Ejemplo n.º 1
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) {
    die("Access Denied");
$modules = array('n' => array($locale['UM090'], DB_NEWS), 'b' => array($locale['UM095'], DB_BLOG), 'l' => array($locale['UM091'], DB_WEBLINKS), 'a' => array($locale['UM092'], DB_ARTICLES), 'p' => array($locale['UM093'], DB_PHOTO_ALBUMS), 'd' => array($locale['UM094'], DB_DOWNLOADS));
$installedModules = array();
foreach ($modules as $k => $v) {
    if (db_exists($v[1])) {
        $installedModules[$k] = $v[0];
if (iMEMBER) {
    if (isset($_GET['aid'])) {
        opensidex($locale['UM096'] . $userdata['user_name'], "off");
    } else {
        openside($locale['UM096'] . $userdata['user_name']);
    $messages_count = dbquery("SELECT\n\tSUM(message_folder=0) AS inbox_count,\n\tSUM(message_folder=1) AS outbox_count,\n\tSUM(message_folder=2) AS archive_count,\n\tSUM(message_read=0 AND message_folder=0) AS unread_count\n\tFROM " . DB_MESSAGES . " \n\tWHERE message_to='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "'\n\t");
    $messages_count = dbarray($messages_count);
    $inbox_count = (int) $messages_count['inbox_count'];
    $outbox_count = (int) $messages_count['outbox_count'];
    $archive_count = (int) $messages_count['archive_count'];
    $msg_count = (int) $messages_count['unread_count'];
    echo "<div class='clearfix'>\n";
    echo "<div class='avatar-row text-center'>\n";
    echo "<div class='pull-left m-r-10'>\n" . display_avatar($userdata, '90px') . "</div>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "<h4 class='m-t-10 m-b-0'><strong>" . $userdata['user_name'] . "</strong></h4>\n";
    echo "<small>" . getuserlevel($userdata['user_level']) . "</small>\n<br/>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
if (file_exists(INFUSIONS . "last_seen_users_panel/locale/" . $settings['locale'] . ".php")) {
    include INFUSIONS . "last_seen_users_panel/locale/" . $settings['locale'] . ".php";
} else {
    include INFUSIONS . "last_seen_users_panel/locale/English.php";
* Set minimum and maximum number of users you want displayed on each level
$min = 10;
// minimum visible shouts in first level.
$max = 10;
// maximum number of shouts in second level (hidden).
$colors = array(103 => "#FF0000", 102 => "#008000", 101 => "#003366");
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n<!--\nfunction toggle_lsup() {\n\tvar smu = document.getElementById('show_more_users');\n\tvar smutxt = document.getElementById('show_more_users_text');\n\tif (smu.style.display == 'none') {\n\t\tsmu.style.display = 'block';\n\t\tsmutxt.innerHTML = '" . $locale['LSUP_010'] . "';\n\t} else {\n\t\tsmu.style.display = 'none';\n\t\tsmutxt.innerHTML = '" . $locale['LSUP_009'] . "';\n\t}\n}\n//-->\n</script>";
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'  class=''>";
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_USERS . " ORDER BY user_lastvisit DESC LIMIT " . ($min + $max));
if (dbrows($result) != 0) {
    $user_count = 0;
    while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
        * Begin show more feature.
        if ($user_count == $min) {
            echo "</table>\n<br>\n<div align='center'>\n<img alt='' border='0' src='" . THEME . "images/bullet.gif'>&nbsp;\n<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onClick=\"toggle_lsup();\"><span id='show_more_users_text'>" . $locale['LSUP_009'] . "</span></a>&nbsp;\n<img alt='' border='0' src='" . THEME . "images/bulletb.gif'>\n</div>\n<div id='show_more_users' style='display: none;'>\n<br>\n<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'  class=''>";
        * End show more feature.
        // Check if user has ever logged in
 // load language files
 if (file_exists(INFUSIONS . "user_control_center/locale/" . $settings['locale'] . "/ucc_global.php")) {
     include INFUSIONS . "user_control_center/locale/" . $settings['locale'] . "/ucc_global.php";
 } else {
     @(include INFUSIONS . "user_control_center/locale/English/ucc_global.php");
 // Includes
 @(include_once INFUSIONS . "user_control_center/infusion_db.php");
 // load required functions
 if (file_exists(INFUSIONS . "user_control_center/version.php")) {
     require_once INFUSIONS . "user_control_center/version.php";
     $check_file = true;
 } else {
     $check_file = false;
 opensidex("User Control Center");
 // check, if infusion is installed
 $check_db = dbrows(dbquery("SELECT inf_folder FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "infusions WHERE inf_folder='user_control_center'"));
 if ($check_db == 0 or $check_file == false) {
     if (isset($locale['ucc_186'])) {
         echo "<div class='side-label'><b>" . $locale['ucc_186'] . "</b></div>";
     } else {
         echo "<div class='side-label'><b>Error: Infusion 'User Control Center' must be installed!</b></div>";
 } else {
     // load ucc functions
     require_once INFUSIONS . "user_control_center/includes/functions.php";
     // load panel functions
     require_once INFUSIONS . "user_control_center_panel/functions_include.php";
     // check, if database settings are available
     if (ucc_db_version == 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Check if a locale file is available that match the selected locale.
if (file_exists(INFUSIONS . "user_info_panel/locale/" . LANGUAGE . ".php")) {
    // Load the locale file matching selection.
    include INFUSIONS . "user_info_panel/locale/" . LANGUAGE . ".php";
} else {
    // Load the default locale file.
    include INFUSIONS . "user_info_panel/locale/English.php";
if (!defined('bootstrapped')) {
    // if used on a theme without bootstrap, load automatically.
if (iMEMBER) {
    if (preg_match('/administration/i', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
        opensidex($locale['WWOLD_001'] . $userdata['user_name'], "off");
    } else {
        openside($locale['WWOLD_001'] . $userdata['user_name']);
    $inbox_count = dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_to='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "' AND message_folder='0'");
    $outbox_count = dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_to='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "' AND message_folder='1'");
    $archive_count = dbcount("(message_id)", DB_MESSAGES, "message_to='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "' AND message_folder='2'");
    // Avatar
    echo "<div class='avatar-row'>\n";
    echo "<div class='pull-left m-r-10'>\n";
    echo display_avatar($userdata, '90px');
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "<div class='clearfix'>\n";
    echo "<h4 class='m-t-10 m-b-0'><strong>" . ucwords($userdata['user_name']) . "</strong></h4>\n";
    echo "<small>" . getuserlevel($userdata['user_level']) . "</small>\n<br/>";
    // sigh go for notification icons.