Ejemplo n.º 1
 function get_content()
     global $CFG, $OUTPUT, $SESSION, $PAGE;
     global $USER, $COURSE, $DB;
     $BLOCKNAME = "block_semantic_web";
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     if (empty($this->instance)) {
         $this->content->text = '';
         return $this->content;
     // set global variables of DASIS in cookie
     $SESSION->dasis_blockId = $this->instance->id;
     $SESSION->dasis_webprefs[$SESSION->dasis_blockId] = $DB->get_record("dasis_semantic_web_prefs", array("block_id" => $this->instance->id));
     $SESSION->dasis_courseHasBundle = is_course_contained_by_any_bundle($COURSE->id);
     if (!property_exists($SESSION, "dasis_selectedBundle")) {
         $SESSION->dasis_selectedBundle = null;
     if (!is_null($SESSION->dasis_selectedBundle)) {
         $SESSION->dasis_bundleHasPath = exists_any_path_for_bundle($SESSION->dasis_selectedBundle);
     } else {
         $SESSION->dasis_bundleHasPath = null;
     // set default session vars, so object's attributes are defined
     if (!property_exists($SESSION, "dasis_selectedPath")) {
         $SESSION->dasis_selectedPath = null;
     /// Variablen deklarieren
     $id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT);
     // Prüfen, ob wir uns im courseview befinden
     if (strpos($this->page->url, "/course/") === false) {
         $SESSION->courseview = 0;
         $SESSION->dasis_activityId = $id;
     } else {
         $SESSION->courseview = 1;
         if (!($SESSION->dasis_activityId = $DB->get_field("dasis_last_activity", "course_module", array("userid" => $USER->id, "courseid" => $COURSE->id)))) {
             $SESSION->dasis_activityId = $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT id FROM {course_modules} WHERE course = {$COURSE->id} ORDER BY added LIMIT 0,1");
     // set flag, if current activity is contained by relations semantic web
     if (!($SESSION->dasis_partOfWeb = $DB->record_exists_select("dasis_relations", "source = {$SESSION->dasis_activityId} OR target = {$SESSION->dasis_activityId}"))) {
         $SESSION->dasis_partOfWeb = 0;
     //if semantic web pref is not set yet, do it right here
     if (!$SESSION->dasis_webprefs[$SESSION->dasis_blockId]) {
         $prefs->block_id = $this->instance->id;
         $prefs->depth = 2;
         $prefs->adaption = 0;
         $prefs->case_collection = 0;
         $prefs->web_animation = 1;
         $DB->insert_record("dasis_semantic_web_prefs", $prefs);
     // Wird für das Listen-Layout des Blocks benötigt
     $this->content->items = array();
     $this->content->icons = array();
      * context needed for role management
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $COURSE->id);
      * Build the link list of the block
     // select element to choose a bundle for navigation, if course is contained by any bundle
     //if(is_course_contained_by_any_bundle($COURSE->id)) {
     $bundleSelectElement = "<select id=\"id_bundle_selection\" name=\"dasis_selectedBundle\">";
     $bundleSelectElement .= "<option value=\"0\">" . get_string("choose_bundle", $BLOCKNAME) . "</option>";
     $bundlesOfCourse = $DB->get_records("dasis_bundle_connections", array("course_id" => $COURSE->id));
     foreach ($bundlesOfCourse as $bundleOfCourse) {
         $bundle = $DB->get_record("dasis_bundles", array("id" => $bundleOfCourse->bundle_id));
         if ($SESSION->dasis_selectedBundle == $bundle->id) {
             $bundleSelectElement .= "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"" . $bundle->id . "\">" . $bundle->name . "</option>";
         } else {
             $bundleSelectElement .= "<option value=\"" . $bundle->id . "\">" . $bundle->name . "</option>";
     $bundleSelectElement .= "</select>";
     $this->content->items[] = $bundleSelectElement;
     // container for the miniweb
     $this->content->items[] = "<div id=\"id_miniWebContainer\"><iframe id=\"id_miniWeb\" src=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/semantic_web/SemanticWeb/miniweb.php?id={$id}&bid=" . $this->instance->id . "\"></iframe><div id=\"id_showWeb\"></div></div>";
     // if a bundle is chosen select the path to walk through the web
     if ($SESSION->dasis_bundleHasPath or $SESSION->dasis_webprefs[$SESSION->dasis_blockId]->adaption) {
         if ($SESSION->dasis_selectedPath !== "adapt" && $SESSION->dasis_selectedPath > 0) {
             $currentLearningPathArray = unserialize($DB->get_field("dasis_learning_paths", "path", array("id" => $SESSION->dasis_selectedPath)));
             // support groups in learning paths
             foreach ($currentLearningPathArray as $node) {
                 if (!node_visible_for_user($node)) {
                     unset($currentLearningPathArray[array_search($node, $currentLearningPathArray)]);
                     $currentLearningPathArray = array_values($currentLearningPathArray);
             $currentIndex = array_search($id, $currentLearningPathArray);
             if ($currentIndex == 0) {
                 $prevIndex = 0;
                 $nextIndex = 1;
             } elseif ($currentIndex == count($currentLearningPathArray) - 1) {
                 $prevIndex = $currentIndex - 1;
                 $nextIndex = $currentIndex;
             } else {
                 $prevIndex = $currentIndex - 1;
                 $nextIndex = $currentIndex + 1;
             $prevNodeLink = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/case_repository/start.php?id={$currentLearningPathArray[$prevIndex]}&backward=true&nav=path";
             $nextNodeLink = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/case_repository/start.php?id={$currentLearningPathArray[$nextIndex]}&foreward=true&nav=path";
         } else {
             $prevNodeLink = "";
             $nextNodeLink = "";
         $pathSelection = "<div id=\"id_path_control\" style=\"text-align:center;min-width:180px;\">";
         $pathSelection .= "<select id=\"id_path_select\" name=\"dasis_selectedPath\">";
         $pathSelection .= "<option value=\"0\">" . get_string("select_path", $BLOCKNAME) . "</option>";
         $paths = $DB->get_records("dasis_learning_paths", array("bundle_id" => $SESSION->dasis_selectedBundle));
         // add option for adaptive path to select element if adaptation is switched on
         if ($SESSION->dasis_webprefs[$SESSION->dasis_blockId]->adaption) {
             $adaptPathOption = new object();
             $adaptPathOption->id = "adapt";
             $adaptPathOption->name = "Adaptiver Pfad";
             $adaptPathOption->bundle_id = $SESSION->dasis_selectedBundle;
             $paths[$adaptPathOption->id] = $adaptPathOption;
         foreach ($paths as $path) {
             if ($SESSION->dasis_selectedPath === $path->id) {
                 $pathSelection .= "<option selected=\"selected\" value=\"" . $path->id . "\">" . $path->name . "</option>";
             } else {
                 $pathSelection .= "<option value=\"" . $path->id . "\">" . $path->name . "</option>";
         $pathSelection .= "</select><br />";
         // if adapt path is chosen, get last visited node, else the previous node of selected path
         if ($SESSION->dasis_selectedPath === "adapt" && $SESSION->dasis_webprefs[$SESSION->dasis_blockId]->adaption) {
             if (!isset($SESSION->dasis_historyPosition)) {
                 $SESSION->dasis_historyPosition = 0;
             $sql = "SELECT coursemoduleid FROM {ilms_history} WHERE ";
             if ($SESSION->dasis_selectedBundle > 0) {
                 $coursesSql = "SELECT DISTINCT course_id FROM {dasis_bundle_connections} WHERE bundle_id =" . $SESSION->dasis_selectedBundle;
             } else {
                 $coursesSql = "SELECT DISTINCT course_id FROM {dasis_bundle_connections}";
             $bundleCourses = new object();
             if (!($bundleCourses = $DB->get_records_sql($coursesSql))) {
                 $bundleCourse = new object();
                 $bundleCourse->course_id = $COURSE->id;
                 $bundleCourses = array("{$COURSE->id}" => $bundleCourse);
             $sql .= " ( ";
             foreach ($bundleCourses as $bundleCourse) {
                 if ($bundleCourse != end($bundleCourses)) {
                     $sql .= " courseid = {$bundleCourse->course_id} OR";
                 } else {
                     $sql .= " courseid = {$bundleCourse->course_id}";
             $sql .= " ) ";
             $sql .= "AND userid = {$USER->id} ORDER BY timemodified DESC LIMIT " . ($SESSION->dasis_historyPosition + 1) . ",1";
             if ($prevnodeid = $DB->get_field_sql($sql)) {
                 $prevNodeLink = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/case_repository/start.php?id=" . $prevnodeid . "&backward=true&nav=path";
             } else {
                 $prevNodeLink = "#";
         $pathSelection .= "<button id=\"id_button_lastNode\" name=\"lastNode\" value=\"{$prevNodeLink}\">" . get_string("back", $BLOCKNAME) . "</button>";
         $pathSelection .= "        <button id=\"id_button_nextNode\" name=\"nextNode\" value=\"{$nextNodeLink}\">" . get_string("next", $BLOCKNAME) . "</button>";
         $pathSelection .= "</div>";
         $this->content->items[] = $pathSelection;
     // user preferences of numbers of steps in semantic web
     $depthChoice = "<p><br/>" . get_string("depth", $BLOCKNAME) . ": <select id=\"id_select_depth\" name=\"userDepth\">";
     if (!property_exists($SESSION, "userDepth")) {
         $SESSION->userDepth = $SESSION->dasis_webprefs[$SESSION->dasis_blockId]->depth;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
         if ($i == $SESSION->userDepth) {
             $selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
         } else {
             $selected = "";
         $depthChoice .= "<option {$selected} value=\"{$i}\">{$i}</option>";
     $depthChoice .= "</select></p>";
     $this->content->items[] = $depthChoice;
     // open the edit metadata popup div
     if (has_capability("block/semantic_web:editmetadata", $context)) {
         $linkEditMetaData = "blocks/semantic_web/Metadata/edit_metadata.php?id={$id}&cv={$SESSION->courseview}";
         $this->content->items[] = "<input id=\"id_linkEditMetaData\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $CFG->wwwroot . "/" . $linkEditMetaData . "\"/>";
         $this->content->items[] = "<a id=\"id_editMetaData\" href=\"#\">" . get_string("edit_metadata", "block_semantic_web") . "</a>";
         $this->content->items[] = "<a id=\"id_show_semantic_overview\" href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/semantic_web/SemanticWeb/semantic_overview.php\">" . get_string("show_semantic_overview", "block_semantic_web") . "</a>";
     // about button
     $this->content->footer = $OUTPUT->help_icon("about", $BLOCKNAME);
     // load javascript
     $jsmodule = array('name' => 'block_semantic_web', 'fullpath' => '/blocks/semantic_web/semantic_web.js', 'requires' => array('node', 'event', 'dd-drag', 'io'));
     $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.block_semantic_web.init_popup_actions', null, false, $jsmodule);
     //$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.block_semantic_web.init_adaption_actions', null, false, $jsmodule);
     // load js of adaption module "case repository" if adaptation is turned on
     if ($SESSION->dasis_webprefs[$SESSION->dasis_blockId]->adaption) {
         $js_case_repository = array('name' => 'block_case_repository', 'fullpath' => '/blocks/case_repository/case_repository.js', 'requires' => array('array-extras', 'io'));
         $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.block_case_repository.init', null, false, $js_case_repository);
     return $this->content;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Finden der Verknüpfungen eines Knotens im Semantischen Netz, auf welche der Knoten $source zeigt
 * @param int $source		Die id der Instanz, welche auf die anderen, mit ihr vernetzten Lernaktivitäten zeigt
 * @return array $targets	Die ids der vernetzten Lernaktivitäten, die auf source zeigt
function getTargetsFromSource($source)
    global $DB, $CFG, $SESSION;
    $targets = array();
    if ($SESSION->dasis_selectedBundle > 0) {
        $sqlquery = "SELECT DISTINCT r.id, r.source, r.target, cm.visible\n    \t\t\t\tFROM {dasis_relations} r, {course_modules} cm, {dasis_bundle_connections} bc\n    \t\t\t\tWHERE {$source}=r.source AND r.target=cm.id AND cm.course=bc.course_id AND bc.bundle_id=" . $SESSION->dasis_selectedBundle;
    } else {
        $sqlquery = "SELECT DISTINCT r.id, r.source, r.target, cm.visible\n    \t\t\t\tFROM {dasis_relations} r, {course_modules} cm, {dasis_bundle_connections} bc\n    \t\t\t\tWHERE {$source}=r.source AND r.target=cm.id AND cm.course=bc.course_id";
    $relations = $DB->get_records_sql($sqlquery);
    foreach ($relations as $relation) {
        if (node_visible_for_user($relation->target)) {
            $targets[] = $relation->target;
    return $targets;