Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Add the meta options for "Isotope" to the PostGrid Metabox
 * @access   public
 * @since    1.0.0
 * @param    Void
 * @param    $items_array Array - The existing Meta Options in this Array
 * @return   Array - The Items Array with the Isotope Options added
function mp_stacks_postgrid_add_isotope_meta($items_array)
    $meta_prefix = 'postgrid';
    $new_items_array = mp_core_insert_meta_fields($items_array, mp_stacks_grid_isotope_meta($meta_prefix), $meta_prefix . '_meta_hook_anchor_1');
    return $new_items_array;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Add the meta options for the Grid Excerpts to the PostGrid Metabox
 * @access   public
 * @since    1.0.0
 * @param    Void
 * @param    $items_array Array - The existing Meta Options in this Array
 * @return   Array - All of the placement optons needed for Excerpt
function mp_stacks_postgrid_excerpt_meta_options($items_array)
    //Excerpt Settings
    $new_fields = array('postgrid_excerpt_showhider' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings', 'field_title' => __('Excerpt Settings', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'showhider', 'field_value' => ''), 'postgrid_excerpt_show' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_show', 'field_title' => __('Show Excerpts?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Do you want to show the Excerpts for these posts?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'checkbox', 'field_value' => 'true', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_placement' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_placement', 'field_title' => __('Excerpt Placement', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Where would you like to place the excerpt? Default: Below Image, Left', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'select', 'field_value' => '', 'field_select_values' => mp_stacks_get_text_position_options(), 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_color' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_color', 'field_title' => __('Excerpt Color', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Select the color the excerpts will be (leave blank for theme default)', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'colorpicker', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_size' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_size', 'field_title' => __('Excerpt Size', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Enter the text size the excerpts will be. Default: 15', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '15', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_lineheight' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_lineheight', 'field_title' => __('Excerpt Line Height', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Enter the line height for the excerpt text. Default: 19', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '19', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_spacing' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_spacing', 'field_title' => __('Excerpts\' Spacing', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('How much space should there be between the excerpt and any content directly above it? Default: 10', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '10', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_word_limit' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_word_limit', 'field_title' => __('Word Limit for Excerpt', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('How many words should be displayed before the "Read More" link is shown. Default: All words are shown.', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_desc' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_description', 'field_title' => __('Animate the Excerpt upon Mouse-Over', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Add keyframe animations to apply to the excerpt and play upon mouse-over.', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'basictext', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_repeater_title' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_repeater_title', 'field_title' => __('KeyFrame', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => NULL, 'field_type' => 'repeatertitle', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_length' => array('field_id' => 'animation_length', 'field_title' => __('Animation Length', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the length between this keyframe and the previous one in milliseconds. Default: 500', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '500', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings', 'field_container_class' => 'mp_animation_length'), 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_opacity' => array('field_id' => 'opacity', 'field_title' => __('Opacity', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the opacity percentage at this keyframe. Default: 100', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'input_range', 'field_value' => '100', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_rotation' => array('field_id' => 'rotateZ', 'field_title' => __('Rotation', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the rotation degree angle at this keyframe. Default: 0', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '0', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_x' => array('field_id' => 'translateX', 'field_title' => __('X Position', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the X position, in relation to its starting position, at this keyframe. The unit is pixels. Default: 0', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '0', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_y' => array('field_id' => 'translateY', 'field_title' => __('Y Position', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the Y position, in relation to its starting position, at this keyframe. The unit is pixels. Default: 0', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '0', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_excerpt_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_read_more_text' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_read_more_text', 'field_title' => __('"Read More" Text for Excerpt\'s', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('What should the "Read More" text be at the end of the Excerpt? Default: "[Read More]". For no output type "*****" (5 asterisks).', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'textbox', 'field_value' => __('[Read More]', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_bg_showhider' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_background_settings', 'field_title' => __('Excerpt Background Settings', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'showhider', 'field_value' => ''), 'postgrid_excerpt_bg_show' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_background_show', 'field_title' => __('Show Excerpt Backgrounds?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Do you want to show a background color behind the excerpt?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'checkbox', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_background_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_bg_size' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_background_padding', 'field_title' => __('Excerpt Background Size', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('How many pixels bigger should the Excerpt Background be than the Text? Default: 5', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '5', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_background_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_bg_color' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_background_color', 'field_title' => __('Excerpt Background Color', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('What color should the excerpt background be? Default: #FFF (White)', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'colorpicker', 'field_value' => '#FFF', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_background_settings'), 'postgrid_excerpt_bg_opacity' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_excerpt_background_opacity', 'field_title' => __('Excerpt Background Opacity', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the opacity percentage? Default: 100', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'input_range', 'field_value' => '100', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_excerpt_background_settings'));
    return mp_core_insert_meta_fields($items_array, $new_fields, 'postgrid_meta_hook_anchor_2');
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Add the meta options for the Grid Titles to the PostGrid Metabox
 * @access   public
 * @since    1.0.0
 * @param    Void
 * @param    $post_id Int - The ID of the Brick
 * @return   Array - All of the placement optons needed for Title, Price, and Excerpt
function mp_stacks_postgrid_title_meta_options($items_array)
    //Title Settings
    $new_fields = array('postgrid_title_showhider' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_settings', 'field_title' => __('Title Settings', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'showhider', 'field_value' => ''), 'postgrid_title_show' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_show', 'field_title' => __('Show Titles?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Do you want to show the Titles for these posts?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'checkbox', 'field_value' => 'true', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_placement' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_placement', 'field_title' => __('Titles\' Placement', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Where would you like to place the title? Default: Below Image, Left', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'select', 'field_value' => 'below_image_left', 'field_select_values' => mp_stacks_get_text_position_options(), 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_color' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_color', 'field_title' => __('Titles\' Color', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Select the color the titles will be (leave blank for theme default)', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'colorpicker', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_size' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_size', 'field_title' => __('Titles\' Size', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Enter the text size the titles will be. Default: 20', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '20', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_lineheight' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_lineheight', 'field_title' => __('Titles\' Line Height', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Enter the line height for the excerpt text. Default: 24', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '24', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_spacing' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_spacing', 'field_title' => __('Titles\' Spacing', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('How much space should there be between the title and any content directly above it? Default: 10', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '10', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_animation_desc' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_animation_description', 'field_title' => __('Animate the Title upon Mouse-Over', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Control the animations of the titles when the user\'s mouse is over the featured images by adding keyframes here:', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'basictext', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_animation_repeater_title' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_animation_repeater_title', 'field_title' => __('KeyFrame', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => NULL, 'field_type' => 'repeatertitle', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_title_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_animation_length' => array('field_id' => 'animation_length', 'field_title' => __('Animation Length', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the length between this keyframe and the previous one in milliseconds. Default: 500', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '500', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_title_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings', 'field_container_class' => 'mp_animation_length'), 'postgrid_title_animation_opacity' => array('field_id' => 'opacity', 'field_title' => __('Opacity', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the opacity percentage at this keyframe. Default: 100', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'input_range', 'field_value' => '100', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_title_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_animation_ratation' => array('field_id' => 'rotateZ', 'field_title' => __('Rotation', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the rotation degree angle at this keyframe. Default: 0', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '0', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_title_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_animation_x' => array('field_id' => 'translateX', 'field_title' => __('X Position', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the X position, in relation to its starting position, at this keyframe. The unit is pixels. Default: 0', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '0', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_title_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_animation_y' => array('field_id' => 'translateY', 'field_title' => __('Y Position', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the Y position, in relation to its starting position, at this keyframe. The unit is pixels. Default: 0', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '0', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_title_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_settings'), 'postgrid_title_bg_showhider' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_background_settings', 'field_title' => __('Title Background Settings', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'showhider', 'field_value' => ''), 'postgrid_title_bg_show' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_background_show', 'field_title' => __('Show Title Backgrounds?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Do you want to show a background color behind the title?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'checkbox', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_background_settings'), 'postgrid_title_bg_size' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_background_padding', 'field_title' => __('Title Background Size', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('How many pixels bigger should the Title Background be than the Text? Default: 5', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '5', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_background_settings'), 'postgrid_title_bg_color' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_background_color', 'field_title' => __('Title Background Color', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('What color should the title background be? Default: #FFF (White)', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'colorpicker', 'field_value' => '#FFF', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_background_settings'), 'postgrid_title_bg_opacity' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_title_background_opacity', 'field_title' => __('Title Background Opacity', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the opacity percentage? Default: 100', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'input_range', 'field_value' => '100', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_title_background_settings'));
    return mp_core_insert_meta_fields($items_array, $new_fields, 'postgrid_meta_hook_anchor_2');
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Add the meta options for the "Load More" to the DownloadGrid Metabox
  * @access   public
  * @since    1.0.0
  * @param    Void
  * @param    $items_array Array - The existing Meta Options in this Array
  * @return   Array - All of the placement optons needed for Excerpt
 function mp_stacks_grid_load_more_meta($items_array)
     //Ajax Load More
     $new_fields = array($this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_showhider' => array('field_id' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_settings', 'field_title' => __('"Load More" Settings', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_description' => __('', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_type' => 'showhider', 'field_value' => ''), $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_behaviour' => array('field_id' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_behaviour', 'field_title' => __('"Load More" Behaviour', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_description' => __('How should more items be loaded?', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_type' => 'select', 'field_value' => 'ajax_load_more', 'field_select_values' => apply_filters('mp_stacks_grid_' . $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_values', array('ajax_load_more' => __('"Load More" button.', 'mp_stacks'), 'infinite_scroll' => __('Infinite Scroll with "Load More" button.', 'mp_stacks'), 'pagination' => __('Page Number Buttons. Example: "Page 1, 2, 3"', 'mp_stacks'), 'none' => __('None. Do not allow the user to load any more items.', 'mp_stacks'))), 'field_showhider' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_settings'), $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_float' => array('field_id' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_float', 'field_title' => __('"Load More" Position', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_description' => __('Where should the "Load More" action be positioned? Default: "Center"', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_type' => 'select', 'field_value' => 'center', 'field_select_values' => array('left' => __('Left', 'mp_stacks'), 'center' => __('Center', 'mp_stacks'), 'right' => __('Right', 'mp_stacks')), 'field_showhider' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_settings'), $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_color' => array('field_id' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_button_color', 'field_title' => __('"Load More" Button Background Color', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_description' => __('What color should the "Load More" button be? (Leave blank for theme default)', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_type' => 'colorpicker', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_settings'), $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_text_color' => array('field_id' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_button_text_color', 'field_title' => __('"Load More" Button Text Color', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_description' => __('What color should the "Load More" button\'s text be? (Leave blank for theme defaults)', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_type' => 'colorpicker', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_settings'), $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_hover_color' => array('field_id' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_button_color_mouse_over', 'field_title' => __('"Load More" Button Background Color when Mouse Over.', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_description' => __('What color should the "Load More" button be when the Mouse is over it? (Leave blank for theme defaults)', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_type' => 'colorpicker', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_settings'), $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_hover_text_color' => array('field_id' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_button_text_color_mouse_over', 'field_title' => __('"Load More" Button Text Color when Mouse Over.', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_description' => __('What color should the "Load More" button\'s text be when the Mouse is over it? (Leave blank for theme defaults)', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_type' => 'colorpicker', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_settings'), $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_text' => array('field_id' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_button_text', 'field_title' => __('"Load More" Text', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_description' => __('What should the "Load More" button say? Default: "Load More"', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_type' => 'textbox', 'field_value' => __('Load More', 'mp_stacks'), 'field_showhider' => $this->_meta_prefix . '_load_more_settings'));
     return mp_core_insert_meta_fields($items_array, $new_fields, $this->_meta_prefix . '_meta_hook_anchor_3');
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Add the meta options for the Grid Dates to the PostGrid Metabox
 * @access   public
 * @since    1.0.0
 * @param    Void
 * @param    $post_id Int - The ID of the Brick
 * @return   Array - All of the placement optons needed for Date
function mp_stacks_postgrid_date_meta_options($items_array)
    //Date Settings
    $new_fields = array('postgrid_date_showhider' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_settings', 'field_title' => __('Date Settings', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'showhider', 'field_value' => ''), 'postgrid_date_format' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_format', 'field_title' => __('Date Format', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the date format for your Wordpress by', 'mp_stacks_postgrid') . ' <a href="' . admin_url('options-general.php') . '">' . __('clicking here', 'mp_stacks_postgrid') . '</a>', 'field_type' => 'basictext', 'field_value' => 'true', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_show' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_show', 'field_title' => __('Show Dates?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Do you want to show the Dates for these posts?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'checkbox', 'field_value' => 'true', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_placement' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_placement', 'field_title' => __('Date Placement', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Where would you like to place the date? Default: Over Image, Top-Left', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'select', 'field_value' => 'over_image_top_left', 'field_select_values' => mp_stacks_get_text_position_options(), 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_color' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_color', 'field_title' => __('Date\' Color', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Select the color the dates will be. Default: #000 (Black)', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'colorpicker', 'field_value' => '#000', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_size' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_size', 'field_title' => __('Date Size', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Enter the text size the dates will be. Default: 13', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '13', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_spacing' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_spacing', 'field_title' => __('Dates\' Spacing', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('How much space should there be between the date and any content directly above it? Default: 10', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '10', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_animation_desc' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_animation_description', 'field_title' => __('Animate the Date upon Mouse-Over', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Add keyframe animations to apply to the date and play upon mouse-over.', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'basictext', 'field_value' => '', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_animation_repeater_title' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_animation_repeater_title', 'field_title' => __('KeyFrame', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => NULL, 'field_type' => 'repeatertitle', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_date_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_animation_length' => array('field_id' => 'animation_length', 'field_title' => __('Animation Length', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the length between this keyframe and the previous one in milliseconds. Default: 500', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '500', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_date_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings', 'field_container_class' => 'mp_animation_length'), 'postgrid_date_animation_opacity' => array('field_id' => 'opacity', 'field_title' => __('Opacity', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the opacity percentage at this keyframe. Default: 100', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'input_range', 'field_value' => '100', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_date_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_animation_rotation' => array('field_id' => 'rotateZ', 'field_title' => __('Rotation', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the rotation degree angle at this keyframe. Default: 0', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '0', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_date_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_animation_x' => array('field_id' => 'translateX', 'field_title' => __('X Position', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the X position, in relation to its starting position, at this keyframe. The unit is pixels. Default: 0', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '0', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_date_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_animation_y' => array('field_id' => 'translateY', 'field_title' => __('Y Position', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the Y position, in relation to its starting position, at this keyframe. The unit is pixels. Default: 0', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '0', 'field_repeater' => 'postgrid_date_animation_keyframes', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_settings'), 'postgrid_date_bg_showhider' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_background_settings', 'field_title' => __('Date Background Settings', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'showhider', 'field_value' => ''), 'postgrid_date_bg_show' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_background_show', 'field_title' => __('Show Date Backgrounds?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Do you want to show a background color behind the date?', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'checkbox', 'field_value' => 'true', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_background_settings'), 'postgrid_date_bg_size' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_background_padding', 'field_title' => __('Date Background Size', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('How many pixels bigger should the Date Background be than the Text? Default: 5', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'number', 'field_value' => '5', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_background_settings'), 'postgrid_date_bg_color' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_background_color', 'field_title' => __('Date Background Color', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('What color should the date background be? Default: #FFF (White)', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'colorpicker', 'field_value' => '#FFF', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_background_settings'), 'postgrid_date_bg_opacity' => array('field_id' => 'postgrid_date_background_opacity', 'field_title' => __('Date Background Opacity', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_description' => __('Set the opacity percentage? Default: 100', 'mp_stacks_postgrid'), 'field_type' => 'input_range', 'field_value' => '100', 'field_showhider' => 'postgrid_date_background_settings'));
    return mp_core_insert_meta_fields($items_array, $new_fields, 'postgrid_meta_hook_anchor_2');