Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function fieldsFormDisplay($rid = 0)
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     //要嵌入规则编辑页的自定义内容,这里 $rid 为对应的规则编号,新增时为 0
     $creditnames = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('creditnames'));
     if ($creditnames) {
         foreach ($creditnames['creditnames'] as $index => $creditname) {
             if ($creditname['enabled'] == 0) {
         $scredit = implode(', ', array_keys($creditnames['creditnames']));
     } else {
         $scredit = '';
     $groups = mc_groups($_W['uniacid']);
     $couponlists = pdo_fetchall('SELECT couponid,title,type,credittype,credit,endtime,amount,dosage FROM ' . tablename('activity_coupon') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND type = :type AND endtime > :endtime ORDER BY endtime ASC ', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':type' => 1, ':endtime' => TIMESTAMP));
     $tokenlists = pdo_fetchall('SELECT couponid,title,type,credittype,credit,endtime,amount,dosage FROM ' . tablename('activity_coupon') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND type = :type AND endtime > :endtime ORDER BY endtime ASC ', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':type' => 2, ':endtime' => TIMESTAMP));
     $goodslists = pdo_fetchall('SELECT id,title,type,credittype,endtime,total,num,credit FROM ' . tablename('activity_exchange') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND type = :type AND endtime > :endtime ORDER BY endtime ASC', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':type' => 3, ':endtime' => TIMESTAMP));
     if ($rid == 0) {
         $reply = array('title' => '幸运大抽奖活动开始了!', 'description' => '幸运大抽奖活动开始啦!', 'tips' => '每次抽奖需要花费50积分,一等奖为39元的现金抵扣券,二等奖为100积分,三等奖为50积分,四等奖为30积分。每人每天限抽2次。', 'remark' => '中奖积分请到会员主页查看', 'starttime' => time(), 'endtime' => time() + 10 * 84400, 'reg' => '0', 'status' => '1', 'awardnum' => '1', 'playnum' => '5', 'dayplaynum' => '1', 'zfcs' => '1', 'zjcs' => '1', 'rate' => '10', 'need_type' => 'credit1', 'need_num' => '0', 'give_type' => 'credit1', 'give_num' => '0', 'onlynone' => '1', 'share_title' => '欢迎参加幸运大抽奖活动', 'share_content' => '亲,欢迎参加幸运大抽奖活动,祝您好运哦!! 亲,需要绑定账号才可以参加哦');
         $prizes = array('p1_type' => 'credit1');
     } else {
         $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->table_reply) . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid));
         $prizes = iunserializer($reply['prizes']);
     include $this->template('form');
Ejemplo n.º 2

 * [WeEngine System] Copyright (c) 2014 WE7.CC
 * WeEngine is NOT a free software, it under the license terms, visited http://www.we7.cc/ for more details.
defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied');
$dos = array('display', 'detail');
$do = in_array($do, $dos) ? $do : 'display';
if ($do == 'display') {
    $profile = mc_fetch($_W['member']['uid'], array('nickname', 'avatar', 'mobile', 'groupid'));
    $mcgroups = mc_groups();
    $profile['group'] = $mcgroups[$profile['groupid']];
    $stores = pdo_fetchall('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('activity_stores') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
if ($do == 'detail') {
    $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
    $store = pdo_get('activity_stores', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'id' => $id));
    if (empty($store)) {
        message('门店不存在或已删除', referer(), 'error');
    $store['photo_list'] = iunserializer($store['photo_list']);
    $store['category'] = iunserializer($store['category']);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function account_fetch($acid)
    $account = pdo_fetch("SELECT w.*, a.type, a.isconnect FROM " . tablename('account') . " a INNER JOIN " . tablename('account_wechats') . " w USING(acid) WHERE acid = :acid", array(':acid' => $acid));
    $uniacid = $account['uniacid'];
    $owneruid = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT uid FROM " . tablename('uni_account_users') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND role = 'owner'", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid));
    $owner = user_single(array('uid' => $owneruid));
    $account['uid'] = $owner['uid'];
    $account['starttime'] = $owner['starttime'];
    $account['endtime'] = $owner['endtime'];
    $account['groups'] = mc_groups($uniacid);
    $account['grouplevel'] = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT grouplevel FROM ' . tablename('uni_settings') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid', array(':uniacid' => $uniacid));
    return $account;
Ejemplo n.º 4
             $_GPC['createtime'] = TIMESTAMP;
             pdo_insert('mc_members', $_GPC);
             $uid = pdo_insertid();
             pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('uid' => $uid), array('fanid' => $fanid, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
             message('更新资料成功!', url('mc/member/post', array('uid' => $uid)), 'success');
         } else {
             $email_effective = intval($_GPC['email_effective']);
             if ($email_effective == 1 && empty($_GPC['email'])) {
             $uid = mc_update($uid, $_GPC);
     message('更新资料成功!', referer(), 'success');
 $groups = mc_groups($_W['uniacid']);
 $profile = pdo_get('mc_members', array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'uid' => $uid));
 if (!empty($profile)) {
     if (empty($profile['email']) || !empty($profile['email']) && substr($profile['email'], -6) == '012wz.com' && strlen($profile['email']) == 39) {
         $profile['email_effective'] = 1;
         $profile['email'] = '';
     } else {
         $profile['email_effective'] = 2;
 if (empty($uid)) {
     $fanid = intval($_GPC['fanid']);
     $tag = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT tag FROM ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND fanid = :fanid', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':fanid' => $fanid));
     if (is_base64($tag)) {
         $tag = base64_decode($tag);
Ejemplo n.º 5
if ($operation == 'display') {
    $children = array();
    $category = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('jufeng_wcy_category') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['uniacid']}' ORDER BY parentid ASC, displayorder DESC");
    foreach ($category as $index => $row) {
        if (!empty($row['parentid'])) {
            $children[$row['parentid']][] = $row;
    include $this->template('category');
} elseif ($operation == 'post') {
    $parentid = intval($_GPC['parentid']);
    $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
    $groups = mc_groups();
    $shoptype = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('jufeng_wcy_shoptype') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['uniacid']}'");
    if (!empty($id)) {
        $category = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('jufeng_wcy_category') . " WHERE id = '{$id}'");
    } else {
        $category = array('displayorder' => 0);
    $ptime1 = $category['time1'];
    $ptime2 = $category['time2'];
    $ptime3 = $category['time3'];
    $ptime4 = $category['time4'];
    if (!empty($parentid)) {
        $parent = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, name FROM " . tablename('jufeng_wcy_category') . " WHERE id = '{$parentid}'");
        if (empty($parent)) {
            message('抱歉,店铺不存在或是已经被删除!', $this->createWebUrl('post'), 'error');