Ejemplo n.º 1
														<option <?php 
    echo $active11;
 value='bg-modern'>Light Blue</option>

                                                    <label for="groupstyle">Group Colour</label>

                                        <div class="form-group">
                                            <div class="col-sm-9">
                                                <div class="form-material">
                                                    <textarea rows="3" class="form-control" type="text" id="groupdesc" name="groupdesc" placeholder="Group detials..."><?php 
    echo orbislookup($grouptoedit, 'group_id', 'groups', 'group_description');
                                                    <label for="groupdesc">Short Group Description</label>
                                        <div class="form-group">
                                            <div class="col-xs-12">
                                                <button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" id="updategroup" name="updategroup" type="submit"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> Update Client Group</button>
                                                <button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" id="deletegroup" name="deletegroup" type="submit"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> Delete Client Group</button>

Ejemplo n.º 2
                                            <button type="button" data-toggle="block-option" data-action="refresh_toggle" data-action-mode="demo"><i class="si si-refresh"></i></button>
                                            <button type="button" data-toggle="block-option" data-action="content_toggle"></button>
                                    <h3 class="block-title">Message of the Day</h3>
                                <form action="#" method="post">
                                <div class="block-content">
                                            <div class="form-group">
                                                    <div class="form-material">
                                                        <textarea class="form-control" id="motd" name="motd" rows="5" placeholder="Add a new MOTD!"><?php 
    echo orbislookup('1', 'id', 'settings', 'site_motd');
                                                        <label for="simple-details">Message of the Day (MOTD)</label>
                                            <div class="row">
                                            <div class="col-lg-6">
                                <button name="motdupdate" id="motdupdate" class="btn btn-success btn-block">Update MOTD</button>
                                <div class="col-lg-6">
                            <button class=" btn btn-block btn-default text-muted text-center" data-toggle="popover" title="" data-placement="top" data-content="The Message of the Day, is an announcement like message that shows up on most staff member's dashboard. You can customise the message in the box above. You may use the following syntax to alter the way the message is shown. {{username}} = Staff Member's username. {{version}} = Site Version. {{date}} = Current date. {{online}} = The total members online at the current time. {{time}} = Current time. {{ip_address}} = IP address of user. {{random}} = A random number. {{useremail}} = Staff Members's Email. {{userid}} = Staff Member's ID." data-original-title="Message of the Day Help">Help <i class="fa fa-question"></i></button>
Ejemplo n.º 3
if ($showme == true) {
    $query = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM changelog ORDER BY change_id DESC LIMIT 300";
} else {
    $query = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM changelog WHERE change_type NOT LIKE 'page' ORDER BY change_id DESC LIMIT 300";
$result = $db->query($query);
while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    if ($row['change_client_id']) {
        $clientid = $row['change_client_id'];
        $clientname = orbislookup($clientid, 'client_id', 'clients', 'client_name');
        $clientavatar = orbislookup($clientid, 'client_id', 'clients', 'client_avatar');
    if ($row['change_staff_id']) {
        $staffid = $row['change_staff_id'];
        $staffname = orbislookup($staffid, 'staff_id', 'staff', 'staff_name');
        $staffavatar = orbislookup($staffid, 'staff_id', 'staff', 'staff_avatar');
    if ($row['change_desc']) {
        $description = str_replace('#', '"', $row['change_desc']);
    if ($clientname != '') {
        if ($clientavatar) {
            $showclientavatar = '<img class="img-avatar img-avatar48" src="../../get/image.php?file=' . $clientavatar . '">';
        } else {
            $showclientavatar = '<img class="img-avatar img-avatar48" src="../../assets/img/avatars/avatar1.jpg">';
    if ($staffname != '') {
        if ($staffavatar) {
            $showstaffavatar = '<img class="img-avatar img-avatar48" src="../../get/image.php?file=' . $staffavatar . '">';
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
    $query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO groups (group_name, group_description, group_created, group_style) VALUES ('{$newclientgroupname}', '{$newclientgroupdesc}', '{$newclinentupdate}', '{$newgroupstyle}')");
    //Get New Group ID
    $newgroupid = orbislookup($newclinentupdate, 'group_created', 'groups', 'group_id');
    //Add New Client with Group ID
    $query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO clients (client_id, client_name, client_group, client_updated, client_dob, client_address, client_phone, client_bio) VALUES ('{$newclientid}','{$newclientname}', '{$newgroupid}', '{$newclinentupdate}', '{$newclientdob}', '{$newclientaddress}', '{$newclientphone}', '{$newclientbio}')");
    //Add Staff to group
    if (isset($_POST['clientstaff'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['clientstaff'] as $state) {
            $query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO staff_group (staff_id, group_id) VALUES ('{$state}', '{$newgroupid}')");
    //Find some information about the new group for the change log
    $clientiduse = orbislookup($newgroupid, 'client_group', 'clients', 'client_id');
    $time = time();
    $currentid = $_SESSION['staff_id'];
    $changelog = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO changelog (change_staff_id, change_client_id, change_time, change_desc, change_type) VALUES ('{$currentid}', '{$clientiduse}', '{$time}', 'New client successfully registered.', 'client')");
    header('Location: ../../index.php');
require '../../includes/header.include.php';
//Get general header include

				 <!-- Main Container -->
            <main id="main-container">
                <!-- Page Header -->
                <div class="content bg-gray-lighter">
Ejemplo n.º 5
        $active = '';
                                                    <label for="staff-client[]">Things <?php 
    echo orbislookup($stafftoedit, 'staff_id', 'staff', 'staff_name');
                                        <div class="form-group">
                                            <div class="col-sm-9">
                                                <div class="form-material">
                                                    <input class="form-control" type="text" id="staff-phone" name="staff-phone" placeholder="Enter your current mobile or home number" value="<?php 
    echo orbislookup($stafftoedit, 'staff_id', 'staff', 'staff_phone');
                                                    <label for="staff-phone">Phone Number</label>
                                        <div class="form-group">
                                            <div class="col-sm-9">
                                            <label for="avatar">Upload New Avatar</label>
                                                <input type="file" id="staff-avatar" name="staff-avatar" accept="image/*">
                                       <div class="form-group">
                                            <div class="col-sm-9">
                                            <label for="avatar">Upload New Background</label>
Ejemplo n.º 6
function motd($stafflevel)
    $auth = array('1', '2', '3', '4');
    require 'config.include.php';
    $staffname = orbislookup($_SESSION['staff_id'], 'staff_id', 'staff', 'staff_name');
    $staffemail = orbislookup($_SESSION['staff_id'], 'staff_id', 'staff', 'staff_email');
    $staffid = orbislookup($_SESSION['staff_id'], 'staff_id', 'staff', 'staff_id');
    $siteversion = orbislookup('1', 'id', 'settings', 'site_version') . '.' . $globalbuild;
    $curdate = date('d/m/Y');
    $totalpeopleq = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM staff WHERE staff_last_seen > (CURRENT_TIME - (5*60))";
    $totalpeople = $db->query($totalpeopleq);
    while ($totalpeoplerow = $totalpeople->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $personsonline = $totalpeoplerow['COUNT(*)'];
    $curtime = date('H:i:s');
    $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $random = uniqid();
    $message = orbislookup('1', 'id', 'settings', 'site_motd');
    $message = str_replace("{{username}}", $staffname, $message);
    $message = str_replace("{{useremail}}", $staffemail, $message);
    $message = str_replace("{{userid}}", $staffid, $message);
    $message = str_replace("{{version}}", $siteversion, $message);
    $message = str_replace("{{date}}", $curdate, $message);
    $message = str_replace("{{online}}", $personsonline, $message);
    $message = str_replace("{{time}}", $curtime, $message);
    $message = str_replace("{{ip_address}}", $ipaddress, $message);
    $message = str_replace("{{random}}", $random, $message);
    return $message;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        <!-- END New SubFolder Modal -->
       <!-- MoveFile Modal -->
        <div class="modal fade" id="modal-movefile" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
 <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-slideup">
                <div class="modal-content">
                    <div class="block block-themed block-transparent remove-margin-b">
                        <div class="block-header bg-primary-dark">
                            <ul class="block-options">
                                    <button data-dismiss="modal" type="button"><i class="si si-close"></i></button>
                            <h3 class="block-title"><b>Move</b> <span class="text-success"><?php 
        echo orbislookup($moveid, 'file_id', 'files', 'file_name');
</span> to a new subfolder?</h3>
                        <div class="block-content">
                            <p>Please choose a new subfolder for this file.</p>
                                       <form class="js-validation-material form-horizontal push-10-t" id="updatefolderform" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="#" method="post">
									    <div class="form-group">
                                            <div class="col-sm-9">
											<div class="form-material">
                                                    <select class="form-control" id="updatefolder" name="updatefolder" size="1">
                                                        <option value="">Select Subfolder</option>
        $auth = array('1', '2', '3', '4');
        require '../includes/config.include.php';
        $findsubfolders = "SELECT * FROM subfolders WHERE subfolder_id IN (SELECT subfolder_id FROM groupfoldersubfolder WHERE group_id = '{$currentgroup}' AND folder_id = '{$currentfolder}')";
Ejemplo n.º 8
$auth = array('2', '3');
require '../../includes/config.include.php';
//Get general include
require '../../includes/orbis.include.php';
//Orbis Framework
if (isset($_POST['adddep'])) {
    $depname = $_POST['groupname'];
    $depcolour = $_POST['groupstyle'];
    $depdesc = $_POST['groupdesc'];
    $depupdated = time();
    $depid = substr(md5(uniqid($depname, true)), 0, 6);
    //Add Group
    $query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO groups (group_name, group_description, group_created, group_style) VALUES ('{$depname}', '{$depdesc}', '{$depupdated}', '{$depcolour}')");
    //Get New Group ID
    $newgroupid = orbislookup($depupdated, 'group_created', 'groups', 'group_id');
    $newdep = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO departments (dep_id, dep_name, dep_desc, dep_style, dep_group, dep_updated) VALUES ('{$depid}', '{$depname}', '{$depdesc}', '{$depcolour}', '{$newgroupid}', '{$depupdated}')");
    header('Location: departments.php');
require '../../includes/header.include.php';
//Get general header include

				 <!-- Main Container -->
            <main id="main-container">
                <!-- Page Header -->
                <div class="content bg-gray-lighter">
                    <div class="row items-push">
                        <div class="col-sm-7">
Ejemplo n.º 9
                            <!-- END Lock Screen Form -->
                    <!-- END Lock Screen Block -->
        <!-- END Lock Screen Content -->

        <!-- Lock Screen Footer -->
        <div class="push-10-t text-center animated fadeInUp">
            <small class="text-white-op font-w600"><span class="js-year-copy"></span> &copy; Orbis <?php 
    echo orbislookup('1', 'id', 'settings', 'site_version');
        <!-- END Lock Screen Footer -->

        <!-- OneUI Core JS: jQuery, Bootstrap, slimScroll, scrollLock, Appear, CountTo, Placeholder, Cookie and App.js -->
        <script src="<?php 
    echo $protocol . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $basepath;
        <script src="<?php 
    echo $protocol . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $basepath;
        <script src="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 10
                                        <th class="text-center" style="width: 10%;">Actions</th>
require '../../includes/config.include.php';
//Get general include
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM staff";
//Grab all the information from the houses table, I'll sort it later, we don't really need conditions on this.
$result = mysql_query($query);
//Run the SQL query
$sidenumber = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $currentlevel = $row['staff_level'];
    $tag = '<label class="label ' . orbislookup($currentlevel, 'staff_level', 'staff_levels', 'staff_level_style') . '">' . orbislookup($currentlevel, 'staff_level', 'staff_levels', 'staff_level_name') . '</label>  ';
    if ($row['staff_avatar']) {
        $staffavatar = '../../get/image.php?file=' . $row['staff_avatar'];
    } else {
        $staffavatar = '../../assets/img/avatars/avatar1.jpg';
                                        <td class="text-center"><?php 
    echo $sidenumber;
                                        <td class="text-center">

                                            <img class="img-avatar img-avatar48" src="<?php 
    echo $staffavatar;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    $posts = "SELECT * FROM client_posts WHERE post_client = '{$getclient}' AND post_active = '0' order by post_id desc";
    $postdata = $db->query($posts);
    while ($postrow = $postdata->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {

					<div id="print<?php 
        echo $postrow['post_id'];
" class="block">
					<div class="block-header">
                                    <ul class="block-options">
										<button type="button"><i class="si si-calendar"></i> by <?php 
        echo orbislookup($postrow['post_staff'], 'staff_id', 'staff', 'staff_name');
        echo time_elapsed('@' . $postrow['post_time'], false);
										<button type="button" onClick="printdiv('print<?php 
        echo $postrow['post_id'];
');"><i class="si si-printer"></i> Print</button>
                                        <form id="deletepostform" class="reset" action="#" method="post">
	                                        <input id="deletepostid" name="deletepostid" type="hidden" value="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 12

require 'config.include.php';
//Get general include
  <!-- Footer -->
            <footer id="page-footer" class="content-mini content-mini-full font-s12 bg-gray-lighter clearfix">
                <div class="pull-right">
                    Powered <i class="fa fa-bolt text-city"></i> by <a class="font-w600" href="https://infernite.com" target="_blank">infernite</a>
                <div class="pull-left">
                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" target="_blank">Orbis Databases </a> <?php 
echo orbislookup('1', 'id', 'settings', 'site_version') . '.' . $globalbuild;
 | Generated page in <?php 
echo number_format(microtime(true) - $start_time, 2);
s, rendered in <span id="timetook"> <em>Calculating...</em> </span> |  &copy; <span class="js-year-copy"></span>
            <!-- END Footer -->
        <!-- END Page Container -->

        <!-- Apps Modal -->
        <!-- Opens from the button in the header -->
        <div class="modal fade" id="apps-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
            <div class="modal-sm modal-dialog modal-dialog-top">
                <div class="modal-content">
                    <!-- Apps Block -->
                    <div class="block block-themed block-transparent">
Ejemplo n.º 13
														<option <?php 
    echo $active11;
 value='bg-modern'>Light Blue</option>

                                                    <label for="depstyle">Group Colour</label>

                                        <div class="form-group">
                                            <div class="col-sm-9">
                                                <div class="form-material">
                                                    <textarea rows="3" class="form-control" type="text" id="depdesc" name="depdesc" placeholder="Department detials..."><?php 
    echo orbislookup($deptoedit, 'dep_id', 'departments', 'dep_desc');
                                                    <label for="depdesc">Short Department Description</label>
                                        <div class="form-group">
                                            <div class="col-sm-9">
                                            <label for="dep-avatar">Upload New Department Avatar</label>
                                                <input type="file" id="dep-avatar" name="dep-avatar" accept="image/*">
                                        <div class="form-group">
                                            <div class="col-xs-12">
                                                <button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" id="updatedep" name="updatedep" type="submit"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> Update Department</button>