function navbar_general($page_name) { global $game_url_path, $link_forums; navbar_open(); navbar_link($game_url_path . "mailto.php", "", "Diplomacy"); navbar_link($game_url_path . "heraldry.php", "", "Heraldry"); if ($page_name != "mapping.php") { navbar_link($game_url_path . "mapping.php", "", "Maps"); } else { navbar_link($game_url_path . "bigmap.php", "", "Big Map"); } navbar_link($game_url_path . "religion.php", "", "Religion"); navbar_link($game_url_path . "helper.php", "ts_helper", "Helper"); navbar_link($link_forums, "ts_forums", "Forums"); navbar_close(); navbar_open(); navbar_link($game_url_path . "main.php", "", "<B>Clan Overview</B>"); navbar_link($game_url_path . "activities.php", "", "Activities"); navbar_link($game_url_path . "garrisons.php", "", "Garrisons"); navbar_link($game_url_path . "report.php", "", "Reports"); navbar_link($game_url_path . "scouting.php", "", "Scouts"); navbar_link($game_url_path . "newtribe.php", "", "Subtribes"); navbar_link($game_url_path . "transfer.php", "", "Transfers"); navbar_close(); }
function navbar_help() { global $game_url_path, $link_forums; navbar_open(); navbar_link("help.php", "", "Intro"); navbar_link("help_basics.php", "", "Basics"); navbar_link("help_faq.php", "", "FAQ"); navbar_link("help_skills.php", "", "Skills"); navbar_link("help_rsrc.php", "", "Resources & Production"); navbar_link("help_combat.php", "", "Combat"); navbar_link("help_map_editor.php", "", "Map Editor"); navbar_link("help_maps.php", "", "Map Info"); navbar_link("forum/", "", "Forums"); navbar_link("bugtracker.php", "", "Bug Reports"); navbar_link("index.php", "", "Login"); navbar_close(); }
<?php include "config.php"; page_header("Clan Creation"); navbar_open(); navbar_link("heraldry.php", "", "Who's On?"); navbar_link("index.php", "", "Login"); navbar_link("help.php", "", "Help"); navbar_link("webcal", "", "Web Calendar"); navbar_link("tickets", "", "Bug Reporting"); navbar_link($link_forums, "", "Forums"); navbar_close(); ?> <P> <form action="new2.php" method="post" name="newClanForm" onSubmit="doSubmit();"> <center> <table width="" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <tr onmouseover="return overlib('Select what username you will use to log in with. This may not be changed later.');" onmouseout="nd();"> <TD>Username</td> <TD><input class=edit_area type="text" name="username" size="35" maxlength="35" value=""></td> <TD> </TD> </tr> <tr onmouseover="return overlib('Select what your people will be known as to others. This may be changed later.');" onmouseout="nd();"> <TD>Clan Name</td> <TD><input class=edit_area type="text" name="clanname" size="35" maxlength="35" value=""></td> <TD> </TD> </tr> <tr onmouseover="return overlib('Select what you will be known as to others. This may not be changed later.');" onmouseout="nd();"> <td>Chief Name</td> <td> <input class=edit_area type="text" name="character" size="35" maxlength="35" value=""></td>