function call_script($script, $priority = 1, $plugin = FALSE, $web_server_call = FALSE) { if ($web_server_call == TRUE) { // No Properly working PHP CLI Extensions for some odd reason, call from web server instead $cli_port = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT field_data FROM `options` WHERE `field_name` = 'cli_port' LIMIT 1"), 0, 0); if (empty($cli_port) == TRUE) { // Use the same server port that is reported to other peers if ($plugin == TRUE) { poll_peer(NULL, "localhost", my_subfolder() . "/plugins", my_port_number(), 1, $script); } else { poll_peer(NULL, "localhost", my_subfolder(), my_port_number(), 1, $script); } } else { // Use a different port number than what is reported to other peers. // Useful for port forwarding where the External Internet port is different than // the Internal web server port being forwarded through the router. if ($plugin == TRUE) { poll_peer(NULL, "localhost", my_subfolder() . "/plugins", $cli_port, 1, $script); } else { poll_peer(NULL, "localhost", my_subfolder(), $cli_port, 1, $script); } } } else { if ($priority == 1) { // Normal Priority if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { pclose(popen("start /B php-win {$script}", "r")); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } else { exec("php {$script} &> /dev/null &"); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } } else { if ($plugin == TRUE) { // Normal Priority if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { pclose(popen("start /B php-win plugins/{$script}", "r")); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } else { exec("php plugins/{$script} &> /dev/null &"); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } } else { // Below Normal Priority if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { pclose(popen("start /BELOWNORMAL /B php-win {$script}", "r")); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } else { exec("nice php {$script} &> /dev/null &"); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } } } } return; }
$peer_domain = find_string("---domain=", "---subfolder", $sql_row["field_data"]); $peer_subfolder = find_string("---subfolder=", "---port", $sql_row["field_data"]); $peer_port_number = find_string("---port=", "---end", $sql_row["field_data"]); // Insert into database as first contact server(s) $sql = "INSERT INTO `active_peer_list` (`IP_Address` ,`domain` ,`subfolder` ,`port_number` ,`last_heartbeat`, `join_peer_list`, `failed_sent_heartbeat`)\n\t\tVALUES ('{$peer_ip}', '{$peer_domain}', '{$peer_subfolder}', '{$peer_port_number}', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '0');"; mysql_query($sql); } } if ($active_peers < $max_active_peers) { //Start polling peers from the new peers list $sql = "SELECT * FROM `new_peers_list` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10"; $sql_result = mysql_query($sql); $sql_num_results = mysql_num_rows($sql_result); $my_server_domain = my_domain(); $my_server_subfolder = my_subfolder(); $my_server_port_number = my_port_number(); // Peer difference $peer_difference_count = $max_active_peers - $active_peers; for ($i = 0; $i < $sql_num_results; $i++) { $sql_row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result); $ip_address = $sql_row["IP_Address"]; $domain = $sql_row["domain"]; $subfolder = $sql_row["subfolder"]; $port_number = $sql_row["port_number"]; $poll_failures = $sql_row["poll_failures"]; // Check to make sure that this peer is not already in our active peer list $duplicate_check1 = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT last_heartbeat FROM `active_peer_list` WHERE `IP_Address` = '{$ip_address}' LIMIT 1"), 0, 0); $duplicate_check2 = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT last_heartbeat FROM `active_peer_list` WHERE `domain` LIKE '{$domain}' LIMIT 1"), 0, 0); if (empty($ip_address) == TRUE) { //Don't have an IP address, check for duplicate domain or my own domain if (empty($duplicate_check2) == TRUE && $my_server_domain != $domain) {
function clone_script($script) { // No Properly working PHP CLI Extensions for some odd reason, call from web server instead $cli_port = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT field_data FROM `options` WHERE `field_name` = 'cli_port' LIMIT 1"), 0, 0); if (empty($cli_port) == TRUE) { // Use the same server port that is reported to other peers poll_peer(NULL, "localhost", my_subfolder(), my_port_number(), 1, $script); } else { // Use a different port number than what is reported to other peers. // Useful for port forwarding where the External Internet port is different than // the Internal web server port being forwarded through the router. poll_peer(NULL, "localhost", my_subfolder(), $cli_port, 1, $script); } }
function call_script($script, $priority = 1) { if ($priority == 1) { // Normal Priority if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { $php_location = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT field_data FROM `options` WHERE `field_name` = 'php_location' LIMIT 1"), 0, 0); if (empty($php_location) == TRUE) { pclose(popen("start php-win {$script}", "r")); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } else { pclose(popen("set PATH=%PATH%;{$php_location}&& start php-win {$script}", "r")); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } } else { exec("php {$script} &> /dev/null &"); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } } else { if ($priority == 2) { // No PHP CLI Extensions for some odd reason, call from web server instead poll_peer(NULL, "localhost", my_subfolder(), my_port_number(), 1, $script); } else { // Below Normal Priority if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { $php_location = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT field_data FROM `options` WHERE `field_name` = 'php_location' LIMIT 1"), 0, 0); if (empty($php_location) == TRUE) { pclose(popen("start /BELOWNORMAL php-win {$script}", "r")); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } else { pclose(popen("set PATH=%PATH%;{$php_location}&& start /BELOWNORMAL php-win {$script}", "r")); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } } else { exec("nice php {$script} &> /dev/null &"); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } } } return; }
There also exist a setting in the system tab to auto-update the server IP if it changes frequently.<br><br> You can manually update this field if the IP address detected is incorrect.<br><br> Next Peer Election in<br>' . $time_election . '</strong></font><br><br> Currency Generation in<br>' . $time_generate . '</strong></font>'; if ($_GET["firewall"] == "tool") { $body_string = '<strong>This will use the settings set in the system tab (domain,folder, & port) to attempt a reverse connection attempt.</strong><br><br> <FORM ACTION="index.php?menu=generation&firewall=test" METHOD="post"><input type="submit" value="Check My Firewall"/></FORM>'; home_screen('Crypto Currency Generation', $text_bar, $body_string, $quick_info); exit; } if ($_GET["firewall"] == "test") { ini_set('user_agent', 'Timekoin Server (GUI) v' . TIMEKOIN_VERSION); ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 25); // Timeout for request in seconds // Create map with request parameters $params = array('domain' => my_domain(), 'subfolder' => my_subfolder(), 'port' => my_port_number()); // Build Http query using params $query = http_build_query($params); // Create Http context details $contextData = array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Connection: close\r\n" . "Content-Length: " . strlen($query) . "\r\n", 'content' => $query); // Create context resource for our request $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => $contextData)); $firewall_poll = filter_sql(file_get_contents('', FALSE, $context, NULL, 1024)); if (empty($firewall_poll) == TRUE) { $firewall_poll = '<font color="red">No Response</font>'; } $body_string = '<strong>Test Response:</strong><br><br> ' . $firewall_poll . '<br><br> <FORM ACTION="index.php?menu=generation&firewall=test" METHOD="post"><input type="submit" value="Check My Firewall Again"/></FORM>'; home_screen('Crypto Currency Generation', $text_bar, $body_string, $quick_info); exit;
} // Finish Starting Plugin Services echo 1; } else { // Already Active echo 2; } } // End Main System Start if ($active == 2) { write_log("Main Process Sent STOP Command from IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "AP"); $script_loop_active = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT field_data FROM `main_loop_status` WHERE `field_name` = 'main_heartbeat_active' LIMIT 1"), 0, 0); $script_last_heartbeat = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT field_data FROM `main_loop_status` WHERE `field_name` = 'main_last_heartbeat' LIMIT 1"), 0, 0); // Use uPNP to delete inbound ports for Windows systems if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT" && file_exists("utils\\upnpc.exe") == TRUE) { pclose(popen("start /B utils\\upnpc.exe -d " . my_port_number() . " TCP", "r")); } if ($script_loop_active > 0) { // Main should still be active if (time() - $script_last_heartbeat > 30) { // Main stop was unexpected $sql = "UPDATE `main_loop_status` SET `field_data` = '0' WHERE `main_loop_status`.`field_name` = 'main_heartbeat_active' LIMIT 1"; if (mysql_query($sql) == TRUE) { // Clear transaction queue to avoid unnecessary peer confusion mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `transaction_queue`"); // Clear Status for other Scripts mysql_query("DELETE FROM `main_loop_status` WHERE `main_loop_status`.`field_name` = 'balance_heartbeat_active' LIMIT 1"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `main_loop_status` WHERE `main_loop_status`.`field_name` = 'foundation_heartbeat_active' LIMIT 1"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `main_loop_status` WHERE `main_loop_status`.`field_name` = 'generation_heartbeat_active' LIMIT 1"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `main_loop_status` WHERE `main_loop_status`.`field_name` = 'genpeer_heartbeat_active' LIMIT 1"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `main_loop_status` WHERE `main_loop_status`.`field_name` = 'peerlist_heartbeat_active' LIMIT 1");
if (empty($generation_key_crypt) == TRUE) { // Reverse Crypto Test is empty, create a new one. // This is just the first 181 characters of the public key encrypted via the private key. // This is then stored as a data field that is easy to access and quickly output to any // peer that is going to query this one as a potential generating peer. $arr1 = str_split($my_public_key, 181); $encryptedPublicKey = tk_encrypt($my_private_key, $arr1[0]); $encryptedPublicKey = base64_encode($encryptedPublicKey); // Update in the database. mysql_query("UPDATE `options` SET `field_data` = '{$encryptedPublicKey}' WHERE `options`.`field_name` = 'generation_key_crypt' LIMIT 1"); } // Crypt3 field will contain the IP address/Domain/etc of where the election request originates from. // This will allow a reverse check for a valid Timekoin server. $my_domain = my_domain(); $my_subfolder = my_subfolder(); $my_port = my_port_number(); $crypt3_data = "---ip={$my_generation_IP}---domain={$my_domain}---subfolder={$my_subfolder}---port={$my_port}---end"; $encryptedData3 = tk_encrypt($my_private_key, $crypt3_data); $encryptedData64_3 = base64_encode($encryptedData3); // Encrypt Generation Request into Crypt1 field $encryptedData1 = tk_encrypt($my_private_key, $generation_request); $encryptedData64_1 = base64_encode($encryptedData1); $duplicate_hash_check = hash('sha256', $encryptedData64_1 . $generation_request . $encryptedData64_3); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `my_transaction_queue` (`timestamp`,`public_key`,`crypt_data1`,`crypt_data2`,`crypt_data3`, `hash`, `attribute`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('" . time() . "', '{$my_public_key}', '{$encryptedData64_1}', '{$generation_request}' , '{$encryptedData64_3}', '{$duplicate_hash_check}' , 'R')"); } // End duplicate request check } // End Election cycle available check } if (empty($found_public_key) == FALSE) { // Look into the future with the magic of math to see if the next generation will even be allowed.
function call_script($script, $priority = 1, $plugin = FALSE) { if ($priority == 1) { // Normal Priority if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { pclose(popen("start php-win {$script}", "r")); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } else { exec("php {$script} &> /dev/null &"); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } } else { if ($priority == 2) { // No PHP CLI Extensions for some odd reason, call from web server instead poll_peer(NULL, "localhost", my_subfolder(), my_port_number(), 1, $script); } else { if ($plugin == TRUE) { // Normal Priority if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { pclose(popen("start php-win plugins/{$script}", "r")); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } else { exec("php plugins/{$script} &> /dev/null &"); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } } else { // Below Normal Priority if (getenv("OS") == "Windows_NT") { pclose(popen("start /BELOWNORMAL php-win {$script}", "r")); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } else { exec("nice php {$script} &> /dev/null &"); // This will execute without waiting for it to finish } } } } return; }