public function edit_field_draft($data) { only_admin_access(); $page = false; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) { $url = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; $url = explode('?', $url); $url = $url[0]; if (trim($url) == '' or trim($url) == $this->app->url_manager->site()) { //$page = $this->get_by_url($url); $page = $this->homepage(); // var_dump($page); } else { $page = $this->get_by_url($url); } } else { $url = $this->app->url_manager->string(); } $this->define_constants($page); $table_drafts = $this->tables['content_fields_drafts']; $data = parse_params($data); if (isset($data['id']) and $data['id'] == 'latest_content_edit') { if (isset($page['id'])) { $page_data = $this->get_by_id($page['id']); $results = array(); if (isset($page_data['title'])) { $arr = array('rel_type' => 'content', 'field' => 'title', 'value' => $page_data['title']); $results[] = $arr; if (isset($page_data['content_type'])) { $arr = array('rel_type' => $page_data['content_type'], 'field' => 'title', 'value' => $page_data['title']); $results[] = $arr; } if (isset($page_data['subtype'])) { $arr = array('rel_type' => $page_data['subtype'], 'field' => 'title', 'value' => $page_data['title']); $results[] = $arr; } } if (isset($page_data['content']) and $page_data['content'] != '') { $arr = array('rel_type' => 'content', 'field' => 'content', 'value' => $page_data['content']); $results[] = $arr; if (isset($page_data['content_type'])) { $arr = array('rel_type' => $page_data['content_type'], 'field' => 'content', 'value' => $page_data['content']); $results[] = $arr; } if (isset($page_data['subtype'])) { $arr = array('rel_type' => $page_data['subtype'], 'field' => 'content', 'value' => $page_data['content']); $results[] = $arr; } } //$results[] } } else { $data['is_draft'] = 1; $data['full'] = 1; $data['all'] = 1; $results = $this->edit_field($data); } $ret = array(); if ($results == false) { return; } $i = 0; foreach ($results as $item) { if (isset($item['value'])) { $field_content = htmlspecialchars_decode($item['value']); $field_content = $this->_decode_entities($field_content); $item['value'] = mw()->parser->process($field_content, $options = false); } $ret[$i] = $item; $i++; } return $ret; }
<?php only_admin_access(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ mw.options.form('.<?php print $config['module_class']; ?> ,.mw_adm_cont_head_change_holder', function(){ mw.notification.success("<?php _e("Advanced settings updated"); ?> ."); }); mw.options.form('.<?php print $config['module_class']; ?> ,.mw_adm_robots_txt_change_holder', function(){ mw.notification.success("<?php _e("Advanced settings updated"); ?> ."); }); }); </script>
public function move_uploaded_file_to_backup($params) { only_admin_access(); if (!isset($params['src'])) { return array('error' => 'You have not provided src to the file.'); } $check = url2dir(trim($params['src'])); $here = $this->get_bakup_location(); if (is_file($check)) { $fn = basename($check); if (copy($check, $here . $fn)) { @unlink($check); return array('success' => "{$fn} was uploaded!"); } else { return array('error' => 'Error moving uploaded file!'); } } else { return array('error' => 'Uploaded file is not found!'); } }
function install_version($new_version) { if (defined("MW_API_CALL")) { only_admin_access(); } $params = array(); if (!strstr(INI_SYSTEM_CHECK_DISABLED, 'ini_set')) { ini_set("set_time_limit", 0); } if (!strstr(INI_SYSTEM_CHECK_DISABLED, 'set_time_limit')) { set_time_limit(0); } $params['mw_version'] = MW_VERSION; $params['core_update'] = $new_version; $params['mw_update_check_site'] = $this->app->url_manager->site(); $result = $this->call('get_download_link', $params); if (isset($result["core_update"])) { $value = trim($result["core_update"]); $fname = basename($value); $dir_c = mw_cache_path() . 'update/downloads' . DS; if (!is_dir($dir_c)) { mkdir_recursive($dir_c); } $dl_file = $dir_c . $fname; if (!is_file($dl_file)) { $this->_log_msg('Downloading core update'); $get = $this->app->url_manager->download($value, $post_params = false, $save_to_file = $dl_file); } if (is_file($dl_file)) { $unzip = new \Microweber\Utils\Unzip(); $target_dir = MW_ROOTPATH; $this->_log_msg('Preparing to unzip core update'); $result = $unzip->extract($dl_file, $target_dir, $preserve_filepath = true); $this->_log_msg('Core update unzipped'); $new_composer = $target_dir . 'composer.json.merge'; if (is_file($new_composer)) { // $this->composer_merge($new_composer); } $this->post_update(); return $result; } } }
public function delete_media_file($params) { only_admin_access(); $target_path = media_base_path() . 'uploaded' . DS; $target_path = normalize_path($target_path, 0); $path_restirct = userfiles_path(); $fn_remove_path = $_REQUEST["path"]; $resp = array(); if ($fn_remove_path != false and is_array($fn_remove_path)) { foreach ($fn_remove_path as $key => $value) { $fn_remove = $this->app->url_manager->to_path($value); if (isset($fn_remove) and trim($fn_remove) != '' and trim($fn_remove) != 'false') { $path = urldecode($fn_remove); $path = normalize_path($path, 0); $path = str_replace('..', '', $path); $path = str_replace($path_restirct, '', $path); $target_path = userfiles_path() . DS . $path; $target_path = normalize_path($target_path, false); if (stristr($target_path, media_base_path())) { if (is_dir($target_path)) { mw('Microweber\\Utils\\Files')->rmdir($target_path, false); $resp = array('success' => 'Directory ' . $target_path . ' is deleted'); } else { if (is_file($target_path)) { unlink($target_path); $resp = array('success' => 'File ' . basename($target_path) . ' is deleted'); } else { $resp = array('error' => 'Not valid file or folder ' . $target_path . ' '); } } } else { $resp = array('error' => 'Not allowed to delete on ' . $target_path . ' '); } } } } return $resp; }
function mw_send_anonymous_server_data($params) { only_admin_access(); $update_api = mw('update'); if ($params != false) { $params = parse_params($params); } if (method_exists($update_api, 'send_anonymous_server_data')) { $iudates = $update_api->send_anonymous_server_data($params); return $iudates; } else { $params['site_url'] = site_url(); $result = $update_api->call('send_anonymous_server_data', $params); return $result; } }
static function mark_as_old($data) { only_admin_access(); if (isset($data['content_id'])) { $table = MODULE_DB_COMMENTS; mw_var('FORCE_SAVE', $table); $data['is_new'] = 1; $get_comm = get_comments($data); if (!empty($get_comm)) { foreach ($get_comm as $get_com) { $upd = array(); $upd['is_new'] = 0; $upd['id'] = $get_com['id']; $upd['rel_type'] = 'content'; $upd['rel_id'] = mw()->database_manager->escape_string($data['content_id']); mw()->database_manager->save($table, $upd); } } return $get_comm; } }
public function export() { only_admin_access(); $cont = get_content("is_active=1&is_deleted=0&limit=250000&orderby=updated_at desc"); print count($cont); exit; }