// 全局的 uid $gid = $user['gid']; // 全局的 gid $group = $grouplist[$gid]; // 全局的 user,全局变量除了 $conf, 其他全部加下划线 $forumlist_show = forum_list_access_filter($forumlist, $gid); // 有权限查看的板块 $header['title'] = $conf['sitename']; // 网站标题 $header['keywords'] = $conf['sitename']; // 关键词 $header['description'] = $conf['sitename']; // 描述 // 启动在线,将清理函数注册,不能写日志。 $runtime = runtime_init(); $sid = online_init(); $fid = 0; // 检测浏览器 $browser = get__browser(); check_browser($browser); // 检测站点运行级别 check_runlevel(); check_banip($ip); // 记录 POST 数据 DEBUG and log_post_data(); // 全站的设置数据 $setting = cache_get('setting'); //DEBUG AND online_end(); //DEBUG AND ($method == 'POST' || $ajax) AND sleep(1); list($tid, $thread) = parse_seo_url(); $route = param(0, 'index');
$pwd = md5(md5($adminpass) . $salt); $admin = array('username' => $adminuser, 'email' => $adminemail, 'password' => $pwd, 'salt' => $salt, 'create_ip' => $longip, 'create_date' => $time); user_update(1, $admin); /*friendlink_create(array( 'name' => 'Xiuno BBS', 'url' => 'http://bbs.xiuno.com/', 'rank' => 0, 'create_date' => $time, ));*/ $setting = array('sitebrief' => '', 'seo_title' => '', 'seo_keywords' => '', 'seo_description' => '', 'footer_code' => ''); kv_set('setting', $setting); // 写测试数据 if ($test_data == 1) { runtime_truncate(); runtime_init(); online_init(); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $subject = '欢迎使用 Xiuno BBS 3.0 新一代论坛系统。' . $i; $message = '祝您使用愉快!'; $thread = array('fid' => 1, 'uid' => 1, 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message, 'seo_url' => '', 'time' => $time, 'longip' => $longip); $tid = thread_create($thread, $pid); for ($j = 0; $j < 2; $j++) { $post = array('tid' => $tid, 'uid' => 1, 'create_date' => $time, 'userip' => $longip, 'isfirst' => 0, 'message' => $message . rand(1, 10000)); $pid = post_create($post, 1); } } } message(0, '安装成功。'); } // 写数据库 function write_database($filename, $echo = FALSE)