} else { setcookie($_COOKIE['LOS']['admin_id'], '', 1); setcookie($_COOKIE['LOS']['admin_pass'], '', 1); if (!empty($_REQUEST['is_ajax'])) { make_json_error($_LANG['priv_error']); } else { los_header("Location: privilege.php?act=login\n"); } exit; } } } else { if (!empty($_REQUEST['is_ajax'])) { make_json_error($_LANG['priv_error']); } else { los_header("Location: privilege.php?act=login\n"); } exit; } } //header('Cache-control: private'); header('content-type: text/html; charset=' . EC_CHARSET); header('Expires: Fri, 14 Mar 1980 20:53:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); if ((DEBUG_MODE & 1) == 1) { error_reporting(E_ALL); } else { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); }
$order_id = $_REQUEST['order_id']; $order_id_list = explode(',', $order_id); foreach ($order_id_list as $order) { $db_write->query("update order_delivery set status=1 WHERE order_id = '{$order}'"); } $url = 'shipping_delivery.php?act=query&' . str_replace('act=delete', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); los_header("Location: {$url}\n"); exit; } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'check_eg') { //admin_priv('26'); $order = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $sql = "UPDATE order_delivery SET status =2,admind = '" . $_SESSION['admin_id'] . "',out_time = '" . time() . "' WHERE order_id = '{$order}'"; $res = $db_write->query($sql); if ($res) { $url = 'shipping_delivery.php?act=query&' . str_replace('act=check_eg', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); los_header("Location: {$url}\n"); exit; } else { make_json_error('审核出错!请检查!'); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'employee') { require ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_json.php'; $stn = intval($_GET['stn']); $sql = "select id as employee_id,name as employee_name from hr_employees where station_id = '" . $stn . "' and flag=1"; $arr = $db_read->getAll($sql); $json = new JSON(); echo $json->encode($arr); } function order_list() { $filter['sdate'] = empty($_REQUEST['sdate']) ? '' : trim($_REQUEST['sdate']);
$smarty->assign('page_count', $list['page_count']); $smarty->assign('filter', $list['filter']); $smarty->assign('list', $list['orders']); make_json_result($smarty->fetch('shipping_commission.html'), '', array('filter' => $list['filter'], 'page_count' => $list['page_count'])); } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'retry') { $stations = $db_read->getAll("SELECT station_id,station_name FROM ship_station where city_code {$city_code} "); $smarty->assign('stations', $stations); $smarty->assign('ur_here', '配送提成复核'); $smarty->display('shipping_commission_retry.html'); } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'reset') { $station_id = intval($_POST['station']); $station = $db_read->getOne("select station_name from ship_station where station_id=" . $station_id); $bdate = $_POST['bdate']; $sql = "delete from ship_commit where station = '{$station}' and bdate = '{$bdate}'"; $stations = $db_write->query($sql); los_header("Location: shipping_commission.php?station=" . $station_id . "&bdate=" . $bdate . "\n"); exit; } function order_list() { $filter['bdate'] = empty($_REQUEST['bdate']) ? date('Y-m-d') : trim($_REQUEST['bdate']); $filter['station'] = empty($_REQUEST['station']) ? 7 : intval($_REQUEST['station']); $reset = intval($_REQUEST['reset']); $sql = "SELECT station_name FROM ship_station where station_id = '" . $filter['station'] . "'"; $station = $GLOBALS['db_read']->getOne($sql); $sql = "select count(1) from ship_commit where station = '" . $station . "' and bdate = '" . $filter['bdate'] . "' "; $count = $GLOBALS['db_read']->getOne($sql); $stat = array(); if ($count) { $sql = "select * from ship_commit where station = '" . $station . "' and bdate = '" . $filter['bdate'] . "' "; $res = $GLOBALS['db_read']->getAll($sql);