public function snvhazirlama() { $i_m = $this->load->model("index_model"); // $this->veritaban(); mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db("mvc"); mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8"); $stipi = $_POST["stipi"]; $ders = $_POST["ders"]; $starh = $_POST["starh"]; $kturu = $_POST["kturu"]; $_SESSION["starh"] = $starh; $_SESSION["sdonem"] = $stipi; $_SESSION["sders"] = $ders; $_SESSION["kturu"] = $kturu; $result = mysql_query("SELECT sinid FROM `ssinavlar` WHERE kturu='{$kturu}' AND starh='{$starh}' AND dersadi='{$ders}' AND stipi='{$stipi}' LIMIT 1") or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); if (!$result) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $_SESSION["sinid"] = $row["sinid"]; $sinid = $_SESSION["sinid"]; } echo 'böyle bir sınav sistemde bulunmaktadır.'; header("refresh:2;url=http://localhost/mvc/sinavlar/snvhazirla"); die(' 2 saniye sonra sinav seçim ekranına döneceksiniz.'); // $this->load->view("anasayfa/home"); // $this->load->view("cvpAnahtar/cevaplar",$data); } else { $ekle = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ssinavlar (dersadi,stipi,starh,kturu) VALUES ('" . $ders . "','" . $stipi . "','" . $starh . "','" . $kturu . "')") or die(mysql_Error()); if ($ekle) { $_SESSION["sinid"] = mysql_insert_id(); echo 'bilgiler eklendi'; header("refresh:2;url=http://localhost/mvc/sorular/srhazirla"); die(' 2 saniye sonra soru seçme ekranına yönlendirileceksiniz.'); } // $this->load->view("panel/header"); // $this->load->view("sorular/sorular",$data); } }
<?php // get list of calendar items $sql = "SELECT, b.desc_" . AC_LANG . " as the_item FROM " . T_BOOKINGS_ITEMS . " AS b WHERE b.state=1 " . $sql_condition . " ORDER BY b.list_order"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error checking items<br>" . mysql_Error()); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { // no items in db $warning = $lang["warning_no_active_items"]; } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { // create an array of items to be able to confirm that the calendar $user_items[] = $row["id"]; $list_items .= '<option value="' . $row["id"] . '"'; if ($row["id"] == $_REQUEST["id_item"]) { $list_items .= ' selected="selected"'; } $list_items .= '>' . $row["the_item"] . '</option>'; } //print_r($user_items); if ($_REQUEST["id_item"] && !in_array($_REQUEST["id_item"], $user_items)) { $warning .= "item doesn't exist"; } else { if (!isset($_REQUEST["id_item"])) { $_REQUEST["id_item"] = $user_items[0]; } # get first item in array of user items $the_file = AC_INLCUDES_ROOT . ""; if (!file_exists($the_file)) { die("<b>" . $the_file . "</b> not found"); } else { require_once $the_file;
$__temp = split(",", $_temp[board_name]); $_st = ""; for ($u = 0; $u < count($__temp); $u++) { $kk = trim($__temp[$u]); if ($kk && $kk != $board_num && isnum($kk)) { $_st .= $kk . ","; } } mysql_query("update {$member_table} set board_name = '{$_st}' where no='{$member_no}'", $connect) or error(mysql_Error()); movepage("{$PHP_SELF}?exec=view_member&exec2=modify&group_no={$group_no}&page={$page}&keyword={$keyword}&level_search={$level_search}&page_num={$page_num}&no={$member_no}&keykind={$keykind}&like={$like}"); } // 회원 게시판 권한 추가시키는 부분 if ($exec2 == "add_member_board_manager") { $_temp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from {$member_table} where no = '{$member_no}'", $connect)); $_board_name = $_temp[board_name] . $board_num . ","; mysql_query("update {$member_table} set board_name = '{$_board_name}' where no='{$member_no}'", $connect) or error(mysql_Error()); movepage("{$PHP_SELF}?exec=view_member&exec2=modify&group_no={$group_no}&page={$page}&keyword={$keyword}&level_search={$level_search}&page_num={$page_num}&no={$member_no}&keykind={$keykind}&like={$like}"); } // 회원 권한 변경하는 부분 if ($exec2 == "moveall") { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($cart); $i++) { mysql_query("update {$member_table} set level='{$movelevel}' where no='{$cart[$i]}'", $connect); } movepage("{$PHP_SELF}?exec=view_member&group_no={$group_no}&page={$page}&keyword={$keyword}&level_search={$level_search}&page_num={$page_num}&keykind={$keykind}&like={$like}"); } // 회원 그룹 변경하는 부분 if ($exec2 == "move_group" && $member[is_admin] == 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($cart); $i++) { mysql_query("update {$member_table} set group_no='{$movegroup}' where no='{$cart[$i]}'", $connect); mysql_query("update {$group_table} set member_num=member_num-1 where no='{$group_no}'"); mysql_query("update {$group_table} set member_num=member_num+1 where no='{$movegroup}'");
<?php $baglan = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die('Sunucuya Bağlanılamadı !'); $tablo = mysql_select_db("mvc", $baglan) or die(mysql_Error()); mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8"); $gelen = $_POST['editor1']; $drsadi = $_POST['ders']; $knuadi = $_POST['konu']; $mdladi = $_POST['mdl']; $zder = $_POST['zder']; $kadi = $_POST['kadi']; $dcev = $_POST['dcev']; session_start(); $sid = $_SESSION["sid"]; if (isset($sid)) { $guncelle = mysql_query("update sorular SET soru='{$gelen}' where sid='{$sid}'"); echo "guncelleme basarili oldu"; header("Location:http://localhost/mvc/panel/home"); } else { $ekle = mysql_query("INSERT INTO sorular (dersadi,mdladi,konuadi,kadi,zder,dcev,soru) VALUES ('" . $drsadi . "','" . $mdladi . "','" . $knuadi . "','" . $kadi . "','" . $zder . "','" . $dcev . "','" . $gelen . "')") or die(mysql_Error()); }
<body> <div class='container-fluid' style='margin-top:20px;'> <div class='row-fluid'> <div class="span10"> <div class='well' fixed center;'> <p style='margin-top:10px'> <?php // inisialisasi bagian WHERE dari query pencarian echo "<table><tr> \n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t<center><p>\n\t\t\t<h3><big> view </big></h3>\n\t\t\t</p></center>\n \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t</td></tr> </table><br>"; // query untuk mencari file berdasarkan kategori $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_barang WHERE tbl_barang.kode=kode"; $hasil = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_Error()); echo "<center><table class='class='list' width='100%' border='1'>"; echo "<tr>\n\t\t \t<th>No</th>\n\t\t \t<th>kode</th>\n\t<th>Nama</th>\n\t<th>harga</th>\n\t<th>info</th>\n\t<th>produk</th>\n\t<th>ukuran</th>\n\t<th>gambar</th>\n\t </tr>"; $no = 1; while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($hasil)) { echo "<tr>\n\t\t <td height='35' class='left' align='center'>" . $no . ". </td>\n\t\t<td>" . $data['kode'] . "</td>\n\t\t<td>" . $data['nama'] . "</td>\n\t\t<td>" . $data['harga'] . "</td>\n\t\t<td>" . $data['produk'] . "</td>\n\t\t<td>" . $data['ukuran'] . "</td>\n\t\t<td>" . $data['info'] . "</td>\n\t\t<td>" . $data['gambar'] . "</td>\n\t\t\n\t\t\t </tr>"; $no++; } echo "</table></center>"; $vw = "<script language=javascript> \n\t\t\t function prints() { \n\t\t\t bV = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); \n\t\t\t if (bV >= 4) window.print();} \n\t\t\t prints(); \n\t\t\t </script>"; echo $vw; ?> </div> </div> </div>
<p><?php echo $strErrNoControl3; ?> </p><br/> <!--<img src="img/nosync_<?php echo $_COOKIE['language']; ?> .gif" alt="" style="border: solid 1px #000000;"/> --> <?php return; } // check if there are results in progress $query = "SELECT \r\n xRunde \r\n FROM\r\n runde as ru \r\n LEFT JOIN wettkampf as w ON (w.xWettkampf = ru.xWettkampf) \r\n WHERE ru.Status = " . $cfgRoundStatus['results_in_progress'] . "\r\n AND ru.StatusUpload = 0 AND w.xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id']; $res_results = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_Error(); } else { if (mysql_num_rows($res_results) > 0) { ?> <p class="st_res_work" ><?php echo $strErrResultsInProgress; ?> </p><br/> <?php return; } } ?> <table class='dialog'> <tr> <th><?php
</li> <li> <a href="#">Services</a> </li> <li> <a href="#">Contact</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </nav> <?php $UserName = $_SESSION['username']; $query2 = "Select * from History where username = '******' "; $res2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_Error()); echo "History: <br>"; $i = 0; echo $numRows = mysql_num_rows($res2); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2)) { //echo $row['pname'], " - ", $row['price'], "$", "<br>"; $p[$i] = $row['pname']; $c[$i] = $row['price']; $i = $i + 1; } $i = 0; ?> <table border="1" style="width:100%"> <tr> <td> <?php
public function snvEkle($sorularr) { mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db("mvc"); $sinid = $_SESSION["sinid"]; foreach ($sorularr as $key => $value) { $sid = $value; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sorular WHERE sid = '{$sid}'") or die(mysql_error()); while ($sql = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $scev = $sql["dcev"]; $ssoru = $sql["soru"]; $query = mysql_query("SELECT ssoru FROM ssorular WHERE sinid='{$sinid}' and ssoru = '{$ssoru}' and scev='{$scev}'") or die(mysql_error()); $cek = mysql_fetch_array($query); $soru = $cek["ssoru"]; if ($soru == $ssoru) { echo "<font color='red'>" . "HATA:bu soru daha önce eklendi</br>" . "</font>"; } else { $ekle = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ssorular (sinid,ssoru,scev) VALUES ('" . $sinid . "','" . $ssoru . "','" . $scev . "')") or die(mysql_Error()); } } } }
<?php $baglan = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die('Sunucuya Bağlanılamadı !'); $tablo = mysql_select_db("weblabapp", $baglan) or die(mysql_Error()); mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8"); $gelen = $_POST['editor1']; $knuadi = $_POST['dkonu']; $dcev = $_POST['dtarih']; session_start(); $sid = $_SESSION["sid"]; if (isset($sid)) { $guncelle = mysql_query("update sorular SET soru='{$gelen}' where sid='{$sid}'"); echo "guncelleme basarili oldu"; header("Location:http://localhost/mvc/panel/home"); } else { $ekle = mysql_query("INSERT INTO duyurular (duyuru,dkonu,dtarih) VALUES ('" . $gelen . "','" . $knuadi . "','" . $dcev . "')") or die(mysql_Error()); }
<tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" value="' . $lang["bt_delete"] . '"></td> </tr> </table> </form> '; } break; } } if (!isset($_REQUEST["action"])) { $bt_add = '<a href="?page=' . ADMIN_PAGE . '&action=new" title="' . $lang["tip_add_new_item"] . '">' . $icons["add"] . '</a>'; $xtra_moo .= "\n\t\$\$('.options img').addEvent('mouseover',function(event){\n\t\tthis.highlight();\n\t});\n\t"; $sql = "SELECT b.*,u.username FROM " . $this_table . " AS b LEFT JOIN " . T_BOOKINGS_ADMIN . " AS u ON WHERE<>0 " . $sql_condition . " ORDER BY b.state DESC, b.list_order"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error getting states<br>" . mysql_Error()); // define start message if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { $start_message = $lang["warning_no_calendar_items"]; } else { $start_message = $lang["inst_drag"]; } $cols = 6; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $item_modified = ""; if ($row["id"] == $_REQUEST["id_modified"]) { $item_modified = '<span class="modified">' . $lang["item_modified"] . '</span>'; } if ($row["id"] == $_REQUEST["id_added"]) { $item_modified = '<span class="modified">' . $lang["item_added"] . '</span>'; }
// define tables define("T_BOOKINGS_ITEMS", "" . AC_DB_PREFIX . "bookings_items"); # calendar items define("T_BOOKINGS", "" . AC_DB_PREFIX . "bookings"); # bookings dates define("T_BOOKING_STATES", "" . AC_DB_PREFIX . "bookings_states"); # booking types (am, pm, etc) define("T_BOOKING_UPDATE", "" . AC_DB_PREFIX . "bookings_last_update"); # holds las calendar update date define("T_BOOKINGS_ADMIN", "" . AC_DB_PREFIX . "bookings_admin_users"); # admin users define("T_BOOKINGS_CONFIG", "" . AC_DB_PREFIX . "bookings_config"); # general config // get config from database - can be defined manually below if needed $sql = "SELECT cal_url,title,default_lang,start_day,date_format,click_past_dates,num_months,theme,version FROM " . T_BOOKINGS_CONFIG . ""; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die("error getting calendar config data<br>" . mysql_Error()); $row_config = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); // define calendar constants define("AC_CALENDAR_PUBLIC", "" . $row_config["cal_url"] . "/"); define("AC_INLCUDES_PUBLIC", "" . AC_CALENDAR_PUBLIC . "ac-includes/"); define("AC_TITLE", "" . $row_config["title"] . ""); define("AC_DEFAULT_AC_LANG", "" . $row_config["default_lang"] . ""); define("AC_START_DAY", "" . $row_config["start_day"] . ""); define("AC_DATE_DISPLAY_FORMAT", "" . $row_config["date_format"] . ""); define("AC_ACTIVE_PAST_DATES", "" . $row_config["click_past_dates"] . ""); define("CAL_VERSION", "" . $row_config["version"] . ""); if (isset($_GET["num_months"])) { define("AC_NUM_MONTHS", "" . $_GET["num_months"] . ""); } else { define("AC_NUM_MONTHS", "" . $row_config["num_months"] . ""); }
function gen_result_xml_UKC_CM($file, $meeting_nr) { //function returns containing number of results in xml-file $nbr_effort_ukc = 0; global $cfgDisciplineType, $cfgEventType, $strEventTypeSingleCombined, $strEventTypeClubCombined, $strDiscTypeTrack, $strDiscTypeTrackNoWind, $strDiscTypeRelay, $strDiscTypeDistance, $cfgRoundStatus, $strDiscTypeJump, $strDiscTypeJumpNoWind, $strDiscTypeThrow, $strDiscTypeHigh, $cfgCombinedWO, $cfgCombinedDef, $cfgUKC_disc; $this->gzip_open($file); // begin xml $this->write_xml_open("kidDataset", array('version' => date('y-m-d'))); $this->write_xml_open("event"); // // output contest data // $indoor = '0'; $query = "\r\n SELECT\r\n m.*\r\n , s.Name as Stadion\r\n , s.Ueber1000m\r\n , s.Halle\r\n FROM \r\n meeting as m \r\n LEFT JOIN stadion as s ON m.xStadion = s.xStadion \r\n WHERE xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id']; $res = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(); } else { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); mysql_free_result($res); if (empty($meeting_nr)) { $this->write_xml_finished("eventNumber", $row['Nummer']); // not xControl for UBS kidscup } else { $this->write_xml_finished("eventNumber", $meeting_nr); } $this->write_xml_finished("name", str_replace('&', '&', $row['Name'])); $this->write_xml_finished("eventStart", $row['DatumVon']); $this->write_xml_finished("eventEnd", $row['DatumBis']); $this->write_xml_finished("location", $row['Ort']); $this->write_xml_finished("stadium", $row['Stadion']); $this->write_xml_finished("amountSpectators", " "); $this->write_xml_open("athletes"); if ($row['Ueber1000m'] == 'y') { $global_rankadd = "A"; } if ($row['Saison'] == 'I') { $indoor = "1"; } // 1 = indoor , 0 = outdoor } // get enrolement per athlete $checkyear = date('Y') - 16; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT \r\n a.xAnmeldung\r\n , at.Name\r\n , at.Vorname\r\n , at.Jahrgang\r\n \r\n , IF(a.Vereinsinfo = '', v.Name, a.Vereinsinfo)\r\n , IF(at.xRegion = 0, at.Land, re.Anzeige)\r\n , 0\r\n , d.Name\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n , ka.Alterslimite \r\n , d.Code \r\n , at.xAthlet\r\n , at.Geschlecht \r\n FROM\r\n anmeldung AS a\r\n LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet )\r\n LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein )\r\n LEFT JOIN start as st ON (st.xAnmeldung = a.xAnmeldung ) \r\n LEFT JOIN wettkampf as w ON (w.xWettkampf = st.xWettkampf) \r\n LEFT JOIN disziplin_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " as d ON (w.xDisziplin = d.xDisziplin)\r\n LEFT JOIN kategorie AS k ON (k.xKategorie = w.xKategorie)\r\n LEFT JOIN kategorie AS ka ON (ka.xKategorie = a.xKategorie) \r\n LEFT JOIN region as re ON (at.xRegion = re.xRegion) \r\n WHERE a.xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id'] . " \r\n AND at.Jahrgang > {$checkyear} AND (d.Code = " . $cfgUKC_disc[0] . " || d.Code = " . $cfgUKC_disc[1] . " || d.Code = " . $cfgUKC_disc[2] . ")\r\n AND st.anwesend = 0 \r\n ORDER BY at.Geschlecht, at.Jahrgang, at.Name, at.Vorname, d.Anzeige"; $results = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { // DB error AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error()); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($results)) { if ($roundsUkc[$row[10]] == "") { $roundsUkc[$row[10]] = 0; } $roundsUkc[$row[10]]++; } } // // get all disciplines // $selection = " (d.Code = " . $cfgUKC_disc[0] . " || d.Code = " . $cfgUKC_disc[1] . " || d.Code = " . $cfgUKC_disc[2] . ") AND "; $sql = " SELECT \r\n w.Typ,\r\n w.Windmessung,\r\n d.Typ,\r\n d.Code,\r\n k.Code,\r\n w.xWettkampf,\r\n d.Kurzname,\r\n w.Mehrkampfcode,\r\n 0,\r\n d.Staffellaeufer, \r\n r.xRunde,\r\n \r\n FROM \r\n wettkampf as w \r\n LEFT JOIN runde as r ON (w.xWettkampf = r.xWettkampf) \r\n LEFT JOIN\r\n disziplin_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " as d ON d.xDisziplin = w.xDisziplin\r\n LEFT JOIN\r\n kategorie as k ON k.xKategorie = w.xKategorie \r\n WHERE {$selection} r.xRunde > 0 AND \r\n \r\n w.xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id'] . " \r\n ORDER BY\r\n k.Code \r\n ,\r\n , w.xKategorie\r\n , d.Anzeige"; // the order "k.Code, w.xKategorie" makes sense if there are multiple self made categories (without any code) $res = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(); } else { $current_type = ""; $combined = ""; $current_cat = ""; $current_xcat = 0; $GLOBALS['rounds'] = array(); $combined = array(); $fetched_events = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { // // generate results for combined events // // // first of all, print all single results (athletes and relays) // $order_perf = ""; $valid_result = ""; if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJumpNoWind] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeThrow]) { $order_perf = "DESC"; } else { if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJump]) { if ($row[1] == 1) { // with wind $order_perf = "DESC"; } else { // without wind $order_perf = "DESC"; } } else { if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeHigh]) { $order_perf = "DESC"; $valid_result = " AND (r.Info LIKE '%O%') "; } else { $order_perf = "ASC"; } } } // check if merged rounds $sqlEvents = AA_getMergedEventsFromEvent($row[5]); if (empty($sqlEvents)) { $sqlSeparate = "ru.xRunde = " . $row[10]; } else { $sqlSeparate = "ss.RundeZusammen = " . $row[10]; } $checkyear = date('Y') - 16; $selection = " at.Jahrgang > {$checkyear} AND "; // by merged rounds the result must be uploded separate $query = "\r\n SELECT\r\n ss.xSerienstart\r\n , ss.Rang\r\n , ss.Qualifikation\r\n , r.Leistung\r\n , r.Info\r\n , s.Bezeichnung\r\n , s.Wind\r\n , r.Punkte\r\n , v.Name\r\n , at.Name\r\n , at.Vorname\r\n , at.Jahrgang\r\n , at.Land\r\n , at.xAthlet\r\n , at.Lizenznummer\r\n , ru.Datum\r\n , rt.Code as Typ\r\n , at.Bezahlt\r\n , at.Geburtstag\r\n , at.Geschlecht\r\n , v.xCode as Vereincode\r\n , k.Code as Katathlet\r\n , ru.xRunde\r\n , s.Handgestoppt\r\n , at.Lizenztyp\r\n , a.Vereinsinfo\r\n , rt.Typ\r\n \r\n , if (ss.RundeZusammen > 0,ss.RundeZusammen,ru.xRunde) as spezRound \r\n , a.kidID\r\n , at.Adresse\r\n , at.Plz\r\n , at.Ort\r\n , at.Email \r\n , re.Anzeige as Kanton \r\n , v.Name as Vereinname\r\n , a.xAnmeldung\r\n FROM\r\n runde as ru\r\n LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ru.xRunde = s.xRunde)\r\n LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n LEFT JOIN resultat AS r ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart)\r\n LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein )\r\n LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON (ru.xRundentyp = rt.xRundentyp)\r\n LEFT JOIN kategorie AS k ON (a.xKategorie = k.xKategorie) \r\n LEFT JOIN region AS re ON (re.xRegion = at.xRegion) \r\n WHERE {$selection} {$sqlSeparate}\r\n AND ru.Status = " . $cfgRoundStatus['results_done'] . "\r\n AND ru.StatusUploadUKC = 0\r\n AND r.Leistung >= " . $GLOBALS['cfgInvalidResult']['DNS']['code'] . "\r\n \r\n {$valid_result}\r\n ORDER BY \r\n at.Jahrgang\r\n , at.xAthlet\r\n , ru.xRunde\r\n , r.Leistung " . $order_perf; $res_results = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_Error(); } else { $id = 0; // athletes id $ru = 0; // round id while ($row_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_results)) { // store round ids for later purpose $GLOBALS['rounds'][] = $row_results['xRunde']; // // athlete results // if ($ru == $row_results['xRunde'] && $id == $row_results['xAthlet']) { continue; } $ru = $row_results['xRunde']; if ($id != $row_results['xAthlet']) { // new athlete $id = $row_results['xAthlet']; if (empty($row_results['Lizenznummer']) && empty($row_results['kidID'])) { $inMasterData = 1; $licensePaid = 1; } else { $inMasterData = 0; if ($row_results['Bezahlt'] == 'y') { $licensePaid = 1; } else { $licensePaid = 0; } } } $perf = 0; // result for alabus $wind = ""; $perfRounded = 0; // result for combined detail text // add effort parameters $wind = ""; if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJump] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJumpNoWind] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeThrow] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeHigh]) { $perf = AA_alabusDistance($row_results['Leistung']); $perfRounded = AA_formatResultMeter($row_results['Leistung']); $wind = strtr($row_results['Info'], ",", "."); } else { $perf = AA_alabusTime($row_results['Leistung']); $perfRounded = AA_formatResultTime($row_results['Leistung'], true); $wind = strtr($row_results['Wind'], ",", "."); } if ($row[1] == 0 || $wind == "-" || $wind == "") { $wind = " "; } if (is_numeric($row_results['Bezeichnung'])) { $row_results['Bezeichnung'] = sprintf("%02s", $row_results['Bezeichnung']); } else { if (strlen($row_results['Bezeichnung']) == 1) { $row_results['Bezeichnung'] .= "_"; } } $rank = " "; $row_results['Bezeichnung'] = " "; // //add points for combined contests if ($combined[$row_results['xAthlet']][$row[3]]['points'] < $row_results['Punkte']) { $license = $row_results['Lizenznummer']; if ($row_results['Lizenznummer'] == 0) { $license = ''; } $kidsID_upload = $row_results['kidID']; if ($row_results['kidID'] == 0) { $kidsID_upload = ''; } if ($row[3] == 30) { $perfRounded = "r" . $perfRounded; // r = run } if ($row[3] == 331) { $perfRounded = "j" . $perfRounded; // j = jump } if ($row[3] == 386) { $perfRounded = "t" . $perfRounded; // t = throw } $combined[$row_results['xAthlet']][$row[3]] = array('wind' => $wind, 'kindOfLap' => " " . $row_results['Typ'], 'lap' => $row_results['Bezeichnung'], 'placeAddon' => $rankadd, 'indoor' => $indoor, 'points' => $row_results['Punkte'], 'effort' => $perfRounded, 'discipline' => $row[6], 'license' => $license, 'kidID' => $kidsID_upload, 'inMasterData' => $inMasterData, 'licensePaid' => $licensePaid, 'DateOfEffort' => $row_results['Datum'], 'lastName' => htmlspecialchars($row_results['Name']), 'firstName' => htmlspecialchars($row_results['Vorname']), 'birthDate' => $row_results['Jahrgang'], 'sex' => strtoupper($row_results['Geschlecht']), 'nationality' => $row_results['Land'], 'adress' => htmlspecialchars($row_results['Adresse']), 'plz' => $row_results['Plz'], 'city' => htmlspecialchars($row_results['Ort']), 'email' => $row_results['Email'], 'canton' => $row_results['Kanton'], 'accountName' => htmlspecialchars($row_results['Vereinname']), 'priority' => $combinedPriority, 'licenseType' => $row_results['Lizenztyp'], 'dCode' => $row_results['dCode'], 'xAnmeldung' => $row_results['xAnmeldung'], 'xSerienstart' => $row_results['xSerienstart'], 'Leistung' => $row_results['Leistung'], 'xathlete' => $row_results['xAthlet']); // category of athlete, used for calculating the rankings $combined[$row_results['xAthlet']]['catathlete'] = $row_results['Jahrgang']; } // check on relevant for bestlist $relevant = 1; if ($row_results['Typ'] == '0') { // (ohne) $row_results['Bezeichnung'] = ''; } // output result data if ($wind > "2" && $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJump]) { // since we get only the best result per xSerienstart, // here we'll get the next with valid wind $res_wind = mysql_query("\r\n SELECT Info, Leistung FROM\r\n resultat\r\n WHERE\r\n xSerienstart = " . $row_results['xSerienstart'] . "\r\n ORDER BY\r\n Leistung DESC"); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { // DB error AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error()); } else { while ($row_wind = mysql_fetch_array($res_wind)) { if ($row_wind[0] <= 2) { $perf = AA_alabusDistance($row_wind[1]); if ($perf == -98) { // -98 = Fehlversuch break; } $nbr_effort_ukc++; break; } } } } // end if wind > 2 } // end while res_results } } $min_age = date('Y') - 7; // check on last combined event if (!empty($combined) && $combined_dis < 9000) { // combined codes 9000 and above are self made disciplines // calc points foreach ($combined as $xathlet => $disc) { $points = 0; $eDetails = ""; foreach ($disc as $xdisc => $tmp) { if ($xdisc == "catathlete") { continue; } $pointsUKC = AA_utils_calcPointsUKC(0, $tmp['Leistung'], 0, $tmp['sex'], $tmp['xSerienstart'], $xathlet, $tmp['xAnmeldung'], $xdisc); $points += $pointsUKC; mysql_query("UPDATE resultat SET\r\n Punkte = {$pointsUKC}\r\n WHERE\r\n xSerienstart = " . $tmp['xSerienstart']); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error()); } AA_StatusChanged(0, 0, $tmp['xSerienstart']); if ($tmp['wind'] == " ") { $tmp['wind'] = ""; } else { if ($tmp['wind'] >= 0) { $tmp['wind'] = "+" . $tmp['wind']; } else { $tmp['wind'] = $tmp['wind']; } } $eDetails .= $tmp['effort'] . $tmp['wind'] . "/"; $birthDate = $tmp['birthDate']; $sex = $tmp['sex']; $tmp_xathlete = $tmp['xathlete']; } $eDetails = substr($eDetails, 0, -1); $points = sprintf("%05d", $points); $combined[$xathlet]['points'] = $points; $combined[$xathlet]['edetails'] = $eDetails; if ($birthDate > $min_age) { $birthDate = $min_age; } $combined[$xathlet]['birthDate'] = $sex . $birthDate; // need for sort in combination $combined[$xathlet]['xathlete'] = $tmp_xathlete; } // sort for points array_sort($combined, '!birthDate', '!points'); // write $cRank = 0; // rank counter $lp = 0; // remembers points of last athlete foreach ($combined as $xathlet => $disc) { if ($roundsUkc[$disc['xathlete']] != 3) { // enrolement for 3 kids cup disciplines continue; } if ($disc['birthDate'] != $birthDate_keep) { // in combination sex and birthdate $cRank = 0; } $cRank++; if ($lp != $disc['points'] || $disc['points'] == 0) { $lp = $disc['points']; $combined[$xathlet]['rank'] = $cRank; } else { // same total points $c = 0; $keep_c = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($cfgUKC_disc); $i++) { if ($disc_keep[$cfgUKC_disc[$i]]['points'] > $disc[$cfgUKC_disc[$i]]['points']) { $keep_c++; } else { $c++; } } $more = ceil(sizeof($cfgUKC_disc) / 2); if (sizeof($cfgUKC_disc) % 2 == 0) { // combined with even number discs $more++; } if ($keep_c >= $more && $keep_c > $c) { $lp = $disc['points']; $combined[$xathlet]['rank'] = $cRank; } else { if ($c >= $more && $c > $keep_c) { $combined[$xathlet_keep]['rank'] = $cRank; $combined[$xathlet]['rank'] = $cRank - 1; } } } // get information for athlete $tmp = $disc; $tmp['points'] = null; $tmp['edetails'] = null; $tmp['birthDate'] = substr($tmp['birthDate'], 1, 4); $tmp['catathlete'] = null; $tmp = array_values($tmp); usort($tmp, array($this, "sort_perdate")); $tmp = $tmp[0]; $run = ''; $jump = ''; $throw = ''; list($perf1, $perf2, $perf3) = split('[/]', $disc['edetails']); if (substr($perf1, 0, 1) == 'r') { $run = substr($perf1, 1); } elseif (substr($perf1, 0, 1) == 'j') { $jump = substr($perf1, 1); } elseif (substr($perf1, 0, 1) == 't') { $throw = substr($perf1, 1); } if (substr($perf2, 0, 1) == 'r') { $run = substr($perf2, 1); } elseif (substr($perf2, 0, 1) == 'j') { $jump = substr($perf2, 1); } elseif (substr($perf2, 0, 1) == 't') { $throw = substr($perf2, 1); } if (substr($perf3, 0, 1) == 'r') { $run = substr($perf3, 1); } elseif (substr($perf3, 0, 1) == 'j') { $jump = substr($perf3, 1); } elseif (substr($perf3, 0, 1) == 't') { $throw = substr($perf3, 1); } if ($run == -1 || $jump == -1 || $throw == -1) { $cRank = $cRank - 1; continue; } $xathlet_keep = $xathlet; $disc_keep = $disc; $birthDate_keep = $disc['birthDate']; } foreach ($combined as $xathlet => $disc) { if ($roundsUkc[$disc['xathlete']] != 3) { // enrolement for 3 kids cup disciplines continue; } // get information for athlete $tmp = $disc; $tmp['points'] = null; $tmp['edetails'] = null; $tmp['birthDate'] = substr($tmp['birthDate'], 1, 4); $tmp['catathlete'] = null; $tmp = array_values($tmp); // usort($tmp, array($this, "sort_perdate")); $tmp = $tmp[0]; $run = ''; $jump = ''; $throw = ''; list($perf1, $perf2, $perf3) = split('[/]', $disc['edetails']); if (substr($perf1, 0, 1) == 'r') { $run = substr($perf1, 1); } elseif (substr($perf1, 0, 1) == 'j') { $jump = substr($perf1, 1); } elseif (substr($perf1, 0, 1) == 't') { $throw = substr($perf1, 1); } if (substr($perf2, 0, 1) == 'r') { $run = substr($perf2, 1); } elseif (substr($perf2, 0, 1) == 'j') { $jump = substr($perf2, 1); } elseif (substr($perf2, 0, 1) == 't') { $throw = substr($perf2, 1); } if (substr($perf3, 0, 1) == 'r') { $run = substr($perf3, 1); } elseif (substr($perf3, 0, 1) == 'j') { $jump = substr($perf3, 1); } elseif (substr($perf3, 0, 1) == 't') { $throw = substr($perf3, 1); } if ($run == -1 || $jump == -1 || $throw == -1) { continue; } $this->write_xml_open("athlete", array('license' => $tmp['license'], 'kidID' => $tmp['kidID'])); $this->write_xml_open("efforts"); $this->write_xml_finished("run", $run); $this->write_xml_finished("throw", $throw); $this->write_xml_finished("jump", $jump); $this->write_xml_finished("totalPoints", AA_alabusScore($disc['points'])); $this->write_xml_finished("position", $disc['rank']); $this->write_xml_close("efforts"); if (empty($tmp['license']) && empty($tmp['kidID'])) { $this->write_xml_open("personalData"); $this->write_xml_finished("lastName", $tmp['lastName']); $this->write_xml_finished("firstName", $tmp['firstName']); $this->write_xml_finished("ageGroup", $tmp['birthDate']); $this->write_xml_finished("sex", $tmp['sex']); $this->write_xml_finished("street", $tmp['adress']); $this->write_xml_finished("zipCode", $tmp['plz']); $this->write_xml_finished("city", $tmp['city']); $this->write_xml_finished("club", $tmp['accountName']); $this->write_xml_finished("email", $tmp['email']); $this->write_xml_finished("canton", $tmp['canton']); $this->write_xml_close("personalData"); } $this->write_xml_close("athlete"); $nbr_effort_ukc++; $birthDate_keep = $disc['birthDate']; } } $combined = array(); // get the svm results mysql_free_result($res); $res = mysql_query("\r\n SELECT\r\n w.Typ,\r\n w.Windmessung,\r\n d.Typ,\r\n d.Code,\r\n k.Code,\r\n w.xWettkampf,\r\n d.Kurzname,\r\n w.Mehrkampfcode,\r\n w.xKategorie,\r\n ks.Code,\r\n MAX(r.Datum)\r\n FROM \r\n runde as r\r\n LEFT JOIN \r\n wettkampf as w USING(xWettkampf) \r\n LEFT JOIN\r\n disziplin_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " as d ON d.xDisziplin = w.xDisziplin\r\n LEFT JOIN\r\n kategorie as k ON k.xKategorie = w.xKategorie\r\n LEFT JOIN\r\n kategorie_svm as ks ON ks.xKategorie_svm = w.xKategorie_svm\r\n WHERE xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id'] . "\r\n GROUP BY w.xKategorie\r\n ORDER BY\r\n w.xWettkampf\r\n "); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { // // open rankinlist_team lib for calculating the svm points // if ($row[0] > $cfgEventType[$strEventTypeSingleCombined]) { $this->write_xml_open("discipline", array('sportDiscipline' => $row[9], 'licenseCategory' => $row[4])); $this->write_xml_open("teams"); $GLOBALS['doe'] = $row[10]; // date of team effort (last round date) $GLOBALS['rankadd'] = $global_rankadd; AA_rankinglist_Team($row[8], 'xml', "", false, $this); } } } // close last tags $this->close_open_tags(); } $this->gzip_close(); return $nbr_effort_ukc; }
<?php $page_title = $lang["" . PAGE . "_title"]; $contents .= "login"; if (isset($_POST["username"])) { // check login details //if OK, set session vars and reload page $username = $_POST["username"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $sql = "SELECT id,username,level FROM " . T_BOOKINGS_ADMIN . " WHERE username='******' AND password='******' AND state=1"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error checking admin user<br>" . mysql_Error()); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { $warning = "User not valid"; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $_SESSION["admin_id"] = $row["id"]; $_SESSION["admin_name"] = $row["username"]; $_SESSION["admin_lang"] = $_POST["lang"]; $_SESSION["admin_level"] = $row["level"]; // update table with visit $update = "UPDATE " . T_BOOKINGS_ADMIN . " SET date_visit=now(), visits=visits+1 WHERE id=" . $row["id"] . " LIMIT 1"; mysql_query($update) or die("error updating user visit stats"); header("Location:index.php"); } } else { $username = ""; $password = ""; } // define login form $contents = ' <div id="login">
function gen_result_xml($file) { //global $opentags; global $cfgDisciplineType, $cfgEventType, $strEventTypeSingleCombined, $strEventTypeClubCombined, $strDiscTypeTrack, $strDiscTypeTrackNoWind, $strDiscTypeRelay, $strDiscTypeDistance, $cfgRoundStatus, $strDiscTypeJump, $strDiscTypeJumpNoWind, $strDiscTypeThrow, $strDiscTypeHigh, $cfgCombinedWO, $cfgCombinedDef; $this->gzip_open($file); // begin xml $this->write_xml_open("watDataset", array('version' => date('y-m-d'))); $this->write_xml_open("event"); // // output contest data // $global_rankadd = ""; $query = "\r\n\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\tm.*\r\n\t\t\t\t, s.Name as Stadion\r\n\t\t\t\t, s.Ueber1000m\r\n\t\t\t\t, s.Halle\r\n\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\tmeeting as m LEFT JOIN stadion as s ON m.xStadion = s.xStadion \r\n\t\t\tWHERE xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id']; $res = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(); } else { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); mysql_free_result($res); $this->write_xml_finished("eventNumber", $row['xControl']); $this->write_xml_finished("name", str_replace('&', '&', $row['Name'])); $this->write_xml_finished("eventStart", $row['DatumVon']); $this->write_xml_finished("eventEnd", $row['DatumBis']); $this->write_xml_finished("location", $row['Ort']); $this->write_xml_finished("stadium", $row['Stadion']); $this->write_xml_finished("amountSpectators", " "); if ($row['Ueber1000m'] == 'y') { $global_rankadd = "A"; } //if($row['Halle'] == 'y'){ $global_rankadd .= "i"; } if ($row['Saison'] == 'I') { $global_rankadd .= "i"; } } // // output all athletica generated teams (relays, svm) // $this->write_xml_open("accounts"); $query = "\r\n\t\t\tSELECT \r\n\t\t\t\ts.xStaffel\r\n\t\t\t\t, s.Name\r\n\t\t\t\t, v.xCode as Verein\r\n\t\t\t\t, k.Code as Kat\r\n\t\t\t\t, d.Code as Dis\r\n\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\tstaffel as s\r\n\t\t\t\t, verein as v \r\n\t\t\t\t, kategorie as k\r\n\t\t\t\t, start as st\r\n\t\t\t\t, wettkampf as w\r\n\t\t\t\t, disziplin as d\r\n\t\t\tWHERE Athleticagen = 'y'\r\n\t\t\tAND s.xVerein = v.xVerein \r\n\t\t\tAND k.xKategorie = s.xKategorie\r\n\t\t\tAND st.xStaffel = s.xStaffel\r\n\t\t\tAND w.xWettkampf = st.xWettkampf\r\n\t\t\tAND d.xDisziplin = w.xDisziplin\r\n\t\t\tAND s.xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id'] . "\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY \r\n\t\t\t\tv.xVerein"; $res_teams = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(); } else { $account = 0; while ($row_teams = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_teams)) { if (empty($row_teams['Verein']) || $row_teams['Verein'] == '999999') { continue; } if ($account != $row_teams['Verein']) { $this->close_open_tags("accounts"); $this->write_xml_open("account"); $this->write_xml_finished("accountCode", $row_teams['Verein']); $this->write_xml_open("relays"); } //$licenseCategory = ($row_teams['Kat']=='MASM' || $row_teams['Kat']=='MASW') ? '' : $row_teams['Kat']; $licenseCategory = $row_teams['Kat']; $this->write_xml_open("relay", array('id' => $row_teams['xStaffel'], 'isAthleticaGenerated' => '1')); $this->write_xml_finished("relayName", $row_teams['Name']); $this->write_xml_finished("licenseCategory", $licenseCategory); $this->write_xml_finished("sportDiscipline", $row_teams['Dis']); $this->close_open_tags("relays"); } } $query = "\r\n\t\t\tSELECT \r\n\t\t\t\tt.xTeam\r\n\t\t\t\t, t.Name\r\n\t\t\t\t, v.xCode as Verein\r\n\t\t\t\t, k.Code as Kat\r\n\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\tteam as t\r\n\t\t\t\t, verein as v \r\n\t\t\t\t, kategorie_svm as k\r\n\t\t\t\t, wettkampf as w\r\n\t\t\tWHERE Athleticagen = 'y'\r\n\t\t\tAND t.xVerein = v.xVerein\r\n\t\t\tAND t.xKategorie = w.xKategorie\r\n\t\t\tAND w.xKategorie_svm = k.xKategorie_svm\r\n\t\t\tAND w.xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id'] . "\r\n\t\t\tGROUP BY\r\n\t\t\t\tt.xTeam\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY \r\n\t\t\t\tv.xVerein"; $res_teams = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(); } else { $account = 0; while ($row_teams = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_teams)) { if (empty($row_teams['Verein']) || $row_teams['Verein'] == '999999') { continue; } if ($account != $row_teams['Verein']) { $this->close_open_tags("accounts"); $this->write_xml_open("account"); $this->write_xml_finished("accountCode", $row_teams['Verein']); $this->write_xml_open("svms"); } $this->write_xml_open("svm", array('id' => $row_teams['xTeam'], 'isAthleticaGenerated' => '1')); $this->write_xml_finished("svmName", $row_teams['Name']); $this->write_xml_finished("svmCategory", $row_teams['Kat']); $this->close_open_tags("svms"); } } $this->close_open_tags("event"); // // get all disciplines // $this->write_xml_open("disciplines"); $res = mysql_query("\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.Typ,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.Windmessung,\r\n\t\t\t\t\td.Typ,\r\n\t\t\t\t\td.Code,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tk.Code,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.xWettkampf,\r\n\t\t\t\t\td.Kurzname,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.Mehrkampfcode,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.xKategorie,\r\n\t\t\t\t\td.Staffellaeufer\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\t\twettkampf as w \r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\tdisziplin as d ON d.xDisziplin = w.xDisziplin\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\tkategorie as k ON k.xKategorie = w.xKategorie\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\txMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id'] . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\tk.Code\r\n\t\t\t\t\t, w.xKategorie\r\n\t\t\t\t\t, w.Mehrkampfcode\r\n\t\t\t\t\t, w.Mehrkampfreihenfolge\r\n\t\t\t"); // the order "k.Code, w.xKategorie" makes sense if there are multiple self made categories (without any code) if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(); } else { $current_type = ""; $combined = ""; $current_cat = ""; $current_xcat = 0; $fetched_events = array(); // used for combined events // if an athlete has no result for one discipline of a combined event, // the detail text has to include a 'null' result $GLOBALS['rounds'] = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { /*if(empty($row[3]) || empty($row[4])){ // self made discipline or category continue; }*/ if (empty($row[3])) { // self made discipline continue; } if (empty($row[4])) { // self made category $row[4] = ""; } // // generate results for combined events // if ($current_xcat != $row[8] || $combined_dis != $row[7]) { // cat or combcode changed, print combined results if (!empty($combined) && $combined_dis < 9000) { // combined codes 9000 and above are self made disciplines $this->write_xml_open("discipline", array('sportDiscipline' => $combined_dis, 'licenseCategory' => $combined_cat)); $this->write_xml_open("athletes"); // calc points foreach ($combined as $xathlet => $disc) { $points = 0; $eDetails = ""; $tmp_fe = $fetched_events; // temp array for fetched events foreach ($disc as $xdisc => $tmp) { if ($xdisc == "catathlete") { continue; } // check if there are events missing for the current athlete and add 'null' entries while ($tmp_fe[0][3] != $xdisc) { //$eDetails .= $tmp_fe[0][6]." (0); "; $eDetails .= "0/"; array_shift($tmp_fe); } array_shift($tmp_fe); $points += $tmp['points']; if ($tmp['wind'] == " ") { $tmp['wind'] = ""; } else { if ($tmp['wind'] >= 0) { $tmp['wind'] = "+" . $tmp['wind']; } else { $tmp['wind'] = $tmp['wind']; } } //$eDetails .= $tmp['discipline']." (".$tmp['effort'].$tmp['wind']."); "; $eDetails .= $tmp['discipline'] . ' ' . $tmp['effort'] . $tmp['wind'] . "/"; } // check if last events are missing while (isset($tmp_fe[0][3])) { $eDetails .= "0/"; array_shift($tmp_fe); } $eDetails = substr($eDetails, 0, -1); $combined[$xathlet]['points'] = $points; $combined[$xathlet]['edetails'] = $eDetails; } // sort for points usort($combined, array($this, "sort_combined")); // write //$rank = array(); //$curr_athlete_cat = ""; $rank = 0; // athletes rank $cRank = 0; // rank counter $lp = 0; // remembers points of last athlete foreach ($combined as $xathlet => $disc) { $this->close_open_tags("athletes"); // count place for each athlete category /*$curr_athlete_cat = $combined[$xathlet]['catathlete']; if(!isset($rank[$curr_athlete_cat])){ $rank[$curr_athlete_cat] = 1; }else{ $rank[$curr_athlete_cat]++; }*/ $cRank++; if ($lp != $disc['points']) { $rank = $cRank; $lp = $disc['points']; } // get information for athlete, remove not needed information and sort per DateOfEffort $tmp = $disc; $tmp['points'] = null; $tmp['edetails'] = null; $tmp['catathlete'] = null; $tmp = array_values($tmp); usort($tmp, array($this, "sort_perdate")); $tmp = $tmp[0]; // filter athletes not from switzerland and athletes without license if ($tmp['accountCode'] == '' || $tmp['accountCode'] == '999999' || $tmp['licenseType'] == 3) { continue; } $this->write_xml_open("athlete", array('license' => $tmp['license'], 'licensePaid' => $tmp['licensePaid'], 'licenseCat' => '', 'inMasterData' => $tmp['inMasterData'])); if (!$tmp['inMasterData']) { $this->write_xml_finished("lastName", $tmp['lastName']); $this->write_xml_finished("firstName", $tmp['firstName']); $this->write_xml_finished("birthDate", $tmp['birthDate']); $this->write_xml_finished("sex", $tmp['sex']); $this->write_xml_finished("nationality", $tmp['nationality']); $this->write_xml_finished("accountCode", $tmp['accountCode']); $this->write_xml_finished("secondaccountCode", " "); } $this->write_xml_open("efforts"); $this->write_xml_open("effort"); $this->write_xml_finished("DateOfEffort", $tmp['DateOfEffort']); $this->write_xml_finished("scoreResult", AA_alabusScore($disc['points'])); $this->write_xml_finished("wind", " "); $this->write_xml_finished("kindOfLap", " "); // round type combined (D) $this->write_xml_finished("lap", " "); // heat name (A_, B_, 01, 02 ..) //$this->write_xml_finished("place",$rank[$curr_athlete_cat]); $this->write_xml_finished("place", $rank); $this->write_xml_finished("placeAddon", $tmp['placeAddon']); $this->write_xml_finished("relevant", "1"); $this->write_xml_finished("effortDetails", $disc['edetails']); $this->write_xml_close("effort"); } $this->close_open_tags("disciplines"); } $combined = array(); $fetched_events = array(); $combined_dis = $row[7]; $combined_cat = $row[4]; $current_cat = $row[4]; $current_xcat = $row[8]; } // keep events rows of combined events to check on missing results after if ($row[0] == $cfgEventType[$strEventTypeSingleCombined]) { $fetched_events[] = $row; } // // first of all, print all single results (athletes and relays) // $relay = AA_checkRelay($row[5]); // check, if this is a relay event $order_perf = ""; $valid_result = ""; $best_perf = ""; //$highjump = false; if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJumpNoWind] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeThrow]) { $order_perf = "DESC"; $best_perf = ", max(r.Leistung) as Leistung"; } else { if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJump]) { if ($row[1] == 1) { // with wind //$order_perf = "DESC, r.Info ASC"; $order_perf = "DESC"; } else { // without wind $order_perf = "DESC"; } $best_perf = ", max(r.Leistung) as Leistung"; } else { if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeHigh]) { $order_perf = "DESC"; $valid_result = " AND (r.Info LIKE '%O%') "; //$highjump = true; $best_perf = ", max(r.Leistung) as Leistung"; } else { $order_perf = "ASC"; $best_perf = ", min(r.Leistung) as Leistung"; } } } if ($relay == FALSE) { $query = "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tss.xSerienstart\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, ss.Rang\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, ss.Qualifikation\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, r.Leistung\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, r.Info\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, s.Bezeichnung\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, s.Wind\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, r.Punkte\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, v.Name\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, at.Name\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, at.Vorname\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, at.Jahrgang\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, at.Land\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, at.xAthlet\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, at.Lizenznummer\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, ru.Datum\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, rt.Code as Typ\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, at.Bezahlt\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, at.Geburtstag\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, at.Geschlecht\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, v.xCode as Vereincode\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, k.Code as Katathlet\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, ru.xRunde\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, s.Handgestoppt\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, at.Lizenztyp\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, a.Vereinsinfo\r\n , rt.Typ\r\n , ba.license_paid \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\trunde as ru\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, serie AS s USE INDEX (Runde)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, serienstart AS ss\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, resultat AS r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, start AS st\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, anmeldung AS a\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, athlet AS at\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, verein AS v\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, rundentyp AS rt\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, kategorie AS k\r\n LEFT JOIN base_athlete AS ba ON (ba.license = at.Lizenznummer)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ru.xWettkampf = {$row['5']}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND s.xRunde = ru.xRunde\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ss.xSerie = s.xSerie\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND st.xStart = ss.xStart\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND v.xVerein = at.xVerein\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ru.xRundentyp = rt.xRundentyp\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND a.xKategorie = k.xKategorie\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ru.Status = " . $cfgRoundStatus['results_done'] . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ru.StatusUpload = 0\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND r.Leistung > 0\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$valid_result}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tat.xAthlet\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, ru.xRunde\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, r.Leistung " . $order_perf; } else { // relay event $query = "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tss.xSerienstart\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, ss.Rang\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, ss.Qualifikation\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, r.Leistung\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, r.Info\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, s.Bezeichnung\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, s.Wind\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, r.Punkte\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, v.Name\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, sf.Name\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, sf.xStaffel\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, ru.Datum\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, rt.Code as Typ\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, st.xStart\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, ru.xRunde\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, s.Handgestoppt\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\trunde as ru\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, serie AS s USE INDEX (Runde)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, serienstart AS ss\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, resultat AS r\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, start AS st\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, staffel AS sf\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, verein AS v\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, rundentyp as rt\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ru.xWettkampf = {$row['5']}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND s.xRunde = ru.xRunde\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ss.xSerie = s.xSerie\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND st.xStart = ss.xStart\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND sf.xStaffel = st.xStaffel\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND v.xVerein = sf.xVerein\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ru.xRundentyp = rt.xRundentyp\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ru.Status = " . $cfgRoundStatus['results_done'] . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ru.StatusUpload = 0\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND r.Leistung > 0\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND v.xCode != ''\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND v.xCode != '999999'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$valid_result}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tr.xSerienstart\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tst.xStaffel\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, ss.Rang\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t " . $order_perf; } $res_results = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_Error(); } else { if (mysql_num_rows($res_results) > 0) { $this->write_xml_open("discipline", array('sportDiscipline' => $row[3], 'licenseCategory' => $row[4])); if ($relay) { $this->write_xml_open("teams"); } else { $this->write_xml_open("athletes"); } } $id = 0; // athletes id $ru = 0; // round id while ($row_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_results)) { // store round ids for later purpose $GLOBALS['rounds'][] = $row_results['xRunde']; // set "rangzusatz" /*switch($row_results['Typ']){ case "D": break; case "S": $rankadd = "r"; break; case "V": $rankadd = "h"; break; case "Z": $rankadd = "qf"; break; case "X": $rankadd = "sf"; break; case "Q": $rankadd = "Q"; break; case "F": $rankadd = "A"; break; default: $rankadd = " "; }*/ $season = $_SESSION['meeting_infos']['Saison']; if ($saison == '') { $saison = "O"; //if no saison is set take outdoor } $rankadd = " "; // set "no wind" flag if not measured or wind is equal "-" if ($season == 'O') { // only outdoor (indoor: never a '*' ) if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJump]) { if ($row[1] == 0 || $row_results['Info'] == "-" || $row_results['Info'] == "") { $rankadd .= "*"; } } if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrack]) { if ($row[1] == 0 || $row_results['Wind'] == "-" || $row_results['Wind'] == "") { $rankadd .= "*"; } } } // set "hand stopped" flag if set if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeNone] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrack] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrackNoWind] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeDistance] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeRelay]) { if ($row_results['Handgestoppt'] == 1) { $rankadd .= "m"; } } $rankadd .= $global_rankadd; if ($relay) { // // relay results // if ($id != $row_results['xStaffel']) { // new relay $id = $row_results['xStaffel']; $this->close_open_tags("teams"); $this->write_xml_open("team", array('teamCode' => 'S')); $this->write_xml_finished("relayId", $id); // staffel id $this->write_xml_open("efforts"); } $this->write_xml_open("effort"); // add effort parameters $this->write_xml_finished("DateOfEffort", $row_results['Datum']); if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJump] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJumpNoWind] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeThrow] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeHigh]) { $perf = AA_alabusDistance($row_results['Leistung']); $this->write_xml_finished("distanceResult", $perf); } else { $perf = AA_alabusTime($row_results['Leistung']); $this->write_xml_finished("timeResult", $perf); } $wind = ""; if ($row[1] == 1) { $wind = strtr($row_results['Wind'], ",", "."); } else { $wind = " "; } if (is_numeric($row_results['Bezeichnung'])) { $row_results['Bezeichnung'] = sprintf("%02s", $row_results['Bezeichnung']); } else { if (strlen($row_results['Bezeichnung']) == 1) { $row_results['Bezeichnung'] .= "_"; } } // check on relevant for bestlist $relevant = 1; if ($wind > "2") { //$relevant = 0; } if ($row_results['Typ'] == '0') { // (ohne) $row_results['Bezeichnung'] = ''; } //$this->write_xml_finished("timeResult"," "); //$this->write_xml_finished("distanceResult"," "); //$this->write_xml_finished("scoreResult"," "); $this->write_xml_finished("wind", $wind); $this->write_xml_finished("kindOfLap", " " . $row_results['Typ']); // round type $this->write_xml_finished("lap", $row_results['Bezeichnung']); // heat name (A_, B_, 01, 02 ..) $this->write_xml_finished("place", $row_results['Rang']); $this->write_xml_finished("placeAddon", $rankadd); $this->write_xml_finished("relevant", $relevant); // get athletes for effort details $cRelayAt = 4; if ($row[9] > 0) { // staffelläufer count of discipline $cRelayAt = $row[9]; } $query = "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT at.Name, at.Vorname, st.Position FROM\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstaffelathlet as st\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, start as s\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, anmeldung as a\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t, athlet as at\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE st.xStaffelstart = " . $row_results['xStart'] . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND st.xRunde = " . $row_results['xRunde'] . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND st.xAthletenstart = s.xStart\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND s.xAnmeldung = a.xAnmeldung\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND a.xAthlet = at.xAthlet\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tst.Position ASC\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$cRelayAt}"; $res_relayat = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_error(); } else { $eDetails = ""; while ($row_relayat = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_relayat)) { $eDetails .= trim($row_relayat['Name']) . " " . trim($row_relayat['Vorname']) . " / "; } $eDetails = substr($eDetails, 0, strlen($eDetails) - 3); $this->write_xml_finished("effortDetails", $eDetails); } $this->write_xml_close("effort"); } else { // // athlete results // if ($ru == $row_results['xRunde'] && $id == $row_results['xAthlet']) { continue; } $ru = $row_results['xRunde']; // array for ordering (order after WO) combined events $combinedPriority = 0; /*$combinedPrio = $cfgCombinedWO[$cfgCombinedDef[$row[7]]]; $combinedPriority = array_keys($combinedPrio, $row[3]); if(count($combinedPriority) > 0){ $combinedPriority = $combinedPriority[0]; }else{ $combinedPriority = 999; // not a official discipline for this combined event }*/ if ($id != $row_results['xAthlet']) { // new athlete $id = $row_results['xAthlet']; $this->close_open_tags("athletes"); // if athlete is not from switzerland filter him but add to combined array for correct ranking // the same for athletes without license (type 3) // these rules have also to be present in the parsing section of combined events (before and after result loop) /*if($row_results['Vereincode'] == '' || $row_results['Vereincode'] == '999999' || $row_results['Lizenztyp'] == 3){*/ if ($row_results['Lizenztyp'] == 3) { if ($row[0] == $cfgEventType[$strEventTypeSingleCombined]) { $rank = " "; $row_results['Bezeichnung'] = " "; // //add points for combined contests if ($combined[$row_results['xAthlet']][$row[3]]['points'] < $row_results['Punkte']) { $combined[$row_results['xAthlet']][$row[3]] = array('kindOfLap' => " " . $row_results['Typ'], 'lap' => $row_results['Bezeichnung'], 'placeAddon' => $rankadd, 'points' => $row_results['Punkte'], 'discipline' => $row[6], 'license' => $row_results['Lizenznummer'], 'DateOfEffort' => $row_results['Datum'], 'lastName' => $row_results['Name'], 'firstName' => $row_results['Vorname'], 'birthDate' => $birthday, 'sex' => $row_results['Geschlecht'], 'nationality' => $row_results['Land'], 'accountCode' => $row_results['Vereincode'], 'priority' => $combinedPriority, 'licenseType' => $row_results['Lizenztyp']); // category of athlete, used for calculating the rankings $combined[$row_results['xAthlet']]['catathlete'] = $row_results['Katathlet']; } } $id = 0; // if this is not set, results for the skipped athlete will be written continue; // next result/athlete } // license_paid = license printed (information from basa data) // only upload results from athletes with license available (=license printed) if ($row_results['Lizenztyp'] <= 1 && $row_results['license_paid'] == 'n') { $id = 0; // if this is not set, results for the skipped athlete will be written continue; // next result/athlete } if (!empty($row_results['Lizenznummer'])) { $inMasterData = 1; $licensePaid = 1; } else { $inMasterData = 0; if ($row_results['Bezahlt'] == 'y') { $licensePaid = 1; } else { $licensePaid = 0; } } //$this->close_open_tags("athletes"); $this->write_xml_open("athlete", array('license' => $row_results['Lizenznummer'], 'licensePaid' => $licensePaid, 'licenseCat' => '', 'inMasterData' => $inMasterData)); // write athletes data if athletica generated // if (!$inMasterData) { if ($row_results['Land'] == "-") { $row_results['Land'] = " "; } $this->write_xml_finished("lastName", $row_results['Name']); $this->write_xml_finished("firstName", $row_results['Vorname']); $birthday = $row_results['Geburtstag']; if ($birthday == "0000-00-00") { $birthday = $row_results['Jahrgang'] . "-01-01"; } $this->write_xml_finished("birthDate", $birthday); $this->write_xml_finished("sex", $row_results['Geschlecht']); $this->write_xml_finished("nationality", $row_results['Land']); $this->write_xml_finished("accountCode", $row_results['Vereincode']); $this->write_xml_finished("secondaccountCode", " "); } $this->write_xml_open("efforts"); } $perf = 0; // result for alabus $wind = ""; $perfRounded = 0; // result for combined detail text $this->write_xml_open("effort"); // add effort parameters $this->write_xml_finished("DateOfEffort", $row_results['Datum']); $wind = ""; if ($row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJump] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJumpNoWind] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeThrow] || $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeHigh]) { $perf = AA_alabusDistance($row_results['Leistung']); $perfRounded = AA_formatResultMeter($row_results['Leistung']); $this->write_xml_finished("distanceResult", $perf); $wind = strtr($row_results['Info'], ",", "."); } else { $perf = AA_alabusTime($row_results['Leistung']); $perfRounded = AA_formatResultTime($row_results['Leistung'], true); $this->write_xml_finished("timeResult", $perf); $wind = strtr($row_results['Wind'], ",", "."); } if ($row[1] == 0 || $wind == "-" || $wind == "") { $wind = " "; } if (is_numeric($row_results['Bezeichnung'])) { $row_results['Bezeichnung'] = sprintf("%02s", $row_results['Bezeichnung']); } else { if (strlen($row_results['Bezeichnung']) == 1) { $row_results['Bezeichnung'] .= "_"; } } if ($row[0] == $cfgEventType[$strEventTypeSingleCombined]) { //$rankadd = "D)".$rankadd; if ($wind > 4) { // if any result has a wind of over 4 m/s, the combined result gets a flag 'w' $rankadd .= "w"; } $rank = " "; $row_results['Bezeichnung'] = " "; // //add points for combined contests if ($combined[$row_results['xAthlet']][$row[3]]['points'] < $row_results['Punkte']) { $combined[$row_results['xAthlet']][$row[3]] = array('wind' => $wind, 'kindOfLap' => " " . $row_results['Typ'], 'lap' => $row_results['Bezeichnung'], 'placeAddon' => $rankadd, 'points' => $row_results['Punkte'], 'effort' => $perfRounded, 'discipline' => $row[6], 'license' => $row_results['Lizenznummer'], 'inMasterData' => $inMasterData, 'licensePaid' => $licensePaid, 'DateOfEffort' => $row_results['Datum'], 'lastName' => $row_results['Name'], 'firstName' => $row_results['Vorname'], 'birthDate' => $birthday, 'sex' => $row_results['Geschlecht'], 'nationality' => $row_results['Land'], 'accountCode' => $row_results['Vereincode'], 'priority' => $combinedPriority, 'licenseType' => $row_results['Lizenztyp']); // category of athlete, used for calculating the rankings $combined[$row_results['xAthlet']]['catathlete'] = $row_results['Katathlet']; } } else { $rank = $row_results['Rang']; } // check on relevant for bestlist $relevant = 1; if ($row_results['Typ'] == '0') { // (ohne) $row_results['Bezeichnung'] = ''; } // output result data $this->write_xml_finished("wind", $wind); $this->write_xml_finished("kindOfLap", " " . $row_results['Typ']); // round type $this->write_xml_finished("lap", $row_results['Bezeichnung']); // heat name (A_, B_, 01, 02 ..) $this->write_xml_finished("place", $rank); $this->write_xml_finished("placeAddon", $rankadd); $this->write_xml_finished("relevant", $relevant); $this->write_xml_finished("effortDetails", " "); $this->write_xml_finished("accountinfo", " " . $row_results['Vereinsinfo']); $this->write_xml_finished("homologate", "1"); // not yet implemented -> TODO $this->write_xml_close("effort"); if ($wind > "2" && $row[2] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJump]) { // since we get only the best result per xSerienstart, // here we'll get the next with valid wind $res_wind = mysql_query("\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT Info, Leistung FROM\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresultat\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\txSerienstart = " . $row_results['xSerienstart'] . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLeistung DESC"); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { // DB error AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error()); } else { while ($row_wind = mysql_fetch_array($res_wind)) { if ($row_wind[0] <= 2) { $perf = AA_alabusDistance($row_wind[1]); if ($perf == -98) { // -98 = Fehlversuch break; } $this->write_xml_open("effort"); $this->write_xml_finished("DateOfEffort", $row_results['Datum']); $this->write_xml_finished("distanceResult", $perf); $wind = strtr($row_wind[0], ",", "."); if ($wind == "-") { $wind = " "; } $this->write_xml_finished("wind", $wind); $this->write_xml_finished("kindOfLap", " " . $row_results['Typ']); // round type $this->write_xml_finished("lap", $row_results['Bezeichnung']); // heat name (A_, B_, 01, 02 ..) $this->write_xml_finished("place", " "); $this->write_xml_finished("placeAddon", $rankadd); $this->write_xml_finished("relevant", $relevant); $this->write_xml_finished("effortDetails", " "); $this->write_xml_close("effort"); break; } } } } // end if wind > 2 } // end if relay or athlete } // end while res_results } $this->close_open_tags("disciplines"); } // check on last combined event if (!empty($combined) && $combined_dis < 9000) { // combined codes 9000 and above are self made disciplines $this->write_xml_open("discipline", array('sportDiscipline' => $combined_dis, 'licenseCategory' => $combined_cat)); $this->write_xml_open("athletes"); // calc points foreach ($combined as $xathlet => $disc) { $points = 0; $eDetails = ""; $tmp_fe = $fetched_events; foreach ($disc as $xdisc => $tmp) { if ($xdisc == "catathlete") { continue; } // check if there are events missing for the current athlete and add 'null' entries while ($tmp_fe[0][3] != $xdisc) { //$eDetails .= $tmp_fe[0][6]." (0); "; $eDetails .= "0/"; array_shift($tmp_fe); } array_shift($tmp_fe); $points += $tmp['points']; if ($tmp['wind'] == " ") { $tmp['wind'] = ""; } else { //$tmp['wind'] = " / ".$tmp['wind']; if ($tmp['wind'] >= 0) { $tmp['wind'] = "+" . $tmp['wind']; } else { $tmp['wind'] = $tmp['wind']; } } //$eDetails .= $tmp['discipline']." (".$tmp['effort'].$tmp['wind']."); "; $eDetails .= $tmp['effort'] . $tmp['wind'] . "/"; } // check if last events are missing while (isset($tmp_fe[0][3])) { $eDetails .= "0/"; array_shift($tmp_fe); } $eDetails = substr($eDetails, 0, -1); $combined[$xathlet]['points'] = $points; $combined[$xathlet]['edetails'] = $eDetails; } // sort for points usort($combined, array($this, "sort_combined")); // write //$rank = array(); //$curr_athlete_cat = ""; $rank = 0; // athletes rank $cRank = 0; // rank counter $lp = 0; // remembers points of last athlete foreach ($combined as $xathlet => $disc) { $this->close_open_tags("athletes"); // count place for each athlete category /*$curr_athlete_cat = $combined[$xathlet]['catathlete']; if(!isset($rank[$curr_athlete_cat])){ $rank[$curr_athlete_cat] = 1; }else{ $rank[$curr_athlete_cat]++; }*/ $cRank++; if ($lp != $disc['points']) { $rank = $cRank; $lp = $disc['points']; } // get information for athlete $tmp = $disc; $tmp['points'] = null; $tmp['edetails'] = null; $tmp['catathlete'] = null; $tmp = array_values($tmp); usort($tmp, array($this, "sort_perdate")); $tmp = $tmp[0]; // filter athletes not from switzerland and athletes without license if ($tmp['accountCode'] == '' || $tmp['accountCode'] == '999999' || $tmp['licenseType'] == 3) { continue; } $this->write_xml_open("athlete", array('license' => $tmp['license'], 'licensePaid' => $tmp['licensePaid'], 'licenseCat' => '', 'inMasterData' => $tmp['inMasterData'])); if (!$tmp['inMasterData']) { $this->write_xml_finished("lastName", $tmp['lastName']); $this->write_xml_finished("firstName", $tmp['firstName']); $this->write_xml_finished("birthDate", $tmp['birthDate']); $this->write_xml_finished("sex", $tmp['sex']); $this->write_xml_finished("nationality", $tmp['nationality']); $this->write_xml_finished("accountCode", $tmp['accountCode']); $this->write_xml_finished("secondaccountCode", " "); } $this->write_xml_open("efforts"); $this->write_xml_open("effort"); $this->write_xml_finished("DateOfEffort", $tmp['DateOfEffort']); $this->write_xml_finished("scoreResult", AA_alabusScore($disc['points'])); $this->write_xml_finished("wind", " "); $this->write_xml_finished("kindOfLap", " "); // round type combined (D) $this->write_xml_finished("lap", " "); // heat name (A_, B_, 01, 02 ..) //$this->write_xml_finished("place",$rank[$curr_athlete_cat]); $this->write_xml_finished("place", $rank); $this->write_xml_finished("placeAddon", $tmp['placeAddon']); $this->write_xml_finished("relevant", "1"); $this->write_xml_finished("effortDetails", $disc['edetails']); $this->write_xml_close("effort"); } $this->close_open_tags("disciplines"); } $combined = array(); // get the svm results mysql_free_result($res); $res = mysql_query("\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.Typ,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.Windmessung,\r\n\t\t\t\t\td.Typ,\r\n\t\t\t\t\td.Code,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tk.Code,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.xWettkampf,\r\n\t\t\t\t\td.Kurzname,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.Mehrkampfcode,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.xKategorie,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tks.Code,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tMAX(r.Datum)\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\t\trunde as r\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN \r\n\t\t\t\t\twettkampf as w USING(xWettkampf) \r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\tdisziplin as d ON d.xDisziplin = w.xDisziplin\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\tkategorie as k ON k.xKategorie = w.xKategorie\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\r\n\t\t\t\t\tkategorie_svm as ks ON ks.xKategorie_svm = w.xKategorie_svm\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\txMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id'] . "\r\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY w.xKategorie\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY\r\n\t\t\t\t\tw.xWettkampf\r\n\t\t\t"); if (mysql_errno() > 0) { echo mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error(); } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { // // open rankinlist_team lib for calculating the svm points // if ($row[0] > $cfgEventType[$strEventTypeSingleCombined]) { $this->write_xml_open("discipline", array('sportDiscipline' => $row[9], 'licenseCategory' => $row[4])); $this->write_xml_open("teams"); $GLOBALS['doe'] = $row[10]; // date of team effort (last round date) $GLOBALS['rankadd'] = $global_rankadd; AA_rankinglist_Team($row[8], 'xml', "", false, $this); $this->close_open_tags("disciplines"); } } } // close last tags $this->close_open_tags(); } $this->gzip_close(); }
private function conModificacion($sql) { $mysqli = $this->conectarBD(); mysqli_set_charset($mysqli, "utf8"); $mysqli->multi_query($sql) or die('Error') . mysql_Error(); // mysqli_query($mysqli,$sql) or die ('Error en la consulta').mysql_Error(); $id = mysqli_insert_id($mysqli); return $id; }