Ejemplo n.º 1
        <input type="checkbox" name="is_paye" <?php 
echo $facture->is_paye ? "checked" : "";
echo _('Paid');
if (empty($facture->timestamp_date_paiement)) {
    makeDateField('date_paiement', -1);
} else {
    makeDateField('date_paiement', $facture->timestamp_date_paiement);

      <td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="is_abandoned" <?php 
echo $facture->is_abandoned ? "checked" : "";
echo _('Abandoned');
Ejemplo n.º 2
makeDateField("filter[start_date]", $ts_start_date, 1, 'start_date_criteria', 'width: 114px');
<img src="/imgs/icons/delete.gif" onmouseover="return escape('<?php 
echo _('Click to suppress this filter criteria');
');" onclick="fld = document.getElementById('start_date_criteria'); fld.value = ''; fld.form.submit();" /></td>
    <tr class="row_even">
      <td nowrap><b><?php 
echo _('End date :');
makeDateField("filter[end_date]", $ts_end_date, 1, 'end_date_criteria', 'width: 114px');
<img src="/imgs/icons/delete.gif" onmouseover="return escape('<?php 
echo _('Click to suppress this filter criteria');
');" onclick="fld = document.getElementById('end_date_criteria'); fld.value = ''; fld.form.submit();" /></td>

    <tr class="row_even">
      <td nowrap><b><?php 
echo _('Shown types :');
printf('<input type="checkbox" name="filter[shown_type][real]" %s /><b>%s</b>', isset($filter['shown_type']) && $filter['shown_type']['real'] ? "checked" : "", _('real'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  </td >
     <td colspan="2">&nbsp;1€ : <input type="text" style="width: 60px;text-align: center;" name="exchange_rate" value="<?php 
echo $transaction->exchange_rate;
echo _('Date');
			     <td colspan="3"><?php 
echo makeDateField('date', isset($transaction->ts_date) ? $transaction->ts_date : null);
echo _('Category');
 <td colspan="3">
  <select name="id_category"><?php 
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM webfinance_categories ORDER BY name") or wf_mysqldie();
while (list($id, $name) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    printf('<option value="%d"%s>%s</option>', $id, $id == $transaction->id_category ? " selected" : "", $name);