Ejemplo n.º 1
* Documentation for this function.
function makeSummaryStatsTable($resolution, $clash, $rama, $rota, $cbdev, $pperp, $suites, $bbonds, $bangles, $cablam, $omega)
    $entry = "";
    $bgPoor = '#ff9999';
    $bgFair = '#ffff99';
    $bgGood = '#99ff99';
    $entry .= "<p><table border='1' width='100%'>\n";
    if (is_array($clash)) {
        $clashPct = runClashStats($resolution, $clash['scoreAll'], $clash['scoreBlt40']);
        if ($clashPct['pct_rank'] < 33) {
            $bg = $bgPoor;
        } elseif ($clashPct['pct_rank'] < 66) {
            $bg = $bgFair;
        } else {
            $bg = $bgGood;
        if ($clash['scoreAll'] < 0) {
            $bg = $bgFair;
        // for catching a bug with probe giving clashscore = -1
        $entry .= "<tr><td rowspan='2' align='center'>All-Atom<br>Contacts</td>\n";
        $entry .= "<td>Clashscore, all atoms:</td><td colspan='2' bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$clash['scoreAll']}</td>\n";
        if ($clash['scoreAll'] < 0) {
            $entry .= "<td>unknown percentile<sup>*</sup> (N={$clashPct['n_samples']}, {$clashPct['minresol']}&Aring; - {$clashPct['maxresol']}&Aring;)</td></tr>\n";
            $entry .= "<tr><td colspan='3'>An error has occurred; clashscore should not be negative! Please report this bug.</td></tr>\n";
        } else {
            //$entry .= "<td>$clashPct[pct_rank]<sup>".ordinalSuffix($clashPct['pct_rank'])."</sup> percentile<sup>*</sup> (N=$clashPct[n_samples], $clashPct[minresol]&Aring; - $clashPct[maxresol]&Aring;)</td></tr>\n";
            if ($clashPct[minresol] == 0 && $clashPct[maxresol] == 9999) {
                $percentileOut = "all resolutions";
            } else {
                $diff = $resolution - $clashPct[minresol];
                //echo $diff." ".gettype($diff)." ";
                $diff2 = -($resolution - $clashPct[maxresol]);
                //echo $diff2." ".gettype($diff2)." ";
                //$test = ($diff2 > 0.245 && $diff2 < 0.255);
                //echo "diff2 = 0.25:".$test;
                if ($diff > 0.245 && $diff2 > 0.245 && $diff < 0.255 && $diff2 < 0.255) {
                    $percentileOut = "{$resolution}&Aring; &plusmn; {$diff}&Aring;";
                } else {
                    $percentileOut = "{$clashPct['minresol']}&Aring; - {$clashPct['maxresol']}&Aring;";
            $entry .= "<td>{$clashPct['pct_rank']}<sup>" . ordinalSuffix($clashPct['pct_rank']) . "</sup> percentile<sup>*</sup> (N={$clashPct['n_samples']}, {$percentileOut})</td></tr>\n";
            $entry .= "<tr><td colspan='4'>Clashscore is the number of serious steric overlaps (&gt; 0.4 &Aring;) per 1000 atoms.</td></tr>\n";
        //if($clashPct['pct_rank40'] <= 33)       $bg = $bgPoor;
        //elseif($clashPct['pct_rank40'] <= 66)   $bg = $bgFair;
        //else                                    $bg = $bgGood;
        //$entry .= "<tr><td>Clashscore, B&lt;40:</td><td bgcolor='$bg'>$clash[scoreBlt40]</td>\n";
        //$entry .= "<td>$clashPct[pct_rank40]<sup>".ordinalSuffix($clashPct['pct_rank40'])."</sup> percentile<sup>*</sup> (N=$clashPct[n_samples], $clashPct[minresol]&Aring; - $clashPct[maxresol]&Aring;)</td></tr>\n";
    $proteinRows = 0;
    if (is_array($rama)) {
        $proteinRows += 2;
    if (is_array($rota)) {
        $proteinRows += 2;
    if (is_array($cbdev)) {
        $proteinRows += 1;
    if (is_array($clash) && is_array($rota) && is_array($rama)) {
        $proteinRows += 1;
    if (hasMoltype($bbonds, "protein")) {
        $proteinRows += 1;
    if (hasMoltype($bangles, "protein")) {
        $proteinRows += 1;
    if ($proteinRows > 0) {
        $entry .= "<tr><td rowspan='{$proteinRows}' align='center'>Protein<br>Geometry</td>\n";
        $firstRow = true;
        if (is_array($rota)) {
            $rotaOut = count(findRotaOutliers($rota));
            $rotaTot = count($rota);
            $rotaOutPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $rotaOut / $rotaTot);
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            //Rotamer outliers:
            //if($rotaOutPct+0 <= 1)      $bg = $bgGood; //old top500 cutoff, matched outlier cutoff pct
            if ($rotaOutPct + 0 <= 0.3) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } elseif ($rotaOutPct + 0 <= 1.5) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<td>Poor rotamers</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$rotaOut}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$rotaOutPct}%</td>\n";
            $entry .= "<td>Goal: &lt;0.3%</td></tr>\n";
            //Rotamer Favored:
            foreach ($rota as $r) {
                if ($r['eval'] == "Favored") {
            $rotaFavPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $rotaFav / $rotaTot);
            if ($rotaFavPct + 0 >= 98) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } elseif ($rotaFavPct + 0 >= 95) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<tr><td>Favored rotamers</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$rotaFav}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$rotaFavPct}%</td>\n";
            $entry .= "<td>Goal: &gt;98%</td></tr>\n";
        if (is_array($rama)) {
            $ramaOut = count(findRamaOutliers($rama));
            foreach ($rama as $r) {
                if ($r['eval'] == "Favored") {
            $ramaTot = count($rama);
            $ramaOutPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $ramaOut / $ramaTot);
            $ramaFavPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $ramaFav / $ramaTot);
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            if ($ramaOutPct + 0 <= 0.05) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } elseif ($ramaOut == 1 || $ramaOutPct + 0 <= 0.5) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<td>Ramachandran outliers</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$ramaOut}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$ramaOutPct}%</td>\n";
            $entry .= "<td>Goal: &lt;0.05%</td></tr>\n";
            if ($ramaFavPct + 0 >= 98) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } elseif ($ramaFavPct + 0 >= 95) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<tr><td>Ramachandran favored</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$ramaFav}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$ramaFavPct}%</td>\n";
            $entry .= "<td>Goal: &gt;98%</td></tr>\n";
        if (is_array($clash) && is_array($rota) && is_array($rama)) {
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            $axr = $resolution;
            // Actual Xtalographic Resolution
            $mer = getEffectiveResolution($clash, $rota, $rama);
            // MolProbity Effective Resolution
            $mer_pct = getEffectiveResolutionPercentile($mer, $axr);
            $bg = $bgFair;
            // unknown AXR
            //elseif($mer < $axr)                     $bg = $bgGood;  // below
            //elseif(abs(($mer-$axr)/$axr) <= 0.20)   $bg = $bgFair;  // within 20% of actual
            //else                                    $bg = $bgPoor;  // more than 20% above
            if ($mer_pct['pct_rank'] < 33) {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            // switch to using percentiles for bg colors vbc 120629
            if ($mer_pct['pct_rank'] >= 66) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            // to try to compensate for high-res structures looking worse than they are
            if (is_infinite($mer)) {
                $mer = -1;
                $bg = $bgFair;
            $entry .= "<td>MolProbity score<sup><small>^</small></sup></td><td colspan='2' bgcolor='{$bg}'>";
            $entry .= sprintf('%.2f', $mer);
            //$entry .= "</td><td>Goal: &lt;$axr</td></tr>\n";
            if ($mer == -1) {
                $entry .= "</td><td>unknown percentile<sup>*</sup> (N={$mer_pct['n_samples']}, {$mer_pct['minresol']}&Aring; - {$mer_pct['maxresol']}&Aring;)</td></tr>\n";
            } else {
                if ($mer_pct[minresol] == 0 && $mer_pct[maxresol] == 9999) {
                    $percentileOut = "all resolutions";
                } else {
                    $diff = $resolution - $mer_pct[minresol];
                    $diff2 = -($resolution - $mer_pct[maxresol]);
                    if ($diff > 0.245 && $diff2 > 0.245 && $diff < 0.255 && $diff2 < 0.255) {
                        $percentileOut = "{$resolution}&Aring; &plusmn; {$diff}&Aring;";
                    } else {
                        $percentileOut = "{$mer_pct['minresol']}&Aring; - {$mer_pct['maxresol']}&Aring;";
                $entry .= "</td><td>{$mer_pct['pct_rank']}<sup>" . ordinalSuffix($mer_pct['pct_rank']) . "</sup> percentile<sup>*</sup> (N={$mer_pct['n_samples']}, {$percentileOut})</td></tr>\n";
                //$entry .= "</td><td>$mer_pct[pct_rank]<sup>".ordinalSuffix($mer_pct['pct_rank'])."</sup> percentile<sup>*</sup> (N=$mer_pct[n_samples], $mer_pct[minresol]&Aring; - $mer_pct[maxresol]&Aring;)</td></tr>\n";
        if (is_array($cbdev)) {
            $cbOut = count(findCbetaOutliers($cbdev));
            $cbTot = count($cbdev);
            $cbOutPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $cbOut / $cbTot);
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            if ($cbOut == 0) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            if ($cbOut / $cbTot > 0.05) {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<td>C&beta; deviations &gt;0.25&Aring;</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$cbOut}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$cbOutPct}%</td>\n";
            $entry .= "<td>Goal: 0</td></tr>\n";
        if (hasMoltype($bbonds, "protein")) {
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            $total = 0;
            $outCount = 0;
            foreach ($bbonds as $cnit => $item) {
                if ($item['type'] == 'protein') {
                    if ($item['isOutlier']) {
                        $outCount += $item['outCount'];
                    $total += $item['bondCount'];
            $geomOutPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $outCount / $total);
            if ($outCount / $total < 0.002) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            if ($outCount / $total < 0.0001) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<td>Bad bonds:</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$outCount} / {$total}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$geomOutPct}%</td>\n<td>Goal: 0%</td></tr>\n";
        if (hasMoltype($bangles, "protein")) {
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            $total = 0;
            $outCount = 0;
            foreach ($bangles as $cnit => $item) {
                if ($item['type'] == 'protein') {
                    if ($item['isOutlier']) {
                        $outCount += $item['outCount'];
                    $total += $item['angCount'];
            $geomOutPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $outCount / $total);
            if ($outCount / $total < 0.005) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            if ($outCount / $total < 0.001) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<td>Bad angles:</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$outCount} / {$total}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$geomOutPct}%</td>\n<td>Goal: &lt;0.1%</td></tr>\n";
    // end of protein-specific stats
    if (is_array($omega)) {
        $totalres = 0;
        $prototal = 0;
        $nonprototal = 0;
        $cisprocount = 0;
        $cisnonprocount = 0;
        $twistcount = 0;
        foreach ($omega as $cnit => $item) {
            //$totalres += 1;
            if ($item['type'] == 'Pro') {
                $prototal += 1;
                if ($item['conf'] == 'Cis') {
                    $cisprocount += 1;
                } elseif ($item['conf'] == 'Twisted') {
                    $twistcount += 1;
            } elseif ($item['type'] == 'General') {
                $nonprototal += 1;
                if ($item['conf'] == 'Cis') {
                    $cisnonprocount += 1;
                } elseif ($item['conf'] == 'Twisted') {
                    $twistcount += 1;
        $totalres = $prototal + $nonprototal;
        $cispropct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $cisprocount / $prototal);
        $cisnonpropct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $cisnonprocount / $nonprototal);
        $twistpct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $twistcount / $totalres);
        //cis pro yellow is 5 to 10%
        //cis nonpro is 0.05 to 0.1%
        //twisted is 0 to 0.1%
        //This is gonna get ugly. The trick is: always print the cisPRO line
        //Print other lines only if relevant
        $cispepentry = "";
        $cispepRows = 1;
        //if($cispropct <= 5.0)      $bg = $bgGood; //5% is statistical expectation for cis-Pro
        //elseif($cispropct <= 10.0) $bg = $bgFair; //set at 2x statistical expectations
        //else                       $bg = $bgPoor;
        $cisentry .= "<td>Cis Prolines:</td><td> {$cisprocount} / {$prototal}</td><td> {$cispropct}% </td>\n<td>Expected: &le;1 per chain, or &le;5%</td></tr>\n";
        if ($cisnonprocount > 0) {
            $cispepRows += 1;
            if ($cisnonpropct <= 0.05) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } elseif ($cisnonpropct <= 0.1) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $cisentry .= "<td>Cis nonProlines:</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'> {$cisnonprocount} / {$nonprototal}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'> {$cisnonpropct}% </td>\n<td>Goal: &lt;0.05%</td></tr>\n";
        if ($twistcount > 0) {
            $cispepRows += 1;
            if ($twistpct == 0) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } elseif ($twistpct <= 0.1) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $cisentry .= "<td>Twisted Peptides:</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'> {$twistcount} / {$totalres}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'> {$twistpct}% </td>\n<td>Goal: 0</td></tr>\n";
        $entry .= "<tr><td rowspan='{$cispepRows}' align='center'>Peptide Omegas</td>\n";
        $firstRow = true;
        $entry .= $cisentry;
    $nucleicRows = 0;
    if (is_array($pperp)) {
        $nucleicRows += 1;
    if (is_array($suites)) {
        $nucleicRows += 1;
    if (hasMoltype($bbonds, "rna")) {
        $nucleicRows += 1;
    if (hasMoltype($bangles, "rna")) {
        $nucleicRows += 1;
    if ($nucleicRows > 0) {
        $entry .= "<tr><td rowspan='{$nucleicRows}' align='center'>Nucleic Acid<br>Geometry</td>\n";
        $firstRow = true;
        if (is_array($pperp)) {
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            $pperpOut = count(findBasePhosPerpOutliers($pperp));
            $pperpTot = count($pperp);
            $pperpOutPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $pperpOut / $pperpTot);
            $bg = $bgFair;
            if ($pperpOut == 0) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            if ($pperpOut / $pperpTot > 0.05) {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<td>Probably wrong sugar puckers:</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$pperpOut}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$pperpOutPct}%</td>\n";
            $entry .= "<td>Goal: 0</td></tr>\n";
        if (is_array($suites)) {
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            $suitesOut = count(findSuitenameOutliers($suites));
            $suitesTot = count($suites);
            $suitesOutPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $suitesOut / $suitesTot);
            $bg = $bgFair;
            if ($suitesOut / $suitesTot <= 0.05) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            if ($suitesOut / $suitesTot > 0.15) {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<td>Bad backbone conformations<sup><small>#</small></sup>:</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$suitesOut}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$suitesOutPct}%</td>\n";
            $entry .= "<td>Goal: <= 5%</td></tr>\n";
        if (hasMoltype($bbonds, "rna")) {
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            $total = 0;
            $outCount = 0;
            foreach ($bbonds as $cnit => $item) {
                if ($item['type'] == 'rna') {
                    if ($item['isOutlier']) {
                        $outCount += $item['outCount'];
                    $total += $item['bondCount'];
            $geomOutPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $outCount / $total);
            if ($outCount / $total < 0.002) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            if ($outCount / $total < 0.0001) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<td>Bad bonds:</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$outCount} / {$total}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$geomOutPct}%</td>\n<td>Goal: 0%</td></tr>\n";
        if (hasMoltype($bangles, "rna")) {
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            $total = 0;
            $outCount = 0;
            foreach ($bangles as $cnit => $item) {
                if ($item['type'] == 'rna') {
                    if ($item['isOutlier']) {
                        $outCount += $item['outCount'];
                    $total += $item['angCount'];
            $geomOutPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $outCount / $total);
            if ($outCount / $total < 0.005) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            if ($outCount / $total < 0.001) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<td>Bad angles:</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$outCount} / {$total}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$geomOutPct}%</td>\n<td>Goal: <0.1%</td></tr>\n";
    $lowresRows = 0;
    if (is_array($cablam)) {
        $lowresRows += 2;
    if ($lowresRows > 0) {
        //Following text should be added to help instead of entry:
        //$entry .= "<td>Because the submitted structure has a resolution lower than 2.5&Aring; or because low-resolution measures were selected, the following criteria are provided that may be helpful at low resolution.</td></tr>\n";
        $entry .= "<tr><td rowspan='{$lowresRows}' align='center'>Low-resolution Criteria</td>\n";
        $firstRow = true;
        if (is_array($cablam)) {
            $cablamOut = 0;
            $caGeomOut = 0;
            //$cablamFav = 0;
            foreach ($cablam as $c) {
                if ($c['outlierType'] == " CaBLAM Outlier     ") {
                } elseif ($c['outlierType'] == " CA Geom Outlier    ") {
                //elseif($c['outlierType'] != " CaBLAM Disfavored  ") $cablamFav++;
                //The disfavored category was deemed more info than necessary for the moment in this chart
            $cablamTot = count($cablam);
            $cablamOutPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $cablamOut / $cablamTot);
            //$cablamFavPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $cablamFav/$cablamTot);
            $caGeomPct = sprintf("%.2f", 100.0 * $caGeomOut / $cablamTot);
            if ($firstRow) {
                $firstRow = false;
            } else {
                $entry .= "<tr>";
            //CaBLAMout 1% and 5%
            if ($cablamOutPct + 0 <= 1.0) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } elseif ($cablamOutPct + 0 <= 5.0) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<td>CaBLAM outliers</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$cablamOut}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$cablamOutPct}%</td>\n";
            $entry .= "<td>Goal: &lt;1.0%</td></tr>\n";
            //if($cablamFavPct+0 >= 95.0)    $bg = $bgGood;
            //elseif($cablamFavPct+0 >=90.0) $bg = $bgFair;
            //else                        $bg = $bgPoor;
            //$entry .= "<tr><td>CaBLAM favored</td><td bgcolor='$bg'>$cablamFav</td><td bgcolor='$bg'>$cablamFavPct%</td>\n";
            //$entry .= "<td>Goal: &gt;95.0%</td></tr>\n";
            if ($caGeomPct + 0 <= 0.5) {
                $bg = $bgGood;
            } elseif ($caGeomPct + 0 <= 1.0) {
                $bg = $bgFair;
            } else {
                $bg = $bgPoor;
            $entry .= "<tr><td>CA Geometry outliers</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$caGeomOut}</td><td bgcolor='{$bg}'>{$caGeomPct}%</td>\n";
            $entry .= "<td>Goal: &lt;0.5%</td></tr>\n";
    $entry .= "</table>\n";
    //Table ended
    $firstRow = true;
    if (is_array($rota) || is_array($rama) || is_array($cbdev) || is_array($bbonds) || is_array($bangles) || is_array($pperp) || is_array($suites)) {
        if ($firstRow) {
            $firstRow = false;
        } else {
            $entry .= "<br>";
        $entry .= "<small>In the two column results, the left column gives the raw count, right column gives the percentage.</small>\n";
    if (is_array($clash)) {
        if ($firstRow) {
            $firstRow = false;
        } else {
            $entry .= "<br>";
        $entry .= "<small>* 100<sup>th</sup> percentile is the best among structures of comparable resolution; 0<sup>th</sup> percentile is the worst.  For clashscore the comparative set of structures was selected in 2004, for MolProbity score in 2006.</small>\n";
    if (is_array($suites)) {
        if ($firstRow) {
            $firstRow = false;
        } else {
            $entry .= "<br>";
        $entry .= "<small><sup>#</sup> RNA backbone was recently shown to be rotameric.  Outliers are RNA suites that don't fall into recognized rotamers.</small>\n";
    if (is_array($clash) && is_array($rota) && is_array($rama)) {
        if ($firstRow) {
            $firstRow = false;
        } else {
            $entry .= "<br>";
        //$entry .= "<small><sup>^</sup> MolProbity score is defined as the following: 0.42574*log(1+clashscore) + 0.32996*log(1+max(0,pctRotOut-1)) + 0.24979*log(1+max(0,100-pctRamaFavored-2)) + 0.5</small>\n";
        $entry .= "<small><sup>^</sup> MolProbity score combines the clashscore, rotamer, and Ramachandran evaluations into a single score, normalized to be on the same scale as X-ray resolution.</small>\n";
    $entry .= "</p>\n";
    // end of summary stats table
    return $entry;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function short_date($date)
    $minute = $date['minutes'];
    $minute = $minute < 10 ? '0' . $minute : (string) $minute;
    $ordinal = ordinalSuffix($date['mday']);
    if ($date['hours'] == '12') {
        $hour = '12';
        $ampm = 'pm';
    } else {
        if ($date['hours'] == '24') {
            $hour = '12';
            $ampm = 'am';
        } else {
            if ($date['hours'] > 12) {
                $hour = (int) $date['hours'] - 12;
                $ampm = 'pm';
            } else {
                $hour = $date['hours'];
                $ampm = 'am';
    return "{$date['month']} {$date['mday']}{$ordinal} @ {$hour}:{$minute}{$ampm}";