function loadsettings() { $settingsQ = mysql_query_cache("SELECT setting, value FROM settings"); foreach ($settingsQ as $settingsR) { $setting = $settingsR->setting; $value = $settingsR->value; $this->settingsarray[$setting] = $value; } }
private function getRealAnomTypeID($typeName, $whClassID) { global $whConn; $anomSQL = sprintf("SELECT dgmTypeAttributes.typeID FROM " . EVEDB_NAME . ".dgmTypeAttributes INNER JOIN " . EVEDB_NAME . ".dgmAttributeTypes USING(attributeID) WHERE typeID = (SELECT invTypes.typeID FROM " . EVEDB_NAME . ".invTypes WHERE UPPER(typeName) LIKE '%%%s%% CLASS %d%%') LIMIT 1", strtoupper($typeName), $whClassID); $rsAnomaly = mysql_query_cache($anomSQL, $whConn); if (is_array($rsAnomaly)) { if (!empty($rsAnomaly)) { return $rsAnomaly[0]["typeID"]; } } return null; }
<?php require_once 'singleserver.php'; $sql = "\n SELECT `dataID`, `dataTitle`\n FROM `tbldata`\n WHERE `dataTypeID` BETWEEN 2 AND 2093\n AND `dataStatusID` IN (1,2,3,4)\n AND `dataTitle` LIKE '%something%'\n ORDER BY `dataDate` DESC\n LIMIT 10\n "; # Antes: Sin Memcached $rSlowQuery = mysql_query($sql); # $rSlowQuery is a MySQL resource $rows = mysql_num_rows($rSlowQuery); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $dataID = intval(mysql_result($rSlowQuery, $i, "dataID")); $dataTitle = mysql_result($rSlowQuery, $i, "dataTitle"); echo "<a href=\"/somewhere/{$dataID}\">{$dataTitle}</a><br />\n"; } # Despues Con Memcache $rSlowQuery = mysql_query_cache($sql); # $rSlowQuery is an array $rows = count($rSlowQuery); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { $dataID = intval($rSlowQuery[$i]["dataID"]); $dataTitle = $rSlowQuery[$i]["dataTitle"]; echo "<a href=\"/somewhere/{$dataID}\">{$dataTitle}</a><br />\n"; }
//if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) // mysql_data_seek($result, 0); foreach ($result as $resultrow) { echo "<td>" . $resultrow->hashrate . "</td>"; } echo "</tbody></table><br />\n"; //echo "</div><div class=\"clear\"></div><div id=\"stats_wrap_4\" class=\"top_spacing\">"; // USER HASHRATE OVER LAST MONTH GRAPH ************************************************************************************************************************* // // table is hidden, graph follows echo "<table id=\"user_hashrate_lastmonth\" class=\"hide\">"; echo "<caption>" . $userInfo->username . "'s Hashrate over the Last Month</caption>"; echo "<thead><tr><td></td>"; $query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(timestamp, '%b %e') as day, hashrate FROM userHashrates WHERE timestamp > DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 1 MONTH) AND userId = " . $userInfo->id; $query .= " GROUP BY EXTRACT(MONTH FROM timestamp), EXTRACT(DAY FROM timestamp)"; $result = mysql_query_cache($query); foreach ($result as $resultrow) { echo "<th scope=\"col\">" . $resultrow->day . "</th>"; } echo "</thead><tbody><tr><th scope=\"row\">" . $userInfo->username . "'s Hashrate</th>"; // re-iterate through results //if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) // mysql_data_seek($result, 0); foreach ($result as $resultrow) { echo "<td>" . $resultrow->hashrate . "</td>"; } echo "</tbody></table><br />\n"; //echo "</div><div class=\"clear\"></div><div id=\"stats_wrap_5\" class=\"top_spacing\">"; } echo "<div class=\\'clear'></div></div><br />\n"; include "includes/footer.php";
if ($OJ_SIM) { $old = $sql; $sql = "select * from ({$sql} order by solution_id desc limit 20) solution left join `sim` on solution.solution_id=sim.s_id WHERE 1 "; if (isset($_GET['showsim']) && intval($_GET['showsim']) > 0) { $showsim = intval($_GET['showsim']); $sql = "select * from ({$old} ) solution \n left join `sim` on solution.solution_id=sim.s_id WHERE result=4 and sim>={$showsim}"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ({$sql}) `solution`\n left join(select solution_id old_s_id,user_id old_user_id from solution) old\n on old.old_s_id=sim_s_id WHERE old_user_id!=user_id and sim_s_id!=solution_id "; $str2 .= "&showsim={$showsim}"; } //$sql=$sql.$order_str." LIMIT 20"; } $sql = $sql . $order_str . " LIMIT 20"; //echo $sql; if ($OJ_MEMCACHE) { require "./include/memcache.php"; $result = mysql_query_cache($sql) or die("Error! " . mysql_error()); $rows_cnt = count($result); } else { $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error! " . mysql_error()); $rows_cnt = mysql_num_rows($result); } $top = $bottom = -1; $cnt = 0; if ($start_first) { $row_start = 0; $row_add = 1; } else { $row_start = $rows_cnt - 1; $row_add = -1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $rows_cnt; $i++) {
$view_rank[$i][1] = "<div class=center><a href='userinfo.php?user="******"'>" . $row['user_id'] . "</a>" . "</div>"; $view_rank[$i][2] = "<div class=center>" . htmlspecialchars($row['nick']) . "</div>"; $view_rank[$i][3] = "<div class=center><a href='status.php?user_id=" . $row['user_id'] . "&jresult=4'>" . $row['solved'] . "</a>" . "</div>"; $view_rank[$i][4] = "<div class=center><a href='status.php?user_id=" . $row['user_id'] . "'>" . $row['submit'] . "</a>" . "</div>"; if ($row['submit'] == 0) { $view_rank[$i][5] = "0.000%"; } else { $view_rank[$i][5] = sprintf("%.03lf%%", 100 * $row['solved'] / $row['submit']); } } if (!$OJ_MEMCACHE) { mysql_free_result($result); } if ($OJ_MEMCACHE) { // require("./include/memcache.php"); $result = mysql_query_cache($view_total_sql); // or die("Error! ".mysql_error()); if ($result) { $rows_cnt = count($result); } else { $rows_cnt = 0; } } else { $result = mysql_query($view_total_sql); // or die("Error! ".mysql_error()); if ($result) { $rows_cnt = mysql_num_rows($result); } else { $rows_cnt = 0; } }
if ($prevtop_sql != "") { $prevtop_sql = $prevtop_sql . " ORDER BY `solution_id` ASC LIMIT 20"; $prev_result = mysql_query($prevtop_sql); $prev_rows_cnt = 0; if ($prev_result) { $prev_rows_cnt = mysql_num_rows($prev_result); } for ($i = 0; $i < $prev_rows_cnt; $i++) { $prev_row = mysql_fetch_array($prev_result); $prev_top = $prev_row['solution_id']; } mysql_free_result($prev_result); } if ($OJ_MEMCACHE) { require "./include/memcache.php"; $result = mysql_query_cache($sql); // or die("Error! ".mysql_error()); if ($result) { $rows_cnt = count($result); } else { $rows_cnt = 0; } } else { $result = mysql_query($sql); // or die("Error! ".mysql_error()); if ($result) { $rows_cnt = mysql_num_rows($result); } else { $rows_cnt = 0; } }
// Get the top corp in alliance ship types $topCorpShips = $topCorp->shipTypes; if (is_array($topCorpShips)) { arsort($topCorpShips, SORT_NUMERIC); // $bigKillShips contains a list of ship typeIDs together with the number of // times they were used. In order to get the total count of ship CLASSES we // have to build a convoluted SQL query using UNIONs in order to add a column // containing the counts-per-ship, and then aggregating them into a // total-per-class, which is what we display. $bigShipJoinSQL = "LEFT JOIN ("; foreach ($topCorpShips as $sName => $sKills) { $bigShipJoinSQL .= sprintf("SELECT %d AS typeID, %d AS useCnt%s", $sName, $sKills, $sName != end(array_keys($topCorpShips)) ? " UNION " : ""); } $bigShipJoinSQL .= ") sK USING(typeID)"; $shipClassSQL = sprintf("SELECT ig.groupName, SUM(sK.useCnt) AS timesUsed FROM " . EVEDB_NAME . ".invTypes it LEFT JOIN " . EVEDB_NAME . ".invGroups ig USING(groupID) %s WHERE (it.typeID IN (%s) AND NOT it.typeID = 0) AND ig.anchorable = 0 GROUP BY ig.groupName ORDER BY timesUsed DESC", $bigShipJoinSQL, implode(",", array_keys($topCorpShips))); $rsShipClass = mysql_query_cache($shipClassSQL); if (is_array($rsShipClass)) { if (!empty($rsShipClass)) { $classCnt = 1; $classCount = count($rsShipClass); //$bigKillShipID = key($topCorpShips); printf('Their favourite ship class%s %s <span class="h5">%s</span> (%0.1f%% of total)', $classCount > 1 && EVEKILL_MAX_SHIP_CLASSES_TO_SHOW > 1 ? "es" : "", $classCount > 1 && EVEKILL_MAX_SHIP_CLASSES_TO_SHOW > 1 ? "include" : "is", $rsShipClass[0]["groupName"], $rsShipClass[0]["timesUsed"] / $classCount * 100); if ($classCount > 1 && EVEKILL_MAX_SHIP_CLASSES_TO_SHOW > 1) { $clAry = array(); for ($s = 1; $s < count($rsShipClass) && $classCnt++ < EVEKILL_MAX_SHIP_CLASSES_TO_SHOW; $s++) { $clAry[] = sprintf('%s (%0.1f%%)', $rsShipClass[$s]["groupName"], $rsShipClass[$s]["timesUsed"] / $classCount * 100); } printf(", %s. ", isset($clAry) ? implode(", ", $clAry) : ""); } else { printf(". "); }
function getSystemName($id) { $lociiSQL = sprintf("SELECT solarSystemName FROM " . EVEDB_NAME . ".mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID=%s%%", $id); $rsLocii = mysql_query_cache($lociiSQL, false, MEMCACHE_STATICDATA_TIMEOUT, true); if (is_array($rsLocii)) { if (!empty($rsLocii)) { return $rsLocii[0]["solarSystemName"]; } } }
if (is_numeric($settings->getsetting("sitepercent"))) { $sitePercent = $settings->getsetting("sitepercent"); } $totalUserShares = $stats->usersharecount($userid); //Get current round share information, estimated total earnings $totalOverallShares = $stats->currentshares(); //Prevent divide by zero if ($totalUserShares > 0 && $totalOverallShares > 0) { //Get site percentage $sitePercent = 0; if (is_numeric($settings->getsetting('sitepercent'))) { $sitePercent = $settings->getsetting('sitepercent') / 100; } if ($totalOverallShares > $bitcoinDifficulty) { $estimatedTotalEarnings = $totalUserShares / $totalOverallShares; } else { $estimatedTotalEarnings = $totalUserShares / $bitcoinDifficulty; } $estimatedTotalEarnings *= $bonusCoins * (1 - $sitePercent); //The expected BTC to be givin out $user->estimated_rewards = round($estimatedTotalEarnings, 8); } } $resultW = mysql_query_cache("SELECT username FROM pool_worker WHERE associatedUserId = {$userid}", 300); foreach ($resultW as $workerobj) { $worker = new Worker(); $worker->alive = $stats->workerhashrate($workerobj->username) > 0; $worker->hashrate = $stats->workerhashrate($workerobj->username); $user->workers[$workerobj->username] = $worker; } echo json_encode($user);
private function getIDOrNameFromEveAPI($nameArray, $searchType = EVE_API_ID_SEARCH) { global $whConn; // Convert nameArray to array if it is a string if (!is_array($nameArray)) { $tmpAry = array(); $tmpAry[] = $nameArray; $nameArray = $tmpAry; unset($tmpAry); } $idArray = array(); // First interrogate the database cache, any entries we find in there we can exclude from the API run $dbNameArray = $nameArray; for ($n = 0; $n < sizeof($dbNameArray); $n++) { $dbNameArray[$n] = strtoupper(mysql_real_escape_string($dbNameArray[$n])); } if ($searchType == EVE_API_ID_SEARCH) { $idLookupSQL = sprintf("SELECT eve_id, eve_name FROM " . WHDB_NAME . ".idMap WHERE UPPER(eve_name) IN ('%s')", implode($dbNameArray, "','")); } else { $idLookupSQL = sprintf("SELECT eve_id, eve_name FROM " . WHDB_NAME . ".idMap WHERE eve_id IN (%s)", implode($dbNameArray, ",")); } //dprintf("getIDOrNameFromEveAPI(): SQL query: %s", $idLookupSQL); $rsLookup = mysql_query_cache($idLookupSQL, $whConn); if (is_array($rsLookup)) { if (!empty($rsLookup)) { //printf("<p>Found %d/%d results in cache.", mysql_num_rows($rsLookup), sizeof($nameArray)); // We have some cached IDs in the database, so add them to the "final" array, and remove them // from the list of names we have to poll the EVE API for. // We have to create a temporary array to uppercase the entries because the database writes // the EVE API result as the names are in game, which is not necessarily what they will be on // the kills (strange but true) $ucArray = $nameArray; for ($n = 0; $n < sizeof($ucArray); $n++) { $ucArray[$n] = strtoupper($ucArray[$n]); } // For each database row we have, we remove the result from the nameArray table for ($s = 0; $s < count($rsLookup); $s++) { //dprintf("result: %d, %s", $sRow->eve_id, $sRow->eve_name); $idArray[] = array("id" => $rsLookup[$s]["eve_id"], "name" => $rsLookup[$s]["eve_name"]); if (($nKey = array_search(strtoupper($searchType == EVE_API_ID_SEARCH ? $rsLookup[$s]["eve_name"] : $rsLookup[$s]["eve_id"]), $ucArray)) !== false) { unset($nameArray[$nKey]); } } unset($ucArray); // Re-index the nameArray $nameArray = array_values($nameArray); } } unset($dbNameArray); //print_r($nameArray); // We might not have any names left to search for.. if (sizeof($nameArray) > 0) { //dprintf("%d results were missing from cache, need to query EVE API to complete.", sizeof($nameArray)); // We urlencode the individual names, but not the whole query for ($n = 0; $n < sizeof($nameArray); $n++) { $nameArray[$n] = urlencode($nameArray[$n]); } set_error_handler("eve_api_warning_catcher", E_WARNING); try { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $apiXml = simplexml_load_file(sprintf($searchType == EVE_API_ID_SEARCH ? EVE_API_ID_LOOKUP_URL : EVE_API_NAME_LOOKUP_URL, implode($nameArray, ","))); //dprintf("API: %s", sprintf(($searchType == EVE_API_ID_SEARCH) ? EVE_API_ID_LOOKUP_URL : EVE_API_NAME_LOOKUP_URL, implode($nameArray,","))); if (isset($apiXml->result->rowset->row)) { foreach ($apiXml->result->rowset->row as $aChar) { // Add this ID to the database cache $idLookupSQL = sprintf("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . WHDB_NAME . ".idMap (eve_id, eve_name) VALUES (%d, '%s')", $aChar["characterID"], mysql_real_escape_string($aChar["name"])); //dprintf("SQL insert: %s", $idLookupSQL); mysql_query($idLookupSQL); $idArray[] = array("id" => intval($aChar["characterID"]), "name" => strval($aChar["name"])); } } } catch (Exception $e) { printf('<p><span class="advisoryBad">Error: Unable to update kill data from EVE KILL - error reported %s.</span></p>', $e->getMessage()); error_log("EVE API error: " . $e->getMessage(), 0); } restore_error_handler(); } // Returns the populated array to the calling function, or null if we have no IDs return sizeof($idArray) > 0 ? $idArray : null; }