public function layout($type, $data = array()) { $version = panel()->version(); $base = panel()->urls()->index(); $cssbase = panel()->urls()->css(); $jsbase = panel()->urls()->js(); $defaults = array('title' => panel()->site()->title() . ' | Panel', 'direction' => panel()->direction(), 'meta' => $this->snippet('meta'), 'css' => css($cssbase . '/panel.css?v=' . $version), 'js' => js($jsbase . '/dist/panel.min.js?v=' . $version), 'content' => '', 'bodyclass' => ''); switch ($type) { case 'app': $defaults['topbar'] = ''; $defaults['csrf'] = panel()->csrf(); $defaults['formcss'] = css($cssbase . '/form.min.css?v=' . $version); $defaults['formjs'] = js($jsbase . '/dist/form.min.js?v=' . $version); $defaults['appjs'] = js($jsbase . '/dist/app.min.js?v=' . $version); // plugin stuff $defaults['pluginscss'] = css($base . '/plugins/css?v=' . $version); $defaults['pluginsjs'] = js($base . '/plugins/js?v=' . $version); break; case 'base': break; } $data = array_merge($defaults, $data); if (r::ajax() and $type == 'app') { $panel = panel(); $user = $panel->site()->user(); $response = array('user' => $user ? $user->username() : false, 'direction' => $panel->direction(), 'title' => $data['title'], 'content' => $data['topbar'] . $data['content']); return response::json($response); } else { return new Layout($type, $data); } }
public function logout() { if ($user = panel()->user()) { $user->logout(); } $this->redirect('login'); }
public static function combine($type, $files, $compress = false) { $root = panel::instance()->roots()->assets() . DS . $type; $cache = new Media($root . DS . 'panel.' . $type); $media = new Collection(array_map(function ($file) use($root) { return new Media($root . DS . str_replace('/', DS, $file)); }, $files)); // get the max modification date $modified = max($media->pluck('modified')); if (is_writable($root) and (!$cache->exists() or $cache->modified() < $modified)) { $cache->remove(); $content = ''; foreach ($media as $asset) { $content .= $asset->read() . PHP_EOL; } if ($compress) { $content = static::compress($content); } f::write($root . DS . 'panel.' . $type, $content); } if ($cache->exists()) { return $type(panel()->urls()->{$type}() . '/panel.' . $type . '?v=' . panel()->version()); } return $type(array_map(function ($item) use($type) { return 'panel/assets/' . $type . '/' . $item; }, $files)); }
public function get() { $history = $this->user->__get('history'); if (empty($history) or !is_array($history)) { return array(); } $update = false; $result = array(); foreach ($history as $item) { try { $result[] = panel()->page($item); } catch (Exception $e) { $update = true; } } if ($update) { $history = array_map(function ($item) { return $item->id(); }, $result); try { $this->user->update(array('history' => $history)); } catch (Exception $e) { } } return $result; }
public function logout() { if ($user = panel()->site()->user()) { $user->logout(); } go(panel()->urls()->login()); }
public function forUser($username, $fieldName, $fieldType, $path) { $user = panel()->user($username); $form = $user->form('user', function () { }); return $this->route($user, $form, $fieldName, $fieldType, $path); }
protected function form($user = null) { $mode = $user ? 'edit' : 'add'; $fields = data::read(panel()->roots()->forms() . DS . 'user.' . $mode . '.php', 'yaml'); $content = $user ? $user->data() : array(); // add all languages $fields['language']['options'] = array(); $fields['language']['default'] = kirby()->option('panel.language', 'en'); foreach (panel()->languages() as $code => $lang) { $fields['language']['options'][$code] = $lang->title(); } // add all roles $fields['role']['options'] = array(); $fields['role']['default'] = site()->roles()->findDefault()->id(); foreach (site()->roles() as $role) { $fields['role']['options'][$role->id()] = $role->name(); } // make the role selector readonly when the user is not an admin if (!site()->user()->isAdmin()) { $fields['role']['readonly'] = true; } // make sure the password is never shown in the form unset($content['password']); return new Form($fields, $content); }
public function add() { $self = $this; $model = $this->model(); $structure = $this->structure($model); $modalsize = $this->field()->modalsize(); $fieldsetName = get("fieldset"); $fieldsetStructure = $this->fieldsetStructure($fieldsetName); if (!$fieldsetStructure) { return $this->modal('error', array('text' => 'No fieldset with name "' . $fieldsetName . '" found.')); } $form = $this->form('add', array($model, $fieldsetStructure), function ($form) use($model, $structure, $self, $fieldsetName) { $form->validate(); if (!$form->isValid()) { return false; } $data = $form->serialize(); $data["_fieldset"] = $fieldsetName; $structure->add($data); $self->notify(':)'); $self->redirect($model); }); $form->attr('action', panel()->urls()->current() . "?fieldset=" . get("fieldset")); return $this->modal('add', compact('form', 'modalsize')); }
public function index() { if (site()->users()->count() > 0) { go(panel()->urls()->login()); } if ($problems = installation::check()) { $content = view('installation/check', array('problems' => $problems)); } else { $form = panel()->form('installation', array('language' => kirby()->option('panel.language', 'en'))); $form->cancel = false; $form->save = l('installation.signup.button'); $form->centered = true; foreach (panel()->languages() as $lang) { $form->fields()->get('language')->options[$lang->code()] = $lang->title(); } $form->on('submit', function ($form) { try { // fetch all the form data $data = $form->serialize(); // make sure that the first user is an admin $data['role'] = 'admin'; // try to create the new user $user = panel()->site()->users()->create($data); // store the new username for the login screen s::set('username', $user->username()); // redirect to the login go(panel()->urls()->login() . '/welcome'); } catch (Exception $e) { $form->alert($e->getMessage()); } }); $content = view('installation/signup', array('form' => $form)); } return layout('installation', array('meta' => new Snippet('meta'), 'content' => $content)); }
public function add($id = '/') { $page = $this->page($id); $blueprint = blueprint::find($page); $templates = $blueprint->pages()->template(); $options = array(); $back = array('subpages' => purl('subpages/index/' . $page->id()), 'page' => purl($page, 'show')); $form = panel()->form('pages.add'); $form->save = l('add'); $form->back = a::get($back, get('to')); foreach ($templates as $template) { $options[$template->name()] = $template->title(); } $select = form::field('select', array('name' => 'template', 'label' => l('pages.add.template.label'), 'options' => $options, 'required' => true)); if ($templates->count() == 1) { $select->readonly = true; $select->value = $templates->first()->name(); } $form->fields()->append('template', $select); if (api::maxPages($page, $blueprint->pages()->max())) { $form->fields = array('info' => form::field('info', array('label' => 'pages.add.error.max.headline', 'text' => 'pages.add.error.max.text'))); $form->save = false; $form->centered = true; } return view('pages/add', array('page' => $page, 'form' => $form)); }
public function defaults() { $kirby = kirby(); $root = panel()->roots()->widgets(); foreach (dir::read($root) as $dir) { $kirby->registry->set('widget', $dir, $root . DS . $dir, true); } }
public function auth() { try { $user = panel()->user(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->redirect('login'); } }
public function id() { $site = panel()->site(); if ($site->multilang()) { return $site->language()->code() . '-' . sha1($this->model->id()); } else { return sha1($this->model->id()); } }
public function input() { $input = parent::input(); if ($this->autocomplete) { $input->attr('autocomplete', 'off'); $input->data(array('field' => 'autocomplete', 'url' => panel()->urls()->api() . '/autocomplete/emails')); } return $input; }
public function index($method) { try { $auto = new Kirby\Panel\Autocomplete(panel(), $method, get()); $result = $auto->result(); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array(); } return $this->json(array('data' => $result)); }
public function defaults() { $root = panel()->roots()->widgets(); foreach (dir::read($root) as $dir) { // add missing widgets to the order array if (!array_key_exists($dir, $this->order)) { $this->order[$dir] = true; } $this->load($dir, $root . DS . $dir . DS . $dir . '.php'); } }
public function getMonthBoard($month, $year) { // Calendar language date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $l = panel()->language(); setlocale(LC_ALL, $l . '_' . str::upper($l)); //setlocale(LC_ALL, 'us_US'); // Calendar stuff $cal = new Calendarboard\calendar(); $currentMonth = $cal->month($year, $month); return tpl::load(__DIR__ . DS . 'template.php', array('currentMonth' => $currentMonth, 'get_day_route_url' => purl($this->model(), 'field/' . $this->field()->name . '/calendarboard/get-day/'), 'calendarboard_url' => $this->model(), 'year_folder' => '/year-' . $year)); }
public function index() { $site = site(); $blueprint = blueprint::find($site); $fields = $blueprint->fields($site)->toArray(); $content = $site->content()->toArray(); $files = null; // create the files if ($blueprint->files()->max() !== 0 and $blueprint->files()->hide() == false) { $files = new Snippet('pages/sidebar/files', array('page' => $site, 'files' => api::files($site, $blueprint))); } return view('metatags/index', array('topbar' => new Snippet('pages/topbar', array('breadcrumb' => new Snippet('breadcrumb', array('items' => array(array('title' => l('metatags'), 'url' => purl('metatags/'))))), 'search' => purl('pages/search/'))), 'form' => new Form($fields, $content), 's' => $site, 'files' => $files, 'license' => panel()->license())); }
/** * Field setup * * (1) Load language files * * @since 1.2.0 * * @return \SelectorField */ public function __construct() { /* (1) Load language files */ $baseDir = __DIR__ . DS . self::LANG_DIR . DS; $lang = panel()->language(); if (file_exists($baseDir . $lang . '.php')) { require $baseDir . $lang . '.php'; } else { require $baseDir . 'en.php'; } }
public function delete() { if (!panel()->user()->isAdmin() and !$this->user->isCurrent()) { throw new Exception(l('users.avatar.delete.error.permission')); } else { if (!$this->exists()) { return true; } } if (!parent::delete()) { throw new Exception(l('users.avatar.delete.error')); } kirby()->trigger('panel.avatar.delete', $this); }
public function input() { $input = parent::input(); $input->addClass('input-with-tags'); $input->data(array('field' => 'tags', 'lowercase' => $this->lower, 'separator' => $this->separator)); if (isset($this->data)) { $input->data('url', html(json_encode($this->data), false)); } else { if ($page = $this->page()) { $query = array('uri' => $page->id(), 'index' => $this->index(), 'field' => $this->name(), 'separator' => $this->separator()); $input->data('url', panel()->urls()->api() . '/autocomplete/field?' . http_build_query($query)); } } return $input; }
public function __construct($view, $input) { $this->view = $view; if (is_object($input) and method_exists($input, 'topbar')) { $input->topbar($this); } else { $class = is_object($input) ? str_replace('model', '', strtolower(get_class($input))) : (string) $input; $file = panel()->roots()->topbars() . DS . str::lower($class) . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { $callback = (require $file); $callback($this, $input); } else { throw new Exception(l('topbar.error.class.definition') . $class); } } }
public function input() { $input = parent::input(); $input->addClass('input-with-tags'); $input->data(array('field' => 'tags', 'lowercase' => $this->lower ? 'true' : false, 'separator' => $this->separator)); if (isset($this->data)) { $input->data('url', html(json_encode($this->data), false)); } else { if ($page = $this->page()) { $field = empty($this->field) ? $this->name() : $this->field; $model = is_a($this->model, 'File') ? 'file' : 'page'; $query = array('uri' => $page->id(), 'index' => $this->index(), 'field' => $field, 'yaml' => $this->parentField, 'model' => $model, 'separator' => $this->separator(), '_csrf' => panel()->csrf()); $input->data('url', panel()->urls()->api() . '/autocomplete/field?' . http_build_query($query)); } } return $input; }
public function delete() { if (!panel()->user()->isAdmin() and !$this->user->isCurrent()) { throw new Exception(l('users.avatar.delete.error.permission')); } else { if (!$this->exists()) { return true; } } if (!parent::delete()) { throw new Exception(l('users.avatar.delete.error')); } // flush the cache in case if the user data is // used somewhere on the site (i.e. for profiles) kirby()->cache()->flush(); kirby()->trigger('panel.avatar.delete', $this); }
public function index() { $site = site(); $widgets = array(); $wroot = kirby()->roots()->widgets(); $wdirs = dir::read($wroot); // fetch all top-level pages in the right order $blueprint = blueprint::find($site); $pages = api::subpages($site->children(), $blueprint); foreach ($wdirs as $dir) { $file = $wroot . DS . $dir . DS . $dir . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { $widgets[$dir] = (require $file); } } return view('dashboard/index', array('topbar' => new Snippet('pages/topbar', array('breadcrumb' => new Snippet('breadcrumb'), 'search' => purl('pages/search/'))), 'history' => history::get(), 'site' => $site, 'pages' => $pages, 'addbutton' => !api::maxPages($site, $blueprint->pages()->max()), 'widgets' => $widgets, 'user' => site()->user(), 'license' => panel()->license())); }
public function delete($username) { $user = $this->user($username); $self = $this; if (!panel()->user()->isAdmin() and !$user->isCurrent()) { return $this->modal('error', array('headline' => l('error'), 'text' => l('users.delete.error.rights'), 'back' => purl('users'))); } else { $form = $user->form('delete', function ($form) use($user, $self) { try { $user->delete(); $self->notify(':)'); $self->redirect('users'); } catch (Exception $e) { $form->alert($e->getMessage()); } }); return $this->modal('users/delete', compact('form')); } }
public function data() { $pages = $this->cache->get('pages'); $users = $this->cache->get('users'); if (empty($pages)) { $pages = array(); foreach (panel()->site()->index() as $page) { $pages[] = array('title' => (string) $page->title(), 'uri' => (string) $page->id()); } $this->cache->set('pages', $pages); } if (empty($users)) { foreach (panel()->users() as $user) { $users[] = array('username' => $user->username(), 'email' => $user->email()); } $this->cache->set('users', $users); } return compact('pages', 'users'); }
public function index() { $self = $this; $site = panel()->site(); $sidebar = $site->sidebar(); $form = $site->form('edit', function ($form) use($site, $self) { // validate all fields $form->validate(); // stop at invalid fields if (!$form->isValid()) { return $self->alert(l('')); } try { $site->update($form->serialize()); $self->notify(':)'); return $self->redirect('options'); } catch (Exception $e) { return $self->alert($e->getMessage()); } }); return $this->screen('options/index', $site, array('site' => $site, 'form' => $form, 'files' => $sidebar->files(), 'license' => panel()->license(), 'uploader' => $this->snippet('uploader', array('url' => $site->url('upload'))))); }
function purl($obj = '/', $action = false) { if (empty($obj) or is_string($obj)) { $base = panel()->urls()->index(); return ($obj == '/' or empty($obj)) ? $base . '/' : rtrim($base . '/' . $obj, '/'); } else { if (is_a($obj, 'Kirby\\Panel\\Models\\Site')) { return $obj->url(!$action ? 'edit' : $action); } else { if (is_a($obj, 'Kirby\\Panel\\Models\\Page')) { return $obj->url(!$action ? 'edit' : $action); } else { if (is_a($obj, 'Kirby\\Panel\\Models\\File')) { return $obj->url(!$action ? 'edit' : $action); } else { if (is_a($obj, 'Kirby\\Panel\\Models\\User')) { return $obj->url(!$action ? 'edit' : $action); } } } } } }
public function assets($type) { $output = []; $defaultRoot = panel()->roots()->fields(); foreach (kirby()->get('field') as $name => $field) { $root = $field->root(); $base = dirname($root); // only fetch assets for custom fields if ($base == $defaultRoot) { continue; } $classname = $field->class(); if (!class_exists($classname)) { throw new Exception('The field class is missing for: ' . $classname); } if (!isset($classname::$assets) || !isset($classname::$assets[$type])) { continue; } foreach ($classname::$assets[$type] as $filename) { $output[] = f::read($field->root() . DS . 'assets' . DS . $type . DS . $filename); } } return implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $output); }