Ejemplo n.º 1
        echo do_shortcode($section_subtitle);
    $testimonial_item = '';
    $testimonial_str = '';
    $m = 0;
    for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++) {
        $avatar = esc_url(onetone_option('section_avatar_' . $i . '_' . $j));
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        if ($avatar != '') {
            $avatar = '<img src="' . esc_url($avatar) . '" class="img-circle">';
        if ($description != '') {
            $testimonial_item .= '<div class="col-md-' . $col . '">
	  <div class="' . $onetone_animated . '" data-animationduration="0.9" data-animationtype="fadeInUp" data-imageanimation="no">
						  <div class="magee-testimonial-box">
    <div class="testimonial-content">
      <div class="testimonial-quote">' . do_shortcode($description) . '</div>
    <div class="testimonial-vcard style1">
      <div class="testimonial-avatar">' . $avatar . '</div>
      <div class="testimonial-author">
        <h4 class="name" style="text-transform: uppercase;">' . $name . '</h4>
        <div class="title">' . $byline . '</div>

$enable_footer_widget_area = esc_attr(onetone_option('enable_footer_widget_area', ''));
if ($enable_footer_widget_area == '1') {
			<div class="footer-widget-area">
				<div class="container">
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							<div class="col-md-3 col-md-6">
    if (is_active_sidebar("footer_widget_1")) {
						<div class="col-md-3 col-md-6">
    if (is_active_sidebar("footer_widget_2")) {
						<div class="col-md-3 col-md-6">
    if (is_active_sidebar("footer_widget_3")) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Defines an array of options that will be used to generate the settings page and be saved in the database.
 * When creating the 'id' fields, make sure to use all lowercase and no spaces.
function optionsframework_options()
    global $social_icons, $sidebars;
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    $choices = array('yes' => __('Yes', 'onetone'), 'no' => __('No', 'onetone'));
    $choices2 = array('1' => __('Yes', 'onetone'), '0' => __('No', 'onetone'));
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    $section_title = array("", "", "", "GALLERY", "OUR TEAM", "ABOUT", "TESTIMONIALS", "", "CONTACT");
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    $section_content = array('<div class="banner-box">

<h1>Powerful One page Theme</h1>
<div class="sub-title">Based on Bootstrap framework and Shortcodes, quick set and easy build, <br>shines one page small business website.</div>
<div class="banner-scroll"><a class="scroll" href="#about" data-section="about"><img src="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/themes/onetone/images/down.png') . '" alt="" /></a></div>
<div class="banner-sns">
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<h4>Morbi rutrum, elit ac fermentum egestas, tortor ante vestibulum est, eget scelerisque nisl velit eget tellus.</h4>
[/ms_promo_box]', '[ms_row]
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[ms_featurebox style="1" title_font_size="18px" title_color="#666666" icon_circle="no" icon_size="46px" title="FREE PSD TEMPLATE" icon="fa-hourglass-end" alignment="left" icon_animation_type="" icon_color="#000000" icon_background_color="" icon_border_color="" icon_border_width="" flip_icon="none" spinning_icon="no" icon_image="" icon_image_width="" icon_image_height="" link_url="" link_target="_blank" link_text= link_color="" content_color="#666666" content_box_background_color="" class="" id=""]Integer pulvinar elementum est, suscipit ornare ante finibus ac. Praesent vel ex dignissim, rhoncus eros luctus, dignissim arcu.[/ms_featurebox]
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[ms_featurebox style="1" title_font_size="18px" title_color="#666666" icon_circle="no" icon_size="46px" title="FREE PSD TEMPLATE" icon="fa-heart" alignment="left" icon_animation_type="" icon_color="#000000" icon_background_color="" icon_border_color="" icon_border_width="" flip_icon="none" spinning_icon="no" icon_image="" icon_image_width="" icon_image_height="" link_url="" link_target="_blank" link_text="" link_color="" content_color="#666666" content_box_background_color="" class="" id=""]Integer pulvinar elementum est, suscipit ornare ante finibus ac. Praesent vel ex dignissim, rhoncus eros luctus, dignissim arcu.[/ms_featurebox]
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[ms_column style="1/3"]
[ms_featurebox style="1" title_font_size="18px" title_color="#666666" icon_circle="no" icon_size="46px" title="FREE PSD TEMPLATE" icon="fa-tag" alignment="left" icon_animation_type="" icon_color="#000000" icon_background_color="" icon_border_color="" icon_border_width="" flip_icon="none" spinning_icon="no" icon_image="" icon_image_width="" icon_image_height="" link_url="" link_target="_blank" link_text="" link_color="" content_color="#666666" content_box_background_color="" class="" id=""]Integer pulvinar elementum est, suscipit ornare ante finibus ac. Praesent vel ex dignissim, rhoncus eros luctus, dignissim arcu.[/ms_featurebox]
[/ms_row]', '<p>Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere ce.<br>Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.</p>
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[ms_column style="1/3"][ms_image_frame src="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/8.jpg') . '" link="javascript:;" link_target="_self" class="" id=""][/ms_column]
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[ms_column style="1/3"][ms_image_frame src="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/10.jpg') . '" link="javascript:;" link_target="_self" class="" id=""][/ms_column]
[ms_column style="1/3"][ms_image_frame src="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/11.jpg') . '" link="javascript:;" link_target="_self" class="" id=""][/ms_column]
[ms_column style="1/3"][ms_image_frame src="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/12.jpg') . '" link="javascript:;" link_target="_self" class="" id=""][/ms_column]
[/ms_row]', '<p style="text-align: center;">Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere ce.<br>Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.</p>
[ms_divider style="blank" align="left"  width="100%"  margin_top="30px" margin_bottom="0" border_size="" border_color="" icon="" class="" id=""]
[ms_column style="1/4"]
[ms_person name="Kevin Perry" title="Software Developer" picture="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/001.jpg') . '" piclink="" picborder="1px" picbordercolor="#eeeeee" picborderradius="0" iconboxedradius="4px"iconcolor="#000000" icon1="fa-facebook" icon2="fa-twitter" icon3="fa-google-plus" icon4="" icon5="" link1="" link2="" link3="" link4="" link5="" class="" id=""]Vivamus congue justo eget diam interdum scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. [/ms_person]
[ms_column style="1/4"]
[ms_person name="Jennifer Lee" title="Software Engineer" picture="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/002.jpg') . '" piclink="" picborder="1px" picbordercolor="#eeeeee" picborderradius="0" iconboxedradius="4px" iconcolor="#000000" icon1="fa-facebook" icon2="fa-twitter" icon3="fa-google-plus" icon4="" icon5="" link1="" link2="" link3="" link4="" link5="" class="" id=""]Vivamus congue justo eget diam interdum scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. [/ms_person]
[ms_column style="1/4"]
[ms_person name="Brandon Ross" title="Java Developer" picture="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/003.jpg') . '" piclink="" picborder="1px" picbordercolor="#eeeeee" picborderradius="0" iconboxedradius="4px" iconcolor="#000000" icon1="fa-facebook" icon2="fa-twitter" icon3="fa-google-plus" icon4="" icon5="" link1="" link2="" link3="" link4="" link5="" class="" id=""]Vivamus congue justo eget diam interdum scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. [/ms_person]
[ms_column style="1/4"]
[ms_person name="Sara Wright" title="Systems Engineer" picture="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/004.jpg') . '" piclink="" picborder="1px" picbordercolor="#eeeeee" picborderradius="0" iconboxedradius="4px" iconcolor="#000000" icon1="fa-facebook" icon2="fa-twitter" icon3="fa-google-plus" icon4="" icon5="" link1="" link2="" link3="" link4="" link5="" class="" id=""]Vivamus congue justo eget diam interdum scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. [/ms_person]
[/ms_row]', '<p style="text-align:center;">Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cet.<br>
Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.</p>
[ms_column style="2/3" class="" id=""]
<h3 style="color: #ffffff;">Biography</h3>
<p>Morbi rutrum, elit ac fermentum egestas, tortor ante vestibulum est, eget scelerisque nisl velit eget tellus. Fusce porta facilisis luctus. Integer neque dolor, rhoncus nec euismod eget, pharetra et tortor. Nulla id pulvinar nunc. Vestibulum auctor nisl vel lectus ullamcorper sed pellentesque dolor eleifend. Praesent lobortis magna vel diam mattis sagittis.Mauris porta odio eu risus scelerisque id facilisis ipsum dictum vitae volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar neque eu purus sollicitudin et sollicitudin dui ultricies. Maecenas cursus auctor tellus sit amet blandit. Maecenas a erat ac nibh molestie interdum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed lorem enim, ultricies sed sodales id, convallis molestie ipsum. Morbi eget dolor ligula. Vivamus accumsan rutrum nisi nec elementum. Pellentesque at nunc risus. Phasellus ullamcorper bibendum varius. Quisque quis ligula sit amet felis ornare porta. Aenean viverra lacus et mi elementum mollis. Praesent eu justo elit.</p>
[ms_column style="1/3" class="" id=""]
<h3 style="color: #ffffff;">Personal Info</h3>
[ms_list icon="fa-phone" icon_color="" icon_boxed="no" background_color="" boxed_shape="square" item_border="no" item_size="14px" class="" id=""][ms_list_item]+1123 2456 689[/ms_list_item][/ms_list]
[ms_list icon="fa-map-marker" icon_color="" icon_boxed="no" background_color="" boxed_shape="square" item_border="no" item_size="14px" class="" id=""][ms_list_item]3301 Lorem Ipsum, Dolor Sit St[/ms_list_item][/ms_list]
[ms_list icon="fa-envelope-o" icon_color="" icon_boxed="no" background_color="" boxed_shape="square" item_border="no" item_size="14px" class="" id=""][ms_list_item]<a href="#">support@mageewp.com</a>.[/ms_list_item][/ms_list]
[ms_list icon="fa-internet-explorer" icon_color="" icon_boxed="no" background_color="" boxed_shape="square" item_border="no" item_size="14px" class="" id=""][ms_list_item]<a href="#">Mageewp.com</a>[/ms_list_item][/ms_list]
[/ms_row]', '<p style="text-align: center; color: #ffffff;">Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere c.<br>Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.</p>', '[ms_row]
[ms_column style="1/3" class="" id=""]
[ms_testimonial style="normal" name="JACK GREEN" avatar="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/111.jpg') . '" byline="Web Developer" alignment="none" class="" id=""]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.[/ms_testimonial]
[ms_column style="1/3" class="" id=""]
[ms_testimonial style="normal" name="ANNA CASS" avatar="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/222.jpg') . '" byline="Conference" alignment="none" class="" id=""]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.[/ms_testimonial]
[ms_column style="1/3" class="" id=""]
[ms_testimonial style="normal" name="JEREMY THOMAS" avatar="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/333.jpg') . '" byline="CEO Conference" alignment="none" class="" id=""]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.[/ms_testimonial]
[ms_row]', '<p style="text-align: center; color: #666666;">Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere ced.<br>Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.</p>
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    // HEADER
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-tachometer', 'name' => __('General Options', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Favicon', 'onetone'), 'desc' => sprintf(__('An icon associated with a URL that is variously displayed, as in a browser\'s address bar or next to the site name in a bookmark list. Learn more about <a href="%s" target="_blank">Favicon</a>', 'onetone'), esc_url("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon")), 'id' => 'favicon', 'type' => 'upload');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Back to Top Button', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'back_to_top_btn', 'std' => 'show', 'class' => 'mini', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array("show" => __('Show', 'onetone'), "hide" => __('Hide', 'onetone')));
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Custom CSS', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('The following css code will add to the header before the closing &lt;/head&gt; tag.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'custom_css', 'std' => 'body{margin:0px;}', 'type' => 'textarea');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'tracking_titled', 'name' => __('Tracking', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'class' => 'sub_section_titled');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'tracking_code', 'name' => __('Tracking Code', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Paste your Google Analytics (or other) tracking code here. This will be added into the header template of your theme. Please put code inside script tags.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'rows' => '8', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'space_before_head', 'name' => __('Space before &lt;/head&gt;', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Add code before the head tag.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'rows' => '6', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'space_before_body', 'name' => __('Space before &lt;/body&gt;', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Add code before the body tag.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'rows' => '6', 'class' => '');
    ////HOME PAGE
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-home', 'name' => __('Home Page', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Content Sections Num', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('The number of home page sections.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_num', 'std' => $section_num, 'type' => 'text');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Background Video', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'ab0TSkLe-E0', 'desc' => __('YouTube Video ID', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_background_video_0', 'type' => 'text');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Video Controls', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Display video control buttons.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'video_controls', 'std' => '1', 'class' => 'mini', 'options' => $choices2, 'type' => 'select');
    $video_background_section = array("0" => "No video background");
    if (is_numeric($section_num)) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $section_num; $i++) {
            $video_background_section[$i] = "Secion " . $i;
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Video Background Section', 'onetone'), 'std' => '1', 'id' => 'video_background_section', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $video_background_section);
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Section 1 Content', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'content', 'id' => 'section_1_content', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array("content" => "Content", "slider" => "Slider"));
    if (isset($section_num) && is_numeric($section_num) && $section_num > 0) {
        $section_num = $section_num;
    } else {
        $section_num = $default_section_num;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $section_num; $i++) {
        if (!isset($section_title[$i])) {
            $section_title[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($section_menu[$i])) {
            $section_menu[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($section_background[$i])) {
            $section_background[$i] = array('color' => '', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => '', 'position' => '', 'attachment' => '');
        if (!isset($section_css_class[$i])) {
            $section_css_class[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($section_content[$i])) {
            $section_content[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($section_slug[$i])) {
            $section_slug[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($text_align[$i])) {
            $text_align[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($section_title_typography_defaults[$i])) {
            $section_title_typography_defaults[$i] = $section_title_typography_defaults_1;
        if (!isset($section_content_typography_defaults[$i])) {
            $section_content_typography_defaults[$i] = $section_title_typography_defaults_1;
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_group_start_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => 'home-section group_close');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sections_titled_' . $i, 'name' => sprintf(__('Section %s', 'onetone'), $i + 1) . ' <span id="accordion-group-section-' . $i . '" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close accordion-group-title-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Title', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_title_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_title[$i], 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Menu Title', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'menu_title_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_menu[$i], 'desc' => __('This title will display in the header menu. It is required', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Menu Slug', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'menu_slug_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_slug[$i], 'desc' => __('The  "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Background', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_background_' . $i . '', 'std' => $section_background[$i], 'type' => 'background', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Parallax Scrolling Background Image', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'no', 'id' => 'parallax_scrolling_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'options' => $choices);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Css Class', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_css_class_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_css_class[$i], 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Padding', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_padding_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_padding[$i], 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Text Align', 'onetone'), 'std' => $text_align[$i], 'id' => 'text_align_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'options' => $align);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Content', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_content_' . $i, 'std' => $section_content[$i], 'type' => 'editor', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Title Typography', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_title_typography_" . $i, 'std' => $section_title_typography_defaults[$i], 'type' => 'typography', 'options' => $typography_options, 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Content Typography', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_content_typography_" . $i, 'std' => $section_content_typography_defaults[$i], 'type' => 'typography', 'options' => $typography_options, 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'desc' => '<div style="overflow:hidden; background-color:#eee; padding:20px;"><a data-section="' . $i . '" class="delete-section button" style="float:right;" title="' . __('Delete this section', 'onetone') . '">' . __('Delete this section', 'onetone') . '</a></div>', 'id' => 'delete_section_' . $i, 'std' => '', 'type' => 'info', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_group_end_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'end_group');
    // header
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-h-square', 'name' => __('Header', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_titled', 'name' => __('Header Background', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-header_background" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_overlay', 'name' => __('Header Overlay', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => 'no', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $choices_reverse);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_image', 'name' => __('Header Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Background Image For Header Area', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_full', 'name' => __('100% Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Turn on to have the header background image display at 100% in width and height and scale according to the browser size.', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'yes', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $choices);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_parallax', 'name' => __('Parallax Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Turn on to enable parallax scrolling on the background image for header top positions.', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'no', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $choices_reverse);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_repeat', 'name' => __('Background Repeat', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select how the background image repeats.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $repeat);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_top_padding', 'name' => __('Header Top Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_bottom_padding', 'name' => __('Header Bottom Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background');
    //// Top Bar
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_options', 'name' => __('Top Bar Options', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-3" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'display_top_bar', 'name' => __('Display Top Bar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3', 'options' => $choices);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_background_color', 'name' => __('Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_left_content', 'name' => __('Left Content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3', 'options' => array('info' => __('info', 'onetone'), 'sns' => __('sns', 'onetone'), 'menu' => __('menu', 'onetone'), 'none' => __('none', 'onetone')));
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_right_content', 'name' => __('Right Content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3', 'options' => array('info' => __('info', 'onetone'), 'sns' => __('sns', 'onetone'), 'menu' => __('menu', 'onetone'), 'none' => __('none', 'onetone')));
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_info_color', 'name' => __('Info Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_info_content', 'name' => __('Info Content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_menu_color', 'name' => __('Menu Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'social_links', 'name' => __('Social Links', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    if ($social_icons) {
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($social_icons as $social_icon) {
            $options[] = array('id' => 'header_social_title_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Title', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => '', 'std' => $social_icon['title'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
            $options[] = array('id' => 'header_social_icon_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Icon', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => __('FontAwesome Icon', 'onetone'), 'std' => $social_icon['icon'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
            $options[] = array('id' => 'header_social_link_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Icon Link', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => '', 'std' => $social_icon['link'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_social_icons_color', 'name' => __('Social Icons Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_social_icons_tooltip_position', 'name' => __('Social Icon Tooltip Position', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => 'bottom', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3', 'options' => array('left' => __('left', 'onetone'), 'right' => __('right', 'onetone'), 'bottom' => __('bottom', 'onetone')));
    // Sticky Header
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-thumb-tack', 'name' => __('Sticky Header', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'enable_sticky_header', 'name' => __('Enable Sticky Header', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'enable_sticky_header_tablets', 'name' => __('Enable Sticky Header on Tablets', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'enable_sticky_header_mobiles', 'name' => __('Enable Sticky Header on Mobiles', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_menu_item_padding', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Menu Item Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the space between each menu item in the sticky header. Use a number without \'px\', default is 0. ex: 10', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_navigation_font_size', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Navigation Font Size', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the font size of the menu items in the sticky header. Use a number without \'px\', default is 14. ex: 14', 'onetone'), 'std' => '14', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_logo_width', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Logo Width', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the logo width in the sticky header. Use a number without \'px\'.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    //// logo
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-star', 'name' => __('Logo', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo', 'name' => __('Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'sub_section_titled');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo', 'name' => __('Upload Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for your logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_retina', 'name' => __('Upload Logo (Retina Version @2x)', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for the retina version of the logo. It should be exactly 2x the size of main logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'retina_logo_width', 'name' => __('Standard Logo Width for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version width, do not enter the retina logo width. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'retina_logo_height', 'name' => __('Standard Logo Height for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version height, do not enter the retina logo height. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_logo', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Logo', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-sticky_header" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo', 'name' => __('Upload Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for your logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-sticky_header');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo_retina', 'name' => __('Upload Logo (Retina Version @2x)', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for the retina version of the logo. It should be exactly 2x the size of main logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-sticky_header');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo_width_for_retina_logo', 'name' => __('Sticky Logo Width for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version width, do not enter the retina logo width. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-sticky_header');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo_height_for_retina_logo', 'name' => __('Sticky Logo Height for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version height, do not enter the retina logo height. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-sticky_header');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_left_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Left Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_right_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Right Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_top_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Top Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_bottom_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Bottom Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    // styleling
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-eyedropper', 'name' => __('Styling', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    /*$options[] = array(
           'id'          => 'primary_color',
           'name'       => __( 'Primary Color', 'onetone' ),
           'desc'        => '',
           'std'         => '',
           'type'        => 'select',
           'section'     => 'styling_tab_section',
           'class'       => '',
           'options'     => array( 
             'red'     => 'red',
             'blue'     => 'blue',
             'green'     => 'green',
             'grey'     => 'grey',
    $options[] = array('id' => 'primary_color', 'name' => __('Primary Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '#963', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    //Background Colors
    $options[] = array('id' => 'background_colors', 'name' => __('Background Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-background_colors" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_background_color', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_background_opacity', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Background Opacity', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Opacity only works with header top position and ranges between 0 (transparent) and 1.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0.7', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'options' => $opacity, 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_color', 'name' => __('Header Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_opacity', 'name' => __('Header Background Opacity', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Opacity only works with header top position and ranges between 0 (transparent) and 1.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '1', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'options' => $opacity, 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'content_background_color', 'name' => __('Content Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_background_color', 'name' => __('Sidebar Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_background_color', 'name' => __('Footer Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'copyright_background_color', 'name' => __('Copyright Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    //Background Colors
    $options[] = array('id' => 'element_colors', 'name' => __('Element Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-element_colors" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_widget_divider_color', 'name' => __('Footer Widget Divider Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the divider color in the footer.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-element_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'form_background_color', 'name' => __('Form Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the background color of form fields.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-element_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'form_text_color', 'name' => __('Form Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the text color for forms.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-element_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'form_border_color', 'name' => __('Form Border Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the border color for forms.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-element_colors');
    //  layout options
    $options[] = array('id' => 'layout_options', 'name' => __('Layout Options', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-layout_options" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
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    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_padding', 'name' => __('Sidebar Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Enter a pixel or percentage based value, ex: 5px or 5%', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-layout_options');
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    $options[] = array('id' => 'column_bottom_margin', 'name' => __('Column Bottom Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the bottom margin for all column sizes. In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '20px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-layout_options');
    //  layout options
    $options[] = array('id' => 'font_colors', 'name' => __('Font Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-font_colors_options" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    // header tagline/page title/h1-h6/body text/link/breadcrumb text/sidebar widget headings/footer headings/footer text/footer link
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_tagline_color', 'name' => __('Header Tagline', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'page_title_color', 'name' => __('Page Title', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h1_color', 'name' => __('Heading 1 (H1) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h2_color', 'name' => __('Heading 2 (H2) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h3_color', 'name' => __('Heading 3 (H3) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h4_color', 'name' => __('Heading 4 (H4) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h5_color', 'name' => __('Heading 5 (H5) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h6_color', 'name' => __('Heading 6 (H6) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'body_text_color', 'name' => __('Body Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'links_color', 'name' => __('Links Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'breadcrumbs_text_color', 'name' => __('Breadcrumbs Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_widget_headings_color', 'name' => __('Sidebar Widget Headings Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_headings_color', 'name' => __('Footer Headings Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_text_color', 'name' => __('Footer Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_link_color', 'name' => __('Footer Link Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    // main menu colors
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_colors', 'name' => __('Main Menu Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_background_color_1', 'name' => __('Main Menu Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_color_1', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Color ( First Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_hover_color_1', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Hover Color ( First Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_background_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Background Color ( Sub Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Color ( Sub Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_hover_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Hover Color ( Sub Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_separator_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Separator Color ( Sub Levels )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-columns', 'name' => __('Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_blog_posts', 'name' => __('Blog Posts', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-8" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_blog_posts', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-8', 'options' => $sidebars);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_blog_posts', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-8', 'options' => $sidebars);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_blog_archive', 'name' => __('Blog Archive / Category Pages', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-10" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_blog_archive', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-10', 'options' => $sidebars);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_blog_archive', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-10', 'options' => $sidebars);
    //Sidebar search'
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_search', 'name' => __('Search Page', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-14" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_search', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-14', 'options' => $sidebars);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_search', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-14', 'options' => $sidebars);
    //Sidebar 404 page'
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_404', 'name' => __('404 Page', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-404" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_404', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-404', 'options' => $sidebars);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_404', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-404', 'options' => $sidebars);
    // Slider
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-sliders', 'name' => __('Slider', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Slideshow', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'group_title', 'type' => 'title');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_1', 'name' => __('Slide 1', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-1" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_1', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-1.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-1');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_1', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>The jQuery slider that just slides.</h1><p>No fancy effects or unnecessary markup.</p><a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-1');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_2', 'name' => __('Slide 2', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-2" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_2', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-2.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-2');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_2', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>Fluid, flexible, fantastically minimal.</h1><p>Use any HTML in your slides, extend with CSS. You have full control.</p><a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-2');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_3', 'name' => __('Slide 3', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-3" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_3', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-3.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-3');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_3', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>Open-source.</h1><p> Vestibulum auctor nisl vel lectus ullamcorper sed pellentesque dolor eleifend.</p><a class="btn" href="#">Contribute</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_4', 'name' => __('Slide 4', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-4" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_4', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-4.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-4');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_4', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>Uh, that\'s about it.</h1><p>I just wanted to show you another slide.</p><a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-4');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_5', 'name' => __('Slide 5', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-5" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_5', 'type' => 'upload', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-5');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_5', 'type' => 'editor', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-5');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Slide Speed', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'slide_time', 'std' => '5000', 'desc' => __('Milliseconds between the end of the sliding effect and the start of the nex one.', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text');
    // FOOTER
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-hand-o-down', 'name' => __('Footer', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Enable Footer Widgets Area', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'id' => 'enable_footer_widget_area', 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'checkbox');
    // 404
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-frown-o', 'name' => __('404 page', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('404 page content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'id' => 'content_404', 'std' => '<h2>WHOOPS!</h2>
                        <p>THERE IS NOTHING HERE.<br>PERHAPS YOU WERE GIVEN THE WRONG URL?</p>', 'type' => 'editor');
    return $options;
Ejemplo n.º 4
                                    <div class="author-description">
    $related_number = onetone_option('related_number', 8);
    $related = onetone_get_related_posts($post->ID, $related_number, 'post');
    if ($related->have_posts()) {
        $date_format = onetone_option('date_format', 'M d, Y');
                                <!--About Author End-->
                                <!--Related Posts-->
                                <div class="related-posts">
        _e('Related Posts', 'onetone');
                                        <div class="multi-carousel onetone-related-posts owl-carousel owl-theme">
        while ($related->have_posts()) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
function onetone_custom_scripts()
    global $page_meta, $post, $active_magee_shortcodes;
    if ($post) {
        $page_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_onetone_post_meta');
    if (isset($page_meta[0]) && $page_meta[0] != '') {
        $page_meta = @json_decode($page_meta[0], true);
    $theme_info = wp_get_theme();
    $detect = new Mobile_Detect();
    wp_enqueue_style('Yanone-Kaffeesatz', esc_url('//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,700|Yanone+Kaffeesatz'), false, '', false);
    wp_enqueue_style('onetone-font-awesome', get_template_directory_uri() . '/plugins/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', false, '4.3.0', false);
    wp_enqueue_style('onetone-bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() . '/plugins/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css', false, '3.3.4', false);
    wp_enqueue_style('onetone-owl-carousel', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/owl.carousel.css', false, '1.3.3', false);
    wp_enqueue_style('onetone-owl-theme', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/owl.theme.css', false, '1.3.3', false);
    wp_enqueue_style('prettyPhoto', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/prettyPhoto.css', false, '3.1.5', false);
    if (!onetone_is_plugin_active('magee-shortcodes/Magee.php')) {
        wp_enqueue_style('onetone-shortcodes', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/shortcode.css', false, $theme_info->get('Version'), false);
    wp_enqueue_style('onetone-main', get_stylesheet_uri(), array(), $theme_info->get('Version'));
    wp_enqueue_style('onetone-onetone', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/onetone.css', false, $theme_info->get('Version'), false);
    wp_enqueue_style('onetone-ms', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/onetone-ms.css', false, $theme_info->get('Version'), false);
    wp_enqueue_style('onetone-scheme', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/scheme.less', false, $theme_info->get('Version'), false);
    $background_array = onetone_option("page_background");
    $background = onetone_get_background($background_array);
    $header_image = get_header_image();
    $onetone_custom_css = "";
    if (isset($header_image) && !empty($header_image)) {
        $onetone_custom_css .= ".home-header{background:url(" . $header_image . ") repeat;}\n";
    if ('blank' != get_header_textcolor() && '' != get_header_textcolor()) {
        $header_color = ' color:#' . get_header_textcolor() . ';';
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    // header
    $sticky_header_background_color = esc_attr(onetone_option('sticky_header_background_color', ''));
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    $header_background_color = esc_attr(onetone_option('header_background_color', ''));
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        $header_background .= "background-image: url(" . esc_url($header_background_image) . ");\r\n";
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    // Header  Padding
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    //Layout Options
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    //fonts color
    $header_tagline_color = esc_attr(onetone_option('header_tagline_color', ''));
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    $footer_headings_color = esc_attr(onetone_option('footer_headings_color', ''));
    $footer_text_color = esc_attr(onetone_option('footer_text_color', ''));
    $footer_link_color = esc_attr(onetone_option('footer_link_color', ''));
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    if ($body_text_color) {
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    //Main Menu Colors
    $main_menu_background_color_1 = esc_attr(onetone_option('main_menu_background_color_1', ''));
    $main_menu_font_color_1 = esc_attr(onetone_option('main_menu_font_color_1', ''));
    $main_menu_font_hover_color_1 = esc_attr(onetone_option('main_menu_font_hover_color_1', ''));
    $main_menu_background_color_2 = esc_attr(onetone_option('main_menu_background_color_2', ''));
    $main_menu_font_color_2 = esc_attr(onetone_option('main_menu_font_color_2', ''));
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        $onetone_custom_css .= "#menu-main  li li a{color:" . $main_menu_font_color_2 . ";}";
    if ($main_menu_font_hover_color_2) {
        $onetone_custom_css .= "#menu-main  li li a:hover{color:" . $main_menu_font_hover_color_2 . ";}";
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        wp_enqueue_script('onetone-bigvideo', get_template_directory_uri() . '/plugins/jquery.tubular.1.0.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
    wp_enqueue_script('onetone-bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() . '/plugins/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js', array('jquery'), '3.3.4 ', false);
    wp_enqueue_script('onetone-nav', get_template_directory_uri() . '/plugins/jquery.nav.js', array('jquery'), '1.4.14 ', false);
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    if (is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option('thread_comments')) {
    $slide_time = onetone_option("slide_time");
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    $isMobile = 0;
    if ($detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) {
        $isMobile = 1;
    $sticky_header = esc_attr(onetone_option('enable_sticky_header', 'yes'));
    wp_localize_script('onetone-default', 'onetone_params', array('ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'themeurl' => get_template_directory_uri(), 'slideSpeed' => $slide_time, 'sticky_header' => $sticky_header, 'isMobile' => $isMobile, 'primary_color' => $primary_color));

$right_sidebar = esc_attr(onetone_option('right_sidebar_search', ''));
if ($right_sidebar && is_active_sidebar($right_sidebar)) {
} elseif (is_active_sidebar('default_sidebar')) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
 for ($i = 0; $i < $section_num; $i++) {
     if ($section_1_content == 'slider' && $i == 0) {
         echo onetone_get_default_slider();
     } else {
         $section_title = onetone_option('section_title_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['section_title']) ? $default_options[$i]['section_title'] : '');
         $section_menu = onetone_option('menu_title_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['menu_title']) ? $default_options[$i]['menu_title'] : '');
         $section_background = onetone_option('section_background_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['section_background']) ? $default_options[$i]['section_background'] : '');
         $parallax_scrolling = onetone_option('parallax_scrolling_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['parallax_scrolling']) ? $default_options[$i]['parallax_scrolling'] : '');
         $section_css_class = onetone_option('section_css_class_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['section_css_class']) ? $default_options[$i]['section_css_class'] : '');
         $section_content = onetone_option('section_content_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['section_content']) ? $default_options[$i]['section_content'] : onetone_option('sction_content_' . $i));
         $section_slug = onetone_option('menu_slug_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['menu_slug']) ? $default_options[$i]['menu_slug'] : '');
         $section_padding = onetone_option('section_padding_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['section_padding']) ? $default_options[$i]['section_padding'] : '50px 0');
         $text_align = onetone_option('text_align_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['text_align']) ? $default_options[$i]['text_align'] : '');
         $section_title_typography = onetone_option('section_title_typography_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['section_title_typography']) ? $default_options[$i]['section_title_typography'] : '');
         $title_typography = onetone_get_typography($section_title_typography);
         $section_content_typography = onetone_option('section_content_typography_' . $i, isset($default_options[$i]['section_content_typography']) ? $default_options[$i]['section_content_typography'] : '');
         $content_typography = onetone_get_typography($section_content_typography);
         if ($section_slug) {
             $section_slug = sanitize_title($section_slug);
         } else {
             $section_slug = 'section-' . ($i + 1);
         $section_css = '';
         $background = onetone_get_background($section_background);
         $sanitize_title = $section_slug;
         $css_class = isset($section_css_class) ? $section_css_class : "";
         $background_video = '';
         $video_wrap = '';
         $video_enable = 0;
         $detect = new Mobile_Detect();
         if ($section_background_video != "" && $video_background_section == $i + 1 && !$detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) {
Ejemplo n.º 8

$enable_footer_widget_area = esc_attr(onetone_option('enable_footer_widget_area'));
$footer_columns = onetone_option('footer_columns', '4');
$copyright_text = onetone_option('copyright', '');
$display_copyright_bar = onetone_option('display_copyright_bar', 'yes');
if ($enable_footer_widget_area == '1') {
			<div class="footer-widget-area">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="row">
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $footer_columns; $i++) {
                    <div class="col-md-<?php 
        echo 12 / $footer_columns;
        if (is_active_sidebar("footer_widget_" . $i)) {
            dynamic_sidebar("footer_widget_" . $i);

$video_background_section = onetone_option('video_background_section');
$i = $video_background_section - 1;
$video_controls = onetone_option('video_controls');
$section_background_video = onetone_option('section_background_video_0');
$youtube_bg_type = onetone_option("youtube_bg_type");
$youtube_bg_type = is_numeric($youtube_bg_type) ? $youtube_bg_type : "1";
$display_video_mobile = onetone_option("display_video_mobile", "no");
$start_play = onetone_option("section_youtube_start", 3);
$youtube_autoplay = onetone_option("youtube_autoplay");
$youtube_loop = onetone_option("youtube_loop");
$youtube_mute = onetone_option("youtube_mute");
if ($youtube_autoplay == '1') {
    $youtube_autoplay = 'true';
} else {
    $youtube_autoplay = 'false';
if ($youtube_loop == '1') {
    $youtube_loop = 'true';
} else {
    $youtube_loop = 'false';
if ($youtube_mute == '1') {
    $youtube_mute = 'true';
} else {
    $youtube_mute = 'false';
$containment = '.onetone-youtube-section';
if ($youtube_bg_type == '1') {
    $containment = 'body';
Ejemplo n.º 10
    $services = '';
    $service = '';
    $d = 0;
    for ($c = 0; $c < 6; $c++) {
        $image = onetone_option("section_image_" . $i . "_" . $c);
        $icon = onetone_option("section_icon_" . $i . "_" . $c);
        $title = onetone_option("section_title_" . $i . "_" . $c);
        $desc = onetone_option("section_desc_" . $i . "_" . $c);
        $link = esc_url(onetone_option("section_link_" . $i . "_" . $c));
        $target = esc_attr(onetone_option("section_target_" . $i . "_" . $c));
        if (!($icon == '' && $title == '' && $desc == '')) {
            if ($link == "") {
                $title = $title;
            } else {
                $title = '<a href="' . $link . '" target="' . $target . '">' . $title . '</a>';
            if ($image != '') {
                $service_icon = '<img src="' . esc_url($image) . '" alt="" />';
            } else {
                $service_icon = '<div class="icon-box" data-animation=""><i class="feature-box-icon fa ' . esc_attr($icon) . '"></i></div>';
            $service .= '<div class="col-md-4">
	<div class="' . $onetone_animated . '" data-animationduration="0.9" data-animationtype="zoomIn" data-imageanimation="no" id="">
  <div class="magee-feature-box style1" id="" data-os-animation="fadeOut">
     ' . $service_icon . '
Ejemplo n.º 11
 $video_background_type = onetone_option('video_background_type');
 $video_background_type = $video_background_type == "" ? "youtube" : $video_background_type;
 $section_1_content = onetone_option('section_1_content');
 $animated = onetone_option('home_animated');
 $section_1_content = $section_1_content == 'slider' ? 1 : $section_1_content;
 if ($animated == '1') {
     $onetone_animated = 'magee-animated';
 $sections_num = 15;
 $new_homepage_section = array();
 for ($i = 1; $i <= $sections_num; $i++) {
     $new_homepage_section[] = $i;
 $i = 0;
 foreach ($new_homepage_section as $section_part) {
     $hide_section = onetone_option('section_hide_' . ($section_part - 1));
     if ($hide_section != '1') {
         if ($section_part == 1 && $section_1_content == '1') {
             get_template_part('home-sections/section', 'slider');
         } else {
             if ($video_background_section > 0 && $video_background_section == $section_part && !$detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) {
                 get_template_part('home-sections/section', $video_background_type . '-video');
             } else {
                 get_template_part('home-sections/section', $section_part);
         <div class="clear"></div>
Ejemplo n.º 12
        echo esc_attr($btn_target);
" class=" magee-btn-normal btn-lg btn-line btn-light" style="text-decoration: none;"><?php 
        echo do_shortcode($btn_text);
          <div class="banner-sns" style="margin-top: 50px;">
    for ($s = 0; $s < 6; $s++) {
        $icon = onetone_option("section_social_icon_" . $i . "_" . $s);
        $link = onetone_option("section_icon_link_" . $i . "_" . $s);
        echo ' <li><a href="' . esc_url($link) . '" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-2 ' . esc_attr($icon) . '">&nbsp;</i></a></li>';
} else {
    if ($section_title != '') {
        <div class="section-title"><?php 
        echo do_shortcode($section_title);

$right_sidebar_blog_posts = esc_attr(onetone_option('right_sidebar_blog_posts', ''));
if ($right_sidebar_blog_posts && is_active_sidebar($right_sidebar_blog_posts)) {
} elseif (is_active_sidebar('default_sidebar')) {
Ejemplo n.º 14
        if ($avatar != '') {
            if ($link != '') {
                $image = '<a href="' . $link . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $avatar . '" alt="' . $name . '" style="border-radius: 0; display: inline-block;border-style: solid;" />
        <div class="img-overlay primary">
          <div class="img-overlay-container">
            <div class="img-overlay-content"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></div>
            } else {
                $image = '<img src="' . $avatar . '" alt="" />';
            $icons = '';
            for ($k = 0; $k < 4; $k++) {
                $icon = str_replace('fa-', '', esc_attr(onetone_option('section_icon_' . $i . '_' . $j . '_' . $k)));
                $link = esc_url(onetone_option('section_icon_link_' . $i . '_' . $j . '_' . $k));
                if ($icon != '') {
                    $icons .= '<li><a href="' . $link . '"><i class="fa fa-' . $icon . '"></i></a></li>';
            $team_item .= '<div class="col-md-' . $col . '">
	  <div class="' . $onetone_animated . '" data-animationduration="0.9" data-animationtype="fadeInDown" data-imageanimation="no">
						<div class="magee-person-box" id="">
						  <div class="person-img-box">
							<div class="img-box figcaption-middle text-center fade-in">' . $image . '</div>
						  <div class="person-vcard text-center">
							<h3 class="person-name" style="text-transform: uppercase;">' . $name . '</h3>
							<h4 class="person-title" style="text-transform: uppercase;">' . $byline . '</h4>
							<p class="person-desc">' . do_shortcode($description) . '</p>
							<ul class="person-social">
Ejemplo n.º 15

$left_sidebar = onetone_option('left_sidebar_search');
$right_sidebar = onetone_option('right_sidebar_search');
$sidebar = 'none';
if ($left_sidebar) {
    $sidebar = 'left';
if ($right_sidebar) {
    $sidebar = 'right';
if ($left_sidebar && $right_sidebar) {
    $sidebar = 'both';
$container = 'container';
<!--Main Area-->

<section class="page-title-bar title-left no-subtitle" style="">
  <div class="container">
onetone_get_breadcrumb(array("before" => "<div class=''>", "after" => "</div>", "show_browse" => false, "separator" => '', 'container' => 'div'));
    <div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="page-wrap">
  <div class="<?php 
echo $container;

$left_sidebar = esc_attr(onetone_option('left_sidebar_search', ''));
if ($left_sidebar && is_active_sidebar($left_sidebar)) {
} elseif (is_active_sidebar('default_sidebar')) {
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * Defines an array of options that will be used to generate the settings page and be saved in the database.
 * When creating the 'id' fields, make sure to use all lowercase and no spaces.
function optionsframework_options()
    global $social_icons, $sidebars;
    $font_color = array('color' => '');
    $section_font_color = array('color' => '');
    $choices = array('yes' => __('Yes', 'onetone'), 'no' => __('No', 'onetone'));
    $choices2 = array('1' => __('Yes', 'onetone'), '0' => __('No', 'onetone'));
    $choices_reverse = array('no' => __('No', 'onetone'), 'yes' => __('Yes', 'onetone'));
    $align = array('left' => __('left', 'onetone'), 'right' => __('right', 'onetone'), 'center' => __('center', 'onetone'));
    $repeat = array('repeat' => __('repeat', 'onetone'), 'repeat-x' => __('repeat-x', 'onetone'), 'repeat-y' => __('repeat-y', 'onetone'), 'no-repeat' => __('no-repeat', 'onetone'));
    $position = array('top left' => __('top left', 'onetone'), 'top center' => __('top center', 'onetone'), 'top right' => __('top right', 'onetone'), 'center left' => __('center left', 'onetone'), 'center center' => __('center center', 'onetone'), 'center right' => __('center right', 'onetone'), 'bottom left' => __('bottom left', 'onetone'), 'bottom center' => __('bottom center', 'onetone'), 'bottom right' => __('bottom right', 'onetone'));
    $opacity = array_combine(range(0.1, 1, 0.1), range(0.1, 1, 0.1));
    $font_size = array_combine(range(1, 100, 1), range(1, 100, 1));
    $section_title = array("", "About Us", "Services", "Gallery", "Contact", "Custom Section", "");
    $section_menu = array("Home", "About Us", "Services", "Gallery", "Contact", "Custom Section", "");
    $section_slug = array('home', 'about-us', 'services', 'gallery', 'contact', 'custom-section', 'clients');
    $section_padding = array('', '50px 0', '50px 0', '50px 0', '50px 0', '50px 0', '30px 0');
    $text_align = array('center', 'left', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'left', 'center');
    $default_section_num = count($section_menu);
    $section_num = onetone_option('section_num');
    $section_num = $section_num == "" ? 7 : $section_num;
    $section_background = array(array('color' => '', 'image' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/home-bg01.jpg', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '', 'image' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/home-bg02.jpg', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '', 'image' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/home-bg03.jpg', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '', 'image' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/home-bg02.jpg', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '', 'image' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/home-bg03.jpg', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '', 'image' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/home-bg02.jpg', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '#dddddd', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'));
    $section_css_class = array("section-banner", "section-about", "", "", "", "", "");
    $section_content = array('<div class="banner-box"><br/>
        	<h1>TARAY BOGRILOYAT srians</h1>
			<div class="sub-title">
			<div class="banner-scroll"><a href="#about-us" class="scroll" data-section="about-us"><img src="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/down.png" alt=""></a></div>
            <div class="banner-sns">
			<ul class="">
            	<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-2 fa-facebook">&nbsp;</i></a></li>
                <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-2 fa-skype">&nbsp;</i></a></li>
                <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-2 fa-twitter">&nbsp;</i></a></li>
                <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-2 fa-linkedin">&nbsp;</i></a></li>
                <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-2 fa-google-plus">&nbsp;</i></a></li>
                <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-2 fa-rss">&nbsp;</i></a></li>
            </div>', '<div class="two_third">
                <p>Morbi rutrum, elit ac fermentum egestas, tortor ante vestibulum est, eget 
					scelerisque nisl velit eget tellus. Fusce porta facilisis luctus. Integer neque 
					dolor, rhoncus nec euismod eget, pharetra et tortor. Nulla id pulvinar nunc. 
					Vestibulum auctor nisl vel lectus ullamcorper sed pellentesque dolor 
					eleifend. Praesent lobortis magna vel diam mattis sagittis.Mauris porta odio 
					eu risus scelerisque id facilisis ipsum dictum vitae volutpat. Lorem ipsum 
					dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar neque eu purus 
					sollicitudin et sollicitudin dui ultricies. Maecenas cursus auctor tellus sit 
					amet blandit. Maecenas a erat ac nibh molestie interdum. Class aptent 
					taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos 
					himenaeos. Sed lorem enim, ultricies sed sodales id, convallis molestie 
					ipsum. Morbi eget dolor ligula. Vivamus accumsan rutrum nisi nec 
					elementum. Pellentesque at nunc risus. Phasellus ullamcorper 
					bibendum varius. Quisque quis ligula sit amet felis ornare porta. Aenean 
					viverra lacus et mi elementum mollis. Praesent eu justo elit.</p>
            <div class="one_third last">
            	<h3>Personal Info</h3>
                	<li class="info-phone">+1123 2456 689</li>
					<li class="info-address">3301 Lorem Ipsum, Dolor Sit St</li>
					<li class="info-email"><a href="#">support@mageewp.com. </a></li>
					<li class="info-website"><a href="#">Mageewp.com</a></li>
            </div>', '[ms_column style="1/3" class="" id=""]
[ms_featurebox style="1" title_font_size="24px" title_color="" icon_circle="no" icon_size="4em" title="Service 1" icon="fa-desktop" alignment="left" icon_animation_type="" icon_color="#666" icon_background_color="" icon_border_color="" icon_border_width=""  flip_icon="none" spinning_icon="no" icon_image="" icon_image_width="" icon_image_height="" link_url="" link_target="_blank" link_text="Read More" link_color="" content_color="" content_box_background_color="" class="" id=""]

Donec in vehicula augue. Sed et 
					nisi sem, at semper dolor. 
					Pellentesque habitant morbi 
					tristique senectus et netu..


[ms_column style="1/3" class="" id=""]
[ms_featurebox style="1" title_font_size="24px" title_color="" icon_circle="no" icon_size="4em" title="Service 2" icon="fa-comments-o" alignment="left" icon_animation_type="" icon_color="#666" icon_background_color="" icon_border_color="" icon_border_width=""  flip_icon="none" spinning_icon="no" icon_image="" icon_image_width="" icon_image_height="" link_url="" link_target="_blank" link_text="Read More" link_color="" content_color="" content_box_background_color="" class="" id=""]

Donec in vehicula augue. Sed et 
					nisi sem, at semper dolor. 
					Pellentesque habitant morbi 
					tristique senectus et netu..


[ms_column style="1/3" class="" id=""]
[ms_featurebox style="1" title_font_size="24px" title_color="" icon_circle="no" icon_size="4em" title="Service 3" icon="fa-search" alignment="left" icon_animation_type="" icon_color="#666" icon_background_color="" icon_border_color="" icon_border_width=""  flip_icon="none" spinning_icon="no" icon_image="" icon_image_width="" icon_image_height="" link_url="" link_target="_blank" link_text="Read More" link_color="" content_color="" content_box_background_color="" class="" id=""]

Donec in vehicula augue. Sed et 
					nisi sem, at semper dolor. 
					Pellentesque habitant morbi 
					tristique senectus et netu..

', '<div class="portfolio-list">
            		<li><a href="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g1.jpg" rel="portfolio-image"><img class="port-img" src="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g1.jpg"></a></li>
                	<li><a href="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g1.jpg" rel="portfolio-image"><img class="port-img" src="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g2.jpg"></a></li>
               		<li><a href="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g1.jpg" rel="portfolio-image"><img class="port-img" src="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g3.jpg"></a></li>
               		<li><a href="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g1.jpg" rel="portfolio-image"><img class="port-img" src="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g4.jpg"></a></li>
               		<li><a href="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g1.jpg" rel="portfolio-image"><img class="port-img" src="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g5.jpg"></a></li>
               		<li><a href="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g1.jpg" rel="portfolio-image"><img class="port-img" src="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g6.jpg"></a></li>
               		<li><a href="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g1.jpg" rel="portfolio-image"><img class="port-img" src="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g7.jpg"></a></li>
                	<li><a href="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g1.jpg" rel="portfolio-image"><img class="port-img" src="' . ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/g8.jpg"></a></li>
			<div class="contact-area">
			  <form class="contact-form" method="post" action="">
			   <input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" placeholder="Name" size="22" tabindex="1" aria-required="true">
			   <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" placeholder="Email" size="22" tabindex="2" aria-required="true"> 
			   <textarea name="message" id="message" cols="39" rows="7" tabindex="4" placeholder="Message"></textarea>
			   <p class="noticefailed"></p>
			   <input type="hidden" name="sendto" id="sendto" value="YOUR EMAIL HERE(Default Admin Email)">
			   <input type="button" name="submit" id="submit" value="Post">
			', '<p>Donec in vehicula augue. Sed et nisi sem, at semper dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique 
			senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut urna nibh, a semper 
			neque. Mauris ultrices tempus nisi, et porttitor nulla varius a. Ut turpis magna, 
			feugiat quis ultrices tristique, rhoncus eu leo. In eu quam lacus. Praesent
			Vehicula augue. Sed et nisi sem, at semper dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique 
			senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut urna nibh, a semper 
			anews sed ovref neque. Mauris ultrices tempus nisi, et porttitor nulla varius a. Ut turpis magna, 
			feugiat quis ultrices tristique, rhoncus eu leo. In eu quam lacus. dear Praesent Donec in vehicula augue. 
			Sed et nisi sem, at semper dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique 
			senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut urna nibh, a semper 
			neque. Mauris ultrices tempus nisi, et porttitor nulla varius a. Ut turpis magna, 
			feugiat quis ultrices tristique, rhoncus eu leo. In eu quam lacus. Praesent
			Vehicula augue. Sed et nisi sem, at semper dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique 
			senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut urna nibh, a semper 
			anews sed ovref neque. Mauris ultrices tempus nisi, et porttitor nulla varius a. Ut turpis magna, 
			feugiat quis ultrices tristique, rhoncus eu leo. In eu quam lacus. dear Praesent</p>', '<div class="one_fifth"><a href="#"><img src="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/04/c1.png') . '" alt="HTML5" title="HTML5"></a></div>
<div class="one_fifth"><a href="#"><img src="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/04/c2.png') . '" alt="CSS3" title="CSS3"></a></div>
<div class="one_fifth"><a href="#"><img src="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/04/c3.png') . '" alt="Bootstra
p" title="Bootstrap"></a></div>
<div class="one_fifth"><a href="#"><img src="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/04/c4.png') . '" alt="jQuery" title="jQuery"></a></div>
<div class="one_fifth last_column"><a href="#"><img src="' . esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/04/c5.png') . '" alt="WordPress" title="WordPress"></a></div>');
    //$section_background_video = array("ab0TSkLe-E0","","","","","");
    $options = array();
    // HEADER
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-tachometer', 'name' => __('General Options', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Favicon', 'onetone'), 'desc' => sprintf(__('An icon associated with a URL that is variously displayed, as in a browser\'s address bar or next to the site name in a bookmark list. Learn more about <a href="%s" target="_blank">Favicon</a>', 'onetone'), esc_url("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon")), 'id' => 'favicon', 'type' => 'upload');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Back to Top Button', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'back_to_top_btn', 'std' => 'show', 'class' => 'mini', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array("show" => __('Show', 'onetone'), "hide" => __('Hide', 'onetone')));
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Custom CSS', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('The following css code will add to the header before the closing &lt;/head&gt; tag.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'custom_css', 'std' => 'body{margin:0px;}', 'type' => 'textarea');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'tracking_titled', 'name' => __('Tracking', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'class' => 'sub_section_titled');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'tracking_code', 'name' => __('Tracking Code', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Paste your Google Analytics (or other) tracking code here. This will be added into the header template of your theme. Please put code inside script tags.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'rows' => '8', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'space_before_head', 'name' => __('Space before &lt;/head&gt;', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Add code before the head tag.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'rows' => '6', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'space_before_body', 'name' => __('Space before &lt;/body&gt;', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Add code before the body tag.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'rows' => '6', 'class' => '');
    ////HOME PAGE
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-home', 'name' => __('Home Page', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Content Sections Num', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('The number of home page sections.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_num', 'std' => '7', 'type' => 'text');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Background Video', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'ab0TSkLe-E0', 'desc' => __('YouTube Video ID', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_background_video_0', 'type' => 'text');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Video Controls', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Display video control buttons.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'video_controls', 'std' => '1', 'class' => 'mini', 'options' => $choices2, 'type' => 'select');
    $video_background_section = array("0" => "No video background");
    if (is_numeric($section_num)) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $section_num; $i++) {
            $video_background_section[$i] = "Secion " . $i;
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Video Background Section', 'onetone'), 'std' => '1', 'id' => 'video_background_section', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $video_background_section);
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Section 1 Content', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'content', 'id' => 'section_1_content', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array("content" => "Content", "slider" => "Slider"));
    if (isset($section_num) && is_numeric($section_num) && $section_num > 0) {
        $section_num = $section_num;
    } else {
        $section_num = $default_section_num;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $section_num; $i++) {
        if (!isset($section_title[$i])) {
            $section_title[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($section_menu[$i])) {
            $section_menu[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($section_background[$i])) {
            $section_background[$i] = array('color' => '', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => '', 'position' => '', 'attachment' => '');
        if (!isset($section_css_class[$i])) {
            $section_css_class[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($section_content[$i])) {
            $section_content[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($section_slug[$i])) {
            $section_slug[$i] = "";
        if (!isset($text_align[$i])) {
            $text_align[$i] = "";
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_group_start_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => 'home-section group_close');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sections_titled_' . $i, 'name' => sprintf(__('Section %s', 'onetone'), $i + 1) . ' <span id="accordion-group-section-' . $i . '" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close accordion-group-title-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Title', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_title_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_title[$i], 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Menu Title', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'menu_title_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_menu[$i], 'desc' => __('This title will display in the header menu. It is required', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Menu Slug', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'menu_slug_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_slug[$i], 'desc' => __('The  "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Background', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_background_' . $i . '', 'std' => $section_background[$i], 'type' => 'background', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Parallax Scrolling Background Image', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'no', 'id' => 'parallax_scrolling_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'options' => $choices);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Css Class', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_css_class_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_css_class[$i], 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Padding', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_padding_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_padding[$i], 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Text Align', 'onetone'), 'std' => $text_align[$i], 'id' => 'text_align_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'options' => $align);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Content', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_content_' . $i, 'std' => $section_content[$i], 'type' => 'editor', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'desc' => '<div style="overflow:hidden; background-color:#eee; padding:20px;"><a data-section="' . $i . '" class="delete-section button" style="float:right;" title="' . __('Delete this section', 'onetone') . '">' . __('Delete this section', 'onetone') . '</a></div>', 'id' => 'delete_section_' . $i, 'std' => '', 'type' => 'info', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_group_end_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'end_group');
    // header
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-h-square', 'name' => __('Header', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_titled', 'name' => __('Header Background', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-header_background" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_overlay', 'name' => __('Header Overlay', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => 'no', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $choices_reverse);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_image', 'name' => __('Header Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Background Image For Header Area', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_full', 'name' => __('100% Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Turn on to have the header background image display at 100% in width and height and scale according to the browser size.', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'yes', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $choices);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_parallax', 'name' => __('Parallax Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Turn on to enable parallax scrolling on the background image for header top positions.', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'no', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $choices_reverse);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_repeat', 'name' => __('Background Repeat', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select how the background image repeats.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $repeat);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_top_padding', 'name' => __('Header Top Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_bottom_padding', 'name' => __('Header Bottom Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-header_background');
    //// Top Bar
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_options', 'name' => __('Top Bar Options', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-3" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'display_top_bar', 'name' => __('Display Top Bar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3', 'options' => $choices);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_background_color', 'name' => __('Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_left_content', 'name' => __('Left Content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3', 'options' => array('info' => __('info', 'onetone'), 'sns' => __('sns', 'onetone'), 'menu' => __('menu', 'onetone'), 'none' => __('none', 'onetone')));
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_right_content', 'name' => __('Right Content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3', 'options' => array('info' => __('info', 'onetone'), 'sns' => __('sns', 'onetone'), 'menu' => __('menu', 'onetone'), 'none' => __('none', 'onetone')));
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_info_color', 'name' => __('Info Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_info_content', 'name' => __('Info Content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_menu_color', 'name' => __('Menu Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'social_links', 'name' => __('Social Links', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    if ($social_icons) {
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($social_icons as $social_icon) {
            $options[] = array('id' => 'header_social_title_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Title', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => '', 'std' => $social_icon['title'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
            $options[] = array('id' => 'header_social_icon_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Icon', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => __('FontAwesome Icon', 'onetone'), 'std' => $social_icon['icon'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
            $options[] = array('id' => 'header_social_link_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Icon Link', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => '', 'std' => $social_icon['link'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_social_icons_color', 'name' => __('Social Icons Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_social_icons_tooltip_position', 'name' => __('Social Icon Tooltip Position', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => 'bottom', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-3', 'options' => array('left' => __('left', 'onetone'), 'right' => __('right', 'onetone'), 'bottom' => __('bottom', 'onetone')));
    // Sticky Header
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-thumb-tack', 'name' => __('Sticky Header', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'enable_sticky_header', 'name' => __('Enable Sticky Header', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'enable_sticky_header_tablets', 'name' => __('Enable Sticky Header on Tablets', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'enable_sticky_header_mobiles', 'name' => __('Enable Sticky Header on Mobiles', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_menu_item_padding', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Menu Item Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the space between each menu item in the sticky header. Use a number without \'px\', default is 0. ex: 10', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_navigation_font_size', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Navigation Font Size', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the font size of the menu items in the sticky header. Use a number without \'px\', default is 14. ex: 14', 'onetone'), 'std' => '14', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_logo_width', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Logo Width', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the logo width in the sticky header. Use a number without \'px\'.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    //// logo
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-star', 'name' => __('Logo', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo', 'name' => __('Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'sub_section_titled');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo', 'name' => __('Upload Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for your logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_retina', 'name' => __('Upload Logo (Retina Version @2x)', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for the retina version of the logo. It should be exactly 2x the size of main logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'retina_logo_width', 'name' => __('Standard Logo Width for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version width, do not enter the retina logo width. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'retina_logo_height', 'name' => __('Standard Logo Height for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version height, do not enter the retina logo height. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_logo', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Logo', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-sticky_header" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo', 'name' => __('Upload Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for your logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-sticky_header');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo_retina', 'name' => __('Upload Logo (Retina Version @2x)', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for the retina version of the logo. It should be exactly 2x the size of main logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-sticky_header');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo_width_for_retina_logo', 'name' => __('Sticky Logo Width for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version width, do not enter the retina logo width. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-sticky_header');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo_height_for_retina_logo', 'name' => __('Sticky Logo Height for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version height, do not enter the retina logo height. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-sticky_header');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_left_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Left Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_right_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Right Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_top_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Top Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_bottom_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Bottom Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    // styleling
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-eyedropper', 'name' => __('Styling', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    /*$options[] = array(
            'id'          => 'primary_color',
            'name'       => __( 'Primary Color', 'onetone' ),
            'desc'        => '',
            'std'         => '',
            'type'        => 'select',
            'section'     => 'styling_tab_section',
            'class'       => '',
            'options'     => array( 
              'red'     => 'red',
              'blue'     => 'blue',
              'green'     => 'green',
              'grey'     => 'grey',
    $options[] = array('id' => 'primary_color', 'name' => __('Primary Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '#963', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => '');
    //Background Colors
    $options[] = array('id' => 'background_colors', 'name' => __('Background Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-background_colors" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_background_color', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_background_opacity', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Background Opacity', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Opacity only works with header top position and ranges between 0 (transparent) and 1.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0.7', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'options' => $opacity, 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_color', 'name' => __('Header Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_opacity', 'name' => __('Header Background Opacity', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Opacity only works with header top position and ranges between 0 (transparent) and 1.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '1', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'options' => $opacity, 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'content_background_color', 'name' => __('Content Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_background_color', 'name' => __('Sidebar Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_background_color', 'name' => __('Footer Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'copyright_background_color', 'name' => __('Copyright Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-background_colors');
    //Background Colors
    $options[] = array('id' => 'element_colors', 'name' => __('Element Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-element_colors" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_widget_divider_color', 'name' => __('Footer Widget Divider Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the divider color in the footer.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-element_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'form_background_color', 'name' => __('Form Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the background color of form fields.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-element_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'form_text_color', 'name' => __('Form Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the text color for forms.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-element_colors');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'form_border_color', 'name' => __('Form Border Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the border color for forms.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-element_colors');
    //  layout options
    $options[] = array('id' => 'layout_options', 'name' => __('Layout Options', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-layout_options" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'page_content_top_padding', 'name' => __('Page Content Top Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '55px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-layout_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'page_content_bottom_padding', 'name' => __('Page Content Bottom Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '40px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-layout_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'hundredp_padding', 'name' => __('100% Width Left/Right Padding ###', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('This option controls the left/right padding for page content when using 100% site width or 100% width page template. In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '20px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-layout_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_padding', 'name' => __('Sidebar Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Enter a pixel or percentage based value, ex: 5px or 5%', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-layout_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'column_top_margin', 'name' => __('Column Top Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the top margin for all column sizes. In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-layout_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'column_bottom_margin', 'name' => __('Column Bottom Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the bottom margin for all column sizes. In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '20px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-layout_options');
    //  layout options
    $options[] = array('id' => 'font_colors', 'name' => __('Font Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-font_colors_options" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    // header tagline/page title/h1-h6/body text/link/breadcrumb text/sidebar widget headings/footer headings/footer text/footer link
    $options[] = array('id' => 'header_tagline_color', 'name' => __('Header Tagline', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'page_title_color', 'name' => __('Page Title', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h1_color', 'name' => __('Heading 1 (H1) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h2_color', 'name' => __('Heading 2 (H2) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h3_color', 'name' => __('Heading 3 (H3) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h4_color', 'name' => __('Heading 4 (H4) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h5_color', 'name' => __('Heading 5 (H5) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'h6_color', 'name' => __('Heading 6 (H6) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'body_text_color', 'name' => __('Body Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'links_color', 'name' => __('Links Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'breadcrumbs_text_color', 'name' => __('Breadcrumbs Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_widget_headings_color', 'name' => __('Sidebar Widget Headings Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_headings_color', 'name' => __('Footer Headings Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_text_color', 'name' => __('Footer Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_link_color', 'name' => __('Footer Link Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-font_colors_options');
    // main menu colors
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_colors', 'name' => __('Main Menu Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_background_color_1', 'name' => __('Main Menu Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_color_1', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Color ( First Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_hover_color_1', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Hover Color ( First Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_background_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Background Color ( Sub Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Color ( Sub Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_hover_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Hover Color ( Sub Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_separator_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Separator Color ( Sub Levels )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-columns', 'name' => __('Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_blog_posts', 'name' => __('Blog Posts', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-8" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_blog_posts', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-8', 'options' => $sidebars);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_blog_posts', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-8', 'options' => $sidebars);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_blog_archive', 'name' => __('Blog Archive / Category Pages', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-10" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_blog_archive', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-10', 'options' => $sidebars);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_blog_archive', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-10', 'options' => $sidebars);
    //Sidebar search'
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_search', 'name' => __('Search Page', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-14" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_search', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-14', 'options' => $sidebars);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_search', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-14', 'options' => $sidebars);
    //Sidebar 404 page'
    $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_404', 'name' => __('404 Page', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-404" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_404', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-404', 'options' => $sidebars);
    $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_404', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-item accordion-group-404', 'options' => $sidebars);
    // Slider
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-sliders', 'name' => __('Slider', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Slideshow', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'group_title', 'type' => 'title');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_1', 'name' => __('Slide 1', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-1" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_1', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-1.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-1');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_1', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>The jQuery slider that just slides.</h1><p>No fancy effects or unnecessary markup.</p><a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-1');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_2', 'name' => __('Slide 2', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-2" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_2', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-2.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-2');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_2', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>Fluid, flexible, fantastically minimal.</h1><p>Use any HTML in your slides, extend with CSS. You have full control.</p><a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-2');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_3', 'name' => __('Slide 3', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-3" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_3', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-3.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-3');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_3', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>Open-source.</h1><p> Vestibulum auctor nisl vel lectus ullamcorper sed pellentesque dolor eleifend.</p><a class="btn" href="#">Contribute</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-3');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_4', 'name' => __('Slide 4', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-4" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_4', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-4.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-4');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_4', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>Uh, that\'s about it.</h1><p>I just wanted to show you another slide.</p><a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-4');
    $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_5', 'name' => __('Slide 5', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-5" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_5', 'type' => 'upload', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-5');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_5', 'type' => 'editor', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-item accordion-group-slide-5');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Slide Speed', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'slide_time', 'std' => '5000', 'desc' => __('Milliseconds between the end of the sliding effect and the start of the nex one.', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text');
    // FOOTER
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-hand-o-down', 'name' => __('Footer', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('Enable Footer Widgets Area', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'id' => 'enable_footer_widget_area', 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'checkbox');
    // 404
    $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-frown-o', 'name' => __('404 page', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
    $options[] = array('name' => __('404 page content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'id' => 'content_404', 'std' => '<h2>WHOOPS!</h2>
                        <p>THERE IS NOTHING HERE.<br>PERHAPS YOU WERE GIVEN THE WRONG URL?</p>', 'type' => 'editor');
    return $options;
Ejemplo n.º 18
<div class="page-wrap">
  <div class="<?php 
echo $container;
    <div class="page-inner row <?php 
echo onetone_get_content_class($sidebar);
      <div class="col-main">
        <section class="page-main" role="main" id="content">
          <div class="page-content">
echo do_shortcode(wp_kses_post(onetone_option('content_404'), $allowedposttags));
          <!-- #page-content -->
          <div class="post-attributes"></div>
        <!-- #page-main -->
      <!-- #col-main -->
if ($sidebar == 'left' || $sidebar == 'both') {
      <div class="col-aside-left">
        <aside class="blog-side left text-left">
          <div class="widget-area">

$right_sidebar_blog_archive = esc_attr(onetone_option('right_sidebar_blog_archive', ''));
if ($right_sidebar_blog_archive && is_active_sidebar($right_sidebar_blog_archive)) {
} elseif (is_active_sidebar('default_sidebar')) {
 * Adds singular post items to the items array.
 * @since 0.6.0
 * @access public
 * @return void
 public function do_singular_items()
     $show_categories = onetone_option('breadcrumb_show_categories', 'yes');
     $show_post_type_archive = onetone_option('breadcrumb_show_post_type_archive', 'yes');
     /* Get the queried post. */
     $post = get_queried_object();
     $post_id = get_queried_object_id();
     if ($show_categories == 'yes') {
         /* If the post has a parent, follow the parent trail. */
         if (0 < $post->post_parent) {
         } else {
     if ($show_post_type_archive == 'yes') {
         /* Display terms for specific post type taxonomy if requested. */
     /* End with the post title. */
     if ($post_title = single_post_title('', false)) {
         if (1 < get_query_var('page')) {
             $this->items[] = '<a href="' . get_permalink($post_id) . '" title="' . esc_attr($post_title) . '">' . $post_title . '</a>';
         } elseif (true === $this->args['show_title']) {
             $this->items[] = $post_title;
Ejemplo n.º 21
global $onetone_animated;
$i = 6;
$section_title = onetone_option('section_title_' . $i);
$section_menu = onetone_option('menu_title_' . $i);
$parallax_scrolling = onetone_option('parallax_scrolling_' . $i);
$section_css_class = onetone_option('section_css_class_' . $i);
$section_content = onetone_option('section_content_' . $i);
$full_width = onetone_option('full_width_' . $i);
$content_model = onetone_option('section_content_model_' . $i, 1);
$section_subtitle = onetone_option('section_subtitle_' . $i);
$color = onetone_option('section_color_' . $i);
if (!isset($section_content) || $section_content == "") {
    $section_content = onetone_option('sction_content_' . $i);
$section_id = sanitize_title(onetone_option('menu_slug_' . $i, 'section-' . ($i + 1)));
if ($section_id == '') {
    $section_id = 'section-' . ($i + 1);
$section_id = strtolower($section_id);
$container_class = "container";
if ($full_width == "yes") {
    $container_class = "";
if ($parallax_scrolling == "yes" || $parallax_scrolling == "1") {
    $section_css_class .= ' onetone-parallax';
<section id="<?php 
echo $section_id;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    function optionsframework_options()
        global $social_icons, $sidebars, $options_saved, $onetone_home_sections;
        $os_fonts = onetone_options_typography_get_os_fonts();
        $os_fonts = array_merge(array('' => __('-- Default --', 'onetone')), $os_fonts);
        $font_color = array('color' => '');
        $section_font_color = array('color' => '');
        $section_title_typography_defaults_1 = array('size' => '36px', 'face' => '', 'style' => '700', 'color' => '#666666');
        $section_content_typography_defaults_1 = array('size' => '14px', 'face' => '', 'style' => '400', 'color' => '#666666');
        $typography_options = array('sizes' => array('10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '16', '18', '20', '24', '26', '28', '30', '35', '36', '38', '40', '46', '48', '50', '60', '64'), 'faces' => $os_fonts, 'styles' => array('normal' => 'normal', 'italic' => 'italic', 'bold' => 'bold', 'bold italic' => 'bold italic', '100' => '100', '200' => '200', '300' => '300', '400' => '400', '500' => '500', '600' => '600', '700' => '700', '800' => '800', '900' => '900'), 'color' => true);
        $choices = array('yes' => __('Yes', 'onetone'), 'no' => __('No', 'onetone'));
        $choices2 = array('1' => __('Yes', 'onetone'), '0' => __('No', 'onetone'));
        $choices_reverse = array('no' => __('No', 'onetone'), 'yes' => __('Yes', 'onetone'));
        $align = array('' => __('Default', 'onetone'), 'left' => __('left', 'onetone'), 'right' => __('right', 'onetone'), 'center' => __('center', 'onetone'));
        $repeat = array('repeat' => __('repeat', 'onetone'), 'repeat-x' => __('repeat-x', 'onetone'), 'repeat-y' => __('repeat-y', 'onetone'), 'no-repeat' => __('no-repeat', 'onetone'));
        $target = array('_blank' => __('Blank', 'onetone'), '_self' => __('Self', 'onetone'));
        $position = array('top left' => __('top left', 'onetone'), 'top center' => __('top center', 'onetone'), 'top right' => __('top right', 'onetone'), 'center left' => __('center left', 'onetone'), 'center center' => __('center center', 'onetone'), 'center right' => __('center right', 'onetone'), 'bottom left' => __('bottom left', 'onetone'), 'bottom center' => __('bottom center', 'onetone'), 'bottom right' => __('bottom right', 'onetone'));
        $opacity = array_combine(range(0.1, 1, 0.1), range(0.1, 1, 0.1));
        $font_size = array_combine(range(1, 100, 1), range(1, 100, 1));
        $section_title = array("POWERFUL ONE PAGE THEME", "", "", "GALLERY", "OUR TEAM", "ABOUT", "TESTIMONIALS", "", "CONTACT", "", "", "", "", "");
        $section_color = array("#ffffff", "", "", "", "", "#ffffff", "#ffffff", "", "");
        $section_subtitle = array("BASED ON BOOTSTRAP FRAMEWORK AND SHORTCODES, QUICK SET AND EASY BUILD,\r\nSHINES ONE PAGE SMALL BUSINESS WEBSITE.", "", "", "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere c.<br/>Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.", "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere c.<br/>Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.", "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere c.<br/>Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.", "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere c.<br/>Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.", "", "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere c.<br/>Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.");
        $section_menu = array("Home", "", "Services", "Gallery", "Team", "About", "Testimonials", "", "Contact");
        $section_slug = array('home', '', 'services', 'gallery', 'team', 'about', 'testimonials', '', 'contact');
        $section_padding = array('', '30px 0', '50px 0', '50px 0', '50px 0', '50px 0', '10px 0 50px', '50px 0', '50px 0');
        $text_align = array('center', 'left', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'left', 'center', 'left', 'center');
        if ($options_saved) {
            $content_model = '1';
        } else {
            $content_model = '0';
        $section_1_content = onetone_option('section_1_content');
        $section_1_content = $section_1_content == 'slider' ? 1 : $section_1_content;
        $default_section_num = count($section_menu);
        $section_background = array(array('color' => '', 'image' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/home-bg01.jpg', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '#eeeeee', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '#ffffff', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '#eeeeee', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '#ffffff', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '', 'image' => esc_url('https://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/banner_large.jpg'), 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '#eda869', 'image' => esc_url('https://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/123.jpg'), 'repeat' => 'no-repeat', 'position' => 'bottom center', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '#ffffff', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'), array('color' => '', 'image' => esc_url('https://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/last4.jpg'), 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top left', 'attachment' => 'scroll'));
        $section_css_class = array("section-banner", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
        $section_title_typography_defaults = array(array('size' => '64px', 'face' => '', 'style' => '400', 'color' => '#ffffff'), array('size' => '48px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '48px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '36px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'bold', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '36px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'bold', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '36px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'bold', 'color' => '#ffffff'), array('size' => '36px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'bold', 'color' => '#ffffff'), array('size' => '36px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'bold', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '36px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'bold', 'color' => '#666666'));
        $section_content_typography_defaults = array(array('size' => '18px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#ffffff'), array('size' => '14px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '14px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '14px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '14px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '14px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#ffffff'), array('size' => '14px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#ffffff'), array('size' => '14px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '14px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#666666'), array('size' => '14px', 'face' => '', 'style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#666666'));
        $home_sections = array(1 => __('Section 1 - Banner', 'onetone'), 2 => __('Section 2 - Slogan', 'onetone'), 3 => __('Section 3 - Service', 'onetone'), 4 => __('Section 4 - Gallery', 'onetone'), 5 => __('Section 5 - Team', 'onetone'), 6 => __('Section 6 - About', 'onetone'), 7 => __('Section 7 - Custom', 'onetone'), 8 => __('Section 8 - Testimonial', 'onetone'), 9 => __('Section 9 - Contact', 'onetone'), 10 => sprintf(__('Section %s', 'onetone'), 10), 11 => sprintf(__('Section %s', 'onetone'), 11), 12 => sprintf(__('Section %s', 'onetone'), 12), 13 => sprintf(__('Section %s', 'onetone'), 13), 14 => sprintf(__('Section %s', 'onetone'), 14), 15 => sprintf(__('Section %s', 'onetone'), 15));
        $onetone_home_sections = $home_sections;
        $section_num = count($home_sections);
        $options = array();
        ////HOME PAGE
        $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-home', 'name' => __('Home Page', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
        $header_overlay = onetone_option('header_overlay', 0);
        $header_overlay = $header_overlay == 'yes' ? 1 : $header_overlay;
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_overlay', 'name' => __('Home Page Header Overlay', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to set header in home page as overlay style', 'onetone'), 'std' => $header_overlay, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices_reverse);
        /*  $options[] = array(
        		'name' => __('Number of Sections in Homepage', 'onetone'),
        		'desc' => __('Insert the number of sections here. You need to click the following "save" button to refresh this page so your change would be applied.', 'onetone'),
        		'id' => 'section_num',
        		'std' => $section_num,
        		'type' => 'text');*/
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'youtube_video_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => 'group_close');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'youtube_video_titled', 'name' => __('YouTube Video Background Options', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-youtube_video" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('YouTube ID for Video Background', 'onetone'), 'std' => '9ZfN87gSjvI', 'desc' => __('Insert the eleven-letter id here, not url.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_background_video_0', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-youtube_video');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Start Time', 'onetone'), 'std' => '28', 'desc' => __('Choose time to start to play, in seconds.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_youtube_start', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-youtube_video');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Display Video Controls', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to display video controls at bottom of the section with video background.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'video_controls', 'std' => '1', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-youtube_video', 'options' => $choices2, 'type' => 'select');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Mute', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to set the video mute.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'youtube_mute', 'std' => '0', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-youtube_video', 'options' => $choices2, 'type' => 'select');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('AutoPlay', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to set the video autoplay.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'youtube_autoplay', 'std' => '1', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-youtube_video', 'options' => $choices2, 'type' => 'select');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Loop', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to set the video loop.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'youtube_loop', 'std' => '1', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-youtube_video', 'options' => $choices2, 'type' => 'select');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Background Type', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to set the video as background of the whole site or just one section.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'youtube_bg_type', 'std' => '1', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-youtube_video', 'options' => array('1' => __('Body Background', 'onetone'), '0' => __('Section Background', 'onetone')), 'type' => 'select');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'youtube_video_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        $video_background_section = array('0' => __('No video background', 'onetone'));
        foreach ($home_sections as $k => $v) {
            $video_background_section[$k] = $v;
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Video Background Section', 'onetone'), 'std' => '1', 'id' => 'video_background_section', 'type' => 'select', 'desc' => __('Choose a section to set the video as background for.', 'onetone'), 'options' => $video_background_section);
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Display slider instead in section 1', 'onetone'), 'std' => $section_1_content, 'id' => 'section_1_content', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array("content" => __('Content', 'onetone'), "slider" => __('Slider', 'onetone')), 'desc' => __('Choose to display default slider instead of section contents here.', 'onetone'));
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Enable Animation', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Enable animation for default section content. You need to activate Magee Shortcodes plugin to apply animation effects.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '1', 'id' => 'home_animated', 'type' => 'checkbox');
        /*if(isset($section_num) && is_numeric($section_num) && $section_num>0){
        		$section_num = $section_num;
        		$section_num = $default_section_num;
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_order', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'section_order_titled', 'name' => __('Sections Order', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-section_order" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => 'home-section-wrapper');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'desc' => sprintf(__('<span style="padding-left:20px;">Get the <a href="%s" target="_blank">Pro version</a> of Onetone to acquire this feature.</span>', 'onetone'), esc_url('https://www.mageewp.com/onetone-theme.html')), 'id' => 'onetone_get_pro', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'info', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-section-order');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => 'home-section-wrapper');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_order_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        $o_section_num = onetone_option('section_num');
        for ($i = 0; $i < $section_num; $i++) {
            if (!isset($section_title[$i])) {
                $section_title[$i] = "";
            if (!isset($section_subtitle[$i])) {
                $section_subtitle[$i] = "";
            if (!isset($section_color[$i])) {
                $section_color[$i] = "";
            if (!isset($section_menu[$i])) {
                $section_menu[$i] = "";
            if (!isset($section_background[$i])) {
                $section_background[$i] = array('color' => '', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => '', 'position' => '', 'attachment' => '');
            if (!isset($section_css_class[$i])) {
                $section_css_class[$i] = "";
            if (!isset($section_content[$i])) {
                $section_content[$i] = "";
            if (!isset($section_slug[$i])) {
                $section_slug[$i] = "";
            if (!isset($text_align[$i])) {
                $text_align[$i] = "";
            if (!isset($section_padding[$i])) {
                $section_padding[$i] = "";
            $section_name = onetone_option('section_title_' . $i);
            $section_name = $section_name ? $section_name : onetone_option('menu_title_' . $i);
            $section_name = $section_name ? ' (' . $section_name . ')' : '';
            $section_name = $home_sections[$i + 1] . ' ' . $section_name;
            if (!isset($section_title_typography_defaults[$i])) {
                $section_title_typography_defaults[$i] = $section_title_typography_defaults_1;
            if (!isset($section_content_typography_defaults[$i])) {
                $section_content_typography_defaults[$i] = $section_title_typography_defaults_1;
            $hide_section = '';
            if ($i >= $o_section_num && $o_section_num > 0) {
                $hide_section = 1;
            if ($o_section_num <= 0 && $i > 8) {
                $hide_section = 1;
                $content_model = 1;
            if (isset($_POST['reset'])) {
                $content_model = 0;
            $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_group_start_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => 'home-section group_close');
            $options[] = array('id' => 'sections_titled_' . $i, 'name' => $section_name . ' <span id="accordion-group-section-' . $i . '" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close accordion-group-title-section-' . $i);
            $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => 'home-section-wrapper');
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Hide Section', 'onetone'), 'std' => $hide_section, 'id' => 'section_hide_' . $i, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'desc' => __('Hide this section on front page.', 'onetone'));
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Title', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_title_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_title[$i], 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'desc' => __('Insert title for this section. It would appear at the top of the section.', 'onetone'));
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Menu Title', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'menu_title_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_menu[$i], 'desc' => __('Insert menu title for this section. This title would appear in the header menu. If leave it as blank, the link of this section would not be displayed in header menu.', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Menu Slug', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'menu_slug_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_slug[$i], 'desc' => __('Attention! The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of menu title. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens. If the menu title contains non-eng characters or spaces, you need to fill this form.', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Background', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_background_' . $i . '', 'std' => $section_background[$i], 'type' => 'background', 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'desc' => __('Set background color & background image for this section', 'onetone'));
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Parallax Scrolling Background Image', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'no', 'id' => 'parallax_scrolling_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'options' => $choices, 'desc' => __('Choose to apply parallax scrolling effect for background image', 'onetone'));
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Css Class', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_css_class_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_css_class[$i], 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'desc' => __('Set an aditional css class of this section', 'onetone'));
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Padding', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_padding_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_padding[$i], 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'desc' => __('Set padding for this section. In pixels (px), eg: 10px 20px 30px 0. These four numbers represent padding top/right/bottom/left', 'onetone'));
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Text Align', 'onetone'), 'std' => $text_align[$i], 'id' => 'text_align_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'options' => $align, 'desc' => __('Set content align for this section', 'onetone'));
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Title Typography', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_title_typography_" . $i, 'std' => $section_title_typography_defaults[$i], 'type' => 'typography', 'options' => $typography_options, 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Content Typography', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_content_typography_' . $i, 'std' => $section_content_typography_defaults[$i], 'type' => 'typography', 'options' => $typography_options, 'class' => 'section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Content Model', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_content_model_' . $i, 'std' => $content_model, 'class' => 'section-content-model section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'type' => 'radio', 'desc' => __('Default: fixed layout, no code knowledge needed; Custom: non-fixed layout, user can use html and shortcode to get more complex structure', 'onetone'), 'options' => array('0' => __('Default', 'onetone'), '1' => __('Custom', 'onetone')));
            // Fixed content
            $options[] = array('id' => 'section_color_' . $i . '', 'name' => __('Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set font color for the content of this section', 'onetone'), 'std' => $section_color[$i], 'type' => 'color', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Subtitle', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_subtitle_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $section_subtitle[$i], 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'desc' => __('Insert sub-title for this section. It would appear at the bottom of the section title', 'onetone'));
            switch ($i) {
                case "0":
                    // Section Slogan
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Button Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_btn_text_" . $i, 'std' => 'Click Me', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('Insert text for the button', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Button Link', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_btn_link_" . $i, 'std' => '#', 'desc' => __('Insert link for the button, begin with http:// or https://', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Button Target', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_btn_target_" . $i, 'std' => '_self', 'desc' => __('Self: open in the same window; blank: open in a new window', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'options' => $target);
                    $banner_social_icon = array('fa-facebook', 'fa-skype', 'fa-twitter', 'fa-linkedin', 'fa-google-plus', 'fa-rss');
                    for ($s = 0; $s < 6; $s++) {
                        $options[] = array('name' => __('Social Icon', 'onetone') . ' ' . ($s + 1), 'id' => "section_social_icon_" . $i . "_" . $s, 'std' => $banner_social_icon[$s], 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'desc' => __('Insert Fontawsome icon code', 'onetone'));
                        $options[] = array('name' => __('Social Icon Link', 'onetone') . ' ' . ($s + 1), 'id' => "section_icon_link_" . $i . "_" . $s, 'std' => '#', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'desc' => __('Insert link for the icon', 'onetone'));
                case "1":
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Button Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_btn_text_" . $i, 'std' => 'Click Me', 'desc' => __('Insert text for the button', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Button Link', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_btn_link_" . $i, 'std' => '#', 'desc' => __('Insert link for the button, begin with http:// or https://', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Button Target', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_btn_target_" . $i, 'std' => '_self', 'desc' => __('Self: open in the same window; blank: open in a new window', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i, 'options' => $target);
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Description', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_desc_' . $i, 'std' => '<h4>Morbi rutrum, elit ac fermentum egestas, tortor ante vestibulum est, eget scelerisque nisl velit eget tellus.</h4>', 'desc' => __('Insert content for the banner, html tags allowed', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                case "2":
                    // Section Service
                    $icons = array('fa-leaf', 'fa-hourglass-end', 'fa-signal', 'fa-heart', 'fa-camera', 'fa-tag');
                    for ($c = 0; $c < 6; $c++) {
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Service Icon %d', 'onetone'), $c + 1), 'id' => "section_icon_" . $i . "_" . $c, 'std' => $icons[$c], 'desc' => __('Insert Fontawsome icon code', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Service Image %d', 'onetone'), $c + 1), 'id' => "section_image_" . $i . "_" . $c, 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('Or choose to upload icon image', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'upload', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Service Title %d', 'onetone'), $c + 1), 'id' => "section_title_" . $i . "_" . $c, 'std' => 'FREE PSD TEMPLATE', 'desc' => __('Set title for service item', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Title Link %d', 'onetone'), $c + 1), 'id' => "section_link_" . $i . "_" . $c, 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('Insert link for service item', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Link Target %d', 'onetone'), $c + 1), 'id' => "section_target_" . $i . "_" . $c, 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('Self: open in the same window; blank: open in a new window', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $target, 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Service Description %d', 'onetone'), $c + 1), 'id' => "section_desc_" . $i . "_" . $c, 'std' => 'Integer pulvinar elementum est, suscipit ornare ante finibus ac. Praesent vel ex dignissim, rhoncus eros luctus, dignissim arcu.', 'desc' => __('Insert content for the banner, html tags allowed', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                case "3":
                    // Section Gallery
                    $default_images = array(esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/7.jpg'), esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/8.jpg'), esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/9.jpg'), esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/10.jpg'), esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/11.jpg'), esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/12.jpg'));
                    for ($c = 0; $c < 6; $c++) {
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Image %d', 'onetone'), $c + 1), 'id' => "section_image_" . $i . "_" . $c, 'std' => $default_images[$c], 'desc' => __('Choose to upload image for gallery item', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'upload', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Link %d', 'onetone'), $c + 1), 'id' => "section_link_" . $i . "_" . $c, 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('Insert link for this item', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Link Target %d', 'onetone'), $c + 1), 'id' => "section_target_" . $i . "_" . $c, 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('Self: open in the same window; blank: open in a new window', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $target, 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                case "4":
                    // Section Team
                    $social_icon = array('instagram', 'facebook', 'google-plus', 'envelope', '', '');
                    $avatar = array(esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/001.jpg'), esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/002.jpg'), esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/003.jpg'), esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/004.jpg'), '', '', '', '');
                    $options[] = array('id' => "section_team_columns", 'name' => __('Columns', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set columns for team module', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array(2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4), 'std' => '4', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                    for ($t = 0; $t < 8; $t++) {
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Avatar %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1), 'id' => "section_avatar_" . $i . "_" . $t, 'std' => $avatar[$t], 'desc' => __('Choose to upload image for the person avatar', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'upload', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Link %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1), 'id' => "section_link_" . $i . "_" . $t, 'std' => '', 'desc' => __('Set link for the person', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Name %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1), 'id' => "section_name_" . $i . "_" . $t, 'std' => 'KEVIN PERRY', 'desc' => __('Set name for the person', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Byline %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1), 'id' => "section_byline_" . $i . "_" . $t, 'std' => 'SOFTWARE DEVELOPER', 'desc' => __('Set byline for the person', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Description %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1), 'id' => "section_desc_" . $i . "_" . $t, 'std' => 'Vivamus congue justo eget diam interdum scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.', 'desc' => __('Insert description for the person', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        for ($k = 0; $k < 4; $k++) {
                            $options[] = array('id' => 'section_icon_' . $i . '_' . $t . '_' . $k, 'name' => sprintf(__('Social Icon %d - %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1, $k + 1), 'desc' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => $social_icon[$k], 'desc' => __('Choose social icon', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                            $options[] = array('id' => 'section_icon_link_' . $i . '_' . $t . '_' . $k, 'name' => sprintf(__('Social Icon Link %d - %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1, $k + 1), 'desc' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => __('Insert link for the icon', 'onetone'), 'std' => '#', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                case "5":
                    // Section About
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Left Content', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_left_content_" . $i, 'std' => '<h3>Biography</h3>
<p>Morbi rutrum, elit ac fermentum egestas, tortor ante vestibulum est, eget scelerisque nisl velit eget tellus. Fusce porta facilisis luctus. Integer neque dolor, rhoncus nec euismod eget, pharetra et tortor. Nulla id pulvinar nunc. Vestibulum auctor nisl vel lectus ullamcorper sed pellentesque dolor eleifend. Praesent lobortis magna vel diam mattis sagittis.Mauris porta odio eu risus scelerisque id facilisis ipsum dictum vitae volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar neque eu purus sollicitudin et sollicitudin dui ultricies. Maecenas cursus auctor tellus sit amet blandit. Maecenas a erat ac nibh molestie interdum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed lorem enim, ultricies sed sodales id, convallis molestie ipsum. Morbi eget dolor ligula. Vivamus accumsan rutrum nisi nec elementum. Pellentesque at nunc risus. Phasellus ullamcorper bibendum varius. Quisque quis ligula sit amet felis ornare porta. Aenean viverra lacus et mi elementum mollis. Praesent eu justo elit.</p>', 'type' => 'textarea', 'desc' => __('Insert content for the left column, html tags allowed', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Right Content', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_right_content_" . $i, 'std' => '<h3>Personal Info</span></h3>
    <ul class="magee-icon-list">
      <li><i class="fa fa-phone">&nbsp;</i> +1123 2456 689</li>
    <ul class="magee-icon-list">
      <li><i class="fa fa-map-marker">&nbsp;</i> 3301 Lorem Ipsum, Dolor Sit St</li>
    <ul class="magee-icon-list">
      <li><i class="fa fa-envelope-o">&nbsp;</i> <a href="#">admin@domain.com</a>.</li>
    <ul class="magee-icon-list">
      <li><i class="fa fa-internet-explorer">&nbsp;</i> <a href="#">Mageewp.com</a></li>
  </div>', 'type' => 'textarea', 'desc' => __('Insert content for the right column, html tags allowed', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                case "6":
                    // Section Custom
                case "7":
                    // Section Testimonial
                    $avatar = array(esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/111.jpg'), esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/222.jpg'), esc_url('http://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/333.jpg'), '', '', '', '', '');
                    $options[] = array('id' => "section_testimonial_columns", 'name' => __('Columns', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'desc' => __('Set columns for testimonial module', 'onetone'), 'options' => array(2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4), 'std' => '3', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                    for ($t = 0; $t < 8; $t++) {
                        $description = '';
                        if ($t < 3) {
                            $description = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.';
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Avatar %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1), 'id' => "section_avatar_" . $i . "_" . $t, 'std' => $avatar[$t], 'desc' => __('Choose to upload image for the client avatar', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'upload', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Name %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1), 'id' => "section_name_" . $i . "_" . $t, 'std' => 'KEVIN PERRY', 'desc' => __('Insert name for the client', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Byline %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1), 'id' => "section_byline_" . $i . "_" . $t, 'std' => 'Web Developer', 'desc' => __('Insert byline for the client', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                        $options[] = array('name' => sprintf(__('Description %d', 'onetone'), $t + 1), 'id' => "section_desc_" . $i . "_" . $t, 'std' => $description, 'desc' => __('Insert description for the client', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                case "8":
                    // Section Contact
                    $emailTo = get_option('admin_email');
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Your E-mail', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_email_" . $i, 'std' => $emailTo, 'desc' => __('Set email address to receive mails from contact form', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
                    $options[] = array('name' => __('Button Text', 'onetone'), 'id' => "section_btn_text_" . $i, 'std' => 'Post', 'desc' => __('Insert text for the button', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'content-model-0 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
            $options[] = array('name' => __('Section Content', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'section_content_' . $i, 'std' => '', 'type' => 'editor', 'class' => 'content-model-1 section-item accordion-group-section-' . $i);
            /*$options[] = array(
              'name' => '',
              'desc' => '<div style="overflow:hidden; background-color:#eee; padding:20px;"><a data-section="'.$i.'" class="delete-section button" title="'.__('Delete this section', 'onetone').'">'.__('Delete this section', 'onetone').'</a></div>',
              'id' => 'delete_section_'.$i,
              'std' => '',
              'type' => 'info',
              'class'=>'section-item accordion-group-section-'.$i
            $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
            $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_group_end_' . $i . '', 'type' => 'end_group');
        // General
        $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-tachometer', 'name' => __('General Options', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Back to Top Button', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'back_to_top_btn', 'std' => 'show', 'desc' => __('Choose to display back to top button', 'onetone'), 'class' => 'mini', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array("show" => __('Show', 'onetone'), "hide" => __('Hide', 'onetone')));
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Custom CSS', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('The following css code will add to the header before the closing &lt;/head&gt; tag.', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'custom_css', 'std' => 'body{margin:0px;}', 'type' => 'textarea');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'tracking_titled', 'name' => __('Tracking', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'class' => 'sub_section_titled');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'tracking_code', 'name' => __('Tracking Code', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Paste your Google Analytics (or other) tracking code here. This will be added into the header template of your theme. Please put code inside script tags.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'rows' => '8', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'space_before_head', 'name' => __('Space before &lt;/head&gt;', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Add code before the head tag.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'rows' => '6', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'space_before_body', 'name' => __('Space before &lt;/body&gt;', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Add code before the body tag.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_tab_section', 'rows' => '6', 'class' => '');
        // header
        $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-h-square', 'name' => __('Header', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'header_background_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_titled', 'name' => __('Header Background', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-header_background" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_image', 'name' => __('Header Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Background Image For Header Area', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-header_background');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_full', 'name' => __('100% Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Turn on to have the header background image display at 100% in width and height and scale according to the browser size.', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'yes', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $choices);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_parallax', 'name' => __('Parallax Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Turn on to enable parallax scrolling on the background image for header top positions.', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'no', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $choices_reverse);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_repeat', 'name' => __('Background Repeat', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select how the background image repeats.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-header_background', 'options' => $repeat);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_top_padding', 'name' => __('Header Top Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-header_background');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_bottom_padding', 'name' => __('Header Bottom Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-header_background');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'header_background_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'top_bar_options_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        //// Top Bar
        $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_options', 'name' => __('Top Bar Options', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-3" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'display_top_bar', 'name' => __('Display Top Bar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to display top bar above the header', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3', 'options' => $choices);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_background_color', 'name' => __('Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set background color for top bar', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_left_content', 'name' => __('Left Content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose content in left side', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3', 'options' => array('info' => __('info', 'onetone'), 'sns' => __('sns', 'onetone'), 'menu' => __('menu', 'onetone'), 'none' => __('none', 'onetone')));
        $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_right_content', 'name' => __('Right Content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose content in right side', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3', 'options' => array('info' => __('info', 'onetone'), 'sns' => __('sns', 'onetone'), 'menu' => __('menu', 'onetone'), 'none' => __('none', 'onetone')));
        $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_info_color', 'name' => __('Info Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set color for info in top bar', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_info_content', 'name' => __('Info Content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Insert content for info in top bar', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_menu_color', 'name' => __('Menu Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set color for menu in top bar', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'social_links', 'name' => __('Social Links', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3');
        if ($social_icons) {
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($social_icons as $social_icon) {
                $options[] = array('id' => 'header_social_title_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Title', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => __('Set title for social icon', 'onetone'), 'std' => $social_icon['title'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3');
                $options[] = array('id' => 'header_social_icon_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Icon', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => __('Choose FontAwesome Icon', 'onetone'), 'std' => $social_icon['icon'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3');
                $options[] = array('id' => 'header_social_link_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Icon Link', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => __('Set link for social icon', 'onetone'), 'std' => $social_icon['link'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_social_icons_color', 'name' => __('Social Icons Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set color for social icons in top bar', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'top_bar_social_icons_tooltip_position', 'name' => __('Social Icon Tooltip Position', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set position for tooltip of social icon', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'bottom', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'header_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-3', 'options' => array('left' => __('left', 'onetone'), 'right' => __('right', 'onetone'), 'bottom' => __('bottom', 'onetone')));
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'top_bar_options_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        // Sticky Header
        $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-thumb-tack', 'name' => __('Sticky Header', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'enable_sticky_header', 'name' => __('Enable Sticky Header', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to enable sticky header', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'yes', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'enable_sticky_header_tablets', 'name' => __('Enable Sticky Header on Tablets', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to enable sticky header on tablets', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'yes', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'enable_sticky_header_mobiles', 'name' => __('Enable Sticky Header on Mobiles', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to enable sticky header on mobiles', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_menu_item_padding', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Menu Item Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the space between each menu item in the sticky header. Use a number without \'px\', default is 0. ex: 10', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_navigation_font_size', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Navigation Font Size', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the font size of the menu items in the sticky header. Use a number without \'px\', default is 14. ex: 14', 'onetone'), 'std' => '14', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_logo_width', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Logo Width', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the logo width in the sticky header. Use a number without \'px\'.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'sticky_header_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        //// logo
        $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-star', 'name' => __('Logo', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_group_start_logo', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => 'home-section group_close');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'logo', 'name' => __('Logo', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-sticky_header" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close ');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'logo', 'name' => __('Upload Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for your logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_retina', 'name' => __('Upload Logo (Retina Version @2x)', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for the retina version of the logo. It should be exactly 2x the size of main logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'retina_logo_width', 'name' => __('Standard Logo Width for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version width, do not enter the retina logo width. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'retina_logo_height', 'name' => __('Standard Logo Height for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version height, do not enter the retina logo height. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_group_end_logo', 'type' => 'end_group');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_group_start_sticky_header', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => 'home-section group_close');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_logo', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Logo', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-sticky_header" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => 'home-section-wrapper');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo', 'name' => __('Upload Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for your logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-sticky_header');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo_retina', 'name' => __('Upload Logo (Retina Version @2x)', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select an image file for the retina version of the logo. It should be exactly 2x the size of main logo.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-sticky_header');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo_width_for_retina_logo', 'name' => __('Sticky Logo Width for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version width, do not enter the retina logo width. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-sticky_header');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_logo_height_for_retina_logo', 'name' => __('Sticky Logo Height for Retina Logo', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('If retina logo is uploaded, enter the standard logo (1x) version height, do not enter the retina logo height. Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-sticky_header');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'section_group_end_sticky_header', 'type' => 'end_group');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_position', 'name' => __('Logo Position', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set position for logo in header', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'left', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $align);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_left_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Left Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_right_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Right Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_top_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Top Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'logo_bottom_margin', 'name' => __('Logo Bottom Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Use a number without \'px\', ex: 40', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'logo_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        // styleling
        $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-eyedropper', 'name' => __('Styling', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'primary_color', 'name' => __('Primary Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '#eda869', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        //Background Colors
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'background_colors_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'background_colors', 'name' => __('Background Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-background_colors" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_background_color', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set background color for sticky header', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-background_colors');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sticky_header_background_opacity', 'name' => __('Sticky Header Background Opacity', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Opacity only works with header top position and ranges between 0 (transparent) and 1.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0.7', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'options' => $opacity, 'class' => 'accordion-group-background_colors');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_color', 'name' => __('Header Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set background color for main header', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-background_colors');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_background_opacity', 'name' => __('Header Background Opacity', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Opacity only works with header top position and ranges between 0 (transparent) and 1.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '1', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'options' => $opacity, 'class' => 'accordion-group-background_colors');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'content_background_color', 'name' => __('Content Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set background color for site content', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-background_colors');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_background_color', 'name' => __('Sidebar Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set background color for sidebar', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-background_colors');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_background_color', 'name' => __('Footer Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set background color for the footer', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-background_colors');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'copyright_background_color', 'name' => __('Copyright Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set background color for the copyright area in footer', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-background_colors');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'background_colors_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        //Background Colors
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'element_colors_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'element_colors', 'name' => __('Element Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-element_colors" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_widget_divider_color', 'name' => __('Footer Widget Divider Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the divider color in the footer.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-element_colors');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'form_background_color', 'name' => __('Form Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the background color of form fields.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-element_colors');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'form_text_color', 'name' => __('Form Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the text color for forms.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-element_colors');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'form_border_color', 'name' => __('Form Border Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the border color for forms.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-element_colors');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'element_colors_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        //  layout options
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'layout_options_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'layout_options', 'name' => __('Layout Options', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-layout_options" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'page_content_top_padding', 'name' => __('Page Content Top Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '55px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-layout_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'page_content_bottom_padding', 'name' => __('Page Content Bottom Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '40px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-layout_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'hundredp_padding', 'name' => __('100% Width Left/Right Padding ###', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('This option controls the left/right padding for page content when using 100% site width or 100% width page template. In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '20px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-layout_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_padding', 'name' => __('Sidebar Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Enter a pixel or percentage based value, ex: 5px or 5%', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-layout_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'column_top_margin', 'name' => __('Column Top Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the top margin for all column sizes. In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '0px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-layout_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'column_bottom_margin', 'name' => __('Column Bottom Margin', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Controls the bottom margin for all column sizes. In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '20px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-layout_options');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'layout_options_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        //  Font Colors
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'font_colors_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'font_colors', 'name' => __('Font Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-font_colors_options" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'header_tagline_color', 'name' => __('Header Tagline', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set color for tagline in header', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'page_title_color', 'name' => __('Page Title', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set color for page title', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'h1_color', 'name' => __('Heading 1 (H1) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for H1 heading', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'h2_color', 'name' => __('Heading 2 (H2) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for H2 heading', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'h3_color', 'name' => __('Heading 3 (H3) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for H3 heading', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'h4_color', 'name' => __('Heading 4 (H4) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for H4 heading', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'h5_color', 'name' => __('Heading 5 (H5) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for H5 heading', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'h6_color', 'name' => __('Heading 6 (H6) Font Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for H6 heading', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'body_text_color', 'name' => __('Body Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for body text', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'links_color', 'name' => __('Links Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for links', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'breadcrumbs_text_color', 'name' => __('Breadcrumbs Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for breadcrumbs', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_widget_headings_color', 'name' => __('Sidebar Widget Headings Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for Sidebar widget headings', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_headings_color', 'name' => __('Footer Headings Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for footer headings', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_text_color', 'name' => __('Footer Text Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for footer text', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_link_color', 'name' => __('Footer Link Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose color for links in footer', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-font_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'font_colors_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        // main menu colors
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'main_menu_colors_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_colors', 'name' => __('Main Menu Colors', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_background_color_1', 'name' => __('Main Menu Background Color', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose background color for main menu', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_color_1', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Color ( First Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose font color for first level of main menu', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_hover_color_1', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Hover Color ( First Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose hover color for first level of main menu', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_background_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Background Color ( Sub Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose background color for sub level of main menu', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Color ( Sub Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose font color for sub level of main menu', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_font_hover_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Font Hover Color ( Sub Level )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose hover color for sub level of main menu', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'main_menu_separator_color_2', 'name' => __('Main Menu Separator Color ( Sub Levels )', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose separator color for sub level of main menu', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'color', 'section' => 'styling_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-main_menu_colors_options');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'main_menu_colors_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-columns', 'name' => __('Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'sidebar_blog_posts_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_blog_posts', 'name' => __('Blog Posts', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-8" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_blog_posts', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose left sidebar for blog post page', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-8', 'options' => $sidebars);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_blog_posts', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose right sidebar for blog post page', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-8', 'options' => $sidebars);
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'sidebar_blog_posts_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'sidebar_blog_archive_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_blog_archive', 'name' => __('Blog Archive / Category Pages', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-10" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_blog_archive', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose left sidebar for blog archive page', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-10', 'options' => $sidebars);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_blog_archive', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose right sidebar for blog archive page', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-10', 'options' => $sidebars);
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'sidebar_blog_archive_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        //Sidebar search'
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'sidebar_search_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_search', 'name' => __('Search Page', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-14" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_search', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose left sidebar for blog search result page', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-14', 'options' => $sidebars);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_search', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose right sidebar for blog search result page', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-14', 'options' => $sidebars);
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'sidebar_search_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        //Sidebar 404 page'
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'sidebar_404_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'sidebar_404', 'name' => __('404 Page', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-404" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'left_sidebar_404', 'name' => __('Left Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose left sidebar for 404 page', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-404', 'options' => $sidebars);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'right_sidebar_404', 'name' => __('Right Sidebar', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose right sidebar for 404 page', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'sidebar_tab_section', 'class' => 'accordion-group-404', 'options' => $sidebars);
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'sidebar_404_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        // Slider
        $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-sliders', 'name' => __('Slider', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Slideshow', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'group_title', 'type' => 'title');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'slide_1_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_1', 'name' => __('Slide 1', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-1" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_1', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-1.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-slide-1');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Caption', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_1', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>The jQuery slider that just slides.</h1><p>No fancy effects or unnecessary markup.</p><a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-slide-1');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'slide_1_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'slide_2_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_2', 'name' => __('Slide 2', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-2" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_2', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-2.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-slide-2');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Caption', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_2', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>Fluid, flexible, fantastically minimal.</h1><p>Use any HTML in your slides, extend with CSS. You have full control.</p><a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-slide-2');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'slide_2_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'slide_3_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_3', 'name' => __('Slide 3', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-3" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_3', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-3.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-slide-3');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Caption', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_3', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>Open-source.</h1><p> Vestibulum auctor nisl vel lectus ullamcorper sed pellentesque dolor eleifend.</p><a class="btn" href="#">Contribute</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-slide-3');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'slide_3_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'slide_4_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_4', 'name' => __('Slide 4', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-4" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_4', 'type' => 'upload', 'std' => ONETONE_THEME_BASE_URL . '/images/banner-4.jpg', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-slide-4');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Caption', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_4', 'type' => 'editor', 'std' => '<h1>Uh, that\'s about it.</h1><p>I just wanted to show you another slide.</p><a class="btn" href="#download">Download</a>', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-slide-4');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'slide_4_group_', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'slide_5_group', 'type' => 'start_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'slide_titled_5', 'name' => __('Slide 5', 'onetone') . ' <span id="accordion-group-slide-5" class="fa fa-plus"></span>', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'rows' => '', 'class' => 'section-accordion close');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_start', 'type' => 'wrapper_start', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Image', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_image_5', 'type' => 'upload', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-slide-5');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Caption', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'onetone_slide_text_5', 'type' => 'editor', 'class' => 'slide-item accordion-group-slide-5');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'wrapper_end', 'type' => 'wrapper_end', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => '', 'id' => 'slide_5_group', 'type' => 'end_group', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('Slide Speed', 'onetone'), 'id' => 'slide_time', 'std' => '5000', 'desc' => __('Milliseconds between the end of the sliding effect and the start of the nex one.', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'text');
        // FOOTER
        $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-hand-o-down', 'name' => __('Footer', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_widgets_area_options', 'name' => __('Footer Widgets Area Options', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'sub_section_titled');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'enable_footer_widget_area', 'name' => __('Display footer widgets?', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to display footer widgets', 'onetone'), 'std' => '1', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices2);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_columns', 'name' => __('Number of Footer Columns', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set column number for footer widget area', 'onetone'), 'std' => '4', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => array('1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4'));
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_background_image', 'name' => __('Upload Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to upload background image for footer', 'onetone'), 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_bg_full', 'name' => __('100% Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Select yes to have the footer widgets area background image display at 100% in width and height and scale according to the browser size.', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'no', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices_reverse);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_parallax_background', 'name' => __('Parallax Background Image', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Choose to set parallax background effect for footer', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'no', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $choices_reverse);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_background_repeat', 'name' => __('Background Repeat', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set repeat for background image in footer', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'repeat', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $repeat);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_background_position', 'name' => __('Background Position', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('Set position for background image in footer', 'onetone'), 'std' => 'top left', 'type' => 'select', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '', 'options' => $position);
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_top_padding', 'name' => __('Footer Top Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '60px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_bottom_padding', 'name' => __('Footer Bottom Padding', 'onetone'), 'desc' => __('In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'onetone'), 'std' => '40px', 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_social_icons', 'name' => __('Footer Social Icons', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'rows' => '4', 'class' => 'sub_section_titled');
        if ($social_icons) {
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($social_icons as $social_icon) {
                $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_social_title_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Title', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => __('Set title for social icon', 'onetone'), 'std' => $social_icon['title'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '');
                $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_social_icon_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Icon', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => __('Choose FontAwesome icon', 'onetone'), 'std' => $social_icon['icon'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '');
                $options[] = array('id' => 'footer_social_link_' . $i, 'name' => __('Social Icon Link', 'onetone') . ' ' . $i, 'desc' => __('Set link for social icon', 'onetone'), 'std' => $social_icon['link'], 'type' => 'text', 'section' => 'footer_tab_section', 'class' => '');
        // 404
        $options[] = array('icon' => 'fa-frown-o', 'name' => __('404 page', 'onetone'), 'type' => 'heading');
        $options[] = array('name' => __('404 page content', 'onetone'), 'desc' => '', 'id' => 'content_404', 'std' => '<h2>WHOOPS!</h2>
                        <p>THERE IS NOTHING HERE.<br>PERHAPS YOU WERE GIVEN THE WRONG URL?</p>', 'type' => 'editor');
        return $options;

$right_sidebar = esc_attr(onetone_option('right_sidebar_404', ''));
if ($right_sidebar && is_active_sidebar($right_sidebar)) {
} elseif (is_active_sidebar('default_sidebar')) {
Ejemplo n.º 24

$left_sidebar = esc_attr(onetone_option('left_sidebar_404', ''));
if ($left_sidebar && is_active_sidebar($left_sidebar)) {
} elseif (is_active_sidebar('default_sidebar')) {
Ejemplo n.º 25
					<a href="<?php 
                echo esc_url(home_url('/'));
"><img src="<?php 
                echo $sticky_logo_retina;
" alt="<?php 
" style="width:<?php 
                echo onetone_option('sticky_logo_width_for_retina_logo') . $pixels;
                echo onetone_option('sticky_logo_height_for_retina_logo') . $pixels;
; height: auto !important" class="site-logo retina_logo" /></a>
        } else {
                            <div class="name-box" style=" display:block;">
                                <a href="<?php 
            echo esc_url(home_url('/'));
"><h1 class="site-name"><?php 
Ejemplo n.º 26
$top_bar_right_content = onetone_option('top_bar_right_content', 'info');
$logo = onetone_option('logo', '');
$logo_retina = onetone_option('logo_retina');
$logo = $logo == '' ? $logo_retina : $logo;
$sticky_logo = onetone_option('sticky_logo', $logo);
$sticky_logo_retina = onetone_option('sticky_logo_retina');
$sticky_logo = $sticky_logo == '' ? $sticky_logo_retina : $sticky_logo;
$header_overlay = onetone_option('header_overlay', 'no');
$overlay = '';
if ($header_overlay == 'yes') {
    $overlay = 'overlay';
$enable_sticky_header = onetone_option('enable_sticky_header', 'yes');
$enable_sticky_header_tablets = onetone_option('enable_sticky_header_tablets', 'yes');
$enable_sticky_header_mobiles = onetone_option('enable_sticky_header_mobiles', 'yes');
if (isset($page_meta['nav_menu']) && $page_meta['nav_menu'] != '') {
    $theme_location = $page_meta['nav_menu'];
} else {
    $theme_location = 'primary';
$body_class = '';
if (is_home() || is_front_page()) {
    $body_class = 'page homepage';
$header_image = get_header_image();
<body <?php 
Ejemplo n.º 27
function onetone_space_before_body()
    $space_before_body = onetone_option('space_before_body');
    echo $space_before_body;
Ejemplo n.º 28

* The archive template file.
$left_sidebar = onetone_option('left_sidebar_blog_archive', '');
$right_sidebar = onetone_option('right_sidebar_blog_archive', '');
$aside = 'no-aside';
if ($left_sidebar != '') {
    $aside = 'left-aside';
if ($right_sidebar != '') {
    $aside = 'right-aside';
if ($left_sidebar != '' && $right_sidebar != '') {
    $aside = 'both-aside';

<div class="post-wrap">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="post-inner row <?php 
echo $aside;
                    <div class="col-main">
                        <section class="post-main" role="main" id="content">                        
                            <article class="page type-page" id="">
Ejemplo n.º 29

$left_sidebar_blog_posts = esc_attr(onetone_option('left_sidebar_blog_posts', ''));
if ($left_sidebar_blog_posts && is_active_sidebar($left_sidebar_blog_posts)) {
} elseif (is_active_sidebar('default_sidebar')) {
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Prints HTML with meta information for the current post-date/time and author.
 function posted_on($echo = false)
     $return = '';
     $display_meta_author = 'yes';
     $display_meta_date = 'yes';
     $display_meta_categories = 'yes';
     $display_meta_comments = 'yes';
     $display_meta_readmore = 'yes';
     $display_meta_tags = 'yes';
     $display_post_meta = 'yes';
     if (function_exists('alchem_option')) {
         $display_post_meta = alchem_option('display_post_meta');
     if (function_exists('onetone_option')) {
         $display_post_meta = onetone_option('display_post_meta');
     if ($display_post_meta == 'yes') {
         if (function_exists('alchem_option')) {
             $display_meta_author = alchem_option('display_meta_author');
             $display_meta_date = alchem_option('display_meta_date');
             $display_meta_categories = alchem_option('display_meta_categories');
             $display_meta_comments = alchem_option('display_meta_comments');
             $display_meta_readmore = alchem_option('display_meta_readmore');
             $display_meta_tags = alchem_option('display_meta_tags');
             $date_format = alchem_option('date_format');
         if (function_exists('onetone_option')) {
             $display_meta_author = onetone_option('display_meta_author', 'yes');
             $display_meta_date = onetone_option('display_meta_date', 'yes');
             $display_meta_categories = onetone_option('display_meta_categories', 'yes');
             $display_meta_comments = onetone_option('display_meta_comments', 'yes');
             $display_meta_readmore = onetone_option('display_meta_readmore', 'yes');
             $display_meta_tags = onetone_option('display_meta_tags', 'yes');
             $date_format = onetone_option('date_format', '');
         $return .= '<ul class="entry-meta">';
         if ($display_meta_date == 'yes') {
             $return .= '<li class="entry-date"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>' . get_the_date($date_format) . '</li>';
         if ($display_meta_author == 'yes') {
             $return .= '<li class="entry-author"><i class="fa fa-user"></i>' . get_the_author_link() . '</li>';
         if ($display_meta_categories == 'yes') {
             $return .= '<li class="entry-catagory"><i class="fa fa-file-o"></i>' . get_the_category_list(', ') . '</li>';
         if ($display_meta_comments == 'yes') {
             $return .= '<li class="entry-comments pull-right">' . alchem_get_comments_popup_link('', __('<i class="fa fa-comment"></i> 1 ', 'alchem'), __('<i class="fa fa-comment"></i> % ', 'alchem'), 'read-comments', '') . '</li>';
         $return .= '</ul>';
     if ($echo == true) {
         echo $return;
     } else {
         return $return;