if (!$showall && $dist->isVisible() == FALSE) continue; print "<tr $row_color>"; if ($dist->isSupported()) { avail_td(nl2br($dist->getDescription())); $has_unsupported_dists = true; } else { avail_td(nl2br($dist->getDescription() . ' *'), '', 'color:gray; '); } if (!isset($rel_type)) $rel_type = ""; $pkey = 'pdb-package-bundle-' . $pobj['name'] . '-' . $dist->getName() . '-' . $rel_type . '-' . $dist->getArchitecture() . $showall; $packagelist = memcache_get_key($pkey); if (!is_array($packagelist) || count($packagelist) == 0) { $packagelist = array(); foreach(array("bindist", "stable", "unstable") as $rel_type) { $pack = fetch_package($pobj['name'], null, $dist->getName(), $rel_type, $dist->getArchitecture(), $showall); array_push($packagelist, $pack); } memcache_set_key($pkey, $packagelist); } foreach ($packagelist as $pack) { if ($pack == null) { avail_td(" "); continue; } if (is_array($pack) && !isset($pack['doc_id'])) { $pack = array_pop($pack);
packages that still have to pass testing. In order to test the packages, you need to configure Fink to <a href="<?php echo $linkroot; ?> faq/usage-fink.php#unstable">use unstable</a> and then download the latest descriptions by running <i>fink selfupdate-rsync</i> (or <i>fink selfupdate-cvs</i> if you can't use rsync for some reason). </p> <p>Help is also needed to find new maintainers for the <a href="<?php echo $pdbroot; ?> browse.php?maintainer=None&nochildren=on">packages without maintainers</a>.</p> <? $pkgcount = memcache_get_key('pdb-package-count'); if (!$pkgcount) { $names = array(); $q = new SolrQuery(); $q->addQuery("dist_visible:true", true); $q->addField("name_e"); $q->setUnique(true); $r = $q->fetch(); if ($r != null) { $pkgcount = count($r); if ($pkgcount > 0) { memcache_set_key('pdb-package-count', $pkgcount, false, $cache_timeout); } } }