function load_extensions($path, $recurse) { $d = dir($path); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } $f = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry; if ($recurse && is_dir($f)) { load_extensions($f, false); } if ((is_file($f) || is_link($f)) && preg_match('/\\.ext\\.php$/i', $entry)) { include $f; debug("Loaded extension: {$f}"); } } $d->close(); }
$_SESSION['user']['extension'][$x]['outbound_caller_id_number'] = $row['outbound_caller_id_number']; if ($row['voicemail_uuid'] != '') { $_SESSION['user']['voicemail'][]['voicemail_uuid'] = $row['voicemail_uuid']; } $_SESSION['user_context'] = $row["user_context"]; $x++; } } //if no extension has been assigned then setting the user_context will still need to be set if (strlen($_SESSION['user_context']) == 0) { $_SESSION['user_context'] = $_SESSION['domain_name']; } } } } load_extensions(); function event_socket_create($host, $port, $password) { $esl = new EventSocket(); if ($esl->connect($host, $port, $password)) { return $esl->reset_fp(); } return false; } function event_socket_request($fp, $cmd) { $esl = new EventSocket($fp); $result = $esl->request($cmd); $esl->reset_fp(); return $result; }
/** * Initialize miniWiki infrastructure. * <p> * Will load and initialize extensions. */ function miniwiki_boot($install_mode = false) { set_default_config('install_mode', $install_mode); register_shutdown_function('miniwiki_shutdown'); load_extensions(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "ext"), true); initialize_extensions(); }