function get_packages($package, $dirpath) { global $regex; global $book_index; global $url_fix; global $current; global $previous; if (isset($current) && $book_index != "{$current}") { return 0; } // Fix up directory path foreach ($url_fix as $u) { $replace = $u['replace']; $match = $u['match']; if (isset($u['pkg'])) { if ($package == $u['pkg']) { $dirpath = preg_replace("/{$match}/", "{$replace}", $dirpath); break; } } else { if (preg_match("/{$match}/", $dirpath)) { $dirpath = preg_replace("/{$match}/", "{$replace}", $dirpath); break; } } } // Check for ftp if (preg_match("/^ftp/", $dirpath)) { // glib type packages if ($book_index == "pygobject1" || $book_index == "pygobject" || $book_index == "pygtk" || $book_index == "pyatspi") { // Parent listing $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); $lines = http_get_file("{$dirpath}/"); if ($book_index == "pygobject") { $dir = find_even_max($lines, '/^2[\\d\\.]+$/', '/^(2[\\d\\.]+)$/'); } else { $dir = find_even_max($lines, '/^[\\d\\.]+$/', '/^([\\d\\.]+)$/'); } $dirpath .= "/{$dir}/"; } // gcc and similar if ($book_index == "gcc") { // Get the max directory and adjust the directory path $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); $lines = http_get_file("{$dirpath}/"); return find_max($lines, "/gcc-\\d/", "/^.*gcc-(\\d[\\d\\.]+).*\$/"); } // slang if ($book_index == "slang") { // Get the max directory and adjust the directory path $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position) . "/latest"; } if ($book_index == "vala") { // Get the max directory and adjust the directory path $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); $lines = http_get_file("{$dirpath}/"); $dir = find_even_max($lines, "/\\d[\\d\\.]+/", "/^(\\d[\\d\\.]+).*/"); $dirpath .= "/{$dir}/"; } if ($book_index == "cvs") { // Get the max directory $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); $lines = http_get_file("{$dirpath}/"); return find_max($lines, "/\\d\\.[\\d\\.]+/", "/^.* (\\d\\.[\\d\\.]+)\$/"); } // Get listing $lines = http_get_file("{$dirpath}/"); } else { // glib type packages if ($book_index == "pygobject1" || $book_index == "pygobject" || $book_index == "pygtk" || $book_index == "pyatspi") { // Parent listing $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); $lines1 = http_get_file($dirpath); if ($book_index == "pygobject") { $dir = find_even_max($lines1, '/^\\s+2[\\d\\.]+.*$/', '/^\\s+(2[\\d\\.]+).*$/'); } else { $dir = find_even_max($lines1, '/^\\s+[\\d\\.]+.*$/', '/^\\s+([\\d\\.]+).*$/'); } $dirpath .= "/{$dir}/"; } // Customize http directories as needed if ($book_index == "cmake") { $dirpath = max_parent($dirpath, 'v'); $prev = $previous; // Special if there is no current version in $dirpath $lines = http_get_file($dirpath); $max = find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-([\\d\\.]*\\d)\\.tar.*\$/"); if ($max != 0) { return $max; } $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position) . "/{$prev}"; } if ($package == "npapi-sdk") { # We have to process the stupid javascript to get this to work exec("lynx -dump {$dirpath}", $output); $max = find_max($output, "/npapi-sdk/", "/^.*npapi-sdk-([\\d\\.]*\\d)\\.tar.*\$/"); return $max; } $strip = "yes"; $lines = http_get_file($dirpath, $strip); if (!is_array($lines)) { return $lines; } } // End fetch if (isset($regex[$package])) { // Custom search for latest package name foreach ($lines as $l) { if (preg_match('/^\\h*$/', $l)) { continue; } $ver = preg_replace($regex[$package], "\$1", $l); if ($ver == $l && !preg_match('/^\\d\\.[\\d\\.]+$/', $ver)) { continue; } if ($book_index == "exiv") { $ver = "2-{$ver}"; } return $ver; // Return first match of regex } return 0; // This is an error } if ($book_index == "doxygen") { return find_max($lines, '/doxygen/', '/^.*doxygen-([\\d\\.]+).src.tar.*$/'); } if ($book_index == "llvm") { return find_max($lines, "/^.*{$book_index}-.*.src.*\$/", "/^.*{$book_index}-([\\d\\.]+)\\.src.*\$/"); } if ($book_index == "elfutils") { return find_max($lines, "/^\\s*\\d[\\d\\.]+\\/.*\$/", "/^\\s*(\\d[\\d\\.]+)\\/.*\$/"); } if ($book_index == "nasm") { return find_max($lines, '/^\\d/', '/^(\\d[\\d\\.]+\\d)\\/.*$/'); } # if ( $book_index == "python" || $book_index == "python1" ) // python docs # { # return find_max( $lines, "/python-\d/", # "/^python-(\d[\d\.]*\d)-docs.*$/" ); # } if ($book_index == "cmake") { $max = find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-([\\d\\.]*\\d)\\.tar.*\$/"); if ($max == 0) { $max = find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-(\\d[\\d\\.]*\\d-rc\\d).*\$/"); } return $max != 0 ? $max : "pending"; } if ($book_index == "pygobject1" || $book_index == "pygobject ") { $package = "pygobject"; } if ($book_index == "librep") { return find_max($lines, "/librep/", "/^.*[_-](\\d[\\d\\.]*\\d)\\.tar.*\$/"); } if ($book_index == "apache-ant") { return find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-(\\d[\\d\\.]+\\d)-src.*\$/"); } if ($book_index == "tk") { $dir = find_max($lines, '/\\d\\.[\\d\\.]+\\d/', '/^\\s+(\\d\\.[\\d\\.]+\\d).*$/'); $lines = http_get_file("{$dirpath}/{$dir}"); return find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}([\\d\\.]*\\d)-src.tar.*\$/"); } // Most packages are in the form $package-n.n.n // Occasionally there are dashes (e.g. 201-1) $max = find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-([\\d\\.]+\\d).tar.*\$/"); return $max; }
function get_packages($package, $dirpath) { global $regex; global $book_index; global $url_fix; global $current; if (isset($current) && $book_index != "{$current}") { return 0; } // Fix up directory path foreach ($url_fix as $u) { $replace = $u['replace']; $match = $u['match']; if (isset($u['pkg'])) { if ($package == $u['pkg']) { $dirpath = preg_replace("/{$match}/", "{$replace}", $dirpath); break; } } else { if (preg_match("/{$match}/", $dirpath)) { $dirpath = preg_replace("/{$match}/", "{$replace}", $dirpath); break; } } } // Check for ftp if (preg_match("/^ftp/", $dirpath)) { if ($book_index == "bind") { // Get the max directory and adjust the directory path $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); // Up 1 $lines1 = http_get_file("{$dirpath}/"); $dir = find_max($lines1, "/\\d\$/", "/^.* ([\\d\\.P\\-]+)\$/"); $dirpath .= "/{$dir}/"; $lines2 = http_get_file($dirpath); return find_max($lines2, "/bind-/", "/^.*bind-(\\d+[\\d\\.P\\-]+).tar.*\$/"); } if ($book_index == "dhcp") { // Get the max directory and adjust the directory path $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); $lines = http_get_file("{$dirpath}/"); $dir = find_max($lines, "/\\d\$/", "/^.* (\\d\\.[\\d\\.P\\-]+)\$/"); $dirpath .= "/{$dir}/"; } // Get listing $lines = http_get_file("{$dirpath}/"); } else { if ($book_index == "NetworkManager") { // Get the max directory and adjust the directory path $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $lines1 = http_get_file($dirpath); $dir = find_max($lines1, "/\\d[\\d\\.]+/", "/^\\s*(\\d[\\d\\.]+).*\$/"); $dirpath .= "/{$dir}/"; } $lines = http_get_file($dirpath); if (!is_array($lines)) { return $lines; } } // End fetch if (isset($regex[$package])) { // Custom search for latest package name foreach ($lines as $l) { if (preg_match('/^\\h*$/', $l)) { continue; } $ver = preg_replace($regex[$package], "\$1", $l); if ($ver == $l) { continue; } if ($book_index == "exiv") { $ver = "2-{$ver}"; } return $ver; // Return first match of regex } return 0; // This is an error } if ($book_index == "dhcp") { return find_max($lines, '/dhcp/', '/^.*dhcp-([\\d\\.P-]+).tar.*$/'); } if ($book_index == "ncftp") { return find_max($lines, '/ncftp/', '/^.*ncftp-([\\d\\.]+)-src.tar.*$/'); } if ($book_index == "net-tools-CVS") { return find_max($lines, '/net-tools/', '/^.*_(\\d+).tar.*$/'); } if ($book_index == "ntp") { $dir = max_parent($dirpath, "ntp-"); $lines = http_get_file("{$dir}"); return find_max($lines, '/ntp-.*tar/', '/^ntp-([\\d\\.p]+).tar.*$/'); } if ($book_index == "whois") { return find_max($lines, '/whois_/', '/^.*whois_([\\d\\.]+).tar.*$/'); } if ($book_index == "wireshark") { return find_even_max($lines, '/wireshark/', '/^.*wireshark-([\\d\\.]+).tar.*$/'); } // Most packages are in the form $package-n.n.n // Occasionally there are dashes (e.g. 201-1) $max = find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-([\\d\\.]*\\d)\\.tar.*\$/"); return $max; }
function get_packages($package, $dirpath) { global $exceptions; global $regex; if ($package == "vim") { $dirpath = ""; } // Check for ftp if (preg_match("/^ftp/", $dirpath)) { $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 6); // Remove ftp:// $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strpos($dirpath, "/"); // Divide at first slash $server = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); $path = substr($dirpath, $position); $conn = ftp_connect($server); ftp_login($conn, "anonymous", ""); // See if we need special handling if (isset($exceptions[$package])) { $specials = explode(":", $exceptions[$package]); foreach ($specials as $i) { list($op, $regexp) = explode("=", $i); switch ($op) { case "UPDIR": // Remove last dir from $path $position = strrpos($path, "/"); $path = substr($path, 0, $position); // Get dir listing $lines = ftp_rawlist($conn, $path); $max = find_max($lines, $regexp, $regexp); break; case "DOWNDIR": // Append found directory $path .= "/{$max}"; break; default: echo "Error in specials array for {$package}\n"; return -5; break; } } } $lines = ftp_rawlist($conn, $path); ftp_close($conn); } else { // Customize http directories as needed if ($package == "tzdata") { // Remove two directories $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); //echo "$dirpath\n"; } if ($package == "mpc") { $dirpath = ""; } if ($package == "bzip2") { // Remove one directory $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, "/"); // Trim any trailing slash $position = strrpos($dirpath, "/"); $dirpath = substr($dirpath, 0, $position); //echo "$dirpath\n"; } if ($package == "mpfr") { $dirpath = ""; } if ($package == "expat") { $dirpath = ""; } if ($package == "intltool") { $dirpath = ""; } if ($package == "procps-ng") { $dirpath = ""; } if ($package == "e2fsprogs") { $dirpath = ""; } if ($package == "expect" || $package == "flex" || $package == "psmisc") { $dirpath = "{$package}/files"; } if ($package == "tcl-core") { $dirpath = ""; } if ($package == "gcc") { $dirpath = max_parent($dirpath, "gcc-"); } if ($package == "util-linux") { $dirpath = max_parent($dirpath, "v."); } $lines = http_get_file($dirpath); if (!is_array($lines)) { return -6; } } // End fetch if (isset($regex[$package])) { // Custom search for latest package name foreach ($lines as $l) { $ver = preg_replace($regex[$package], "\$1", $l); if ($ver == $l) { continue; } return $ver; // Return first match of regex } return -7; // This is an error } if ($package == "shadow") { return find_max($lines, "/shadow-/", "/^.*shadow-([\\d\\.]*\\d).*\$/"); } if ($package == "perl") { $tmp = array(); foreach ($lines as $l) { if (preg_match("/sperl/", $l)) { continue; } // Don't want this $ver = preg_replace("/^.*perl-([\\d\\.]+\\d)\\.tar.*\$/", "\$1", $l); if ($ver == $l) { continue; } list($s1, $s2, $rest) = explode(".", $ver); if ($s2 % 2 == 1) { continue; } // Remove odd minor versions array_push($tmp, $l); } $lines = $tmp; } if ($package == "attr" || $package == "acl") { return find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-([\\d\\.-]*\\d)\\.src.*\$/"); } if ($package == "e2fsprogs") { return find_max($lines, "/v\\d/", "/^.*v(\\d[\\d\\.]+\\d).*\$/"); } if ($package == "XML-Parser") { return find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-([\\d\\._]*\\d).tar.*\$/"); } if ($package == "gmp") { return find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-([\\d\\._]*\\d[a-z]?).tar.*\$/"); } if ($package == "grub") { return find_max($lines, "/grub/", "/^.*grub-(\\d\\..*).tar.xz.*\$/"); } // Most packages are in the form $package-n.n.n // Occasionally there are dashes (e.g. 201-1) return find_max($lines, "/{$package}/", "/^.*{$package}-([\\d\\.-]*\\d)\\.tar.*\$/"); }