function get_fb_friends($param) { $graph_url = $param->graph_url . '/' . $param->fbid . '/' . $param->connection . '?access_token=' . $param->token; $fb = get_graphapi_data($graph_url); $fbdata = $fb->data; $cdate = date('Y-n-j H:i:s'); echo "inside get_fb_friends"; if ($fbdata) { logme('updating friends if any'); } $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO friends_raw_data(facebook_id,friends_fbid,friends_name,friend_location_name,fbdata,created_date) VALUES "; $sql = ''; foreach ($fbdata as $data) { $sql_select = sprintf("SELECT friends_fbid FROM friends_raw_data WHERE facebook_id='%s' AND friends_fbid='%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($param->fbid), mysql_real_escape_string($data->id)); $result = mysql_query($sql_select); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { $graph_url_of_friend = $param->graph_url . '/' . $data->id . '?access_token=' . $param->token; $fb = get_graphapi_data($graph_url_of_friend); $data_temp = serialize($data); $sql .= sprintf(", ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", mysql_real_escape_string($param->fbid), mysql_real_escape_string($data->id), mysql_real_escape_string($data->name), mysql_real_escape_string(@$fb->location->name), mysql_real_escape_string($data_temp), $cdate); } echo "\n\nplease wait....{$data->id}\n\n"; } if ($sql) { $sql = substr($sql, 1); $query = $sql_insert . $sql; mysql_query($query); } //echo '<br/><br/>'.$query; if (mysql_errno()) { echo "error encoutered..."; logme(mysql_error() . '==' . $query); die(mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error() . '; ' . $query . "\n"); } }
function __call( $name , $args){ $return = array(); $options = $args[7]; $options_from_function = $args[8]; if(file_exists(getcwd() . "/modules/systemtask." . $name . ".php" )){ include( "modules/systemtask." . $name . ".php"); } else { $return["error"] = "Function $name does not exsist, Nor does file: " . getcwd() . "/modules/systemtask." . $name . ".php"; } if( $return["stop"] != '' ){ $this->set_systemtask_stop( $args[1] , $name); } return $return; logme( $args[2] , $args[3], 'systemtask_' . $name , "Arguments: \n" . print_r( $args , true ) . "\nReturn:\n" . print_r($return , true ) ); }
$newmessage = 'yes'; } if ($pixie_reinstall === 'yes') { logme('Pixie was re-installed... you should manually delete the directory named install, which is located inside the admin directory.', 'yes', 'error'); $newmessage = 'yes'; } if ($newmessage === 'no') { logme('Pixie was installed... remember to delete the install directory on your server.', 'yes', 'error'); } if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.1.0') >= 0) { logme('Please ensure that the file .htaccess has the permission 644 and that the file admin/config.php has the permission 640. Please also turn on clean urls to help secure your Pixie site.', 'yes', 'error'); logme('Welcome to Pixie ' . $pixie_version . ' running on PHP ' . phpversion() . ' be sure to visit <a href ="" target="_blank"></a> to check for updates.', 'no', 'site'); } else { if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.0.0') <= 0) { logme('Please ensure that the file .htaccess has the permission 644 and that the file admin/config.php has the permission 640. Please also turn on clean urls to help secure your Pixie site.', 'yes', 'error'); logme('WARNING! Your current PHP version : ' . phpversion() . ' is depreciated and unsupported. Please consult your server Administrator about upgrading php for security reasons.', 'yes', 'error'); } } } /* Needs language */ $emessage = "\nHi {$pixie_name},\nCongratulations! Pixie is now installed. Here are your login details :\n\nUsername : {$pixie_login_username}\nPassword : {$pixie_login_password}\n\nYou can visit : {$pixie_url} to view your site\nor {$pixie_url}admin to login.\n\nThank You for installing Pixie.\nWe hope you enjoy using it!\n\\n\t\t\t "; $subject = "Hi {$pixie_name}, Pixie was successfully installed."; mail($pixie_email, $subject, $emessage); $pixie_install_complete = 'Complete!'; } } if (!isset($error) && !$error) { $pixie_step = 4; } else { $pixie_step = 3; }
$file_tags = str_replace('_', " ", $field); $multi_upload->upload_dir = $dir; $multi_upload->message[] = $multi_upload->extra_text(4); $multi_upload->do_filename_check = 'y'; $multi_upload->tmp_names_array = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']; $multi_upload->names_array = $_FILES['upload']['name']; $multi_upload->error_array = $_FILES['upload']['error']; $multi_upload->replace = isset($_POST['replace']) ? $_POST['replace'] : 'n'; $multi_upload->extensions = array('.png', '.jpg', '.gif', '.zip', '.mp3', '.pdf', '.exe', '.rar', '.swf', '.vcf', '.css', '.dmg', '.php', '.doc', '.xls', '.xml', '.eps', '.rtf', '.iso', '.psd', '.txt', '.ppt', '.mov', '.flv', '.avi', '.m4v', '.mp4', '.gz', '.bz2', '.tar', '.7z', '.svg', '.svgz', '.lzma', '.sig', '.sign', '.js', '.rb', '.ttf', '.html', '.phtml', '.flac', '.ogg', '.wav', '.mkv', '.pls', '.m4a', '.xspf', '.ogv'); $multi_upload->upload_multi_files(); if (lastword($multi_upload->show_error_string()) == 'uploaded.') { $sql = "file_name = '{$file_name}', file_extension = '{$file_ext}', file_type = '{$file_type}', tags = '{$file_tags}'"; $ok = safe_insert('pixie_files', $sql); if (!$ok) { $message = $lang['file_upload_error']; } else { $messageok = $multi_upload->show_error_string(); logme($messageok, 'no', 'folder'); safe_optimize('pixie_files'); safe_repair('pixie_files'); } } else { $message = $multi_upload->show_error_string(); } print $message; } /* This file should be merged as an include or merged directly into another file instead of it being directly accessed like this. */ } else { header('Location: ../../../'); exit; }
function adminrss($s, $user) { global $site_name, $site_url, $s, $lang, $date_format; if (safe_field('nonce', 'pixie_users', "nonce='{$user}'")) { header('Content-type: text/xml'); // Note : header should ALWAYS go at the top of a document. See php header(); in the php manual. echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; ?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:dc=""> <channel> <title><?php echo "{$site_name} - " . $lang['latest_activity'] . ' (' . $lang['rss_feed'] . ')'; ?> </title> <description><?php echo "{$site_name} - " . $lang['latest_activity'] . ""; ?> </description> <link><?php echo "{$site_url}/admin/?s=myaccount&do=rss&user={$user}&referrer=rss"; ?> </link> <generator>Pixie installed @ http://<?php echo "{$site_url}"; ?> </generator> <language>en</language> <image> <url><?php echo "{$site_url}"; ?> files/images/rss_feed_icon.gif</url> <link><?php echo $site_url . "admin/?s=myaccount&do=rss&user={$user}&referrer=rss"; ?> </link> <title><?php echo "{$site_name}"; ?> </title> </image> <?php $max = 60; $data = safe_rows('*', 'pixie_log', "log_type = 'system' order by log_time desc"); $total = count($data); if ($total) { if ($total < $max) { $max = $total; } } $i = 0; while ($i < $max) { $out = $data[$i]; $title = $out['log_message']; $link = $site_url; $author = $out['user_id']; $time = $out['log_time']; $logunix = returnUnixtimestamp($time); $time = safe_strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z', $logunix); $site = str_replace('http://', "", $site_url); echo " \t\t\r\n\t\t<item>\r\n\t\t\t<title>({$site_name}) - {$author}: {$title}</title>\r\n\t\t\t<link>{$link}?referrer=rss</link>\r\n\t\t\t<author>{$author}</author>\r\n\t\t\t<pubdate>{$time}</pubdate>\r\n\t\t</item>"; $i++; } echo "\n\t</channel>\n</rss>"; } else { // the user has attempted to access the RSS feed with an invalid nonce logme($lang['rss_access_attempt'], 'yes', 'error'); echo $lang['rss_access_attempt']; } }
function save_comments_likes($param) { $sql_insert_raw_comment = 'INSERT INTO book_raw_comment(facebook_id,connection,fb_dataid,comment_id,comment_obj,fbdata_postedtime,status) VALUES '; $sql_insert_comment = 'INSERT INTO book_comment(book_info_id,connection,fb_dataid,comment_id,comment_obj,page_num,fbdata_postedtime,status) VALUES '; $sql_select = "SELECT fb_dataid FROM {$param->table_name} WHERE facebook_id='{$param->fbid}'"; $result = mysql_query($sql_select); if ($fbdata) { logme('updating comments and likes if any'); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $sql_raw_comment = ''; $sql_comment = ''; $friends_that_commented = ''; $fb_dataid = $row->fb_dataid; //get the comments for the object id $graph_url = '' . $param->token . '&q=' . urlencode('select id,text,fromid,time from comment where object_id=') . $fb_dataid; $fb = get_graphapi_data($graph_url); echo "\nprocessing...{$fb_dataid}"; foreach ($fb->data as $comment_data) { if ($param->fbid != $comment_data->fromid) { $friends_that_commented .= $comment_data->fromid . ';'; } $comment_postedtime = date('Y-n-j H:i:s', $comment_data->time); //lets modify the comment object so it will be the same as the fb tools explorer format $from = create_from_obj($param, $comment_data->fromid); $comment_data->from = $from; $comment_data->created_time = $comment_postedtime; $comment_data->message = $comment_data->text; $comment = serialize($comment_data); //end of modifying comment object //check for duplicate first $sql_select = "SELECT fb_dataid FROM book_raw_comment WHERE comment_id='" . trim($comment_data->id) . "'"; $result_comments = mysql_query($sql_select); if (mysql_errno()) { logme(mysql_error() . '==' . $query); die(mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error() . '; ' . $query_comment . "\n"); } if (mysql_num_rows($result_comments) == 0) { $sql_raw_comment .= sprintf(", ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", $param->fbid, $param->connection, $fb_dataid, $comment_data->id, mysql_real_escape_string($comment), $comment_postedtime, 'active'); } mysql_free_result($result_comments); //we will try to add comment to all the book with the fb_dataid $sql_select = "SELECT page_num,book_info_id FROM book_comment WHERE fb_dataid='" . trim($fb_dataid) . "'"; $result_comments = mysql_query($sql_select); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result_comments)) { $book_info_id = $row->book_info_id; //check first if there is already inserted comment for the said book $sql_select = "SELECT fb_dataid FROM book_comment WHERE book_info_id={$book_info_id} AND comment_id='" . trim($comment_data->id) . "'"; $result_ = mysql_query($sql_select); if (mysql_num_rows($result_) == 0) { $sql_comment .= sprintf(", ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", $book_info_id, $param->connection, $fb_dataid, $comment_data->id, mysql_real_escape_string($comment), $row->page_num, $comment_postedtime, 'new'); } mysql_free_result($result_); } mysql_free_result($result_comments); unset($from); unset($comment_data); unset($comment); } //end for //insert into raw book comment in case there is a new comment on one of the objects in the book if ($sql_raw_comment) { $sql_raw_comment = substr($sql_raw_comment, 1); $query_comment = $sql_insert_raw_comment . $sql_raw_comment; mysql_query($query_comment); if (mysql_errno()) { logme(mysql_error() . '==' . $query); die(mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error() . '; ' . $query_comment . "\n"); } } //insert into the book_comment if ($sql_comment) { $sql_comment = substr($sql_comment, 1); $query_comment = $sql_insert_comment . $sql_comment; mysql_query($query_comment); echo "<br/>{$query_comment}"; if (mysql_errno()) { logme(mysql_error() . '==' . $query); die(mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error() . '; ' . $query_comment . "\n"); } } //end of gettings comments //get the likes so we can make an update in one query $graph_url = '' . $param->token . '&q=' . urlencode('select user_id,object_type from like where object_id=') . trim($fb_dataid); $fb = get_graphapi_data($graph_url); $friends_that_like = format_friend_that_like($fb->data, $param); //update the friends that liked and commented $sql_update = "UPDATE {$param->table_name} \n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET friends_that_commented='{$friends_that_commented}',friends_that_like='{$friends_that_like}' \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE facebook_id='{$param->fbid}' AND fb_dataid='{$fb_dataid}'"; mysql_query($sql_update); } }
} } else { $error = 'Please provide your email address.'; } if (isset($error)) { unset($contact_sub); } if (!isset($error)) { $form_secret = $_POST['form_secret']; if (isset($_SESSION['FORM_SECRET'])) { if (strcasecmp($form_secret, $_SESSION['FORM_SECRET']) === 0) { /* Check that the checksum we created on form submission is the same the posted FORM_SECRET */ mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); /* Send the mail */ $log_message = "{$uemail} sent a message to {$to} using the contact form."; logme($log_message, 'no', 'site'); /* Log the action */ unset($_SESSION['FORM_SECRET']); /* Unset the checksum */ } else { /* Invalid secret key */ } } else { /* Secret key missing */ } } } break; // Head // Head case 'head':
$assoc['player_type'] = 'SC'; $assoc['player_position'] = trim($row['position']); $assoc['player_score_year'] = trim($row['year']); $assoc['player_round'] = trim($row['round']); $assoc['player_price'] = trim($row['price']); $assoc['player_score_val'] = trim($row['score']); $insertArray[] = $assoc; $indexCount++; if ($indexCount % 50 == 0) { logme("updating player score table"); $objPlayer->createPlayerScore($insertArray); $insertArray = []; $indexCount = 1; logme("{$proccessed} completed . " . ($totalCount - $proccessed) . " is pending..."); } $proccessed++; } if (count($insertArray) > 0) { $objPlayer->createPlayerScore($insertArray); } $objFileLog->startProcessing($uploadId, $totalCount, 'C'); logme("Job Completed {$proccessed} completed . " . ($totalCount - $proccessed) . " is pending..."); } else { logme("I didnt find any thing to process"); } sleep(30); } function logme($message) { echo "\n{$message}\n"; }
<?php error_reporting(1); ini_set("display_errors", 1); ini_set('memory_limit', '64M'); set_time_limit(0); require_once 'connect.php'; require_once 'config.php'; include_once 'common_functions.php'; $book_info_id = empty($argv[1]) ? $_GET['book_info_id'] : $argv[1]; $fb_username = empty($argv[2]) ? $_GET['fb_username'] : $argv[2]; //logme("book_info_id:$book_info_id;fb_username:$fb_username",'static_pages'); $url = $config['base_url'] . "/uniqueurl/create_static_pages?book_info_id={$book_info_id}&fb_username={$fb_username}"; logme($url, 'static_pages'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, FALSE); curl_exec($ch);
function auth_login($username, $password, $remember) { global $lang; global $timezone; $username = sterilise_txt($username, TRUE); $password = sterilise_txt($password, TRUE); $remember = sterilise_txt($remember, TRUE); $howmany = count(safe_rows('*', 'pixie_log', "log_message = '" . $lang['failed_login'] . "' and user_ip = '" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "' and log_time < utc_timestamp() and log_time > DATE_ADD(utc_timestamp(), INTERVAL -1 DAY)")); sleep(1); // should halt dictionary attacks // no more logins than 3 in 24 hours if ($howmany > 3) { $message = $lang['login_exceeded']; logme($lang['logins_exceeded'], 'yes', 'error'); return $message; } else { if (isset($username) && isset($password)) { $r = safe_field('user_name', 'pixie_users', "user_name = '{$username}'and \n\t\t\tpass = password(lower('" . doSlash($password) . "')) and privs >= 0"); if ($r) { $user_hits = safe_field('user_hits', 'pixie_users', "user_name='{$username}'"); safe_update('pixie_users', "last_access = utc_timestamp()", "user_name = '{$username}'"); safe_update('pixie_users', "user_hits = {$user_hits} + 1", "user_name = '{$username}'"); $nonce = safe_field('nonce', 'pixie_users', "user_name='{$username}'"); if (isset($remember) && $remember) { // persistent cookie required setcookie('pixie_login', $username . ',' . md5($username . $nonce), time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, '/'); } else { // session-only cookie required setcookie('pixie_login', $username . ',' . md5($username . $nonce), 0, '/'); } $privs = safe_field('privs', 'pixie_users', "user_name='{$username}'"); // login is good, create user $realname = safe_field('realname', 'pixie_users', "user_name='{$username}'"); $nonce = safe_field('nonce', 'pixie_users', "user_name='{$username}'"); if (isset($realname)) { $GLOBALS['pixie_real_name'] = $realname; } if (isset($privs)) { $GLOBALS['pixie_user_privs'] = $privs; } $GLOBALS['pixie_user'] = $username; $GLOBALS['nonce'] = $nonce; return ''; } else { // login failed $GLOBALS['pixie_user'] = ''; $message = $lang['login_incorrect']; return $message; } } else { $GLOBALS['pixie_user'] = ''; $message = $lang['login_missing']; return $message; } } }
$ok = safe_insert($table_name, $sql); } if (!$ok) { $message = $lang['user_duplicate']; $do = 'newuser'; } else { // needs to be added to language file $emessage = "\n\t\t\t\nYou have been invited to help maintain the website {$site_url}. Your account information is:\n\nusername: {$uname}\npassword: {$password}\n\nvisit: " . $site_url . "admin to login."; $subject = $lang['email_account_new_subject']; if (!isset($subject)) { $subject = NULL; } mail($email, $subject, $emessage); $messageok = "{$lang['user_new_ok']} {$realname} ::: [ {$lang['form_username']} : {$uname} ] ::: [ {$lang['form_password']} : {$password} ]"; $logok = "{$lang['user_new_ok']} {$realname}"; logme($logok, 'no', 'user'); } } else { $do = 'newuser'; $err = explode('|', $error); $message = $err[0]; } } if (isset($edit) && $edit) { if (!isset($user_edit) or !$user_edit) { $rs = safe_row('*', 'pixie_users', "user_id = '{$edit}' limit 0,1"); if ($rs) { extract($rs); } } if ($privs == 3 && $GLOBALS['pixie_user_privs'] != 3) {
include 'pdf_creator/mpdf.php'; ini_set("pcre.backtrack_limit", "1000000"); ini_set("memory_limit", "128M"); ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); error_reporting(E_ERROR || E_PARSE); require_once 'connect.php'; require_once 'config.php'; $book_info_id = empty($argv[1]) ? $_GET['book_info_id'] : $argv[1]; if (empty($book_info_id)) { logme('empty book info id'); die; } else { logme("updating book page number for book info id = {$book_info_id}"); } $book_info = get_book_info($book_info_id); logme($book_info_id); $mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', array(228.6, 177.7), 12, 2.5, 24.13, 12.7, 12.7, 12.7, 0, 0, 'P'); //encoding;page size;font-size; $mpdf->useSubstitutions = false; $mpdf->simpleTables = true; $mpdf->debug = true; $mpdf->allow_output_buffering = true; $stylesheet = file_get_contents('css/content.css'); $mpdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet, 1); $sql = sprintf("SELECT book_info_id,fb_dataid, fbdata, page_layout,page_num,connection,page_col FROM book_pages \n\t\t\t\tWHERE book_info_id=%d ORDER BY page_num", mysql_real_escape_string($book_info_id)); $query = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_errno()) { die(mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error() . '; ' . $query . "\n"); } else { while ($book_page = mysql_fetch_object($query)) { $page = unserialize($book_page->fbdata);
//initialize php settings run-time error_reporting(1); ini_set("display_errors", 1); ini_set('memory_limit', '64M'); set_time_limit(0); require_once 'connect.php'; require_once 'config.php'; $execution_time['totalstart'] = get_time(); $execution_time['start'] = get_time(); //this is the only parameter to get pass in this script $book_info_id = empty($argv[1]) ? $_GET['book_info_id'] : $argv[1]; if (empty($book_info_id)) { logme('empty book info id'); die; } else { logme("updating book page number for book info id = {$book_info_id}"); } //comment this when running on LIVE and uncomment the above lines //$book_info_id = 43; $sql = sprintf("SELECT * from book_details_vw WHERE book_info_id = %d", mysql_real_escape_string($book_info_id)); $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $sql_book_pages = ''; $comment = ''; $page_num = 1; $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); while ($row) { switch ($row->page_layout) { case 1: $page_col = 2; $what_col = 'max_container_height_col_r'; break;
$messageok = $lang['saved_new_settings_for'] . " " . $output . " " . $lang['page']; } page_order_reset(); } if (isset($s) && $s == 'publish') { if (isset($title) && $title) { $output = $title; } else { $output = NULL; } $icon = 'page'; $pname = safe_field('page_display_name', 'pixie_core', "page_id='{$page_id}'"); if ($m == 'static') { $messageok = 'Saved updates to the ' . $pname . ' page.'; } else { if ($output) { $messageok = $lang['save_update_entry'] . ': ' . $output . " " . $lang['on_the'] . " " . $pname . " " . $lang['page']; } else { $messageok = $lang['save_update_entry'] . " (#" . $editid . ") " . $lang['on_the'] . " " . $pname . " " . $lang['page']; } } } logme($messageok, 'no', $icon); } } } else { $err = explode('|', $error); $message = $err[0]; } } }
function executer($b_matos, $b_action) { try { $cmd2exec = $GLOBALS['cmd'] . $GLOBALS['idRFCmd'] . " " . $GLOBALS['codeRF'] . " {$b_matos} {$b_action}"; $output = shell_exec($cmd2exec); } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); logme("ERROR : {$msg}"); } $msg = "Excution de {$cmd2exec}"; logme($msg); }
$subject = NULL; } $emessage = $lang['email_newpassword_message'] . $password; $user = safe_field('realname', 'pixie_users', "email='{$email}'"); $headers = "From: postmaster@{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}" . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($email, $subject, $emessage, $headers); $messageok = $lang['forgotten_ok']; logme($lang['forgotten_log_ok'] . $user . ' (' . $email . ').', 'yes', 'user'); $m = 'ok'; } else { $message = $lang['unknown_error']; } } } else { $message = $lang['forgotten_missing']; logme($lang['forgotten_log_error'], 'yes', 'error'); } } if ($m == 'forgotten') { ?> <div id="login"> <form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="?s=login&m=forgotten" method="post" id="form_forgotten" class="form"> <fieldset> <legend>Forgotten your password?</legend> <p><?php print $lang['form_help_forgotten']; ?> </p> <div class="form_row"> <div class="form_label"><label for="username"><?php print $lang['form_usernameoremail'];
//FB graph api to get friends $graph_url = trim("{$fbid}/friends?access_token={$token}"); $friends = @json_decode(file_get_contents($graph_url)); logme($graph_url); $friends_fbid = ''; $friends_list = (array) $friends->data; foreach ($friends_list as $friend) { $friends_fbid .= ';' . $friend->id; } $friends_fbid = substr($friends_fbid, 1); $created_date = date('m-j-Y h:i:s a'); $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO book_cover(book_info_id,friends_fbid,created_date) VALUES('%s','%s','%s')", mysql_real_escape_string($book_info_id), mysql_real_escape_string($friends_fbid), $created_date); $result = mysql_query($sql); // This shows the actual query sent to MySQL, and the error. Useful for debugging. if (!$result) { $message = 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error() . "\n"; $message .= 'Whole query: ' . $sql; logme($message); die($message); } else { echo 'done with no errors'; } function logme($data) { global $config; $file = $config['tools'] . "/logs/get_fbfriends.log"; $cdate = date('n/j/Y h:i:s a'); $handle = fopen($file, 'ab'); fwrite($handle, "{$data} => {$cdate} \n"); fclose($handle); }
if (isset($error)) { sleep(6); /* slow spammers down */ } else { if ($duplicate !== 1) { if (isset($admin_user) && $admin_user) { $admin_user = strip_tags($admin_user); $sql = "comment = '{$comment}', name = '{$name}', email = '{$email}', url = '{$web}', post_id = '{$post}', admin_user = '******'"; } else { $sql = "comment = '{$comment}', name = '{$name}', email = '{$email}', url = '{$web}', post_id = '{$post}', admin_user = '******'"; } $comment_ok = safe_insert('pixie_module_comments', $sql); $title = safe_field('title', 'pixie_dynamic_posts', "post_id ='{$post}'"); $countcom = count(safe_rows('*', 'pixie_module_comments', "post_id ='{$post}'")); if (isset($s)) { logme($name . ' ' . $lang['comment_save_log'] . "<a href=\"" . createURL($s, $m, $x) . "#comment_{$countcom}\" title=\"{$title}\">{$title}</a>.", 'no', 'comment'); } } else { $err = explode('|', $error); $error = $err[0]; } } } } $mtitle = ""; show_single(); break; case 'page': $start = $posts_per_page * ($x - 1); $mtitle = "{$page_display_name} (" . $lang['dynamic_page'] . " {$x})"; $rs = safe_rows_start('*', 'pixie_dynamic_posts', "page_id = '{$page_id}' and public = 'yes' order by posted desc limit {$start},{$posts_per_page}");
br()->log('Usage: php ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' setup|delete|print [--table tableName]'); exit; break; } for ($i = 2; $i < count($argv); $i++) { if (preg_match('/^[-][-](.+)$/', $argv[$i], $matches)) { if ($matches[1] == 'table') { $tableName = $argv[$i + 1]; } } } $tables = br()->db()->getRows('SELECT * FROM audit_tables WHERE name LIKE ?', $tableName); foreach ($tables as $table) { switch ($commandName) { case 'delete': if ($table['is_audited'] != 9) { removeAuditTriggers($table['name']); } break; case 'setup': if ($table['is_audited'] != 9) { createAuditTriggers($table['name'], $table['exclude_fields'], $table['is_audited'], $commandName); } break; case 'print': createAuditTriggers($table['name'], $table['exclude_fields'], $table['is_audited'], $commandName); break; } } logme('done');
if (isset($execute4) && $execute4) { $execute4 = str_replace('pixie_', $pixieconfig['table_prefix'] . 'pixie_', $execute4); safe_query($execute4); } $do = 'info'; include 'modules/' . $modplug . '.php'; if (isset($m_in_navigation)) { } else { $m_in_navigation = 'no'; } // make a safe reference in core, not public etc $sql = "page_type = '{$m_type}', page_name = '{$modplug}', page_display_name = '{$m_name}', page_description = '{$m_description}', privs = '2', publish = '{$m_publish}', public = 'yes', in_navigation = '{$m_in_navigation}', searchable = 'no'"; $coreok = safe_insert('pixie_core', $sql); if ($coreok) { $messageok = $m_name . " " . $lang['install_module_ok']; logme($messageok, 'no', 'site'); } } } echo "<div id=\"page_header\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<h2>" . $lang['install_module'] . "</h2>\r\n\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t<div id=\"admin_form\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<form accept-charset=\"UTF-8\" action=\"?s=settings&x=pages&do=newpage&type=module\" method=\"post\" id=\"form_modplug\" class=\"form\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<fieldset>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<legend>" . $lang['select_module'] . "</legend>\n"; $dir = 'modules/'; if (is_dir($dir)) { $fd = @opendir($dir); if ($fd) { while (($part = @readdir($fd)) == TRUE) { if ($part != '.' && $part != '..') { if ($part != 'index.php' && preg_match('/^[A-Za-z].*\\.php$/', $part)) { if (last_word($part) != 'functions.php') { $pname = str_replace('.php', "", $part); $rs = safe_row('*', 'pixie_core', "page_name = '{$pname}' order by page_name asc"); if (!$rs) {
error_reporting(1); ini_set("display_errors", 1); ini_set('memory_limit', '64M'); set_time_limit(0); require_once 'connect.php'; require_once 'config.php'; $fbid = empty($argv[1]) ? $_GET['fbid'] : $argv[1]; $token = empty($argv[2]) ? $_GET['token'] : $argv[2]; //$fbid = empty($fbid)?$_GET['fbid']:$fbid; //$token = empty($token)?$_GET['token']:$token; if (empty($fbid)) { logme('no fbid pass or in cookie'); die('no fbid pass or in cookie'); } $graph_url = "{$fbid}/"; logme($graph_url); $execution_time['totalstart'] = get_time(); $execution_time['start'] = get_time(); $param->fbid = $fbid; $param->token = $token; $param->graph_url = $graph_url; //me/friends echo 'processing fb friends...'; $param->connection = 'friends'; $param->table_name = 'friends_raw_data'; get_fb_friends($param); echo "done<br/>"; //me/statuses echo 'processing fb statuses...'; $param->connection = 'statuses'; $param->table_name = 'statuses_raw_data';
//corpomessaggiopiccolo if (strlen($messaggio) < 2) { $controllo = false; logme("*tiny_message*", $ip, $nick, $datareale, $email); } //controllo del sito //echo "prima di sitoshow<br>"; if (preg_match('/http:\\/\\/[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}/', $sito) == 1) { $sitoshow = true; } //echo "il preg da: ".(preg_match('/http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}/',$sito)); //Scrittura if ($controllo == true) { $namefile = "./data/" . $dataora; //echo $namefile."<br />"; $filenew = fopen($namefile, "w"); if ($sitoshow == true) { fwrite($filenew, "<div class=\"post\"><div class=\"posttop\"><div class=\"title\"><a href='" . $sito . "'>" . $nick . "</a></div><div class=\"date\"> data:" . $datareale . "</div></div><br />" . $messaggio . "</div><br />"); } else { fwrite($filenew, "<div class=\"post\"><div class=\"posttop\"><div class=\"title\">" . $nick . "</div><div class=\"date\"> data:" . $datareale . "</div></div><br />" . $messaggio . "</div><br />"); } fclose($filenew); logme("*written_OK*", $ip, $nick, $datareale, $email); //@mail('*****@*****.**','Qualcuno ha scritto sul tuo guestbook!', "nick: $nick ip: $ip per leggere clicka =>",'from:'); //echo "done<br />"; //echo "<a href='./scrivi.php'>dietro</a><a href='./guestbook.php'>avanti</a>"; header("location: ./guestbook.php"); } else { echo '<script>alert("Something go wrong! =(,retry?");'; echo 'setTimeout("location.href=\'./scrivi.php\', 3*1000 ");</script>'; }
$prefs = get_prefs(); extract($prefs); } } if (isset($del)) { if (file_exists("../files/sqlbackups/" . $del)) { $current = safe_field('last_backup', 'pixie_settings', "settings_id='1'"); if ($current != $del) { $delk = file_delete("../files/sqlbackups/" . $del); } else { $unable = "yes"; } } if ($delk) { $messageok = $lang['backup_delete_ok'] . " {$del}."; logme($lang['backup_delete_ok'] . " {$del}.", "no", "save"); } else { if ($unable) { $message = $lang['backup_delete_no']; } else { $message = $lang['backup_delete_error']; } } } ?> <div id="blocks"> <div id="admin_block_backup" class="admin_block"> <h3><?php echo $lang['create_backup']; ?> </h3>
<?php require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/Bright.php'; $scriptsPath = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/js/'; $templatesPath = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/templates/'; if ($tableName = br($argv, 1)) { logme('Generating code for ' . $tableName); $data = array(); $data['entityName'] = $tableName; $data['fields'] = array(); $configFile = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/config.php'; if (file_exists($configFile)) { logme('Loading settings from ' . $configFile); require_once $configFile; if (br()->db()) { $fields = br()->db()->getTableStructure($tableName); foreach ($fields as $name => $desc) { $desc['fieldName'] = $name; $data['fields'][] = $desc; } } } br()->fs()->saveToFile($scriptsPath . $tableName . '.js', br()->renderer()->fetch(__DIR__ . '/template.databrowser.js', $data)); br()->fs()->saveToFile($templatesPath . $tableName . '.html', br()->renderer()->fetch(__DIR__ . '/template.databrowser.html', $data)); } else { logme('Table not specified'); }