Ejemplo n.º 1
  * 首页右侧数据查询
 private function _indexRight()
     $list = D('Category')->order('pid')->findAll();
     $catelist = array();
     foreach ($list as $v) {
         if ($v['pid'] && $catelist[$v['pid']]) {
             $catelist[$v['pid']]['child'][] = $v;
         } else {
             $catelist[$v['id']] = $v;
     $hotlist = D('Group', 'group')->getHotList();
     foreach ($hotlist as &$hv) {
         $hv['short_name'] = getShort($hv['name'], 10);
         $hv['logo'] = logo_path_to_url($hv['logo']);
     $this->assign('hotlist', $hotlist);
     $this->assign('catelist', $catelist);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function _initialize()
     $this->member = D("Member");
     // 基本配置
     $this->config = model('Xdata')->lget('group');
     $this->assign('config', $this->config);
     $this->topic = D('Topic', 'group');
     $this->post = D('post');
     $this->gid = intval($_REQUEST['gid']);
     $this->assign('gid', $this->gid);
     if ($this->gid) {
         $groupinfo = D('group')->where('id=' . $this->gid . " AND is_del=0")->find();
         if (!$groupinfo) {
             $jumpUrl = U('w3g/Group/index');
             $this->error('该微吧不存在,或者被删除', 3, $jumpUrl);
         // 关闭群分享时,自动跳转到群帖子页面;如果群帖子也没开启,自动跳转到群成员页面
         if ($groupinfo['openWeibo'] == 0 && $groupinfo['openBlog'] == 1 && ACTION_NAME == 'detail') {
             redirect(U('w3g/Group/topic', array('gid' => $this->gid)));
             // 如果群帖子也没开启,自动跳转到群成员页面
         } elseif ($groupinfo['openWeibo'] == 0 && $groupinfo['openBlog'] == 0) {
             $jumpUrl = U('w3g/Group/index');
             $this->error('该微吧已关闭', 3, $jumpUrl);
         $groupinfo['cname0'] = D('Category', 'group')->getField('title', array('id' => $groupinfo['cid0']));
         $groupinfo['cname1'] = D('Category', 'group')->getField('title', array('id' => $groupinfo['cid1']));
         $groupinfo['type_name'] = $groupinfo['brower_level'] == -1 ? '公开' : '私密';
         $groupinfo['tags'] = D('GroupTag', 'group')->getGroupTagList($this->gid);
         $groupinfo['openUploadFile'] = model('Xdata')->get('group:uploadFile') ? $groupinfo['openUploadFile'] : 0;
         $groupinfo['path'] = D('Category', 'group')->getPathWithCateId($groupinfo['cid1']);
         if (!$groupinfo['path']) {
             $groupinfo['path'] = D('Category', 'group')->getPathWithCateId($groupinfo['cid0']);
         $groupinfo['path'] = implode(' - ', $groupinfo['path']);
         $groupinfo['logourl'] = logo_path_to_url($groupinfo['logo'], 750, 370);
         // dump ( $groupinfo );
         $this->groupinfo = $groupinfo;
         $this->assign('groupinfo', $groupinfo);
         if ($this->mid) {
             // 判读当前用户的成员状态
             $member_info = M('group_member')->where("uid={$this->mid} AND gid={$this->gid}")->find();
             if ($member_info) {
                 if ($member_info['level'] > 0) {
                     $this->ismember = 1;
                     $this->assign('ismember', $this->ismember);
                     if ($member_info['level'] == 1 || $member_info['level'] == 2) {
                         $this->isadmin = 1;
                         $this->assign('isadmin', $this->isadmin);
                     // 记录访问时间
                     M('group_member')->where('gid=' . $this->gid . " AND uid={$this->mid}")->setField('mtime', time());
                 } else {
                     $this->assign('need_join_audit', 1);
         // 浏览权限
         if (!$this->ismember) {
             // 邀请加入
             if (M('group_invite_verify')->where("gid={$this->gid} AND uid={$this->mid} AND is_used=0")->find()) {
                 $this->is_invited = 1;
                 $this->assign('is_invited', $this->is_invited);
             if ($groupinfo['brower_level'] == 1) {
                 if (ACTION_NAME == 'PostFeed') {
                     $return = array('status' => 0, 'data' => '抱歉,您不是该圈成员');
                 if (MODULE_NAME != 'Group' || ACTION_NAME != 'index' && ACTION_NAME != 'joinGroup') {
                     if (ACTION_NAME != 'loadmore') {
                         $this->redirect('w3g/Group/index', array('gid' => $this->gid));
                     } else {
     $this->assign('groupinfo', $this->groupinfo);
     $this->assign('ismember', $this->ismember);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function _initialize()
     $this->assign('all_my_app', D('Group')->getAllMyGroup($this->mid, 0));
     // 圈子id
     if (isset($_GET['gid']) && intval($_GET['gid']) > 0) {
         $this->gid = intval($_GET['gid']);
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['gid']) && intval($_POST['gid']) > 0) {
             $this->gid = intval($_POST['gid']);
         } else {
             $this->error('gid 错误');
     $groupinfo = D('Group')->where('id=' . $this->gid . " AND is_del=0")->find();
     if (!$groupinfo) {
         $this->assign('jumpUrl', U('group/Index/index'));
     /* + ------ 后台全局限制 START */
     $groupinfo['openWeibo'] = model('Xdata')->get('group:weibo') ? $groupinfo['openWeibo'] : 0;
     $groupinfo['openBlog'] = model('Xdata')->get('group:discussion') ? $groupinfo['openBlog'] : 0;
     $groupinfo['openUploadFile'] = model('Xdata')->get('group:uploadFile') ? $groupinfo['openUploadFile'] : 0;
     /* + ------ 后台全局限制 END */
     if (0 == $groupinfo['status'] && !in_array(ACTION_NAME, array('delGroupDialog', 'delGroup'))) {
         //               	$this->assign('jumpUrl', U('group/Index/Index'));
     // 判读当前用户的成员状态
     $member_info = D('Member')->where("uid={$this->mid} AND gid={$this->gid}")->find();
     if ($member_info) {
         if ($member_info['level'] > 0) {
             $this->ismember = 1;
             $this->assign('ismember', $this->ismember);
             if ($member_info['level'] == 1 || $member_info['level'] == 2) {
                 $this->isadmin = 1;
                 $this->assign('isadmin', $this->isadmin);
             // 记录访问时间
             D('Member')->where('gid=' . $this->gid . " AND uid={$this->mid}")->setField('mtime', time());
     $groupinfo['cname0'] = D('Category')->getField('title', array('id' => $groupinfo['cid0']));
     $groupinfo['cname1'] = D('Category')->getField('title', array('id' => $groupinfo['cid1']));
     $groupinfo['type_name'] = $groupinfo['brower_level'] == -1 ? '公开' : '私密';
     $groupinfo['tags'] = D('GroupTag')->getGroupTagList($this->gid);
     $groupinfo['openUploadFile'] = model('Xdata')->get('group:uploadFile') ? $groupinfo['openUploadFile'] : 0;
     $groupinfo['path'] = D('Category')->getPathWithCateId($groupinfo['cid1']);
     if (!$groupinfo['path']) {
         $groupinfo['path'] = D('Category')->getPathWithCateId($groupinfo['cid0']);
     $groupinfo['path'] = implode(' - ', $groupinfo['path']);
     $groupinfo['logourl'] = logo_path_to_url($groupinfo['logo']);
     //新增  获取圈子发言总数(群聊)
     $groupinfo['group_weibo_count'] = D('Group', 'group')->getGroupWeibo($this->gid);
     $this->groupinfo = $groupinfo;
     $this->assign('groupinfo', $groupinfo);
     $this->assign('gid', $this->gid);
     $this->setTitle($this->groupinfo['name'] . '群');
     // 浏览权限
     if (!$this->ismember) {
         // 邀请加入
         if (M('group_invite_verify')->where("gid={$this->gid} AND uid={$this->mid} AND is_used=0")->find()) {
             $this->is_invited = 1;
             $this->assign('is_invited', $this->is_invited);
         if ($groupinfo['brower_level'] == 1) {
             if (ACTION_NAME == 'PostFeed') {
                 $return = array('status' => 0, 'data' => '抱歉,您不是该群成员');
             if (MODULE_NAME != 'Group' || ACTION_NAME != 'index' && ACTION_NAME != 'joinGroup') {
                 if (ACTION_NAME != 'loadmore') {
                     $this->redirect('group/Group/index', array('gid' => $this->gid));
                 } else {
             } else {
                 if ('index' == ACTION_NAME) {
     // 右侧部分信息,根据模块需求调用
     if (!in_array(MODULE_NAME, array('Manage', 'Log'))) {
         // 群内热议话题
         //             	$this->assign('hot_weibo_topic_list', D('WeiboTopic')->getHot($this->gid));
         // 最新加入
         $this->assign('new_member_list', D('Member')->getNewMemberList($this->gid));
     // 基本配置
     $this->config = model('Xdata')->lget('group');
     $this->assign('config', $this->config);