Ejemplo n.º 1
 function doModel()
     switch ($this->action) {
         case 'login_post':
             //post execution for the login
             if (!osc_users_enabled()) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Users are not enabled'));
             // e-mail or/and password is/are empty or incorrect
             $wrongCredentials = false;
             $email = Params::getParam('email');
             $password = Params::getParam('password', false, false);
             if ($email == '') {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Please provide an email address'));
                 $wrongCredentials = true;
             if ($password == '') {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Empty passwords are not allowed. Please provide a password'));
                 $wrongCredentials = true;
             if ($wrongCredentials) {
             if (osc_validate_email($email)) {
                 $user = User::newInstance()->findByEmail($email);
             if (empty($user)) {
                 $user = User::newInstance()->findByUsername($email);
             if (empty($user)) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("The user doesn't exist"));
             if (!osc_verify_password($password, isset($user['s_password']) ? $user['s_password'] : '')) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The password is incorrect'));
                 // @TODO if valid user, send email parameter back to the login form
             } else {
                 if (@$user['s_password'] != '') {
                     if (preg_match('|\\$2y\\$([0-9]{2})\\$|', $user['s_password'], $cost)) {
                         if ($cost[1] != BCRYPT_COST) {
                             User::newInstance()->update(array('s_password' => osc_hash_password($password)), array('pk_i_id' => $user['pk_i_id']));
                     } else {
                         User::newInstance()->update(array('s_password' => osc_hash_password($password)), array('pk_i_id' => $user['pk_i_id']));
             // e-mail or/and IP is/are banned
             $banned = osc_is_banned($email);
             // int 0: not banned or unknown, 1: email is banned, 2: IP is banned, 3: both email & IP are banned
             if ($banned & 1) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Your current email is not allowed'));
             if ($banned & 2) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Your current IP is not allowed'));
             if ($banned !== 0) {
             $url_redirect = osc_get_http_referer();
             $page_redirect = '';
             if (osc_rewrite_enabled()) {
                 if ($url_redirect != '') {
                     $request_uri = urldecode(preg_replace('@^' . osc_base_url() . '@', "", $url_redirect));
                     $tmp_ar = explode("?", $request_uri);
                     $request_uri = $tmp_ar[0];
                     $rules = Rewrite::newInstance()->listRules();
                     foreach ($rules as $match => $uri) {
                         if (preg_match('#' . $match . '#', $request_uri, $m)) {
                             $request_uri = preg_replace('#' . $match . '#', $uri, $request_uri);
                             if (preg_match('|([&?]{1})page=([^&]*)|', '&' . $request_uri . '&', $match)) {
                                 $page_redirect = $match[2];
                                 if ($page_redirect == '' || $page_redirect == 'login') {
                                     $url_redirect = osc_user_dashboard_url();
             require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/UserActions.php';
             $uActions = new UserActions(false);
             $logged = $uActions->bootstrap_login($user['pk_i_id']);
             if ($logged == 0) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("The user doesn't exist"));
             } else {
                 if ($logged == 1) {
                     if (time() - strtotime($user['dt_access_date']) > 1200) {
                         // EACH 20 MINUTES
                         osc_add_flash_error_message(sprintf(_m('The user has not been validated yet. Would you like to re-send your <a href="%s">activation?</a>'), osc_user_resend_activation_link($user['pk_i_id'], $user['s_email'])));
                     } else {
                         osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The user has not been validated yet'));
                 } else {
                     if ($logged == 2) {
                         osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The user has been suspended'));
                     } else {
                         if ($logged == 3) {
                             if (Params::getParam('remember') == 1) {
                                 //this include contains de osc_genRandomPassword function
                                 require_once osc_lib_path() . 'osclass/helpers/hSecurity.php';
                                 $secret = osc_genRandomPassword();
                                 User::newInstance()->update(array('s_secret' => $secret), array('pk_i_id' => $user['pk_i_id']));
                                 Cookie::newInstance()->push('oc_userId', $user['pk_i_id']);
                                 Cookie::newInstance()->push('oc_userSecret', $secret);
                             if ($url_redirect == '') {
                                 $url_redirect = osc_user_dashboard_url();
                             osc_run_hook("after_login", $user, $url_redirect);
                             $this->redirectTo(osc_apply_filter('correct_login_url_redirect', $url_redirect));
                         } else {
                             osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('This should never happen'));
             if (!$user['b_enabled']) {
         case 'resend':
             $id = Params::getParam('id');
             $email = Params::getParam('email');
             $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id);
             if ($id == '' || $email == '' || !isset($user) || $user['b_active'] == 1 || $email != $user['s_email']) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Incorrect link'));
             if (time() - strtotime($user['dt_access_date']) > 1200) {
                 // EACH 20 MINUTES
                 if (osc_notify_new_user()) {
                     osc_run_hook('hook_email_admin_new_user', $user);
                 if (osc_user_validation_enabled()) {
                     osc_run_hook('hook_email_user_validation', $user, $user);
                 User::newInstance()->update(array('dt_access_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')), array('pk_i_id' => $user['pk_i_id']));
                 osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Validation email re-sent'));
             } else {
                 osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m('We have just sent you an email to validate your account, you will have to wait a few minutes to resend it again'));
         case 'recover':
             //form to recover the password (in this case we have the form in /gui/)
         case 'recover_post':
             //post execution to recover the password
             require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/UserActions.php';
             // e-mail is incorrect
             if (!preg_match('|^[a-z0-9\\.\\_\\+\\-]+@[a-z0-9\\.\\-]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}$|i', Params::getParam('s_email'))) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Invalid email address'));
             $userActions = new UserActions(false);
             $success = $userActions->recover_password();
             switch ($success) {
                 case 0:
                     // recover ok
                     osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('We have sent you an email with the instructions to reset your password'));
                 case 1:
                     // e-mail does not exist
                     osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('We were not able to identify you given the information provided'));
                 case 2:
                     // recaptcha wrong
                     osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The recaptcha code is wrong'));
         case 'forgot':
             //form to recover the password (in this case we have the form in /gui/)
             $user = User::newInstance()->findByIdPasswordSecret(Params::getParam('userId'), Params::getParam('code'));
             if ($user) {
             } else {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Sorry, the link is not valid'));
         case 'forgot_post':
             if (Params::getParam('new_password', false, false) == '' || Params::getParam('new_password2', false, false) == '') {
                 osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m('Password cannot be blank'));
                 $this->redirectTo(osc_forgot_user_password_confirm_url(Params::getParam('userId'), Params::getParam('code')));
             $user = User::newInstance()->findByIdPasswordSecret(Params::getParam('userId'), Params::getParam('code'));
             if ($user['b_enabled'] == 1) {
                 if (Params::getParam('new_password', false, false) == Params::getParam('new_password2', false, false)) {
                     User::newInstance()->update(array('s_pass_code' => osc_genRandomPassword(50), 's_pass_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 0), 's_pass_ip' => Params::getServerParam('REMOTE_ADDR'), 's_password' => osc_hash_password(Params::getParam('new_password', false, false))), array('pk_i_id' => $user['pk_i_id']));
                     osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('The password has been changed'));
                 } else {
                     osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Error, the password don't match"));
                     $this->redirectTo(osc_forgot_user_password_confirm_url(Params::getParam('userId'), Params::getParam('code')));
             } else {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Sorry, the link is not valid'));
             if (osc_logged_user_id() != '') {
Ejemplo n.º 2
function basic_info()
    require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/model/Admin.php';
    require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hSecurity.php';
    $admin = Params::getParam('s_name');
    if ($admin == '') {
        $admin = 'admin';
    $password = Params::getParam('s_passwd', false, false);
    if ($password == '') {
        $password = osc_genRandomPassword();
    Admin::newInstance()->insert(array('s_name' => 'Administrator', 's_username' => $admin, 's_password' => osc_hash_password($password), 's_email' => Params::getParam('email')));
    $mPreference = Preference::newInstance();
    $mPreference->insert(array('s_section' => 'osclass', 's_name' => 'pageTitle', 's_value' => Params::getParam('webtitle'), 'e_type' => 'STRING'));
    $mPreference->insert(array('s_section' => 'osclass', 's_name' => 'contactEmail', 's_value' => Params::getParam('email'), 'e_type' => 'STRING'));
    $body = sprintf(__('Hi %s,'), Params::getParam('webtitle')) . "<br/><br/>";
    $body .= sprintf(__('Your Osclass installation at %s is up and running. You can access the administration panel with these details:'), WEB_PATH) . '<br/>';
    $body .= '<ul>';
    $body .= '<li>' . sprintf(__('username: %s'), $admin) . '</li>';
    $body .= '<li>' . sprintf(__('password: %s'), $password) . '</li>';
    $body .= '</ul>';
    $body .= sprintf(__('Remember that for any doubts you might have you can consult our <a href="%1$s">documentation</a>, <a href="%2$s">forum</a> or <a href="%3$s">blog</a>.'), 'http://doc.osclass.org/', 'http://forums.osclass.org/', 'http://blog.osclass.org/');
    $body .= sprintf(' ' . __('Osclass doesn’t run any developments but we can put you in touch with third party developers through a Premium Support. And hey, if you would like to contribute to Osclass - learn how <a href="%1$s">here</a>!'), 'http://blog.osclass.org/2012/11/22/how-to-collaborate-to-osclass/') . '<br/><br/>';
    $body .= __('Cheers,') . "<br/>";
    $body .= __('The <a href="http://osclass.org/">Osclass</a> team');
    $sitename = strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
    if (substr($sitename, 0, 4) == 'www.') {
        $sitename = substr($sitename, 4);
    try {
        require_once LIB_PATH . 'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
        $mail = new PHPMailer(true);
        $mail->CharSet = "utf-8";
        $mail->Host = "localhost";
        $mail->From = 'osclass@' . $sitename;
        $mail->FromName = 'Osclass';
        $mail->Subject = 'Osclass successfully installed!';
        $mail->AddAddress(Params::getParam('email'), 'Osclass administrator');
        $mail->Body = $body;
        $mail->AltBody = $body;
        if (!$mail->Send()) {
            return array('email_status' => Params::getParam('email') . "<br>" . $mail->ErrorInfo, 's_password' => $password);
        return array('email_status' => '', 's_password' => $password);
    } catch (phpmailerException $exception) {
        return array('email_status' => Params::getParam('email') . "<br>" . $exception->errorMessage(), 's_password' => $password);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function basic_info()
    require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/model/Admin.php';
    require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/helpers/hSecurity.php';
    $admin = Params::getParam('s_name');
    if ($admin == '') {
        $admin = 'admin';
    $password = Params::getParam('s_passwd', false, false);
    if ($password == '') {
        $password = osc_genRandomPassword();
    Admin::newInstance()->insert(array('s_name' => 'Administrator', 's_username' => $admin, 's_password' => osc_hash_password($password), 's_email' => Params::getParam('email')));
    $mPreference = Preference::newInstance();
    $mPreference->insert(array('s_section' => 'osclass', 's_name' => 'pageTitle', 's_value' => Params::getParam('webtitle'), 'e_type' => 'STRING'));
    $mPreference->insert(array('s_section' => 'osclass', 's_name' => 'contactEmail', 's_value' => Params::getParam('email'), 'e_type' => 'STRING'));
    $body = sprintf(__('Привет %s,'), Params::getParam('webtitle')) . "<br/><br/>";
    $body .= sprintf(__('Osclass успешно установлен %s и запущен. Вы можете получить доступ к панели администрирования:'), WEB_PATH) . '<br/>';
    $body .= '<ul>';
    $body .= '<li>' . sprintf(__('username: %s'), $admin) . '</li>';
    $body .= '<li>' . sprintf(__('password: %s'), $password) . '</li>';
    $body .= '</ul>';
    $body .= sprintf(__('Помните, если у вас появяться вопросы вы можете прочитать <a href="%1$s">документацию</a>, спросить на <a href="%2$s">форуме</a> или в <a href="%3$s">блоге</a>.'), 'http://os-class.ru/wiki', 'http://os-class.ru/frm', 'http://os-class.ru/category/articles');
    $body .= sprintf(' ' . __('Osclass doesn’t run any developments but we can put you in touch with third party developers through a Premium Support. And hey, if you would like to contribute to Osclass - learn how <a href="%1$s">here</a>!'), 'http://blog.osclass.org/2012/11/22/how-to-collaborate-to-osclass/') . '<br/><br/>';
    $body .= __('Аплодисменты,') . "<br/>";
    $body .= __('Ваш <a href="http://os-class.ru/">Osclass Rus Team</a> team');
    $sitename = strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
    if (substr($sitename, 0, 4) == 'www.') {
        $sitename = substr($sitename, 4);
    try {
        require_once LIB_PATH . 'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
        $mail = new PHPMailer(true);
        $mail->CharSet = "utf-8";
        $mail->Host = "localhost";
        $mail->From = 'osclass@' . $sitename;
        $mail->FromName = 'Osclass';
        $mail->Subject = 'Osclass успешно установлен!';
        $mail->AddAddress(Params::getParam('email'), 'Osclass administrator');
        $mail->Body = $body;
        $mail->AltBody = $body;
        if (!$mail->Send()) {
            return array('email_status' => Params::getParam('email') . "<br>" . $mail->ErrorInfo, 's_password' => $password);
        return array('email_status' => '', 's_password' => $password);
    } catch (phpmailerException $exception) {
        return array('email_status' => Params::getParam('email') . "<br>" . $exception->errorMessage(), 's_password' => $password);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function doModel()
     switch ($this->action) {
         case 'dashboard':
             $max_items = Params::getParam('max_items') != '' ? Params::getParam('max_items') : 5;
             $aItems = Item::newInstance()->findByUserIDEnabled(osc_logged_user_id(), 0, $max_items);
             //calling the view...
             $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $aItems);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('max_items', $max_items);
         case 'profile':
             $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(osc_logged_user_id());
             $aCountries = Country::newInstance()->listAll();
             $aRegions = array();
             if ($user['fk_c_country_code'] != '') {
                 $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry($user['fk_c_country_code']);
             } elseif (count($aCountries) > 0) {
                 $aRegions = Region::newInstance()->findByCountry($aCountries[0]['pk_c_code']);
             $aCities = array();
             if ($user['fk_i_region_id'] != '') {
                 $aCities = City::newInstance()->findByRegion($user['fk_i_region_id']);
             } else {
                 if (count($aRegions) > 0) {
                     $aCities = City::newInstance()->findByRegion($aRegions[0]['pk_i_id']);
             //calling the view...
             $this->_exportVariableToView('countries', $aCountries);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('regions', $aRegions);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('cities', $aCities);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('user', $user);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('locales', OSCLocale::newInstance()->listAllEnabled());
         case 'profile_post':
             //profile post...
             $userId = Session::newInstance()->_get('userId');
             require_once LIB_PATH . 'osclass/UserActions.php';
             $userActions = new UserActions(false);
             $success = $userActions->edit($userId);
             if ($success == 1 || $success == 2) {
                 osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Your profile has been updated successfully'));
             } else {
         case 'alerts':
             $aAlerts = Alerts::newInstance()->findByUser(Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'), false);
             $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'));
             foreach ($aAlerts as $k => $a) {
                 $array_conditions = (array) json_decode($a['s_search']);
                 //                                            $search = Search::newInstance();
                 $search = new Search();
                 $search->limit(0, 3);
                 $aAlerts[$k]['items'] = $search->doSearch();
             $this->_exportVariableToView('alerts', $aAlerts);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('user', $user);
         case 'change_email':
             //change email
         case 'change_email_post':
             //change email post
             if (!osc_validate_email(Params::getParam('new_email'))) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The specified e-mail is not valid'));
             } else {
                 $user = User::newInstance()->findByEmail(Params::getParam('new_email'));
                 if (!isset($user['pk_i_id'])) {
                     $userEmailTmp = array();
                     $userEmailTmp['fk_i_user_id'] = Session::newInstance()->_get('userId');
                     $userEmailTmp['s_new_email'] = Params::getParam('new_email');
                     $code = osc_genRandomPassword(30);
                     $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     $userManager = new User();
                     $userManager->update(array('s_pass_code' => $code, 's_pass_date' => $date, 's_pass_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), array('pk_i_id' => Session::newInstance()->_get('userId')));
                     $validation_url = osc_change_user_email_confirm_url(Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'), $code);
                     osc_run_hook('hook_email_new_email', Params::getParam('new_email'), $validation_url);
                 } else {
                     osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The specified e-mail is already in use'));
         case 'change_username':
             //change username
         case 'change_username_post':
             //change username
             $username = osc_sanitize_username(Params::getParam('s_username'));
             osc_run_hook('before_username_change', Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'), $username);
             if ($username != '') {
                 $user = User::newInstance()->findByUsername($username);
                 if (isset($user['s_username'])) {
                     osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The specified username is already in use'));
                 } else {
                     if (!osc_is_username_blacklisted($username)) {
                         User::newInstance()->update(array('s_username' => $username), array('pk_i_id' => Session::newInstance()->_get('userId')));
                         osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('The username was updated'));
                         osc_run_hook('after_username_change', Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'), Params::getParam('s_username'));
                     } else {
                         osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The specified username is not valid, it contains some invalid words'));
             } else {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The specified username could not be empty'));
         case 'change_password':
             //change password
         case 'change_password_post':
             //change password post
             $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(Session::newInstance()->_get('userId'));
             if (Params::getParam('password', false, false) == '' || Params::getParam('new_password', false, false) == '' || Params::getParam('new_password2', false, false) == '') {
                 osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m('Password cannot be blank'));
             if (!osc_verify_password(Params::getParam('password', false, false), $user['s_password'])) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Current password doesn't match"));
             if (!Params::getParam('new_password', false, false)) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Passwords can't be empty"));
             if (Params::getParam('new_password', false, false) != Params::getParam('new_password2', false, false)) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Passwords don't match"));
             User::newInstance()->update(array('s_password' => osc_hash_password(Params::getParam('new_password', false, false))), array('pk_i_id' => Session::newInstance()->_get('userId')));
             osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Password has been changed'));
         case 'items':
             // view items user
             $itemsPerPage = Params::getParam('itemsPerPage') != '' ? Params::getParam('itemsPerPage') : 10;
             $page = Params::getParam('iPage') > 0 ? Params::getParam('iPage') - 1 : 0;
             $itemType = Params::getParam('itemType');
             $total_items = Item::newInstance()->countItemTypesByUserID(osc_logged_user_id(), $itemType);
             $total_pages = ceil($total_items / $itemsPerPage);
             $items = Item::newInstance()->findItemTypesByUserID(osc_logged_user_id(), $page * $itemsPerPage, $itemsPerPage, $itemType);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $items);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_pages', $total_pages);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_items', $total_items);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('items_per_page', $itemsPerPage);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('items_type', $itemType);
             $this->_exportVariableToView('search_page', $page);
         case 'activate_alert':
             $email = Params::getParam('email');
             $secret = Params::getParam('secret');
             $result = 0;
             if ($email != '' && $secret != '') {
                 $result = Alerts::newInstance()->activate($email, $secret);
             if ($result == 1) {
                 osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Alert activated'));
             } else {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Oops! There was a problem trying to activate your alert. Please contact an administrator'));
         case 'unsub_alert':
             $email = Params::getParam('email');
             $secret = Params::getParam('secret');
             $id = Params::getParam('id');
             $alert = Alerts::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($id);
             $result = 0;
             if (!empty($alert)) {
                 if ($email == $alert['s_email'] && $secret == $alert['s_secret']) {
                     $result = Alerts::newInstance()->unsub($id);
             if ($result == 1) {
                 osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('Unsubscribed correctly'));
             } else {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Oops! There was a problem trying to unsubscribe you. Please contact an administrator'));
         case 'delete':
             $id = Params::getParam('id');
             $secret = Params::getParam('secret');
             if (osc_is_web_user_logged_in()) {
                 $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(osc_logged_user_id());
                 View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('user', $user);
                 if (!empty($user) && osc_logged_user_id() == $id && $secret == $user['s_secret']) {
                     osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m("Your account have been deleted"));
                 } else {
                     osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Oops! you can not do that"));
             } else {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Oops! you can not do that"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        function doModel()

            switch($this->action) {
                case('add'):        // callin add view
                                    $this->_exportVariableToView( 'admin', null );
                case('add_post'):   if( defined('DEMO') ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins');
                                    // adding a new admin
                                    $sPassword = Params::getParam('s_password', false, false);
                                    $sName     = Params::getParam('s_name');
                                    $sEmail    = Params::getParam('s_email');
                                    $sUserName = Params::getParam('s_username');
                                    $bModerator = Params::getParam('b_moderator')==0?0:1;

                                    // cleaning parameters
                                    $sPassword = strip_tags($sPassword);
                                    $sPassword = trim($sPassword);
                                    $sName     = strip_tags($sName);
                                    $sName     = trim($sName);
                                    $sEmail    = strip_tags($sEmail);
                                    $sEmail    = trim($sEmail);
                                    $sUserName = strip_tags($sUserName);
                                    $sUserName = trim($sUserName);

                                    // Checks for legit data
                                    if( !osc_validate_email($sEmail, true) ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("Email invalid"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=add');
                                    if( !osc_validate_username($sUserName) ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("Username invalid"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=add');
                                    if( $sName == '' ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("Name invalid"), 'admin');
                                    if( $sPassword == '' ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("Password invalid"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=add');
                                    $admin = $this->adminManager->findByEmail($sEmail);
                                    if( $admin ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("Email already in use"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=add');
                                    $admin = $this->adminManager->findByUsername($sUserName);
                                    if( $admin ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("Username already in use"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=add');

                                    $array = array(
                                        's_password'    =>  osc_hash_password($sPassword),
                                        's_name'        =>  $sName,
                                        's_email'       =>  $sEmail,
                                        's_username'    =>  $sUserName,
                                        'b_moderator'   =>  $bModerator

                                    $isInserted = $this->adminManager->insert($array);

                                    if( $isInserted ) {
                                        // send email
                                        osc_run_hook('hook_email_new_admin', array(
                                            's_name'      => $sName,
                                            's_username'  => $sUserName,
                                            's_password'  => $sPassword,
                                            's_email'     => $sEmail
                                        osc_add_flash_ok_message( _m('The admin has been added'), 'admin');
                                    } else {
                                        osc_add_flash_error_message( _m('There has been an error adding a new admin'), 'admin');
                case('edit'):       // calling edit admin view
                                    $adminEdit = null;
                                    $adminId   = Params::getParam('id');

                                    if( $adminId != '' ) {
                                        $adminEdit = $this->adminManager->findByPrimaryKey((int) $adminId);
                                    } elseif( Session::newInstance()->_get('adminId') != '') {
                                        $adminEdit = $this->adminManager->findByPrimaryKey( Session::newInstance()->_get('adminId') );

                                    if( count($adminEdit) == 0 ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_error_message( _m('There is no admin with this id'), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins');

                                    $this->_exportVariableToView("admin", $adminEdit);
                case('edit_post'):  if( defined('DEMO') ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins');
                                    // updating a new admin
                                    $iUpdated = 0;
                                    $adminId  = Params::getParam('id');

                                    $sPassword    = Params::getParam('s_password', false, false);
                                    $sPassword2   = Params::getParam('s_password2', false, false);
                                    $sOldPassword = Params::getParam('old_password', false, false);
                                    $sName        = Params::getParam('s_name');
                                    $sEmail       = Params::getParam('s_email');
                                    $sUserName    = Params::getParam('s_username');
                                    $bModerator   = Params::getParam('b_moderator')==0?0:1;

                                    // cleaning parameters
                                    $sPassword   = strip_tags($sPassword);
                                    $sPassword   = trim($sPassword);
                                    $sPassword2  = strip_tags($sPassword2);
                                    $sPassword2  = trim($sPassword2);
                                    $sName       = strip_tags($sName);
                                    $sName       = trim($sName);
                                    $sEmail      = strip_tags($sEmail);
                                    $sEmail      = trim($sEmail);
                                    $sUserName   = strip_tags($sUserName);
                                    $sUserName   = trim($sUserName);

                                    // Checks for legit data
                                    if( !osc_validate_email($sEmail, true) ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("Email invalid"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=edit&id=' . $adminId);
                                    if( !osc_validate_username($sUserName) ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("Username invalid"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=edit&id=' . $adminId);
                                    if( $sName == '' ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("Name invalid"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=edit&id=' . $adminId);

                                    $aAdmin = $this->adminManager->findByPrimaryKey($adminId);

                                    if( count($aAdmin) == 0 ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_error_message( _m("This admin doesn't exist"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins');

                                    if( $aAdmin['s_email'] != $sEmail ) {
                                        if($this->adminManager->findByEmail( $sEmail ) ) {
                                            osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m('Existing email'), 'admin');
                                            $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true).'?page=admins&action=edit&id=' . $adminId);

                                    if( $aAdmin['s_username'] != $sUserName ) {
                                        if( $this->adminManager->findByUsername( $sUserName ) ) {
                                            osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m('Existing username'), 'admin');
                                            $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=edit&id=' . $adminId);

                                    $conditions = array('pk_i_id' => $adminId);
                                    $array      = array();

                                    if(osc_logged_admin_id()==$adminId) {
                                        if($sOldPassword != '' ) {
                                            if( $sPassword=='' ) {
                                                osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("Password invalid"), 'admin');
                                                $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=edit&id=' . $adminId);
                                            } else {
                                                $firstCondition  = osc_verify_password($sOldPassword, $aAdmin['s_password']);
                                                $secondCondition = ( $sPassword == $sPassword2 );
                                                if( $firstCondition && $secondCondition ) {
                                                    $array['s_password'] = osc_hash_password($sPassword);
                                                } else {
                                                    osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("The password couldn't be updated. Passwords don't match"), 'admin');
                                                    $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=edit&id=' . $adminId);
                                    } else {
                                        if( $sPassword!='') {
                                            if($sPassword == $sPassword2) {
                                                $array['s_password'] = osc_hash_password($sPassword);
                                            } else {
                                                osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("The password couldn't be updated. Passwords don't match"), 'admin');
                                                $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=edit&id=' . $adminId);

                                    if($adminId!=osc_logged_admin_id()) {
                                        $array['b_moderator'] = $bModerator;

                                    $array['s_name']     = Params::getParam('s_name');
                                    $array['s_username'] = $sUserName;
                                    $array['s_email']    = $sEmail;

                                    $iUpdated = $this->adminManager->update($array, $conditions);

                                    if( $iUpdated > 0 ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_ok_message( _m('The admin has been updated'), 'admin');

                                    if( $this->isModerator() ) {
                                    } else {
                case('delete'):     if( defined('DEMO') ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_warning_message( _m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins');
                                    // deleting and admin
                                    $isDeleted = false;
                                    $adminId   = Params::getParam('id');

                                    if( !is_array($adminId) ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_error_message( _m("The admin id isn't in the correct format"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins');

                                    // Verification to avoid an administrator trying to remove to itself
                                    if( in_array(Session::newInstance()->_get('adminId'), $adminId) ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_error_message( _m("The operation hasn't been completed. You're trying to remove yourself!"), 'admin');
                                        $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins');

                                    $isDeleted = $this->adminManager->deleteBatch( $adminId );

                                    if( $isDeleted ) {
                                        osc_add_flash_ok_message( _m('The admin has been deleted correctly'), 'admin');
                                    } else {
                                        osc_add_flash_error_message( _m('The admin couldn\'t be deleted'), 'admin');
                                    $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins');

                                    if(Params::getParam("action")!="") {
                                        osc_run_hook("admin_bulk_".Params::getParam("action"), Params::getParam('id'));

                                    if( Params::getParam('iDisplayLength') == '' ) {
                                        Params::setParam('iDisplayLength', 10 );

                                    $p_iPage      = 1;
                                    if( is_numeric(Params::getParam('iPage')) && Params::getParam('iPage') >= 1 ) {
                                        $p_iPage = Params::getParam('iPage');
                                    Params::setParam('iPage', $p_iPage);

                                    $admins = $this->adminManager->listAll();

                                    // pagination
                                    $start = ($p_iPage-1) * Params::getParam('iDisplayLength');
                                    $limit = Params::getParam('iDisplayLength');
                                    $count = count( $admins );

                                    $displayRecords = $limit;
                                    if( ($start+$limit ) > $count ) {
                                        $displayRecords = ($start+$limit) - $count;
                                    // ----
                                    $aData = array();
                                    $max = ($start+$limit);
                                    if($max > $count) $max = $count;
                                    for($i = $start; $i < $max; $i++) {

                                        $admin = $admins[$i];

                                        $options = array();
                                        $options[] = '<a href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=edit&amp;id='  . $admin['pk_i_id'] . '">' . __('Edit') . '</a>';
                                        $options[] = '<a onclick="return delete_dialog(\'' . $admin['pk_i_id'] . '\');" href="' . osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=admins&action=delete&amp;id[]=' . $admin['pk_i_id'] . '">' . __('Delete') . '</a>';
                                        $auxOptions = '<ul>'.PHP_EOL;
                                        foreach( $options as $actual ) {
                                            $auxOptions .= '<li>'.$actual.'</li>'.PHP_EOL;
                                        $actions = '<div class="actions">'.$auxOptions.'</div>'.PHP_EOL;

                                        $row = array();
                                        $row[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="' . $admin['pk_i_id'] . '" />';
                                        $row[] = $admin['s_username'] . $actions;
                                        $row[] = $admin['s_name'];
                                        $row[] = $admin['s_email'];

                                        $aData[] = $row;
                                    $array['iTotalRecords']         = $displayRecords;
                                    $array['iTotalDisplayRecords']  = count($admins);
                                    $array['iDisplayLength']        = $limit;
                                    $array['aaData'] = $aData;

                                    $page  = (int)Params::getParam('iPage');
                                    if(count($array['aaData']) == 0 && $page!=1) {
                                        $total = (int)$array['iTotalDisplayRecords'];
                                        $maxPage = ceil( $total / (int)$array['iDisplayLength'] );

                                        $url = osc_admin_base_url(true).'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

                                        if($maxPage==0) {
                                            $url = preg_replace('/&iPage=(\d)+/', '&iPage=1', $url);

                                        if($page > 1) {
                                            $url = preg_replace('/&iPage=(\d)+/', '&iPage='.$maxPage, $url);

                                    $bulk_options = array(
                                        array('value' => '', 'data-dialog-content' => '', 'label' => __('Bulk actions')),
                                        array('value' => 'delete', 'data-dialog-content' => sprintf(__('Are you sure you want to %s the selected admins?'), strtolower(__('Delete'))), 'label' => __('Delete'))
                                    $bulk_options = osc_apply_filter("admin_bulk_filter", $bulk_options);
                                    $this->_exportVariableToView('bulk_options', $bulk_options);

                                    $this->_exportVariableToView('aAdmins', $array);
                                    // calling manage admins view
Ejemplo n.º 6
        function prepareData($is_add)
            $input = array();

            if ( $is_add ) {
                $input['s_secret']    = osc_genRandomPassword();
                $input['dt_reg_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            } else {
                $input['dt_mod_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

            //only for administration, in the public website this two params are edited separately
            if ( $this->is_admin || $is_add ) {
                $input['s_email'] = Params::getParam('s_email');

                //if we want to change the password
                if( Params::getParam('s_password', false, false) != '') {
                    $input['s_password'] = osc_hash_password(Params::getParam('s_password', false, false));
                $input['s_username']     = osc_sanitize_username(Params::getParam('s_username'));

            $input['s_name']         = trim(Params::getParam('s_name'));
            $input['s_website']      = trim(Params::getParam('s_website'));
            $input['s_phone_land']   = trim(Params::getParam('s_phone_land'));
            $input['s_phone_mobile'] = trim(Params::getParam('s_phone_mobile'));

            if(strtolower(substr($input['s_website'], 0, 4))!=='http') {
                $input['s_website'] = 'http://'.$input['s_website'];
            $input['s_website'] = osc_sanitize_url($input['s_website']);
            if ( ! osc_validate_url($input['s_website'])) $input['s_website'] = '';

            $country = Country::newInstance()->findByCode( Params::getParam('countryId') );
            if(count($country) > 0) {
                $countryId   = $country['pk_c_code'];
                $countryName = $country['s_name'];
            } else {
                $countryId   = null;
                $countryName = Params::getParam('country');

            if( intval( Params::getParam('regionId') ) ) {
                $region = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( Params::getParam('regionId') );
                if( count($region) > 0 ) {
                    $regionId   = $region['pk_i_id'];
                    $regionName = $region['s_name'];
            } else {
                $regionId   = null;
                $regionName = Params::getParam('region');

            if( intval( Params::getParam('cityId') ) ) {
                $city = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( Params::getParam('cityId') );
                if( count($city) > 0 ) {
                    $cityId   = $city['pk_i_id'];
                    $cityName = $city['s_name'];
            } else {
                $cityId   = null;
                $cityName = Params::getParam('city');

            $input['fk_c_country_code'] = $countryId;
            $input['s_country'] = $countryName;
            $input['fk_i_region_id'] = $regionId;
            $input['s_region']       = $regionName;
            $input['fk_i_city_id']   = $cityId;
            $input['s_city']         = $cityName;
            $input['s_city_area']    = Params::getParam('cityArea');
            $input['s_address']      = Params::getParam('address');
            $input['s_zip']          = Params::getParam('zip');
            $input['d_coord_lat']    = (Params::getParam('d_coord_lat')  != '') ? Params::getParam('d_coord_lat') : null;
            $input['d_coord_long']   = (Params::getParam('d_coord_long') != '') ? Params::getParam('d_coord_long') : null;
            $input['b_company']      = (Params::getParam('b_company') != '' && Params::getParam('b_company') != 0) ? 1 : 0;

Ejemplo n.º 7
 function doModel()
     switch ($this->action) {
         case 'login_post':
             //post execution for the login
             $url_redirect = osc_get_http_referer();
             $page_redirect = '';
             $password = Params::getParam('password', false, false);
             if (preg_match('|[\\?&]page=([^&]+)|', $url_redirect . '&', $match)) {
                 $page_redirect = $match[1];
             if ($page_redirect == '' || $page_redirect == 'login' || $url_redirect == '') {
                 $url_redirect = osc_admin_base_url();
             if (Params::getParam('user') == '') {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The username field is empty'), 'admin');
                 $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=login");
             if (Params::getParam('password', false, false) == '') {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The password field is empty'), 'admin');
                 $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=login");
             // fields are not empty
             $admin = Admin::newInstance()->findByUsername(Params::getParam('user'));
             if (!$admin) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(sprintf(_m('Sorry, incorrect username. <a href="%s">Have you lost your password?</a>'), osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=login&amp;action=recover'), 'admin');
                 $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=login");
             if (!osc_verify_password($password, $admin['s_password'])) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(sprintf(_m('Sorry, incorrect password. <a href="%s">Have you lost your password?</a>'), osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=login&amp;action=recover'), 'admin');
                 $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . "?page=login");
             } else {
                 if (@$admin['s_password'] != '') {
                     if (preg_match('|\\$2y\\$([0-9]{2})\\$|', $admin['s_password'], $cost)) {
                         if ($cost[1] != BCRYPT_COST) {
                             Admin::newInstance()->update(array('s_password' => osc_hash_password($password)), array('pk_i_id' => $admin['pk_i_id']));
                     } else {
                         Admin::newInstance()->update(array('s_password' => osc_hash_password($password)), array('pk_i_id' => $admin['pk_i_id']));
             if (Params::getParam('remember')) {
                 // this include contains de osc_genRandomPassword function
                 require_once osc_lib_path() . 'osclass/helpers/hSecurity.php';
                 $secret = osc_genRandomPassword();
                 Admin::newInstance()->update(array('s_secret' => $secret), array('pk_i_id' => $admin['pk_i_id']));
                 Cookie::newInstance()->push('oc_adminId', $admin['pk_i_id']);
                 Cookie::newInstance()->push('oc_adminSecret', $secret);
                 Cookie::newInstance()->push('oc_adminLocale', Params::getParam('locale'));
             // we are logged in... let's go!
             Session::newInstance()->_set('adminId', $admin['pk_i_id']);
             Session::newInstance()->_set('adminUserName', $admin['s_username']);
             Session::newInstance()->_set('adminName', $admin['s_name']);
             Session::newInstance()->_set('adminEmail', $admin['s_email']);
             Session::newInstance()->_set('adminLocale', Params::getParam('locale'));
             osc_run_hook('login_admin', $admin);
         case 'recover':
             // form to recover the password (in this case we have the form in /gui/)
         case 'recover_post':
             if (defined('DEMO')) {
                 osc_add_flash_warning_message(_m("This action can't be done because it's a demo site"), 'admin');
             // post execution to recover the password
             $admin = Admin::newInstance()->findByEmail(Params::getParam('email'));
             if ($admin) {
                 if (osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '') {
                     if (!osc_check_recaptcha()) {
                         osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('The reCAPTCHA code is wrong'), 'admin');
                         $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=login&action=recover');
                         return false;
                         // BREAK THE PROCESS, THE RECAPTCHA IS WRONG
                 require_once osc_lib_path() . 'osclass/helpers/hSecurity.php';
                 $newPassword = osc_genRandomPassword(40);
                 Admin::newInstance()->update(array('s_secret' => $newPassword), array('pk_i_id' => $admin['pk_i_id']));
                 $password_url = osc_forgot_admin_password_confirm_url($admin['pk_i_id'], $newPassword);
                 osc_run_hook('hook_email_user_forgot_password', $admin, $password_url);
             osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('A new password has been sent to your e-mail'), 'admin');
             $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=login');
         case 'forgot':
             // form to recover the password (in this case we have the form in /gui/)
             $admin = Admin::newInstance()->findByIdSecret(Params::getParam('adminId'), Params::getParam('code'));
             if (!$admin) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Sorry, the link is not valid'), 'admin');
         case 'forgot_post':
             $admin = Admin::newInstance()->findByIdSecret(Params::getParam('adminId'), Params::getParam('code'));
             if (!$admin) {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m('Sorry, the link is not valid'), 'admin');
             if (Params::getParam('new_password', false, false) == Params::getParam('new_password2', false, false)) {
                 Admin::newInstance()->update(array('s_secret' => osc_genRandomPassword(), 's_password' => osc_hash_password(Params::getParam('new_password', false, false))), array('pk_i_id' => $admin['pk_i_id']));
                 osc_add_flash_ok_message(_m('The password has been changed'), 'admin');
                 $this->redirectTo(osc_admin_base_url(true) . '?page=login');
             } else {
                 osc_add_flash_error_message(_m("Error, the passwords don't match"), 'admin');
                 $this->redirectTo(osc_forgot_admin_password_confirm_url(Params::getParam('adminId'), Params::getParam('code')));
             //osc_run_hook( 'init_admin' );