// Load the header content if(cache_start('header')){ } else { include('template/header.php'); cache_stop(); } // Get requested blog post, or if none specified get homepage (post_id===0) $post_id = intval($_GET['post_id']); $cat_id = intval($_GET['cat_id']); $cache_id = ($post_id? 'page'. $post_id: ($cat_id? 'category'.$cat_id:'homepage')); if(!cache_start($cache_id)) { if($post_id) { load_post($post_id); } else { list_posts(intval($_GET['cat_id'])); } cache_stop(); } else { // echo "CACHED"; } if(!cache_start('footer')){ // Load the footer content include('template/footer.php'); cache_stop(); } ?>
if (isset($thumb_url['url'])) { $return[] = '<a data-id="' . $slide['id'] . '" href="' . $slide['link'] . '" class="cbp-caption"> <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap">'; $return[] = '<img src="' . image_media($thumb_url['url']) . '" alt="' . $title . '">'; $return[] = '</div>'; $return[] = '<div class="cbp-caption-activeWrap"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-alignCenter"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-body"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-text">' . JText::_('PLG_SYSTEM_BDTHEMES_SHORTCODES_POST_GRID_VIEW_POST') . '</div> </div> </div> </div>'; $return[] = '</a>'; } $return[] = '<a href="' . $slide['link'] . '" class="cbp-l-grid-blog-title">' . $title . '</a> <div class="su-pgrid-meta"> ' . $date . ' ' . $show_category . ' </div> ' . $intro_text . ' </div>'; $item_block++; } return implode('', $return); } echo load_post(); die; ?>