public function createExercise($id)
     if (!isMakerOfSeries($id, Auth::id())) {
         flash()->error('You must be logged in as the maker of this series in order to add exercises.')->important();
         return redirect('series/' . $id);
     $serie = loadSerieWithId($id)[0];
     return view('exercises.create', compact('serie'));
<!-- brunodd: Get data from database -->
$data = countUsersSucceededSeries();
// dd($data);
$series = [];
$num_finished = [];
foreach ($data as $d) {
    array_push($series, loadSerieWithId($d->seriesId)[0]->title);
    array_push($num_finished, (int) $d->c);

<!-- 3. Add the JavaScript with the Highchart options to initialize the chart -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
            chart: {
            type: 'column'
        title: {
            text: <?php 
echo '\'Number of users that succesfully completed series\'';
        xAxis: {
            title: {
                text: 'Series'
            categories: <?php 
echo json_encode($series);
 private static function buildSystemNotifications($notification)
     $string = "";
     switch ($notification->type) {
         case "group request accepted":
             $groupname = loadGroup($notification->object_id)[0]->name;
             $group = '<a href=/groups/' . $notification->object_id . '>' . $groupname . '</a>';
             $string = (object) array_merge((array) $notification, array('message' => 'Your request to join the group \'' . $group . '\' has been accepted.'));
         case "group request declined":
             $groupname = loadGroup($notification->object_id)[0]->name;
             $group = '<a href=/groups/' . $notification->object_id . '>' . $groupname . '</a>';
             $string = (object) array_merge((array) $notification, array('message' => 'Your request to join the group \'' . $group . '\' has been declined.'));
         case "series updated":
             $seriesTitle = loadSerieWithId($notification->object_id)[0]->title;
             $series = '<a href=/series/' . $notification->object_id . '>' . $seriesTitle . '</a>';
             $string = (object) array_merge((array) $notification, array('message' => 'The series \'' . $series . '\' has been updated, check it out!'));
         case "exercise referenced":
             $series = '<a href=/series/' . $notification->object_id . '>series</a>.';
             $string = (object) array_merge((array) $notification, array('message' => 'An exercise of yours was referenced in another ' . $series));
         case "exercise copied":
             $series = '<a href=/series/' . $notification->object_id . '>series</a>.';
             $string = (object) array_merge((array) $notification, array('message' => 'An exercise of yours was copied to another ' . $series));
     return $string;