($element['name'])) { $openparam = $formname . '_' . $element['name'] . '_open'; } if ($iscollapsed && $valid && !param_boolean($openparam, false)) { return true; } return false; }
* @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('ADMIN', 1); define('MENUITEM', 'configextensions/webservices/logs'); define('SECTION_PAGE', 'webservicelogs'); require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/init.php'; require_once 'webservicessearchlib.php'; define('TITLE', get_string('webservices_title', 'auth.webservice')); require_once 'pieforms/pieform.php'; $userquery = param_variable('userquery', null); $username = !empty($userquery) ? get_field('usr', 'username', 'id', $userquery) : ''; $functionquery = param_variable('functionquery', null); $functionname = !empty($functionquery) ? get_field('external_functions', 'name', 'id', $functionquery) : ''; $search = (object) array('userquery' => $username, 'functionquery' => $functionname, 'protocol' => trim(param_alphanumext('protocol', 'all')), 'authtype' => trim(param_alphanum('authtype', 'all')), 'onlyerrors' => 'on' == param_alphanum('onlyerrors', 'off') ? 1 : 0, 'sortby' => param_alpha('sortby', 'timelogged'), 'sortdir' => param_alpha('sortdir', 'desc'), 'offset' => param_integer('offset', 0), 'limit' => param_integer('limit', 10)); if ($USER->get('admin')) { $institutions = get_records_array('institution', '', '', 'displayname'); $search->institution = param_alphanum('institution', 'all'); } else { $institutions = get_records_select_array('institution', "name IN ('" . join("','", array_keys($USER->get('admininstitutions'))) . "')", null, 'displayname'); $search->institution_requested = param_alphanum('institution_requested', 'all'); } list($html, $columns, $searchurl, $pagination) = build_webservice_log_search_results($search); $institutionselect = ''; if (count($institutions) > 1) { $selecttype = $USER->get('admin') ? 'institution' : 'institution_requested'; $options = array('all' => get_string('All')); foreach ($institutions as $institution) { $options[$institution->name] = $institution->displayname; }
* * @package mahara * @subpackage artefact-multirecipientnotification * @author David Ballhausen, Tobias Zeuch * @license GNU GPL version 3 or later * @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('JSON', 1); require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/init.php'; safe_require('artefact', 'multirecipientnotification'); global $USER; global $THEME; $readone = param_integer('readone', 0); $table = param_alphanumext('table', 'notification_internal_activity'); $markasread = param_integer('markasread', 0); $delete = param_integer('delete', 0); if ($readone) { if ('notification_internal_activity' === $table) { set_field($table, 'read', 1, 'id', $readone, 'usr', $USER->get('id')); } else { if ('artefact_multirecipient_notification' === $table) { mark_as_read_mr(array($readone), $USER->get('id')); } } $unread = $USER->add_unread(-1); $data = array('newunreadcount' => $unread, 'newimage' => $THEME->get_url($unread ? 'images/newmail.png' : 'images/message.png')); json_reply(false, array('data' => $data)); } require_once get_config('libroot') . 'activity.php';
<?php /** * * @package mahara * @subpackage core * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @license GNU GPL version 3 or later * @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('JSON', 1); require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php'; $rawstring = param_alphanumext('string'); $section = param_alphanumext('section'); $args = param_variable('args', null); if (!empty($args) && is_array($args)) { array_unshift($args, $rawstring, $section); $string = call_user_func_array('get_string', $args); } else { $string = get_string($rawstring, $section); } json_reply(false, array('message' => null, 'data' => array('string' => $string)));
define('MENUITEM', 'adminhome/statistics'); require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php'; require get_config('libroot') . 'registration.php'; define('TITLE', get_string('sitestatistics', 'admin')); $type = param_alpha('type', 'users'); $subpages = array('users', 'groups', 'views', 'content', 'historical', 'institutions'); $offset = param_integer('offset', 0); $limit = param_integer('limit', 10); if (!in_array($type, $subpages)) { $type = 'users'; } if ($type == 'historical') { $field = param_alphanumext('field', 'count_usr'); } if ($type == 'institutions') { $sort = param_alphanumext('sort', 'displayname'); $sortdesc = param_boolean('sortdesc'); } $sitedata = site_statistics(true); switch ($type) { case 'institutions': $data = institution_comparison_statistics($limit, $offset, $sort, $sortdesc); break; case 'historical': $data = historical_statistics($limit, $offset, $field); break; case 'content': $data = content_statistics($limit, $offset); break; case 'groups': $data = group_statistics($limit, $offset);
* @subpackage core * @author Richard Mansfield * @license GNU GPL version 3 or later * @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('PUBLIC', 1); require 'init.php'; require_once 'file.php'; $type = param_alpha('type', null); if ($type == 'sitemap') { if (!get_config('generatesitemap')) { throw new NotFoundException(get_string('filenotfound')); } if ($name = param_alphanumext('name', null)) { if (!preg_match('/^sitemap_[a-z0-9_]+\\.xml(\\.gz)?$/', $name, $m)) { throw new NotFoundException(get_string('filenotfound')); } $mimetype = empty($m[1]) ? 'text/xml' : 'application/gzip'; } else { $name = 'sitemap_index.xml'; $mimetype = 'text/xml'; } $path = get_config('dataroot') . 'sitemaps/' . $name; } else { $data = $SESSION->get('downloadfile'); if (!$USER->is_logged_in() || empty($data) || empty($data['file'])) { throw new NotFoundException(get_string('filenotfound')); } $path = get_config('dataroot') . 'export/' . $USER->get('id') . '/' . $data['file'];
* along with this program. If not, see <>. * * @package mahara * @subpackage core * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @license GNU GPL * @copyright (C) 2006-2009 Catalyst IT Ltd * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('JSON', 1); require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php'; require_once 'view.php'; $view = new View(param_integer('id')); $change = param_boolean('change', false); $action = param_alphanumext('action', ''); // If the view has been submitted, disallow editing if ($view->is_submitted()) { $submittedto = $view->submitted_to(); throw new AccessDeniedException(get_string('canteditsubmitted', 'view', $submittedto['name'])); } // we actually ned to process stuff if ($change) { try { $returndata = $view->process_changes(); json_reply(false, $returndata); } catch (Exception $e) { json_reply(true, $e->getMessage()); } } // else we're just reading data...
* @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @license GNU GPL * @copyright (C) 2006-2009 Catalyst IT Ltd * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('PUBLIC', 1); define('MENUITEM', ''); define('HOME', 1); require 'init.php'; define('TITLE', get_string('home')); // Check for whether the user is logged in, before processing the page. After // this, we can guarantee whether the user is logged in or not for this page. if (!$USER->is_logged_in()) { $pagename = 'loggedouthome'; $lang = param_alphanumext('lang', null); if (!empty($lang)) { $SESSION->set('lang', $lang); redirect(); } } else { $pagename = 'home'; } if ($USER->is_logged_in()) { // get the user's dashboard view require_once get_config('libroot') . 'view.php'; $view = $USER->get_view_by_type('dashboard'); $stylesheets = array('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . get_config('wwwroot') . 'theme/views.css">'); $smarty = smarty(array('paginator'), $stylesheets, array(), array('stylesheets' => array('style/views.css'))); if ($USER->get_account_preference('showhomeinfo')) { // allow the user to choose never to see the info boxes again
* @subpackage core * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @license GNU GPL version 3 or later * @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('PUBLIC', 1); define('MENUITEM', 'groups/info'); require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php'; require_once 'group.php'; require_once 'searchlib.php'; require_once get_config('docroot') . 'interaction/lib.php'; require_once get_config('libroot') . 'view.php'; safe_require('artefact', 'file'); if ($urlid = param_alphanumext('homepage', null)) { define('GROUPURLID', $urlid); $group = group_current_group(); } else { define('GROUP', param_integer('id')); $group = group_current_group(); } if (!is_logged_in() && !$group->public) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } define('TITLE', $group->name); $group->role = group_user_access($group->id); // logged in user can do stuff if ($USER->is_logged_in()) { $afterjoin = param_variable('next', 'view'); if ($group->role) {
* @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ if (!defined('INTERNAL')) { define('INTERNAL', 1); } require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php'; if (!defined('CRON')) { define('JSON', 1); json_headers(); $validtypes = array('Line', 'Bar', 'Radar', 'PolarArea', 'Pie', 'Doughnut'); $type = ucfirst(param_alphanum('type', false)); if (!in_array($type, $validtypes)) { json_reply('missingparameter', '\'' . $type . '\' is not a valid graph type'); } $graph = param_alphanumext('graph', null); $colours = param_variable('colours', null); $colours = json_decode($colours); $extradata = param_variable('extradata', null); $extradata = json_decode($extradata); require_once get_config('libroot') . 'graph.php'; require_once get_config('libroot') . 'registration.php'; if (!function_exists($graph) || !in_array($graph, allowed_graph_functions())) { json_reply('invalidparameter', 'Cannot call graph function \'' . $graph . '\''); } else { $data = $extradata ? $graph($type, $extradata) : $graph($type); if (empty($data)) { $data['empty'] = true; json_reply(false, array('data' => $data)); } $data['configs'] = isset($extradata->configs) ? $extradata->configs : (object) array();
}); \$('#activate_webservice_protos_xmlrpc_enabled').change(function() { save_protos_switch('xmlrpc'); }); \$('#activate_webservice_protos_rest_enabled').change(function() { save_protos_switch('rest'); }); \$('#activate_webservice_protos_oauth_enabled').change(function() { save_protos_switch('oauth'); }); }); JS; $smarty = smarty(); setpageicon($smarty, 'icon-puzzle-piece'); $smarty->assign('form', $form); $smarty->assign('opened', param_alphanumext('open', '')); $smarty->assign('SUBPAGENAV', $webservice_menu); $smarty->assign('PAGEHEADING', $heading); $smarty->assign('INLINEJAVASCRIPT', $inlinejs); $smarty->assign('pagedescription', get_string('webservicesconfigdesc', 'auth.webservice')); $smarty->display('auth:webservice:configform.tpl'); /* pieforms callback for activate_webservices for */ function activate_webservices_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { $enabled = $values['enabled'] ? 0 : 1; set_config('webservice_enabled', $enabled); // reload/upgrade the web services configuration if ($enabled) { // ensure that we have a webservice auth_instance $authinstance = get_record('auth_instance', 'institution', 'mahara', 'authname', 'webservice');
} else { if (!empty($institution)) { $institutionelement['defaultvalue'] = $institution; } } $institutionselector = pieform(array('name' => 'usertypeselect', 'elements' => array('institution' => $institutionelement))); define('TITLE', get_string('institutionstatisticsfor', 'admin', get_field('institution', 'displayname', 'name', $institution))); $type = param_alpha('type', 'users'); $subpages = array('users', 'views', 'content', 'historical'); $offset = param_integer('offset', 0); $limit = param_integer('limit', 10); if (!in_array($type, $subpages)) { $type = 'users'; } if ($type == 'historical') { $field = param_alphanumext('field', 'count_members'); } $institutiondata = institution_statistics($institution, true); switch ($type) { case 'historical': $data = institution_historical_statistics($limit, $offset, $field, $institutiondata); break; case 'content': $data = institution_content_statistics($limit, $offset, $institutiondata); break; case 'views': $data = institution_view_statistics($limit, $offset, $institutiondata); break; case 'users': default: $data = institution_user_statistics($limit, $offset, $institutiondata);
* * @package mahara * @subpackage module-multirecipientnotification * @author David Ballhausen, Tobias Zeuch * @license GNU GPL version 3 or later * @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('JSON', 1); require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/init.php'; safe_require('module', 'multirecipientnotification'); global $USER; global $THEME; $readone = param_integer('readone', 0); $list = param_alphanumext('list', 'notification_internal_activity'); $markasread = param_integer('markasread', 0); $delete = param_integer('delete', 0); if ($readone) { if ('notification_internal_activity' === $list) { set_field($list, 'read', 1, 'id', $readone, 'usr', $USER->get('id')); } else { if ('artefact_multirecipient_notification' === $list) { mark_as_read_mr(array($readone), $USER->get('id')); } } $unread = $USER->add_unread(-1); $data = array('newunreadcount' => $unread); json_reply(false, array('data' => $data)); } require_once get_config('libroot') . 'activity.php';
/** * Renders a fieldset. Fieldsets contain other elements, and do not count as a * "true" element, in that they do not have a value and cannot be validated. * * @param Pieform $form The form to render the element for * @param array $element The element to render * @return string The HTML for the element */ function pieform_element_fieldset(Pieform $form, $element) { /*{{{*/ global $_PIEFORM_FIELDSETS; $result = "\n<fieldset"; $classes = array('pieform-fieldset'); if (!empty($element['class'])) { $classes[] = Pieform::hsc($element['class']); } if (!empty($element['collapsible'])) { if (!isset($element['legend']) || $element['legend'] === '') { Pieform::info('Collapsible fieldsets should have a legend so they can be toggled'); } $classes[] = 'collapsible'; $formname = $form->get_name(); if (!isset($_PIEFORM_FIELDSETS['forms'][$formname])) { $_PIEFORM_FIELDSETS['forms'][$formname] = array('formname' => $formname); } if (isset($element['name'])) { $openparam = $formname . '_' . $element['name'] . '_open'; } // Work out whether any of the children have errors on them $error = false; foreach ($element['elements'] as $subelement) { if (isset($subelement['error'])) { $error = true; break; } } if (!empty($element['collapsed']) && !$error && (!isset($element['name']) || param_alphanumext('fs', null) != $element['name'] && !param_boolean($openparam, false))) { $classes[] = 'collapsed'; } } $result .= ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"'; $result .= ">\n"; if (isset($element['legend'])) { $result .= '<legend><h4>'; if (!empty($element['collapsible'])) { $result .= '<a href="">' . Pieform::hsc($element['legend']) . '</a>'; if (isset($openparam)) { $result .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . hsc($openparam) . '" class="open-fieldset-input" ' . 'value="' . intval(!in_array('collapsed', $classes)) . '">'; } } else { $result .= Pieform::hsc($element['legend']); } // Help icon if (!empty($element['help'])) { $function = $form->get_property('helpcallback'); if (function_exists($function)) { $result .= $function($form, $element); } else { $result .= '<span class="help"><a href="" title="' . Pieform::hsc($element['help']) . '" onclick="return false;">?</a></span>'; } } $result .= "</h4></legend>\n"; } if (!empty($element['renderer']) && $element['renderer'] == 'multicolumnfieldsettable') { $result .= _render_elements_as_multicolumn($form, $element); } else { foreach ($element['elements'] as $subname => $subelement) { if ($subelement['type'] == 'hidden') { throw new PieformException("You cannot put hidden elements in fieldsets"); } $result .= "\t" . pieform_render_element($form, $subelement); } } $result .= "</fieldset>\n"; return $result; }
$samlconfig = get_config_plugin('auth', 'saml', 'simplesamlphpconfig'); // get all the things that we will need from the SAML authentication // and then shutdown the session control SimpleSAML_Configuration::init($samlconfig); $saml_session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance(); // do we have a logout request? if (param_variable("logout", false)) { // logout the saml session $sp = $saml_session->getAuthority(); if (!$sp) { $sp = 'default-sp'; } $as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple($sp); $as->logout($CFG->wwwroot); } $sp = param_alphanumext('as', 'default-sp'); if (!in_array($sp, SimpleSAML_Auth_Source::getSources())) { $sp = 'default-sp'; } $as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple($sp); // Check the SimpleSAMLphp config is compatible $saml_config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance(); $session_handler = $saml_config->getString('session.handler', false); $store_type = $saml_config->getString('store.type', false); if ($store_type == 'phpsession' || $session_handler == 'phpsession' || empty($store_type) && empty($session_handler)) { throw new AuthInstanceException(get_string('errorbadssphp', 'auth.saml')); } // what is the session like? $valid_saml_session = $saml_session->isValid($sp); // figure out what the returnto URL should be $wantsurl = param_variable("wantsurl", false);
<?php /** * * @package mahara * @subpackage core * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @license GNU GPL version 3 or later * @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('STAFF', 1); require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php'; $type = param_alphanumext('type'); if (preg_match('/^([a-z]*_)?(viewtypes|weekly)$/', $type) || $type == 'institutions' || $type == 'grouptypes') { header('Content-type: ' . 'image/png'); if (!get_config('nocache')) { $maxage = 3600; header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $maxage) . ' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $maxage); header('Pragma: public'); } readfile(get_config('dataroot') . 'images/' . $type . '.png'); exit; }
<?php /** * * @package mahara * @subpackage core * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @license GNU GPL version 3 or later * @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('JSON', 1); define('PUBLIC', 1); define('NOSESSKEY', 1); require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php'; json_headers(); $plugintype = param_alpha('plugintype'); $pluginname = param_alpha('pluginname'); $page = param_alphanumext('page', null); $section = param_alphanumext('section', null); $form = param_alphanumext('form', null); $element = param_alphanumext('element', null); $data = get_helpfile($plugintype, $pluginname, $form, $element, $page, $section); if (empty($data)) { json_reply('local', get_string('nohelpfound')); } $json = array('error' => false, 'content' => $data); json_reply(false, $json);
* @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * @copyright (C) 2010-2013 Gregor Anzelj <*****@*****.**> * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('ADMIN', 1); define('MENUITEM', 'configsite/sitefonts'); define('SECTION_PLUGINTYPE', 'core'); define('SECTION_PLUGINNAME', 'admin'); define('SECTION_PAGE', 'deletefont'); require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/init.php'; require_once 'pieforms/pieform.php'; if (!get_config('skins')) { throw new FeatureNotEnabledException(); } $font = param_alphanumext('font'); $fontdata = null; $fontdata = get_record('skin_fonts', 'name', $font); if ($fontdata == false) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Font not found"); } // Admins can not delete 'common' fonts if ($fontdata->fonttype == 'common') { throw new AccessDeniedException("Cannot delete this font"); } define('TITLE', get_string('deletespecifiedfont', 'skin', $fontdata->title)); // Check to see if the font is being used in a skin and if so indicate this to admin $usedinskins = 0; $skins = get_records_array('skin'); if (is_array($skins)) { foreach ($skins as $skin) {
$usertoken = is_null($mnettoken) && get_config('allowpublicviews') ? param_alphanum('t', null) : null; if ($mnettoken) { if (!($viewid = get_view_from_token($mnettoken, false))) { throw new AccessDeniedException(get_string('accessdenied', 'error')); } } else { if ($usertoken) { if (!($viewid = get_view_from_token($usertoken, true))) { throw new AccessDeniedException(get_string('accessdenied', 'error')); } } else { if ($pageurl = param_alphanumext('page', null)) { if ($profile = param_alphanumext('profile', null)) { $view = new View(array('urlid' => $pageurl, 'ownerurlid' => $profile)); } else { if ($homepage = param_alphanumext('homepage', null)) { $view = new View(array('urlid' => $pageurl, 'groupurlid' => $homepage)); } else { throw new ViewNotFoundException(get_string('viewnotfoundexceptiontitle', 'error')); } } $viewid = $view->get('id'); } else { $viewid = param_integer('id'); } } } $new = param_boolean('new'); $showmore = param_boolean('showmore'); if (!$showmore) { $showmore = 0;
define('TITLE', get_string('sitestatistics', 'admin')); $type = param_alpha('type', 'users'); $subpages = array('users', 'groups', 'views', 'content', 'historical', 'institutions', 'logins'); $offset = param_integer('offset', 0); $limit = param_integer('limit', 10); if (!in_array($type, $subpages)) { $type = 'users'; } if ($type == 'historical') { $field = param_alphanumext('field', 'count_usr'); } if ($type == 'institutions' || $type == 'logins') { $sort = param_alphanumext('sort', 'displayname'); $sortdesc = param_boolean('sortdesc'); $start = param_alphanumext('start', null); $end = param_alphanumext('end', null); } $sitedata = site_statistics(true); switch ($type) { case 'logins': $data = institution_logins_statistics($limit, $offset, $sort, $sortdesc, $start, $end); break; case 'institutions': $data = institution_comparison_statistics($limit, $offset, $sort, $sortdesc); break; case 'historical': $data = historical_statistics($limit, $offset, $field); break; case 'content': $data = content_statistics($limit, $offset); break;
/** * Handles authentication by setting up a session for a user if they are logged * in. * * This function combined with the Session class is smart - if the user is not * logged in then they do not get a session, which prevents simple curl hits * or search engine crawls to a page from getting sessions they won't use. * * Once the user has a session, they keep it even if the log out, so it can * be reused. The session does expire, but the expiry time is typically a week * or more. * * If the user is not authenticated for this page, then this function will * exit, printing the login page. Therefore, after including init.php, you can * be sure that the user is logged in, or has a valid guest key. However, no * testing is done to make sure the user has the required permissions to see * the page. * */ function auth_setup() { global $SESSION, $USER; // If the system is not installed, let the user through in the hope that // they can fix this little problem :) if (!get_config('installed')) { $USER->logout(); return; } // Lock the site until core upgrades are done require get_config('libroot') . 'version.php'; $siteclosed = $config->version > get_config('version'); $disablelogin = $config->disablelogin; if (!$siteclosed && get_config('forcelocalupgrades')) { require get_config('docroot') . 'local/version.php'; $siteclosed = $config->version > get_config('localversion'); } $cfgsiteclosed = get_config('siteclosed'); if ($siteclosed && !$cfgsiteclosed || !$siteclosed && $cfgsiteclosed) { // If the admin closed the site manually, open it automatically // when an upgrade is successful. if ($cfgsiteclosed && get_config('siteclosedbyadmin')) { set_config('siteclosedbyadmin', false); } set_config('siteclosed', $siteclosed); set_config('disablelogin', $disablelogin); } // Check the time that the session is set to log out. If the user does // not have a session, this time will be 0. $sessionlogouttime = $USER->get('logout_time'); // Need to doublecheck that the User's sessionid still has a match the usr_session table // It can disappear if the current user has hacked the real user's account and the real user has // reset the password clearing the session from usr_session. $sessionexists = get_record('usr_session', 'usr', $USER->id, 'session', $USER->get('sessionid')); $parentuser = $USER->get('parentuser'); if ($sessionlogouttime && isset($_GET['logout']) || $sessionexists === false && $USER->get('sessionid') != '' && empty($parentuser)) { // Call the authinstance' logout hook $authinstance = $SESSION->get('authinstance'); if ($authinstance) { $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance); $authobj->logout(); } else { log_debug("Strange: user " . $USER->get('username') . " had no authinstance set in their session"); } if (function_exists('local_logout')) { local_logout(); } $USER->logout(); $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('loggedoutok')); redirect(); } if ($sessionlogouttime > time()) { // The session is still active, so continue it. // Make sure that if a user's admin status has changed, they're kicked // out of the admin section if (in_admin_section()) { // Reload site admin/staff permissions $realuser = get_record('usr', 'id', $USER->id, null, null, null, null, 'admin,staff'); if (!$USER->get('admin') && $realuser->admin) { // The user has been made into an admin $USER->admin = 1; } else { if ($USER->get('admin') && !$realuser->admin) { // The user's admin rights have been taken away $USER->admin = 0; } } if (!$USER->get('staff') && $realuser->staff) { $USER->staff = 1; } else { if ($USER->get('staff') && !$realuser->staff) { $USER->staff = 0; } } // Reload institutional admin/staff permissions $USER->reset_institutions(); auth_check_admin_section(); } $USER->renew(); auth_check_required_fields(); } else { if ($sessionlogouttime > 0) { // The session timed out $authinstance = $SESSION->get('authinstance'); if ($authinstance) { $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance); $mnetuser = 0; if ($SESSION->get('mnetuser') && $authobj->parent) { // We wish to remember that the user is an MNET user - even though // they're using the local login form $mnetuser = $USER->get('id'); } $authobj->logout(); $USER->logout(); if ($mnetuser != 0) { $SESSION->set('mnetuser', $mnetuser); $SESSION->set('authinstance', $authinstance); } } else { log_debug("Strange: user " . $USER->get('username') . " had no authinstance set in their session"); } if (defined('JSON')) { json_reply('global', get_string('sessiontimedoutreload'), 1); } if (defined('IFRAME')) { header('Content-type: text/html'); print_auth_frame(); exit; } // If the page the user is viewing is public, inform them that they can // log in again if (defined('PUBLIC')) { // @todo this links to ?login - later it should do magic to make // sure that whatever GET string is made it includes the old data // correctly $loginurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $loginurl .= false === strpos($loginurl, '?') ? '?' : '&'; $loginurl .= 'login'; $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('sessiontimedoutpublic', 'mahara', hsc($loginurl)), false); return; } auth_draw_login_page(get_string('sessiontimedout')); } else { // There is no session, so we check to see if one needs to be started. // Build login form. If the form is submitted it will be handled here, // and set $USER for us (this will happen when users hit a page and // specify login data immediately require_once 'pieforms/pieform.php'; $form = new Pieform(auth_get_login_form()); $SESSION->loginform = $form; if ($USER->is_logged_in()) { return; } // Check if the page is public or the site is configured to be public. if (defined('PUBLIC') && !isset($_GET['login'])) { if ($lang = param_alphanumext('lang', null)) { $SESSION->set('lang', $lang); } return; } // No session and a json request if (defined('JSON')) { json_reply('global', get_string('nosessionreload'), 1); } auth_draw_login_page(null, $form); exit; } } }
define('PUBLIC', 1); require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/init.php'; safe_require('artefact', 'survey'); json_headers(); function get_audio_player_code($wwwroot, $plugintype, $pluginname, $surveyname, $language, $filename) { $return = '<object width="290" height="30"'; $return .= '<param name="movie" value="' . $wwwroot . '/' . $plugintype . '/' . $pluginname . '/lib/wpaudioplayer/player.swf">'; $return .= '<param name="quality" value="high">'; $return .= '<param name="flashvars" value="playerID=1&soundFile=' . $wwwroot . '/' . $plugintype . '/' . $pluginname . '/surveys/' . $surveyname . '/' . $language . '/' . $filename . '">'; $return .= '<param name="wmode" value="transparent">'; $return .= '<p>Requires Flash Player 9 or better.</p>'; $return .= '<embed src="' . $wwwroot . '/' . $plugintype . '/' . $pluginname . '/lib/wpaudioplayer/player.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" flashvars="playerID=1&soundFile=' . $wwwroot . '/' . $plugintype . '/' . $pluginname . '/surveys/' . $surveyname . '/' . $language . '/' . $filename . '" width="290" height="30">'; $return .= '</embed>'; $return .= '</object>'; return $return; } $plugintype = param_alpha('plugintype'); $pluginname = param_alpha('pluginname'); $surveyname = param_alphanumext('survey'); $question = param_alphanumext('question'); $language = param_alphanumext('language', 'en.utf8'); $data = get_surveyhelpfile($plugintype, $pluginname, $surveyname, $question, $language); // Replace <audio:filename.mp3> tag with HTML code for rendering flash wpaudioplayer... $data = preg_replace('#<audio:([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-\\.]+)>#', get_audio_player_code(get_config('wwwroot'), $plugintype, $pluginname, $surveyname, $language, '$1'), $data); if (empty($data)) { json_reply('local', get_string('nohelpfound')); } $json = array('error' => false, 'content' => $data); echo json_encode($json); exit;