Ejemplo n.º 1
        /* Insert the pruchase to the table Purchase_List */
        $query = "INSERT INTO Purchase_List(IP, Country_Name) ";
        $query .= "VALUES ('" . $ip . "', '" . $delivery_country . "') ";
        mysqlQuery($connection, $query);
        /* If the user want to empty the table Purchase_List */
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST['clear'])) {
            $query = "TRUNCATE TABLE Purchase_List";
            mysqlQuery($connection, $query);
/* Display the current Purchase_List on the page  */
$query = "SELECT * FROM Purchase_List ";
$query .= "ORDER BY Purchase_ID DESC ";
$result = mysqlQuery_Result($connection, $query);
$count = mysqli_num_rows($result);
/* Check if the table is empty */
if ($count == 0) {
    echo "Current purchase list is empty";
} else {
    while ($count) {
        $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
        echo "Purchase ID: " . $row['Purchase_ID'] . "   | IP Address: " . $row['IP'] . "   | Delivery Country: " . $row['Country_Name'] . "<br >";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function check($connection)
    $count_items = 0;
    // Will be used to count the items whose the two countries do not match
    /* Firstly, spliting the target IP address to four parts. Example: -> part1='85', part2='45', part3='1' and part4='122' */
    $query = "SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(IP,'.',1), ";
    $query .= "SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(IP,'.',2),'.',-1), ";
    $query .= "SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(IP,'.',-2),'.',1), ";
    $query .= "SUBSTRING_INDEX(IP,'.',-1), ";
    $query .= "Country_Name, Purchase_ID ";
    $query .= "FROM Purchase_List";
    $result = mysqlQuery_Result($connection, $query);
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
        $part1 = $row[0];
        //part1 of the target IP address
        $part2 = $row[1];
        $part3 = $row[2];
        $part4 = $row[3];
        $country_name = $row[4];
        // the delivery country of the purchase
        $Purchase_ID = $row[5];
        /* Core algorithm: convert the IP address to decimal, then compare */
        $Decimal_ip = $part1 * 256 * 256 * 256 + $part2 * 256 * 256 + $part3 * 256 + $part4;
        /* Find the actual country which the target IP belongs to.*/
        $query = "SELECT Country_Name FROM IP ";
        $query .= "WHERE Decimal_IP_Start <=" . $Decimal_ip . " ";
        $query .= "ORDER BY Decimal_IP_Start DESC ";
        $query .= "LIMIT 1 ";
        if (!($checking_result = mysqli_query($connection, $query))) {
            echo "<br />1 " . mysqli_errno($connection) . ":" . mysqli_error($connection) . "<br />";
        } else {
            $row = mysqli_fetch_row($checking_result);
            $actual_country_name = $row[0];
            /* Check if the actual country is same as the delivery country. If not, display the item on the webpage*/
            if ($country_name != $actual_country_name) {
                //Count the items whose the two countries do not match
                echo "Purchase ID: " . $Purchase_ID . "    | Delivering Country: " . $country_name . "     | Country of the IP address: " . $actual_country_name . " (" . $part1 . "." . $part2 . "." . $part3 . "." . $part4 . ")";
                echo "<br />";
    echo "<br>Total items:" . $count_items . "<br><br>";