Ejemplo n.º 1
$wake_up_sent = false;
if (isset($_POST['wakeID']) && $_SESSION['game_id'] == $_POST['wakeID']) {
    $wake_up_sent = webchessMail('wakeup', $_SESSION['opponent']['p_email'], '', $_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['game_id']);
//  load game from database for display
// get FEN array
$query = "\n\tSELECT h_fen\n\tFROM " . T_HISTORY . "\n\tWHERE h_game_id = '{$_SESSION['game_id']}'\n\tORDER BY h_time\n";
$FENarray = $mysql->fetch_value_array($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$num_moves = count($FENarray) - 1;
// remove one for initpos
// sets up board using last entry in ".T_HISTORY." table (chessdb.inc.php)
// convert the current FEN array to an array of standard moves
// (chessutils.inc.php)
// find out if it's the current player's turn
$FENitems = explode(' ', $FENarray[$num_moves]);
$curTurn = $colorArray[$FENitems[1]];
$isPlayersTurn = $curTurn == $_SESSION['player']['p_color'] ? true : false;
// set the display to show whos turn, or shared
if ($_SESSION['shared']) {
    $turn = "Shared";
} elseif ($isPlayersTurn) {
    $turn = "Your Move";
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
function api_query_user($aParameter)
    $aUsers = getParamFrom($aParameter, 'users', '');
    $aGames = getParamFrom($aParameter, 'games', '');
    $aCurrent = getParamFrom($aParameter, 'current', false);
    $aUTF8 = getParamFrom($aParameter, 'utf8', false);
    // load gameconfigs
    $GameFiles = scandir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../themes/games');
    $Games = array();
    foreach ($GameFiles as $GameFileName) {
        if (substr($GameFileName, -4) === '.xml') {
            $Game = loadGame(substr($GameFileName, 0, -4));
            $Games[$Game['GameId']] = $Game;
    // Build query
    $Parameters = array();
    $Conditions = array();
    // Filter users
    if (!$aCurrent && $aUsers != '') {
        $Users = explode(',', $aUsers);
        foreach ($Users as &$UserId) {
            $UserId = intval($UserId);
        if (count($Users) == 1) {
            array_push($Conditions, 'UserId=?');
            array_push($Parameters, $Users[0]);
        } else {
            array_push($Conditions, 'UserId IN (' . implode(',', $Users) . ')');
    if ($aCurrent) {
        $Session = Session::get();
        if ($Session === null) {
            return array();
        // no user logged in
        array_push($Conditions, 'UserId=?');
        array_push($Parameters, $Session->getUserId());
    // Filter games
    if ($aGames != '') {
        $Games = explode(',', $aGames);
        $GameOptions = array();
        foreach ($Games as $Game) {
            array_push($GameOptions, 'Game=?');
            array_push($Parameters, $Game);
        array_push($Conditions, $GameOptions);
    // Build where clause
    $WhereString = '';
    if (count($Conditions) > 0) {
        foreach ($Conditions as &$Part) {
            if (is_array($Part)) {
                $Part = '(' . implode(' OR ', $Part) . ')';
        $WhereString = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $Conditions) . ' ';
    // Run query
    $Connector = Connector::getInstance();
    $UserQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'User`.UserId AS _UserId, `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character`.* FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'User` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character` USING(UserId) ' . $WhereString . 'ORDER BY UserId,Name,Game');
    foreach ($Parameters as $Index => $Value) {
        //Out::getInstance()->pushValue('query', $Value);
        if (is_numeric($Value)) {
            $UserQuery->bindValue($Index + 1, $Value, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        } else {
            $UserQuery->bindValue($Index + 1, $Value, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    // Resolve result
    $Result = array();
    $LastUserId = 0;
    $User = array();
    $UserQuery->loop(function ($UserRow) use(&$LastUserId, &$Result, &$User, &$Games, $aUTF8) {
        if ($LastUserId != $UserRow['_UserId']) {
            if (count($User) > 0) {
                array_push($Result, $User);
            $LastUserId = $UserRow['_UserId'];
            $User = array('Id' => $LastUserId, 'Characters' => array());
        if ($UserRow['CharacterId'] != null) {
            $Game = $Games[$UserRow['Game']];
            $Classes = explode(':', $UserRow['Class']);
            $Roles = array();
            if ($Game['ClassMode'] == 'single') {
                // Single class mode -> Roles are in database
                array_push($Roles, $UserRow['Role1']);
                if ($UserRow['Role1'] != $UserRow['Role2']) {
                    array_push($Roles, $UserRow['Role2']);
            } else {
                // Multi class mode -> Roles are attached to class
                foreach ($Classes as $ClassId) {
                    foreach ($Game['Classes'][$ClassId]['roles'] as $RoleId) {
                        if (!in_array($RoleId, $Roles)) {
                            array_push($Roles, $RoleId);
            array_push($User['Characters'], array('Name' => $aUTF8 ? xmlToUTF8($UserRow['Name']) : $UserRow['Name'], 'Game' => $UserRow['Game'], 'IsMainChar' => $UserRow['Mainchar'] == 'true', 'Classes' => $Classes, 'Roles' => $Roles));
    if (count($User) > 0) {
        array_push($Result, $User);
    return $Result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
//OK let's get this sucker loaded.
if (!empty($_POST['is_in_check'])) {
    $is_in_check = $_POST['is_in_check'];
} else {
    $is_in_check = false;
//initialize the variables - let's keep em organized as well....
$isCheckMate = false;
$isPromoting = false;
$isUndoing = false;
if (empty($game_id)) {
    $game_id = $_SESSION['game_id'];
$load_history = loadHistory($game_id);
//should be load_history($game_id) and return value is history array, better than globaling everything
$load_game = loadGame($game_id);
//dont know - should this return a true or false we can check? or does it return specific data?
$sql = $db->Prepare("SELECT * from {$db_prefix}games WHERE game_id=?");
$query = $db->Execute($sql, array($game_id));
db_op_result($query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
$row = $query->fields;
if (empty($row)) {
    //this is rather silly, really .. let's instead show a notice "game deleted" and have done with it :)
    //offer options such as pgn download, review, kibbitz, etc - the game cleanup script will archive saved games
    //The game was deleted
    //echo "<script>window.location='mainmenu.php'</script>";
$white = $row['white_player'];
$black = $row['black_player'];
$timeLimit = $row['time_limit'];
Ejemplo n.º 4
function loadGameSettings()
    global $gSite;
    global $gGame;
    if ($gGame != null) {
    // ### return, already initialized ###
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
    $gGame = loadGame($gSite['GameConfig']);
Ejemplo n.º 5
function getGameInfo($id_game = 0, $raw = false)
    global $scripturl, $txt, $db_prefix, $user_info, $smcFunc, $modSettings, $context;
    $id_game = loadGame($id_game);
    if ($id_game === false) {
        return false;
    if ($raw) {
        return $context['arcade']['game_data'][$id_game];
    $game =& $context['arcade']['game_data'][$id_game];
    // Is game installed in subdirectory
    /*if ($game['game_directory'] != '')
    		$gameurl = $modSettings['gamesUrl'] . '/' . $game['game_directory'] . '/';
    	// It is in main directory
    		$gameurl = $modSettings['gamesUrl'] . '/';*/
    $description = parse_bbc($game['description']);
    $help = parse_bbc($game['help']);
    if (!empty($game['real_name'])) {
        $player_name = $game['real_name'];
        $guest = empty($game['id_member']);
    } else {
        $player_name = $txt['guest'];
        $guest = true;
    return array('id' => $game['id_game'], 'url' => array('play' => $scripturl . '?action=arcade;sa=play;game=' . $game['id_game'], 'highscore' => $scripturl . '?action=arcade;sa=highscore;game=' . $game['id_game'], 'favorite' => $context['arcade']['can_favorite'] ? $game['is_favorite'] == 0 ? $scripturl . '?action=arcade;sa=favorite;game=' . $game['id_game'] : $scripturl . '?action=arcade;sa=favorite;remove;game=' . $game['id_game'] : '#'), 'extra_data' => !empty($game['extra_data']) ? unserialize($game['extra_data']) : array(), 'category' => array('id' => $game['id_cat'], 'name' => $game['cat_name'], 'link' => $scripturl . '?action=arcade;category=' . $game['id_cat']), 'internal_name' => $game['internal_name'], 'name' => $game['game_name'], 'class' => $game['class'], 'description' => $description, 'help' => $help, 'rating' => $game['game_rating'], 'rating2' => round($game['game_rating']), 'thumbnail' => !empty($game['thumbnail']) ? $gameurl . $game['thumbnail'] : '', 'thumbnail_small' => !empty($game['thumbnail_small']) ? $gameurl . $game['thumbnail_small'] : '', 'is_champion' => $game['id_score'] > 0, 'champion' => array('id' => $game['id_member'], 'name' => $player_name, 'score_id' => $game['id_score'], 'link' => !$guest ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $game['id_member'] . '">' . $player_name . '</a>' : $player_name, 'score' => comma_format((double) $game['champ_score']), 'time' => $game['champion_time']), 'is_personal_best' => !$user_info['is_guest'] && $game['id_pb'] > 0, 'personal_best' => !$user_info['is_guest'] ? comma_format((double) $game['personal_best']) : 0, 'personal_best_score' => !$user_info['is_guest'] ? $game['personal_best'] : 0, 'score_type' => $game['score_type'], 'highscore_support' => $game['score_type'] != 2, 'is_favorite' => $context['arcade']['can_favorite'] ? $game['is_favorite'] > 0 : false, 'favorite' => $game['num_favorites'], 'member_groups' => isset($game['member_groups']) ? explode(',', $game['member_groups']) : array());
Ejemplo n.º 6
function ExportGameInfo()
    global $scripturl, $txt, $db_prefix, $modSettings, $context, $sourcedir, $smcFunc, $boarddir;
    $id = loadGame((int) $_REQUEST['game'], true);
    if ($id === false) {
        fatal_lang_error('arcade_game_not_found', false);
    $game =& $context['arcade']['game_data'][$id];
    if (!empty($modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'])) {
    } else {
    $game['extra_data'] = unserialize($game['extra_data']);
    $extra = '';
    if (isset($game['extra_data']['flash_version'])) {
        $extra = '
		<version>' . $game['extra_data']['flash_version'] . '</version>
		<width>' . $game['extra_data']['width'] . '</width>
		<height>' . $game['extra_data']['height'] . '</height>
		<bgcolor>' . strtoupper(implode('', array_map('dechex', $game['extra_data']['background_color']))) . '</bgcolor>
    header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . (empty($context['character_set']) ? 'ISO-8859-1' : $context['character_set']));
    printf('<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Generated with SMF Arcade %s -->
</game-info>', SMFArcade::VERSION, $game['internal_name'], htmlspecialchars($game['game_name']), htmlspecialchars($game['description']), htmlspecialchars($game['help']), htmlspecialchars($game['thumbnail']), htmlspecialchars($game['thumbnail_small']), $game['game_file'], $game['score_type'], $game['submit_system'], $extra);