} echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n\t\tparent.document.getElementById('{$iframeID}').innerHTML='{$show}';\n\t\t</SCRIPT>"; } else { //JS式会拖慢主页面打开速度,不推荐 echo "document.write('{$show}');"; } exit; } elseif ($type == 'sonfid') { $fid && ($rs = $db->get_one("SELECT fup FROM {$pre}spsort WHERE fid='{$fid}'")); $show = get_fidName($rs[fup], $rows, $class ? $class : 3); if (!$show) { $show = "暂无..."; } //真静态 if ($webdb[NewsMakeHtml] == 1 || $gethtmlurl) { $show = make_html($show, $pagetype = 'N'); } elseif ($webdb[NewsMakeHtml] == 2) { $show = fake_html($show); } if ($webdb[RewriteUrl] == 1) { //全站伪静态 rewrite_url($show); } $show = "<ul>{$show}</ul>"; $show = str_Replace("'", '"', $show); $show = str_Replace("\r", '', $show); $show = str_Replace("\n", '', $show); $show = "document.write('{$show}');"; echo $show; } else { die("document.write('指定的类型不存在');");
<div class="page-header" style="margin-top: -15px;"> <h3><i class="fa fa-tachometer"></i> <?php echo lang('DASHBOARD_TITLE'); ?> </h3> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="alert alert-info alert-dismissable"> <?php echo make_html(get_myname() . get_dashboard_msg()); ?> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"><a href="stats"><i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o"></i> <?php echo lang('DASHBOARD_ticket_stats'); ?> </a></div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 col-xs-4"><center> <strong class="text-danger" style="font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-size: 20px;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="<?php
function validate_input($valid, &$p, &$error) { $error = null; if ($valid['type'] != 'func') { if (is_array($p)) { $val =& $p[$valid['_input']]; } else { $val =& $p; } } switch ($valid['type']) { case 'address': $val = string_check($val); if (empty($valid['blank']) and strlen($val) < 4) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid address.'; } if (!empty($valid['lines']) and !empty($val) and substr_count($val, "\n") < $valid['lines'] - 1) { $error = 'This address must contain at least ' . $valid['lines'] . ' lines.'; } if (!empty($valid['format'])) { $val = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\r\n", ', '), ',', $val); } break; case 'array': case 'choice': case 'select': // $val can't be an array at this point as that's sorted higher up by validate_input_array() if (!is_array($valid['options']) and function_exists($valid['options'])) { $valid['options'] = $valid['options'](); } if (is_array($valid['options'])) { if (is_assoc($valid['options'])) { $err = !@isset($valid['options'][$val]); } else { $err = !in_array($val, $valid['options']); } } elseif (isset($valid['no-opts'])) { $val = ''; } else { $err = true; $valid['msg'] = 'The options could not be found for this field.'; } if (isset($valid['not-empty']) and empty($val)) { $err = true; } if (!empty($err)) { if (!empty($valid['blank'])) { $val = ''; } elseif (!empty($valid['msg'])) { $error = $valid['msg']; } else { $error = 'You must select one of the available options.'; } } break; case 'bool': case 'boolean': if (!empty($val)) { $val = !empty($valid['set']) ? $valid['set'] : 1; } elseif (!empty($valid['mandatory'])) { $error = 'You must tick this box to continue.'; } else { $val = !empty($valid['empty']) ? $valid['empty'] : 0; } break; case 'clear': $val = false; break; // we can't do this because of the isset check in valid; use the func method to point to valid_copy instead // case 'copy': // $val=$p[$valid['copy']]; // break; // we can't do this because of the isset check in valid; use the func method to point to valid_copy instead // case 'copy': // $val=$p[$valid['copy']]; // break; case 'currency': if (!make_currency($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false)) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid currency value'; } if (!empty($valid['positive']) and $val < 0) { $val *= -1; } break; case 'dat': case 'date': // we had to be careful here, as when we moved to a function with &$error // it started adding the error even if we planned to ignore it // use $err in these cases but might be better to pass on the blank flag // to sub functions of the validator $func = 'sql_' . $valid['type']; $val = $func($val, $err); $today_date = date('Y-m-d'); if (empty($val)) { if (!empty($valid['blank'])) { $val = $valid['blank'] == 'today' ? $today_date : ''; } else { $error = !empty($err) ? $err : 'The date you entered was not recognised'; } } else { if (!empty($valid['past'])) { $valid['max'] = $today_date; } if (!empty($valid['future'])) { $valid['min'] = $today_date; } if (!empty($valid['max']) and $val > $valid['max']) { $error = 'The date specified is greater than the maximum allowed.'; } if (!empty($valid['min']) and $val < $valid['min']) { $error = 'The date specified is less than the minimum allowed.'; } } break; case 'dob': if (!empty($val)) { $val = date_from_dob($val); } if (empty($val) and empty($valid['blank'])) { if (!empty($valid['msg'])) { $error = $valid['msg']; } else { $error = 'You must enter a valid date of birth, try ' . (defined(DATE_USA) ? 'mm/dd/yy' : 'dd/mm/yy') . '.'; } } if (isset($valid['max']) or isset($valid['min'])) { $age = age_from_dob($val); if (!empty($valid['max']) and $age > $valid['max']) { $error = 'This date of birth indicates an age of ' . $age . '. It is required that the age is ' . $valid['max'] . ' or less.'; } if (!empty($valid['min']) and $age < $valid['min']) { $error = 'This date of birth indicates an age of ' . $age . '. It is required that the age is ' . $valid['min'] . ' or more.'; } } if ($val > date('Y-m-d')) { $error = 'A date of birth may not be in the future. If time travel has been invented, please let us know last year.'; } break; case 'email': if (!make_email($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false)) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid email address.'; } break; case 'equal': if (!string_compare($val, $valid['equal'])) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter the exact value.'; } break; // this isn't really a data type, could be removed now that we can accept arrays // this isn't really a data type, could be removed now that we can accept arrays case 'extra': $extra = array(); if (is_array($val['key'])) { foreach ($val['key'] as $n => $key) { $extra[string_check($key)] = string_check($val['val'][$n]); } } $val = serialize($extra); break; case 'html': $val = make_html($val, $valid['tags'], !empty($valid['multi_byte']) ? true : false); if ($valid['length'] > 0) { if (strlen($val) < $valid['length']) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a value at least ' . ($valid['length'] == 1 ? '1 character' : $valid['length'] . ' characters.') . ' long'; } } break; case 'image': break; case 'keygen': if (empty($val) and empty($valid['regen'])) { $val = rand_pass(); } break; case 'name': $val = make_name($val); if (empty($valid['blank']) and empty($val)) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid name.'; } break; case 'num': case 'number': if (!is_number($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false)) { if (!empty($valid['default'])) { $val = $valid['default']; } else { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid number.'; } } if (!empty($val)) { // for legacy support if (isset($valid['ulimit'])) { $valid['max'] = $valid['ulimit']; } if (isset($valid['dlimit'])) { $valid['min'] = $valid['dlimit']; } // if (isset($valid['max']) and $val > $valid['max']) { $error = 'You must enter a number no greater than ' . $valid['max'] . '.'; } if (isset($valid['min']) and $val < $valid['min']) { $error = 'You must enter a number no lower than ' . $valid['min'] . '.'; } if (isset($valid['max-other']) and $val > $p[$valid['max-other']]) { $error = 'You must enter a number no greater than ' . $p[$valid['max-other']] . '.'; } } break; case 'phone': if (isset($valid['other'])) { $error = !make_phones($val, $p[$valid['other']]); } else { $error = !make_phone($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false); } if (!empty($error)) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid phone number.'; } break; case 'postcode': if (!make_postcode($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false)) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid postcode.'; } break; case 'time': if (!make_time($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false, $valid['format'] ? $valid['format'] : null)) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid time.'; } break; case 'url': case 'website': if (!make_website($val, $valid['blank'] ? 1 : false)) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a valid website address.'; } if (is_array($valid['unique'])) { $check = query("SELECT " . $valid['unique']['id'] . " FROM " . $valid['unique']['table'] . " WHERE website='{$val}'", 'single'); if ($check > 0) { $error = 'The website address you entered is already registered.'; } } break; case 'func': $func = $valid['func']; if (function_exists($func)) { if (!$func($p, $err, $valid)) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : $err; } break; } default: if (!empty($val)) { $val = string_check($val, $valid['strip']); } if (!empty($valid['length'])) { if (strlen($val) < $valid['length']) { $error = !empty($valid['msg']) ? $valid['msg'] : 'You must enter a value at least ' . ($valid['length'] == 1 ? '1 character' : $valid['length'] . ' characters.') . ' long'; } } elseif (!empty($valid['default']) and empty($val)) { $val = $valid['default']; } if (!empty($valid['max']) and $strlen > $valid['max']) { $error = 'You may not enter a value longer than ' . $valid['max'] . ' characters.'; } } validate_unique($valid, $val, $error); if ($error) { return false; } return true; }
$to_text = "<div class=''>" . nameshort(name_of_user_ret($row['user_to_id'])) . "</div>"; } if ($row['user_to_id'] == 0) { $to_text = "<strong data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"bottom\" title=\"" . view_array(get_unit_name_return($row['unit_id'])) . "\">" . lang('t_list_a_all') . "</strong>"; } ?> <tr > <td style=" vertical-align: middle; "><small><center><?php echo $row['id']; ?> </center></small></td> <td style=" vertical-align: middle; "><small><a href="ticket?<?php echo $row['hash_name']; ?> "><?php cutstr(make_html($row['subj'], 'no')); ?> </a></small></td> <td style=" vertical-align: middle; "><small><?php name_of_client($row['client_id']); ?> </small></td> <td style=" vertical-align: middle; "><small><center><time id="c" datetime="<?php echo $row['date_create']; ?> "></time></center></small></td> <td style=" vertical-align: middle; "><small><?php echo nameshort(name_of_user_ret($row['user_init_id'])); ?> </small></td>
</div> </div> <div class="row" id="content_notes" style="padding-bottom: 25px;"> <div class="col-md-1"> <a id="go_back" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i> <?php echo lang('HELPER_back'); ?> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-11" id=""> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <h3 style=" margin-top: 0px; "><?php echo make_html($fio['title']); ?> </h3> <p><?php echo $fio['message']; ?> </p> <hr> <p class="text-right"><small class="text-muted"><?php echo lang('HELPER_pub'); ?> : <?php echo nameshort(name_of_user_ret($fio['user_init_id'])); ?> </small><br><small class="text-muted"><?php
//附件真实地址还原 $rsdb[content] = En_TruePath($rsdb[content], 0); $rsdb[posttime] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $rsdb[posttime]); $rsdb[picurl] && ($rsdb[picurl] = tempdir($rsdb[picurl])); if (!$rsdb[yz]) { $showsp = "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT='0;URL={$webdb['www_url']}/do/showsp.php?fid={$fid}&id={$id}'>"; } else { $showsp = ""; } require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require html("showsp", $main_tpl); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php"; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $content = preg_replace("/<!--include(.*?)include-->/is", "\\1", $content); make_html($showsp ? $showsp : $content, 'showsp'); unset($iddb, $fiddb); require_once ROOT_PATH . "cache/makeShow1.php"; if ($string = $iddb[++$II]) { $ar = explode("-", $string); write_file(ROOT_PATH . "cache/makeShow_record.php", "?fid={$ar['0']}&id={$ar['1']}&II={$II}"); echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />'; echo "请稍候,正在生成专题内容页静态...<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT='0;URL=?fid={$ar['0']}&id={$ar['1']}&II={$II}'>"; exit; } else { unlink(ROOT_PATH . "cache/makeShow1.php"); unlink(ROOT_PATH . "cache/makeShow_record.php"); if (count($iddb) == 1) { $detail = get_SPhtml_url($fidDB, $id, $rsdb[posttime]); header("location:{$detail['showurl']}"); exit;
/** * Generates image previews with alternate text, title and lightbox pop-up activation on mouse click. * @param string $body Data associated with the gallery. * @param string $paramstring A whitespace-separated list of name="value" parameter values. */ private function getImageGalleryHtml($body, $params = array()) { // set gallery parameters $this->curparams = clone $this->defparams; // parameters set in back-end if (is_array($params)) { $this->curparams->setArray($params); } else { $paramstring = htmlspecialchars_decode((string) $params); $this->curparams->setString($paramstring); // parameters set inline } if (!isset($body)) { // path is set via parameter with compact activation syntax $body = $this->curparams->path; } $engineservices = SIGPlusEngineServices::instance(); // generate link to an existing gallery if ($this->curparams->link !== false) { $lightbox = $engineservices->getLightboxEngine($this->curparams->lightbox); // get selected lightbox engine if any or use default if ($lightbox && ($linkscript = $lightbox->getLinkScript($this->curparams->link, $this->curparams->index)) !== false) { return '<a href="javascript:void(' . htmlspecialchars($linkscript) . ')">' . $body . '</a>'; } else { // engine does not support programmatic activation return $body; } } // set gallery folders $imageref = $body; // a relative path to an image folder or an image, or an absolute URL to an image to display if ($isremote = is_remote_path($imageref)) { $imageurl = $imageref; $iswebalbum = (bool) preg_match('"^https?://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/(?:api|base)/user/([^/?#]+)/albumid/([^/?#]+)"', $imageurl); // test for Picasa galleries $imagehashbase = $imageurl; } else { $imageref = trim($imageref, '/'); // remove leading and trailing backslash // verify validity of relative path $imagepath = $this->imageservices->getImagePath($imageref); if (!file_exists($imagepath)) { throw new SIGPlusImageGalleryFolderException($imageref); } $imagehashbase = $imagepath; // base in computing hash for content caching } // set gallery identifier if ($this->curparams->id) { // use user-supplied identifier $galleryid = $this->curparams->id; } else { // automatically generate identifier for thumbnail gallery $galleryid = 'sigplus_' . md5($imagehashbase); } $galleryid = $this->getUniqueGalleryId($galleryid); // force meaningful settings for single-image view (disable slider and activate flow layout) if ($this->curparams->layout != 'hidden' && ($isremote && !$iswebalbum || isset($imagepath) && is_file($imagepath))) { $this->curparams->layout = 'flow'; $this->curparams->rows = false; $this->curparams->cols = false; $this->curparams->slider = false; } // substitute proper left or right alignment depending on whether language is LTR or RTL $language = JFactory::getLanguage(); $this->curparams->alignment = str_replace(array('after', 'before'), $language->isRTL() ? array('left', 'right') : array('right', 'left'), $this->curparams->alignment); // get selected slider engine if any, or use default $slider = $engineservices->getSliderEngine($this->curparams->slider); if (!$slider) { $this->curparams->progressive = false; // progressive loading is not supported unless a slider is enabled } // *** cannot update $this->curparams, which is used in content caching, beyond this point *** // // initialize logging if (SIGPLUS_LOGGING) { $logging = SIGPlusLogging::instance(); if ($isremote) { $logging->append('Generating gallery "' . $galleryid . '" from URL: <kbd>' . $imageurl . '</kbd>'); } else { $logging->append('Generating gallery "' . $galleryid . '" from file/directory: <kbd>' . $imagepath . '</kbd>'); } $logging->appendblock('Local parameters for "' . $galleryid . '" are:', print_r($this->curparams, true)); } // verify if content is available in cache folder if (!SIGPLUS_CONTENT_CACHING || $engineservices->debug || $this->curparams->hasRandom()) { $cachekey = false; // galleries that involve a random element cannot be cached } elseif (($cachekey = $this->imageservices->getCachedContent($imagehashbase, $this->curparams)) !== false) { if (SIGPLUS_LOGGING) { $logging->append('Retrieving cached content with key <kbd>' . $cachekey . '</kbd>.'); } } // generate gallery HTML code or setup script if ($cachekey === false) { // save default title and description, which might be overridden in labels file, affecting hash key used in caching $deftitle = $this->curparams->deftitle; $defdescription = $this->curparams->defdescription; if ($isremote) { // access images remote domain if ($iswebalbum) { $htmlorscript = $this->getPicasaImageGallery($imageurl, $galleryid); } else { $extension = strtolower(pathinfo(parse_url($imageurl, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); switch ($extension) { case 'gif': case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'png': // plug-in syntax {gallery}http://example.com/image.jpg{/gallery} $labels = array(new SIGPlusImageLabel($imageurl, false, false)); // artificial single-entry labels file $htmlorscript = $this->getUserDefinedRemoteImageGallery($labels, $galleryid); break; default: // plug-in syntax {gallery}http://example.com{/gallery} throw new SIGPlusNotSupportedException(); $labels = $this->imageservices->getLabels($imageurl, $this->curparams->labels, $this->curparams->deftitle, $this->curparams->defdescription); switch ($this->curparams->sortcriterion) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOMLABELS: shuffle($labels); // fall through // fall through case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILENAME: case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_MTIME: $htmlorscript = $this->getUserDefinedRemoteImageGallery($labels, $galleryid); } } } } else { if (is_file($imagepath)) { // syntax {gallery}folder/subfolder/file.jpg{/gallery} $htmlorscript = $this->getUnlabeledImageGallery(dirname($imagepath), array(basename($imagepath)), $galleryid); } else { // syntax {gallery}folder/subfolder{/gallery} // fetch image labels switch ($this->curparams->labels) { case 'filename': $labels = $this->imageservices->getLabelsFromFilenames($imagepath); break; default: $labels = $this->imageservices->getLabels($imagepath, $this->curparams->labels, $this->curparams->deftitle, $this->curparams->defdescription); } switch ($this->curparams->sortcriterion) { case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_FILENAME: if (empty($labels)) { // there is no labels file to use $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_FILENAME, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth); $htmlorscript = $this->getUnlabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $galleryid); } else { $htmlorscript = $this->getUserDefinedImageGallery($imagepath, $labels, $galleryid); } break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_LABELS_OR_MTIME: if (empty($labels)) { $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_MTIME, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth); $htmlorscript = $this->getUnlabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $galleryid); } else { $htmlorscript = $this->getUserDefinedImageGallery($imagepath, $labels, $galleryid); } break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_MTIME: $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_MTIME, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth); $htmlorscript = $this->getLabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $labels, $galleryid); break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOM: $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_RANDOM, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth); $htmlorscript = $this->getLabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $labels, $galleryid); break; case SIGPLUS_SORT_RANDOMLABELS: if (empty($labels)) { // there is no labels file to use $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_RANDOM, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth); $htmlorscript = $this->getUnlabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $galleryid); } else { shuffle($labels); $htmlorscript = $this->getUserDefinedImageGallery($imagepath, $labels, $galleryid); } break; default: // case SIGPLUS_SORT_FILENAME: $files = $this->imageservices->getListing($imagepath, SIGPLUS_FILENAME, $this->curparams->sortorder, $this->curparams->depth); $htmlorscript = $this->getLabeledImageGallery($imagepath, $files, $labels, $galleryid); break; } } } if (!empty($htmlorscript)) { switch ($this->curparams->linkage) { case 'inline': $cachedata = ($slider !== false ? '<ul style="visibility:hidden;">' : '<ul>') . implode($htmlorscript) . '</ul>'; break; case 'head': // put generated content in HTML head (does not allow HTML body with bloating size, which would cause preg_replace in System - SEF to fail) $cachedata = $this->getGalleryScript($galleryid, $htmlorscript); break; case 'external': $cachedata = '__jQuery__(function () { ' . $this->getGalleryScript($galleryid, $htmlorscript) . ' });'; break; } } else { $cachedata = false; } // restore default title and description, which might have been overridden in labels file $this->curparams->deftitle = $deftitle; $this->curparams->defdescription = $defdescription; if (SIGPLUS_CONTENT_CACHING && !$this->curparams->hasRandom()) { // save generated content for future re-use in a temporary file in the cache folder $this->imageservices->cleanCachedContent(); $cachekey = $this->imageservices->saveCachedContent($imagehashbase, $this->curparams, $cachedata); if (SIGPLUS_LOGGING) { if ($cachekey !== false) { $logging->append('Saved cached content with key <kbd>' . $cachekey . '</kbd>.'); } else { $logging->append('Failed to persist content in cache folder.'); } } } } elseif ($this->curparams->linkage != 'external') { // retrieve content from cache but no need to fetch content for linking external .js file $cachefile = $this->imageservices->getCachedContentPath($cachekey, $this->curparams->linkage == 'inline' ? '.html' : '.js'); if (filesize($cachefile) > 0) { $cachedata = file_get_contents($cachefile); } else { $cachedata = false; // empty gallery } } else { $cachedata = true; } if ($cachedata === false) { // no content $html = JText::_('SIGPLUS_EMPTY'); } else { switch ($this->curparams->linkage) { case 'inline': $html = $cachedata; // content produced as HTML only in inline linkage mode break; case 'head': $this->addGalleryScript(); // add gallery population script $engineservices->addOnReadyScript($cachedata); // add gallery data $html = ''; // no content produced in HTML except for placeholder break; case 'external': $this->addGalleryScript(); if ($cachekey !== false) { // include reference to generated script in external .js file $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript($this->imageservices->getCachedContentUrl($cachekey, '.js')); } else { // add script to document head as a fall-back if could not save to external .js file in cache folder $engineservices->addOnReadyScript($cachedata); } $html = ''; break; } } // set image gallery alignment (left, center or right) and style $gallerystyle = 'sigplus-gallery'; switch ($this->curparams->alignment) { case 'left': case 'left-clear': case 'left-float': $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-left'; break; case 'center': $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-center'; break; case 'right': case 'right-clear': case 'right-float': $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-right'; break; } switch ($this->curparams->alignment) { case 'left': case 'left-float': case 'right': case 'right-float': $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-float'; break; case 'left-clear': case 'right-clear': $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-clear'; break; } switch ($this->curparams->imagecaptions) { case 'above': $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-captionsabove'; break; case 'below': $gallerystyle .= ' sigplus-captionsbelow'; break; } // output image gallery or gallery placeholder $div_attrs = array('id' => $galleryid, 'class' => $gallerystyle); if ($this->curparams->layout == 'hidden') { $div_attrs['style'] = 'display:none !important;'; } $html = make_html('div', $div_attrs, $html); // add style and script declarations $this->addStylesAndScripts($galleryid); $this->curparams = false; return $html; }
function view_comment($tid) { global $dbConnection; ?> <div class="row" id="comment_body" style="max-height: 400px; scroll-behavior: initial; overflow-y: scroll;"> <div class="timeline-centered"> <?php $stmt = $dbConnection->prepare('SELECT user_id, comment_text, dt from comments where t_id=:tid order by dt ASC'); $stmt->execute(array(':tid' => $tid)); while ($rews = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { ?> <article class="timeline-entry"> <div class="timeline-entry-inner"> <div class="timeline-icon bg-info"> <i class="entypo-feather"></i> </div> <div class="timeline-label"> <div class="header"> <strong class="primary-font"><?php echo nameshort(name_of_user_ret($rews['user_id'])); ?> </strong> <small class="pull-right text-muted"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> <time id="b" datetime="<?php echo $rews['dt']; ?> "></time> <time id="c" datetime="<?php echo $rews['dt']; ?> "></time></small> </div><br> <p><?php echo make_html($rews['comment_text'], true); ?> </p> </div> </div> </article> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php }
$rsdb[content] = show_keyword($rsdb[content]); //突出显示关键字 $IS_BIZ && AvoidGather(); //防采集处理 $showpage = getpage("", "", "bencandy.php?fid={$fid}&aid={$aid}", 1, $rsdb[pages]); if (!$bencandy_content) { ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); $MenuArray = ''; require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require $chdb[main_tpl]; $bencandy_content = ob_get_contents() . $content_foot; $bencandy_content = preg_replace("/<!--include(.*?)include-->/is", "\\1", $bencandy_content); $bencandy_content = str_replace("<!---->", "", $bencandy_content); } make_html($bencandy_content, 'bencandy'); $bencandy_content = ''; $page++; $ifpage = $page > $rsdb[pages] ? false : true; $STEPS++; if ($STEPS % 100) { sleep(1); //每生成100篇后要暂停一下,防止服务器负荷太大 } } while ($ifpage); } //对应上面的批量读取文章query } while ($ifdo); //对应上面的DO /***********************结尾***********************/ ob_end_clean();
} else { $classif = "ОКТМО"; } echo date("H:i:s") . " Генерация html для классификатора {$classif}\n\n"; $time = -time(); print_table($link, $data_date, $base_table, '', 'html'); $i = 1; $query = 'SELECT mergedcode FROM ' . $base_table . ' WHERE mergedcode<>\'00000000\' AND exist<>0'; $result = mysqli_query($link, $query); $num_pages = mysqli_num_rows($result); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $percents = 100 * $i / $num_pages; $status = sprintf("%3d", $percents) . '% Обработано ' . sprintf("%7d", $i) . ' из ' . sprintf("%7d", $num_pages) . ' '; fwrite(STDERR, "\r{$status}"); print_table($link, $data_date, $base_table, $row['mergedcode'], 'html'); $i++; } $time += time(); echo "\n\n" . date("H:i:s") . " Генерация html для {$classif} выполнена за " . hms($time) . "\n\n"; } $link = get_link($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); $data_date = substr(file_get_contents($work_files_path . 'data_date'), 0, 10); $time = -time(); make_html($link, $data_date, 'okato'); make_html($link, $data_date, 'oktmo'); $mode = 'html'; include 'l0.php'; include 'lost.php'; $time += time(); echo "\n\n" . date("H:i:s") . ' Генерация html выполнена за ' . hms($time) . "\n\n"; mysqli_close($link);
</tr> <tr> <td style=" padding: 20px; border-top: 1px solid #DDD " colspan="2"> <!--p href="#" data-pk="<?php echo $tid; ?> " data-url="actions.php" id="edit_msg_ticket" data-type="textarea"--> <?php echo make_html($row['msg']); ?> <!--/p--> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php $stmt = $dbConnection->prepare('SELECT file_hash, original_name, file_size FROM files where ticket_hash=:tid'); $stmt->execute(array(':tid' => $hn)); $res1 = $stmt->fetchAll();
public function display($view = '', $return = false) { global $lable, $list, $datalist, $volist, $data; $file = $this->class_info['method']; $clas = $this->class_info['file']; $tpl = $this->config->get('DEFAULT_TPL'); if (!$tpl) { $tpl = 'default'; } if (COOKIE::get('default_tpl')) { $tpl = COOKIE::get('default_tpl'); } if (!defined('DEFAULT_TPL')) { define('DEFAULT_TPL', $tpl); } $data = $this->data; ob_start(); $templete_ext = $this->config->get('templete_ext'); if (!$templete_ext) { $templete_ext = '.htm'; } $v = $clas . "/" . $file . $templete_ext; if ($view) { $v = $view; } $file = DEFAULT_TPL_PATH . "/{$tpl}/" . $v; foreach ($this->data as $kyphp_key => $kyphp_value) { if (is_string($kyphp_value)) { $lable[$kyphp_key] = $kyphp_value; } ${$kyphp_key} = $kyphp_value; } if (is_file($file)) { require $file; } else { error(0, $file); } $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $content = make_html($content, $this->config->get('PATH_KEY')); if ($this->config->get('PATH_KEY') == 4) { $htmlpath = $this->config->get('DEFAULT_HTML_PATH'); if (!$htmlpath) { $htmlpath = 'html'; } $fstr = APP_PATH . '/' . $htmlpath; $fstr .= '/' . $this->kyphp_route; if (!is_dir($fstr)) { mkdir($fstr, 0755, true); } $f = fopen($fstr . '/index.html', 'w'); fwrite($f, $content); fclose($f); } if ($this->config->get('CACHE_ON') == 'on') { $urlcachekey = 'KYPHP_URL' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $urlcache = array('dirver' => 'file'); $kyphpcache = new Cache($urlcache); $timeout = 3600; if ($this->config->get('CACHE_TIME_EXPIRE')) { $timeout = $this->config->get('CACHE_TIME_EXPIRE'); } if ($this->config->get('CACHE_CONTENT_WITHTIME') != 'off') { if (!$this->config->get('CACHE_CONTENT_WITHTIME')) { $content = $content . '<!--cached ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' by KYPHP-->'; } else { $content = $content . $this->config->get('CACHE_CONTENT_WITHTIME'); } } $kyphpcache->set($urlcachekey, $content, $timeout); } if ($return) { return $content; } else { echo $content; } if ($this->config->get('debug') == 'on') { $debug = debug_backtrace(); echo '<div>Debug Trace:<br><ul>'; global $_charset; $this->runtime->stop(); foreach ($debug as $key => $value) { echo "<li>file:{$value['file']} " . sprintf($_charset['lineno'], $value['line']) . " {$value['function']}</li>"; } echo '</ul></div>'; echo "<div>Time:spent is " . $this->runtime->spent() . " (ms)</div>"; } }
function download_tar() { $name = $GLOBALS['form_name']; $data = array(".htaccess" => make_htaccess(), "run.php ->" => 'code/wfpl/run.php', "style.css" => read_whole_file('code/wfpl/metaform/style.css'), "{$name}.html" => make_html(), "{$name}.php" => make_php()); if ($GLOBALS['opt_db'] == 'Yes') { $data["{$name}.sql"] = make_sql(); } if ($GLOBALS['opt_email'] == 'Yes') { $data["{$name}.email.txt"] = make_email(); } make_tar($name, $data); }
require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require html($mid ? "search_{$mid}" : "search"); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php"; //伪静态 if ($webdb[NewsMakeHtml] == 2) { $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); $content = fake_html($content); echo "{$content}"; } elseif ($webdb[NewsMakeHtml] == 1) { $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); //备用 $content = make_html($content, 'N'); echo "{$content}"; } /*栏目列表 取决模型相关栏目*/ function list_allsort($fid, $Class, $ckfid, $fmid = "0") { global $db, $pre, $listdb; $Class++; if (!$fmid) { $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}sort WHERE fup='{$fid}' ORDER BY list DESC"); } else { $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$pre}sort WHERE fup='{$fid}' AND fmid ='{$fmid}'ORDER BY list DESC"); } while ($rs = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $icon = ""; for ($i = 1; $i < $Class; $i++) {
} return $res; } function get_mark_price($goods_id) { $sql = "SELECT market_price" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " WHERE goods_id = '{$goods_id}'"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); return $res['market_price']; } /* 代码增加_start By www.ecshop68.com */ /* * *查询商品的优惠数量和价格 * *jx 2015-1-1 */ function get_goods_volume($goods_id) { $volume_price = array(); $sql = "SELECT volume_number , volume_price" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('volume_price') . " WHERE goods_id = '{$goods_id}' ORDER BY volume_number"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); foreach ($res as $k => $v) { $volume_price[$k] = array(); $volume_price[$k]['volume_number'] = $v['volume_number']; $volume_price[$k]['volume_price'] = price_format($v['volume_price']); } return $volume_price; } /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ make_html(); /* 代码增加_end By www.68ecshop.com */
"></time></center></small></td> <td style=" vertical-align: middle; "><small class="<?php echo $muclass; ?> "><?php echo nameshort(name_of_user_ret($row['user_init_id'])); ?> </small></td> <td style=" vertical-align: middle; "><small class="<?php echo $muclass; ?> "> <?php echo make_html($to_text, 'no'); ?> </small></td> <td style=" vertical-align: middle; "><small><center> <?php echo $st; ?> </center> </small></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table>
} elseif ($fidDB[allowviewtitle] || $fidDB[allowviewcontent]) { //浏览权限 $atc_content = "<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT='0;URL={$webdb['www_url']}{$webdb['path']}/list.php?page={$page}&fid={$fid}&NeedCheck=1'>"; } else { $listdb = ListThisSort($Lrows, $webdb[ListLeng] ? $webdb[ListLeng] : 50); //本栏目文章列表 $listdb || ($hide_listnews = 'none'); //如果是大分类的话,就不存在标题,就把标题框隐藏 $showpage = getpage("", "WHERE fid={$fid}", "list.php?fid={$fid}", $Lrows, $NUM); } ob_end_clean(); ob_start(); require html("list", $FidTpl['list']); $content = $atc_content ? $atc_content : $content_head . ob_get_contents() . $content_foot; $content = preg_replace("/<!--include(.*?)include-->/is", "\\1", $content); make_html($content, 'list'); $ckk++; } ob_end_clean(); require_once ROOT_PATH . "cache/htm_cache/{$cacheid}_makelist.php"; if ($ckk) { $Ppage++; //非批量生成静态,不需要看进度状况 if ($JumpUrl) { //如果是一个栏目的话,只处理前几页就行了 if (is_numeric($allfid)) { unlink(ROOT_PATH . "cache/htm_cache/{$cacheid}_makelist.php"); header("location:{$JumpUrl}"); exit; } //header("location:?fid=$fid&Ppage=$Ppage&III=$III");exit;
//显示子分类 $listdb_moresort = ListMoreSp(); //列表页多少篇专题 $rows = 3; $listdb = ListThisSp($rows, $leng = 50); //本栏目专题列表 $showpage = getpage("{$pre}special", "WHERE fid={$fid}", "listsp.php?fid={$fid}", $rows); //专题列表分页 make_html($showpage, 'listsp'); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/head.php"; require html("listsp", $FidTpl['list']); require ROOT_PATH . "inc/foot.php"; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $content = preg_replace("/<!--include(.*?)include-->/is", "\\1", $content); make_html($content, 'listsp'); require_once ROOT_PATH . "cache/makelist.php"; $page++; $min = ($page - 1) * $rows; if ($db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$pre}special WHERE fid='{$fid}' LIMIT {$min},1")) { write_file(ROOT_PATH . "cache/makelist_record.php", "listsp_html.php?fid={$fid}&page={$page}&III={$III}"); echo "请稍候,正在生成专题列表页静态...{$Ppage}<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT='0;URL=?fid={$fid}&page={$page}&III={$III}'>"; exit; } else { $III++; $page = 1; $fiddb = explode(",", $allfid); if ($fid = $fiddb[$III]) { write_file(ROOT_PATH . "cache/makelist_record.php", "?fid={$fid}&page={$page}&III={$III}"); echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />'; echo "请稍候,正在生成专题列表页静态...{$fid}<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT='0;URL=?fid={$fid}&page={$page}&III={$III}'>";