function ossn_css_pagehandler($css) { if (ossn_site_settings('cache') == 1) { return false; } header("Content-type: text/css"); $page = $css[0]; if (empty($css[1])) { echo '404 SWITCH ERROR'; } if (empty($page)) { $page = 'view'; } switch ($page) { case 'view': if (ossn_site_settings('cache') == 1) { return false; } if (ossn_is_hook('css', "register")) { echo ossn_call_hook('css', "register", $css); } break; default: echo '404 SWITCH ERROR'; break; } }
function ossn_search_page($pages) { $page = $pages[0]; if (empty($page)) { $page = 'search'; } ossn_trigger_callback('page', 'load:search'); switch ($page) { case 'search': $query = input('q'); $type = input('type'); $title = ossn_print("search:result", array($query)); if (empty($type)) { $params['type'] = 'users'; } else { $params['type'] = $type; } $type = $params['type']; if (ossn_is_hook('search', "type:{$type}")) { $contents['contents'] = ossn_call_hook('search', "type:{$type}", array('q' => input('q'))); } $contents = array('content' => ossn_plugin_view('search/pages/search', $contents)); $content = ossn_set_page_layout('search', $contents); echo ossn_view_page($title, $content); break; default: ossn_error_page(); break; } }
/** * Add css page handler * * @return false|null */ function ossn_css_pagehandler($css) { if (ossn_site_settings('cache') == 1) { return false; } header("Content-type: text/css"); $page = $css[0]; if (empty($css[1])) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ossn_error_page(); } if (empty($page)) { $page = 'view'; } switch ($page) { case 'view': if (ossn_site_settings('cache') == 1) { return false; } if (ossn_is_hook('css', "register")) { echo ossn_call_hook('css', "register", $css); } break; default: header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ossn_error_page(); break; } }
/** * View a file * * @param string $file valid file name of php file without extension; * @param array $params Options; * @last edit: $arsalanshah * @return mixed data */ function ossn_view($path = '', $params = array()) { global $VIEW; if (isset($path) && !empty($path)) { //call hook in case to over ride the view if (ossn_is_hook('halt', "view:{$path}")) { return ossn_call_hook('halt', "view:{$path}", $params); } $path = ossn_route()->www . $path; $file = ossn_include($path . '.php', $params); return $file; } }
* @package ( * @author OSSN Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence * @link */ ?> <style> body { background: #FDFDFD; } </style> <div class="ossn-layout-newsfeed"> <div class="ossn-inner"> <div class="coloum-left"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('search', "left")) { $searchleft = ossn_call_hook('search', "left", NULL, array()); echo implode('', $searchleft); } ?> </div> <div class="coloum-middle"> <?php echo $params['content']; ?> </div> <div class="coloum-right"> <div style="padding:12px;min-height:300px;"> <?php
<table border="0" class="ossn-photo-viewer"> <tr> <td class="image-block" style="text-align: center;width:465px;min-height:200px;"> <img src="<?php echo ossn_site_url("album/getcover/") . $image->owner_guid; ?> /<?php echo $img; ?> "/> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br/> <br/> <?php $vars['entity'] = $image; $vars['full_view'] = true; echo ossn_plugin_view('entity/comment/like/share/view', $params); ?> <div class="ossn-photo-view-controls"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('cover:view', 'profile:controls')) { echo ossn_call_hook('cover:view', 'profile:controls', $image); } ?> </div>
<?php if (!ossn_isLoggedin()) { return; } ?> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="sidebar-contents"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('newsfeed', "sidebar:left")) { $newsfeed_left = ossn_call_hook('newsfeed', "sidebar:left", NULL, array()); echo implode('', $newsfeed_left); } echo ossn_view_form('search', array('component' => 'OssnSearch', 'class' => 'ossn-search', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'method' => 'get', 'security_tokens' => false, 'action' => ossn_site_url("search")), false); ?> </div> </div>
/** * View wall post view template * * @param array $params Options * * @return mixed data * @access private */ function ossn_wall_view_template(array $params) { $type = $params['post']->type; if (isset($params['post']->item_type)) { $type = $params['post']->item_type; } if (ossn_is_hook('wall:template', $type)) { return ossn_call_hook('wall:template', $type, $params); } return false; }
if (com_is_active('OssnAds')) { echo ossn_plugin_view('ads/page/view_small'); } ?> </div> <div class="ossn-profile-bottom"> <?php if (isset($params['subpage']) && !empty($params['subpage']) && ossn_is_profile_subapge($params['subpage'])) { if (ossn_is_hook('profile', 'subpage')) { echo ossn_call_hook('profile', 'subpage', $params); } } else { ?> <div class="ossn-profile-modules"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('profile', 'modules')) { $params['user'] = $user; $modules = ossn_call_hook('profile', 'modules', $params); echo implode('', $modules); } ?> </div> <div class="ossn-profile-wall"> <?php if (com_is_active('OssnWall')) { $params['user'] = $user; echo ossn_plugin_view('wall/user/wall', $params); } ?>
* OpenSource-SocialNetwork * * @package ( * @author OSSN Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence * @link */ ?> <style> body { background:#e9eaed; } </style> <div class="ossn-layout-newsfeed"> <div class="ossn-inner"> <div class="coloum-left"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('newsfeed', "left")) { $newsfeed_left = ossn_call_hook('newsfeed', "left", NULL, array()); echo implode('', $newsfeed_left); } ?> </div> <div class="coloum-middle"> <?php echo $params['content']; ?> </div> <div class="coloum-right"> <div style="padding:12px;min-height:300px;"> <?php
<?php /** * Open Source Social Network * * @package ( * @author OSSN Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence * @link */ //unused pagebar skeleton when ads are disabled #628 if (ossn_is_hook('newsfeed', "sidebar:right")) { $newsfeed_right = ossn_call_hook('newsfeed', "sidebar:right", NULL, array()); $sidebar = implode('', $newsfeed_right); $isempty = trim($sidebar); } ?> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <?php echo ossn_plugin_view('theme/page/elements/system_messages'); ?> <div class="ossn-layout-newsfeed"> <div class="col-md-7"> <div class="newsfeed-middle"> <?php echo $params['content']; ?> </div>
?> ?size=view"/> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br/> <br/> <div class="comments-likes ossn-photos-comments" style="width:525px;"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('post', 'likes:entity')) { $entity['entity_guid'] = $params['photo']; echo ossn_call_hook('post', 'likes:entity', $entity); } ?> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('post', 'comments:entity')) { $entity['entity_guid'] = $params['photo']; echo ossn_call_hook('post', 'comments:entity', $entity); } ?> </div> <div class="ossn-photo-view-controls"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('photo:view', 'album:controls')) { echo ossn_call_hook('photo:view', 'album:controls', $image); } ?> </div>
/** * Get notifications * * @param integer $guid_two User guid * @param integer $poster_guid Guid of item poster; * * @return array */ public function get($guid_two, $unread = false) { $getunread = ''; if ($unread === true) { $getunread = "AND viewed IS NULL"; } $baseurl = ossn_site_url(); $this->statement("SELECT * FROM ossn_notifications WHERE(\n\t\t owner_guid='{$guid_two}' {$getunread}) ORDER by guid DESC"); $this->execute(); $get = $this->fetch(true); if (!$get) { return false; } foreach ($get as $notif) { if (ossn_is_hook('notification:view', $notif->type)) { $messages[] = ossn_call_hook('notification:view', $notif->type, $notif); } } return $messages; }
</a> <br/> <table border="0" class="ossn-photo-viewer"> <tr> <td class="image-block" style="text-align: center;width:465px;min-height:200px;"> <img src="<?php echo ossn_site_url("album/getphoto/") . $image->owner_guid; ?> /<?php echo $img; ?> ?type=1"/> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br/> <br/> <?php $vars['entity'] = $image; echo ossn_plugin_view('entity/comment/like/share/view', $vars); ?> <div class="ossn-photo-view-controls"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('photo:view', 'profile:controls')) { echo ossn_call_hook('photo:view', 'profile:controls', $image); } ?> </div>
?> <div class="activity-item" id="activity-item-<?php echo $params['post']->guid; ?> "> <div class="activity-item-container"> <div class="owner"> <img src="<?php echo $params['user']->iconURL()->small; ?> " width="40" height="40"/> </div> <div class="post-controls"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('wall', 'post:menu') && ossn_isLoggedIn()) { $menu['post'] = $params['post']; echo ossn_call_hook('wall', 'post:menu', $menu); } ?> </div> <div class="subject"> <?php if ($params['user']->guid == $params['post']->owner_guid) { ?> <a class="owner-link" href="<?php echo $params['user']->profileURL(); ?> "> <?php
</a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End of Header --> <div class="group-body"> <?php if (isset($params['subpage']) && !empty($params['subpage']) && ossn_is_group_subapge($params['subpage'])) { if (ossn_is_hook('group', 'subpage')) { echo ossn_call_hook('group', 'subpage', $params); } } else { ?> <div class="group-wall"> <?php //#113 make contents of public groups visible. //send ismember, and member ship param to group wall echo ossn_plugin_view('wall/group', array('group' => $params, 'ismember' => $ismember, 'membership' => $params['group']->membership)); if ($params['group']->membership == OSSN_PRIVATE && $ismember !== 1) { ?> <div class="group-closed-container"> <div class="title-h3"><?php echo ossn_print('closed:group'); ?>
<?php /** * Open Source Social Network * * @package Open Source Social Network * @author Open Social Website Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence * @link */ echo '<div class="comments-likes">'; if (ossn_is_hook('post', 'likes:entity')) { $entity['entity_guid'] = $params['entity_guid']; echo ossn_call_hook('post', 'likes:entity', $entity); } if (ossn_is_hook('post', 'comments:entity')) { $entity['entity_guid'] = $params['entity_guid']; echo ossn_call_hook('post', 'comments:entity', $entity); } echo '</div>';
?> </div> <?php if (!empty($image)) { ?> <img src="<?php echo ossn_site_url("post/photo/{$params['post']->guid}/{$image}"); ?> "/> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="comments-likes"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('post', 'likes')) { echo ossn_call_hook('post', 'likes', $params['post']); } ?> <div class="comments-item" style="border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;"> <?php if (ossn_is_hook('post', 'comments')) { echo ossn_call_hook('post', 'comments', $params['post']); } ?> </div> </div> </div>
/** * Get notifications * * @params $guid_two User guid * $poster_guid: Guid of item poster; * * @return array */ public function get($guid_two) { $baseurl = ossn_site_url(); $this->statement("SELECT * FROM bildirimler WHERE(\n\t\t owner_guid='{$guid_two}') ORDER by guid DESC"); $this->execute(); $get = $this->fetch(true); if (!$get) { return false; } foreach ($get as $notif) { if (ossn_is_hook('notification:view', $notif->type)) { $messages[] = ossn_call_hook('notification:view', $notif->type, $notif); } } return $messages; }