function _get_cats_tree() { global $LANG, $CAT_ARTICLES; Cache::load('articles'); if (!(isset($CAT_ARTICLES) && is_array($CAT_ARTICLES))) { $CAT_ARTICLES = array(); } $ordered_cats = array(); foreach ($CAT_ARTICLES as $id => $cat) { $cat['id'] = $id; $ordered_cats[numeric($cat['id_left'])] = array('this' => $cat, 'children' => array()); } $level = 0; $cats_tree = array(array('this' => array('id' => 0, 'name' => $LANG['root']), 'children' => array())); $parent =& $cats_tree[0]['children']; $nb_cats = count($CAT_ARTICLES); foreach ($ordered_cats as $cat) { if ($cat['this']['level'] == $level + 1 && count($parent) > 0) { $parent =& $parent[count($parent) - 1]['children']; } elseif ($cat['this']['level'] < $level) { $j = 0; $parent =& $cats_tree[0]['children']; while ($j < $cat['this']['level']) { $parent =& $parent[count($parent) - 1]['children']; $j++; } } $parent[] = $cat; $level = $cat['this']['level']; } return $cats_tree[0]; }
function display_form($template = false) { global $CONFIG, $Sql, $LANG, $Session; $note = !empty($_POST['note']) ? numeric($_POST['note']) : 0; $path_redirect = $this->path . sprintf(str_replace('&', '&', $this->script_path), 0); if ($this->_note_loaded()) { if (!is_object($template) || strtolower(get_class($template)) != 'template') { $template = new template('framework/note.tpl'); } ###########################Insertion############################## if (!empty($_POST['valid_note'])) { if (!empty($note)) { $this->add($note); } redirect($path_redirect); } else { ###########################Affichage############################## $row_note = $Sql->query_array(PREFIX . $this->sql_table, 'users_note', 'nbrnote', 'note', "WHERE id = '" . $this->idprov . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__); $select = '<option value="-1" selected="selected">' . $LANG['note'] . '</option>'; for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->notation_scale; $i++) { $select .= '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; } ### Notation Ajax ### $row_note['note'] = round($row_note['note'] / 0.25) * 0.25; $l_note = ($this->options & NOTE_DISPLAY_NOTE) !== 0 ? '<strong>' . $LANG['note'] . ':</strong> ' : ''; $display = ($this->options & NOTE_DISPLAY_BLOCK) !== 0 ? 'block' : 'inline'; $width = ($this->options & NOTE_DISPLAY_BLOCK) !== 0 ? 'width:' . $this->notation_scale * 16 . 'px;margin:auto;' : ''; $ajax_note = '<div style="' . $width . 'display:none" id="note_stars' . $this->idprov . '" onmouseout="out_div(' . $this->idprov . ', array_note[' . $this->idprov . '])" onmouseover="over_div()">'; for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->notation_scale; $i++) { $star_img = 'stars.png'; if ($row_note['note'] < $i) { $decimal = $i - $row_note['note']; if ($decimal >= 1) { $star_img = 'stars0.png'; } elseif ($decimal >= 0.75) { $star_img = 'stars1.png'; } elseif ($decimal >= 0.5) { $star_img = 'stars2.png'; } else { $star_img = 'stars3.png'; } } $ajax_note .= '<a href="javascript:send_note(' . $this->idprov . ', ' . $i . ', \'' . $Session->get_token() . '\')" onmouseover="select_stars(' . $this->idprov . ', ' . $i . ');"><img src="../templates/' . get_utheme() . '/images/' . $star_img . '" alt="" class="valign_middle" id="n' . $this->idprov . '_stars' . $i . '" /></a>'; } if (($this->options & NOTE_NODISPLAY_NBRNOTES) !== 0) { $ajax_note .= '</div> <span id="noteloading' . $this->idprov . '"></span>'; } else { $ajax_note .= '</div> <span id="noteloading' . $this->idprov . '"></span> <div style="display:' . $display . '" id="nbrnote' . $this->idprov . '">(' . $row_note['nbrnote'] . ' ' . ($row_note['nbrnote'] > 1 ? strtolower($LANG['notes']) : strtolower($LANG['note'])) . ')</div>'; } $template->assign_vars(array('C_JS_NOTE' => !defined('HANDLE_NOTE'), 'ID' => $this->idprov, 'NOTE_MAX' => $this->notation_scale, 'SELECT' => $select, 'NOTE' => $l_note . '<span id="note_value' . $this->idprov . '">' . ($row_note['nbrnote'] > 0 ? '<strong>' . $row_note['note'] . '</strong>' : '<em>' . $LANG['no_note'] . '</em>') . '</span>' . $ajax_note, 'ARRAY_NOTE' => 'array_note[' . $this->idprov . '] = \'' . $row_note['note'] . '\';', 'DISPLAY' => $display, 'L_AUTH_ERROR' => addslashes($LANG['e_auth']), 'L_ALERT_ALREADY_VOTE' => addslashes($LANG['already_vote']), 'L_ALREADY_VOTE' => '', 'L_NOTE' => addslashes($LANG['note']), 'L_NOTES' => addslashes($LANG['notes']), 'L_VALID_NOTE' => $LANG['valid_note'])); } if (!defined('HANDLE_NOTE')) { define('HANDLE_NOTE', true); } return $template->parse(TEMPLATE_STRING_MODE); } else { global $Errorh; $Errorh->handler('e_unexist_page', E_USER_REDIRECT); } }
function _get_var_page($var_page) { $_GET[$var_page] = isset($_GET[$var_page]) ? numeric($_GET[$var_page]) : 0; if (!empty($_GET[$var_page])) { return $_GET[$var_page]; } else { return 1; } }
function add($id_parent, $name, $visible = CAT_VISIBLE, $order = 0) { global $Sql, $Cache; $this->_clear_error(); if (!is_int($visible)) { $visible = (int) $visible; } $max_order = $Sql->query("SELECT MAX(c_order) FROM " . PREFIX . $this->table . " WHERE id_parent = '" . $id_parent . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__); $max_order = numeric($max_order); if ($id_parent == 0 || array_key_exists($id_parent, $this->cache_var)) { if ($order <= 0 || $order > $max_order) { $Sql->query_inject("INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . $this->table . " (name, c_order, id_parent, visible) VALUES ('" . $name . "', '" . ($max_order + 1) . "', '" . $id_parent . "', '" . $visible . "')", __LINE__, __FILE__); } else { $Sql->query_inject("UPDATE " . PREFIX . $this->table . " SET c_order = c_order + 1 WHERE id_parent = '" . $id_parent . "' AND c_order >= '" . $order . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__); $Sql->query_inject("INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . $this->table . " (name, c_order, id_parent, visible) VALUES ('" . $name . "', '" . $order . "', '" . $id_parent . "', '" . $visible . "')", __LINE__, __FILE__); } return $Sql->insert_id("SELECT MAX(id) FROM " . PREFIX . $this->table); } else { $this->_add_error(NEW_PARENT_CATEGORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST); return 0; } }
<?php require_once '../kernel/begin.php'; define('TITLE', $LANG['title_error']); require_once '../kernel/header.php'; $id_error = retrieve(GET, 'e', ''); $array_error = array('e_member_ban', 'e_member_ban_w', 'e_unexist_member', 'e_unactiv_member', 'e_member_flood', 'e_forget_confirm_change'); if (in_array($id_error, $array_error)) { if ($User->get_attribute('user_id') === -1) { $Template->set_filenames(array('error' => 'member/error.tpl')); $errno = E_USER_WARNING; switch ($id_error) { case 'e_member_ban': $ban = !empty($_GET['ban']) ? numeric($_GET['ban']) : ''; if ($ban > 0) { if ($ban < 60) { $delay_ban = $ban . ' ' . ($ban > 1 ? $LANG['minutes'] : $LANG['minute']); } elseif ($ban < 1440) { $delay_ban = number_round($ban / 60, 0); $delay_ban = $delay_ban . ' ' . ($delay_ban > 1 ? $LANG['hours'] : $LANG['hour']); } elseif ($ban < 10080) { $delay_ban = number_round($ban / 1440, 0); $delay_ban = $delay_ban . ' ' . ($delay_ban > 1 ? $LANG['days'] : $LANG['day']); } elseif ($ban < 43200) { $delay_ban = number_round($ban / 10080, 0); $delay_ban = $delay_ban . ' ' . ($delay_ban > 1 ? $LANG['weeks'] : $LANG['week']); } elseif ($ban < 525600) { $delay_ban = number_round($ban / 43200, 0); $delay_ban = $delay_ban . ' ' . ($delay_ban > 1 ? $LANG['months'] : $LANG['month']); } else { $delay_ban = number_round($ban / 525600, 0);
/** * (Function nay chi khac ConfirmBuyingStockForDividend_CutMoney o cho tham so $Note - Tao ngay 20100712, request ngay 20100709) * Function ConfirmBuyingStockForDividend_CutMoney_ForTraiPhieu : Ke toan cat tien -- day dl qua Bravo -- cap nhat bankid khi cat tien thanh cong * Input : $EventID, $AccountID, $Today, $UpdatedBy, $Note * OutPut : error code. Return 0 if success else return error code (number >0). */ function ConfirmBuyingStockForDividend_CutMoney_ForTraiPhieu($EventID, $AccountID, $UpdatedBy, $Today, $BankID, $Note) { try { $class_name = $this->class_name; $function_name = 'ConfirmBuyingStockForDividend_CutMoney_ForTraiPhieu'; if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } if (!required($EventID) || !numeric($EventID)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22042; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0 && (!required($AccountID) || !numeric($AccountID))) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22005; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0 && (!required($Today) || !valid_date($Today))) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22056; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0) { $Withdrawal = $this->CheckConfirmBuyingStock_CutMoney($EventID, $AccountID, $Today); if ($Withdrawal['ErrorCode'] == '0') { // money in bank $query = sprintf("SELECT BankID, BankAccount, BravoCode FROM vw_ListAccountBank_Detail WHERE AccountID='%s' AND BankID ='%s' ", $AccountID, $BankID); $this->_MDB2->disconnect(); $this->_MDB2->connect(); $bank_rs = $this->_MDB2->extended->getAll($query); $dab_rs = 999; $BankID = 0; $TransactionType = BRAVO_BUYING_STOCK; // phat hanh them cp if ($Withdrawal['AccountNo'] != PAGODA_ACCOUNT) { if (count($bank_rs) > 0) { $i = 0; $BankID = $bank_rs[$i]['bankid']; $BravoCode = $bank_rs[$i]['bravocode']; switch ($BankID) { case DAB_ID: $dab =& new CDAB(); $dab_rs = $dab->transfertoEPS($bank_rs[$i]['bankaccount'], $Withdrawal['AccountNo'], '3_' . $EventID . '_' . $AccountID, $Withdrawal['Amount'], $Note); write_my_log_path('transfertoEPS', $function_name . ' BankAccount ' . $bank_rs[$i]['bankaccount'] . ' AccountNo ' . $Withdrawal['AccountNo'] . ' Event_AccountID ' . '3_' . $EventID . ' ' . $AccountID . ' Amount ' . $Withdrawal['Amount'] . ' Description ' . $Note . ' Error ' . $dab_rs, EVENT_PATH); break; case OFFLINE: $mdb2 = initWriteDB(); //`sp_VirtualBank_insertBuyingStockDivident`(inAccountID bigint, inBankID int, inAmount double,inTransactionDate date, inNote text(1000), inCreatedBy varchar(100)) $query = sprintf("CALL sp_VirtualBank_insertBuyingStockDivident(%u, %u, %f, '%s', '%s', '%s' )", $AccountID, $BankID, $Withdrawal['Amount'], $Today, $Note, $UpdatedBy); $rs = $mdb2->extended->getRow($query); $mdb2->disconnect(); $dab_rs = $rs["varerror"]; break; default: $dab_rs = 0; } } else { $dab_rs = 9999; $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22155; //TK k co TK Ngan hang nay } } else { $TransactionType = BRAVO_BUYING_STOCK; // phat hanh them cp $dab_rs = 0; $BankID = EXI_ID; } if ($dab_rs == 0) { if ($BankID == OFFLINE) { $query = "SELECT mobilephone,ab.usableamount FROM " . TBL_INVESTOR; $query .= " i INNER JOIN " . TBL_ACCOUNT . " a ON("; $query .= " INNER JOIN " . TBL_ACCOUNT_BANK . " ab ON("; $query .= " WHERE a.accountNo='" . $Withdrawal['AccountNo'] . "' AND ab.bankid=" . OFFLINE; $mdb = initWriteDB(); $acc_rs = $mdb->extended->getRow($query); $mdb->disconnect(); if (!empty($acc_rs['mobilephone'])) { $message = 'Tai khoan cua quy khach tai KIS da thay doi: -' . number_format($Withdrawal['Amount'], 0, '.', ',') . '. ' . $Note; $message .= '. So du hien tai la: ' . number_format($acc_rs['usableamount'], 0, '.', ','); sendSMS(array('Phone' => $acc_rs['mobilephone'], 'Content' => $message), 'ConfirmBuyingStockForDividend_CutMoney_ForTraiPhieu'); } } $soap =& new Bravo(); $Withdrawal_value = array("TradingDate" => $Today, 'TransactionType' => $TransactionType, "AccountNo" => $Withdrawal['AccountNo'], "Amount" => $Withdrawal['Amount'], "Bank" => $BravoCode, "Branch" => "", "Note" => $Note); //'011C001458' //var_dump($withdraw_value); $ret = $soap->withdraw($Withdrawal_value); if ($ret['table0']['Result'] == 1) { $query = sprintf("CALL sp_UpdateDividendPrivilege_BankID ('%s','%s','%s','%s')", $BankID, $EventID, $AccountID, $UpdatedBy); //echo $query; $result = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getAll($query); //Can not update if (empty($result) || is_object($result)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22120; write_my_log_path('ErrorCallStore', $query . ' ' . $result->backtrace[0]['args'][4], EVENT_PATH); } else { if (isset($result[0]['varerror'])) { //p_iDividentPrivilege sai hoac dang ky mua chua xac nhan hoac da cat tien roi if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -2) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22121; } else { if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -3) { //qua ngay cat tien $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22149; } else { if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -1) { //Exception $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22122; } else { if ($result[0]['varerror'] < 0) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22134; write_my_log_path($function_name, $query . ' VarError ' . $result[0]['varerror'], EVENT_PATH); } } } } } } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE != 0) { $soap->rollback($ret['table1']['Id'], $Today); } } else { switch ($ret['table0']['Result']) { case 0: $this->_ERROR_CODE = 0; break; case -2: //Error - bravo $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23002; break; case -1: //Invalid key $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23003; break; case -13: /*Invalid Transaction Type*/ $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23006; break; case -15: /*Invalid CustomerCode*/ $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23005; break; case -16: /*Invalid DestCustomerCode*/ $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23004; break; default: //Unknown Error $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23009; write_my_log_path($function_name, ' Bravo ' . $ret['table0']['Result'], EVENT_PATH); break; } } } else { switch ($dab_rs) { case '-1': //unauthenticate partner $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22135; break; case '-2': //invalid parameters $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22136; break; case '-3': //invalid date $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22137; break; case '-12': // Tai khoan khong ton tai $this->_ERROR_CODE = 12001; break; case '-4': //no customer found $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22140; break; case '-5': //transfer unsuccessful $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22141; break; case '-13': case '1': //invalid account $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22142; break; case '2': //invalid amount $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22143; break; case '3': //duplicate transfer $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22147; break; case '-14': case '5': //not enough balance $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22144; break; case '6': //duplicate account $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22145; break; case '-15': //can not add history transaction $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22228; break; case '-11': case '99': //unknown error $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22138; break; default: $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22139; } } } else { $this->_ERROR_CODE = $Withdrawal['ErrorCode']; } } } catch (Exception $e) { write_my_log_path('PHP-Exception', $function_name . ' Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), DEBUG_PATH); $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23022; } return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }
if (!empty($id_folder) && !empty($name)) { if ($User->get_attribute('user_id') != $user_id) { if ($User->check_level(ADMIN_LEVEL)) { echo $Uploads->Rename_folder($id_folder, $name, $previous_name, $user_id, ADMIN_NO_CHECK); } else { echo $Uploads->Rename_folder($id_folder, $name, $previous_name, $User->get_attribute('user_id'), ADMIN_NO_CHECK); } } else { echo $Uploads->Rename_folder($id_folder, $name, $previous_name, $User->get_attribute('user_id')); } } else { echo 0; } } elseif (!empty($_GET['rename_file'])) { $id_file = !empty($_POST['id_file']) ? numeric($_POST['id_file']) : '0'; $user_id = !empty($_POST['user_id']) ? numeric($_POST['user_id']) : $User->get_attribute('user_id'); $name = !empty($_POST['name']) ? strprotect(utf8_decode($_POST['name'])) : ''; $previous_name = !empty($_POST['previous_name']) ? strprotect(utf8_decode($_POST['previous_name'])) : ''; if (!empty($id_file) && !empty($name)) { if ($User->get_attribute('user_id') != $user_id) { if ($User->check_level(ADMIN_LEVEL)) { echo $Uploads->Rename_file($id_file, $name, $previous_name, $user_id, ADMIN_NO_CHECK); } else { echo $Uploads->Rename_file($id_file, $name, $previous_name, $User->get_attribute('user_id'), ADMIN_NO_CHECK); } } else { echo $Uploads->Rename_file($id_file, $name, $previous_name, $User->get_attribute('user_id')); } } else { echo 0; }
/** * @Created By : Mahipal Singh Adhikari * @Created On : 2-Nov-2010 * @Description: Delete comment and comment votes by blog owner */ public function deleteCommentAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $userNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace('members'); $this->view->userId = $userNs->userId; if (is_null($userNs->userId) && !numeric($userNs->userId)) { $response = "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>Please login to delete this comment.</span>"; $JsonResultArray = array('error' => 1, 'response' => $response); echo Zend_Json::encode($JsonResultArray); exit; } //delete comment: update comment publish status to '0' to delete the comment $commentM = new Application_Model_Comment(); $commentM = $commentM->find($this->_getParam('comment_id')); $commentM->setPublish(0); $resp = $commentM->save(); //set response message if ($resp) { //get total number of comments $total_comments = $commentM->numComments('blog', $this->_getParam('item_id')); $total_comments = $total_comments . " Comments"; $response = "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>Comment has been deleted.</span>"; $JsonResultArray = array('error' => 0, 'total_comments' => $total_comments, 'response' => $response); } else { $response = "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>Error occured, Please try again later.</span>"; $JsonResultArray = array('error' => 1, 'response' => $response); } echo Zend_Json::encode($JsonResultArray); exit; }
function get_search_request($args) { global $CONFIG, $CAT_FORUM, $User, $Cache, $Sql; $weight = isset($args['weight']) && is_numeric($args['weight']) ? $args['weight'] : 1; $Cache->load('forum'); $search = $args['search']; $idcat = !empty($args['ForumIdcat']) ? numeric($args['ForumIdcat']) : -1; $time = !empty($args['ForumTime']) ? numeric($args['ForumTime']) : 0; $where = !empty($args['ForumWhere']) ? strprotect($args['ForumWhere']) : 'title'; $colorate_result = !empty($args['ForumColorate_result']) ? true : false; require_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/forum/forum_defines.php'; $auth_cats = ''; if (is_array($CAT_FORUM)) { foreach ($CAT_FORUM as $id => $key) { if (!$User->check_auth($CAT_FORUM[$id]['auth'], READ_CAT_FORUM)) { $auth_cats .= $id . ','; } } } $auth_cats = !empty($auth_cats) ? " AND NOT IN (" . trim($auth_cats, ',') . ")" : ''; if ($where == 'all') { return "SELECT " . $args['id_search'] . " AS `id_search`,\n MIN( AS `id_content`,\n t.title AS `title`,\n MAX(( 2 * MATCH(t.title) AGAINST('" . $search . "') + MATCH(msg.contents) AGAINST('" . $search . "') ) / 3) * " . $weight . " AS `relevance`,\n " . $Sql->concat("'" . PATH_TO_ROOT . "'", "'/forum/topic.php?id='", '', "'#m'", '') . " AS `link`\n FROM " . PREFIX . "forum_msg msg\n JOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_topics t ON = msg.idtopic\n JOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_cats c ON c.level != 0 AND c.aprob = 1 AND = t.idcat\n WHERE ( MATCH(t.title) AGAINST('" . $search . "') OR MATCH(msg.contents) AGAINST('" . $search . "') )\n " . ($idcat != -1 ? " AND c.id_left BETWEEN '" . $CAT_FORUM[$idcat]['id_left'] . "' AND '" . $CAT_FORUM[$idcat]['id_right'] . "'" : '') . " " . $auth_cats . "\n GROUP BY\n ORDER BY relevance DESC" . $Sql->limit(0, FORUM_MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS); } if ($where == 'contents') { return "SELECT " . $args['id_search'] . " AS `id_search`,\n MIN( AS `id_content`,\n t.title AS `title`,\n MAX(MATCH(msg.contents) AGAINST('" . $search . "')) * " . $weight . " AS `relevance`,\n " . $Sql->concat("'" . PATH_TO_ROOT . "'", "'/forum/topic.php?id='", '', "'#m'", '') . " AS `link`\n FROM " . PREFIX . "forum_msg msg\n JOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_topics t ON = msg.idtopic\n JOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_cats c ON c.level != 0 AND c.aprob = 1 AND = t.idcat\n WHERE MATCH(msg.contents) AGAINST('" . $search . "')\n " . ($idcat != -1 ? " AND c.id_left BETWEEN '" . $CAT_FORUM[$idcat]['id_left'] . "' AND '" . $CAT_FORUM[$idcat]['id_right'] . "'" : '') . " " . $auth_cats . "\n GROUP BY\n ORDER BY relevance DESC" . $Sql->limit(0, FORUM_MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS); } else { return "SELECT " . $args['id_search'] . " AS `id_search`,\n AS `id_content`,\n t.title AS `title`,\n MATCH(t.title) AGAINST('" . $search . "') * " . $weight . " AS `relevance`,\n " . $Sql->concat("'" . PATH_TO_ROOT . "'", "'/forum/topic.php?id='", '', "'#m'", '') . " AS `link`\n FROM " . PREFIX . "forum_msg msg\n JOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_topics t ON = msg.idtopic\n JOIN " . PREFIX . "forum_cats c ON c.level != 0 AND c.aprob = 1 AND = t.idcat\n WHERE MATCH(t.title) AGAINST('" . $search . "')\n " . ($idcat != -1 ? " AND c.id_left BETWEEN '" . $CAT_FORUM[$idcat]['id_left'] . "' AND '" . $CAT_FORUM[$idcat]['id_right'] . "'" : '') . " " . $auth_cats . "\n GROUP BY\n ORDER BY relevance DESC" . $Sql->limit(0, FORUM_MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS); } }
$result = $Sql->query_while("SELECT pages, stats_day\n\tFROM " . DB_TABLE_STATS . " WHERE stats_year = '" . $year . "' AND stats_month = '" . $month . "' \n\tORDER BY stats_day", __LINE__, __FILE__); while ($row = $Sql->fetch_assoc($result)) { $array_stats[$row['stats_day']] = $row['pages']; } $Sql->query_close($result); $bissextile = date("L", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year)) == 1 ? 29 : 28; $array_month = array(31, $bissextile, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); for ($i = 1; $i <= $array_month[$month - 1]; $i++) { if (!isset($array_stats[$i])) { $array_stats[$i] = 0; } } $Stats->load_data($array_stats, 'histogram', 5); $Stats->draw_histogram(440, 250, '', array($LANG['days'], $LANG['page_s']), NO_DRAW_LEGEND, NO_DRAW_VALUES, 8); } elseif ($get_pages_year) { $year = !empty($_GET['year']) ? numeric($_GET['year']) : ''; $array_stats = array(); $result = $Sql->query_while("SELECT SUM(pages) as total, stats_month\n\tFROM " . DB_TABLE_STATS . " WHERE stats_year = '" . $year . "'\n\tGROUP BY stats_month\n\tORDER BY stats_month", __LINE__, __FILE__); while ($row = $Sql->fetch_assoc($result)) { $array_stats[$row['stats_month']] = $row['total']; } $Sql->query_close($result); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { if (!isset($array_stats[$i])) { $array_stats[$i] = 0; } } $Stats->load_data($array_stats, 'histogram', 5); $Stats->draw_histogram(440, 250, '', array($LANG['month'], $LANG['page_s']), NO_DRAW_LEGEND, DRAW_VALUES, 8); } elseif ($get_brw) { $file = @fopen(PATH_TO_ROOT . '/cache/browsers.txt', 'r');
<?php require_once '../admin/admin_begin.php'; load_module_lang('shoutbox'); define('TITLE', $LANG['administration']); require_once '../admin/admin_header.php'; if (!empty($_POST['valid'])) { $config_shoutbox = array(); $config_shoutbox['shoutbox_max_msg'] = retrieve(POST, 'shoutbox_max_msg', 10); $config_shoutbox['shoutbox_auth'] = retrieve(POST, 'shoutbox_auth', -1); $config_shoutbox['shoutbox_forbidden_tags'] = isset($_POST['shoutbox_forbidden_tags']) ? serialize($_POST['shoutbox_forbidden_tags']) : serialize(array()); $config_shoutbox['shoutbox_max_link'] = retrieve(POST, 'shoutbox_max_link', -1); $config_shoutbox['shoutbox_refresh_delay'] = numeric(retrieve(POST, 'shoutbox_refresh_delay', 0) * 60000, 'float'); $Sql->query_inject("UPDATE " . DB_TABLE_CONFIGS . " SET value = '" . addslashes(serialize($config_shoutbox)) . "' WHERE name = 'shoutbox'", __LINE__, __FILE__); ###### Régénération du cache des news ####### $Cache->Generate_module_file('shoutbox'); redirect(HOST . SCRIPT); } else { $Template->set_filenames(array('admin_shoutbox_config' => 'shoutbox/admin_shoutbox_config.tpl')); $Cache->load('shoutbox'); $array_tags = array('b' => 0, 'i' => 0, 'u' => 0, 's' => 0, 'title' => 1, 'stitle' => 1, 'style' => 1, 'url' => 0, 'img' => 1, 'quote' => 1, 'hide' => 1, 'list' => 1, 'color' => 0, 'bgcolor' => 0, 'font' => 0, 'size' => 0, 'align' => 1, 'float' => 1, 'sup' => 0, 'sub' => 0, 'indent' => 1, 'pre' => 0, 'table' => 1, 'swf' => 1, 'movie' => 1, 'sound' => 1, 'code' => 1, 'math' => 1, 'anchor' => 0, 'acronym' => 0); $CONFIG_SHOUTBOX['shoutbox_auth'] = isset($CONFIG_SHOUTBOX['shoutbox_auth']) ? $CONFIG_SHOUTBOX['shoutbox_auth'] : '-1'; $array_auth_ranks = array(-1 => $LANG['guest'], 0 => $LANG['member'], 1 => $LANG['modo'], 2 => $LANG['admin']); $ranks = ''; foreach ($array_auth_ranks as $rank => $name) { $selected = $CONFIG_SHOUTBOX['shoutbox_auth'] == $rank ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $ranks .= '<option value="' . $rank . '"' . $selected . '>' . $name . '</option>'; } $Template->assign_vars(array('NBR_TAGS' => count($array_tags), 'SHOUTBOX_MAX_MSG' => !empty($CONFIG_SHOUTBOX['shoutbox_max_msg']) ? $CONFIG_SHOUTBOX['shoutbox_max_msg'] : '100', 'SHOUTBOX_AUTH' => $ranks, 'MAX_LINK' => isset($CONFIG_SHOUTBOX['shoutbox_max_link']) ? $CONFIG_SHOUTBOX['shoutbox_max_link'] : '-1', 'SHOUTBOX_REFRESH_DELAY' => isset($CONFIG_SHOUTBOX['shoutbox_refresh_delay']) ? $CONFIG_SHOUTBOX['shoutbox_refresh_delay'] / 60000 : 1, 'L_REQUIRE' => $LANG['require'], 'L_SHOUTBOX' => $LANG['title_shoutbox'], 'L_SHOUTBOX_CONFIG' => $LANG['shoutbox_config'], 'L_SHOUTBOX_MAX_MSG' => $LANG['shoutbox_max_msg'], 'L_SHOUTBOX_MAX_MSG_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['shoutbox_max_msg_explain'], 'L_RANK' => $LANG['rank_post'], 'L_SHOUTBOX_REFRESH_DELAY' => $LANG['shoutbox_refresh_delay'], 'L_SHOUTBOX_REFRESH_DELAY_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['shoutbox_refresh_delay_explain'], 'L_MINUTES' => $LANG['minutes'], 'L_UPDATE' => $LANG['update'], 'L_RESET' => $LANG['reset'], 'L_FORBIDDEN_TAGS' => $LANG['forbidden_tags'], 'L_EXPLAIN_SELECT_MULTIPLE' => $LANG['explain_select_multiple'], 'L_SELECT_ALL' => $LANG['select_all'], 'L_SELECT_NONE' => $LANG['select_none'], 'L_MAX_LINK' => $LANG['max_link'], 'L_MAX_LINK_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['max_link_explain'])); $i = 0; foreach (ContentFormattingFactory::get_available_tags() as $name => $value) {
<?php require_once '../admin/admin_begin.php'; define('TITLE', $LANG['administration']); require_once '../admin/admin_header.php'; if (!empty($_POST['msg_mbr'])) { $config_member['activ_register'] = retrieve(POST, 'activ_register', 0); $config_member['msg_mbr'] = stripslashes(strparse(retrieve(POST, 'contents', '', TSTRING_AS_RECEIVED))); $config_member['msg_register'] = $CONFIG_USER['msg_register']; $config_member['activ_mbr'] = retrieve(POST, 'activ_mbr', 0); $config_member['verif_code'] = isset($_POST['verif_code']) && @extension_loaded('gd') ? numeric($_POST['verif_code']) : 0; $config_member['verif_code_difficulty'] = retrieve(POST, 'verif_code_difficulty', 2); $config_member['delay_unactiv_max'] = retrieve(POST, 'delay_unactiv_max', 0); $config_member['force_theme'] = retrieve(POST, 'force_theme', 0); $config_member['activ_up_avatar'] = retrieve(POST, 'activ_up_avatar', 0); $config_member['width_max'] = retrieve(POST, 'width_max', 120); $config_member['height_max'] = retrieve(POST, 'height_max', 120); $config_member['weight_max'] = retrieve(POST, 'weight_max', 20); $config_member['activ_avatar'] = retrieve(POST, 'activ_avatar', 0); $config_member['avatar_url'] = retrieve(POST, 'avatar_url', ''); $Sql->query_inject("UPDATE " . DB_TABLE_CONFIGS . " SET value = '" . addslashes(serialize($config_member)) . "' WHERE name = 'member'", __LINE__, __FILE__); ###### Régénération du cache $CONFIG_USER ####### $Cache->Generate_file('member'); redirect(HOST . SCRIPT); } else { $Template->set_filenames(array('admin_members_config' => 'admin/admin_members_config.tpl')); #####################Activation du mail par le membre pour s'inscrire################## $array = array(0 => $LANG['no_activ_mbr'], 1 => $LANG['mail'], 2 => $LANG['admin']); $activ_mode_option = ''; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $selected = $CONFIG_USER['activ_mbr'] == $key ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
public function proccess_calculating($suggest_price = NULL) { // don't calculate, just show the form if ($this->input->post('init')) { $eshop_code = $this->input->post('eshop_code'); if ($eshop_code) { $currency_code = $this->fee_price_model->fetch_eshop_currency_code($eshop_code); } else { $currency_code = 'USD'; } $data = array('suggest_price' => 0, 'buyer_shipping_cost' => 0, 'list_fee' => 0, 'trade_fee' => 0, 'pay_fee' => 0, 'shipping_cost' => 0, 'shipping_type_name' => 0, 'other_cost' => 0, 'total_cost' => 0, 'total_profit' => 0, 'total_profit_rate' => 0, 'currency_code' => $currency_code, 'default_currency_code' => DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE); return $this->load->view('sale/price/calculate_price_result', $data); } $product_count = $this->input->post('product_count'); $total_price = 0; $total_weight = 0; $total_profit = 0; $max_length = 0; $max_width = 0; $total_height = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $product_count; $i++) { $sku = trim($this->input->post('sku_' . $i)); $product = $this->product_model->fetch_product_by_sku($sku); if (!$product) { echo $this->create_json(0, sprintf(lang('product_sku_doesnot_exists_with_sku'), $sku)); return; } $qty = trim($this->input->post('qty_' . $i)); if (!is_numeric($qty) || $qty <= 0) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('qty_not_natural')); return; } $weight = trim($this->input->post('weight_' . $i)); if (!numeric($weight) || $weight <= 0) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('weight_format_error')); return; } $price = trim($this->input->post('price_' . $i)); if (!numeric($price) || $price <= 0) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('price_format_error')); return; } $profit = trim($this->input->post('profit_' . $i)); if (!numeric($profit) || $profit <= 0 || $profit >= 1) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('profit_format_error')); return; } $length = trim($this->input->post('length_' . $i)); if ($length > $max_length) { $max_length = $length; } $width = trim($this->input->post('width_' . $i)); if ($width > $max_width) { $max_width = $width; } $height = trim($this->input->post('height_' . $i)); $total_height += $height; $total_price += $price * $qty; $total_weight += $weight * $qty; $total_profit += $profit; } $balance_profit = $total_profit / $product_count; $pay_option = $this->input->post('pay_option'); $pay_discount = $this->input->post('pay_discount'); $eshop_code = $this->input->post('eshop_code'); $sale_mode = $this->input->post('sale_mode'); $eshop_list_count = $this->input->post('eshop_list_count'); $shipping_type = $this->input->post('shipping_type'); $shipping_country = $this->input->post('shipping_country'); if (empty($shipping_country)) { $shipping_country = DEFAULT_SHIPPING_COUNTRY; } $buyer_shipping_cost = $this->input->post('buyer_shipping_cost'); $other_cost = $this->input->post('other_cost'); $eshop_category = $this->input->post('eshop_category'); if (!is_numeric($eshop_list_count) || $eshop_list_count <= 0) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('eshop_list_count_format_error')); return; } if (!numeric($buyer_shipping_cost) || $buyer_shipping_cost < 0) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('buyer_shipping_cost_format_error')); return; } if (!numeric($other_cost)) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('other_cost_format_error')); return; } $eshop_list_fee_multiply = 1; if ($sale_mode == 'auction') { $bid_rate = $this->input->post('bid_rate'); $eshop_list_fee_multiply = 1 + (100 - $bid_rate) / $bid_rate; } $input = array('eshop_code' => $eshop_code, 'buyer_shipping_cost' => $buyer_shipping_cost, 'shipping_type' => $shipping_type, 'shipping_country' => $shipping_country, 'total_weight' => $total_weight, 'sale_mode' => $sale_mode, 'eshop_category' => $eshop_category, 'suggest_price' => $suggest_price, 'key' => $key, 'total_price' => $total_price, 'balance_profit' => $balance_profit, 'eshop_list_count' => $eshop_list_count, 'eshop_list_fee_multiply' => $eshop_list_fee_multiply, 'pay_option' => $pay_option, 'pay_discount' => $pay_discount, 'other_cost' => $other_cost, 'max_length' => $max_length, 'max_width' => $max_width, 'total_height' => $total_height); $data = price_profit_rate($input); if (!is_array($data)) { echo $this->create_json(0, $data); return; } $this->load->view('sale/price/calculate_price_result', $data); }
$config_news['activ_com'] = retrieve(POST, 'activ_com', 0); $config_news['activ_icon'] = retrieve(POST, 'activ_icon', 0); $config_news['display_author'] = retrieve(POST, 'display_author', 0); $config_news['display_date'] = retrieve(POST, 'display_date', 0); $config_news['nbr_news'] = $Sql->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PREFIX . "news WHERE visible = 1", __LINE__, __FILE__); $config_news['nbr_column'] = retrieve(POST, 'nbr_column', 1); $config_news['edito'] = stripslashes(retrieve(POST, 'edito', '', TSTRING_PARSE)); $config_news['edito_title'] = stripslashes(retrieve(POST, 'edito_title', '')); $Sql->query_inject("UPDATE " . DB_TABLE_CONFIGS . " SET value = '" . addslashes(serialize($config_news)) . "' WHERE name = 'news'", __LINE__, __FILE__); ###### Régénération du cache des news ####### $Cache->Generate_module_file('news'); redirect(HOST . SCRIPT); } else { $Template->set_filenames(array('admin_news_config' => 'news/admin_news_config.tpl')); $Cache->load('news'); $CONFIG_NEWS['pagination_news'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['pagination_news']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['pagination_news'] : 6; $CONFIG_NEWS['pagination_arch'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['pagination_arch']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['pagination_arch'] : 15; $CONFIG_NEWS['edito_title'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['edito_title']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['edito_title'] : ''; $CONFIG_NEWS['edito'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['edito']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['edito'] : ''; $CONFIG_NEWS['type'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['type']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['type'] : 0; $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_pagin'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['activ_pagin']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_pagin'] : 0; $CONFIG_NEWS['nbr_column'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['nbr_column']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['nbr_column'] : 1; $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_edito'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['activ_edito']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_edito'] : 0; $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_com'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['activ_com']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_com'] : 1; $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_icon'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['activ_icon']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_icon'] : 0; $CONFIG_NEWS['display_author'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['display_author']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['display_author'] : 1; $CONFIG_NEWS['display_date'] = isset($CONFIG_NEWS['display_date']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['display_date'] : 1; $Template->assign_vars(array('KERNEL_EDITOR' => display_editor(), 'PAGINATION' => !empty($CONFIG_NEWS['pagination_news']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['pagination_news'] : '6', 'PAGINATION_ARCH' => !empty($CONFIG_NEWS['pagination_arch']) ? numeric($CONFIG_NEWS['pagination_arch']) : '15', 'TITLE' => !empty($CONFIG_NEWS['edito_title']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['edito_title'] : '', 'CONTENTS' => !empty($CONFIG_NEWS['edito']) ? unparse($CONFIG_NEWS['edito']) : '', 'BLOCK_ENABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['type'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'BLOCK_DISABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['type'] == '0' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PAGIN_ENABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_pagin'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PAGIN_DISABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_pagin'] == '0' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'NBR_COLUMN' => !empty($CONFIG_NEWS['nbr_column']) ? $CONFIG_NEWS['nbr_column'] : '1', 'EDITO_ENABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_edito'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'EDITO_DISABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_edito'] == '0' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'COM_ENABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_com'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'COM_DISABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_com'] == '0' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'ICON_ENABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_icon'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'ICON_DISABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['activ_icon'] == '0' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'AUTHOR_ENABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['display_author'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'AUTHOR_DISABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['display_author'] == '0' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'DATE_ENABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['display_date'] == '1' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'DATE_DISABLED' => $CONFIG_NEWS['display_date'] == '0' ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'L_REQUIRE_TITLE' => $LANG['require_title'], 'L_REQUIRE_TEXT' => $LANG['require_text'], 'L_REQUIRE' => $LANG['require'], 'L_NEWS_MANAGEMENT' => $LANG['news_management'], 'L_ADD_NEWS' => $LANG['add_news'], 'L_CONFIG_NEWS' => $LANG['configuration_news'], 'L_CAT_NEWS' => $LANG['category_news'], 'L_TITLE' => $LANG['title'], 'L_TEXT' => $LANG['content'], 'L_YES' => $LANG['yes'], 'L_NO' => $LANG['no'], 'L_APROB' => $LANG['aprob'], 'L_UNAPROB' => $LANG['unaprob'], 'L_SUBMIT' => $LANG['submit'], 'L_UPDATE' => $LANG['update'], 'L_PREVIEW' => $LANG['preview'], 'L_RESET' => $LANG['reset'], 'L_EDITO_WHERE' => $LANG['edito_where'], 'L_CONFIG_NEWS' => $LANG['config_news'], 'L_NBR_NEWS_P' => $LANG['nbr_news_p'], 'L_NBR_NEWS_P_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['nbr_news_p_explain'], 'L_NBR_COLUMN_MAX' => $LANG['nbr_news_column'], 'L_NBR_ARCH_P' => $LANG['nbr_arch_p'], 'L_NBR_ARCH_P_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['nbr_arch_p_explain'], 'L_MODULE_MANAGEMENT' => $LANG['module_management'], 'L_ACTIV_PAGINATION' => $LANG['activ_pagination'], 'L_ACTIV_PAGINATION_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['activ_pagination_explain'], 'L_ACTIV_EDITO' => $LANG['activ_edito'], 'L_ACTIV_EDITO_EXPLAIN' => $LANG['activ_edito_explain'], 'L_ACTIV_NEWS_BLOCK' => $LANG['activ_news_block'], 'L_ACTIV_COM_NEWS' => $LANG['activ_com_n'], 'L_ACTIV_ICON_NEWS' => $LANG['activ_icon_n'], 'L_DISPLAY_NEWS_AUTHOR' => $LANG['display_news_author'], 'L_DISPLAY_NEWS_DATE' => $LANG['display_news_date'])); $Template->pparse('admin_news_config'); } require_once '../admin/admin_footer.php';
function forum_history_collector($type, $user_id_action = '', $url_action = '') { global $Sql, $User; $Sql->query_inject("INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "forum_history (action, user_id, user_id_action, url, timestamp) VALUES('" . strprotect($type) . "', '" . $User->get_attribute('user_id') . "', '" . numeric($user_id_action) . "', '" . strprotect($url_action) . "', '" . time() . "')", __LINE__, __FILE__); }
function Comments($script, $idprov, $vars, $module_folder = '', $is_kernel_script = false) { $this->module_folder = !empty($module_folder) ? strprotect($module_folder) : strprotect($script); list($this->script, $this->idprov, $this->vars, $this->path) = array(strprotect($script), numeric($idprov), $vars, PATH_TO_ROOT . '/' . $this->module_folder . '/'); $this->is_kernel_script = $is_kernel_script; }
/** * * @param type $data * @return boolean */ function savePriceList($data) { $this->db->trans_begin(); $baris = $data['numRows']; for ($i = 2; $i <= $baris; $i++) { if (!empty($data['cells'][$i][1])) { $kode = str_replace(" ", "", $data['cells'][$i][1]); $harga = $data['cells'][$i][3]; $this->db->query("UPDATE spa_inventory SET inve_harga = " . numeric($harga) . " WHERE inve_cbid = '" . ses_cabang . "' AND inve_kode = '{$kode}'"); } } if ($this->db->trans_status() === TRUE) { $this->db->trans_commit(); return true; } else { $this->db->trans_rollback(); return false; } return false; }
public function addSubTrans($etc = array(), $main = array(), $detail = array(), $bank = array()) { $this->db->trans_begin(); try { if ($etc['purpose'] == 'ADD') { $tahun = date('y'); $main['kstid'] = NUM_TRANS . $tahun . sprintf("%08s", $this->getCounter(NUM_TRANS . $tahun)); if ($main['kst_type'] == 'I') { $main['kst_kredit'] = 0; } else { if ($main['kst_type'] == 'O') { $main['kst_debit'] = 0; } } $this->addMain($main); } else { $this->editMain($main, $etc['kstid']); $this->flagDetail(0, $etc['kstid']); $main['kstid'] = $etc['kstid']; } if (count($detail) < 1) { $e = "DETAIL TRANSAKSI KOSONG"; throw new Exception($e); } else { if (!empty($detail['nota'][0])) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($detail['coa']) - 1; $i++) { if ($main['kst_trans'] != 'ADJUST') { if ($main['kst_type'] == 'I') { $kredit = numeric($detail['nominal'][$i]); $debit = 0; } else { $kredit = 0; $debit = numeric($detail['nominal'][$i]); } } else { $debit = numeric($detail['debit'][$i]); $kredit = numeric($detail['kredit'][$i]); } if ($this->addDetail(array('dkst_kstid' => $main['kstid'], 'dkst_coa' => $detail['coa'], 'dkst_descrip' => strtoupper($detail['desc']), 'dkst_nota' => strtoupper($detail['nota'][$i]), 'dkst_pelid' => strtoupper($detail['pelid']), 'dkst_supid' => strtoupper($detail['supid']), 'dkst_ccid' => $detail['ccid'], 'dkst_debit' => $debit, 'dkst_kredit' => $kredit, 'dkst_flag' => '1', 'dkst_lastupdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) == FALSE) { throw new Exception('GAGAL TAMBAH DETAIL'); } $arrLog[] = array("trl_cbid" => ses_cabang, "trl_nomer" => $main['kst_nomer'], 'trl_date' => $main['kst_tgl'], "trl_coa" => $detail['coa'][$i], "trl_descrip" => $detail['desc'], "trl_debit" => $debit, "trl_kredit" => $kredit, "trl_croscoa" => $main['kst_coa'], "trl_nota" => $detail['nota'][$i], "trl_pelid" => $detail['pelid'], "trl_ccid" => $detail['ccid'][$i], "trl_supid" => $detail['supid'][$i], "trl_headstatus" => '0', "trl_name" => $main['kst_trans'], "trl_trans" => $main['kst_type'], "trl_createon" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); if ($main['kst_trans'] != 'ADJ') { $arrLog[] = array("trl_cbid" => ses_cabang, "trl_nomer" => $main['kst_nomer'], 'trl_date' => $main['kst_tgl'], "trl_coa" => $main['kst_coa'], "trl_descrip" => $detail['desc'], "trl_debit" => $kredit, "trl_kredit" => $debit, "trl_croscoa" => $main['kst_coa'], "trl_nota" => $detail['nota'][$i], "trl_pelid" => $detail['pelid'], "trl_ccid" => $detail['ccid'], "trl_supid" => $detail['supid'], "trl_headstatus" => '1', "trl_name" => $main['kst_trans'], "trl_trans" => $main['kst_type'], "trl_createon" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } } } } if (count($bank['bank']) > 0) { if (!empty($bank['bank'][0])) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($bank['bank']) - 1; $i++) { if ($this->addBank(array('dbnk_kstid' => $main['kstid'], 'dbnk_bankid' => $bank['bank'][$i], 'dbnk_norek' => $bank['norek'][$i], 'dbnk_nocek' => $bank['nocek'][$i], 'dbnk_jtempo' => dateToIndo($bank['jtempo'][$i]), 'dbnk_kotaid' => $bank['kota'][$i], 'dbnk_nominal' => numeric($bank['nominal'][$i]), 'dbnk_flag' => '1', 'dbnk_lastupdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) == FALSE) { throw new Exception('GAGAL TAMBAH DETAIL BANK'); } } } } /* INSERTING TO LEDGER */ $this->db->insert_batch('ksr_ledger', $arrLog); if ($this->db->trans_status() == TRUE) { $this->db->trans_commit(); return array('status' => TRUE, 'msg' => 'INPUT DATA BERHASIL'); } else { $e = "GAGAL MENYIMPAN DATA"; throw new Exception($e); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->db->trans_rollback(); return array('status' => FALSE, 'msg' => $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Function checkAccountValidate : check the validation of data input * Input : array of data * Output : error code. Return 0 if data is valid and return error code (number >0). */ function checkPayment($data) { //if(!required($data['FirstName'])) return 18012; if (!required($data['PaymentDate']) || !valid_date($data['PaymentDate'])) { return 21007; } if (!required($data['TotalMoney']) || !numeric($data['TotalMoney']) || $data['TotalMoney'] < 20000000) { return 21009; } if (isset($data['CreatedBy']) && !required($data['CreatedBy'])) { return 21010; } if (isset($data['UpdatedBy']) && !required($data['UpdatedBy'])) { return 21011; } return 0; }
<?php define('PATH_TO_ROOT', '../../..'); require_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/begin.php'; define('TITLE', $LANG['title_com']); require_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/header_no_display.php'; if (!empty($_GET['com'])) { if (!preg_match('`([0-9]+)([a-z]+)([0-9]*)`', trim($_GET['com']), $array_get)) { $array_get = array('', '', '', ''); } $idcom = empty($array_get[3]) && !empty($_POST['idcom']) ? numeric($_POST['idcom']) : $array_get[3]; import('content/comments'); $Comments = new Comments($array_get[2], $array_get[1], url('?com=' . $array_get[1] . $array_get[2] . '%s', ''), $array_get[2]); $Comments->set_arg($idcom, HOST . DIR . '/kernel/framework/ajax/pop_up_comments.php'); echo $Comments->display(POP_UP_WINDOW, null, ''); } include_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/footer_no_display.php';
/** * Function updateTransferPrivilege : updateTransferPrivilege * Input : $ID, $FromAccountNo, $ToAccountNo, $TradingDate, $Quantity, $EventID, $UpdatedBy, $Note * OutPut : error code. Return 0 if success else return error code (number >0). */ function updateTransferPrivilege($ID, $FromAccountNo, $ToAccountNo, $TradingDate, $Quantity, $EventID, $UpdatedBy, $Note) { try { $class_name = $this->class_name; $function_name = 'updateTransferPrivilege'; if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } if (!required($EventID) || !numeric($EventID)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22042; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0 && $FromAccountNo == $ToAccountNo) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22074; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0 && ($FromAccountNo == '0' && $ToAccountNo == '0' || $FromAccountNo == '' && $ToAccountNo == '')) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22075; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0 && (!required($TradingDate) || !valid_date($TradingDate))) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22073; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0 && (!required($Quantity) || $Quantity <= 0)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22009; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0 && !required($UpdatedBy)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22011; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0) { $query = sprintf("CALL sp_updateTransfer_Privilege ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", $ID, $FromAccountNo, $ToAccountNo, $TradingDate, $Quantity, $EventID, $UpdatedBy, $Note); //echo $query; $result = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getAll($query); //Can not updateEventStatus if (empty($result) || is_object($result)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22066; write_my_log_path('ErrorCallStore', $query . ' ' . $result->backtrace[0]['args'][4], EVENT_PATH); } else { if (isset($result[0]['varerror'])) { if ($result[0]['varerror'] < 0) { switch ($result[0]['varerror']) { case 0: $this->_ERROR_CODE = 0; break; case -1: //Invalid FromAccountID $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22071; break; case -2: //Invalid ToAccountID $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22072; break; case -3: //Exception $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22070; break; case -4: //Invalid TradingDate $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22073; break; case -5: //Invalid TransferPrivilegeID $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22087; break; case -6: //so luong chuyen nhuong lon hon so luong cho phep $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22084; break; case -7: //su kien khong cho phep chuyen nhuong $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22085; break; default: //default $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22134; write_my_log_path($function_name, $query . ' VarError ' . $result[0]['varerror'], EVENT_PATH); break; } } } } } } catch (Exception $e) { write_my_log_path('PHP-Exception', $function_name . ' Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), DEBUG_PATH); $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23022; } return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }
redirect(HOST . DIR . '/gallery/admin_gallery_add.php?error=' . $Gallery->error . '#errorh'); } $Cache->Generate_module_file('gallery'); } } } } redirect(HOST . DIR . '/gallery/admin_gallery_add.php?add=' . $idpic); } elseif (!empty($_POST['valid']) && !empty($nbr_pics_post)) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbr_pics_post; $i++) { $activ = !empty($_POST[$i . 'activ']) ? trim($_POST[$i . 'activ']) : ''; $uniq = !empty($_POST[$i . 'uniq']) ? strprotect($_POST[$i . 'uniq']) : ''; if ($activ && !empty($uniq)) { $name = !empty($_POST[$i . 'name']) ? strprotect($_POST[$i . 'name']) : 0; $cat = !empty($_POST[$i . 'cat']) ? numeric($_POST[$i . 'cat']) : 0; $del = !empty($_POST[$i . 'del']) ? numeric($_POST[$i . 'del']) : 0; if ($del) { delete_file('pics/' . $uniq); } else { $Gallery->Add_pics($cat, $name, $uniq, $User->get_attribute('user_id')); } } } $Cache->Generate_module_file('gallery'); redirect(HOST . DIR . '/gallery/admin_gallery_add.php'); } else { $Template->set_filenames(array('admin_gallery_add' => 'gallery/admin_gallery_add.tpl')); $get_error = !empty($_GET['error']) ? trim($_GET['error']) : ''; $array_error = array('e_upload_invalid_format', 'e_upload_max_weight', 'e_upload_max_dimension', 'e_upload_error', 'e_upload_failed_unwritable', 'e_upload_already_exist', 'e_unlink_disabled', 'e_unsupported_format', 'e_unabled_create_pics', 'e_error_resize', 'e_no_graphic_support', 'e_unabled_incrust_logo', 'delete_thumbnails'); if (in_array($get_error, $array_error)) { $Errorh->handler($LANG[$get_error], E_USER_WARNING);
/** * Function checkSpecialRateValidate : check the validation of data input * Input : array of data * Output : error code. Return 0 if data is valid and return error code (number >0). */ function checkSpecialRateValidate($data) { if (isset($data['BankID']) && !unsigned($data['BankID'])) { return 13065; } if (isset($data['StockID']) && !unsigned($data['StockID'])) { return 13072; } if (isset($data['FromValue']) && strlen($data['FromValue']) > 0 && !numeric($data['FromValue'])) { return 13066; } if (isset($data['ToValue']) && strlen($data['ToValue']) > 0 && !numeric($data['ToValue'])) { return 13067; } if (isset($data['FromValue']) && isset($data['ToValue']) && $data['FromValue'] > $data['ToValue']) { return 13073; } if (isset($data['PercentRate']) && strlen($data['PercentRate']) > 0 && !numeric($data['PercentRate'])) { return 13068; } if (isset($data['UseMarketPrice']) && strlen($data['UseMarketPrice']) > 0 && !numeric($data['UseMarketPrice'])) { return 13069; } if (isset($data['CreatedBy']) && !required($data['CreatedBy'])) { return 13070; } if (isset($data['UpdatedBy']) && !required($data['UpdatedBy'])) { return 13071; } return 0; }
public function updateStockUnit() { $id = strtoupper($this->input->post('mscid', TRUE)); $norangka = strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_norangka', TRUE)); $nomesin = strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_nomesin', TRUE)); $jkend = strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_segid', TRUE)); $type = strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_ctyid', TRUE)); $warna = strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_warnaid', TRUE)); $tahun = strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_tahun', TRUE)); $kondisi = strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_kondisi', TRUE)); if (empty($id) || empty($norangka) || empty($nomesin) || empty($jkend) || empty($type) || empty($warna) || empty($tahun) || empty($kondisi)) { $hasil = array('status' => '0', 'msg' => $this->error('Rangka : ' . $norangka . ' | Mesin : ' . $nomesin . ' | Jkend : ' . $jkend . ' | Type : ' . $type . ' | Warna : ' . $warna . ' | Tahun : ' . $tahun . ' | Kondisi : ' . $kondisi)); } else { $save = $this->model_sales->updateStockUnit(array('msc_norangka' => $norangka, 'msc_nomesin' => $nomesin, 'msc_jenis' => $jkend, 'msc_ctyid' => $type, 'msc_warnaid' => $warna, 'msc_tahun' => $tahun, 'msc_kondisi' => $kondisi, 'msc_cbid' => ses_cabang, 'msc_status' => "B", 'msc_roda' => strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_roda', TRUE)), 'msc_chasis' => strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_chasis', TRUE)), 'msc_vinlot' => strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_vinlot', TRUE)), 'msc_bodyseri' => strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_bodyseri', TRUE)), 'msc_nokunci' => strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_nokunci', TRUE)), 'msc_fuel' => strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_fuel', TRUE)), 'msc_regckd' => strtoupper($this->input->post('msc_regckd', TRUE)), 'msc_silinder' => numeric($this->input->post('msc_silinder', TRUE)), 'msc_createon' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'msc_createby' => ses_krid), $id); if ($save['status'] == TRUE) { $hasil = array('status' => TRUE, 'msg' => $this->sukses($save['msg'])); } else { $hasil = array('status' => FALSE, 'msg' => $this->error($save['msg'])); } } echo json_encode($hasil); }
public function updateKreditLimit() { $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('pelid', '<b>Fx</b>', 'xss_clean'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE) { $data = array('limit_cbid' => ses_cabang, 'limit_pelid' => $this->input->post('pelid'), 'limitid' => $this->input->post('limitid'), 'limit_top' => numeric($this->input->post('limit_top')), 'limit_total' => numeric($this->input->post('limit_total')), 'limit_diskon' => numeric($this->input->post('limit_diskon')), 'limit_createon' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'limit_createby' => ses_cabang); if ($this->model_sparepart->updateKreditLimit($data)) { $hasil['result'] = true; $hasil['msg'] = $this->sukses("Berhasil menyimpan Kredit Limit"); } else { $hasil['result'] = false; $hasil['msg'] = $this->error("Gagal menyimpan Kredit Limit"); } } echo json_encode($hasil); }
define('NO_SESSION_LOCATION', true); include_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/begin.php'; define('TITLE', ''); include_once PATH_TO_ROOT . '/kernel/header_no_display.php'; $calendar_type = !empty($_GET['date']) ? 'timestamp' : 'date'; $field = !empty($_GET['field']) ? trim($_GET['field']) : 'calendar'; $input_field = !empty($_GET['input_field']) ? trim($_GET['input_field']) : ''; $lyear = !empty($_GET['lyear']) ? '&lyear=1' : ''; $Template->set_filenames(array('calendar' => 'framework/mini_calendar_response.tpl')); if ($calendar_type == 'date') { $year = gmdate_format('Y'); $month = gmdate_format('n'); $day = gmdate_format('j'); $year = !empty($_GET['y']) ? numeric($_GET['y']) : $year; $month = !empty($_GET['m']) ? numeric($_GET['m']) : $month; $day = !empty($_GET['d']) ? numeric($_GET['d']) : $day; if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { list($year, $month, $day) = array(gmdate_format('Y'), gmdate_format('n'), gmdate_format('j')); } $bissextile = date("L", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year)) == 1 ? 29 : 28; $array_month = array(31, $bissextile, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); $array_l_month = array($LANG['january'], $LANG['february'], $LANG['march'], $LANG['april'], $LANG['may'], $LANG['june'], $LANG['july'], $LANG['august'], $LANG['september'], $LANG['october'], $LANG['november'], $LANG['december']); $month_day = $array_month[$month - 1]; $Template->assign_vars(array('FIELD' => $field, 'INPUT_FIELD' => $input_field, 'LYEAR' => $lyear, 'MONTH' => $month, 'YEAR' => $year, 'U_PREVIOUS' => $month == 1 ? 'input_field=' . $input_field . '&field=' . $field . $lyear . '&d=' . $day . '&m=12&y=' . ($year - 1) : 'input_field=' . $input_field . '&input_field=' . $input_field . '&field=' . $field . $lyear . '&d=1&m=' . ($month - 1) . '&y=' . $year, 'U_NEXT' => $month == 12 ? 'input_field=' . $input_field . '&field=' . $field . $lyear . '&d=' . $day . '&m=1&y=' . ($year + 1) : 'input_field=' . $input_field . '&field=' . $field . $lyear . '&d=1&m=' . ($month + 1) . '&y=' . $year)); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $selected = $month == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $Template->assign_block_vars('month', array('MONTH' => '<option value="' . $i . '" ' . $selected . '>' . htmlentities($array_l_month[$i - 1], ENT_COMPAT, 'ISO-8859-1') . '</option>')); } for ($i = 1900; $i <= 2037; $i++) { $selected = $year == $i ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $Template->assign_block_vars('year', array('YEAR' => '<option value="' . $i . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $i . '</option>'));
$is_writable = @chmod($dir, 0777) ? true : false; } @clearstatcache(); $error = ''; if (is_writable($dir)) { $Cache->load('uploads'); import('io/upload'); $Upload = new Upload($dir); $Upload->file('upload_file', '`([a-z0-9()_-])+\\.(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $CONFIG_UPLOADS['auth_extensions'])) . ')+$`i', UNIQ_NAME); if (!empty($Upload->error)) { redirect(HOST . DIR . '/admin/admin_files.php?f=' . $folder . '&erroru=' . $Upload->error . '#errorh'); } else { $check_user_folder = $Sql->query("SELECT user_id FROM " . DB_TABLE_UPLOAD_CAT . " WHERE id = '" . $folder . "'", __LINE__, __FILE__); $user_id = $check_user_folder <= 0 ? -1 : $User->get_attribute('user_id'); $user_id = max($user_id, $folder_member); $Sql->query_inject("INSERT INTO " . DB_TABLE_UPLOAD . " (idcat, name, path, user_id, size, type, timestamp) VALUES ('" . $folder . "', '" . addslashes($_FILES['upload_file']['name']) . "', '" . addslashes($Upload->filename['upload_file']) . "', '" . $user_id . "', '" . numeric(number_round($_FILES['upload_file']['size'] / 1024, 1), 'float') . "', '" . $Upload->extension['upload_file'] . "', '" . time() . "')", __LINE__, __FILE__); } } else { $error = 'e_upload_failed_unwritable'; } $error = !empty($error) ? '&error=' . $error . '#errorh' : ''; redirect(HOST . DIR . '/admin/admin_files.php?f=' . $folder . ($folder_member > 0 ? '&fm=' . $folder_member : '') . $error); } elseif (!empty($del_folder)) { $Session->csrf_get_protect(); $Uploads->Del_folder($del_folder); if (!empty($folder_member)) { redirect(HOST . DIR . '/admin/admin_files.php?fm=' . $folder_member); } else { redirect(HOST . DIR . '/admin/admin_files.php?f=' . $folder); } } elseif (!empty($empty_folder)) {
<?php require_once '../admin/admin_begin.php'; load_module_lang('gallery'); define('TITLE', $LANG['administration']); require_once '../admin/admin_header.php'; $idcat = !empty($_GET['cat']) ? numeric($_GET['cat']) : 0; $idpics = !empty($_GET['id']) ? numeric($_GET['id']) : 0; $del = !empty($_GET['del']) ? numeric($_GET['del']) : 0; $move = !empty($_GET['move']) ? numeric($_GET['move']) : 0; include_once '../gallery/gallery.class.php'; $Gallery = new Gallery(); $Cache->load('gallery'); if (!empty($idpics) && isset($_GET['move'])) { $Session->csrf_get_protect(); $Gallery->Move_pics($idpics, $move); $Cache->Generate_module_file('gallery'); redirect(HOST . DIR . '/gallery/admin_gallery.php?cat=' . $move); } elseif (!empty($del)) { $Session->csrf_get_protect(); $Gallery->Del_pics($del); $Cache->Generate_module_file('gallery'); redirect(HOST . DIR . '/gallery/admin_gallery.php?cat=' . $idcat); } else { $Template->set_filenames(array('admin_gallery_management' => 'gallery/admin_gallery_management.tpl')); if (!empty($idcat) && !isset($CAT_GALLERY[$idcat])) { redirect(HOST . DIR . '/gallery/admin_gallery.php?error=unexist_cat'); } if (!empty($idcat)) { $cat_links = ''; foreach ($CAT_GALLERY as $id => $array_info_cat) {
function set_cat($value) { $this->category = is_numeric($value) ? numeric($value) : 0; }
public function saveTagService() { $coa = $this->input->post('dtrans_coa', TRUE); $desc = $this->input->post('dtrans_desc', TRUE); $nominal = $this->input->post('dtrans_nominal', TRUE); $trans = $this->input->post('dtrans_trans', TRUE); $etc = array('numerator' => $this->input->post('trans_numerator', TRUE), 'purpose' => 'ADD', 'woid' => $this->input->post('trans_notaid', TRUE)); $transToSave = array(); if (count($nominal) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($nominal) - 1; $i++) { if (count($nominal) > 1) { $docno = strtoupper($this->input->post('trans_nota', TRUE)) . '-' . ($i + 1); } else { $docno = strtoupper($this->input->post('trans_nota', TRUE)); } $main = array('kst_trans' => $trans[$i], 'kst_type' => $this->input->post('trans_type', TRUE), 'kst_nomer' => $docno, 'kst_noreff' => '', 'kst_tgl' => dateToIndo($this->input->post('trans_tgl', TRUE)), 'kst_coa' => $coa[$i], 'kst_desc' => strtoupper($desc[$i]), 'kst_debit' => numeric($nominal[$i]), 'kst_kredit' => numeric($nominal[$i]), 'kst_createon' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'kst_sub_trans' => $this->input->post('trans_sub_trans', TRUE), 'kst_createby' => ses_krid, 'kst_cbid' => ses_cabang); $detail = array('coa' => array(0 => PIUTANG_SERVICE), 'desc' => array(0 => $desc[$i]), 'nota' => array(0 => $this->input->post('trans_notaid', TRUE)), 'pelid' => array(0 => $this->input->post('trans_pelid', TRUE)), 'supid' => array(0 => '0'), 'ccid' => array(0 => '0'), 'nominal' => array(0 => $nominal[$i])); $bank = array(); if ($nominal[$i] != 0) { $transToSave[] = array('etc' => $etc, 'main' => $main, 'detail' => $detail, 'bank' => $bank); } } } $save = $this->model_trfinance->saveTagihanService($etc, $transToSave); if ($save['status'] == TRUE) { $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', $this->sukses('Berhasil menambah tagihan')); $result = array('status' => TRUE, 'msg' => $this->sukses($save['msg'])); } else { $result = array('status' => FALSE, 'msg' => $this->error($save['msg'])); } echo json_encode($result); }