function multiexplode($delimiters, $string) { $ary = explode($delimiters[0], $string); array_shift($delimiters); if ($delimiters != NULL) { foreach ($ary as $key => $val) { $ary[$key] = multiexplode($delimiters, $val); } } return $ary; }
function validate($text) { $z = array_filter(multiexplode($text), function ($i) { return filter_var($i, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); }); return $z; }
function tgl_jam_indo($tgl_jam) { $rubah = gmdate($tgl_jam); $cacah = multiexplode(array("-", " ", ":"), $rubah); $tanggal = $cacah[2]; $bulan = bulan($cacah[1]); $tahun = $cacah[0]; $jam = $cacah[3]; $menit = $cacah[4]; $detik = $cacah[5]; return $tanggal . ' ' . $bulan . ' ' . $tahun . ' ' . $jam . ':' . $menit . ':' . $detik; }
function spamcheck($field) { $addresses = multiexplode(array(",", ";"), $field); for ($i = 0; $i < count($addresses); $i++) { //filter_var() sanitizes the e-mail //address using FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL $addresses[$i] = filter_var($addresses[$i], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); //filter_var() validates the e-mail //address using FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL if (!filter_var($addresses[$i], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
function decimal_lat_long($gps) { $position = multiexplode(array(' ', '\'', '"', ','), $gps); $degree_lat = doubleval($position[0]); $min_lat = doubleval($position[2]); $sec_lat = doubleval($position[4]); $decimal_lat = $degree_lat + $min_lat / 60 + $sec_lat / 3600; $decimal_lat = round($decimal_lat, 6); if ($position[6] == "S") { $decimal_lat *= -1; } $degree_long = doubleval($position[8]); $min_long = doubleval($position[10]); $sec_long = doubleval($position[12]); $decimal_long = $degree_long + $min_long / 60 + $sec_long / 3600; $decimal_long = round($decimal_long, 6); if ($position[14] == "W") { $decimal_long *= -1; } return array($decimal_lat, $decimal_long); }
*/ require_once 'logic.php'; function multiexplode($delimiters, $string) { $ready = str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string); $launch = explode($delimiters[0], $ready); return $launch; } //get input from index.php if (isset($_POST['input'])) { $input = $_POST['input']; } echo $input; //Parse $input $numbers = multiexplode(array("(", ")", "+", "-", "*", "/", "sqrt2", "sqrt3", "pow"), $input); $operations = multiexplode(array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", " "), $input); $i = 0; foreach ($operations as $a) { if ($a == "") { unset($operations[$i]); array_values($operations); } if ($a == ".") { unset($operations[$i]); array_values($operations); } $i++; } //Reorder arrays. why? Because i can. $numbers = array_values($numbers); $operations = array_values($operations);
<?php echo "equation: {$_POST['input']} <br>"; $string = $_POST['input']; $num = preg_replace("/[^0-9]*/s", " ", $string); function multiexplode($delimiters, $string) { $ready = str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string); $launch = explode($delimiters[0], $ready); return $launch; } $num = multiexplode(array("+", "-", "/", "*"), $string); $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { if ($string[$i] == '+') { $num[$j + 1] = $num[$j] + $num[$j + 1]; $j++; } else { if ($string[$i] == '-') { $num[$j + 1] = $num[$j] - $num[$j + 1]; $j++; } else { if ($string[$i] == '*') { $num[$j + 1] = $num[$j] * $num[$j + 1]; $j++; } else { if ($string[$i] == '/') { $num[$j + 1] = $num[$j] / $num[$j + 1]; $j++; } else { continue;
function profanity_counter($textarea, $dirt = array()) { $counter = 0; $textArray = array(); //multi explode all the text to array $textarea = multiexplode(array("|", " ", "//"), $textarea); //create the loop to check foreach ($textarea as $string) { if (preg_match_all("/(" . implode('|', $dirt) . ")/", $string, $matches)) { $counter += 1; } } return (int) $counter; }
$total = "" . $Parse; } //create new login and profile if form success if ($postsuccess) { notifiy_friends($conn); //echo "Link created!"; $err_post = "Submitted!"; //sql login $sql_addpost = "INSERT INTO posts (User_ID, type, info)\n\t\tVALUES ({$_SESSION['SESS_LOGIN_ID']}, 'video', '{$total}')"; check_sql($sql_addpost, $conn); $last_post = $conn->insert_id; //check for tags------------------------------------------------------ if (isset($_POST['tags_video'])) { $tlist = "video, " . $_POST['tags_video']; $tag_list = test_input($tlist); $exploded = multiexplode(array(",", " "), $tag_list); foreach ($exploded as $tag_element) { if ($tag_element != NULL) { $sql_addpost2 = "INSERT INTO tags (Post_ID, Tag_label)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$last_post}, '{$tag_element}')"; check_sql($sql_addpost2, $conn); } } } header("Location:index.php"); } } ?> </body> </html>
$date4 = sanitize($_POST["date4"]); $reason = sanitize($_POST["request_reason"]); $sql_date2 = $sql_date3 = $sql_date4 = "1969-01-01"; // Convert from MM-DD-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD to follow the MySQL Date Format $dateInput1 = multiexplode(array("-", "/"), $date1); $sql_date1 = $dateInput1[2] . "-" . $dateInput1[0] . "-" . $dateInput1[1]; if (!empty($_POST["date2"])) { $dateInput2 = multiexplode(array("-", "/"), $date2); $sql_date2 = $dateInput2[2] . "-" . $dateInput2[0] . "-" . $dateInput2[1]; } if (!empty($_POST["date3"])) { $dateInput3 = multiexplode(array("-", "/"), $date3); $sql_date3 = $dateInput3[2] . "-" . $dateInput3[0] . "-" . $dateInput3[1]; } if (!empty($_POST["date4"])) { $dateInput4 = multiexplode(array("-", "/"), $date4); $sql_date4 = $dateInput4[2] . "-" . $dateInput4[0] . "-" . $dateInput4[1]; } // echo "CALL insert_request('$first_name', '$last_name', '$sql_date1', '$sql_date2', '$sql_date3', '$sql_date4', '$reason')"; mysqli_query($link, "CALL insert_request('{$first_name}', '{$last_name}', '{$sql_date1}', '{$sql_date2}', '{$sql_date3}', '{$sql_date4}', '{$reason}')"); echo "<h3>The Day Off Request was sent successfully!</h3>"; die; } } ?> <h1>Day Off Request</h1> <p>The Day Off Request Form is to fill out the information for specific day you want to take a break. Once you submit the form, you will receive an e-mail from the one of the manager that determines if they accept or reject your request.</p> <form class="form-horizontal day_request" method="POST"> <div class="form-group form-group-default">
// counter $url = "" . $weatherval . "/observations.rss"; // url to parse $rss = simplexml_load_file($url); // XML parser function multiexplode($delimiters, $string) { $ready = str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string); $launch = explode($delimiters[0], $ready); return $launch; } $exploded = ""; foreach ($rss->channel->item as $item) { if ($i < 1) { // parse only 10 items $exploded = multiexplode(array(",", ".", "|", ":"), $item->title); //echo $exploded[3]; //$wethval2 = explode(':', $wethval2[1],-1); // echo preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_%\[().\]\\/-]/s', '', $exploded[3]); // // = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_%\[().\]\\/-]/s', '', $wethval2[5]); } $i++; } $exploded[3] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_%\\[().\\]\\/-]/s', '', $exploded[3]); $exploded[2] = trim($exploded[2]); // end getting weather // getting value passed by the arduino $val = htmlspecialchars($_GET["num"]); // end getting value // reading file from storage
public function update_subjects() { $this->load->library("form_validation"); $this->load->helper("string"); if ($this->session->userdata("update-subjects")) { $rules = array(); foreach ($this->session->userdata("update-classes") as $i) { foreach ($this->session->userdata("update-subjects")[$i] as $j) { $rules[] = array("field" => "credits[{$i}][{$j}]", "label" => "Credits for Class {$i} and Subject {$j}", "rules" => "required|decimal"); $rules[] = array("field" => "exams[{$i}][{$j}]", "label" => "Exams for Class {$i} and Subject {$j}", "rules" => "required|valid_exams"); } } $this->form_validation->set_rules($rules); if ($this->form_validation->run()) { $subjects = array(); foreach ($this->session->userdata("update-classes") as $i) { foreach ($this->session->userdata("update-subjects")[$i] as $j) { $subjects[$i][$j]["credits"] = $this->input->post("credits")[$i][$j]; } } $this->session->set_userdata("subjects-update-data", $subjects); $exams = array(); foreach ($this->session->userdata("update-classes") as $i) { foreach ($this->session->userdata("update-subjects")[$i] as $j) { $exams[$i][$j] = multiexplode(array(',', ' '), $this->input->post("exams")[$i][$j]); } } $this->session->set_userdata("update-exams", $exams); $this->session->set_flashdata("success", true); $this->session->set_flashdata("messages", "Your subjects have been updated successfully!"); redirect("grade/show_update_grades_form"); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata("errors", true); $this->session->set_flashdata("messages", validation_errors()); redirect("subject/show_update_subjects_form/{$id}"); } } else { $this->session->set_flashdata("errors", true); $this->session->set_flashdata("messages", "You need to update classes first!"); redirect("classcontroller/show_update_classes_form"); } }
$msj = check_action($service, $client, $action); } // Print Document Headers doc_header($msj); // Get service status $service_status = get_service_status($service, $status_opts); // Get playback status $playback_status = get_playback_status(); print "<strong>now playing:</strong>"; print '<div style="width:50%;"><marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left"><pre>' . $playback_status . '</pre></marquee></div>'; print '<hr align="center" width="80%" noshade="noshade" />'; // Separate each instance $delimiters = array("\n"); $result = multiexplode($delimiters, $service_status); // Process each instance foreach ($result as $pre_status) { // Separate name and process status $delimiters = array(" "); $info = multiexplode($delimiters, $pre_status); // Get usefull data $replace = array("(", ")"); $name = str_replace($replace, " ", "{$info['0']}"); $status = $info[1]; // Print dynamic content if ($name != "" && $status != "") { $content = display_status($status, $name); print $content; } } // Print document footer doc_footer();
public function update_classes() { $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->load->helper("string"); $this->load->model(array("subjectmodel", "grademodel")); if ($this->session->userdata('update-classes')) { $id = $this->session->userdata("branch-update-id"); $rules = array(); foreach ($this->session->userdata("update-classes") as $i) { $rules[] = array("field" => "sections[{$i}]", "label" => "Sections for Class {$i}", "rules" => "required|valid_sections"); $rules[] = array("field" => "subjects[{$i}]", "label" => "Subjects for Class {$i}", "rules" => "required|valid_subjects"); $rules[] = array("field" => "terms[{$i}]", "label" => "Terms for Class {$i}", "rules" => "required|valid_terms"); $rules[] = array("field" => "grades[{$i}]", "label" => "Grades for Class {$i}", "rules" => "required|valid_grades"); } $this->form_validation->set_rules($rules); if ($this->form_validation->run()) { $subjects = array(); $grades = array(); foreach ($this->session->userdata("update-classes") as $i) { $subjects[$i] = multiexplode(array(',', ' '), $this->input->post("subjects")[$i]); $grades[$i] = multiexplode(array(',', ' '), $this->input->post("grades")[$i]); } $this->session->set_userdata("update-subjects", $subjects); $this->session->set_userdata("update-grades", $grades); $classes = array(); foreach ($this->session->userdata("update-classes") as $i) { $classes[$i] = array("sections" => multiexplode(array(' ', ','), $this->input->post("sections")[$i]), "terms" => multiexplode(array(' ', ','), $this->input->post("terms")[$i])); } $this->session->set_userdata("classes-update-data", $classes); $this->session->set_flashdata('success', true); $this->session->set_flashdata('messages', 'Classes have been updates successfully!'); redirect("subject/show_update_subjects_form"); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('errors', true); $this->session->set_flashdata('messages', validation_errors()); redirect('classcontroller/show_update_classes_form'); } } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('errors', true); $this->session->set_flashdata('messages', "You need update branch first!"); redirect('branch/show_update_branch_list'); } }
} $i++; } $tab_mot[] = $mot; $tab_occurence[] = 1; } // $RSSLink=""; $content = file_get_contents($RSSLink); $x = new SimpleXmlElement($content); $tab_mot = array(); $tab_occurence = array(); foreach ($x->channel->item as $entry) { $html = str_get_html($entry->description . ""); foreach ($html->find('p[class=first-text]') as $p) { $p_without_tags = strip_tags($p); $words = multiexplode(array('"', ' ', '.', '|', ',', '?', '!', '—', '“'), $p_without_tags); foreach ($words as $mot) { if (strlen($mot) >= 5) { occurence($mot, $tab_mot, $tab_occurence); } } } } function permute(&$val1, &$val2) { $inter = $val1; $val1 = $val2; $val2 = $inter; } function sort_array(&$array1, &$array2) {
$combinedVoteCount = $voteCount + $adminVote; echo "Current likes: "; echo $combinedVoteCount; ?> <h2>Tags</h2> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <?php $tagsStmt = new mysqli_stmt($mysqli, "SELECT keywords FROM adventures WHERE id = ?"); $tagsStmt->bind_param("i", $adv_id); $tagsStmt->execute(); $tagsResult = $tagsStmt->get_result(); $tagsTemp = $tagsResult->fetch_array(); $tagString = $tagsTemp['keywords']; $tags = multiexplode(array(";", ","), $tagsTemp['keywords']); foreach ($tags as $tag) { echo "<li>" . $tag . "</li>"; } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5 col-md-offset-1 comments-section"> <h2>Comments <br></h2> </div </div
echo $i; ?> _title"><div class="playlist_title"><?php echo html($table_track['title']); ?> </div> <div class="playlist_title_album"><?php echo $image_id['album']; ?> </div> </a></td> <td class="time"> <?php $artist = ''; $exploded = multiexplode($cfg['artist_separator'], $table_track['track_artist']); $l = count($exploded); if ($l > 1) { for ($j = 0; $j < $l; $j++) { $artist = $artist . '<a href="index.php?action=view2&artist=' . rawurlencode($exploded[$j]) . '">' . html($exploded[$j]) . '</a>'; if ($j != $l - 1) { $artist = $artist . '<a href="index.php?action=view2&artist=' . rawurlencode($table_track['track_artist']) . '&order=year"><span class="artist_all">&</span></a>'; } } echo $artist; } else { echo '<a href="index.php?action=view2&artist=' . rawurlencode($table_track['track_artist']) . '&order=year">' . html($table_track['track_artist']) . '</a>'; } ?> </td>
#print_r($pieces); echo "</br>pp" . $string . "pp</br>"; echo "yy" . $line . "zz"; if (ctype_digit($string)) { break; } $line = $line . "\n" . $file[$i]; } echo $line; echo "</br>"; $vars = ""; $file = file("{$dir}/out1.txt"); $file = array_reverse($file); foreach ($file as $f) { //echo $f."<br />"; $pieces = multiexplode(array(" ", "\t"), $f); $string = str_replace(' ', '', $pieces[0]); $string = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $string); print_r($pieces); echo "xx" . $string . "xx" . "</br>"; if (ctype_digit($string) || strpos($string, '0x') !== false) { break; } $vars = $vars . "\n" . $f; } echo $vars; $pos = $_SESSION['pos']; fwrite($fhis, "{$pos} => \t" . $line); fwrite($fhis, "\n------------------------------------------\n"); fclose($fhis); fwrite($fhis1, "{$pos} => \t" . $vars);
} if (empty($_POST['txtDetail'])) { $errorDetail = "<span class='error'>Please enter detail</span>"; } if ($errorTitle == "" && $errorStartDate == "" && $errorEndDate == "" && $errorStartTime == "" && $errorEndTime == "" && $errorLocation == "" && $errorDetail == "") { $title = $_POST['txtTitle']; $detail = $_POST['txtDetail']; $startDate = $_POST['txtStartDate']; $endDate = $_POST['txtEndDate']; $startTime = $_POST['txtStartTime']; $endTime = $_POST['txtEndTime']; $location = $_POST['txtLocation']; $event_id = $_GET["event_id"]; $endDateFormat = multiexplode(array("-", "/"), $endDate); $end_date = $endDateFormat[2] . "-" . $endDateFormat[0] . "-" . $endDateFormat[1]; $startDateFormat = multiexplode(array("-", "/"), $startDate); $start_date = $startDateFormat[2] . "-" . $startDateFormat[0] . "-" . $startDateFormat[1]; //$startdate = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day; mysqli_query($link, "CALL update_event('{$title}', '{$detail}', '{$event_id}', '{$start_date}', '{$end_date}', '{$startTime}', '{$endTime}', '{$location}')"); //echo "UPDATE request_calendar SET title = '" . $title . "', detail = '" . $detail . "' WHERE event_date = '" . $eventdate . "'"; echo "<br/><br/><h2>Event was successfully Edited<h2>"; die; } } } } ?> <table border="1" id='eventTable'> <tr class="eventRow"> <td class="eventData"><input type="button" value='<' name='previousbutton' onclick="goLastMonth(<?php echo $month . ", " . $year;
function playlistTrack() { global $cfg, $db; authenticate('access_playlist', false, false, true); $track_id = get('track_id'); $query = mysql_query('SELECT track.artist, album.artist AS album_artist, title, featuring, miliseconds, relative_file, album, album.image_id, album.album_id, track.genre, track.audio_bitrate, track.audio_dataformat, track.audio_bits_per_sample, track.audio_sample_rate, album.genre_id, track.audio_profile, track.track_artist, album.year as year, track.number, track.comment, track.track_id, track.year as trackYear, track.dr, album.album_dr FROM track, album WHERE track.album_id = album.album_id AND track_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($track_id) . '"'); $track = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); $query = mysql_query('SELECT image_front FROM bitmap WHERE image_id="' . mysql_real_escape_string($track['image_id']) . '"'); $bitmap = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); $title = $track['title']; /* $query_ = mysql_query('SELECT title FROM track WHERE DIFFERENCE(SOUNDEX(title), SOUNDEX("' . (mysql_real_escape_like($title)) . '")) > 0'); $query_ = mysql_query('SELECT SOUNDEX(title) FROM track'); */ /* $title = strtolower($title); $separator = $cfg['separator']; $count = count($separator); $i=0; for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { $pos = strpos($title,strtolower($separator[$i])); if ($pos !== false) { $title = trim(substr($title, 0 , $pos)); //break; } } */ $other_track_version = false; if ($cfg['enable_core_track_search'] === TRUE) { $title = findCoreTrackTitle($title); $title = mysql_real_escape_like($title); $separator = $cfg['separator']; $count = count($separator); $query_string = ''; $i = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $query_string = $query_string . ' OR LOWER(title) LIKE "' . $title . $separator[$i] . '%"'; } $filter_query = 'WHERE (LOWER(title) = "' . $title . '" ' . $query_string . ')'; $query = mysql_query('SELECT title FROM track ' . $filter_query); if (strlen($title) > 0) { $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($query); if ($num_rows > 1) { $other_track_version = true; } } } $exploded = multiexplode($cfg['artist_separator'], $track['track_artist']); $inFavorite = false; if (isset($cfg['favorite_id'])) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT track_id FROM favoriteitem WHERE track_id = '" . $track_id . "' AND favorite_id = '" . $cfg['favorite_id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) { $inFavorite = true; } } $data = array(); $data['album_artist'] = (string) ($track['album_artist'] == "Various Artists") ? rawurlencode($track['track_artist']) : rawurlencode($track['album_artist']); $data['track_artist'] = $exploded; $data['track_artist_url'] = $exploded; $data['track_artist_url_all'] = (string) rawurlencode($track['track_artist']); $data['title'] = (string) (trim($track['title']) !== '') ? $track['title'] : basename($track['relative_file']); $data['album'] = (string) (trim($track['album']) !== '') ? $track['album'] : basename(dirname($track['relative_file'])); //$data['album'] = (string) $title; $data['by'] = (string) $by; $data['image_id'] = (string) $track['image_id']; $data['album_id'] = (string) $track['album_id']; $data['year'] = is_null($track['year']) ? (string) $track['trackYear'] : (string) $track['year']; $data['genre'] = (string) $track['genre']; $data['audio_dataformat'] = (string) strtoupper($track['audio_dataformat']); $data['audio_bits_per_sample'] = (string) $track['audio_bits_per_sample']; $data['audio_sample_rate'] = (string) $track['audio_sample_rate']; $data['genre_id'] = (string) $track['genre_id']; if ($track['audio_profile'] == 'Lossless compression') { $data['audio_profile'] = (string) floor($track['audio_bitrate'] / 1000) . ' kbps'; } else { $data['audio_profile'] = (string) $track['audio_profile']; } $data['number'] = (string) $track['number'] . '. '; $data['miliseconds'] = (string) $track['miliseconds']; $data['other_track_version'] = (bool) $other_track_version; $data['comment'] = (string) $track['comment']; $data['track_id'] = (string) $track['track_id']; $data['relative_file'] = (string) $track['relative_file']; $data['inFavorite'] = (bool) $inFavorite; $data['dr'] = (string) $track['dr']; $data['album_dr'] = (string) $track['album_dr']; $data['title_core'] = $title; echo safe_json_encode($data); }
<?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "******"; $password = ""; $dbname = "test"; $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); mysqli_query($conn, "SET NAMES utf8"); function multiexplode($delimiters, $string) { $ready = str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string); $launch = explode($delimiters[0], $ready); return $launch; } $text = 'چکیده'; $text = str_replace(array("\n", "\n", "'", "\"", "«", "ـ", "»", "،", "/", "[", "{", "]", "}", ",", ".", "|", ":", "؛", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "٠", "١", "٢", "٣", "۴", "۵", "۶", "٧", "٨", "٩", "٠", "١", "۱", "٢", "٣", "٤", "٥", "٦", "٧", "٨", "٩", ")", "(", "-", "!", "؟", ""), ' ', $text); $exploded = multiexplode(array(" ", ".", "|", ":"), $text); foreach ($exploded as $a) { if (trim($a) != '') { $sql = "INSERT INTO dic set word='" . trim($a) . "'"; $conn->query($sql); } } echo 'OK'; //var_dump($exploded);
#!/usr/bin/php <?php function multiexplode($delimiters, $string) { $ready = str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string); $launch = explode($delimiters[0], $ready); return $launch; } if ($argc == 2) { $split = multiexplode(array('/', '*', '+', '-', '%'), $argv[1]); if (count($split) == 2) { $nb1 = trim($split[0]); $nb2 = trim($split[1]); if (ctype_digit($nb1) && ctype_digit($nb2)) { if (strstr($argv[1], '+')) { print $nb1 + $nb2; } else { if (strstr($argv[1], '-')) { print $nb1 - $nb2; } else { if (strstr($argv[1], '/') && $nb2 != 0) { print $nb1 / $nb2; } else { if (strstr($argv[1], '%') && $nb2 != 0) { print $nb1 % $nb2; } else { if (strstr($argv[1], '*')) { print $nb1 * $nb2; } } }
$cc = $headers[$qq]['value']; $temp = multiexplode(array("<", ">", "\"", ","), $cc); foreach ($temp as $te) { //echo "BCC===>".$bcc.'<br/>'; if (!(strpos($te, "@") === false)) { $te = strtolower($te); //echo $te.'<br/>'; $ar[$cnt] = $te; $cnt++; } } } else { if ($headers[$qq]['name'] == "Bcc") { $bcc = $headers[$q]['value']; //echo "BCC===>".$bcc.'<br/>'; $temp = multiexplode(array("<", ">", "\"", ","), $bcc); foreach ($temp as $te) { if (!(strpos($te, "@") === false)) { $te = strtolower($te); //echo $te.'<br/>'; $ar[$cnt] = $te; $cnt++; } } } } } } } } }
<?php header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); require 'lunar.php'; $LIUREN = ["大安", "留连", "速喜", "赤口", "小吉", "空亡"]; $user_time = $_POST["user_time"]; $msg = $user_time . "<br/>"; function multiexplode($delimiters, $string) { $ready = str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string); $launch = explode($delimiters[0], $ready); return $launch; } $timeArray = multiexplode(array("-", "T", ":", "+", " "), $user_time); $lunar = new Lunar(); $lunarDate = $lunar->convertSolarToLunar($timeArray[0], $timeArray[1], $timeArray[2]); if ($lunarDate[7] > 0) { if ($lunarDate[4] > $lunarDate[7]) { $lunarDate[4] = $lunarDate[4] - 1; } } $msg = $msg . $lunarDate[1] . $lunarDate[2] . "<br/>"; //echo "<br/>".$lunarDate[4].$lunarDate[5]."<br/>"; $mm = (int) $lunarDate[4]; if ($mm > 6) { $mmi = ($mm - 1) % 6; } else { $mmi = $mm - 1; } //echo $mmi.":".$LIUREN[$mmi]."月<br/>"; $dd = (int) $lunarDate[5];
<?php $title = "Registration"; include "assets/inc/"; $errorId = ""; if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { if (!empty($_POST["ssn_digits"]) && !empty($_POST["dob"])) { $ssn = sanitize($_POST["ssn_digits"]); $dob = sanitize($_POST["dob"]); $dobInput = multiexplode(array("-", "/"), $dob); $date_of_birth = $dobInput[2] . "-" . $dobInput[0] . "-" . $dobInput[1]; echo $ssn; echo $date_of_birth; } if (empty($_POST["ssn_digits"]) || empty($_POST["dob"])) { $errorId = "<span class='error'>Please enter your SSN and Date of Birth</span>"; } else { if (register_verify_exists($ssn, $date_of_birth) == false) { $errorId = "<span class='error'>Wrong SSN or date of birth. Please try again.</span>"; } else { if (empty($_POST["username"])) { $errorId = "<span class='error'>Please enter username</span>"; } else { if (user_exists($_POST["username"]) === true) { $errorId = "<span class='error'>Sorry, the username \"" . $_POST["username"] . "\" is already taken.</span>"; } else { if (preg_match("/\\s/", $_POST["username"]) == true) { // $regular_expression = preg_match("/\\s/", $_POST["username"]); // var_dump($regular_expression); $errorId = "<span class='error'>Your username must not contain any spaces.</span>"; } else {
function getTags($filter = "") { # Filter is an SQL where statement # tag sizes 0 ~ 4 $TAGS = array(); $maxTAG = 1; $mod = $this->parent->loaded($this->moduleRelation); $sql = "SELECT " . $mod->name . ".tags FROM " . $mod->dbname . " as " . $mod->name . " WHERE " . $mod->name . ".tags<>''" . ($filter != "" ? " AND " . $filter : ""); $this->parent->dbo->query($sql, $r, $n); for ($c = 0; $c < $n; $c++) { list($ttags) = $this->parent->dbo->fetch_row($r); $ttags = multiexplode(array(" ", ',', ';'), strtolower($ttags)); foreach ($ttags as $tag) { if (strlen($tag) >= $this->ignoreTagsSmallerThen) { if (isset($TAGS[$tag])) { $TAGS[$tag]++; } else { $TAGS[$tag] = 1; } if ($TAGS[$tag] > $maxTAG) { $maxTAG = $TAGS[$tag]; } } } } foreach ($TAGS as $tag => $count) { $TAGS[$tag] = $count < $maxTAG / 5 ? 0 : ($count < 2 * $maxTAG / 5 ? 1 : ($count < 3 * $maxTAG / 5 ? 2 : ($count < 4 * $maxTAG / 5 ? 3 : 4))); } return $TAGS; }
$sal; if (strlen($a) > strlen($b) || strlen($a) === strlen($b) && $a <= $b) { $sal = -1; } else { $sal = 1; } return $sal; } if (!isset($_POST['botonenvio'])) { header('Location: http://localhost:8000'); } $texto = $_POST['texto']; $arraySalida = []; //Primero separamos las palabras $separadores = [",", " ", "\n", "\t", ".", ",", ";", ":"]; $palabras = multiexplode($separadores, $texto); foreach ($palabras as $valor) { if (verMayusculas($valor) && cuentaLetras($valor) && cuentaVocales($valor) && finalEro($valor)) { if (!array_key_exists($valor, $arraySalida)) { $arraySalida[$valor] = 1; } else { $arraySalida[$valor]++; } } } $arrayAux = []; foreach ($arraySalida as $key => $valor) { $arrayAux[] = $key; } usort($arrayAux, "cmp"); $imprime = implode('-', $arrayAux);
$destino = '../../txt/'; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file2']['tmp_name'], $destino . '/' . $nombre_archivo); $archivo = "../../txt/" . $nombre_archivo; function multiexplode($delimiters, $string) { $ready = str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string); $launch = explode($delimiters[0], $ready); return $launch; } $file = new SplFileObject($archivo); $i = 0; // Loop until we reach the end of the file. while (!$file->eof()) { // Echo one line from the file. $linea = $file->fgets(); $partes = multiexplode(array(",", "."), $linea); $aux = explode("-", $partes[0]); if (isset($aux[0]) and isset($aux[1]) and isset($aux[2])) { $fecha = $aux[2] . "-" . $aux[1] . "-" . $aux[0]; } if (isset($fecha) and isset($partes[1]) and isset($partes[2]) and isset($partes[38])) { $query = "INSERT INTO estacion (fecha, hora, estacion, temp, humedad, pRocio, vPromedio, vRafaga, direcViento, precActual, precHoy, presion, precTotal, tempInterior, humInterior, uViento, senTermica, indHumidex, uvIndex, rSolar, evotrans, evotransAnual, tAparente, rSolarMax, hSol_hoy, dVientoActual) VALUES\n\t\t\t\t('" . $fecha . "','" . $partes[1] . "','" . $estacion . "','" . $partes[2] . "." . $partes[3] . "','" . $partes[4] . "','" . $partes[5] . "." . $partes[6] . "','" . $partes[7] . "." . $partes[8] . "','" . $partes[9] . "." . $partes[10] . "','" . $partes[11] . "','" . $partes[12] . "." . $partes[13] . "','" . $partes[14] . "." . $partes[15] . "','" . $partes[16] . "." . $partes[17] . "','" . $partes[18] . "." . $partes[19] . "','" . $partes[20] . "." . $partes[21] . "','" . $partes[22] . "','" . $partes[23] . "." . $partes[24] . "','" . $partes[25] . "." . $partes[26] . "','" . $partes[27] . "." . $partes[28] . "','" . $partes[29] . "." . $partes[30] . "','" . $partes[31] . "','" . $partes[32] . "." . $partes[33] . "','" . $partes[34] . "." . $partes[35] . "','" . $partes[36] . "." . $partes[37] . "','" . $partes[38] . "','" . $partes[36] . "." . $partes[37] . "','" . $partes[38] . "')"; // -- fecha -----,-- hora---------,----estacion----,----------- temp--------------,----humedad------,------------pRocio------------,-------vPromedio---------------,------vRafaga------------------,---direcViento----,---------precActual--------------,----------.-----precHoy----------,------------presion--------------,-------------precTotal-----------,------------tempInterior---------,---humInterior---,--------uViento------------------,-----------senTermica------------,-----------indhumidex------------,-----------uvIndex---------------,------rSolar-----,----------evotrans---------------,-------evotranAnual--------------,--------tAparente----------------,----rSolarMax----,----------hSol_hoy---------------,--dViento-Actual } if ($con->query($query) == TRUE) { $i++; echo "New record created successfully<br>"; } else { echo "Error: " . $query . " <br> -- <br>" . $con->error . "<br>"; } }
/** * GenerateDynamicPagesURLs * */ public function GenerateDynamicPagesURLs(&$curfilename, &$pageCateBrand, &$pageYMM, &$hasmore = false) { $filesize = 50000; $pagesize = 1; $totalsize = $filesize * $pagesize; $filePrefix = 'dynamic-pages'; //$categoryBrandURLs = $this->GetCategoryBrandURLs(); $categoryURLs = $this->GetCategoryURLS(); $brandURLs = $this->GetBrandURLS(); $categoryBrandURLs = array_merge(array_keys($categoryURLs), array_keys($brandURLs)); $urlCount = 1; $countName = 'Cake' . $urlCount; ${$countName} = array(); $countCateBrand = count($categoryBrandURLs); $countFlag = true; for ($cc = $pageCateBrand; $cc < $countCateBrand; $cc++) { /* reset($ymmURLs); while(next($ymmURLs)){ current($ymmURLs); }*/ if (isset($categoryURLs[$categoryBrandURLs[$cc]])) { $ymmURLs = $this->_generalYMM($categoryURLs[$categoryBrandURLs[$cc]]); } else { $ymmURLs = $this->_generalYMM($brandURLs[$categoryBrandURLs[$cc]]); } $countYMM = count($ymmURLs); $pageYMM = $countFlag ? $pageYMM : 0; for ($yy = $pageYMM; $yy < $countYMM; $yy++) { if (count(${$countName}) < $filesize) { array_push(${$countName}, $categoryBrandURLs[$cc] . $ymmURLs[$yy]); } else { if ($urlCount < $pagesize - 1) { $urlCount++; $countName = 'Cake' . $urlCount; ${$countName} = array(); array_push(${$countName}, $categoryBrandURLs[$cc] . $ymmURLs[$yy]); } else { $pageCateBrand = $cc; $pageYMM = $yy; $hasmore = true; break; } } } $countFlag = false; if ($hasmore) { break; } } if ($pageCateBrand == 0 && $pageYMM == 0 && !$hasmore) { $this->SaveAsXML(array($filePrefix => ${$countName})); } else { for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $urlCount; $ii++) { $countName = 'Cake' . $ii; $countArr = ${$countName}; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $nameArr = explode('/', $countArr[0]); for ($i = 4; $i < count($nameArr); $i += 2) { $newArr[$nameArr[$i]] = $nameArr[$i + 1]; } } else { $delimiters = array("?", "&", "="); $res = multiexplode($delimiters, $countArr[0]); foreach ($res[1] as $value) { $newArr[$value[0]] = $value[1]; } } if (isset($newArr['series'])) { $suffixName = $newArr['series']; } else { if (isset($newArr['brand'])) { $suffixName = $newArr['brand']; } else { if (isset($newArr['subcategory'])) { $suffixName = $newArr['subcategory']; } else { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $suffixName = $nameArr[3]; } else { $suffixName = $newArr['search_query']; } } } } $filename = $filePrefix . '-' . $this->GenerateFilename($filePrefix, $this->MakeFileNameSafe(MakeURLNormal($suffixName))); $curfilename = $filename; $this->SaveAsXML(array($filename => $countArr)); } } return true; }
function main() { $form_valid = validate_form_input(); if ($form_valid !== TRUE) { echo $form_valid; } else { $params = $GLOBALS["params"]; $headers = $GLOBALS["headers"]; if (mail($params["to"], $params["subject"], $params["message"], $headers)) { echo "Your important message was sent to the following email addresses:\n\n"; $addresses = multiexplode(array(",", ";"), $params["to"]); foreach ($addresses as $address) { echo $address . "\n"; } echo "Thank you for using our mail form. Have a nice day. HORRIE!!!\n\n"; //echo "HEADERS: " . $headers . "\n"; } else { echo "Sorry, an error occurred and your mail was not sent. HORRIE!!!"; } } }