public function getContent() { global $sql; // Strona zabezpieczona wykonuje dwa niepotrzebne zapytania, mimo, że tekst sie nie wyświetla, należy po pierwszym zapytaniu wykonać fetch_assoc $page = $sql->query(' SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'subpages WHERE id = ' . $this->id)->fetch(); // Page does not exist if (!$page) { return not_found('Page you have been loking for does not exists.'); } else { if ($page['permit'] == 0) { return no_access(); } else { if (!LOGGED && $page['type'] == 2) { return no_access(array('Wybrana treść jest dostępna tylko dla zalogowanych osób.', t('REGISTER'))); } else { Kio::addTitle($page['title']); Kio::addBreadcrumb($page['title'], $page['id'] . '/' . clean_url($page['title'])); // $this->subcodename = $page['number']; Kio::addHead($page['head']); if ($page['description']) { Kio::setDescription($page['description']); } if ($page['keywords']) { Kio::setKeywords($page['keywords']); } return eval('?>' . $page['content']); } } } }
public function getContent() { global $sql; if (LOGGED) { $note = new Notifier(); Kio::addCssFile('modules/pm/pm.css'); // Tabs Kio::addTabs(array(t('Received (%messages)', array('%messages' => User::$pmInbox)) => 'pm/inbox', t('Sent (%messages)', array('%messages' => User::$pmOutbox)) => 'pm/outbox', t('Write') => 'pm/write')); switch (u1) { case 'write': return $this->getComposeForm(); break; case 'inbox': case 'outbox': if (u2 == 'read' && ctype_digit(u3)) { return $this->getMessage(); } else { return $this->getFolder(u1 == 'inbox' ? 0 : 1); } break; default: redirect(HREF . 'pm/inbox'); // //$info->negative('Pojemność skrzynki jest na wyczeraniu.'); // $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/pm/default.html'); // $tpl->cfg = $cfg; // $tpl->form = $form; // $tpl->user = $user; // $tpl->note = $note; // echo $tpl->execute(); } } else { return no_access(array('Dostęp do prywatnych wiadomości jest możliwy tylko po zalogowaniu się.', t('REGISTER'))); } }
global $username, $password, $email, $studentid; if (@$_POST['username'] and @$_POST['password'] and @$_POST['confpassword'] and @$_POST['email'] and @$_POST['studentid']) { if (@$_POST['password'] != @$_POST['confpassword']) { header("location: register.php?action=err&mes=注册失败!两次密码输入不一致!"); exit; } $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $email = $_POST['email']; $studentid = $_POST['studentid']; if (get_user_by_name($username)) { header("location: register.php?action=err&mes=注册失败!用户名已存在!"); exit; } else { if (!is_numeric($studentid)) { header("location: register.php?action=err&mes=注册失败!学号不正确!"); exit; } else { if (!add_user($username, $password, $email, $studentid)) { header("location: register.php?action=err&mes=注册失败!请检查其他信息!"); exit; } else { $_SESSION['userid'] = get_user_by_name($username)['userid']; header("location: userdetails.php?action=succ&mes=注册成功!欢迎加入" . show_user_by_id($_SESSION['userid'])); exit; } } } } else { no_access('register.php'); }
global $password; if (@$_POST['username'] and @$_POST['password']) { $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; if (!empty($username) and !empty($password)) { $user = get_user_by_name($username); if (!$user) { // echo '<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="3;url=login.php"></HEAD><BODY>'; header("location: login.php?action=err&mes=登录失败!用户不存在!请重试!"); exit; } else { if ($user['password'] == hash_password($password)) { $_SESSION['userid'] = $user['userid']; header("location: userdetails.php?action=succ&mes=登录成功!欢迎回来:" . show_user_by_id($user['userid'])); exit; } else { header("location: login.php?action=err&mes=登录失败!密码错误!请重试!"); exit; } } } else { no_access(); } } else { no_access(); } ?>
public function getContent() { global $sql; if (!LOGGED) { return no_access('By mieć dostęp do edycji profilu musisz się zalogować.'); } $note = new Notifier(); $err = new Error(); $edit = isset($_POST['edit']) ? true : false; $countries = (include 'lang/countries.php'); asort($countries); //Edit user by ID if (ctype_digit(u1)) { $profile = $sql->query(' SELECT u.* FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u WHERE = ' . u1)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($profile) { Kio::addTitle(t('Users')); Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Users'), 'users'); Kio::addTitle($profile['nickname'] . ' - ' . t('Edit profile')); Kio::addBreadcrumb($profile['nickname'], 'profile/' . u1); Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Edit profile'), 'edit_profile/' . u1); $form = $profile; } else { return not_found(t('Selected user doesn't exists.'), array(t('This person was deleted from database.'), t('Entered URL is invalid.'))); } } else { $profile = User::toArray(); Kio::addTitle(t('Edit profile')); Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Edit profile'), 'edit_profile'); } $form = $profile; $form['password'] = ''; $form['password2'] = ''; $form['birthdate'] = explode('-', $profile['birthdate']); $form['newsletter'] = $profile['newsletter'] ? 1 : 0; $form['pm_notify'] = $profile['pm_notify'] ? 1 : 0; $form['hide_email'] = $profile['hide_email'] ? 1 : 0; if (!u1 || $profile) { // Edit profile if (!empty($edit)) { $form = array('nickname' => Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile') ? filter($_POST['nickname'], 100) : User::$nickname, 'password' => filter($_POST['password'], 100), 'password2' => filter($_POST['password2'], 100), 'email' => strtolower(filter($_POST['email'], 100)), 'forename' => $_POST['forename'], 'surname' => $_POST['surname'], 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'locality' => $_POST['locality'], 'country' => !empty($countries[$_POST['country']]) ? $_POST['country'] : '', 'communicator' => $_POST['communicator'], 'website' => $_POST['website'], 'birthdate' => array_map('intval', (array) $_POST['birthdate']), 'newsletter' => isset($_POST['newsletter']) ? 1 : 0, 'pm_notify' => isset($_POST['pm_notify']) ? 1 : 0, 'hide_email' => isset($_POST['hide_email']) ? 1 : 0, 'avatar' => $_FILES['avatar']['error'] == 0 && !$_POST['delete_avatar'] ? $_FILES['avatar'] : array(), 'delete_avatar' => isset($_POST['delete_avatar']) ? 1 : 0, 'photo' => isset($_FILES['photo']) ? $_FILES['photo'] : null, 'delete_photo' => isset($_POST['delete_photo']) ? 1 : 0, 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'interests' => $_POST['interests'], 'signature' => $_POST['signature']); $allowed_types = array('image/png' => 'png', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/gif' => 'gif'); // Nickname $err->setError('nickname_empty', t('ERROR_NICKNAME_EMPTY'))->condition(!$form['nickname']); $err->setError('nickname_exists', t('ERROR_NICKNAME_EXISTS'))->condition(Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile') && $form['nickname'] && strtolower($form['nickname']) != strtolower($profile['nickname']) && is_registered($form['nickname'])); // Password $err->setError('password_differ', t('ERROR_PASSWORD_DIFFER'))->condition($form['password'] != $form['password2']); // E-mail $err->setError('email_empty', t('ERROR_EMAIL_EMPTY'))->condition(!$form['email']); if ($form['email']) { $err->setError('email_invalid', t('ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID'))->condition($form['email'] && !is_email($form['email'])); $err->setError('email_exists', t('ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS'))->condition($form['email'] != $profile['email'] && is_email($form['email']) && is_registered($form['email'], 'email')); } // Birthdate $err->setError('birthdate_invalid', t('ERROR_BIRTHDATE'))->condition(array_sum($form['birthdate']) > 0 && !is_date('Y-n-j', $form['birthdate'][0] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][1] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][2])); // Avatar if ($form['avatar']) { $err->avatar_invalid_type(t('ERROR_ava'))->condition(!in_array($form['avatar']['type'], array_keys($allowed_types))); $err->avatar_exceeded_max_size(t('ERROR_ava'))->condition(Kio::getConfig('avatar_size_max', 'edit_profile') && !$err->isError('avatar_invalid_type') && $form['avatar']['size'] > Kio::getConfig('avatar_size_max', 'edit_profile')); } // No errors if ($err->noErrors()) { if ($form['delete_avatar']) { unlink(ROOT . 'images/avatars/' . $profile['id'] . '.' . User::$avatar); } if ($form['avatar']) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], ROOT . 'images/avatars/' . $profile['id'] . '.' . $allowed_types[$form['avatar']['type']]); if ($allowed_types[$form['avatar']['type']] != User::$avatar) { unlink(ROOT . 'images/avatars/' . $profile['id'] . '.' . User::$avatar); } } $form['birthdate'] = array_sum($form['birthdate']) > 0 ? $form['birthdate'][0] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][1] . '-' . $form['birthdate'][2] : ''; $sql->exec(' UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users SET nickname = "' . (Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile') ? $form['nickname'] : User::$nickname) . '", ' . ($form['password'] ? 'pass = "******",' : '') . ' email = "' . $form['email'] . '", forename = "' . $form['forename'] . '", surname = "' . $form['surname'] . '", gender = ' . ($form['gender'] == 1 || $form['gender'] == 2 ? (int) $form['gender'] : 0) . ', locality = "' . $form['locality'] . '", country = "' . $form['country'] . '", communicator = "' . $form['communicator'] . '", website = "' . $form['website'] . '", birthdate = "' . $form['birthdate'] . '", newsletter = ' . $form['newsletter'] . ', pm_notify = ' . $form['pm_notify'] . ', hide_email = ' . $form['hide_email'] . ', ' . ($form['avatar'] ? 'avatar = "' . $allowed_types[$form['avatar']['type']] . '",' : ($form['delete_avatar'] ? 'avatar = "",' : '')) . ' title = "' . $form['title'] . '", interests = "' . $form['interests'] . '", signature = "' . $form['signature'] . '" WHERE id = ' . $profile['id']); $note->success(t('Your profile was modified successfully.')); redirect(HREF . 'edit_profile'); } else { $note->error($err->toArray()); } } try { $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/edit_profile/edit_profile.tpl.html'); $tpl->profile = $profile; $tpl->countries = $countries; $tpl->allow_change_nick = Kio::getConfig('allow_change_nick', 'edit_profile'); $tpl->form = $form; $tpl->err = $err->toArray(); $tpl->note = $note; return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e); } } }
if (u2) { require_once ROOT . 'modules/' . u2 . '/admin/index.php'; // if (file_exists(ROOT.'modules/'.u2.'/admin/index.php')) // { // $permit['admin-'.u2].$permit['admin'] // ? require_once ROOT.'modules/'.u2.'/admin/index.php' // : no_access(sprintf('Nie masz dostępu do administracji modułem <strong>%s</strong>.', u2)); // } // else // { // not_found(sprintf($lang_system['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'], u2)); // } } else { require_once ROOT . 'admin/modules.php'; } break; case 'blocks': $kio->path['admin/blocks'] = 'Bloki'; file_exists(ROOT . 'blocks/' . u2 . '/index.php') ? require_once ROOT . 'blocks/' . u2 . '/index.php' : not_found(sprintf($lang_system['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'], u2), array($lang_system['NO_FILE'], $lang_system['NO_CONTENT'], $lang_system['BAD_ADDRESS'])); break; case 'includes': file_exists(ROOT . 'system/' . u2 . '/index.php') ? $permit['admin-system-' . u2] . $permit['admin'] ? require_once ROOT . 'system/' . u2 . '/index.php' : no_access(sprintf('Dostęp do administracji rozszerzeniem <strong>%s</strong> jest zabroniony.', u2)) : not_found(sprintf($lang_system['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'], u2), array($lang_system['NO_FILE'], $lang_system['NO_CONTENT'], $lang_system['BAD_ADDRESS'])); break; default: file_exists(ROOT . 'admin/' . u1 . '/index.php') ? require_once ROOT . 'admin/' . u1 . '/index.php' : not_found(sprintf($lang_system['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'], u2), array($lang_system['NO_FILE'], $lang_system['NO_CONTENT'], $lang_system['BAD_ADDRESS'])); } } else { require_once ROOT . 'admin/default.php'; } $admin['columns'] = 2; block('Wskazówka', 'tips', 'L', 0, 1, 'Co robić, żeby było dobrze?');
* User: Pal * Date: 2015/11/13 * Time: 16:11 */ include_once "linkstart.php"; if (!is_login()) { header("location: login.php"); exit; } if (@$_POST['username'] and @$_POST['studentid'] and @$_POST['email']) { $username = $_POST['username']; $studentid = $_POST['studentid']; $email = $_POST['email']; $qq = @$_POST['qq']; $phone = @$_POST['phone']; $signature = @$_POST['signature']; if ($user = get_user_by_id($_SESSION['userid'])) { if (!($err = edit_user($user['userid'], $username, $studentid, $email, $signature, $qq, $phone))) { header("location: userdetails.php?action=succ"); } else { header("location: userdetails.php?action=err&mes=" . $err); } } else { no_access('修改信息页面'); } } else { header("location: userdetails.php?action=err&mes=用户名、学生证号或邮箱均不能为空!"); } ?>