Ejemplo n.º 1
echo "<font size=5 color=#008C8E >" . $lang[$lang_select]['add_fiche'] . "</font>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div style=\"float:right;\">";
echo "<button id=\"enregistrer1-add-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['enregistrer'] . "</button> ";
echo "<button id=\"retour1-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['liste_taxons'] . "</button> ";
echo "</div><br><br>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<div id=\"radio2\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"etape\" id=\"etape2\" value=\"2\">";
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AJOUT Fiche */
$rang = array('' => '', 'ES' => 'ES', 'SSES' => 'SSES', 'VAR' => 'VAR', 'SVAR' => 'SVAR', 'FO' => 'FO', 'SSFO' => 'SSFO', 'CAR' => 'CAR');
echo "<fieldset><LEGEND>Taxonomie</LEGEND>";
metaform_text("Code NOM.", "", "", "style=width:10em;", "cd_nom", "");
metaform_text("Famille", "", "", "style=width:30em;", "famille", "");
metaform_text("Nom scientifique", "", "", "style=width:30em;", "nom_complet", "");
metaform_text("Nom(s) vernaculaire(s)", "", "", "style=width:51em;", "nom_vern", "");
metaform_sel("Rang", "", "", $rang, "rang", "");
metaform_bout("Taxon hybride?", "", "hybride", "");
echo "</fieldset>";
echo "<fieldset><LEGEND>Rubrique</LEGEND>";
metaform_bool("Rub. CATNAT", "", "catnat", "f");
metaform_bool("Rub. Liste rouge", "", "liste_rouge", "f");
metaform_bool("Rub Liste EEE", "", "eee", "f");
echo "</fieldset>";
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAVE */
echo "<div style=\"float:right;\"><br>";
echo "<button id=\"enregistrer2-add-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['enregistrer'] . "</button> ";
echo "<button id=\"retour2-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['liste_taxons'] . "</button> ";
echo "</div>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 				metaform_sel_multi ("Présence région agricole","",5,"width: 240px;","OnDblClick='javascript: deplacer( this.form.region_agricole, this.form.region_agricole_select);'",$ref['liste_region_agricole'],"region_agricole","",pg_fetch_result(pg_query ($db,$query_description."'idTerritoire'".";"),0,"description" ));
 				metaform_sel_multi ("Région agricole sélectionné(s)","",5,"width: 240px;","OnDblClick='javascript: deplacer( this.form.region_agricole_select, this.form.region_agricole);'","","region_agricole_select","");
 echo "</fieldset>";
 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT fieldset6*/
 //---------6eme encadré de la page
 echo "<fieldset><LEGEND>Phénologie, physionomie, écologie</LEGEND>";
 /*écologie générale*/
 metaform_text_area("Description écologie", "", 57, 50, "", "descriptionEcologie", sql_format_quote(pg_result($result_syntaxon, 0, "\"descriptionEcologie\""), 'undo'), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'descriptionEcologie'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "<table><tr><td width=33%>";
 metaform_sel("Type physionomique)", "", 30, $ref[$champ_ref['typePhysionomique']], "typePhysionomique", pg_result($result_syntaxon, 0, "\"typePhysionomique\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'typePhysionomique'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td><td width=33%>";
 metaform_text("Type biologique dominant", "", 30, "width=100%", "typeBiologiqueDom", sql_format_quote(pg_result($result_syntaxon, 0, "\"typeBiologiqueDom\""), 'undo'), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'typeBiologiqueDom'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td><td width=33%>";
 metaform_text("Aire minimale d'expression (m2)", "", 30, "width=100%", "aireMinimale", sql_format_quote(pg_result($result_syntaxon, 0, "\"aireMinimale\""), 'undo'), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'aireMinimale'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td></tr></table>";
 echo "<br>";
 echo "<table><tr><td width=33%>";
 metaform_text_area("Remarque phénologie", "", 57, 50, "", "rqPhenologie", sql_format_quote(pg_result($result_syntaxon, 0, "\"rqPhenologie\""), 'undo'), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'rqPhenologie'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td><td width=33%>";
 metaform_sel("Début de période optimale", "", 30, $ref[$champ_ref['periodeDebObsOptimale']], "periodeDebObsOptimale", pg_result($result_syntaxon, 0, "\"periodeDebObsOptimale\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'periodeDebObsOptimale'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td><td width=33%>";
 metaform_sel("Fin de période optimale", "", 30, $ref[$champ_ref['periodeFinObsOptimale']], "periodeFinObsOptimale", pg_result($result_syntaxon, 0, "\"periodeFinObsOptimale\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'periodeFinObsOptimale'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td></tr></table>";
 echo "<br>";
 echo "<table><tr><td width=50%>";
 metaform_sel("Humidité principale", "", 30, $ref[$champ_ref['humiditePrincipale']], "humiditePrincipale", pg_result($result_syntaxon, 0, "\"humiditePrincipale\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'humiditePrincipale'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td><td width=50%>";
 metaform_sel("Humidité secondaire", "", 30, $ref[$champ_ref['humiditeSecondaire']], "humiditeSecondaire", pg_result($result_syntaxon, 0, "\"humiditeSecondaire\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'humiditeSecondaire'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td></tr></table>";
Ejemplo n.º 3
echo "<br>";
echo "<table id=table_1><tr><td>";
//metaform_bool_appared ("Importer un seul fichier ",null,$onchange,null,"lonely_file","f");
metaform_sel("Catalogue", "", 30, $ref[$champ_ref["idCatalogue"]], "idCatalogue", "", pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'idCatalogue'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
echo "</td></tr></table>";
metaform_sel("CBN (auteur principal)*", "", 30, $array_cbn, "idTerritoireObligatoire", "", pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'idTerritoire'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
metaform_sel("Présence sur le territoire d'agrément du CBN", "", 30, $ref[$champ_ref["statutChorologie"]], "statutChorologie", "", pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'statutChorologie'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
//metaform_sel ("Catalogue","",30,$ref[$champ_ref["idCatalogue"]],"idCatalogue",'', pg_fetch_result(pg_query ($db,$query_description."'idCatalogue'".";"),0,"description" ));
echo "</fieldset>";
echo "<fieldset><LEGEND>Syntaxonomie</LEGEND>";
//				metaform_text ("<b>Code de l'enregistrement*</b>"," ",30,"width:30em;","codeEnregistrementSyntax",sql_format_quote(pg_result($result,0,"\"codeEnregistrementSyntax\"" ),'undo_text'), pg_fetch_result(pg_query ($db,$query_description."'codeEnregistrementSyntax'".";"),0,"description" ));
echo "<br>";
metaform_text("Identifiant du syntaxon", " ", 30, "width:30em;", "idSyntaxon", '', pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'idSyntaxon'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
metaform_text("Nom scientifique", "", 30, "width:30em;", "nomSyntaxon", '', pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'nomSyntaxon'" . ";"), 0, "description"), '', "off");
metaform_text("Auteur", "", 30, "width:30em;", "auteurSyntaxon", '', pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'auteurSyntaxon'" . ";"), 0, "description"), '', "off");
metaform_text("Nom complet", " bloque", 30, "width:30em;", "nomCompletSyntaxon", '', pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'nomCompletSyntaxon'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
metaform_sel("Rang syntaxon", "", "", $ref[$champ_ref["rangSyntaxon"]], "rangSyntaxon", '', pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'rangSyntaxon'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
echo "</fieldset>";
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAVE */
echo "<div style=\"float:right;\"><br>";
echo "<button id=\"enregistrer2-add-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['enregistrer'] . "</button> ";
echo "<button id=\"retour2-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['liste_taxons'] . "</button> ";
echo "</div>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div id=\"exit-confirm\" title=\"Retour\">";
echo "<p><span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-alert\" style=\"float:left; margin:0 7px 20px 0;\"></span>" . $lang[$lang_select]['retour_dialog'] . "</p>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div id=\"enregistrer-dialog\">";
echo "<center><img src=\"../../_GRAPH/check.png\"  /><br>" . $lang[$lang_select]['enregistrer_dialog'] . "</center>";
echo "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 4
 if (pg_num_rows($result1)) {
     echo "<br>";
     echo "<fieldset><LEGEND>" . $lang[$lang_select]['groupe_lsi_1'] . "</LEGEND>";
     metaform_text("Titre", null, 70, null, "title", sql_format_quote(pg_result($result1, 0, "title"), 'undo_text'));
     metaform_text("Date", null, 20, null, "date", sql_format_quote(pg_result($result1, 0, "date"), 'undo_text'));
     metaform_sel("Sujet", "", "", $subject, "id_subject", pg_result($result1, 0, "sub"));
     echo "<br>";
     echo "<label class=\"preField\">Extrait</label><textarea  name=\"abstract\" id=\"abstract\" cols=\"150\" rows=\"2\" />" . sql_format_quote(pg_result($result1, 0, "abstract"), 'undo') . "</textarea> ";
     echo "<br><br>";
     metaform_sel_multi("TAG", "", 5, "width: 120px;", "OnDblClick='javascript: deplacer( this.form.tag, this.form.tag_select);' ", $tag, "tag", "");
     metaform_sel_multi("TAG Selectionné(s)", "", 5, "width: 120px;", "OnDblClick='javascript: deplacer( this.form.tag_select, this.form.tag);'", $tag_select, "tag_select", "");
     echo "<br><br>";
     metaform_text("Lien hypertexte", null, 150, null, "link", sql_format_quote(pg_result($result1, 0, "link"), 'undo_text'));
     metaform_text("Lien hypertexte 2", null, 150, null, "link_2", sql_format_quote(pg_result($result1, 0, "link_2"), 'undo_text'));
     echo "</fieldset>";
     echo "<br>";
     echo "<div style=\"float:right;\">";
     if ($mode == "edit") {
         echo "<button id=\"enregistrer2-edit-button\";>" . $lang[$lang_select]['enregistrer'] . "</button> ";
         echo "<button id=\"retour2-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['lsi'] . "</button> ";
     } else {
         echo "<button id=\"retour4-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['retour'] . "</button> ";
     echo "</div>";
     echo "</form>";
     echo "<div id=\"fiche\" >";
     echo "<fieldset><LEGEND>Ajouter un tag</LEGEND>";
     echo "<form method=\"POST\" id=\"form_add\" class=\"form_add\" name=\"edit\" action=\"\">";
Ejemplo n.º 5
 metaform_text("Question A4", " bloque", "15", "", "indct_a4", $eval["ag4"]);
 metaform_text("Sous-total A", " bloque", "15", "", "ss_tot_a", $eval["ag"]);
 echo "<br>";
 metaform_text("Question B5", " bloque", "15", "", "indct_b5", $eval["bg5"]);
 metaform_text("Question B6", " bloque", "15", "", "indct_b6", $eval["bg6"]);
 metaform_text("Question B7", " bloque", "15", "", "indct_b7", $eval["bg7"]);
 metaform_text("Question B8", " bloque", "15", "", "indct_b8", $eval["bg8"]);
 metaform_text("Sous-total B", " bloque", "15", "", "ss_tot_b", $eval["bg"]);
 echo "<br>";
 metaform_text("Question C9", " bloque", "15", "", "indct_c9", $eval["cg9"]);
 metaform_text("Question C10", " bloque", "15", "", "indct_c10", $eval["cg10"]);
 metaform_text("Question C11", " bloque", "15", "", "indct_c11", $eval["cg11"]);
 metaform_text("Question C12", " bloque", "15", "", "indct_c12", $eval["cg12"]);
 metaform_text("Sous-total C", " bloque", "15", "", "ss_tot_c", $eval["cg"]);
 echo "<br>";
 metaform_text("Total", " bloque", "15", "", "tot_indct", $eval["ag"] + $eval["bg"] + $eval["cg"]);
 echo "</td><td width = \"150\" align=\"center\">";
 echo "<h3 style=\"margin-left:25px;margin-right:25px;\">Risques</h3>";
 if ($eval["ag"] <= 5) {
     $eval_a = 'FAIBLE';
 } else {
     $eval_a = 'FORT';
 metaform_text_area("", " no_lab bloque", "10", "50", "height:133;width:100;resize:none;", "eval_a", $eval_a);
 echo "<br>";
 if ($eval["ag"] <= 7) {
     $eval_b = 'FAIBLE';
 } else {
     $eval_b = 'FORT';
 metaform_text_area("", " no_lab bloque", "10", "50", "height:133;width:100;resize:none;", "eval_b", $eval_b);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 echo "<td style=\"width: 350px;\">";
 metaform_text("Code de l'enregistrement", " ", 20, "", "codeEnregistrementSyntax", sql_format_quote(pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname1}\""), 'undo_text'), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname1}'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td><td>";
 metaform_text("Identifiant du syntaxon", " bloque", 20, "", "idSyntaxon", pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname3}\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname3}'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td><td>";
 metaform_text("Identifiant du syntaxon retenu", " bloque", 20, "", "idSyntaxonRetenu", pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname10}\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname10}'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td></tr></table>";
 echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr valign=top >";
 echo "<td style=\"width: 800px;\">";
 //metaform_text ("Code de l'enregistrement"," ",20,"","codeEnregistrementSyntax",sql_format_quote(pg_result($result,0,"\"$colname1\"" ),'undo_text'));
 metaform_text("Nom du syntaxon", "", 100, "", "nomSyntaxon", pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname2}\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname2}'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 metaform_text("Auteur du syntaxon", "", 100, "", "auteurSyntaxon", sql_format_quote(pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname4}\""), 'undo_text'), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname4}'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 metaform_text("Nom complet du syntaxon", " bloque", 100, "", "nomCompletSyntaxon", pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname5}\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname5}'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 metaform_text("Nom raccourcit", " bloque", 100, "", "nomSyntaxonRaccourci", pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname6}\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname6}'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 metaform_sel("Type de synonymie", "", 100, $ref[$champ_ref['typeSynonymie']], "typeSynonymie", pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname8}\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname8}'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 metaform_text("Nom syntaxon retenu", " bloque", 100, "", "nomSyntaxonRetenu", pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname9}\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname9}'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 echo "</td></tr></table>";
 $tooltip = pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname7}'" . ";"), 0, "description");
 echo "<br><label title= \"{$tooltip}\" class=\"preField\">Remarque nomenclaturale</label><textarea name=\"rqNomenclaturale\" style=\"width:70em;\" rows=\"2\" >" . sql_format_quote(pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname7}\""), 'undo_hmtl') . "</textarea><br><br>";
 echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr valign=top >";
 echo "</td><td style=\"width:300px;\">";
 //metaform_text ("Code REF."," bloque",8,"","cd_ref",pg_result($result,0,"cd_ref"));
 metaform_sel("Rang syntaxon", "", "", $ref[$champ_ref[$colname11]], "rangSyntaxon", pg_result($result, 0, "\"{$colname11}\""), pg_fetch_result(pg_query($db, $query_description . "'{$colname11}'" . ";"), 0, "description"));
 /* //bout de code a utiliser si on veut aller vers une fiche taxon dans refnat
 			echo ("</td><td>");	
 				if ($niveau >= 128)
 					echo ("<a href = \"../refnat/index.php?m=edit&id=$id\" class=edit id=\"modif_taxon\" ><img src=\"../../_GRAPH/psuiv.gif\" title=\"Accès rapide Refnat\" ></a>"); 
 echo "</td></tr></table>";
 echo "</fieldset>";
 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT fieldset2*/
Ejemplo n.º 7
     echo "<div id=\"radio1\">";
     echo "<fieldset style=\"width: 50%;\"><LEGEND>Connexion au serveur de base de données</LEGEND>";
     echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr valign=top >";
     echo "<td style=\"width: 800px;\">";
     metaform_text("Hôte", "", 50, "", "host", "localhost");
     metaform_text("Port", "", 25, "", "port", 5432);
     metaform_text("Utilisateur admin", "", 50, "", "user", "postgres");
     metaform_pw("Mot de passe admin", "", 50, "", "mdp", null);
     echo "</td></tr></table>";
     echo "</fieldset>";
     //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT LR GRP2
     echo "<fieldset  style=\"width: 50%;\"><LEGEND> Création de la base de données </LEGEND>";
     echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr valign=top >";
     echo "<td style=\"width: 800px;\">";
     metaform_text("Nom de la base", "", 50, "", "dbname", "codex");
     metaform_text("Utilisateur codex", "", 50, "", "user_codex", null);
     metaform_pw("Mot de passe codex", "", 20, "", "mdp_codex", null);
     echo "</td></tr></table>";
     echo "</fieldset>";
 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT LR GRP3
 echo "<fieldset style=\"width: 50%;\"><LEGEND> Choix des rubriques à installer </LEGEND>";
 echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr valign=top >";
 echo "<td style=\"width: 800px;\">";
 $rub_ok["refnat"] = 't';
 foreach ($rub as $key => $val) {
     // if (file_exists("../../_SQL/bdd_codex_archi_".$key.".sql") == FALSE) $desc[$key] = " bloque";
     metaform_bool($val, $desc[$key], $key, $rub_ok[$key]);
     // metaform_bool ($val,$desc[$key],$key."_data",$rub_ok[$key]);
     if ($key == 'refnat') {
         echo "  * <i>L'installation de cette rubrique est <b>>à 2 minutes</b>, soyez patients</i>";
Ejemplo n.º 8
 $result = pg_query($db, $query) or fatal_error("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result), false);
 $arr = pg_fetch_array($result, NULL, PGSQL_ASSOC);
 list($a, $m, $j) = explode("-", $arr["date_bug"]);
 $date_bug = $j . "/" . $m . "/" . $a;
 if (pg_num_rows($result)) {
     echo "<fieldset><LEGEND> Bug ou remarque </LEGEND>";
     echo "<label class=\"preField_calc\">Type</label>";
     echo "<select id=\"cat\" name=\"cat\"  readonly disabled>";
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($cat_txt); $i++) {
         echo "<option value=\"{$i}\" " . ($i == pg_result($result, 0, "cat") ? "SELECTED" : "") . ">" . $cat_txt[$i] . "</option>";
     echo "</select><br>";
     // echo ("<label class=\"preField\">Date</label><input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"10\" value=\"".$date_bug."\" readonly /><br>");
     metaform_text("Date", $desc, 10, null, "date", $arr["date_bug"]);
     // echo ("<label class=\"preField\">Auteur</label><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" value=\"".$arr["nom"]." ".$arr["prenom"]."\" readonly /><br>");
     metaform_text("Auteur", $desc, 40, "", "auteur", $arr["nom"] . " " . $arr["prenom"]);
     echo "<label class=\"preField_calc\">Rubrique</label><select id=\"id_rubrique\" name=\"id_rubrique\"  readonly disabled>";
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rubriques_txt); $i++) {
         echo "<option value=\"{$i}\" " . ($i == pg_result($result, 0, "id_rubrique") ? "SELECTED" : "") . ">" . $rubriques_txt[$i] . "</option>";
     echo "</select><br>";
     echo "<label class=\"preField\">Description</label><textarea name=\"descr\" id=\"descr\" style=\"width:30em;\" rows=\"2\">" . sql_format_quote(pg_result($result, 0, "descr"), 'undo_hmtl') . "</textarea><br>";
     echo "</fieldset>";
     echo "<fieldset><LEGEND> Gestion (ADMIN.)</LEGEND>";
     echo "<label class=\"preField\">Statut</label><select id=\"statut\" name=\"statut\" >";
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($statut_txt); $i++) {
         echo "<option value=\"{$i}\" " . ($i == pg_result($result, 0, "statut") ? "SELECTED" : "") . ">" . $statut_txt[$i] . "</option>";
     echo "</select><br>";
     echo "<label class=\"preField\">Commentaire</label><textarea name=\"statut_descr\" id=\"statut_descr\" style=\"width:30em;\" rows=\"2\" >" . sql_format_quote(pg_result($result, 0, "statut_descr"), 'undo_hmtl') . "</textarea><br>";
     echo "</fieldset>";
Ejemplo n.º 9
     echo "<div id=\"radio2\">";
     echo "<fieldset><LEGEND>Champ du FSD</LEGEND>";
     metaform_text("uid", " bloque", 40, "", "uid", sql_format_quote($row["uid"], "undo"));
     // echo "<BR>";
     metaform_text("Jeu de données", " bloque", 40, "", "typ_jdd", sql_format_quote($row["typ_jdd"], "undo"));
     // echo "<BR>";
     metaform_text("Identifiant du champ", " bloque", 40, "", "cd_ddd", sql_format_quote($row["cd_ddd"], "undo"));
     echo "<BR>";
     metaform_text("Ordre de la table", $desc, 10, "", "ordre_table", sql_format_quote($row["ordre_table"], "undo"));
     metaform_text("Code de la table", $desc, 40, "", "cd_table", sql_format_quote($row["cd_table"], "undo"));
     echo "<BR>";
     metaform_text("Ordre du champ", $desc, 10, "", "ordre_champ", sql_format_quote($row["ordre_champ"], "undo"));
     metaform_text("Code du champ", $desc, 40, "", "cd_champ", sql_format_quote($row["cd_champ"], "undo"));
     echo "<BR>";
     metaform_text("Obligation", $desc, 10, "", "obligation", sql_format_quote($row["obligation"], "undo"));
     metaform_text("Unicité", $desc, 10, "", "unicite", sql_format_quote($row["unicite"], "undo"));
     echo "<BR>";
     echo "<label class=\"preField\">Règles de renseignement</label>";
     echo "<textarea name=\"regle\" {$disa} style=\"width:80%;{$gris}\" rows=\"3\" >" . sql_format_quote($row["regle"], "undo") . "</textarea><br><br>";
     // metaform_text ("Bonne pratique",$desc,60,"","regle",sql_format_quote($row["regle"],"undo"));
     echo "<BR>";
     echo "</fieldset>";
     echo "</div>";
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT catnat SAVE*/
 echo "<div style=\"float:right;\"><br>";
 if ($mode == "fsd") {
     echo "<button id=\"enregistrer2-edit-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['enregistrer'] . "</button> ";
     echo "<button id=\"retour2-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['liste_champ'] . "</button> ";
 } else {
     echo "<button id=\"retour4-button\">" . $lang[$lang_select]['retour'] . "</button> ";
Ejemplo n.º 10
 metaform_text("Critère(s) EU", " bloque", 10, "", "just_euro", pg_result($result, 0, "just_euro"));
 echo "</td><td width=100>";
 echo "<br>";
 metaform_text("Cat synthèse régionale", " bloque", 10, "", "cat_synt_reg", $ref['categorie_final'][pg_result($result, 0, "cat_synt_reg")]);
 // metaform_text_calc ("Crit synthèse régionale","",10,"","just_synt_reg",$ref['categorie_final'][pg_result($result,0,"just_synt_reg")]);
 echo "<label class=\"preField_calc\">Crit synthèse régionale</label><textarea name=\"just_synt_reg\" size=10 readonly disabled cols=\"50\" rows=\"1\" style=\"height: 27px;background-color:#EFEFEF\">" . pg_result($result, 0, "just_synt_reg") . "</textarea><br><br>";
 echo "</td><td width=100>";
 echo "<br>";
 metaform_text("Nb région(s) taxon présent", " bloque", 10, "", "nb_reg_presence", pg_result($result, 0, "nb_reg_presence"));
 metaform_text("Nb région(s) taxon évalué", " bloque", 10, "", "nb_reg_evalue", pg_result($result, 0, "nb_reg_evalue"));
 echo "</td></tr><tr valign=top ><td width=250>";
 metaform_sel("<b>Catégorie initiale</b>", $desc2, null, $ref[$champ_ref['cat_ini']], "cat_ini", pg_result($result, 0, "cat_ini"));
 metaform_text("Critère(s) initiale", $desc2, 10, null, "just_ini", pg_result($result, 0, "just_ini"));
 echo "</td><td width=250>";
 metaform_sel("<b>Catégorie fin</b>", $desc2, null, $ref[$champ_ref['cat_fin']], "cat_fin", pg_result($result, 0, "cat_fin"));
 metaform_text("Critère(s) fin", $desc2, 10, null, "just_fin", pg_result($result, 0, "just_fin"));
 echo "</td><td width=250>";
 if ($niveau <= 64) {
     echo "<label class=\"preField_calc\">Explication eval</label>";
 } else {
     echo "<label class=\"preField\">Explication eval</label>";
 if ($niveau <= 64) {
     echo "<textarea name=\"notes\" {$disa} style=\"width:30em;background-color: #EFEFEF;\" rows=\"2\" >" . sql_format_quote(pg_result($result, 0, "notes"), 'undo') . "</textarea><br><br>";
 } else {
     echo "<textarea name=\"notes\" {$disa} style=\"width:30em;\" rows=\"2\" >" . sql_format_quote(pg_result($result, 0, "notes"), 'undo') . "</textarea><br><br>";
 echo "</td></tr></table><br>";
 echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr valign=top ><td width=250>";
 metaform_sel("Ajustement", $desc2, null, $ref[$champ_ref['cd_ajustmt']], "cd_ajustmt", pg_result($result, 0, "cd_ajustmt"));
 echo "</td><td width=250>";
Ejemplo n.º 11
function les_boutons($array_bouton, $niveau, $lang, $schema, $test_cbn)
    $db2 = sql_connect_hub(SQL_base_hub);
    echo "<div style=\"float:left;\" >";
    foreach ($array_bouton as $val) {
        echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\" id=\"action_bdd\">";
        if ($niveau >= 255 or $niveau >= $val["niveau"] and ($val["cbn"] == FALSE or $val["cbn"] == TRUE and $test_cbn)) {
            /*Récupération de la date de dernière réalisation*/
            $query = "SELECT max(date_log) FROM public.zz_log WHERE typ_log = 'hub_" . $val["id"] . "' AND lib_schema = '{$schema}';";
            $result = pg_query($db2, $query) or fatal_error("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result), false);
            $row = pg_fetch_row($result);
            echo "<tr valign=top ><td style=\"width: 150px;\">";
            echo "<button id=\"" . $val["id"] . "_button\" value=\"" . $val["id"] . "\" name=\"" . $schema . "\">" . $lang['fr'][$val["id"]] . "</button> ";
            echo "</td><td>";
            metaform_text($val["text"], " bloque", 15, "", $val["id"], substr($row[0], 0, -4));
            /*dernière réalisation*/
            echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "</table>";
    echo "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 12
         echo "<div id=\"radio1\">";
         echo "<fieldset style=\"width: 50%;\"><LEGEND>Connexion au serveur de base de données</LEGEND>";
         echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr valign=top >";
         echo "<td style=\"width: 800px;\">";
         metaform_text("Hôte", "", 50, "", "host", $host);
         metaform_text("Port", "", 25, "", "port", $port);
         metaform_text("Utilisateur admin", "", 50, "", "user", $user);
         metaform_pw("Mot de passe admin", "", 50, "", "dbpass", $dbpass);
         echo "</td></tr></table>";
         echo "</fieldset>";
         //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT LR GRP2
         echo "<fieldset  style=\"width: 50%;\"><LEGEND> Création de la base de données </LEGEND>";
         echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr valign=top >";
         echo "<td style=\"width: 800px;\">";
         metaform_text("Nom de la base", "", 50, "", "bdd", $bdd);
         metaform_text("Utilisateur Appli", "", 50, "", "user_appli", $user_appli);
         metaform_pw("Mot de passe Appli", "", 20, "", "pass_appli", $pass_appli);
         echo "</td></tr></table>";
         echo "</fieldset>";
     echo "</div>";
     echo "</div></center>";
     echo "<center><button id=\"install-button\">Lancer l'installation</button></center>";
     echo "</form>";
     /*Réalisation de l'installation--------------------------------------------------------*/
 /*Réalisation de l'installation--------------------------------------------------------*/
 case "install-set":
     echo "<div id=\"fiche\" >";
Ejemplo n.º 13
         echo "</tr>";
         /*reste du tableau*/
         while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             // var_dump($row);
             echo "<tr valign=top style=\"border-bottom:1pt solid #D0C5AA;\">";
             foreach ($row as $field => $val) {
                 $diff = ($row[$field] == $row_plus[$field] or $field == 'version') ? "" : "background-color:orange";
                 /*Gestion du changement*/
                 echo "<td  style=\"text-align: center; {$diff}\">";
                 if ($row["version"] == "vRéseauCBN") {
                     $field_inteface = $field;
                     echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"version\" value=\"vRéseauCBN\" />";
                     if ($field_inteface == 'version') {
                         echo $row[$field];
                     } else {
                         metaform_text($field, " no_lab {$desc}", "", "width:" . $length . "em;{$diff} ", $field_inteface, sql_format_quote($row[$field], 'undo_text'));
                 } else {
                     $field_inteface = $field . "_taxref";
                     echo $row[$field];
                 echo "</td>";
             echo "</tr>";
             $row_plus = $row;
     } else {
         $flag = 1;
     echo "</table><br>";
Ejemplo n.º 14
 foreach ($ref['statut'] as $type_stt => $lib_stt) {
     echo "<tr valign=top>";
     echo "<td style=\" text-align: center;\tvertical-align: center;\">{$lib_stt}</td>";
     foreach ($ref['region'] as $id_reg => $region) {
         if (empty($res_stt[$type_stt][$id_reg])) {
             echo "<td>";
             if ($type_stt == 'RAR') {
                 metaform_text("Rar", " no_lab bloque", "", "width:5.5em;", "rar", "");
             } else {
                 metaform_sel("", " no_lab bloque", "width:5em;", $liste_statut[$type_stt], $type_stt . "_" . $id_reg, "");
             echo "</td>";
         } else {
             echo "<td>";
             if ($type_stt == 'RAR') {
                 metaform_text("Rar", " no_lab bloque", "", "width:5.5em;", "rar", sql_format_quote($res_stt[$type_stt][$id_reg], 'undo_text'));
             } else {
                 metaform_sel("", " no_lab bloque", "width:5em;", $liste_statut[$type_stt], $type_stt . "_" . $id_reg, $res_stt[$type_stt][$id_reg]);
             echo "</td>";
     echo "</tr>";
 echo "</table><br>";
 echo "</fieldset>";
 echo "</div>";
 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT catnat GRP3*/
 echo "<div id=\"radio2\">";
 echo "<fieldset><LEGEND> " . $lang[$lang_select]['groupe_catnat_3'] . "</LEGEND>";
 $path = "../../_GRAPH/carte/";