Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: life.php Proyecto: taqfu/life
function num_of_neighbors($x, $y)
    $neighbors = neighbors($x, $y);
    $num = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
        if (isset($_SESSION["world"][$neighbors[$i]["x"]][$neighbors[$i]["y"]]) && $_SESSION["world"][$neighbors[$i]["x"]][$neighbors[$i]["y"]]) {
    return $num;
Ejemplo n.º 2

include "../../config/settings.inc.php";
include "../../include/database.inc.php";
include "setup.php";
include "../../include/myview.php";
$t = new MyView();
$t->thispage = "iem-sites";
$t->title = "Site Neighbors";
$t->sites_current = "neighbors";
function neighbors($station, $lat, $lon)
    $con = iemdb("mesosite");
    $rs = pg_prepare($con, "_SELECT", "SELECT *,\n         ST_distance(ST_transform(geom,3857), \n                     ST_transform(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(" . $lon . " " . $lat . ")'), 3857)) /1000.0 as dist from stations \n         WHERE ST_point_inside_circle(geom, " . $lon . ", " . $lat . ", 0.25) \n         and id != \$1 ORDER by dist ASC");
    $result = pg_execute($con, "_SELECT", array($station));
    $s = "<table class=\"table table-striped\">\n   <thead><tr><th>Distance [km]</th><th>Network</th><th>Station Name</th></tr></thead>";
    for ($i = 0; $row = @pg_fetch_assoc($result, $i); $i++) {
        $s .= sprintf("<tr><td>%.3f</td><td><a href=\"locate.php?network=%s\">%s</a></td><td><a href=\"site.php?station=%s&network=%s\">%s</a></td></tr>", $row["dist"], $row["network"], $row["network"], $row["id"], $row["network"], $row["name"]);
    $s .= "</table>";
    return $s;
$n = neighbors($station, $metadata["lat"], $metadata["lon"]);
$t->content = <<<EOF
<h3 class="subtitle">Neighboring Stations</h3>
<p>The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly 25 kilometers
from the site. Click on the site name for more information.</p>

Ejemplo n.º 3
function a_star($start, $target, $map)
    $open_heap = array($start);
    // binary min-heap of indexes with values in $f
    $open = array($start => TRUE);
    // set of indexes
    $closed = array();
    // set of indexes
    $g = [];
    $h = [];
    $f = [];
    $from = [];
    $g[$start] = 0;
    $h[$start] = heuristic($start, $target);
    $f[$start] = $g[$start] + $h[$start];
    while ($open) {
        $i = heap_pop($open_heap, $f);
        //not yet supported
        $open[$i] = null;
        $closed[$i] = TRUE;
        if ($i == $target) {
            $path = array();
            for (; $i != $start; $i = $from[$i]) {
                $path[myCount($path)] = $i;
            return myArrayReverse($path);
        foreach (neighbors($i, $map) as $j => $step) {
            if (!myArrayKeyExists($j, $closed)) {
                if (!myArrayKeyExists($j, $open) || $g[$i] + $step < $g[$j]) {
                    $g[$j] = $g[$i] + $step;
                    $h[$j] = heuristic($j, $target);
                    $f[$j] = $g[$j] + $h[$j];
                    $from[$j] = $i;
                    if (!myArrayKeyExists($j, $open)) {
                        $open[$j] = TRUE;
                        heap_push($open_heap, $f, $j);
                    } else {
                        heap_raise($open_heap, $f, $j);
    return FALSE;