Ejemplo n.º 1
                             modify_transaction(0, $bill_id, 1, $reserved_date, $newCheckinDate, $userid, $roomamt, $totsvc, $tottax, $roomamt, $totsvc, $tottax, 1, $rtid, '', $totamt, $curr);
                             $newCheckinDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($newCheckinDate)));
 } else {
     if ($status == RES_ACTIVE && !$bill_id) {
         // Must create a Bill before recording the deposit
         $bill_id = create_reservation_bill($resid, $userid, $guestid);
         if ($bill_id) {
             if ($amt > 0) {
                 if (!$deposit_made) {
                     modify_receipt(0, $bill_id, 0, $resid, 0, $resdtime, $fop, $cctype, $ccnum, $expiry, $cvv, $auth, 'Reservation Deposit', $amt, $userid, '', 1, $currency, $currency);
                 if (isset($_POST['payinadvance']) && $resdetailID) {
                     $ratedetails = array();
                     if ($ratesid) {
                         get_rateitems($ratesid, $ratedetails);
                     $curr = get_Currency_byRateID($ratesid);
                     $roomamt = 0;
                     $totamt = $roomamt;
                     $totsvc = 0;
                     $tottax = 0;
                     $stdsvc = 0;
                     $stdtax = 0;
                     foreach ($ratedetails as $ratedetail) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
                $ref_date = $_POST[$dt];
                $cctp = "refcctype" . $i;
                $refcctype = $_POST[$cctp];
                $rfop = "reffop" . $i;
                $reffop = $_POST[$rfop];
                $rfamt = "refamount" . $i;
                $refamount = $_POST[$rfamt];
                $rfcur = "refcur" . $i;
                $refcur = $_POST[$rfcur];
                $userid = $_SESSION["userid"];
                if ($refamount > 0) {
                    $refamount = 0 - $refamount;
                $linecr .= "Refund " . $i . " " . $refamount . " " . $reffop . " " . $refcur . "<br/>";
                if ($reffop && $refamount && $refcur) {
                    modify_receipt(0, $id, $bid, $rid, "", $ref_date, $reffop, $refcctype, "", "", "", "Refund", "Refund", $refamount, $userid, $today, 1, $refcur, $refcur);
        case 'Find':
            //check if user is searching using name, payrollno, national id number or other fields
$bill = array();
$book = array();
$res = array();
// If the bill id is present get it and set the booking and reservations ids.
if ($id) {
    if (get_bill($id, $bill)) {
        $bid = $bill['book_id'];