Ejemplo n.º 1
function listComplaints()
    global $db, $cust_id, $response, $ajaxmode;
    $where = $_SESSION['access_level'] == 1 ? " where c.id = {$cust_id}" : '';
    $query = <<<Q
SELECT concat(c.first_name, ' ', c.last_name) as fullname, c.id as cid, cc.id as id, cc.status as status, cc.time as time, cc.title as title, cc.details as details
FROM `customer_complaints`as cc inner join `customers` as c on c.id = cc.customer_id
order by cc.time desc;
    $list = array();
    $curr = new stdClass();
    while ($row = $db->result->fetch_object()) {
        $curr->id = 'complaint-' . $row->id;
        $curr->stat = $row->status == 1 ? 'open' : 'closed';
        $curr->info = '<div class="header"><h4>' . $row->title . '</h4>';
        $cust = $_SESSION['access_level'] == 4 ? '| by <a href="profile.php?domain=customers&id=' . $row->cid . '">' . $row->fullname . '</a>' : '';
        $curr->info .= '<small>' . mysql_to_date($row->time) . $cust . '</small></div>';
        $curr->info .= '<p>' . $row->details . '</p>';
        if ($_SESSION['access_level'] == 4) {
            $axn = $row->status == 1 ? 'Close Complaint' : 'Re-open Complaint';
            $curr->ctrl = '<p><a href="#" class="update" rel="' . $row->id . '">' . $axn . '</a></p>';
        } else {
            $curr->ctrl = '';
        $list[] = $curr;
    if ($ajaxmode) {
        echo json_encode($list);
    $response->History = $list;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 // create table
 new_table(get_default_table('Tabella1', array(7, 19, 3.7)));
 add_table_header('Tabella1', array('Codice', 'Oggetto', 'Date'), make_bold($oo_ar10c));
 $where = implode(' AND ', $wh);
 $q = mysql_query("      SELECT P.*,C.codice,C.nome \n                                                        FROM pratiche P\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN contact C ON pr_ref_idcliente = C.id\n                                                        WHERE {$where}\n                                                        ORDER BY pr_codice ASC");
 while ($l = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
     $op = $l[pr_operatore];
     $oper = is_array($OPER[$op]) ? $OPER[$op][0] . " (" . $OPER[$op][1] . ")" : '';
     $valore = 'Indeterminato';
     if ($l[pr_valore] == -2) {
         $valore = 'Indet/Extra';
     if ($l[pr_valore] > 0) {
         $valore = nform($l[pr_valore]);
     add_table_row('Tabella1', array($l[pr_codice] . "\n\nN. " . (int) $l[pr_numero], "Repertorio n. " . $l[pr_repertorio] . "\t\t" . "Cliente: " . $l[codice] . " (" . $l[nome] . ")\n" . $l[pr_oggetto] . "\n" . "Tipo: " . $l[pr_tipo] . " (" . $PRTIPO[$l[pr_tipo]] . ")\t\t" . "Operatore: " . $oper . "\n" . "Valore: {$valore}\t\tCrit.: " . $l[pr_criterio] . "\t\tFido:" . nform($l[pr_fido]) . "\n" . "Aut. C.: " . $l[pr_comp_cod] . " . " . $l[pr_comp_desc] . "\tN.Prov: " . $l[pr_nprovv] . "\n" . "Giud: " . $l[pr_giudice] . "\t\tN.Ruol: " . $l[pr_nruolo], "Ape: " . mysql_to_date($l[pr_data_inizio]) . "\n" . "Ins: " . mysql_to_date($l[pr_data_ins]) . "\n" . "Agg: " . mysql_to_date($l[pr_data_mod])), array($oo_ar10, $oo_ar10, $oo_ar10e));
     // note
     if ($l[note] && in_array(1, $P[print_note]) && !$rapida) {
         add_table_row('Tabella1', array("NOTE: " . $l[note]), $oo_ar10);
 // create content
 $OO_PAGE_STYLE = set_page_style($PAGE_STYLE);
 $OO_PAGE_HEADER = set_page_header("#DATA#\t\t\t\tELENCO PRATICHE\t\tPag.: #PAGINA#");
 // set_page_footer('#DATA# #ORA#');
 $header_style = array(color => '#000000', size => '12pt', align => 'start', face => 'Verdana');
 //$footer_style = array(color => '#ffff00', size => '12pt', align => 'end', face => 'Verdana');
 $OO_HEADER_STYLE = set_header_style($header_style);
 // set_footer_style($footer_style);
Ejemplo n.º 3

require 'includes/_.php';
$_SESSION['view'] = 'Home';

<h1>Welcome, <?php 
echo $_SESSION['full_name'];
<p>Activity since <?php 
echo mysql_to_date($_SESSION['last_access']);
<ul id="activity-list">
if ($_SESSION['access_level'] == 3) {
        <li><a href="viewEditLead.php?status=Open"><span class="count delta">
    $employeeID = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    $db->runQuery("select count(*) as count from customer_leads CL,leads L where CL.employee_id={$employeeID} and L.status='Open' and CL.lead_id = L.id;");
    $rows = $db->result->fetch_assoc();
    echo $rows['count'];
            </span> Open Leads</a></li>
            <li><a href="viewEditLead.php?status=Closed"><span class="count delta">
    $employeeID = $_SESSION['user_id'];
Ejemplo n.º 4
     $tot_imp += $l['spese_imponibili'];
     $tot_nimp += $l['spese_non_imponibili'];
     $spese_sost = $l['spese_imponibili'] + $l['spese_non_imponibili'];
     $tot_spe += $spese_sost;
     $tot_dir += $l['diritti'];
     $ono_field = $l['onorari'];
     if ($prevalenza == 2) {
         $ono_field = $l['on_onorari'];
     if ($prevalenza == 3) {
         $ono_field = $l['on_utente'];
     $tot_ono += $ono_field;
     $tot_acc += $l['acconti'];
     $tot_ant += $l['anticipazioni'];
     add_table_row('Tabella1', array($l[data] != $prev_data ? mysql_to_date($l[data]) : '', $l[testo], nform($spese_sost * $n_val, 1, $n_dec, $n_tho), nform($l[diritti] * $n_val, 1, $n_dec, $n_tho), nform($ono_field * $n_val, 1, $n_dec, $n_tho)), array($oo_def_c, $oo_def, $oo_def_e, $oo_def_e, $oo_def_e));
     $prev_data = $l[data];
 add_table_row('Tabella1', array('', '', '--------------', '--------------', '--------------'), $oo_def_e);
 add_table_row('Tabella1', array('', EXPORT_SXW_F_TOTPR, nform($tot_spe * $n_val, 0, $n_dec, $n_tho), nform($tot_dir * $n_val, 0, $n_dec, $n_tho), nform($tot_ono * $n_val, 0, $n_dec, $n_tho)), array($oo_def_c, $oo_def, $oo_def_e, $oo_def_e, $oo_def_e));
 // create table
 new_table(get_default_table('Tabella2', array(14, 6), 0));
 $tot1 = 0;
 $p_tot_imp = nform($tot_imp * $n_val, 0, $n_dec, $n_tho);
 add_table_row('Tabella2', array(EXPORT_SXW_F_RIEP, $n_cod), array($oo_def, $oo_def_e));
 add_table_row('Tabella2', array('------------', '----------------------'), array($oo_def, $oo_def_e));
 add_table_row('Tabella2', array(EXPORT_SXW_F_TOTIMP, $p_tot_imp), array($oo_def, $oo_def_e));
 $p_tot_dir = nform($tot_dir * $n_val, 0, $n_dec, $n_tho);
 $p_tot_ono = nform($tot_ono * $n_val, 0, $n_dec, $n_tho);
 add_table_row('Tabella2', array(EXPORT_SXW_F_TOTDIR, $p_tot_dir), array($oo_def, $oo_def_e));
 add_table_row('Tabella2', array(EXPORT_SXW_F_TOTONO, $p_tot_ono), array($oo_def, $oo_def_e));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 $curtab = $tab1;
 while ($l = $q->FetchRow()) {
     if ($l[day] != $prev_day && in_array(3, $_GET[print_note])) {
         if ($prev_day != '') {
             $OO_TEXT .= render_table($curtab[name]);
         $curtab = $prev_day == '' ? $tab1 : $tab2;
         add_table_header($curtab[name], array(EXPORT_SXW_DATE . '/' . EXPORT_SXW_TIME, EXPORT_SXW_OPER, EXPORT_SXW_IMP, EXPORT_SXW_PRAT), make_bold($oo_def_c));
         $prev_day = $l[day];
     list($yy, $mm, $dd) = explode('-', $l[day]);
     $weekday = date('w', mktime(7, 0, 0, $mm, $dd, $yy));
     $weekday = $daylist[$weekday];
     $l[day] = mysql_to_date($l[day]);
     $l[time] = mysql_to_time($l[time]);
     if ($l[time] == '00:00') {
         $l[time] = '';
     $opers = '';
     $ops = explode(',,', trim($l[operator]));
     $op2 = array();
     foreach ($ops as $o) {
         $op2[] = $OPER[$o][0];
         $used_operators[$o] = 1;
     $opers = count($op2) ? implode(' - ', $op2) : '';
     $f1 = $rapida ? "{$l['day']}\n{$weekday}" : "{$l['day']}\n{$l['time']}\n{$weekday}";
     $f2 = "{$opers}\n";
     $f3 = "{$l['title']}\n";
Ejemplo n.º 6
         $l = $q2->FetchRow();
         // ci sono altre versioni
     } else {
         $l = $k;
     // non ci sono altre versioni
     list($yy, $mm, $dd) = explode('-', $l[date]);
     $weekday = date('w', mktime(7, 0, 0, $mm, $dd, $yy));
     $weekday = $daylist[$weekday];
     $opers = '';
     $ops = explode(',,', trim($l[operator]));
     foreach ($ops as $o) {
         $opers .= $OPER[$o];
     add_table_row('Tabella1', array(mysql_to_date($l[data]) . "\n" . $weekday, $l[descr], $opers, $l['filename'], $l['version'], $l['pr_codice'] . "\n" . $l['pr_oggetto']), array($oo_def_e, $oo_def, $oo_def, $oo_def_c, $oo_def_c, $oo_def));
     // note
     if ($l[note] && in_array(1, $P[print_note]) && !$rapida) {
         add_table_row('Tabella1', array(EXPORT_SXW_NOTE . ": " . $l[note]), $oo_def);
 // create content
 $OO_PAGE_STYLE = set_page_style($PAGE_STYLE);
 $OO_PAGE_HEADER = set_page_header("#DATA#\t\t\t\t" . EXPORT_SXW_TIT_DOC . "\t\t" . EXPORT_SXW_TIT_PG . ": #PAGINA#");
 // set_page_footer('#DATA# #ORA#');
 $header_style = array(color => '#000000', size => '12pt', align => 'start', face => 'Verdana');
 //$footer_style = array(color => '#ffff00', size => '12pt', align => 'end', face => 'Verdana');
 $OO_HEADER_STYLE = set_header_style($header_style);
 // set_footer_style($footer_style);