$heading = array();
$contents = array();
if ($info) {
    $heading[] = array('text' => HTML_B_START . TABLE_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART . HTML_B_END);
    if (STORE_SESSIONS == 'mysql') {
        $session_data = olc_db_query("select value from " . TABLE_SESSIONS . " WHERE sesskey = '" . $info . APOS);
        $session_data = olc_db_fetch_array($session_data);
        $session_data = trim($session_data['value']);
    } else {
        if (file_exists(olc_session_save_path() . '/sess_' . $info) && filesize(olc_session_save_path() . '/sess_' . $info) > 0) {
            $session_data = file(olc_session_save_path() . '/sess_' . $info);
            $session_data = trim(implode('', $session_data));
    if ($length = strlen($session_data)) {
        $start_id = strpos($session_data, 'customer_id|s');
        $start_cart = strpos($session_data, 'cart|O');
        $start_currency = strpos($session_data, 'currency|s');
        $start_country = strpos($session_data, 'customer_country_id|s');
        $start_zone = strpos($session_data, 'customer_zone_id|s');
        for ($i = $start_cart; $i < $length; $i++) {
            if ($session_data[$i] == '{') {
                if (isset($tag)) {
                } else {
                    $tag = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
define('TEXT_DESCENDINGLY', 'descending');
define('TEXT_ASCENDINGLY', 'ascending');
define('TEXT_BY', ' after ');
define('TEXT_REVIEW_BY', 'from %s');
define('TEXT_REVIEW_WORD_COUNT', '%s words');
define('TEXT_REVIEW_RATING', 'Review: %s [%s]');
define('TEXT_REVIEW_DATE_ADDED', 'Date added: %s');
define('TEXT_NO_REVIEWS', 'There aren´t any reviews yet.');
define('TEXT_NO_NEW_PRODUCTS', 'There are no new products at the moment.');
define('TEXT_UNKNOWN_TAX_RATE', 'Unknown tax rate');
define('TEXT_REQUIRED', '<span class="errorText">required</span>');
define('ERROR_TEP_MAIL', '<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2" color="#ff0000"><b><small>Error:</small> Your mail can´t be send by your SMTP server. Please control the attitudes in the php.ini file and make necessary changes!</b></font>');
define('WARNING_INSTALL_DIRECTORY_EXISTS', 'Warning: The installation directory is still available onto: ' . dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/olc_installer. Please delete this directory in case of security!');
define('WARNING_CONFIG_FILE_WRITEABLE', 'Warning: OL-Commerce is able to write into the configuration directory: ' . dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/includes/configure.php. That represents a possible safety hazard - please correct the user access rights for this directory!');
define('WARNING_SESSION_DIRECTORY_NON_EXISTENT', 'Warning: Directory for sesssions doesn´t exist: ' . olc_session_save_path() . '. Sessions will not work until this directory has been created!');
define('WARNING_SESSION_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITEABLE', 'Warning: OL-Commerce is not abe to write into the session directory: ' . olc_session_save_path() . '. DSessions will not work until the user access rights for this directory have benn changed!');
define('WARNING_SESSION_AUTO_START', 'Warning: session.auto_start is activated (enabled) - Please deactivate (disabled) this PHP feature in php.ini and restart your webserver!');
define('WARNING_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY_NON_EXISTENT', 'Warning: Directory for article download doesn´t exist: ' . DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD . '. This feature will not work until this directory has been created!');
define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_INVALID_DATE', 'The "valid to" date ist invalid.<br/>Please correct your information.');
define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER', 'The "Credit card number ", you entered, is invalid.<br/>Please correct your information.');
define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CARD', 'The first 4 signs of your Credit Card are: %s<br/>If this information is correct, your type of card is not accepted.<br/>Please correct your information.');
define('TEXT_PRICE_SINGLE', 'Single price');
define('TEXT_PRICE_TOTAL', 'Total price');
define('GENERAL_DISCLAIMER', 'Errors and modifications excepted');
define('PRICE_DISCLAIMER_SHIPMENT_COST', 'Shipping cost (from ' . $minimum_ship_cost . RPAREN);
$price_info = FILENAME_CONTENT . '?coID=1';
if (USE_AJAX) {
    $price_info = "javascript:ShowInfo('" . $price_info . "&amp;pop_up=true','')";
define('PRICE_DISCLAIMER_COMMON', ' plus <a href="' . $price_info . '" title="Detailed information on shipping costs you will find here with one "Click"!><u>' . PRICE_DISCLAIMER_SHIPMENT_COST . '</u><br/>(Please "Click" for detailed Information!)</a>.');
//Wenn Sie als Kleinunternehmer §19 UStG im Shop keine MwSt. erheben,
Ejemplo n.º 3
$whos_online_query = olc_db_query("\nselect\ncustomer_id,\nfull_name,\nip_address,\ntime_entry,\ntime_last_click,\nlast_page_url,\nsession_id\nfrom " . TABLE_WHOS_ONLINE);
$visitors = olc_db_num_rows($whos_online_query);
if ($visitors > 0) {
    define('PRODUCTS_ID', 'products_id');
    define('PRODUCTS_MODEL', 'products_model');
    $cPath = 'cPath';
    $equal = '=';
    // save current session data
    $old_session = $_SESSION;
    $index_php = 'index.php';
    $get_info = $_GET['info'];
    $date_format = 'H:i:s';
    $SQLSelect_Category = SELECT . "categories_name from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " where categories_id = '#' and language_id='" . SESSION_LANGUAGE_ID . APOS;
    $SQLWhere = " where categories_id = '#' and language_id='" . SESSION_LANGUAGE_ID . APOS;
    $sessions_in_db = STORE_SESSIONS == 'mysql';
    $session_path = olc_session_save_path() . '/sess_';
    $whos_online_row0 = '
														onclick="javascript:' . olc_onclick_link(FILENAME_WHOS_ONLINE, olc_get_all_get_params(array('info', 'action')) . 'info=#', NONSSL);
    $whos_online_row1 = '
					              <tr id="#" style="display:inline;" class="dataTableRow"';
    $selected = false;
    $new_visitors = EMPTY_STRING;
    $cart_total = 0;
    while ($whos_online = olc_db_fetch_array($whos_online_query)) {
        $session_id = $whos_online['session_id'];
        $time_online = $current_time - $whos_online['time_entry'];
        if ($is_periodic) {
            $info = $session_id;
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
 define('IMAGE_BUTTON_LOGIN', 'Anmelden');
 define('BOX_LOGINBOX_STATUS', 'Kundengruppe: ');
 define('BOX_LOGINBOX_INCL', 'Alle Preise <b>inkl.</b> MwSt.');
 define('BOX_LOGINBOX_EXCL', 'Alle Preise <b>exkl.</b> MwSt.');
 define('TAX_ADD_TAX', 'inkl. ');
 define('TAX_NO_TAX', 'zzgl. ');
 define('BOX_LOGINBOX_DISCOUNT', 'Artikelrabatt');
 define('BOX_LOGINBOX_DISCOUNT_TEXT', 'Rabatt');
 define('BOX_LOGINBOX_DISCOUNT_OT', 'Gesamtrabatt');
 define('NOT_ALLOWED_TO_SEE_PRICES_TEXT', 'Sie haben keine Erlaubnis Preise zu sehen, erstellen Sie bitte ein Kundenkonto.');
 define('BOX_LOGINBOX_ACCOUNT', HTML_BR . 'Über die Schaltfläche "<b>Ihr Konto</b>" können Sie Ihre Daten verwalten, Bestellungen einsehen und mehr...');
 //W. Kaiser - AJAX
 if (function_exists('olc_session_save_path')) {
     define('WARNING_SESSION_DIRECTORY_NON_EXISTENT', 'Warnung: Das Verzeichnis für die Sessions existiert nicht: ' . olc_session_save_path() . '. Die Sessions werden nicht funktionieren bis das Verzeichnis erstellt wurde!');
     define('WARNING_SESSION_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITEABLE', 'Warnung: OL-Commerce kann nicht in das Sessions Verzeichnis schreiben: ' . olc_session_save_path() . '. Die Sessions werden nicht funktionieren bis die richtigen Benutzerberechtigungen gesetzt wurden!');
 define('GENERAL_DISCLAIMER', 'Irrtümer, Änderungen und Zwischenverkauf vorbehalten');
 //define('PRICE_DISCLAIMER_SHIPMENT_COST_TEXT','Versandkosten (ab %s'.RPAREN);
 define('PRICE_DISCLAIMER_SHIPMENT_COST', 'Versandkosten');
 $price_info = FILENAME_CONTENT . '?coID=1';
 if (USE_AJAX) {
     $price_info = "javascript:ShowInfo('" . $price_info . "&amp;pop_up=true','')";
 define('PRICE_DISCLAIMER_COMMON', ' zzgl. <a href="' . $price_info . '" title="Detaillierte Informationen zu den Versandkosten erhalten Sie mit einem Klick hier"><u>' . PRICE_DISCLAIMER_SHIPMENT_COST . '</u></a>.');
 if (!defined('NO_TAX_RAISED')) {
     define('NO_TAX_RAISED', false);
 $price_disclaimer_shipment_cost = ' zzgl. ' . PRICE_DISCLAIMER_SHIPMENT_COST;
 $price = ' <br/>Preis';
 $prices = ' <br/>Preise';