Ejemplo n.º 1
function gf_replacesmilie($str)
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $CONF_FORUM;
    if ($CONF_FORUM['allow_smilies']) {
        if (function_exists('msg_showsmilies') and $CONF_FORUM['use_smilies_plugin']) {
            $str = msg_replaceEmoticons($str);
        } else {
            $str = forum_xchsmilies($str);
    return $str;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 } else {
     $view_sentmsg = '';
 // Set Broadcast Display flag
 $broadcast_flag = $target == 0 ? '<IMG SRC="' . $CONF_MSG['imgset'] . '/pm_broadcast.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="' . $LANG_MSG['BROADCAST_MSG'] . '">' : '';
 if ($source != $_USER['uid']) {
     if (DB_COUNT($_TABLES['messenger_buddies'], array('uid', 'buddy_id'), array($_USER['uid'], $source)) > 0) {
         $LANG_buddy = $LANG_MSG['DELBUDDY'];
         $buddylink = '<a href="' . $phpself . '?action=delbuddy&buddy=' . $source . '&sortoption=' . $sortoption . '"><img align="absmiddle" src="' . $CONF_MSG['imgset'] . '/del_buddy.gif" border="0" ALT="' . $LANG_buddy . '">';
     } else {
         $LANG_buddy = $LANG_MSG['ADDBUDDY'];
         $buddylink = '<a href="' . $phpself . '?action=addbuddy&buddy=' . $source . '&sortoption=' . $sortoption . '"><img align="absmiddle" src="' . $CONF_MSG['imgset'] . '/add_buddy.gif" border="0" ALT="' . $LANG_buddy . '">';
 if ($CONF_MSG['smiliesEnabled']) {
     $message = msg_replaceEmoticons($message);
 if ($folder == "INBOX" or $folder == "ARCHIVE") {
     $msg_row->set_var('LANG_whom', $LANG_MSG['FROM']);
 } else {
     $msg_row->set_var('LANG_whom', $LANG_MSG['TO']);
 $msg_row->set_var('new', $newmsg_flag);
 $msg_row->set_var('broadcast', $broadcast_flag);
 $msg_row->set_var('name', $name);
 $msg_row->set_var('viewlink', $view_sentmsg);
 $msg_row->set_var('message', $message);
 $msg_row->set_var('LANG_subject', $LANG_MSG['SUBJECT']);
 $msg_row->set_var('subject', $subject);
 $msg_row->set_var('LANG_buddy', $LANG_buddy);
 $msg_row->set_var('buddylink', $buddylink);
Ejemplo n.º 3
* This function prints &$comments (db results set of comments) in comment format
* -For previews, &$comments is assumed to be an associative array containing
*  data for a single comment.
* @param    array    &$comments Database result set of comments to be printed
* @param    string   $mode      'flat', 'threaded', etc
* @param    string   $type      Type of item (article, polls, etc.)
* @param    string   $order     How to order the comments 'ASC' or 'DESC'
* @param    boolean  $delete_option   if current user can delete comments
* @param    boolean  $preview   Preview display (for edit) or not
* @param    int      $ccode     Comment code: -1=no comments, 0=allowed, 1=closed
* @return   string   HTML       Formated Comment
function CMT_getComment(&$comments, $mode, $type, $order, $delete_option = false, $preview = false, $ccode = 0, $sid_author_id = '')
    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER, $LANG01, $LANG03, $MESSAGE, $_IMAGE_TYPE;
    $indent = 0;
    // begin with 0 indent
    $retval = '';
    // initialize return value
    $filter = sanitizer::getInstance();
    $AllowedElements = $filter->makeAllowedElements($_CONF['htmlfilter_comment']);
    $filter->setNamespace('glfusion', 'comment');
    if ($mode == 'threaded') {
        $mode = 'nested';
    $template = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'comment');
    $template->set_file(array('comment' => 'comment.thtml', 'thread' => 'thread.thtml'));
    // generic template variables
    $template->set_var('lang_authoredby', $LANG01[42]);
    $template->set_var('lang_on', $LANG01[36]);
    $template->set_var('lang_permlink', $LANG01[120]);
    $template->set_var('order', $order);
    if ($ccode == 0 && ($_CONF['commentsloginrequired'] == 0 || !COM_isAnonUser())) {
        $template->set_var('lang_replytothis', $LANG01[43]);
        $template->set_var('lang_reply', $LANG01[25]);
    } else {
        $template->set_var('lang_replytothis', '');
        $template->set_var('lang_reply', '');
    // Make sure we have a default value for comment indentation
    if (!isset($_CONF['comment_indent'])) {
        $_CONF['comment_indent'] = 25;
    if ($preview) {
        $A = $comments;
        if (empty($A['nice_date'])) {
            $A['nice_date'] = time();
        if (!isset($A['cid'])) {
            $A['cid'] = 0;
        if (!isset($A['photo'])) {
            if (isset($_USER['photo'])) {
                $A['photo'] = $_USER['photo'];
            } else {
                $A['photo'] = '';
        if (!isset($A['email'])) {
            if (isset($_USER['email'])) {
                $A['email'] = $_USER['email'];
            } else {
                $A['email'] = '';
        $A['name'] = $A['username'];
        $mode = 'flat';
        $template->set_var('preview_mode', true);
    } else {
        $A = DB_fetchArray($comments);
    if (empty($A)) {
        return '';
    $token = '';
    if ($delete_option && !$preview) {
        $token = SEC_createToken();
    $row = 1;
    do {
        //check for comment edit
        $commentedit = DB_query("SELECT cid,uid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) as time FROM {$_TABLES['commentedits']} WHERE cid = " . (int) $A['cid']);
        $B = DB_fetchArray($commentedit);
        if ($B) {
            //comment edit present
            //get correct editor name
            if ($A['uid'] == $B['uid']) {
                $editname = $A['username'];
            } else {
                $editname = DB_getItem($_TABLES['users'], 'username', "uid=" . (int) $B['uid']);
            //add edit info to text
            $dtObject = new Date($B['time'], $_USER['tzid']);
            $A['comment'] .= LB . '<div class="comment-edit">' . $LANG03[30] . ' ' . $dtObject->format($_CONF['date'], true) . ' ' . $LANG03[31] . ' ' . $editname . '</div><!-- /COMMENTEDIT -->';
        // determines indentation for current comment
        if ($mode == 'threaded' || $mode == 'nested') {
            $indent = ($A['indent'] - $A['pindent']) * $_CONF['comment_indent'];
        // comment variables
        if (!isset($A['uid']) || $A['uid'] == '') {
            $A['uid'] = 1;
        $template->set_var('indent', $indent);
        $template->set_var('author_name', $filter->sanitizeUsername($A['username']));
        $template->set_var('author_id', $A['uid']);
        $template->set_var('cid', $A['cid']);
        $template->set_var('cssid', $row % 2);
        if ($sid_author_id != '' && $sid_author_id != 1 && $sid_author_id == $A['uid']) {
            $template->set_var('author_match', '1');
        } else {
            $template->set_var('author_match', '');
        if ($A['uid'] > 1) {
            $fullname = COM_getDisplayName($A['uid'], $A['username'], isset($A['fullname']) ? $A['fullname'] : '');
            $template->set_var('author_fullname', $fullname);
            $template->set_var('author', $fullname);
            $alttext = $fullname;
            $photo = '';
            if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo']) {
                if (isset($A['photo']) && empty($A['photo'])) {
                    $A['photo'] = '';
                $photo = USER_getPhoto($A['uid'], $A['photo'], $A['email']);
                $photo_raw = USER_getPhoto($A['uid'], $A['photo'], $A['email'], 64, 0);
                if (!empty($photo)) {
                    $template->set_var('author_photo', $photo);
                    $template->set_var('author_photo_raw', $photo_raw);
                    $camera_icon = '<img src="' . $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/smallcamera.' . $_IMAGE_TYPE . '" alt=""/>';
                    $template->set_var('camera_icon', COM_createLink($camera_icon, $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=profile&amp;uid=' . $A['uid']));
                } else {
                    $template->set_var('author_photo', '<img src="' . $_CONF['default_photo'] . '" alt="" class="userphoto"/>');
                    $template->set_var('author_photo_raw', $_CONF['default_photo']);
                    $template->set_var('camera_icon', '');
            } else {
                $template->set_var('author_photo_raw', '');
                $template->set_var('author_photo', '');
                $template->set_var('camera_icon', '');
            $template->set_var('start_author_anchortag', '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=profile&amp;uid=' . $A['uid'] . '">');
            $template->set_var('end_author_anchortag', '</a>');
            $template->set_var('author_link', COM_createLink($fullname, $_CONF['site_url'] . '/users.php?mode=profile&amp;uid=' . $A['uid']));
        } else {
            $username = $filter->sanitizeUsername($A['name']);
            if ($username == '') {
                $username = $LANG01[24];
            $template->set_var('author', $username);
            $template->set_var('author_fullname', $username);
            $template->set_var('author_link', @htmlspecialchars($username, ENT_COMPAT, COM_getEncodingt()));
            if ($_CONF['allow_user_photo']) {
                $template->set_var('author_photo_raw', $_CONF['default_photo']);
                $template->set_var('author_photo', '<img src="' . $_CONF['default_photo'] . '" alt="" class="userphoto"/>');
                $template->set_var('camera_icon', '');
            } else {
                $template->set_var('author_photo_raw', '');
                $template->set_var('author_photo', '');
                $template->set_var('camera_icon', '');
            $template->set_var('start_author_anchortag', '');
            $template->set_var('end_author_anchortag', '');
        // hide reply link from anonymous users if they can't post replies
        $hidefromanon = false;
        if (COM_isAnonUser() && ($_CONF['loginrequired'] == 1 || $_CONF['commentsloginrequired'] == 1)) {
            $hidefromanon = true;
        // this will hide HTML that should not be viewed in preview mode
        if ($preview || $hidefromanon) {
            $template->set_var('hide_if_preview', 'style="display:none"');
        } else {
            $template->set_var('hide_if_preview', '');
        $dtObject = new Date($A['nice_date'], $_USER['tzid']);
        $template->set_var('date', $dtObject->format($_CONF['date'], true));
        $template->set_var('sid', $A['sid']);
        $template->set_var('type', $A['type']);
        //COMMENT edit rights
        if (!COM_isAnonUser()) {
            if ($_USER['uid'] == $A['uid'] && $_CONF['comment_edit'] == 1 && ($_CONF['comment_edittime'] == 0 || time() - $A['nice_date'] < $_CONF['comment_edittime']) && $ccode == 0 && DB_getItem($_TABLES['comments'], 'COUNT(*)', "pid = " . (int) $A['cid']) == 0) {
                $edit_option = true;
            } else {
                if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                    $edit_option = true;
                } else {
                    $edit_option = false;
        } else {
            $edit_option = false;
        //edit link
        if ($edit_option) {
            if (empty($token)) {
                $token = SEC_createToken();
            $editlink = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/comment.php?mode=edit&amp;cid=' . $A['cid'] . '&amp;sid=' . $A['sid'] . '&amp;type=' . $type . '&amp;' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token . '#comment_entry';
            $template->set_var('edit_link', $editlink);
            $template->set_var('lang_edit', $LANG01[4]);
            $edit = COM_createLink($LANG01[4], $editlink) . ' | ';
        } else {
            $editlink = '';
            $edit = '';
        // If deletion is allowed, displays delete link
        if ($delete_option) {
            $deloption = '';
            if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
                if (!empty($A['ipaddress'])) {
                    if (empty($_CONF['ip_lookup'])) {
                        $deloption = $A['ipaddress'] . '  | ';
                        $template->set_var('ipaddress', $A['ipaddress']);
                    } else {
                        $iplookup = str_replace('*', $A['ipaddress'], $_CONF['ip_lookup']);
                        $template->set_var('iplookup_link', $iplookup);
                        $template->set_var('ipaddress', $A['ipaddress']);
                        $deloption = COM_createLink($A['ipaddress'], $iplookup) . ' | ';
                    //insert re-que link here
            $dellink = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/comment.php?mode=delete&amp;cid=' . $A['cid'] . '&amp;sid=' . $A['sid'] . '&amp;type=' . $type . '&amp;' . CSRF_TOKEN . '=' . $token;
            $delattr = array('onclick' => "return confirm('{$MESSAGE[76]}');");
            $delete_link = $dellink;
            $template->set_var('delete_link', $delete_link);
            $template->set_var('lang_delete_link_confirm', $MESSAGE[76]);
            $template->set_var('lang_delete', $LANG01[28]);
            $deloption .= COM_createLink($LANG01[28], $dellink, $delattr) . ' | ';
            $template->set_var('delete_option', $deloption . $edit);
        } else {
            if ($edit_option) {
                $template->set_var('delete_option', $edit);
            } elseif (!COM_isAnonUser()) {
                $reportthis = '';
                if ($A['uid'] != $_USER['uid']) {
                    $reportthis_link = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/comment.php?mode=report&amp;cid=' . $A['cid'] . '&amp;type=' . $type;
                    $report_attr = array('title' => $LANG01[110]);
                    $template->set_var('report_link', $reportthis_link);
                    $template->set_var('lang_report', $LANG01[109]);
                    $reportthis = COM_createLink($LANG01[109], $reportthis_link, $report_attr) . ' | ';
                $template->set_var('delete_option', $reportthis);
            } else {
                $template->set_var('delete_option', '');
        //and finally: format the actual text of the comment, but check only the text, not sig or edit
        $text = str_replace('<!-- COMMENTSIG --><div class="comment-sig">', '', $A['comment']);
        $text = str_replace('</div><!-- /COMMENTSIG -->', '', $text);
        $text = str_replace('<div class="comment-edit">', '', $text);
        $text = str_replace('</div><!-- /COMMENTEDIT -->', '', $text);
        if (preg_match('/<.*>/', $text) == 0) {
            $A['comment'] = nl2br($A['comment']);
        $A['comment'] = $filter->displayText($A['comment']);
        // highlight search terms if specified
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['query'])) {
            $A['comment'] = COM_highlightQuery($A['comment'], strip_tags($_REQUEST['query']));
        if (function_exists('msg_replaceEmoticons')) {
            $A['comment'] = msg_replaceEmoticons($A['comment']);
        // create a reply to link
        $reply_link = '';
        if ($ccode == 0 && ($_CONF['commentsloginrequired'] == 0 || !COM_isAnonUser())) {
            $reply_link = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/comment.php?sid=' . $A['sid'] . '&amp;pid=' . $A['cid'] . '&amp;title=' . urlencode($A['title']) . '&amp;type=' . $A['type'] . '#comment_entry';
            $template->set_var('reply_link', $reply_link);
            $template->set_var('lang_reply', $LANG01[43]);
            $reply_option = COM_createLink($LANG01[43], $reply_link, array('rel' => 'nofollow')) . ' | ';
            $template->set_var('reply_option', $reply_option);
        } else {
            $template->set_var('reply_option', '');
        $template->set_var('reply_link', $reply_link);
        // format title for display, must happen after reply_link is created
        $A['title'] = @htmlspecialchars($A['title'], ENT_COMPAT, COM_getEncodingt());
        $template->set_var('title', $A['title']);
        $template->set_var('comments', $A['comment']);
        // parse the templates
        if ($mode == 'threaded' && $indent > 0) {
            $template->set_var('pid', $A['pid']);
            $retval .= $template->parse('output', 'thread');
        } else {
            $template->set_var('pid', $A['cid']);
            $retval .= $template->parse('output', 'comment');
        if ($preview) {
            return $retval;
    } while ($A = DB_fetchArray($comments));
    return $retval;