Ejemplo n.º 1
 function checkFields($aData, $zData = false)
     // Checks fields before submission of data.
     global $_AUTH, $_SETT;
     $aForm = $this->getForm();
     $aFormInfo = array();
     if ($aForm) {
         $aFormInfo = $aForm[0];
         if (!in_array($aFormInfo[0], array('GET', 'POST'))) {
             // We're not working on a full form array, possibly an incomplete VOT form.
             $aFormInfo = array('POST');
         } else {
     } else {
         // No form information available.
         $aForm = array();
     if (lovd_getProjectFile() != '/import.php') {
         // Always mandatory... unless importing.
         $this->aCheckMandatory[] = 'password';
     $aHeaders = array();
     // Validate form by looking at the form itself, and check what's needed.
     foreach ($aForm as $aField) {
         if (!is_array($aField)) {
             // 'skip', 'hr', etc...
         @(list($sHeader, $sHelp, $sType, $sName) = $aField);
         if (lovd_getProjectFile() == '/import.php') {
             // During import, we don't mention the field names how they appear on screen, but using their IDs which are used in the file.
             $sHeader = $sName;
         $aHeaders[$sName] = $sHeader;
         // Trim() all fields. We don't want those spaces in the database anyway.
         if (lovd_getProjectFile() != '/import.php' && isset($aData[$sName]) && !is_array($aData[$sName])) {
             $GLOBALS['_' . $aFormInfo[0]][$sName] = trim($GLOBALS['_' . $aFormInfo[0]][$sName]);
             $aData[$sName] = trim($aData[$sName]);
         // Mandatory fields, as defined by child object.
         if (in_array($sName, $this->aCheckMandatory) && (!isset($aData[$sName]) || $aData[$sName] === '')) {
             lovd_errorAdd($sName, 'Please fill in the \'' . $sHeader . '\' field.');
         if ($sType == 'select') {
             if (!empty($aField[7])) {
                 // The browser fails to send value if selection list w/ multiple selection options is left empty.
                 // This is causing notices in the code.
                 if (!isset($aData[$sName])) {
                     $GLOBALS['_' . $aFormInfo[0]][$sName] = array();
                     $aData[$sName] = array();
             // Simple check on non-custom columns (custom columns have their own function for this) to see if the given value is actually allowed.
             // 0 is a valid entry for the check for mandatory fields, so we should also check if 0 is a valid entry in the selection list!
             if (strpos($sName, '/') === false && isset($aData[$sName]) && $aData[$sName] !== '') {
                 $Val = $aData[$sName];
                 $aOptions = array_keys($aField[5]);
                 if (lovd_getProjectFile() == '/import.php' && !is_array($Val)) {
                     $Val = explode(';', $Val);
                     // Normally the form sends an array, but from the import I need to create an array.
                 } elseif (!is_array($Val)) {
                     $Val = array($Val);
                 foreach ($Val as $sValue) {
                     $sValue = trim($sValue);
                     // Trim whitespace from $sValue to ensure match independent of whitespace.
                     if (!in_array($sValue, $aOptions)) {
                         if (lovd_getProjectFile() == '/import.php') {
                             lovd_errorAdd($sName, 'Please select a valid entry from the \'' . $sHeader . '\' selection box, \'' . strip_tags($sValue) . '\' is not a valid value. Please choose from these options: \'' . implode('\', \'', $aOptions) . '\'.');
                         } else {
                             lovd_errorAdd($sName, 'Please select a valid entry from the \'' . $sHeader . '\' selection box, \'' . strip_tags($sValue) . '\' is not a valid value.');
         } elseif ($sType == 'checkbox') {
             // The browser fails to send value if checkbox is left empty.
             // This is causing problems sometimes with MySQL, since INT
             // columns can't receive an empty string if STRICT is on.
             if (!isset($aData[$sName])) {
                 $GLOBALS['_' . $aFormInfo[0]][$sName] = 0;
                 $aData[$sName] = 0;
             } elseif (!in_array($aData[$sName], array('0', '1'))) {
                 lovd_errorAdd($sName, 'The field \'' . $sHeader . '\' must contain either a \'0\' or a \'1\'.');
         if ($sName == 'password') {
             // Password is in the form, it must be checked. Assuming here that it is also considered mandatory.
             if (!empty($aData['password']) && !lovd_verifyPassword($aData['password'], $_AUTH['password'])) {
                 lovd_errorAdd('password', 'Please enter your correct password for authorization.');
     // Check all fields that we receive for data type and maximum length.
     // No longer to this through $aForm, because when importing,
     //  we do have data to check but no $aForm entry linked to it.
     foreach ($aData as $sFieldname => $sFieldvalue) {
         if (!is_string($sFieldvalue)) {
             // Checks below currently do not handle non-string values.
         $sNameClean = preg_replace('/^\\d{' . $_SETT['objectid_length']['transcripts'] . '}_/', '', $sFieldname);
         // Remove prefix (transcriptid) that LOVD_TranscriptVariants puts there.
         if (isset($aHeaders[$sFieldname])) {
             $sHeader = $aHeaders[$sFieldname];
         } else {
             $sHeader = $sFieldname;
         // Checking free text fields for max length, data types, etc.
         if ($sMySQLType = lovd_getColumnType(constant($this->sTable), $sNameClean)) {
             // FIXME; we're assuming here, that $sName equals the database name. Which is true in probably most/every case, but even so...
             // FIXME; select fields might also benefit from having this check (especially for import).
             // Check max length.
             $nMaxLength = lovd_getColumnLength(constant($this->sTable), $sNameClean);
             if (!empty($sFieldvalue)) {
                 // For numerical columns, maxlength works differently!
                 if (in_array($sMySQLType, array('DECIMAL', 'DECIMAL_UNSIGNED', 'FLOAT', 'FLOAT_UNSIGNED', 'INT', 'INT_UNSIGNED'))) {
                     // SIGNED cols: negative values.
                     if (in_array($sMySQLType, array('DECIMAL', 'INT')) && (int) $sFieldvalue < (int) ('-' . str_repeat('9', $nMaxLength))) {
                         lovd_errorAdd($sFieldname, 'The \'' . $sHeader . '\' field is limited to numbers no lower than -' . str_repeat('9', $nMaxLength) . '.');
                     // ALL numerical cols (except floats): positive values.
                     if (substr($sMySQLType, 0, 5) != 'FLOAT' && (int) $sFieldvalue > (int) str_repeat('9', $nMaxLength)) {
                         lovd_errorAdd($sFieldname, 'The \'' . $sHeader . '\' field is limited to numbers no higher than ' . str_repeat('9', $nMaxLength) . '.');
                 } elseif (strlen($sFieldvalue) > $nMaxLength) {
                     lovd_errorAdd($sFieldname, 'The \'' . $sHeader . '\' field is limited to ' . $nMaxLength . ' characters, you entered ' . strlen($sFieldvalue) . '.');
             // Check data type.
             if (!empty($sFieldvalue)) {
                 switch ($sMySQLType) {
                     case 'DATE':
                         if (!lovd_matchDate($sFieldvalue)) {
                             lovd_errorAdd($sFieldname, 'The field \'' . $sHeader . '\' must contain a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, "' . htmlspecialchars($sFieldvalue) . '" does not match.');
                     case 'DATETIME':
                         if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}[.\\/-][0-9]{2}[.\\/-][0-9]{2}( [0-9]{2}\\:[0-9]{2}\\:[0-9]{2})?$/', $sFieldvalue)) {
                             lovd_errorAdd($sFieldname, 'The field \'' . $sHeader . '\' must contain a date, possibly including a time, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, "' . htmlspecialchars($sFieldvalue) . '" does not match.');
                     case 'DECIMAL':
                     case 'DECIMAL_UNSIGNED':
                     case 'FLOAT':
                     case 'FLOAT_UNSIGNED':
                         if (!is_numeric($sFieldvalue) || substr($sMySQLType, -8) == 'UNSIGNED' && $sFieldvalue < 0) {
                             lovd_errorAdd($sFieldname, 'The field \'' . $sHeader . '\' must contain a' . (substr($sMySQLType, -8) != 'UNSIGNED' ? '' : ' positive') . ' number, "' . htmlspecialchars($sFieldvalue) . '" does not match.');
                     case 'INT':
                     case 'INT_UNSIGNED':
                         if (!preg_match('/^' . ($sMySQLType != 'INT' ? '' : '\\-?') . '[0-9]*$/', $sFieldvalue)) {
                             lovd_errorAdd($sFieldname, 'The field \'' . $sHeader . '\' must contain a' . ($sMySQLType == 'INT' ? 'n' : ' positive') . ' integer, "' . htmlspecialchars($sFieldvalue) . '" does not match.');
     return $aData;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 // Select_options.
 if (!empty($_POST['select_options'])) {
     $aOptions = explode("\r\n", $_POST['select_options']);
     foreach ($aOptions as $n => $sOption) {
         if (!preg_match('/^([^=]+|[A-Z0-9 \\/\\()?._+-]+ *= *[^=]+)$/i', $sOption)) {
             lovd_errorAdd('select_options', 'Select option #' . ($n + 1) . ' &quot;' . htmlspecialchars($sOption) . '&quot; not understood.');
 if (!empty($_POST['default_val'])) {
     // Default values in text field cannot contain a quote.
     if ($_POST['form_type'] == 'text' && !preg_match('/^[^"]*$/', $_POST['default_val'])) {
         lovd_errorAdd('default_val', 'The \'Default value\' field can not contain a quote.');
     // Format for the DATE/DATETIME column types.
     if ($_POST['form_type'] == 'date' && !lovd_matchDate($_POST['default_val'], !empty($_POST['time']))) {
         lovd_errorAdd('default_val', 'The \'Default value\' for the date field should be like YYYY-MM-DD' . (empty($_POST['time']) ? '.' : ' HH:MM:SS.'));
 if (!lovd_error()) {
     // Build proper values and send them through.
     $sMySQLType = '';
     $sFormType = '';
     $sPregPattern = '';
     // Store vars in $_SESSION...
     $aStore = array('name', 'help_text', 'description_form', 'size', 'rows', 'maxlength', 'scale', 'time', 'preg_pattern', 'unsigned', 'default_val', 'select', 'select_options', 'select_all');
     foreach ($aStore as $key) {
         if (!isset($_POST[$key])) {
             $_POST[$key] = '';
         $_SESSION['data_wizard'][$_GET['workID']][$key] = $_POST[$key];
Ejemplo n.º 3
         $aLine[$sCol] = $_AUTH['id'];
     } elseif (!$zData || in_array($sCol, $aColumns)) {
         if ($aLine[$sCol] && !in_array($aLine[$sCol], $aUsers)) {
             lovd_errorAdd('import', 'Error (' . $sCurrentSection . ', line ' . $nLine . '): ' . $sCol . ' value "' . htmlspecialchars($aLine[$sCol]) . '" refers to non-existing user.');
         } elseif (($sCol != 'edited_by' || $aLine['edited_date']) && !$aLine[$sCol]) {
             // Edited_by is only filled in if empty and edited_date is filled in.
             $aLine[$sCol] = $_AUTH['id'];
 foreach (array('created_date', 'edited_date') as $sCol) {
     if ($zData && $sCol == 'edited_date') {
         // If zData is set, always set the edited date.
         $aLine[$sCol] = $sDate;
     } elseif (!$zData || in_array($sCol, $aColumns)) {
         if ($aLine[$sCol] && !lovd_matchDate($aLine[$sCol], true)) {
             lovd_errorAdd('import', 'Error (' . $sCurrentSection . ', line ' . $nLine . '): ' . $sCol . ' value "' . htmlspecialchars($aLine[$sCol]) . '" is not a correct date format, use the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.');
         } elseif (($sCol == 'created_date' || $aLine['edited_by']) && !$aLine[$sCol]) {
             // Edited_date is only filled in if empty and edited_by is filled in.
             $aLine[$sCol] = $sDate;
 // Can't be edited earlier than created.
 if (isset($aLine['edited_date']) && $aLine['edited_date'] && $aLine['edited_date'] < $aLine['created_date']) {
     $aLine['edited_date'] = $aLine['created_date'];
 // If you're not manager or higher, there are some restrictions.
 if ($_AUTH['level'] < LEVEL_MANAGER) {
     $aLine['created_by'] = $_AUTH['id'];
     $aLine['created_date'] = $sDate;