/** * Overwrites capabilities in certain scenarios. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @param array $caps * @param string $cap * @param int $user_id * @param array $args * @return array */ function mb_reply_map_meta_cap($caps, $cap, $user_id, $args) { /* Checks if a user can read a specific reply. */ if ('read_post' === $cap && mb_is_reply($args[0])) { $post = get_post($args[0]); /* Only run our code if the user isn't the post author. */ if ($user_id != $post->post_author) { $topic_id = $post->post_parent; /* If we have a topic and the user can't read it, don't allow reading the reply. */ if (0 < $topic_id && !user_can($user_id, 'read_post', $topic_id)) { $caps = array('do_not_allow'); /* If the user can read the topic, check if they can read the reply. */ } else { $post_type = get_post_type_object($post->post_type); if ($post_type->cap->read !== $post_type->cap->read_others_replies) { $caps[] = $post_type->cap->read_others_replies; } else { $caps = array(); } } } else { $caps = array(); } /* Meta cap for editing a single reply. */ } elseif ('edit_post' === $cap && mb_is_reply($args[0])) { $post = get_post($args[0]); $reply_obj = get_post_type_object(mb_get_reply_post_type()); // Spam topics if (mb_is_reply_spam($args[0])) { $caps[] = $reply_obj->cap->edit_spam_replies; } /* Meta cap for spamming a single reply. */ } elseif ('spam_reply' === $cap) { $caps = array(); $caps[] = user_can($user_id, 'edit_reply', $args[0]) ? 'spam_replies' : 'do_not_allow'; /* Meta cap check for accessing the reply form. */ } elseif ('access_reply_form' === $cap) { $caps = array('create_replies'); if (mb_is_single_topic()) { $topic_id = mb_get_topic_id(); $topic_status = mb_get_topic_status($topic_id); $topic_type = mb_get_topic_type($topic_id); if (!current_user_can('read_topic', $topic_id)) { $caps[] = 'do_not_allow'; } elseif (!mb_topic_allows_replies($topic_id)) { $caps[] = 'do_not_allow'; } } elseif (mb_is_reply_edit() && !user_can($user_id, 'edit_post', mb_get_reply_id())) { $caps[] = 'do_not_allow'; } } return $caps; }
<?php mb_get_template_part('form-forum', 'edit'); ?> <?php } elseif (mb_is_topic_edit()) { // If viewing the topic edit page. ?> <?php mb_get_template_part('form-topic', 'edit'); ?> <?php } elseif (mb_is_reply_edit()) { // If viewing the reply edit page. ?> <?php mb_get_template_part('form-reply', 'edit'); ?> <?php } elseif (mb_is_user_edit()) { // If viewing the user edit page. ?> <?php mb_get_template_part('form-user', 'edit'); ?>
/** * Builds the template hierarchy for the plugin. This function figures out what the current page * is and returns an array of possible templates to use. Note that this function only returns * the templates name and not a full paths. It is meant to be used within other functions that actually * locate/load the templates. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return array */ function mb_get_template_hierarchy() { $hierarchy = array(); /* If viewing a single forum page. */ if (mb_is_single_forum()) { $hierarchy[] = 'single-forum.php'; /* If viewing the forum archive (default forum front). */ } elseif (mb_is_forum_archive()) { $hierarchy[] = 'archive-forum.php'; /* If viewing a single topic. */ } elseif (mb_is_single_topic()) { $hierarchy[] = "single-topic.php"; /* If viewing the topic archive (possible forum front page). */ } elseif (mb_is_topic_archive()) { $hierarchy[] = 'archive-topic.php'; /* If viewing a single reply. */ } elseif (mb_is_single_reply()) { $hierarchy[] = "single-reply.php"; /* If viewing the reply archive. */ } elseif (mb_is_reply_archive()) { $hierarchy[] = 'archive-reply.php'; } elseif (mb_is_role_archive()) { $hierarchy[] = 'archive-role.php'; } elseif (mb_is_single_role()) { $hierarchy[] = 'single-role.php'; /* If viewing a user sub-page. */ } elseif (mb_is_user_page()) { $page = sanitize_key(get_query_var('mb_user_page')); $hierarchy[] = "single-user-{$page}.php"; $hierarchy[] = 'single-user.php'; /* If viewing a user profile page. */ } elseif (mb_is_single_user()) { $hierarchy[] = 'single-user.php'; /* If viewing the user archive. */ } elseif (mb_is_user_archive()) { $hierarchy[] = 'archive-user.php'; /* If viewing a search results page. */ } elseif (mb_is_search_results()) { $hierarchy[] = 'search-results.php'; /* If viewing the advanced search page. */ } elseif (mb_is_search()) { $hierarchy[] = 'search.php'; /* If viewing the forum login page. */ } elseif (mb_is_forum_login()) { $hierarchy[] = 'login.php'; /* If viewing an edit page. */ } elseif (mb_is_edit()) { if (mb_is_forum_edit()) { $hierarchy[] = 'edit-forum.php'; } elseif (mb_is_topic_edit()) { $hierarchy[] = 'edit-topic.php'; } elseif (mb_is_reply_edit()) { $hierarchy[] = 'edit-reply.php'; } elseif (mb_is_user_edit()) { $hierarchy[] = 'edit-user.php'; } $hierarchy[] = 'edit.php'; } /* Add the fallback template. */ $hierarchy[] = 'board.php'; return apply_filters('mb_get_template_hierarchy', $hierarchy); }
function mb_get_edit_page_title() { $title = ''; if (mb_is_forum_edit()) { $title = sprintf(mb_get_forum_label('mb_form_edit_item'), mb_get_forum_title()); } elseif (mb_is_topic_edit()) { $title = sprintf(mb_get_topic_label('mb_form_edit_item'), mb_get_topic_title()); } elseif (mb_is_reply_edit()) { $title = sprintf(mb_get_reply_label('mb_form_edit_item'), mb_get_reply_title()); } elseif (mb_is_user_edit()) { $title = __('Edit User', 'message-board'); } return apply_filters('mb_get_edit_title', $title); }
/** * Figures out whether we're on an edit page and whether the current user has permission to be here. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @return void */ function mb_handler_edit_access() { if (mb_is_edit()) { if (mb_is_forum_edit() && !current_user_can('edit_forum', mb_get_forum_id())) { mb_bring_the_doom('no-permission'); } elseif (mb_is_topic_edit() && !current_user_can('edit_topic', mb_get_topic_id())) { mb_bring_the_doom('no-permission'); } elseif (mb_is_reply_edit() && !current_user_can('edit_reply', mb_get_reply_id())) { mb_bring_the_doom('no-permission'); } elseif (mb_is_user_edit() && !current_user_can('edit_user', mb_get_user_id())) { mb_bring_the_doom('no-permission'); } elseif (!mb_is_forum_edit() && !mb_is_topic_edit() && !mb_is_reply_edit() && !mb_is_user_edit()) { mb_bring_the_doom('no-permission'); } } }