public static function getAgendaConferenceIdsForNorditaEvents() { $agenda_cid = array(); // ------------------------ if (!function_exists("menu_events")) { if (!file_exists(INCLEVEL . PATH_MENU . "/m_events.php")) { return array(); } include PATH_MENU . "/m_events.php"; } // ------------------------ foreach (menu_events() as $path => $event) { if (preg_match("#events/[^/]*#", $path) && isset($event["confid"])) { $agenda_cid[] = $event["confid"]; } } rsort($agenda_cid); return $agenda_cid; }
public function updateOneEventFromAgenda($confId, $keepAllEvents = FALSE) { if (empty($confId) || !is_numeric($confId)) { return FALSE; } $default_room = ""; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // -- Get data for $confId event from Agenda API // ------------------------------------------------------------------ //@@@ -- in updateOneEventFromAgenda() -- calls getOneEvent $event = functions::callMethod('fromdb_agenda', 'fromdb/agenda', 'getOneEvent', $confId, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); if (empty($event)) { return FALSE; } // Remove startup programs (which have no assigned dates yet) if (!$keepAllEvents && (!isset($event["start"]) || strpos($event["start"], "01-01") !== FALSE)) { return FALSE; } //TODO: check if this $confId at all exists in the DB so that it can be updated // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // -- Get additional data for $confId event from scraping Agenda page // ------------------------------------------------------------------ //sleep(5); // to avoid DoS $event_from_scraping["agendapageisopen"] = 1; ////$thepath = "".$event_from_file["subpath"]."/"; // must end with "/" //$thepath = "".$confId; //$data = functions::acurl($thepath); // assign to variable first //$event_from_scraping["agendapageisopen"] = (strpos($data,"signInForm")===FALSE) ? 1 : 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // -- Get and update data for the same event in nw_events database // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------- // -- Component 'event' // ------------------------------- $sql = "SELECT event_id FROM " . $this->dbprefix . "event WHERE event_id='" . $confId . "'"; $res = $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER); // includes a call to connect $record_exists = $this->num_rows($res) ? 1 : 0; /* KEEP FOR REFERENCE // Select basic info about a given event, including list of organizers: SELECT E.*, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT P.organizer SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'organizers' FROM event AS E LEFT JOIN ( SELECT event_id, CONCAT(av_firstname,' ',av_lastname) as 'organizer' FROM person WHERE (event_id='4393') AND (person_type='organizer') ) AS P ON P.event_id=E.event_id WHERE E.event_id='4393' GROUP BY E.event_id */ foreach (array("title", "room", "attenders") as $field) { if (!isset($event[$field])) { $event[$field] = ""; } } foreach (array("start", "end", "regstart", "regend") as $field) { if (!isset($event[$field])) { $event[$field] = DATETIME_NULL; } } if (!empty($event["room"])) { $default_room = addslashes(strip_tags(substr($event["room"], 0, 49))); } if ($record_exists) { // -- Update database record $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->dbprefix . "event " . "SET " . " title='" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($event["title"], 0, 199))) . "'," . " room='" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($event["room"], 0, 49))) . "'," . " start='" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["start"])) . "'," . " end='" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["end"])) . "'," . " regstart='" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["regstart"])) . "'," . " regend='" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["regend"])) . "'," . " attenders='" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["attenders"])) . "', " . " agendapageisopen='" . addslashes(strip_tags($event_from_scraping["agendapageisopen"])) . "' " . "WHERE " . " event_id='" . $confId . "'"; } else { // -- Get additional data for $confId event from manually kept data file include_once PATH_MENU . "/m_events.php"; $m_events = menu_events(); $event_from_file = array(); foreach ($m_events as $key => $e) { //TODO: not very efficient... if (strpos($key, "events/") !== FALSE && isset($e["confid"]) && $e["confid"] == $confId) { $event_from_file = $e; $event_from_file["subpath"] = str_replace("events/", "", $key); } } /* do { $event_from_file = array_shift($m_events);debug::rr($event_from_file); } while (!isset($event_from_file["id"]) || ($event_from_file["id"]!=$confId)); */ foreach (array("subpath", "blurb", "venue", "confid_parent", "surveyresponse", "youtube") as $field) { if (!isset($event_from_file[$field])) { $event_from_file[$field] = ""; } } foreach (array("surveyid") as $field) { if (!isset($event_from_file[$field])) { $event_from_file[$field] = "0"; } } $et = event::$eventTypeId; $event_from_file["etype"] = isset($et[$event_from_file["etype"]]) ? $et[$event_from_file["etype"]] : "0"; // -- Insert database record $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->dbprefix . "event " . " (event_id," . " title," . " room," . " start," . " end," . " regstart," . " regend," . " attenders," . " subpath," . " eventtype," . " blurb," . " venue," . " confid_parent," . " surveyid," . " surveyresponse," . " youtube," . " agendapageisopen) " . "VALUES " . " ('" . addslashes(strip_tags($confId)) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["title"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($event["room"], 0, 49))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["start"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["end"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["regstart"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["regend"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event["attenders"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event_from_file["subpath"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event_from_file["etype"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event_from_file["blurb"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event_from_file["venue"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event_from_file["confid_parent"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event_from_file["surveyid"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event_from_file["surveyresponse"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event_from_file["youtube"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($event_from_scraping["agendapageisopen"])) . "'" . " ) "; } /* [start] => 2015-08-24 08:00 [end] => 2015-08-28 18:00 [title] => Hawking Radiation [id] => 5173 [regstart] => 2015-05-05 [regend] => 2015-08-01 [room] => 132:028 [chairs] => Array */ if (!(bool) $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER)) { return FALSE; } // includes a call to connect // ------------------------------- // -- Component 'chairs' // ------------------------------- if (isset($event["chairs"]) && !empty($event["chairs"])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->dbprefix . "person WHERE (event_id='" . $confId . "') AND (person_type='organizer')"; $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER); foreach ($event["chairs"] as $item) { foreach (array("av_firstname", "av_lastname", "av_institute", "av_email") as $field) { if (!isset($item[$field])) { $item[$field] = ""; } } $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . $this->dbprefix . "person " . " (event_id," . " parent_id," . " person_type," . " av_firstname," . " av_lastname," . " av_institute," . " av_email) " . "VALUES " . " ('" . $confId . "'," . " NULL," . " 'organizer'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["av_firstname"], 0, 49))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["av_lastname"], 0, 99))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["av_institute"], 0, 199))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["av_email"], 0, 99))) . "' " . " )"; if ((bool) $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER)) { } // includes a call to connect } // end foreach } // end if (isset($event["chairs"]) // ------------------------------- // -- Component 'session' [call before 'contribution'] // ------------------------------- /* KEEP FOR REFERENCE // Select basic info about sessions for a given event, including conveners: SELECT S.*, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT C.convener SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'conveners' FROM session AS S LEFT JOIN ( SELECT parent_id, CONCAT(av_firstname,' ',av_lastname) as 'convener' FROM person WHERE (person_type='convener') ) AS C ON C.parent_id=S.session_id GROUP BY S.session_id // Select all conveners for a session: SELECT event_id, parent_id, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT convener SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'conveners' FROM ( SELECT *, CONCAT(av_firstname,' ',av_lastname) as 'convener' FROM person WHERE (parent_id='25') AND (person_type='convener') ) AS C GROUP BY parent_id */ $session = array(); if (isset($event["session"]) && !empty($event["session"])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->dbprefix . "session WHERE (event_id='" . $confId . "')"; $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->dbprefix . "person WHERE (event_id='" . $confId . "') AND (person_type='convener')"; $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER); foreach ($event["session"] as $item) { foreach (array("title") as $field) { if (!isset($item[$field])) { $item[$field] = ""; } } foreach (array("start", "end") as $field) { if (!isset($item[$field])) { $item[$field] = DATETIME_NULL; } } $start = addslashes(strip_tags($item["start"])); $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . $this->dbprefix . "session " . " (event_id," . " title," . " start," . " end) " . "VALUES " . " ('" . $confId . "'," . " '[" . $start . "] " . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["title"], 0, 199))) . "'," . " '" . $start . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($item["end"])) . "' " . " )"; if ((bool) $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER)) { // includes a call to connect $session_id = $this->insert_id(); $session[$item["title"]] = $session_id; if (isset($item["conveners"])) { foreach ($item["conveners"] as $con) { foreach (array("parent_id", "person_type", "av_firstname", "av_lastname") as $field) { if (!isset($con[$field])) { $con[$field] = ""; } } $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . $this->dbprefix . "person " . " (event_id," . " parent_id," . " person_type," . " av_firstname," . " av_lastname) " . "VALUES " . " ('" . $confId . "'," . " '" . $session_id . "'," . " 'convener'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($con["av_firstname"], 0, 49))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($con["av_lastname"], 0, 99))) . "' " . " )"; if ((bool) $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER)) { } // includes a call to connect } } // end foreach convener } } // end foreach session } // end if (isset($event["session"]) // ------------------------------- // -- Component 'contribution' // ------------------------------- /* KEEP FOR REFERENCE // Select basic info about contributions for a given event or session, including speakers: //TODO: */ if (isset($event["contribution"]) && !empty($event["contribution"])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->dbprefix . "contribution WHERE (event_id='" . $confId . "')"; $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER); $contributionSpeakers[$confId] = array(); foreach ($event["contribution"] as $item) { if (!isset($item["start"]) || strtolower($item["start"]) != "none") { foreach (array("title", "description", "start", "end") as $field) { if (!isset($item[$field])) { $item[$field] = ""; } } if (!isset($item["room"])) { $item["room"] = $default_room; } $session_id = 0; if (isset($item["session_title"]) && isset($session[$item["session_title"]])) { $session_id = $session[$item["session_title"]]; } $end = functions::addDurationToDatetime($item["start"], $item["duration"]); $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . $this->dbprefix . "contribution " . " (event_id," . " session_id," . " title," . " description," . " room," . " start," . " end) " . "VALUES " . " ('" . $confId . "'," . " '" . $session_id . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["subject"], 0, 199))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(str_replace(" ", " ", $item["description"]))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($item["room"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($item["start"])) . "'," . " '" . $end . "' " . " )"; if ((bool) $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER)) { // includes a call to connect $contribution_id = $this->insert_id(); if (isset($item["speakers"])) { foreach ($item["speakers"] as $speaker) { list($firstname, $lastname) = functions::splitAgendaName($speaker); $lastname = str_replace(",", "", $lastname); $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . $this->dbprefix . "person " . " (event_id," . " parent_id," . " person_type," . " av_firstname," . " av_lastname) " . "VALUES " . " ('" . $confId . "'," . " '" . $contribution_id . "'," . " 'speaker'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($firstname, 0, 49))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($lastname, 0, 99))) . "' " . " )"; if ((bool) $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER)) { } // includes a call to connect } } // end foreach speaker } // end if query } } // end foreach } // end if (isset($event["contribution"]) // ------------------------------- // -- Component 'registrant' // ------------------------------- /* KEEP FOR REFERENCE // Select basic info about regstrants for a given event: //TODO: */ if (isset($event["registrant"]) && !empty($event["registrant"])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->dbprefix . "registrant WHERE (event_id='" . $confId . "')"; $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER); foreach ($event["registrant"] as $item) { foreach (array("firstname", "familyname", "salutation", "institution", "email", "address", "city", "country", "position", "phone", "homepage") as $field) { if (!isset($item[$field])) { $item[$field] = ""; } } foreach (array("registrationdate", "arrivaldate", "departuredate") as $field) { if (!isset($item[$field])) { $item[$field] = DATETIME_NULL; } } $registrationdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($item["registrationdate"])); if (!$registrationdate) { $registrationdate = DATETIME_NULL; } $accommodation = ""; //TODO $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . $this->dbprefix . "registrant " . " (event_id," . " av_firstname," . " av_lastname," . " av_salutation," . " av_institute," . " av_email," . " av_address," . " av_city," . " av_residentship," . " position," . " registrationdate," . " phone," . " homepage," . " arrivaldate," . " departuredate," . " accommodation) " . "VALUES " . " ('" . $confId . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["firstname"], 0, 49))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["familyname"], 0, 99))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($item["salutation"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["institution"], 0, 199))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["email"], 0, 99))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["address"], 0, 199))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["city"], 0, 99))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($item["country"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["position"], 0, 199))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($registrationdate)) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["phone"], 0, 49))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags(substr($item["homepage"], 0, 199))) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($item["arrivaldate"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($item["departuredate"])) . "'," . " '" . addslashes(strip_tags($accommodation)) . "' " . " )"; if ((bool) $this->query($sql, IS_TESTSERVER)) { } // includes a call to connect } // end foreach } // end if (isset($event["registrant"])) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ return TRUE; }