Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Sends an e-mail
  * This messages needs to be saved into the 'sent items' folder
  * @param SyncSendMail  $sm     SyncSendMail object
  * @access public
  * @return boolean
  * @throws StatusException
 public function SendMail($sm)
     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): RFC822: %d bytes  forward-id: '%s' reply-id: '%s' parent-id: '%s' SaveInSent: '%s' ReplaceMIME: '%s'", strlen($sm->mime), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->forwardflag), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->replyflag), Utils::PrintAsString(isset($sm->source->folderid) ? $sm->source->folderid : false), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->saveinsent), Utils::PrintAsString(isset($sm->replacemime))));
     // by splitting the message in several lines we can easily grep later
     foreach (preg_split("/((\r)?\n)/", $sm->mime) as $rfc822line) {
         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WBXML, "RFC822: " . $rfc822line);
     $mimeParams = array('decode_headers' => true, 'decode_bodies' => true, 'include_bodies' => true, 'charset' => 'utf-8');
     $mimeObject = new Mail_mimeDecode($sm->mime);
     $message = $mimeObject->decode($mimeParams);
     $sendMailProps = MAPIMapping::GetSendMailProperties();
     $sendMailProps = getPropIdsFromStrings($this->store, $sendMailProps);
     // Open the outbox and create the message there
     $storeprops = mapi_getprops($this->store, array($sendMailProps["outboxentryid"], $sendMailProps["ipmsentmailentryid"]));
     if (isset($storeprops[$sendMailProps["outboxentryid"]])) {
         $outbox = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->store, $storeprops[$sendMailProps["outboxentryid"]]);
     if (!$outbox) {
         throw new StatusException(sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): No Outbox found or unable to create message: 0x%X", mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_SERVERERROR);
     $mapimessage = mapi_folder_createmessage($outbox);
     //message properties to be set
     $mapiprops = array();
     // only save the outgoing in sent items folder if the mobile requests it
     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["sentmailentryid"]] = $storeprops[$sendMailProps["ipmsentmailentryid"]];
     // Check if imtomapi function is available and use it to send the mime message.
     // It is available since ZCP 7.0.6
     // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZCP-9508
     if (function_exists('mapi_feature') && mapi_feature('INETMAPI_IMTOMAPI')) {
         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "Use the mapi_inetmapi_imtomapi function");
         $ab = mapi_openaddressbook($this->session);
         mapi_inetmapi_imtomapi($this->session, $this->store, $ab, $mapimessage, $sm->mime, array());
         // Set the appSeqNr so that tracking tab can be updated for meeting request updates
         // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZP-68
         $meetingRequestProps = MAPIMapping::GetMeetingRequestProperties();
         $meetingRequestProps = getPropIdsFromStrings($this->store, $meetingRequestProps);
         $props = mapi_getprops($mapimessage, array(PR_MESSAGE_CLASS, $meetingRequestProps["goidtag"]));
         if (stripos($props[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS], "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.") === 0) {
             // search for calendar items using goid
             $mr = new Meetingrequest($this->store, $mapimessage);
             $appointments = $mr->findCalendarItems($props[$meetingRequestProps["goidtag"]]);
             if (is_array($appointments) && !empty($appointments)) {
                 $app = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->store, $appointments[0]);
                 $appprops = mapi_getprops($app, array($meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]));
                 if (isset($appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]]) && $appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]]) {
                     $mapiprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]] = $appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]];
                     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("Set sequence number to:%d", $appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]]));
         // Delete the PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_* properties because some android devices
         // do not send neither From nor Sender header causing empty PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME and
         // which results in spooler not being able to send the message.
         // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZP-85
         mapi_deleteprops($mapimessage, array($sendMailProps["sentrepresentingname"], $sendMailProps["sentrepresentingemail"], $sendMailProps["representingentryid"], $sendMailProps["sentrepresentingaddt"], $sendMailProps["sentrepresentinsrchk"]));
         if (isset($sm->source->itemid) && $sm->source->itemid) {
             $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->store, hex2bin($sm->source->folderid), hex2bin($sm->source->itemid));
             if ($entryid) {
                 $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->store, $entryid);
             if (!isset($fwmessage) || !$fwmessage) {
                 throw new StatusException(sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): Could not open message id '%s' in folder id '%s' to be replied/forwarded: 0x%X", $sm->source->itemid, $sm->source->folderid, mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_ITEMNOTFOUND);
             //update icon when forwarding or replying message
             if ($sm->forwardflag) {
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 262));
             } elseif ($sm->replyflag) {
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 261));
             // only attach the original message if the mobile does not send it itself
             if (!isset($sm->replacemime)) {
                 // get message's body in order to append forward or reply text
                 $body = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, PR_BODY);
                 $bodyHtml = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, PR_HTML);
                 $cpid = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array($sendMailProps["internetcpid"]));
                 if ($sm->forwardflag) {
                     // attach the original attachments to the outgoing message
                     $this->copyAttachments($mapimessage, $fwmessage);
                 if (strlen($body) > 0) {
                     $fwbody = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($fwmessage, PR_BODY);
                     $fwbody = isset($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]) ? Utils::ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]], $fwbody) : w2u($fwbody);
                     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["body"]] = $body . "\r\n\r\n" . $fwbody;
                 if (strlen($bodyHtml) > 0) {
                     $fwbodyHtml = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($fwmessage, PR_HTML);
                     $fwbodyHtml = isset($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]) ? Utils::ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]], $fwbodyHtml) : w2u($fwbodyHtml);
                     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["html"]] = $bodyHtml . "<br><br>" . $fwbodyHtml;
         mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
         $hr = mapi_last_hresult();
         if ($hr) {
             throw new StatusException(sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): Error saving/submitting the message to the Outbox: 0x%X", mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_MAILSUBMISSIONFAILED);
         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): email submitted");
         return true;
     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["subject"]] = u2wi(isset($message->headers["subject"]) ? $message->headers["subject"] : "");
     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["messageclass"]] = "IPM.Note";
     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["deliverytime"]] = time();
     if (isset($message->headers["x-priority"])) {
         $this->getImportanceAndPriority($message->headers["x-priority"], $mapiprops, $sendMailProps);
     $this->addRecipients($message->headers, $mapimessage);
     // Loop through message subparts.
     $body = "";
     $body_html = "";
     if ($message->ctype_primary == "multipart" && ($message->ctype_secondary == "mixed" || $message->ctype_secondary == "alternative")) {
         $mparts = $message->parts;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($mparts); $i++) {
             $part = $mparts[$i];
             // palm pre & iPhone send forwarded messages in another subpart which are also parsed
             if ($part->ctype_primary == "multipart" && ($part->ctype_secondary == "mixed" || $part->ctype_secondary == "alternative" || $part->ctype_secondary == "related")) {
                 foreach ($part->parts as $spart) {
                     $mparts[] = $spart;
             // standard body
             if ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "plain" && isset($part->body) && (!isset($part->disposition) || $part->disposition != "attachment")) {
                 $body .= u2wi($part->body);
                 // assume only one text body
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "html") {
                 $body_html .= u2wi($part->body);
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "ms-tnef" || $part->ctype_secondary == "ms-tnef") {
                 if (!isset($tnefAndIcalProps)) {
                     $tnefAndIcalProps = MAPIMapping::GetTnefAndIcalProperties();
                     $tnefAndIcalProps = getPropIdsFromStrings($this->store, $tnefAndIcalProps);
                 require_once 'tnefparser.php';
                 $zptnef = new TNEFParser($this->store, $tnefAndIcalProps);
                 $zptnef->ExtractProps($part->body, $mapiprops);
                 if (is_array($mapiprops) && !empty($mapiprops)) {
                     //check if it is a recurring item
                     if (isset($mapiprops[$tnefAndIcalProps["tnefrecurr"]])) {
                         MAPIUtils::handleRecurringItem($mapiprops, $tnefAndIcalProps);
                 } else {
                     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, "ZarafaBackend->Sendmail(): TNEFParser: Mapi property array was empty");
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "calendar") {
                 if (!isset($tnefAndIcalProps)) {
                     $tnefAndIcalProps = MAPIMapping::GetTnefAndIcalProperties();
                     $tnefAndIcalProps = getPropIdsFromStrings($this->store, $tnefAndIcalProps);
                 require_once 'icalparser.php';
                 $zpical = new ICalParser($this->store, $tnefAndIcalProps);
                 $zpical->ExtractProps($part->body, $mapiprops);
                 // iPhone sends a second ICS which we ignore if we can
                 if (!isset($mapiprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS]) && strlen(trim($body)) == 0) {
                     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, "ZarafaBackend->Sendmail(): Secondary iPhone response is being ignored!! Mail dropped!");
                     return true;
                 if (!Utils::CheckMapiExtVersion("6.30") && is_array($mapiprops) && !empty($mapiprops)) {
                     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                 } else {
                     // store ics as attachment
                     //see Utils::IcalTimezoneFix() in utils.php for more information
                     $part->body = Utils::IcalTimezoneFix($part->body);
                     MAPIUtils::StoreAttachment($mapimessage, $part);
                     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_INFO, "ZarafaBackend->Sendmail(): Sending ICS file as attachment");
             } else {
                 MAPIUtils::StoreAttachment($mapimessage, $part);
     } else {
         if ($message->ctype_primary == "text" && $message->ctype_secondary == "html") {
             $body_html .= u2wi($message->body);
         } else {
             $body = u2wi($message->body);
     // some devices only transmit a html body
     if (strlen($body) == 0 && strlen($body_html) > 0) {
         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, "ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): only html body sent, transformed into plain text");
         $body = strip_tags($body_html);
     if (isset($sm->source->itemid) && $sm->source->itemid) {
         // Append the original text body for reply/forward
         $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->store, hex2bin($sm->source->folderid), hex2bin($sm->source->itemid));
         if ($entryid) {
             $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->store, $entryid);
         if (!isset($fwmessage) || !$fwmessage) {
             throw new StatusException(sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): Could not open message id '%s' in folder id '%s' to be replied/forwarded: 0x%X", $sm->source->itemid, $sm->source->folderid, mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_ITEMNOTFOUND);
         //update icon when forwarding or replying message
         if ($sm->forwardflag) {
             mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 262));
         } elseif ($sm->replyflag) {
             mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 261));
         // only attach the original message if the mobile does not send it itself
         if (!isset($sm->replacemime)) {
             $fwbody = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($fwmessage, PR_BODY);
             $fwbodyHtml = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($fwmessage, PR_HTML);
             if ($sm->forwardflag) {
                 // During a forward, we have to add the forward header ourselves. This is because
                 // normally the forwarded message is added as an attachment. However, we don't want this
                 // because it would be rather complicated to copy over the entire original message due
                 // to the lack of IMessage::CopyTo ..
                 $fwheader = $this->getForwardHeaders($fwmessage);
                 // add fwheader to body and body_html
                 $body .= $fwheader;
                 if (strlen($body_html) > 0) {
                     $body_html .= str_ireplace("\r\n", "<br>", $fwheader);
                 // attach the original attachments to the outgoing message
                 $this->copyAttachments($mapimessage, $fwmessage);
             if (strlen($body) > 0) {
                 $body .= $fwbody;
             if (strlen($body_html) > 0) {
                 $body_html .= $fwbodyHtml;
     //set PR_INTERNET_CPID to 65001 (utf-8) if store supports it and to 1252 otherwise
     $internetcpid = INTERNET_CPID_WINDOWS1252;
         $internetcpid = INTERNET_CPID_UTF8;
     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["body"]] = $body;
     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]] = $internetcpid;
     if (strlen($body_html) > 0) {
         $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["html"]] = $body_html;
     //TODO if setting all properties fails, try setting them infividually like in mapiprovider
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
     if (mapi_last_hresult()) {
         throw new StatusException(sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): Error saving/submitting the message to the Outbox: 0x%X", mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_MAILSUBMISSIONFAILED);
     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): email submitted");
     return true;
  * Function which submits meeting request based on arguments passed to it.
  *@param resource $message MAPI_message whose meeting request is to be send
  *@param boolean $cancel if true send request, else send cancellation
  *@param string $prefix subject prefix
  *@param integer $basedate basedate for an occurrence
  *@param Object $recurObject recurrence object of mr
  *@param boolean $copyExceptions When sending update mail for recurring item then we dont send exceptions in attachments
 function submitMeetingRequest($message, $cancel, $prefix, $basedate = false, $recurObject = false, $copyExceptions = true, $deletedRecips = false)
     $newmessageprops = $messageprops = mapi_getprops($this->message);
     $new = $this->createOutgoingMessage();
     // Copy the entire message into the new meeting request message
     if ($basedate) {
         // messageprops contains properties of whole recurring series
         // and newmessageprops contains properties of exception item
         $newmessageprops = mapi_getprops($message);
         // Ensure that the correct basedate is set in the new message
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['basedate']] = $basedate;
         // Set isRecurring to false, because this is an exception
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['recurring']] = false;
         // set LID_IS_EXCEPTION to true
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['is_exception']] = true;
         // Set to high importance
         if ($cancel) {
             $newmessageprops[PR_IMPORTANCE] = IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
         // Set startdate and enddate of exception
         if ($cancel && $recurObject) {
             $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['startdate']] = $recurObject->getOccurrenceStart($basedate);
             $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['duedate']] = $recurObject->getOccurrenceEnd($basedate);
         // Set basedate in guid (0x3)
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['goid']] = $this->setBasedateInGlobalID($messageprops[$this->proptags['goid2']], $basedate);
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['goid2']] = $messageprops[$this->proptags['goid2']];
         $newmessageprops[PR_OWNER_APPT_ID] = $messageprops[PR_OWNER_APPT_ID];
         // Get deleted recipiets from exception msg
         $restriction = array(RES_AND, array(array(RES_BITMASK, array(ULTYPE => BMR_NEZ, ULPROPTAG => PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS, ULMASK => recipExceptionalDeleted)), array(RES_BITMASK, array(ULTYPE => BMR_EQZ, ULPROPTAG => PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS, ULMASK => recipOrganizer))));
         // In direct-booking mode, we don't need to send cancellations to resources
         if ($this->enableDirectBooking) {
             $restriction[1][] = array(RES_PROPERTY, array(RELOP => RELOP_NE, ULPROPTAG => PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE, VALUE => array(PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE => MAPI_BCC)));
         $recipienttable = mapi_message_getrecipienttable($message);
         $recipients = mapi_table_queryallrows($recipienttable, $this->recipprops, $restriction);
         if (!$deletedRecips) {
             $deletedRecips = array_merge(array(), $recipients);
         } else {
             $deletedRecips = array_merge($deletedRecips, $recipients);
     // Remove the PR_ICON_INDEX as it is not needed in the sent message and it also
     // confuses the Zarafa webaccess
     $newmessageprops[PR_ICON_INDEX] = null;
     $newmessageprops[PR_RESPONSE_REQUESTED] = true;
     // PR_START_DATE and PR_END_DATE will be used by outlook to show the position in the calendar
     $newmessageprops[PR_START_DATE] = $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['startdate']];
     $newmessageprops[PR_END_DATE] = $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['duedate']];
     // Set updatecounter/AppointmentSequenceNumber
     // get the value of latest updatecounter for the whole series and use it
     $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['updatecounter']] = $messageprops[$this->proptags['last_updatecounter']];
     $meetingTimeInfo = $this->getMeetingTimeInfo();
     if ($meetingTimeInfo) {
         $newmessageprops[PR_BODY] = $meetingTimeInfo;
     // Send all recurrence info in mail, if this is a recurrence meeting.
     if (isset($messageprops[$this->proptags['recurring']]) && $messageprops[$this->proptags['recurring']]) {
         if (!empty($messageprops[$this->proptags['recurring_pattern']])) {
             $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['recurring_pattern']] = $messageprops[$this->proptags['recurring_pattern']];
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['recurrence_data']] = $messageprops[$this->proptags['recurrence_data']];
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['timezone_data']] = $messageprops[$this->proptags['timezone_data']];
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['timezone']] = $messageprops[$this->proptags['timezone']];
         if ($recurObject) {
             $this->generateRecurDates($recurObject, $messageprops, $newmessageprops);
     if (isset($newmessageprops[$this->proptags['counter_proposal']])) {
     // Prefix the subject if needed
     if ($prefix && isset($newmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT])) {
         $newmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT] = $prefix . $newmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT];
     mapi_setprops($new, $newmessageprops);
     // Copy attachments
     $this->replaceAttachments($message, $new, $copyExceptions);
     // Retrieve only those recipient who should receive this meeting request.
     $stripResourcesRestriction = array(RES_AND, array(array(RES_BITMASK, array(ULTYPE => BMR_EQZ, ULPROPTAG => PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS, ULMASK => recipExceptionalDeleted)), array(RES_BITMASK, array(ULTYPE => BMR_EQZ, ULPROPTAG => PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS, ULMASK => recipOrganizer))));
     // In direct-booking mode, resources do not receive a meeting request
     if ($this->enableDirectBooking) {
         $stripResourcesRestriction[1][] = array(RES_PROPERTY, array(RELOP => RELOP_NE, ULPROPTAG => PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE, VALUE => array(PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE => MAPI_BCC)));
     $recipienttable = mapi_message_getrecipienttable($message);
     $recipients = mapi_table_queryallrows($recipienttable, $this->recipprops, $stripResourcesRestriction);
     if ($basedate && empty($recipients)) {
         // Retrieve full list
         $recipienttable = mapi_message_getrecipienttable($this->message);
         $recipients = mapi_table_queryallrows($recipienttable, $this->recipprops);
         // Save recipients in exceptions
         mapi_message_modifyrecipients($message, MODRECIP_ADD, $recipients);
         // Now retrieve only those recipient who should receive this meeting request.
         $recipients = mapi_table_queryallrows($recipienttable, $this->recipprops, $stripResourcesRestriction);
     //@TODO: handle nonAcceptingResources
      * Add resource recipients that did not automatically accept the meeting request.
      * (note: meaning that they did not decline the meeting request)
                 $recipients[] = $this->nonAcceptingResources[$i];
     if (!empty($recipients)) {
         // Strip out the sender/"owner" recipient
         mapi_message_modifyrecipients($new, MODRECIP_ADD, $recipients);
         // Set some properties that are different in the sent request than
         // in the item in our calendar
         // we should store busystatus value to intendedbusystatus property, because busystatus for outgoing meeting request
         // should always be fbTentative
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['intendedbusystatus']] = isset($newmessageprops[$this->proptags['busystatus']]) ? $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['busystatus']] : $messageprops[$this->proptags['busystatus']];
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['busystatus']] = fbTentative;
         // The default status when not accepted
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['responsestatus']] = olResponseNotResponded;
         // The recipient has not responded yet
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['attendee_critical_change']] = time();
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['owner_critical_change']] = time();
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['meetingtype']] = mtgRequest;
         if ($cancel) {
             $newmessageprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS] = "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Canceled";
             $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['meetingstatus']] = olMeetingCanceled;
             // It's a cancel request
             $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['busystatus']] = fbFree;
             // set the busy status as free
         } else {
             $newmessageprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS] = "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request";
             $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['meetingstatus']] = olMeetingReceived;
             // The recipient is receiving the request
         mapi_setprops($new, $newmessageprops);
         // Submit message to non-resource recipients
     // Send cancellation to deleted attendees
     if ($deletedRecips && !empty($deletedRecips)) {
         $new = $this->createOutgoingMessage();
         mapi_message_modifyrecipients($new, MODRECIP_ADD, $deletedRecips);
         $newmessageprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS] = "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Canceled";
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['meetingstatus']] = olMeetingCanceled;
         // It's a cancel request
         $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['busystatus']] = fbFree;
         // set the busy status as free
         $newmessageprops[PR_IMPORTANCE] = IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
         // HIGH Importance
         if (isset($newmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT])) {
             $newmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT] = _('Canceled: ') . $newmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT];
         mapi_setprops($new, $newmessageprops);
         // Submit message to non-resource recipients
     // Set properties on meeting object in calendar
     // Set requestsent to 'true' (turns on 'tracking', etc)
     $props = array();
     $props[$this->proptags['meetingstatus']] = olMeeting;
     $props[$this->proptags['responsestatus']] = olResponseOrganized;
     $props[$this->proptags['requestsent']] = !empty($recipients) || $this->includesResources && !$this->errorSetResource;
     $props[$this->proptags['attendee_critical_change']] = time();
     $props[$this->proptags['owner_critical_change']] = time();
     $props[$this->proptags['meetingtype']] = mtgRequest;
     // save the new updatecounter to exception/recurring series/normal meeting
     $props[$this->proptags['updatecounter']] = $newmessageprops[$this->proptags['updatecounter']];
     // PR_START_DATE and PR_END_DATE will be used by outlook to show the position in the calendar
     $props[PR_START_DATE] = $messageprops[$this->proptags['startdate']];
     $props[PR_END_DATE] = $messageprops[$this->proptags['duedate']];
     mapi_setprops($message, $props);
     // saving of these properties on calendar item should be handled by caller function
     // based on sending meeting request was successfull or not
 function sendResponse($type, $prefix)
     // Create a message in our outbox
     $outgoing = $this->createOutgoingMessage();
     $messageprops = mapi_getprops($this->message, array(PR_SUBJECT));
     $attach = mapi_message_createattach($outgoing);
     mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_METHOD => ATTACH_EMBEDDED_MSG, PR_DISPLAY_NAME => $messageprops[PR_SUBJECT], PR_ATTACHMENT_HIDDEN => true));
     $sub = mapi_attach_openproperty($attach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ, IID_IMessage, 0, MAPI_CREATE | MAPI_MODIFY);
     mapi_copyto($this->message, array(), array(), $sub);
     if (!$this->setRecipientsForResponse($outgoing, $type)) {
         return false;
     switch ($type) {
         case tdmtTaskAcc:
             $messageclass = "IPM.TaskRequest.Accept";
         case tdmtTaskDec:
             $messageclass = "IPM.TaskRequest.Decline";
         case tdmtTaskUpd:
             $messageclass = "IPM.TaskRequest.Update";
     // Set Body
     $body = $this->getBody();
     $stream = mapi_openpropertytostream($outgoing, PR_BODY, MAPI_CREATE | MAPI_MODIFY);
     mapi_stream_setsize($stream, strlen($body));
     mapi_stream_write($stream, $body);
     // Set subject, taskmode, message class, icon index, response time
     mapi_setprops($outgoing, array(PR_SUBJECT => $prefix . $messageprops[PR_SUBJECT], $this->props['taskmode'] => $type, PR_MESSAGE_CLASS => $messageclass, PR_ICON_INDEX => 0xffffffff, $this->props['assignedtime'] => time()));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function SendMail($rfc822, $forward = false, $reply = false, $parent = false)
     if (WBXML_DEBUG == true) {
         debugLog("SendMail: forward: {$forward}   reply: {$reply}   parent: {$parent}\n" . $rfc822);
     $mimeParams = array('decode_headers' => true, 'decode_bodies' => true, 'include_bodies' => true, 'charset' => 'utf-8');
     $mimeObject = new Mail_mimeDecode($rfc822);
     $message = $mimeObject->decode($mimeParams);
     // Open the outbox and create the message there
     $storeprops = mapi_getprops($this->_defaultstore, array(PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID));
     if (!isset($storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID])) {
         debugLog("Outbox not found to create message");
         return false;
     $outbox = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID]);
     if (!$outbox) {
         debugLog("Unable to open outbox");
         return false;
     $mapimessage = mapi_folder_createmessage($outbox);
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_SUBJECT => u2wi(isset($message->headers["subject"]) ? $message->headers["subject"] : ""), PR_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID => $storeprops[PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID], PR_MESSAGE_CLASS => "IPM.Note", PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME => time()));
     if (isset($message->headers["x-priority"])) {
         switch ($message->headers["x-priority"]) {
             case 1:
             case 2:
                 $priority = PRIO_URGENT;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
             case 4:
             case 5:
                 $priority = PRIO_NONURGENT;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_LOW;
             case 3:
                 $priority = PRIO_NORMAL;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_NORMAL;
         mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_IMPORTANCE => $importance, PR_PRIORITY => $priority));
     $addresses = array();
     $toaddr = $ccaddr = $bccaddr = array();
     $Mail_RFC822 = new Mail_RFC822();
     if (isset($message->headers["to"])) {
         $toaddr = $Mail_RFC822->parseAddressList($message->headers["to"]);
     if (isset($message->headers["cc"])) {
         $ccaddr = $Mail_RFC822->parseAddressList($message->headers["cc"]);
     if (isset($message->headers["bcc"])) {
         $bccaddr = $Mail_RFC822->parseAddressList($message->headers["bcc"]);
     // Add recipients
     $recips = array();
     if (isset($toaddr)) {
         foreach (array(MAPI_TO => $toaddr, MAPI_CC => $ccaddr, MAPI_BCC => $bccaddr) as $type => $addrlist) {
             foreach ($addrlist as $addr) {
                 $mapirecip[PR_ADDRTYPE] = "SMTP";
                 $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS] = $addr->mailbox . "@" . $addr->host;
                 if (isset($addr->personal) && strlen($addr->personal) > 0) {
                     $mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = u2wi($addr->personal);
                 } else {
                     $mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS];
                 $mapirecip[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE] = $type;
                 $mapirecip[PR_ENTRYID] = mapi_createoneoff($mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME], $mapirecip[PR_ADDRTYPE], $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]);
                 array_push($recips, $mapirecip);
     mapi_message_modifyrecipients($mapimessage, 0, $recips);
     // Loop through message subparts.
     $body = "";
     $body_html = "";
     if ($message->ctype_primary == "multipart" && ($message->ctype_secondary == "mixed" || $message->ctype_secondary == "alternative")) {
         $mparts = $message->parts;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($mparts); $i++) {
             $part = $mparts[$i];
             // palm pre & iPhone send forwarded messages in another subpart which are also parsed
             if ($part->ctype_primary == "multipart" && ($part->ctype_secondary == "mixed" || $part->ctype_secondary == "alternative" || $part->ctype_secondary == "related")) {
                 foreach ($part->parts as $spart) {
                     $mparts[] = $spart;
             // standard body
             if ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "plain" && isset($part->body) && (!isset($part->disposition) || $part->disposition != "attachment")) {
                 $body .= u2wi($part->body);
                 // assume only one text body
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "html") {
                 $body_html .= u2wi($part->body);
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "ms-tnef" || $part->ctype_secondary == "ms-tnef") {
                 $zptnef = new ZPush_tnef($this->_defaultstore);
                 $mapiprops = array();
                 $zptnef->extractProps($part->body, $mapiprops);
                 if (is_array($mapiprops) && !empty($mapiprops)) {
                     //check if it is a recurring item
                     $tnefrecurr = GetPropIDFromString($this->_defaultstore, "PT_BOOLEAN:{6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305}:0x5");
                     if (isset($mapiprops[$tnefrecurr])) {
                         $this->_handleRecurringItem($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                 } else {
                     debugLog("TNEF: Mapi props array was empty");
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "calendar") {
                 $zpical = new ZPush_ical($this->_defaultstore);
                 $mapiprops = array();
                 $zpical->extractProps($part->body, $mapiprops);
                 // iPhone sends a second ICS which we ignore if we can
                 if (!isset($mapiprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS]) && strlen(trim($body)) == 0) {
                     debugLog("Secondary iPhone response is being ignored!! Mail dropped!");
                     return true;
                 if (!checkMapiExtVersion("6.30") && is_array($mapiprops) && !empty($mapiprops)) {
                     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                 } else {
                     // store ics as attachment
                     //see icalTimezoneFix function in compat.php for more information
                     $part->body = icalTimezoneFix($part->body);
                     $this->_storeAttachment($mapimessage, $part);
                     debugLog("Sending ICS file as attachment");
             } else {
                 $this->_storeAttachment($mapimessage, $part);
     } else {
         if ($message->ctype_primary == "text" && $message->ctype_secondary == "html") {
             $body_html .= u2wi($message->body);
         } else {
             $body = u2wi($message->body);
     // some devices only transmit a html body
     if (strlen($body) == 0 && strlen($body_html) > 0) {
         debugLog("only html body sent, transformed into plain text");
         $body = strip_tags($body_html);
     if ($forward) {
         $orig = $forward;
     if ($reply) {
         $orig = $reply;
     if (isset($orig) && $orig) {
         // Append the original text body for reply/forward
         $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, hex2bin($parent), hex2bin($orig));
         $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $entryid);
         if ($fwmessage) {
             //update icon when forwarding or replying message
             if ($forward) {
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 262));
             } elseif ($reply) {
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 261));
             $stream = mapi_openproperty($fwmessage, PR_BODY, IID_IStream, 0, 0);
             $fwbody = "";
             while (1) {
                 $data = mapi_stream_read($stream, 1024);
                 if (strlen($data) == 0) {
                 $fwbody .= $data;
             $stream = mapi_openproperty($fwmessage, PR_HTML, IID_IStream, 0, 0);
             $fwbody_html = "";
             while (1) {
                 $data = mapi_stream_read($stream, 1024);
                 if (strlen($data) == 0) {
                 $fwbody_html .= $data;
             if ($forward) {
                 // During a forward, we have to add the forward header ourselves. This is because
                 // normally the forwarded message is added as an attachment. However, we don't want this
                 // because it would be rather complicated to copy over the entire original message due
                 // to the lack of IMessage::CopyTo ..
                 $fwmessageprops = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array(PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME, PR_DISPLAY_TO, PR_DISPLAY_CC, PR_SUBJECT, PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME));
                 $fwheader = "\r\n\r\n";
                 $fwheader .= "-----Original Message-----\r\n";
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME])) {
                     $fwheader .= "From: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME] . "\r\n";
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO]) && strlen($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO]) > 0) {
                     $fwheader .= "To: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO] . "\r\n";
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC]) && strlen($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC]) > 0) {
                     $fwheader .= "Cc: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC] . "\r\n";
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME])) {
                     $fwheader .= "Sent: " . strftime("%x %X", $fwmessageprops[PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME]) . "\r\n";
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT])) {
                     $fwheader .= "Subject: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT] . "\r\n";
                 $fwheader .= "\r\n";
                 // add fwheader to body and body_html
                 $body .= $fwheader;
                 if (strlen($body_html) > 0) {
                     $body_html .= str_ireplace("\r\n", "<br>", $fwheader);
             if (strlen($body) > 0) {
                 $body .= $fwbody;
             if (strlen($body_html) > 0) {
                 $body_html .= $fwbody_html;
         } else {
             debugLog("Unable to open item with id {$orig} for forward/reply");
     if ($forward) {
         // Add attachments from the original message in a forward
         $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, hex2bin($parent), hex2bin($orig));
         $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $entryid);
         $attachtable = mapi_message_getattachmenttable($fwmessage);
         $rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($attachtable, array(PR_ATTACH_NUM));
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             if (isset($row[PR_ATTACH_NUM])) {
                 $attach = mapi_message_openattach($fwmessage, $row[PR_ATTACH_NUM]);
                 $newattach = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage);
                 // Copy all attachments from old to new attachment
                 $attachprops = mapi_getprops($attach);
                 mapi_setprops($newattach, $attachprops);
                 if (isset($attachprops[mapi_prop_tag(PT_ERROR, mapi_prop_id(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN))])) {
                     // Data is in a stream
                     $srcstream = mapi_openpropertytostream($attach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN);
                     $dststream = mapi_openpropertytostream($newattach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, MAPI_MODIFY | MAPI_CREATE);
                     while (1) {
                         $data = mapi_stream_read($srcstream, 4096);
                         if (strlen($data) == 0) {
                         mapi_stream_write($dststream, $data);
     //set PR_INTERNET_CPID to 65001 (utf-8) if store supports it and to 1252 otherwise
     $internetcpid = 1252;
         $internetcpid = 65001;
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_BODY => $body, PR_INTERNET_CPID => $internetcpid));
     if (strlen($body_html) > 0) {
         mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_HTML => $body_html));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function SendMail($rfc822, $forward = false, $reply = false, $parent = false)
     $mimeParams = array('decode_headers' => false, 'decode_bodies' => true, 'include_bodies' => true, 'input' => $rfc822, 'crlf' => "\r\n", 'charset' => 'utf-8');
     $mimeObject = new Mail_mimeDecode($mimeParams['input'], $mimeParams['crlf']);
     $message = $mimeObject->decode($mimeParams);
     // Open the outbox and create the message there
     $storeprops = mapi_getprops($this->_defaultstore, array(PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID));
     if (!isset($storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID])) {
         debugLog("Outbox not found to create message");
         return false;
     $outbox = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID]);
     if (!$outbox) {
         debugLog("Unable to open outbox");
         return false;
     $mapimessage = mapi_folder_createmessage($outbox);
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_SUBJECT => u2w($mimeObject->_decodeHeader($message->headers["subject"])), PR_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID => $storeprops[PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID], PR_MESSAGE_CLASS => "IPM.Note", PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME => time()));
     if (isset($message->headers["x-priority"])) {
         switch ($message->headers["x-priority"]) {
             case 1:
             case 2:
                 $priority = PRIO_URGENT;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
             case 4:
             case 5:
                 $priority = PRIO_NONURGENT;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_LOW;
             case 3:
                 $priority = PRIO_NORMAL;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_NORMAL;
         mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_IMPORTANCE => $importance, PR_PRIORITY => $priority));
     $addresses = array();
     $toaddr = $ccaddr = $bccaddr = array();
     if (isset($message->headers["to"])) {
         $toaddr = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($message->headers["to"]);
     if (isset($message->headers["cc"])) {
         $ccaddr = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($message->headers["cc"]);
     if (isset($message->headers["bcc"])) {
         $bccaddr = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($message->headers["bcc"]);
     // Add recipients
     $recips = array();
     if (isset($toaddr)) {
         foreach (array(MAPI_TO => $toaddr, MAPI_CC => $ccaddr, MAPI_BCC => $bccaddr) as $type => $addrlist) {
             foreach ($addrlist as $addr) {
                 $mapirecip[PR_ADDRTYPE] = "SMTP";
                 $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS] = $addr->mailbox . "@" . $addr->host;
                 if (isset($addr->personal) && strlen($addr->personal) > 0) {
                     $mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = u2w($mimeObject->_decodeHeader($addr->personal));
                 } else {
                     $mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS];
                 $mapirecip[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE] = $type;
                 $mapirecip[PR_ENTRYID] = mapi_createoneoff($mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME], $mapirecip[PR_ADDRTYPE], $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]);
                 array_push($recips, $mapirecip);
     mapi_message_modifyrecipients($mapimessage, 0, $recips);
     // Loop through subparts. We currently only support real single-level
     // multiparts and partly multipart/related/mixed for attachments.
     // The PDA currently only does this because you are adding
     // an attachment and the type will be multipart/mixed or multipart/alternative.
     $body = "";
     if ($message->ctype_primary == "multipart" && ($message->ctype_secondary == "mixed" || $message->ctype_secondary == "alternative")) {
         foreach ($message->parts as $part) {
             if ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "plain" && isset($part->body)) {
                 // discard any other kind of text, like html
                 $body .= u2w($part->body);
                 // assume only one text body
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "ms-tnef" || $part->ctype_secondary == "ms-tnef") {
                 $zptnef = new ZPush_tnef($this->_defaultstore);
                 $mapiprops = array();
                 $zptnef->extractProps($part->body, $mapiprops);
                 if (is_array($mapiprops) && !empty($mapiprops)) {
                     //check if it is a recurring item
                     $tnefrecurr = GetPropIDFromString($this->_defaultstore, "PT_BOOLEAN:{6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305}:0x5");
                     if (isset($mapiprops[$tnefrecurr])) {
                         $this->_handleRecurringItem($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                 } else {
                     debugLog("TNEF: Mapi props array was empty");
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "multipart" && ($part->ctype_secondary == "mixed" || $part->ctype_secondary == "related")) {
                 if (is_array($part->parts)) {
                     foreach ($part->parts as $part2) {
                         if (isset($part2->disposition) && ($part2->disposition == "inline" || $part2->disposition == "attachment")) {
                             $this->_storeAttachment($mapimessage, $part2);
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "calendar") {
                 $zpical = new ZPush_ical($this->_defaultstore);
                 $mapiprops = array();
                 $zpical->extractProps($part->body, $mapiprops);
                 if (is_array($mapiprops) && !empty($mapiprops)) {
                     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                 } else {
                     debugLog("ICAL: Mapi props array was empty");
             } else {
                 $this->_storeAttachment($mapimessage, $part);
     } else {
         $body = u2w($message->body);
     if ($forward) {
         $orig = $forward;
     if ($reply) {
         $orig = $reply;
     if (isset($orig) && $orig) {
         // Append the original text body for reply/forward
         $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, hex2bin($parent), hex2bin($orig));
         $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $entryid);
         if ($fwmessage) {
             //update icon when forwarding or replying message
             if ($forward) {
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 262));
             } elseif ($reply) {
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 261));
             $stream = mapi_openproperty($fwmessage, PR_BODY, IID_IStream, 0, 0);
             $fwbody = "";
             while (1) {
                 $data = mapi_stream_read($stream, 1024);
                 if (strlen($data) == 0) {
                 $fwbody .= $data;
             if (strlen($body) > 0) {
                 if ($forward) {
                     // During a forward, we have to add the forward header ourselves. This is because
                     // normally the forwarded message is added as an attachment. However, we don't want this
                     // because it would be rather complicated to copy over the entire original message due
                     // to the lack of IMessage::CopyTo ..
                     $fwmessageprops = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array(PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME, PR_DISPLAY_TO, PR_DISPLAY_CC, PR_SUBJECT, PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME));
                     $body .= "\r\n\r\n";
                     $body .= "-----Original Message-----\r\n";
                     if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME])) {
                         $body .= "From: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME] . "\r\n";
                     if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO]) && strlen($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO]) > 0) {
                         $body .= "To: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO] . "\r\n";
                     if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC]) && strlen($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC]) > 0) {
                         $body .= "Cc: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC] . "\r\n";
                     if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME])) {
                         $body .= "Sent: " . strftime("%x %X", $fwmessageprops[PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME]) . "\r\n";
                     if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT])) {
                         $body .= "Subject: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT] . "\r\n";
                     $body .= "\r\n";
                 $body .= $fwbody;
         } else {
             debugLog("Unable to open item with id {$orig} for forward/reply");
     if ($forward) {
         // Add attachments from the original message in a forward
         $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, hex2bin($parent), hex2bin($orig));
         $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $entryid);
         $attachtable = mapi_message_getattachmenttable($fwmessage);
         $rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($attachtable, array(PR_ATTACH_NUM));
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             if (isset($row[PR_ATTACH_NUM])) {
                 $attach = mapi_message_openattach($fwmessage, $row[PR_ATTACH_NUM]);
                 $newattach = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage);
                 // Copy all attachments from old to new attachment
                 $attachprops = mapi_getprops($attach);
                 mapi_setprops($newattach, $attachprops);
                 if (isset($attachprops[mapi_prop_tag(PT_ERROR, mapi_prop_id(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN))])) {
                     // Data is in a stream
                     $srcstream = mapi_openpropertytostream($attach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN);
                     $dststream = mapi_openpropertytostream($newattach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, MAPI_MODIFY | MAPI_CREATE);
                     while (1) {
                         $data = mapi_stream_read($srcstream, 4096);
                         if (strlen($data) == 0) {
                         mapi_stream_write($dststream, $data);
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_BODY => $body));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function SendMail($rfc822, $smartdata = array(), $protocolversion = false)
     if (WBXML_DEBUG === true && $protocolversion <= 14.0) {
         debugLog("SendMail: task " . $smartdata['task'] . " itemid: " . (isset($smartdata['itemid']) ? $smartdata['itemid'] : "") . " parent: " . (isset($smartdata['folderid']) ? $smartdata['folderid'] : "") . "\n" . $rfc822);
     $mimeParams = array('decode_headers' => false, 'decode_bodies' => true, 'include_bodies' => true, 'charset' => 'utf-8');
     $mimeObject = new Mail_mimeDecode($rfc822);
     $message = $mimeObject->decode($mimeParams);
     // Open the outbox and create the message there
     $storeprops = mapi_getprops($this->_defaultstore, array(PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID));
     if (!isset($storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID])) {
         debugLog("Outbox not found to create message");
         return false;
     $outbox = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID]);
     if (!$outbox) {
         debugLog("Unable to open outbox");
         return false;
     $mapimessage = mapi_folder_createmessage($outbox);
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_SUBJECT => u2w($mimeObject->_decodeHeader(isset($message->headers["subject"]) ? $message->headers["subject"] : "")), PR_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID => $storeprops[PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID], PR_MESSAGE_CLASS => 'IPM.Note', PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME => time()));
     if (isset($message->headers["x-priority"])) {
         switch ($message->headers["x-priority"]) {
             case 1:
             case 2:
                 $priority = PRIO_URGENT;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
             case 4:
             case 5:
                 $priority = PRIO_NONURGENT;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_LOW;
             case 3:
                 $priority = PRIO_NORMAL;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_NORMAL;
         mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_IMPORTANCE => $importance, PR_PRIORITY => $priority));
     $addresses = array();
     $toaddr = $ccaddr = $bccaddr = array();
     $Mail_RFC822 = new Mail_RFC822();
     if (isset($message->headers["to"])) {
         $toaddr = $Mail_RFC822->parseAddressList($message->headers["to"]);
     if (isset($message->headers["cc"])) {
         $ccaddr = $Mail_RFC822->parseAddressList($message->headers["cc"]);
     if (isset($message->headers["bcc"])) {
         $bccaddr = $Mail_RFC822->parseAddressList($message->headers["bcc"]);
     if (count($toaddr) == 0 && count($ccaddr) == 0 && count($bccaddr) == 0) {
         debugLog("Sendmail: Message has got no recipients (no to, no cc and no bcc!)");
         return 119;
     // Add recipients
     $recips = array();
     if (isset($toaddr)) {
         foreach (array(MAPI_TO => $toaddr, MAPI_CC => $ccaddr, MAPI_BCC => $bccaddr) as $type => $addrlist) {
             foreach ($addrlist as $addr) {
                 $mapirecip[PR_ADDRTYPE] = "SMTP";
                 $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS] = $addr->mailbox . "@" . $addr->host;
                 if (isset($addr->personal) && strlen($addr->personal) > 0) {
                     $mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = u2w($mimeObject->_decodeHeader($addr->personal));
                 } else {
                     $mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS];
                 $mapirecip[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE] = $type;
                 $mapirecip[PR_ENTRYID] = mapi_createoneoff($mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME], $mapirecip[PR_ADDRTYPE], $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]);
                 array_push($recips, $mapirecip);
     mapi_message_modifyrecipients($mapimessage, 0, $recips);
     // Loop through message subparts.
     $body = "";
     $body_html = "";
     if ($message->ctype_primary == "multipart" && ($message->ctype_secondary == "signed" || $message->ctype_secondary == "mixed" || $message->ctype_secondary == "alternative")) {
         $mparts = $message->parts;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($mparts); $i++) {
             $part = $mparts[$i];
             // palm pre & iPhone send forwarded messages in another subpart which are also parsed
             if ($part->ctype_primary == "multipart" && ($part->ctype_secondary == "mixed" || $part->ctype_secondary == "alternative" || $part->ctype_secondary == "related")) {
                 foreach ($part->parts as $spart) {
                     $mparts[] = $spart;
             // standard body
             if ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "plain" && isset($part->body) && (!isset($part->disposition) || $part->disposition != "attachment")) {
                 $body .= u2w($part->body);
                 // assume only one text body
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "html") {
                 $body_html .= u2w($part->body);
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "ms-tnef" || $part->ctype_secondary == "ms-tnef") {
                 $zptnef = new ZPush_tnef($this->_defaultstore);
                 $mapiprops = array();
                 $zptnef->extractProps($part->body, $mapiprops);
                 if (is_array($mapiprops) && !empty($mapiprops)) {
                     //check if it is a recurring item
                     $tnefrecurr = GetPropIDFromString($this->_defaultstore, "PT_BOOLEAN:{6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305}:0x5");
                     if (isset($mapiprops[$tnefrecurr])) {
                         $this->_handleRecurringItem($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                     debugLog(print_r($mapiprops, true));
                     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                 } else {
                     debugLog("TNEF: Mapi props array was empty");
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "calendar") {
                 $zpical = new ZPush_ical($this->_defaultstore);
                 $mapiprops = array();
                 $zpical->extractProps($part->body, $mapiprops);
                 // iPhone sends a second ICS which we ignore if we can
                 if (!isset($mapiprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS]) && strlen(trim($body)) == 0) {
                     debugLog("Secondary iPhone response is being ignored!! Mail dropped!");
                     return true;
                 if (!checkMapiExtVersion("6.30") && is_array($mapiprops) && !empty($mapiprops)) {
                     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                 } else {
                     // store ics as attachment
                     $this->_storeAttachment($mapimessage, $part);
                     debugLog("Sending ICS file as attachment");
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == "text" && $part->ctype_secondary == "x-vCalendar") {
                 $zpical = new ZPush_ical($this->_defaultstore);
                 $mapiprops = array();
                 $zpical->extractProps($part->body, $mapiprops);
                 if (is_array($mapiprops) && !empty($mapiprops)) {
                     // dw2412 Nokia sends incomplete iCal calendar item, so we have to add properties like
                     // message class and icon index
                     if (isset($mapiprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS]) && $mapiprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS] == "IPM.Note" || !isset($mapiprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS])) {
                         $mapiprops[PR_ICON_INDEX] = 0x404;
                         $mapiprops[PR_OWNER_APPT_ID] = 0;
                         $mapiprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS] = "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request";
                     // dw2412 Nokia sends no location information field in case user did not type in some
                     // thing in this field...
                     $namedIntentedBusyStatus = GetPropIDFromString($this->_defaultstore, "PT_LONG:{00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}:8224");
                     if (!isset($mapiprops[$namedIntentedBusyStatus])) {
                         $mapiprops[$namedIntentedBusyStatus] = 0;
                     $namedLocation = GetPropIDFromString($this->_defaultstore, "PT_STRING8:{00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}:0x8208");
                     if (!isset($mapiprops[$namedLocation])) {
                         $mapiprops[$namedLocation] = "";
                     $tnefLocation = GetPropIDFromString($this->_defaultstore, "PT_STRING8:{6ED8DA90-450B-101B-98DA-00AA003F1305}:0x2");
                     if (!isset($mapiprops[$tnefLocation])) {
                         $mapiprops[$tnefLocation] = "";
                     $useTNEF = GetPropIDFromString($this->_defaultstore, "PT_BOOLEAN:{00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}:0x8582");
                     $mapiprops[$useTNEF] = true;
                 } else {
                     debugLog("ICAL: Mapi props array was empty");
             } elseif ($part->ctype_primary == 'application' && $part->ctype_secondary == 'x-pkcs7-signature') {
                 $rfc822_p7m = $this->_rfc822tosmimep7m($rfc822);
                 $smimepart = (object) array('ctype_primary' => 'multipart', 'ctype_secondary' => 'signed', 'body' => $rfc822_p7m);
                 debugLog(print_r($smimepart, true));
                 $mapiprops = array();
                 $mapiprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS] = "IPM.Note.SMIME.MultipartSigned";
                 $hideattachments = GetPropIDFromString($this->_defaultstore, "PT_BOOLEAN:{00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}:0x8514");
                 $mapiprops[$hideattachments] = true;
                 mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
                 $this->_storeAttachment($mapimessage, $smimepart);
             } else {
                 $this->_storeAttachment($mapimessage, $part);
     } else {
         // start dw2412 handle smime encrypted emails...
         if ($message->ctype_primary == "application" && $message->ctype_secondary == "x-pkcs7-mime") {
             $mapiprops = array();
             $mapiprops[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS] = "IPM.Note.SMIME";
             $hideattachments = GetPropIDFromString($this->_defaultstore, "PT_BOOLEAN:{00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}:0x8514");
             $mapiprops[$hideattachments] = true;
             $mapicontenttype = mapi_prop_tag(PT_STRING8, 0x85e8);
             $mapiprops[$mapicontenttype] = $message->headers['content-type'];
             mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
             $this->_storeAttachment($mapimessage, $message);
         // end dw2412 handle encrypted emails
         // start dw2412 handle windows mobile html replies...
         // standard body
         if ($message->ctype_primary == "text" && $message->ctype_secondary == "plain" && isset($message->body) && (!isset($message->disposition) || $message->disposition != "attachment")) {
             $body = u2w($message->body);
             // assume only one text body
         } elseif ($message->ctype_primary == "text" && $message->ctype_secondary == "html") {
             $body_html = u2w($message->body);
         // end dw2412 handle windows mobile html replies...
         // $body = u2w($message->body);
     // some devices only transmit a html body
     if (strlen($body) == 0 && strlen($body_html) > 0) {
         debugLog("only html body sent, transformed into plain text");
         $body = strip_tags($body_html);
     // START ADDED dw2412 update/create conversation index
     $conversationindex = false;
     // END ADDED dw2412 update/create conversation index
     if (isset($smartdata['itemid']) && $smartdata['itemid'] || isset($smartdata['longid']) && $smartdata['longid']) {
         // Append the original text body for reply/forward
         if (isset($smartdata['longid'])) {
             $entryid = hex2bin($smartdata['longid']);
         } else {
             $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, hex2bin($smartdata['folderid']), hex2bin($smartdata['itemid']));
         if (($fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $entryid)) === false) {
             debugLog("Sendmail: Provided EntryID cannot be opened. Return error code 150.");
             switch ($smartdata['task']) {
                 case 'forward':
                     return 150;
                 case 'reply':
                     return 150;
         if ($fwmessage) {
             // START CHANGED dw2412 LAST Verb Exec Props included
             //update icon when forwarding or replying message
             if ($smartdata['task'] == 'forward') {
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED => 0x68, PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME => time()));
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 262));
             } elseif ($smartdata['task'] == 'reply') {
                 // START ADDED dw2412 update/create conversation index
                 $fwmessageprops = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array(PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX));
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX])) {
                     $conversationindex = $fwmessageprops[PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX];
                 // END ADDED dw2412 update/create conversation index
                 if (sizeof($recips) > 1) {
                     mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED => 0x67, PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME => time()));
                 } else {
                     mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED => 0x66, PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME => time()));
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 261));
             } else {
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED => 0x0, PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME => time()));
             // END CHANGED dw2412 LAST Verb Exec Props included
             $stream = mapi_openproperty($fwmessage, PR_BODY, IID_IStream, 0, 0);
             $fwbody = "";
             while (1) {
                 $data = mapi_stream_read($stream, 1024);
                 if (strlen($data) == 0) {
                 $fwbody .= $data;
             $stream = mapi_openproperty($fwmessage, PR_HTML, IID_IStream, 0, 0);
             $fwbody_html = "";
             while (1) {
                 $data = mapi_stream_read($stream, 1024);
                 if (strlen($data) == 0) {
                 $fwbody_html .= $data;
             $stream = mapi_openproperty($fwmessage, PR_HTML, IID_IStream, 0, 0);
             $fwbody_html = "";
             while (1) {
                 $data = mapi_stream_read($stream, 1024);
                 if (strlen($data) == 0) {
                 $fwbody_html .= $data;
             // dw2412 Enable this only in case of AS2.5 Protocol... in AS12 this seem
             // being done already by winmobile client.
             if ($smartdata['task'] == 'forward' && $protocolversion <= 2.5) {
                 // During a forward, we have to add the forward header ourselves. This is because
                 // normally the forwarded message is added as an attachment. However, we don't want this
                 // because it would be rather complicated to copy over the entire original message due
                 // to the lack of IMessage::CopyTo ..
                 $fwmessageprops = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array(PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME, PR_DISPLAY_TO, PR_DISPLAY_CC, PR_SUBJECT, PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME));
                 $fwheader = "\r\n\r\n";
                 $fwheader .= "-----Original Message-----\r\n";
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME])) {
                     $fwheader .= "From: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME] . "\r\n";
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO]) && strlen($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO]) > 0) {
                     $fwheader .= "To: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO] . "\r\n";
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC]) && strlen($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC]) > 0) {
                     $fwheader .= "Cc: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC] . "\r\n";
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME])) {
                     $fwheader .= "Sent: " . strftime("%x %X", $fwmessageprops[PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME]) . "\r\n";
                 if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT])) {
                     $fwheader .= "Subject: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT] . "\r\n";
                 $fwheader .= "\r\n";
                 // add fwheader to body and body_html
                 $body .= $fwheader;
                 if (strlen($body_html) > 0) {
                     $body_html .= str_ireplace("\r\n", "<br>", $fwheader);
             if (strlen($body) > 0) {
                 $body .= $fwbody;
             if (strlen($body_html) > 0) {
                 $body_html .= $fwbody_html;
         } else {
             debugLog("Unable to open item with id {$orig} for forward/reply");
     if ($smartdata['task'] == 'forward') {
         // Add attachments from the original message in a forward
         if (isset($smartdata['longid'])) {
             $entryid = hex2bin($smartdata['longid']);
         } else {
             $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, hex2bin($smartdata['folderid']), hex2bin($smartdata['itemid']));
         $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $entryid);
         $attachtable = mapi_message_getattachmenttable($fwmessage);
         $rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($attachtable, array(PR_ATTACH_NUM));
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             if (isset($row[PR_ATTACH_NUM])) {
                 $attach = mapi_message_openattach($fwmessage, $row[PR_ATTACH_NUM]);
                 $newattach = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage);
                 // Copy all attachments from old to new attachment
                 $attachprops = mapi_getprops($attach);
                 mapi_setprops($newattach, $attachprops);
                 if (isset($attachprops[mapi_prop_tag(PT_ERROR, mapi_prop_id(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN))])) {
                     // Data is in a stream
                     $srcstream = mapi_openpropertytostream($attach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN);
                     $dststream = mapi_openpropertytostream($newattach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, MAPI_MODIFY | MAPI_CREATE);
                     while (1) {
                         $data = mapi_stream_read($srcstream, 4096);
                         if (strlen($data) == 0) {
                         mapi_stream_write($dststream, $data);
     // START ADDED dw2412 update/create conversation index
     if (CONVERSATIONINDEX == true) {
         $ci = new ConversationIndex();
         if ($conversationindex) {
         } else {
         mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX => $ci->Encode()));
     // END ADDED dw2412 update/create conversation index
     //set PR_INTERNET_CPID to 65001 (utf-8) if store supports it and to 1252 otherwise
     $internetcpid = 1252;
         $internetcpid = 65001;
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_BODY => $body, PR_INTERNET_CPID => $internetcpid));
     if (strlen($body_html) > 0) {
         mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_HTML => $body_html));
     if (mapi_savechanges($mapimessage) === false || mapi_message_submitmessage($mapimessage) === false) {
         switch ($smartdata['task']) {
             case 'reply':
                 debugLog("Sendmail: Message reply failed, sending failed at all");
                 return 121;
                 debugLog("Sendmail: Message failed to be saved/submitted, sending failed at all");
                 return 120;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function SendMail($rfc822, $forward = false, $reply = false, $parent = false)
     $message = Mail_mimeDecode::decode(array('decode_headers' => true, 'decode_bodies' => true, 'include_bodies' => true, 'input' => $rfc822, 'crlf' => "\r\n", 'charset' => 'utf-8'));
     // Open the outbox and create the message there
     $storeprops = mapi_getprops($this->_defaultstore, array(PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID));
     if (!isset($storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID])) {
         debugLog("Outbox not found to create message");
         return false;
     $outbox = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID]);
     if (!$outbox) {
         debugLog("Unable to open outbox");
         return false;
     $mapimessage = mapi_folder_createmessage($outbox);
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_SUBJECT => u2w($message->headers["subject"]), PR_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID => $storeprops[PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID], PR_MESSAGE_CLASS => "IPM.Note", PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME => time()));
     if (isset($message->headers["x-priority"])) {
         switch ($message->headers["x-priority"]) {
             case 1:
             case 2:
                 $priority = PRIO_URGENT;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
             case 4:
             case 5:
                 $priority = PRIO_NONURGENT;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_LOW;
             case 3:
                 $priority = PRIO_NORMAL;
                 $importance = IMPORTANCE_NORMAL;
         mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_IMPORTANCE => $importance, PR_PRIORITY => $priority));
     $addresses = array();
     $toaddr = $ccaddr = $bccaddr = array();
     if (isset($message->headers["to"])) {
         $toaddr = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($message->headers["to"]);
     if (isset($message->headers["cc"])) {
         $ccaddr = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($message->headers["cc"]);
     if (isset($message->headers["bcc"])) {
         $bccaddr = Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($message->headers["bcc"]);
     // Add recipients
     $recips = array();
     if (isset($toaddr)) {
         foreach (array(MAPI_TO => $toaddr, MAPI_CC => $ccaddr, MAPI_BCC => $bccaddr) as $type => $addrlist) {
             foreach ($addrlist as $addr) {
                 $mapirecip[PR_ADDRTYPE] = "SMTP";
                 $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS] = $addr->mailbox . "@" . $addr->host;
                 if (isset($addr->personal) && strlen($addr->personal) > 0) {
                     $mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = u2w($addr->personal);
                 } else {
                     $mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS];
                 $mapirecip[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE] = $type;
                 $mapirecip[PR_ENTRYID] = mapi_createoneoff($mapirecip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME], $mapirecip[PR_ADDRTYPE], $mapirecip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]);
                 array_push($recips, $mapirecip);
     mapi_message_modifyrecipients($mapimessage, 0, $recips);
     // Loop through subparts. We currently only support single-level
     // multiparts. The PDA currently only does this because you are adding
     // an attachment and the type will be multipart/mixed.
     if ($message->ctype_primary == "multipart" && $message->ctype_secondary == "mixed") {
         foreach ($message->parts as $part) {
             if ($part->ctype_primary == "text") {
                 $body = u2w($part->body);
             } else {
                 // attachment
                 $attach = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage);
                 // Filename is present in both Content-Type: name=.. and in Content-Disposition: filename=
                 if (isset($part->ctype_parameters["name"])) {
                     $filename = $part->ctype_parameters["name"];
                 } else {
                     if (isset($part->d_parameters["name"])) {
                         $filename = $part->d_parameters["filename"];
                     } else {
                         $filename = "untitled";
                 // Set filename and attachment type
                 mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME => u2w($filename), PR_ATTACH_METHOD => ATTACH_BY_VALUE));
                 // Set attachment data
                 mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN => $part->body));
                 // Set MIME type
                 mapi_setprops($attach, array(PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG => $part->ctype_primary . "/" . $part->ctype_secondary));
     } else {
         $body = u2w($message->body);
     if ($forward) {
         $orig = $forward;
     if ($reply) {
         $orig = $reply;
     if (isset($orig) && $orig) {
         // Append the original text body for reply/forward
         $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, hex2bin($parent), hex2bin($orig));
         $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $entryid);
         if ($fwmessage) {
             $messageprops = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array(PR_BODY));
             if (isset($messageprops[PR_BODY])) {
                 if ($forward) {
                     // During a forward, we have to add the forward header ourselves. This is because
                     // normally the forwarded message is added as an attachment. However, we don't want this
                     // because it would be rather complicated to copy over the entire original message due
                     // to the lack of IMessage::CopyTo ..
                     $fwmessageprops = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array(PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME, PR_DISPLAY_TO, PR_DISPLAY_CC, PR_SUBJECT, PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME));
                     $body .= "\r\n\r\n";
                     $body .= "-----Original Message-----\r\n";
                     if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME])) {
                         $body .= "From: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME] . "\r\n";
                     if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO]) && strlen($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO]) > 0) {
                         $body .= "To: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_TO] . "\r\n";
                     if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC]) && strlen($fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC]) > 0) {
                         $body .= "Cc: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_DISPLAY_CC] . "\r\n";
                     if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME])) {
                         $body .= "Sent: " . strftime("%x %X", $fwmessageprops[PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME]) . "\r\n";
                     if (isset($fwmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT])) {
                         $body .= "Subject: " . $fwmessageprops[PR_SUBJECT] . "\r\n";
                     $body .= "\r\n";
                 $body .= $messageprops[PR_BODY];
         } else {
             debugLog("Unable to open item with id {$orig} for forward/reply");
     if ($forward) {
         // Add attachments from the original message in a forward
         $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->_defaultstore, hex2bin($parent), hex2bin($orig));
         $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->_defaultstore, $entryid);
         $attachtable = mapi_message_getattachmenttable($fwmessage);
         $rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($attachtable, array(PR_ATTACH_NUM));
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             if (isset($row[PR_ATTACH_NUM])) {
                 $attach = mapi_message_openattach($fwmessage, $row[PR_ATTACH_NUM]);
                 $newattach = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage);
                 // Copy all attachments from old to new attachment
                 $attachprops = mapi_getprops($attach);
                 mapi_setprops($newattach, $attachprops);
                 if (isset($attachprops[mapi_prop_tag(PT_ERROR, mapi_prop_id(PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN))])) {
                     // Data is in a stream
                     $srcstream = mapi_openpropertytostream($attach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN);
                     $dststream = mapi_openpropertytostream($newattach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, MAPI_MODIFY | MAPI_CREATE);
                     while (1) {
                         $data = mapi_stream_read($srcstream, 4096);
                         if (strlen($data) == 0) {
                         mapi_stream_write($dststream, $data);
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_BODY => $body));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Sends an e-mail
  * This messages needs to be saved into the 'sent items' folder
  * @param SyncSendMail  $sm     SyncSendMail object
  * @access public
  * @return boolean
  * @throws StatusException
 public function SendMail($sm)
     // Check if imtomapi function is available and use it to send the mime message.
     // It is available since ZCP 7.0.6
     // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZCP-9508
     if (!(function_exists('mapi_feature') && mapi_feature('INETMAPI_IMTOMAPI'))) {
         throw new StatusException("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): ZCP version is too old, INETMAPI_IMTOMAPI is not available. Install at least ZCP version 7.0.6 or later.", SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_MAILSUBMISSIONFAILED, null, LOGLEVEL_FATAL);
         return false;
     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): RFC822: %d bytes  forward-id: '%s' reply-id: '%s' parent-id: '%s' SaveInSent: '%s' ReplaceMIME: '%s'", strlen($sm->mime), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->forwardflag), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->replyflag), Utils::PrintAsString(isset($sm->source->folderid) ? $sm->source->folderid : false), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->saveinsent), Utils::PrintAsString(isset($sm->replacemime))));
     // by splitting the message in several lines we can easily grep later
     foreach (preg_split("/((\r)?\n)/", $sm->mime) as $rfc822line) {
         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WBXML, "RFC822: " . $rfc822line);
     $sendMailProps = MAPIMapping::GetSendMailProperties();
     $sendMailProps = getPropIdsFromStrings($this->store, $sendMailProps);
     // Open the outbox and create the message there
     $storeprops = mapi_getprops($this->store, array($sendMailProps["outboxentryid"], $sendMailProps["ipmsentmailentryid"]));
     if (isset($storeprops[$sendMailProps["outboxentryid"]])) {
         $outbox = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->store, $storeprops[$sendMailProps["outboxentryid"]]);
     if (!$outbox) {
         throw new StatusException(sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): No Outbox found or unable to create message: 0x%X", mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_SERVERERROR);
     $mapimessage = mapi_folder_createmessage($outbox);
     //message properties to be set
     $mapiprops = array();
     // only save the outgoing in sent items folder if the mobile requests it
     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["sentmailentryid"]] = $storeprops[$sendMailProps["ipmsentmailentryid"]];
     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "Use the mapi_inetmapi_imtomapi function");
     $ab = mapi_openaddressbook($this->session);
     mapi_inetmapi_imtomapi($this->session, $this->store, $ab, $mapimessage, $sm->mime, array());
     // Set the appSeqNr so that tracking tab can be updated for meeting request updates
     // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZP-68
     $meetingRequestProps = MAPIMapping::GetMeetingRequestProperties();
     $meetingRequestProps = getPropIdsFromStrings($this->store, $meetingRequestProps);
     $props = mapi_getprops($mapimessage, array(PR_MESSAGE_CLASS, $meetingRequestProps["goidtag"], $sendMailProps["internetcpid"]));
     // Convert sent message's body to UTF-8.
     // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZP-505
     if (isset($props[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]) && $props[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]] != INTERNET_CPID_UTF8) {
         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("Sent email cpid is not unicode (%d). Set it to unicode and convert email body.", $props[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]));
         $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]] = INTERNET_CPID_UTF8;
         $body = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, PR_BODY);
         $body = Utils::ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($props[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]], $body);
         $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["body"]] = $body;
         $bodyHtml = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, PR_HTML);
         $bodyHtml = Utils::ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($props[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]], $bodyHtml);
         $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["html"]] = $bodyHtml;
         mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
     if (stripos($props[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS], "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.") === 0) {
         // search for calendar items using goid
         $mr = new Meetingrequest($this->store, $mapimessage);
         $appointments = $mr->findCalendarItems($props[$meetingRequestProps["goidtag"]]);
         if (is_array($appointments) && !empty($appointments)) {
             $app = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->store, $appointments[0]);
             $appprops = mapi_getprops($app, array($meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]));
             if (isset($appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]]) && $appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]]) {
                 $mapiprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]] = $appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]];
                 ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("Set sequence number to:%d", $appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]]));
     // Delete the PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_* properties because some android devices
     // do not send neither From nor Sender header causing empty PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME and
     // which results in spooler not being able to send the message.
     // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZP-85
     mapi_deleteprops($mapimessage, array($sendMailProps["sentrepresentingname"], $sendMailProps["sentrepresentingemail"], $sendMailProps["representingentryid"], $sendMailProps["sentrepresentingaddt"], $sendMailProps["sentrepresentinsrchk"]));
     if (isset($sm->source->itemid) && $sm->source->itemid) {
         // answering an email in a public/shared folder
         if (!$this->Setup(ZPush::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore($sm->source->folderid))) {
             throw new StatusException(sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail() could not Setup() the backend for folder id '%s'", $sm->source->folderid), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_SERVERERROR);
         $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->store, hex2bin($sm->source->folderid), hex2bin($sm->source->itemid));
         if ($entryid) {
             $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->store, $entryid);
         if (!isset($fwmessage) || !$fwmessage) {
             throw new StatusException(sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): Could not open message id '%s' in folder id '%s' to be replied/forwarded: 0x%X", $sm->source->itemid, $sm->source->folderid, mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_ITEMNOTFOUND);
         //update icon when forwarding or replying message
         if ($sm->forwardflag) {
             mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 262));
         } elseif ($sm->replyflag) {
             mapi_setprops($fwmessage, array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 261));
         // only attach the original message if the mobile does not send it itself
         if (!isset($sm->replacemime)) {
             // get message's body in order to append forward or reply text
             if (!isset($body)) {
                 $body = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, PR_BODY);
             if (!isset($bodyHtml)) {
                 $bodyHtml = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, PR_HTML);
             $cpid = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array($sendMailProps["internetcpid"]));
             if ($sm->forwardflag) {
                 // attach the original attachments to the outgoing message
                 $this->copyAttachments($mapimessage, $fwmessage);
             // regarding the conversion @see ZP-470
             if (strlen($body) > 0) {
                 $fwbody = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($fwmessage, PR_BODY);
                 // if only the old message's cpid is set, convert from old charset to utf-8
                 if (isset($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]) && $cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]] != INTERNET_CPID_UTF8) {
                     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): convert plain forwarded message charset (only fw set) from '%s' to '65001'", $cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]));
                     $fwbody = Utils::ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]], $fwbody);
                 } else {
                     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): no charset conversion done for plain forwarded message");
                     $fwbody = w2u($fwbody);
                 $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["body"]] = $body . "\r\n\r\n" . $fwbody;
             if (strlen($bodyHtml) > 0) {
                 $fwbodyHtml = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($fwmessage, PR_HTML);
                 // if only new message's cpid is set, convert to UTF-8
                 if (isset($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]) && $cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]] != INTERNET_CPID_UTF8) {
                     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): convert html forwarded message charset (only fw set) from '%s' to '65001'", $cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]));
                     $fwbodyHtml = Utils::ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]], $fwbodyHtml);
                 } else {
                     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): no charset conversion done for html forwarded message");
                     $fwbodyHtml = w2u($fwbodyHtml);
                 $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["html"]] = $bodyHtml . "<br><br>" . $fwbodyHtml;
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
     $hr = mapi_last_hresult();
     if ($hr) {
         throw new StatusException(sprintf("ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): Error saving/submitting the message to the Outbox: 0x%X", mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_MAILSUBMISSIONFAILED);
     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ZarafaBackend->SendMail(): email submitted");
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Sends an e-mail
  * This messages needs to be saved into the 'sent items' folder
  * @param SyncSendMail  $sm     SyncSendMail object
  * @access public
  * @return boolean
  * @throws StatusException
 public function SendMail($sm)
     // Check if imtomapi function is available and use it to send the mime message.
     // It is available since ZCP 7.0.6
     // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZCP-9508
     if (!(function_exists('mapi_feature') && mapi_feature('INETMAPI_IMTOMAPI'))) {
         throw new StatusException("KopanoBackend->SendMail(): ZCP/KC version is too old, INETMAPI_IMTOMAPI is not available. Install at least ZCP version 7.0.6 or later.", SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_MAILSUBMISSIONFAILED, null, LOGLEVEL_FATAL);
         return false;
     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("KopanoBackend->SendMail(): RFC822: %d bytes  forward-id: '%s' reply-id: '%s' parent-id: '%s' SaveInSent: '%s' ReplaceMIME: '%s'", strlen($sm->mime), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->forwardflag), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->replyflag), Utils::PrintAsString(isset($sm->source->folderid) ? $sm->source->folderid : false), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->saveinsent), Utils::PrintAsString(isset($sm->replacemime))));
     // Send-As functionality - https://jira.z-hub.io/browse/ZP-908
     $sendingAsSomeone = false;
         $senderEmail = array();
         // KOE: grep for the Sender header indicating we should send-as
         // the 'X-Push-Sender-Name' header is not used
         if (preg_match("/^X-Push-Sender:\\s(.*?)\$/im", $sm->mime, $senderEmail)) {
             $sendAsEmail = trim($senderEmail[1]);
             ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("KopanoBackend->SendMail(): Send-As '%s' requested by KOE", $sendAsEmail));
             $sm->mime = preg_replace("/^From: .*?\$/im", "From: " . $sendAsEmail, $sm->mime, 1);
             $sendingAsSomeone = true;
         } elseif (isset($sm->source->folderid)) {
             // get the owner of this folder - System is not allowed
             $sharedUser = ZPush::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore($sm->source->folderid);
             if ($sharedUser != false && $sharedUser != 'SYSTEM') {
                 $folders = ZPush::GetAdditionalSyncFolders();
                 if (isset($folders[$sm->source->folderid]) && $folders[$sm->source->folderid]->Flags & DeviceManager::FLD_FLAGS_REPLYASUSER) {
                     $sendAs = $this->resolveRecipientGAL($sharedUser, 1);
                     if (isset($sendAs[0])) {
                         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("KopanoBackend->SendMail(): Server side Send-As activated for shared folder. Sending as '%s'.", $sendAs[0]->emailaddress));
                         $sm->mime = preg_replace("/^From: .*?\$/im", "From: " . $sendAs[0]->emailaddress, $sm->mime, 1);
                         $sendingAsSomeone = true;
     // by splitting the message in several lines we can easily grep later
     foreach (preg_split("/((\r)?\n)/", $sm->mime) as $rfc822line) {
         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WBXML, "RFC822: " . $rfc822line);
     $sendMailProps = MAPIMapping::GetSendMailProperties();
     $sendMailProps = getPropIdsFromStrings($this->defaultstore, $sendMailProps);
     // Open the outbox and create the message there
     $storeprops = mapi_getprops($this->defaultstore, array($sendMailProps["outboxentryid"], $sendMailProps["ipmsentmailentryid"]));
     if (isset($storeprops[$sendMailProps["outboxentryid"]])) {
         $outbox = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->defaultstore, $storeprops[$sendMailProps["outboxentryid"]]);
     if (!$outbox) {
         throw new StatusException(sprintf("KopanoBackend->SendMail(): No Outbox found or unable to create message: 0x%X", mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_SERVERERROR);
     $mapimessage = mapi_folder_createmessage($outbox);
     //message properties to be set
     $mapiprops = array();
     // only save the outgoing in sent items folder if the mobile requests it
     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["sentmailentryid"]] = $storeprops[$sendMailProps["ipmsentmailentryid"]];
     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "Use the mapi_inetmapi_imtomapi function");
     $ab = mapi_openaddressbook($this->session);
     mapi_inetmapi_imtomapi($this->session, $this->defaultstore, $ab, $mapimessage, $sm->mime, array());
     // Set the appSeqNr so that tracking tab can be updated for meeting request updates
     // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZP-68
     $meetingRequestProps = MAPIMapping::GetMeetingRequestProperties();
     $meetingRequestProps = getPropIdsFromStrings($this->defaultstore, $meetingRequestProps);
     $props = mapi_getprops($mapimessage, array(PR_MESSAGE_CLASS, $meetingRequestProps["goidtag"], $sendMailProps["internetcpid"], $sendMailProps["body"], $sendMailProps["html"], $sendMailProps["rtf"], $sendMailProps["rtfinsync"]));
     // Convert sent message's body to UTF-8 if it was a HTML message.
     // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZP-505 and http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZP-555
     if (isset($props[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]) && $props[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]] != INTERNET_CPID_UTF8 && MAPIUtils::GetNativeBodyType($props) == SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_HTML) {
         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("Sent email cpid is not unicode (%d). Set it to unicode and convert email html body.", $props[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]));
         $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]] = INTERNET_CPID_UTF8;
         $bodyHtml = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, PR_HTML);
         $bodyHtml = Utils::ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($props[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]], $bodyHtml);
         $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["html"]] = $bodyHtml;
         mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
     if (stripos($props[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS], "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.") === 0) {
         // search for calendar items using goid
         $mr = new Meetingrequest($this->defaultstore, $mapimessage);
         $appointments = $mr->findCalendarItems($props[$meetingRequestProps["goidtag"]]);
         if (is_array($appointments) && !empty($appointments)) {
             $app = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->defaultstore, $appointments[0]);
             $appprops = mapi_getprops($app, array($meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]));
             if (isset($appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]]) && $appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]]) {
                 $mapiprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]] = $appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]];
                 ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("Set sequence number to:%d", $appprops[$meetingRequestProps["appSeqNr"]]));
     // Delete the PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_* properties because some android devices
     // do not send neither From nor Sender header causing empty PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME and
     // which results in spooler not being able to send the message.
     // @see http://jira.zarafa.com/browse/ZP-85
     // If using KOE send-as feature, we keep this properties because they actually are the send-as
     if (!$sendingAsSomeone) {
         mapi_deleteprops($mapimessage, array($sendMailProps["sentrepresentingname"], $sendMailProps["sentrepresentingemail"], $sendMailProps["representingentryid"], $sendMailProps["sentrepresentingaddt"], $sendMailProps["sentrepresentinsrchk"]));
     if (isset($sm->source->itemid) && $sm->source->itemid) {
         // answering an email in a public/shared folder
         // TODO as the store is setup, we should actually user $this->store instead of $this->defaultstore - nevertheless we need to make sure this store is able to send mail (has an outbox)
         if (!$this->Setup(ZPush::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore($sm->source->folderid))) {
             throw new StatusException(sprintf("KopanoBackend->SendMail() could not Setup() the backend for folder id '%s'", $sm->source->folderid), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_SERVERERROR);
         $entryid = mapi_msgstore_entryidfromsourcekey($this->store, hex2bin($sm->source->folderid), hex2bin($sm->source->itemid));
         if ($entryid) {
             $fwmessage = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->store, $entryid);
         if (isset($fwmessage) && $fwmessage) {
             // update icon and last_verb when forwarding or replying message
             // reply-all (verb 103) is not supported, as we cannot really detect this case
             if ($sm->forwardflag) {
                 $updateProps = array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 262, PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED => 104);
             } elseif ($sm->replyflag) {
                 $updateProps = array(PR_ICON_INDEX => 261, PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED => 102);
             if (isset($updateProps)) {
                 $updateProps[PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME] = time();
                 mapi_setprops($fwmessage, $updateProps);
             // only attach the original message if the mobile does not send it itself
             if (!isset($sm->replacemime)) {
                 // get message's body in order to append forward or reply text
                 if (!isset($body)) {
                     $body = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, PR_BODY);
                 if (!isset($bodyHtml)) {
                     $bodyHtml = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, PR_HTML);
                 $cpid = mapi_getprops($fwmessage, array($sendMailProps["internetcpid"]));
                 if ($sm->forwardflag) {
                     // attach the original attachments to the outgoing message
                     $this->copyAttachments($mapimessage, $fwmessage);
                 // regarding the conversion @see ZP-470
                 if (strlen($body) > 0) {
                     $fwbody = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($fwmessage, PR_BODY);
                     // if only the old message's cpid is set, convert from old charset to utf-8
                     if (isset($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]) && $cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]] != INTERNET_CPID_UTF8) {
                         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("KopanoBackend->SendMail(): convert plain forwarded message charset (only fw set) from '%s' to '65001'", $cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]));
                         $fwbody = Utils::ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]], $fwbody);
                     } else {
                         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "KopanoBackend->SendMail(): no charset conversion done for plain forwarded message");
                         $fwbody = w2u($fwbody);
                     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["body"]] = $body . "\r\n\r\n" . $fwbody;
                 if (strlen($bodyHtml) > 0) {
                     $fwbodyHtml = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($fwmessage, PR_HTML);
                     // if only new message's cpid is set, convert to UTF-8
                     if (isset($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]) && $cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]] != INTERNET_CPID_UTF8) {
                         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("KopanoBackend->SendMail(): convert html forwarded message charset (only fw set) from '%s' to '65001'", $cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]]));
                         $fwbodyHtml = Utils::ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($cpid[$sendMailProps["internetcpid"]], $fwbodyHtml);
                     } else {
                         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "KopanoBackend->SendMail(): no charset conversion done for html forwarded message");
                         $fwbodyHtml = w2u($fwbodyHtml);
                     $mapiprops[$sendMailProps["html"]] = $bodyHtml . "<br><br>" . $fwbodyHtml;
         } else {
             // no fwmessage could be opened and we need it because we do not replace mime
             if (!isset($sm->replacemime) || $sm->replacemime == false) {
                 throw new StatusException(sprintf("KopanoBackend->SendMail(): Could not open message id '%s' in folder id '%s' to be replied/forwarded: 0x%X", $sm->source->itemid, $sm->source->folderid, mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_ITEMNOTFOUND);
     mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $mapiprops);
     $hr = mapi_last_hresult();
     if ($hr) {
         throw new StatusException(sprintf("KopanoBackend->SendMail(): Error saving/submitting the message to the Outbox: 0x%X", mapi_last_hresult()), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_MAILSUBMISSIONFAILED);
     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "KopanoBackend->SendMail(): email submitted");
     return true;