Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function bbParser($text)
     // Check for square brackets. If not found, no bb code exists..
     if (strpos($text, '[') === false && strpos($text, ']') === false) {
         return mswNL2BR($text);
     $tagList = array('[b]' => '<span class="bbBold">', '[u]' => '<span class="bbUnderline">', '[i]' => '<span class="bbItalics">', '[s]' => '<span class="bbStrike">', '[del]' => '<span class="bbDel">', '[ins]' => '<span class="bbIns">', '[em]' => '<span class="bbEm">', '[h1]' => '<span class="bbH1">', '[h2]' => '<span class="bbH2">', '[h3]' => '<span class="bbH3">', '[h4]' => '<span class="bbH4">', '[list]' => '<ul class="bbUl">', '[list=n]' => '<ul class="bbUlNumbered">', '[list=a]' => '<ul class="bbUlAlpha">', '[*]' => '<li class="bbLi">', '[B]' => '<span class="bbBold">', '[U]' => '<span class="bbUnderline">', '[I]' => '<span class="bbItalics">', '[S]' => '<span class="bbStrike">', '[DEL]' => '<span class="bbDel">', '[INS]' => '<span class="bbIns">', '[EM]' => '<span class="bbEm">', '[H1]' => '<span class="bbH1">', '[H2]' => '<span class="bbH2">', '[H3]' => '<span class="bbH3">', '[H4]' => '<span class="bbH4">', '[LIST]' => '<ul class="bbUl">', '[LIST=N]' => '<ul class="bbUlNumbered">', '[LIST=A]' => '<ul class="bbUlAlpha">', '[/b]' => '</span>', '[/u]' => '</span>', '[/i]' => '</span>', '[/s]' => '</span>', '[/del]' => '</span>', '[/ins]' => '</span>', '[/em]' => '</span>', '[/h1]' => '</span>', '[/h2]' => '</span>', '[/h3]' => '</span>', '[/h4]' => '</span>', '[/list]' => '</ul>', '[/list]' => '</ul>', '[/list]' => '</ul>', '[/B]' => '</span>', '[/U]' => '</span>', '[/I]' => '</span>', '[/S]' => '</span>', '[/DEL]' => '</span>', '[/INS]' => '</span>', '[/EM]' => '</span>', '[/H1]' => '</span>', '[/H2]' => '</span>', '[/H3]' => '</span>', '[/H4]' => '</span>', '[/LIST]' => '</ul>', '[/LIST]' => '</ul>', '[/LIST]' => '</ul>', '[/*]' => '</li>');
     // Deal with potential slashes..
     $text = mswCleanData($text);
     // Kill html..
     $text = htmlspecialchars($text);
     // Parse colors..
     $text = bbCode_Parser::colorParser($text);
     // Parse urls..
     $text = bbCode_Parser::urlParser($text);
     // Parse youtube videos..
     $text = bbCode_Parser::youTubeParser($text);
     // Parse vimeo videos..
     $text = bbCode_Parser::vimeoParser($text);
     // Parse emails..
     $text = bbCode_Parser::emailParser($text);
     // Parse images..
     $text = bbCode_Parser::imageParser($text);
     // Also clean empty tags..
     $find = array('[u] [/u]', '[i] [/i]', '[b] [/b]', '[u] [/u]<br>', '[i] [/i]<br>', '[b] [/b]<br>');
     $repl = array();
     $text = str_replace($find, $repl, $text);
     // Deal with other tags..
     $text = strtr($text, $tagList);
     $text = mswNL2BR(trim($text));
     // Clean up <ul> & <li> tags which have invalid linebreaks..
     $find = array('<ul><br>', '</ul><br>', '<li><br>', '</li><br>', '<ul class="bbUl"><br>', '<ul class="bbUlNumbered"><br>', '<ul class="bbUlAlpha"><br>', '<ul><br />', '</ul><br />', '<li><br />', '</li><br />', '<ul class="bbUl"><br />', '<ul class="bbUlNumbered"><br />', '<ul class="bbUlAlpha"><br />');
     $repl = array('<ul>', '</ul>', '<li>', '</li>', '<ul class="bbUl">', '<ul class="bbUlNumbered">', '<ul class="bbUlAlpha">');
     return str_replace($find, $repl, $text);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function mswTxtParsingEngine($text, $admin = true)
     $text = trim($text);
     if ($this->settings->enableBBCode == 'yes' || $admin) {
         $text = msDataParser::mswAutoLinkParser($text);
         return msDataParser::mswWordWrap($this->bbCode->bbParser($text));
     } else {
         return msDataParser::mswWordWrap(mswNL2BR(msDataParser::mswAutoLinkParser($text)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function htmlWrap($tmp)
     global $MSPARSER;
     $msg = $this->convertTags($this->template($tmp['template']));
     $parse = explode('<-{separater}->', $msg);
     // Check for 3 slots, ie: 2 separators..
     if (count($parse) == 3) {
         $head = trim($parse[0]);
         $cont = trim($parse[1]);
         $foot = trim($parse[2]);
     } else {
         $head = mswCleanData($this->config['website']);
         $cont = str_replace('<-{separater}->', '', trim($msg));
         $foot = mswCleanData($this->config['scriptpath']);
     // Auto parse hyperlinks..
     $head = $this->convertChar($MSPARSER->mswAutoLinkParser($head));
     $cont = $this->convertChar($MSPARSER->mswAutoLinkParser($cont));
     $foot = $this->convertChar($MSPARSER->mswAutoLinkParser($foot));
     // Auto parse line breaks..
     $head = mswNL2BR($head);
     $cont = mswNL2BR($cont);
     $foot = mswNL2BR($foot);
     // Parse html message with wrapper..
     $find = array('{CHARSET}', '{TITLE}', '{HEADER}', '{CONTENT}', '{FOOTER}');
     $repl = array($this->charset, mswSpecialChars($this->config['website']), $head, $cont, $foot . $this->appendFooterToEmails());
     // Language override..
     if (isset($tmp['language'])) {
         $this->config['language'] = $tmp['language'];
     $html = str_replace($find, $repl, file_get_contents(SYS_ROOT_PATH . 'content/language/' . $this->config['language'] . '/mail-templates/html-wrapper.html'));
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    echo $REPLIES->id;
	    <div class="block-body">
		 <i class="icon-quote-left"></i>
    echo $MSPARSER->mswTxtParsingEngine($REPLIES->comments);
		 <i class="icon-quote-right"></i>
    // User signature?
    if ($REPLIES->replyType == 'admin' && $USER->signature) {
         <p class="userSignature">
        echo mswNL2BR($MSPARSER->mswAutoLinkParser(mswSpecialChars($USER->signature)));
    $qT = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "ticketfields`\n                     LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "cusfields`\n                     ON `" . DB_PREFIX . "ticketfields`.`fieldID`  = `" . DB_PREFIX . "cusfields`.`id`\n                     WHERE `ticketID`                          = '{$_GET['id']}'\n                     AND `" . DB_PREFIX . "ticketfields`.`replyID` = '{$REPLIES->id}'\n                     AND `enField`                             = 'yes'\n                     ORDER BY `orderBy`\n                     ") or die(mswMysqlErrMsg(mysql_errno(), mysql_error(), __LINE__, __FILE__));
    if (mysql_num_rows($qT) > 0) {
         <div class="cusTickFields">
        while ($TS = mysql_fetch_object($qT)) {
            if ($TS->fieldData != 'nothing-selected' && $TS->fieldData != '') {
                switch ($TS->fieldType) {
                    case 'textarea':
                    case 'input':
                    case 'select':
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function replies($id, $name)
     global $msg_showticket21, $msg_viewticket39;
     $data = '';
     $none = str_replace('{text}', $msg_viewticket39, file_get_contents(PATH . 'content/' . MS_TEMPLATE_SET . '/html/ticket-message.htm'));
     $reps = 0;
     $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "replies`\n          WHERE `ticketID` = '{$id}'\n          ORDER BY `id`\n          ") or die(mswMysqlErrMsg(mysql_errno(), mysql_error(), __LINE__, __FILE__));
     if (mysql_num_rows($q) > 0) {
         while ($R = mysql_fetch_object($q)) {
             $siggie = '';
             if ($R->disputeUser > 0) {
                 $R->replyType = 'dispute';
             switch ($R->replyType) {
                 // Reply by admin..
                 case 'admin':
                     $USER = mswGetTableData('users', 'id', $R->replyUser);
                     $replyName = '<i class="icon-user"></i> ' . (isset($USER->name) ? mswSpecialChars($USER->name) : $msg_viewticket43);
                     $label = 'label-important';
                     // Does this user have a siggie..
                     if ($USER->signature) {
                         $siggie = mswNL2BR($this->parser->mswAutoLinkParser(mswSpecialChars($USER->signature)));
                     // Reply by original ticket creator..
                 // Reply by original ticket creator..
                 case 'visitor':
                     $replyName = $name;
                     $label = 'label-info';
                     // Reply by other user viewing same ticket..
                 // Reply by other user viewing same ticket..
                 case 'dispute':
                     $D = mswGetTableData('portal', 'id', $R->disputeUser);
                     $replyName = isset($D->name) ? mswSpecialChars($D->name) : 'N/A';
                     $R->replyType = 'visitor';
                     $label = '';
             // Attachments..
             $attach = tickets::attachments($id, $R->id);
             // Custom field data..
             $fields = $this->fields->display($id, $R->id);
             $data .= str_replace(array('{type}', '{comments}', '{signature}', '{text}', '{name}', '{datetime}', '{attachments}', '{info}', '{custom_fields}', '{label}', '{count}', '{display}', '{display2}', '{display3}'), array($R->replyType, $this->parser->mswTxtParsingEngine($R->comments, $this->settings->enableBBCode == 'no' && $R->replyType == 'admin' ? true : false), $siggie, $msg_showticket21, $replyName, $this->datetime->mswDateTimeDisplay($R->ts, $this->settings->dateformat) . ' / ' . $this->datetime->mswDateTimeDisplay($R->ts, $this->settings->timeformat), $attach, mswCleanData($R->ipAddresses), $fields, $label, ++$reps, !$siggie ? ' style="display:none"' : '', !$fields ? ' style="display:none"' : '', !$attach ? ' style="display:none"' : ''), file_get_contents(PATH . 'content/' . MS_TEMPLATE_SET . '/html/ticket-reply.htm'));
     return $data ? trim($data) : $none;
Ejemplo n.º 6


  Script: Maian Support
  Programmed & Designed by: David Ian Bennett
  E-Mail: support@maianscriptworld.co.uk
  Software Website: http://www.maiansupport.com
  Script Portal: http://www.maianscriptworld.co.uk

  This File: version-check.php
  Description: System File

if (!defined('PARENT')) {
if (isset($_GET['vck'])) {
    $html = $MSSET->mswSoftwareVersionCheck();
    echo $JSON->encode(array('html' => mswNL2BR($html)));
$title = $msg_versioncheck;
include PATH . 'templates/header.php';
include PATH . 'templates/system/version-check.php';
include PATH . 'templates/footer.php';