/** * Test basic and complex common usage scenarios for * relations and associations. * * @return void */ public function testScenarios() { list($q1, $q2) = R::dispense('quote', 2); list($pic1, $pic2) = R::dispense('picture', 2); list($book, $book2, $book3) = R::dispense('book', 4); list($topic1, $topic2, $topic3, $topic4, $topic5) = R::dispense('topic', 5); list($page1, $page2, $page3, $page4, $page5, $page6, $page7) = R::dispense('page', 7); $q1->text = 'lorem'; $q2->text = 'ipsum'; $book->title = 'abc'; $book2->title = 'def'; $book3->title = 'ghi'; $page1->title = 'pagina1'; $page2->title = 'pagina2'; $page3->title = 'pagina3'; $page4->title = 'pagina4'; $page5->title = 'pagina5'; $page6->title = 'cover1'; $page7->title = 'cover2'; $topic1->name = 'holiday'; $topic2->name = 'cooking'; $topic3->name = 'gardening'; $topic4->name = 'computing'; $topic5->name = 'christmas'; // Add one page to the book $book->ownPage[] = $page1; $id = R::store($book); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 1); asrt(reset($book->ownPage)->getMeta('type'), 'page'); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 1); asrt(reset($book->ownPage)->getMeta('type'), 'page'); // Performing an own addition $book->ownPage[] = $page2; $id = R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 2); // Performing a deletion $book = R::load('book', $id); unset($book->ownPage[1]); $id = R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 1); asrt(reset($book->ownPage)->getMeta('type'), 'page'); asrt(R::count('page'), 2); //still exists asrt(reset($book->ownPage)->id, '2'); // Doing a change in one of the owned items $book->ownPage[2]->title = 'page II'; $id = R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(reset($book->ownPage)->title, 'page II'); // Change by reference now... don't copy! $refToPage2 = $book->ownPage[2]; $refToPage2->title = 'page II b'; $id = R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(reset($book->ownPage)->title, 'page II b'); // Doing all actions combined $book->ownPage[] = $page3; R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); unset($book->ownPage[2]); // And test custom key $book->ownPage['customkey'] = $page4; $book->ownPage[3]->title = "THIRD"; R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 2); $p4 = $book->ownPage[4]; $p3 = $book->ownPage[3]; asrt($p4->title, 'pagina4'); asrt($p3->title, 'THIRD'); // Test replacing an element $book = R::load('book', $id); $book->ownPage[4] = $page5; R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 2); $p5 = $book->ownPage[5]; asrt($p5->title, 'pagina5'); // Other way around - single bean asrt($p5->book->title, 'abc'); asrt(R::load('page', 5)->book->title, 'abc'); asrt(R::load('page', 3)->book->title, 'abc'); // Add the other way around - single bean $page1->id = 0; $page1->book = $book2; $page1 = R::load('page', R::store($page1)); asrt($page1->book->title, 'def'); $b2 = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 2); // Remove the other way around - single bean unset($page1->book); R::store($page1); $b2 = R::load('book', $book2->id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 1); //does not work $page1->book = NULL; R::store($page1); $b2 = R::load('book', $book2->id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 0); //works // Re-add the page $b2->ownPage[] = $page1; R::store($b2); $b2 = R::load('book', $book2->id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 1); // Different, less elegant way to remove $page1 = reset($b2->ownPage); $page1->book_id = NULL; R::store($page1); $b2 = R::load('book', $book2->id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 0); // Re-add the page $b2->ownPage[] = $page1; R::store($b2); $b2 = R::load('book', $book2->id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 1); // Another less elegant way to remove $page1->book = NULL; R::store($page1); $cols = R::getColumns('page'); asrt(isset($cols['book']), FALSE); $b2 = R::load('book', $book2->id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 0); // Re-add the page $b2->ownPage[] = $page1; R::store($b2); $b2 = R::load('book', $book2->id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 1); // Another less elegant... just plain ugly... way to remove $page1->book = FALSE; R::store($page1); $cols = R::getColumns('page'); asrt(isset($cols['book']), FALSE); $b2 = R::load('book', $book2->id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 0); // Re-add the page $b2->ownPage[] = $page1; R::store($b2); $b2 = R::load('book', $book2->id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 1); // You are not allowed to re-use the field for something else foreach (array(1, -2.1, array(), TRUE, 'NULL', new \stdClass(), 'just a string', array('a' => 1), 0) as $value) { try { $page1->book = $value; fail(); } catch (RedException $e) { pass(); } } // Test fk, not allowed to set to 0 $page1 = reset($b2->ownPage); $page1->book_id = 0; // Even uglier way, but still needs to work $page1 = reset($b2->ownPage); $page1->book_id = NULL; R::store($b2); $b2 = R::load('book', $book2->id); asrt(count($b2->ownPage), 0); // Test shared items $book = R::load('book', $id); $book->sharedTopic[] = $topic1; $id = R::store($book); // Add an item asrt(count($book->sharedTopic), 1); asrt(reset($book->sharedTopic)->name, 'holiday'); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->sharedTopic), 1); asrt(reset($book->sharedTopic)->name, 'holiday'); // Add another item $book->sharedTopic[] = $topic2; $id = R::store($book); $tidx = R::store(R::dispense('topic')); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->sharedTopic), 2); $t1 = $book->sharedTopic[1]; $t2 = $book->sharedTopic[2]; asrt($t1->name, 'holiday'); asrt($t2->name, 'cooking'); // Remove an item unset($book->sharedTopic[2]); asrt(count($book->sharedTopic), 1); $id = R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->sharedTopic), 1); asrt(reset($book->sharedTopic)->name, 'holiday'); // Add and change $book->sharedTopic[] = $topic3; $book->sharedTopic[1]->name = 'tropics'; $id = R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->sharedTopic), 2); asrt($book->sharedTopic[1]->name, 'tropics'); testids($book->sharedTopic); R::trash(R::load('topic', $tidx)); $id = R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); // Delete without save unset($book->sharedTopic[1]); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->sharedTopic), 2); $book = R::load('book', $id); // Delete without init asrt(R::count('topic'), 3); unset($book->sharedTopic[1]); $id = R::store($book); asrt(R::count('topic'), 3); asrt(count($book->sharedTopic), 1); asrt(count($book2->sharedTopic), 0); // Add same topic to other book $book2->sharedTopic[] = $topic3; asrt(count($book2->sharedTopic), 1); $id2 = R::store($book2); asrt(count($book2->sharedTopic), 1); $book2 = R::load('book', $id2); asrt(count($book2->sharedTopic), 1); // Get books for topic asrt($topic3->countShared('book'), 2); $t3 = R::load('topic', $topic3->id); asrt(count($t3->sharedBook), 2); // Nuke an own-array, replace entire array at once without getting first $page2->id = 0; $page2->title = 'yet another page 2'; $page4->id = 0; $page4->title = 'yet another page 4'; $book = R::load('book', $id); $book->ownPage = array($page2, $page4); R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', $id); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 2); asrt(reset($book->ownPage)->title, 'yet another page 2'); asrt(end($book->ownPage)->title, 'yet another page 4'); testids($book->ownPage); // Test with alias format $book3->cover = $page6; $idb3 = R::store($book3); $book3 = R::load('book', $idb3); $justACover = $book3->fetchAs('page')->cover; asrt($book3->cover instanceof OODBBean, TRUE); asrt($justACover->title, 'cover1'); // No page property asrt(isset($book3->page), FALSE); // Test doubling and other side effects ... should not occur.. $book3->sharedTopic = array($topic1, $topic2); $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); $book3->sharedTopic = array(); $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(count($book3->sharedTopic), 0); $book3->sharedTopic[] = $topic1; $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); // Added only one, not more? asrt(count($book3->sharedTopic), 1); asrt(intval(R::getCell("select count(*) from book_topic where book_id = {$idb3}")), 1); // Add the same $book3->sharedTopic[] = $topic1; $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(count($book3->sharedTopic), 1); asrt(intval(R::getCell("select count(*) from book_topic where book_id = {$idb3}")), 1); $book3->sharedTopic['differentkey'] = $topic1; $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(count($book3->sharedTopic), 1); asrt(intval(R::getCell("select count(*) from book_topic where book_id = {$idb3}")), 1); // Ugly assign, auto array generation $book3->ownPage[] = $page1; $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(count($book3->ownPage), 1); asrt(intval(R::getCell("select count(*) from page where book_id = {$idb3} ")), 1); $book3 = R::load('book', $idb3); $book3->ownPage = array(); // No change until saved asrt(intval(R::getCell("select count(*) from page where book_id = {$idb3} ")), 1); $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(intval(R::getCell("select count(*) from page where book_id = {$idb3} ")), 0); asrt(count($book3->ownPage), 0); $book3 = R::load('book', $idb3); /** * Why do I need to do this ---> why does trash() not set id -> 0? * Because you unset() so trash is done on origin not bean */ $page1->id = 0; $page2->id = 0; $page3->id = 0; $book3->ownPage[] = $page1; $book3->ownPage[] = $page2; $book3->ownPage[] = $page3; $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(intval(R::getCell("select count(*) from page where book_id = {$idb3} ")), 3); asrt(count($book3->ownPage), 3); unset($book3->ownPage[$page2->id]); $book3->ownPage[] = $page3; $book3->ownPage['try_to_trick_ya'] = $page3; $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(intval(R::getCell("select count(*) from page where book_id = {$idb3} ")), 2); asrt(count($book3->ownPage), 2); // Delete and re-add $book3 = R::load('book', $idb3); unset($book3->ownPage[10]); $book3->ownPage[] = $page1; $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(count($book3->ownPage), 2); $book3 = R::load('book', $idb3); unset($book3->sharedTopic[1]); $book3->sharedTopic[] = $topic1; $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(count($book3->sharedTopic), 1); // Test performance $logger = R::debug(true, 1); $book = R::load('book', 1); $book->sharedTopic = array(); R::store($book); // No more than 1 update asrt(count($logger->grep('UPDATE')), 1); $book = R::load('book', 1); $logger->clear(); print_r($book->sharedTopic, 1); // No more than 1 select asrt(count($logger->grep('SELECT')), 1); $logger->clear(); $book->sharedTopic[] = $topic1; $book->sharedTopic[] = $topic2; asrt(count($logger->grep('SELECT')), 0); R::store($book); $book->sharedTopic[] = $topic3; // Now do NOT clear all and then add one, just add the one $logger->clear(); R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', 1); asrt(count($book->sharedTopic), 3); // No deletes asrt(count($logger->grep("DELETE FROM")), 0); $book->sharedTopic['a'] = $topic3; unset($book->sharedTopic['a']); R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', 1); asrt(count($book->sharedTopic), 3); // No deletes asrt(count($logger->grep("DELETE FROM")), 0); $book->ownPage = array(); R::store($book); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 0); $book->ownPage[] = $page1; $book->ownPage['a'] = $page2; asrt(count($book->ownPage), 2); R::store($book); unset($book->ownPage['a']); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 2); unset($book->ownPage[11]); R::store($book); $book = R::load('book', 1); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 1); $aPage = $book->ownPage[10]; unset($book->ownPage[10]); $aPage->title .= ' changed '; $book->ownPage['anotherPage'] = $aPage; $logger->clear(); R::store($book); // if ($db=="mysql") asrt(count($logger->grep("SELECT")),0); $book = R::load('book', 1); asrt(count($book->ownPage), 1); $ap = reset($book->ownPage); asrt($ap->title, "pagina1 changed "); // Fix udiff instead of diff $book3->ownPage = array($page3, $page1); $i = R::store($book3); $book3 = R::load('book', $i); asrt(intval(R::getCell("select count(*) from page where book_id = {$idb3} ")), 2); asrt(count($book3->ownPage), 2); $pic1->name = 'aaa'; $pic2->name = 'bbb'; R::store($pic1); R::store($q1); $book3->ownPicture[] = $pic1; $book3->ownQuote[] = $q1; $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); // two own-arrays -->forgot array_merge asrt(count($book3->ownPicture), 1); asrt(count($book3->ownQuote), 1); asrt(count($book3->ownPage), 2); $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); unset($book3->ownPicture[1]); $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(count($book3->ownPicture), 0); asrt(count($book3->ownQuote), 1); asrt(count($book3->ownPage), 2); $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); $NOTE = 0; $quotes = R::dispense('quote', 10); foreach ($quotes as &$justSomeQuote) { $justSomeQuote->note = 'note' . ++$NOTE; } $pictures = R::dispense('picture', 10); foreach ($pictures as &$justSomePic) { $justSomePic->note = 'note' . ++$NOTE; } $topics = R::dispense('topic', 10); foreach ($topics as &$justSomeTopic) { $justSomeTopic->note = 'note' . ++$NOTE; } for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) { // Do several mutations for ($x = 0; $x < rand(1, 20); $x++) { modgr($book3, $quotes, $pictures, $topics); } $qbefore = count($book3->ownQuote); $pbefore = count($book3->ownPicture); $tbefore = count($book3->sharedTopic); $qjson = json_encode($book->ownQuote); $pjson = json_encode($book->ownPicture); $tjson = json_encode($book->sharedTopic); $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(count($book3->ownQuote), $qbefore); asrt(count($book3->ownPicture), $pbefore); asrt(count($book3->sharedTopic), $tbefore); asrt(json_encode($book->ownQuote), $qjson); asrt(json_encode($book->ownPicture), $pjson); asrt(json_encode($book->sharedTopic), $tjson); testids($book->ownQuote); testids($book->ownPicture); testids($book->sharedTopic); } }
$quotes = R::dispense('quote', 10); foreach ($quotes as &$justSomeQuote) { $justSomeQuote->note = 'note' . ++$NOTE; } $pictures = R::dispense('picture', 10); foreach ($pictures as &$justSomePic) { $justSomePic->note = 'note' . ++$NOTE; } $topics = R::dispense('topic', 10); foreach ($topics as &$justSomeTopic) { $justSomeTopic->note = 'note' . ++$NOTE; } for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) { //echo "\n bean start: ".print_r($book3,1); for ($x = 0; $x < rand(1, 20); $x++) { modgr($book3); } //do several mutations $qbefore = count($book3->ownQuote); $pbefore = count($book3->ownPicture); $tbefore = count($book3->sharedTopic); $qjson = json_encode($book->ownQuote); $pjson = json_encode($book->ownPicture); $tjson = json_encode($book->sharedTopic); $book3 = R::load('book', R::store($book3)); asrt(count($book3->ownQuote), $qbefore); asrt(count($book3->ownPicture), $pbefore); asrt(count($book3->sharedTopic), $tbefore); asrt(json_encode($book->ownQuote), $qjson); asrt(json_encode($book->ownPicture), $pjson); asrt(json_encode($book->sharedTopic), $tjson);