Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Returns filtered associations for controllers models. HasMany association are filtered if
  * already existing in BelongsToMany
  * @param Table $model The model to build associations for.
  * @return array associations
 public function filterAssociations(Table $model)
     $belongsToManyJunctionsAliases = $this->belongsToManyJunctionAliases($model);
     $keys = ['BelongsTo', 'HasOne', 'HasMany', 'BelongsToMany'];
     $associations = [];
     foreach ($keys as $type) {
         foreach ($model->associations()->type($type) as $assoc) {
             $target = $assoc->target();
             $assocName = $assoc->name();
             $alias = $target->alias();
             //filter existing HasMany
             if ($type === 'HasMany' && in_array($alias, $belongsToManyJunctionsAliases)) {
             $targetClass = get_class($target);
             list(, $className) = namespaceSplit($targetClass);
             $navLink = true;
             $modelClass = get_class($model);
             if ($modelClass !== 'Cake\\ORM\\Table' && $targetClass === $modelClass) {
                 $navLink = false;
             $className = preg_replace('/(.*)Table$/', '\\1', $className);
             if ($className === '') {
                 $className = $alias;
             try {
                 $associations[$type][$assocName] = ['property' => $assoc->property(), 'variable' => Inflector::variable($assocName), 'primaryKey' => (array) $target->primaryKey(), 'displayField' => $target->displayField(), 'foreignKey' => $assoc->foreignKey(), 'alias' => $alias, 'controller' => $className, 'fields' => $target->schema()->columns(), 'navLink' => $navLink];
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Do nothing it could be a bogus association name.
     return $associations;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Get the element name for the panel.
  * @return string
 public function elementName()
     list($ns, $name) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
     if ($this->plugin) {
         return $this->plugin . '.' . Inflector::underscore($name);
     return Inflector::underscore($name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Gets the repository for this entity
  * @param EntityInterface $entity
  * @return Table
 protected function _repository($entity)
     $source = $entity->source();
     if ($source === null) {
         list(, $class) = namespaceSplit(get_class($entity));
         $source = Inflector::pluralize($class);
     return TableRegistry::get($source);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Returns the database method name or sets a new one
  * @param string|null $method the new method name
  * @return string
 public function method($method = null)
     if ($method !== null) {
         $this->_method = $method;
     if ($this->_method === null) {
         $method = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
         $method = substr(end($method), 0, -6);
         $this->_method = Inflector::underscore($method);
     return $this->_method;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct(MacroRegistry $macroRegistry, array $config = [], $name = null)
     if ($this->name === null && $name === null) {
         list(, $name) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
         $name = substr($name, 0, -5);
     if ($name !== null) {
         $this->name = $name;
     $this->modelFactory('Table', ['Cake\\ORM\\TableRegistry', 'get']);
     $modelClass = ($this->plugin ? $this->plugin . '.' : '') . $this->name;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Renders the response for the exception.
  * @return Response The response to be sent.
 public function render($exception)
     $exception = $exception instanceof PHP7ErrorException ? $exception->getError() : $exception;
     list(, $baseClass) = namespaceSplit(get_class($exception));
     if (substr($baseClass, -9) === 'Exception') {
         $baseClass = substr($baseClass, 0, -9);
     $action = (new Text($baseClass))->camelBackize() ?: 'error500';
     $class = Core::className('Error', 'Controller', 'Controller');
     $controller = new $class();
     if (!in_array($action, get_class_methods($controller))) {
         $action = "processError";
     return $controller->callAction($action, ["exception" => $exception, "request" => Router::getInstance()->request()]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Get an array of associations matching a specific type.
  * @param string $class The type of associations you want. For example 'BelongsTo'
  * @return array An array of Association objects.
 public function type($class)
     $out = array_filter($this->_items, function ($assoc) use($class) {
         list($ns, $name) = namespaceSplit(get_class($assoc));
         return $class === $name;
     return array_values($out);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Prepare some additional data from the context.
  * If the table option was provided to the constructor and it
  * was a string, ORM\TableRegistry will be used to get the correct table instance.
  * If an object is provided as the table option, it will be used as is.
  * If no table option is provided, the table name will be derived based on
  * naming conventions. This inference will work with a number of common objects
  * like arrays, Collection objects and ResultSets.
  * @return void
  * @throws \RuntimeException When a table object cannot be located/inferred.
 protected function _prepare()
     $table = $this->_context['table'];
     $entity = $this->_context['entity'];
     if (empty($table)) {
         if (is_array($entity) || $entity instanceof Traversable) {
             $entity = (new Collection($entity))->first();
         $isEntity = $entity instanceof Entity;
         if ($isEntity) {
             $table = $entity->source();
         if (!$table && $isEntity && get_class($entity) !== 'Cake\\ORM\\Entity') {
             list($ns, $entityClass) = namespaceSplit(get_class($entity));
             $table = Inflector::pluralize($entityClass);
     if (is_string($table)) {
         $table = TableRegistry::get($table);
     if (!is_object($table)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to find table class for current entity');
     $this->_isCollection = is_array($entity) || $entity instanceof Traversable;
     $alias = $this->_rootName = $table->alias();
     $this->_tables[$alias] = $table;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Constructor.
  * Sets a number of properties based on conventions if they are empty. To override the
  * conventions CakePHP uses you can define properties in your class declaration.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Request|null $request Request object for this controller. Can be null for testing,
  *   but expect that features that use the request parameters will not work.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Response|null $response Response object for this controller.
  * @param string|null $name Override the name useful in testing when using mocks.
  * @param \Cake\Event\EventManager|null $eventManager The event manager. Defaults to a new instance.
 public function __construct(Request $request = null, Response $response = null, $name = null, $eventManager = null)
     if ($this->name === null && $name === null) {
         list(, $name) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
         $name = substr($name, 0, -10);
     if ($name !== null) {
         $this->name = $name;
     if (!$this->viewPath) {
         $viewPath = $this->name;
         if (isset($request->params['prefix'])) {
             $prefixes = array_map('Cake\\Utility\\Inflector::camelize', explode('/', $request->params['prefix']));
             $viewPath = implode(DS, $prefixes) . DS . $viewPath;
         $this->viewPath = $viewPath;
     if (!$request instanceof Request) {
         $request = new Request();
     if (!$response instanceof Response) {
         $response = new Response();
     $this->response = $response;
     if ($eventManager) {
     $this->modelFactory('Table', ['Cake\\ORM\\TableRegistry', 'get']);
     $modelClass = ($this->plugin ? $this->plugin . '.' : '') . $this->name;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Append matching tasks in $path to the $tasks array.
  * @param array $tasks The task list to modify and return.
  * @param string $path The base path to look in.
  * @param string $namespace The base namespace.
  * @param string|null $prefix The prefix to append.
  * @return array Updated tasks.
 protected function _findTasks($tasks, $path, $namespace, $prefix = null)
     $path .= 'Shell/Task';
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         return $tasks;
     $candidates = $this->_findClassFiles($path, $namespace);
     $classes = $this->_findTaskClasses($candidates);
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         list(, $name) = namespaceSplit($class);
         $name = substr($name, 0, -4);
         $fullName = ($prefix ? $prefix . '.' : '') . $name;
         $tasks[$name] = $fullName;
     return $tasks;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Get method name
  * @param Exception $exception Exception instance.
  * @return string
 protected function _method(Exception $exception)
     $exception = $this->_unwrap($exception);
     list(, $baseClass) = namespaceSplit(get_class($exception));
     if (substr($baseClass, -9) === 'Exception') {
         $baseClass = substr($baseClass, 0, -9);
     $method = Inflector::variable($baseClass) ?: 'error500';
     return $this->method = $method;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Get method name
  * @param \Exception $exception Exception instance.
  * @return string
 protected function _method(\Exception $exception)
     list(, $baseClass) = namespaceSplit(get_class($exception));
     $baseClass = substr($baseClass, 0, -9);
     $method = Inflector::variable($baseClass) ?: 'error500';
     return $this->method = $method;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Returns the type name name or sets a new one
  * @param string $name the new type name
  * @return string
 public function name($name = null)
     if ($name !== null) {
         $this->_name = $name;
     if ($this->_name === null) {
         $name = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
         $name = substr(end($name), 0, -4);
         if (empty($name)) {
             $name = '*';
         $this->_name = Inflector::underscore($name);
     return $this->_name;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Extract the id from the theme class name.
  * @return string
 protected function _extractId()
     list(, $className) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
     $id = explode('Theme', $className)[0];
     if (!$className || !$id) {
         user_error(__d('wasabi_cms', 'The theme class {0} has an invalid name. The name has to end with "Theme".', $className));
     return $id;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Return current table in camelCase form.
  * It adds plugin name as a prefix.
  * @return string Table Name along with its prefix if found.
 protected function _currentTable()
     list($namespace, $alias) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
     $alias = substr($alias, 0, -5);
     list($plugin) = explode('\\', $namespace);
     if ($plugin === 'App') {
         return Inflector::camelize($alias);
     return Inflector::camelize($plugin . '.' . $alias);
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Tests that the `driver` option supports the short classname/plugin syntax.
  * @return void
 public function testDriverOptionClassNameSupport()
     $connection = new Connection(['driver' => 'TestDriver']);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\TestApp\\Database\\Driver\\TestDriver', $connection->driver());
     $connection = new Connection(['driver' => 'TestPlugin.TestDriver']);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\TestPlugin\\Database\\Driver\\TestDriver', $connection->driver());
     list(, $name) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this->connection->driver()));
     $connection = new Connection(['driver' => $name]);
     $this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($this->connection->driver()), $connection->driver());
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Returns an array of information of this field. Valid options are:
  * - `type` (string): Type of data this field stores, possible values are:
  *   datetime, decimal, int, text, varchar.
  * - `name` (string): Human readable name of this field. ex. `Selectbox`
  *   Defaults to class name.
  * - `description` (string): Something about what this field does or allows
  *   to do. Defaults to class name.
  * - `hidden` (bool): If set to false users can not use this field via
  *   Field UI. Defaults to true, users can use it via Field UI.
  * - `maxInstances` (int): Maximum number instances of this field a table
  *   can have. Set to 0 to indicates no limits. Defaults to 0.
  * - `searchable` (bool): Whether this field can be searched using WHERE
  *   clauses.
  * @return array
 public function info()
     list(, $handlerName) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
     return ['type' => 'varchar', 'name' => (string) $handlerName, 'description' => (string) $handlerName, 'hidden' => false, 'maxInstances' => 0, 'searchable' => true];
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Returns associations for controllers models.
  * @param Table $model The model to build associations for.
  * @return array associations
 protected function _associations(Table $model)
     $keys = ['BelongsTo', 'HasOne', 'HasMany', 'BelongsToMany'];
     $associations = [];
     foreach ($keys as $type) {
         foreach ($model->associations()->type($type) as $assoc) {
             $target = $assoc->target();
             $assocName = $assoc->name();
             $alias = $target->alias();
             $targetClass = get_class($target);
             list(, $className) = namespaceSplit($targetClass);
             $modelClass = get_class($model);
             if ($modelClass !== 'Cake\\ORM\\Table' && $targetClass === $modelClass) {
             $className = preg_replace('/(.*)Table$/', '\\1', $className);
             if ($className === '') {
                 $className = $alias;
             $associations[$type][$assocName] = ['property' => $assoc->property(), 'variable' => Inflector::variable($assocName), 'primaryKey' => (array) $target->primaryKey(), 'displayField' => $target->displayField(), 'foreignKey' => $assoc->foreignKey(), 'alias' => $alias, 'controller' => $className, 'fields' => $target->schema()->columns()];
     return $associations;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Magic __toString() method to get the CacheEngine's name
  * @return string Returns the CacheEngine's name
 public function __toString()
     if (!empty($this->_engine)) {
         list($ns, $class) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this->_engine));
         return str_replace('Engine', '', $class);
     return $this->_config['className'];
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * test namespaceSplit
  * @return void
 public function testNamespaceSplit()
     $result = namespaceSplit('Something');
     $this->assertEquals(['', 'Something'], $result);
     $result = namespaceSplit('\\Something');
     $this->assertEquals(['', 'Something'], $result);
     $result = namespaceSplit('Cake\\Something');
     $this->assertEquals(['Cake', 'Something'], $result);
     $result = namespaceSplit('Cake\\Test\\Something');
     $this->assertEquals(['Cake\\Test', 'Something'], $result);
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Generate a constructor code snippet for the type and class name
  * @param string $type The Type of object you are generating tests for eg. controller
  * @param string $fullClassName The full classname of the class the test is being generated for.
  * @return array Constructor snippets for the thing you are building.
 public function generateConstructor($type, $fullClassName)
     list(, $className) = namespaceSplit($fullClassName);
     $type = strtolower($type);
     $pre = $construct = $post = '';
     if ($type === 'table') {
         $className = str_replace('Table', '', $className);
         $pre = "\$config = TableRegistry::exists('{$className}') ? [] : ['className' => '{$fullClassName}'];";
         $construct = "TableRegistry::get('{$className}', \$config);";
     if ($type === 'behavior' || $type === 'entity' || $type === 'form') {
         $construct = "new {$className}();";
     if ($type === 'helper') {
         $pre = "\$view = new View();";
         $construct = "new {$className}(\$view);";
     if ($type === 'component') {
         $pre = "\$registry = new ComponentRegistry();";
         $construct = "new {$className}(\$registry);";
     if ($type === 'shell') {
         $pre = "\$this->io = \$this->getMock('Cake\\Console\\ConsoleIo');";
         $construct = "new {$className}(\$this->io);";
     if ($type === 'cell') {
         $pre = "\$this->request = \$this->getMock('Cake\\Network\\Request');\n";
         $pre .= "        \$this->response = \$this->getMock('Cake\\Network\\Response');";
         $construct = "new {$className}(\$this->request, \$this->response);";
     return [$pre, $construct, $post];
  * Returns the endpoint name or sets a new one
  * @param string|null $endpoint the new endpoint name
  * @return string
 public function endpoint($endpoint = null)
     if ($endpoint !== null) {
         $this->_endpoint = $endpoint;
     if ($this->_endpoint === null) {
         $endpoint = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
         $endpoint = substr(end($endpoint), 0, -8);
         // In case someone constructs the Endpoint class directly
         if (empty($endpoint)) {
             $endpoint = $this->alias();
         $this->_endpoint = Inflector::underscore($endpoint);
     return $this->_endpoint;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Constructor.
  * Sets a number of properties based on conventions if they are empty. To override the
  * conventions CakePHP uses you can define properties in your class declaration.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Request|null $request Request object for this controller. Can be null for testing,
  *   but expect that features that use the request parameters will not work.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Response|null $response Response object for this controller.
  * @param string|null $name Override the name useful in testing when using mocks.
  * @param \Cake\Event\EventManager|null $eventManager The event manager. Defaults to a new instance.
  * @param \Cake\Controller\ComponentRegistry|null $components The component registry. Defaults to a new instance.
 public function __construct(Request $request = null, Response $response = null, $name = null, $eventManager = null, $components = null)
     if ($name !== null) {
         $this->name = $name;
     if ($this->name === null && isset($request->params['controller'])) {
         $this->name = $request->params['controller'];
     if ($this->name === null) {
         list(, $name) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
         $this->name = substr($name, 0, -10);
     $this->setRequest($request !== null ? $request : new Request());
     $this->response = $response !== null ? $response : new Response();
     if ($eventManager !== null) {
     $this->modelFactory('Table', [$this->tableLocator(), 'get']);
     $modelClass = ($this->plugin ? $this->plugin . '.' : '') . $this->name;
     if ($components !== null) {
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Gets the name of the class driver used by the given $query to access the DB.
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Query $query The query to inspect
  * @return string Lowercased drive name. e.g. `mysql`
 protected function _driverClass(Query $query)
     $conn = $query->connection(null);
     list(, $driverClass) = namespaceSplit(strtolower(get_class($conn->driver())));
     return $driverClass;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function alias($alias = null)
     if ($alias !== null) {
         $this->_alias = $alias;
     if ($this->_alias === null) {
         $alias = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
         $alias = substr(end($alias), 0, -5) ?: $this->_table;
         $this->_alias = $alias;
     return $this->_alias;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Get an array of associations matching a specific type.
  * @param string|array $class The type of associations you want.
  *   For example 'BelongsTo' or array like ['BelongsTo', 'HasOne']
  * @return array An array of Association objects.
 public function type($class)
     $class = array_map('strtolower', (array) $class);
     $out = array_filter($this->_items, function ($assoc) use($class) {
         list(, $name) = namespaceSplit(get_class($assoc));
         return in_array(strtolower($name), $class, true);
     return array_values($out);
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Initialize the fixture.
  * @return void
  * @throws \Cake\ORM\Exception\MissingTableClassException When importing from a table that does not exist.
 public function init()
     if ($this->table === null) {
         list(, $class) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
         preg_match('/^(.*)Fixture$/', $class, $matches);
         $table = $class;
         if (isset($matches[1])) {
             $table = $matches[1];
         $this->table = Inflector::tableize($table);
     if (empty($this->import) && !empty($this->fields)) {
     if (!empty($this->import)) {
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Determine the reference name to use for a given table
  * The reference name is usually derived from the class name of the table object
  * (PostsTable -> Posts), however for autotable instances it is derived from
  * the database table the object points at - or as a last resort, the alias
  * of the autotable instance.
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table The table class to get a reference name for.
  * @return string
 protected function _referenceName(Table $table)
     $name = namespaceSplit(get_class($table));
     $name = substr(end($name), 0, -5);
     if (empty($name)) {
         $name = $table->table() ?: $table->alias();
         $name = Inflector::camelize($name);
     return $name;
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Constructs this Shell instance.
  * @param \Cake\Console\ConsoleIo $io An io instance.
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/console-and-shells.html#Shell
 public function __construct(ConsoleIo $io = null)
     if (!$this->name) {
         list(, $class) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
         $this->name = str_replace(['Shell', 'Task'], '', $class);
     $this->_io = $io ?: new ConsoleIo();
     $locator = $this->tableLocator() ?: 'Cake\\ORM\\TableRegistry';
     $this->modelFactory('Table', [$locator, 'get']);
     $this->Tasks = new TaskRegistry($this);
     $this->_mergeVars(['tasks'], ['associative' => ['tasks']]);
     if (isset($this->modelClass)) {
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Returns the table name using the fixture class
  * @return string
 protected function _tableFromClass()
     list(, $class) = namespaceSplit(get_class($this));
     preg_match('/^(.*)Fixture$/', $class, $matches);
     $table = $class;
     if (isset($matches[1])) {
         $table = $matches[1];
     return Inflector::tableize($table);