public function __construct()
     $limit = getInput("limit", 10);
     $offset = getInput("offset", 0);
     $count = getEntities(array("type" => "File", "count" => true, "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "title", "value" => "NULL", "operand" => "!="))));
     $files = listEntities(array("type" => "File", "limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset, "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "title", "value" => "NULL", "operand" => "!="))));
     $pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array("count" => $count, "offset" => $offset, "limit" => $limit, "url" => getSiteURL() . "files"));
     $page = drawPage(array("header" => "Files", "body" => $files, "footer" => $pagination, "button" => "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "file/upload' class='btn btn-success'>Upload a File</a>"));
     $this->html = $page;
  * Creates notification page html
 public function __construct()
     $user_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid();
     $access = getIgnoreAccess();
     $notifications = listEntities(array("type" => "Notification", "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => $user_guid));
     $buttons = getSiteURL() . "action/deleteAllNotifications/{$user_guid}";
     $buttons = addTokenToURL($buttons);
     $buttons = "<a href='{$buttons}' class='btn btn-danger'>Dismiss All</a>";
     $page = drawPage(array("header" => "Notifications", "body" => $notifications, "button" => $buttons));
     $this->html = $page;
  * Creates html for activity page
 public function __construct()
     switch (pageArray(1)) {
         case "all":
             $this->params = array("type" => "Activity", "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true, "offset" => getInput("offset", 0));
         case "mine":
             $this->params = array("type" => "Activity", "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true, "offset" => getInput("offset", 0), "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => getLoggedInUserGuid());
         case "friends":
             $this->params = array("type" => "Activity", "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true, "offset" => getInput("offset", 0), "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => "('" . FriendsPlugin::getFriendGuidCSString(getLoggedInUser()) . "')", "operand" => "IN");
     $this->params['count'] = true;
     $this->count = getEntities($this->params);
     $this->params['limit'] = 10;
     $entities = listEntities($this->params);
     $pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array("count" => $this->count, "offset" => getInput("offset"), "limit" => $this->limit, "url" => "activity"));
     $this->tabs = display("page_elements/tabs", array("tabs" => array("All" => getSiteURL() . "activity", "Mine" => getSiteURL() . "activity/mine", "Friends" => getSiteURL() . "activity/friends")));
     $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => "Activity", "body" => $this->tabs . $entities . $pagination));
Ejemplo n.º 4

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
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 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$limit = 10;
$offset = getInput("offset", 0);
$count = getEntities(array("type" => "Activity", "count" => true));
$activity = listEntities(array("type" => "Activity", "limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset, "order_by" => "time_created"));
$pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array("count" => $count, "limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset, "url" => getSiteURL() . "activity/all"));
echo $activity . $pagination;
Ejemplo n.º 5
$filter = getInput('filter');
$offset = getInput("offset", 0);
$params = array("type" => "User", "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true, "limit" => 5, "offset" => $offset);
if ($filter) {
    $metadata_name_value_pairs = array();
    foreach ($filter as $key => $value) {
        $metadata_name_value_pairs[] = array("name" => $key, "value" => $value);
    $params['metadata_name_value_pairs'] = $metadata_name_value_pairs;
$first_member = getEntity($params);
if ($first_member) {
    $guid = $first_member->guid;
$members = listEntities($params);
$params['count'] = true;
$count = getEntities($params);
echo display("members:before");
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
echo $members;
    <div class="col-md-9 hidden-xs hidden-sm" id="member_wrapper">
if ($members) {
Ejemplo n.º 6

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$blogs = listEntities(array("type" => "Blog", "limit" => 5, "offset" => getInput("offset", 0), "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()));
$count = getEntities(array("type" => "Blog", "count" => true, "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()));
echo $blogs;
echo display("page_elements/pagination", array("url" => getSiteURL() . "blogs/my_blogs", "offset" => getInput("offset", 0), "limit" => 5, "count" => $count));
$wrapper_class = Vars("wrapper_class");
$title = Vars("title");
$panel = Vars("panel");
$wrapper_id = "entity_list_{$id}";
if (!$wrapper) {
    $wrapper = "div";
$wrapper_header = "<{$wrapper} class='{$wrapper_class}' id='{$wrapper_id}'>";
$wrapper_footer = "</{$wrapper}>";
if (!isset($params['limit'])) {
    $params['limit'] = 10;
if (!isset($params['offset'])) {
    $params['offset'] = 0;
$body = listEntities($params);
$count_shown = ($params['offset'] + 1) * $params['limit'];
$params2 = $params;
$params2['count'] = true;
$count = getEntities($params2);
if ($count >= $count_shown) {
    $params['offset'] = $params['offset'] + $params['limit'];
    $params = json_encode($params);
    $button = "<button class='show_more_entities btn btn-danger btn-xs pull-right' data-count='{$count}' data-count_shown='{$count_shown}' data-params='{$params}' data-id='{$wrapper_id}'>More</button>";
} else {
    $button = NULL;
if ($title) {
    $title = <<<HTML
Ejemplo n.º 8

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$groups = listEntities(array("type" => "Group"));
echo $groups;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$limit = getInput("limit", 5);
$offset = getInput("offset", 0);
$access = getIgnoreAccess();
$count = getEntities(array("type" => "User", "offset" => 0, "count" => true));
$users = listEntities(array("type" => "User", "limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset));
$pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array("limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset, "count" => $count, "url" => "admin/users"));
$body = <<<HTML
$header = "Users";
echo display("page_elements/page_header", array("text" => $header));
echo $body;
Ejemplo n.º 10

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$activity = listEntities(array("type" => "Activity", "limit" => 10, "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true));
echo $activity;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$session = getInput("session");
if ($session) {
    $user = getUserFromSession($session);
    $guid = Vars("guid");
    $chat = getEntity($guid);
    $user_guid = $user->guid == $chat->user_one ? $chat->user_two : $chat->user_one;
    $user = getEntity($user_guid);
    $url = $user->getURL();
    $icon = $user->icon(SMALL, "media-object");
    $sitename = getSiteName();
    $messages = listEntities(array("type" => "Chatmessage", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => $guid));
    if (!$messages) {
        $messages = <<<HTML
<div class="well well-sm" style="margin-top:10px;">
    <div class="media">
        <div class="media-left">
            <a href="{$url}">
        <div class="media-body">
            <div class="media-heading"><a href='{$url}'>{$user->full_name}</a></div>
            <small>You're friends on {$sitename}.</small>
Ejemplo n.º 12

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$blogs = listEntities(array("type" => "Blog", "limit" => 5, "offset" => getInput("offset", 0)));
$count = getEntities(array("type" => "Blog", "count" => true));
echo $blogs;
echo display("page_elements/pagination", array("url" => getSiteURL() . "blogs/all_blogs", "offset" => getInput("offset", 0), "limit" => 5, "count" => $count));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$latest_members = listEntities(array("type" => "User", "view_type" => "gallery", "limit" => 9, "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true));
<div class="panel-group" id="accordion">
    <div class="panel panel-default" id="panel1">
        <div class="panel-heading">
            <h4 class="panel-title">
                Latest Members

        <div class="panel-body">
echo $latest_members;
Ejemplo n.º 14
    $reverse = false;
$count = Vars::get("count");
$offset = Vars::get("offset");
if (!$offset) {
    $offset = 0;
if (!$count) {
    $count = 4;
if ($reverse) {
    $data_reverse = "true";
} else {
    $data_reverse = "false";
$comments = listEntities(array("type" => "Comment", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => $guid, "limit" => $count, "offset" => $offset, "order_reverse" => $reverse, "order_by" => "time_created"));
$comment_count = getEntities(array("type" => "Comment", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => $guid, "count" => true));
$next_offset = $offset + $count;
$comments_left = $comment_count - ($offset + $count);
echo <<<HTML
if ($comments_left > 0) {
    $view_more = $comments_left < $count ? $comments_left : 10;
    echo <<<HTML
<div class='text-center'>
    <div class='bar-loader'></div>
    <a class='btn btn-danger btn-xs more_comments' data-reverse='{$data_reverse}' data-guid='{$guid}' data-offset='{$next_offset}'>Show More</a>
Ejemplo n.º 15

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$chat_boxes = listEntities(array("type" => "Chat", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "user_one", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "user_two", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid())), "metadata_name_value_pairs_operand" => "OR"));
echo "<div class='container' style='position:relative;'>";
echo $chat_boxes;
echo "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 16

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$limit = 10;
$offset = getInput("offset", 0);
$count = getEntities(array("type" => "Activity", "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => getLoggedInUserGuid(), "count" => true));
$activity = listEntities(array("type" => "Activity", "limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset, "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => getLoggedInUserGuid(), "order_by" => "time_created"));
$pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array("count" => $count, "limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset, "url" => getSiteURL() . "activity/mine"));
echo $activity . $pagination;
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$users = false;
$guid = getInput("guid");
$filter = getInput("filter");
if (!$filter) {
    $friends = listEntities(array("type" => "Relationship", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "guid_one", "value" => $guid), array("name" => "relationship_type", "value" => "friend"))));
} else {
    $filter = strtolower($filter);
    $friends = getEntities(array("type" => "Relationship", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "guid_one", "value" => $guid), array("name" => "relationship_type", "value" => "friend"))));
if ($friends) {
    foreach ($friends as $friend) {
        if ($filter) {
            $user2_guid = $friend->guid_two;
            $user2 = getEntity($user2_guid);
            $full_name = strtolower($user2->full_name);
            if (strpos($full_name, $filter) !== false) {
                $users[] = getEntity($friend->guid_two);
        } else {
            $users[] = getEntity($friend->guid_two);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$offset = getInput("offset", 0);
$categories = listEntities(array("type" => "Forumcategory", "limit" => 5, "offset" => $offset));
$count = getEntities(array("type" => "Forumcategory", "count" => true));
$pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array("count" => $count, "limit" => 5, "offset" => $offset, "url" => "forum"));
echo <<<HTML
<div class='row'>
    <div class='col-sm-12'>
Ejemplo n.º 19
function listEntities($message)
    if ($message) {
        echo "<tt>" . $message->entity_id . ' : ' . $message->type0 . '/' . $message->type1 . ' parent = ' . $message->parent->entity_id . '<br />';
        for ($i = 0; isset($message->entities[$i]); $i++) {
            echo "{$i} : ";
            $msg = listEntities($message->entities[$i]);
            if ($msg) {
                echo "return: ";
                return $msg;

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
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 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$classes = Vars::get("classes");
$classes = str_replace("photopicker_album_gallery_item well well-sm ", "", $classes);
$classes = str_replace(" active", "", $classes);
$classes = str_replace("album_", "", $classes);
$photos = listEntities(array("type" => "Photo", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => intval($classes), "view_type" => "photopicker_gallery"));
echo $photos;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$guid = pageArray(1);
$albums = listEntities(array("type" => "Videoalbum", "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => $guid));
$button = "<a class='btn btn-success btn-xs pull-right' href='" . getSiteURL() . "videos/{$guid}'>View All</a>";
echo <<<HTML
<div class='panel panel-success'>
    <div class='panel-heading'>
        <h4 class='panel-title'>My Video Albums</h4>
    <div class='panel-body'>
    <div class='panel-footer clearfix'>

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$guid = pageArray(1);
if (!$guid) {
    $guid = getLoggedInUserGuid();
$albums = listEntities(array("type" => "Photoalbum", "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => $guid, "view_type" => "gallery"));
echo $albums;
/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$pages = listEntities(array("type" => "Custompage", "order_by" => "weight"));
$body = <<<HTML
<ul class="sortable-pages" style="list-style:none;margin-left:0px;padding-left:0px;">
$header = "Custom Pages";
$button = "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "createPage' class='btn btn-success pull-right'>Create Custom Page</a>";
echo display("page_elements/page_header", array("text" => $header, "button" => $button));
echo $body;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$guid = pageArray(2);
$category = getEntity($guid);
echo $category->view();
$topics = listEntities(array("type" => "Forumtopic", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => $category->guid, "view_type" => "", "offset" => getInput("offset", 0), "limit" => 5));
$count = getEntities(array("type" => "Forumtopic", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => $category->guid, "count" => true));
$pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array('count' => $count, 'offset' => getInput("offset", 0), 'limit' => 5, 'url' => getSiteURL() . "forum/category/{$guid}"));
echo <<<HTML

 * Copyright (c) 2016 SocialApparatus
 * @author      Shane Barron <*****@*****.**>
 * @project     Project Name
 * @license     GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2
 * @version     1.0
 * @link
namespace SocialApparatus;

echo display("page_elements/tabs", array("tabs" => array("Open" => getSiteURL() . "admin/reported_content", "Closed" => getSiteURL() . "admin/reported_content/closed")));
$offset = getInput("offset", 0);
$page = pageArray(2);
switch ($page) {
        $body = listEntities(array("type" => "Reportedcontent", "metadata_name" => "closed", "metadata_value" => true, "operand" => "!="));
    case "closed":
        $body = listEntities(array("type" => "Reportedcontent", "metadata_name" => "closed", "metadata_value" => true, "operand" => "="));
echo $body;
Ejemplo n.º 26

/* * ***********************************************************************
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$guid = pageArray(3);
$album = getEntity($guid);
$photos = listEntities(array("type" => "Photo", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => $guid, "view_type" => "gallery"));
echo $photos;
Ejemplo n.º 27
$category_label = $current_category_entity = NULL;
if (!$current_category) {
    if (isset($categories[0]->short_name)) {
        $current_category = $categories[0]->short_name;
        $category_label = $categories[0]->label;
        $current_category_entity = $categories[0];
} else {
    $current_category_entity = getEntity(array("type" => "Productcategory", "metadata_name" => "short_name", "metadata_value" => $current_category));
    if (isset($current_category_entity->label)) {
        $current_category = $current_category_entity->short_name;
        $category_label = $current_category_entity->label;
if ($current_category_entity) {
    $products = listEntities(array("type" => "Product", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => $current_category_entity->guid));
    $description = display("output/editor", array("value" => $current_category_entity->description));
    echo <<<HTML
<div class='col-md-3'>
    <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        if (!$category->hidden || adminLoggedIn()) {
            $url = getSiteURL() . "store/" . $category->short_name;
            $active = $current_category == $category->short_name ? "active" : "";
            $hidden = $category->hidden ? " (Hidden)" : "";
            echo <<<HTML
<li class='{$active}'><a href='{$url}'>{$category->label} {$hidden}</a></li>
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$params = Vars::get("params");
$count = Vars::get("count");
$count_shown = Vars::get("count_shown");
$wrapper_id = Vars::get("wrapper_id");
$session = getInput("session");
$user = getUserFromSession($session);
if ($user) {
    $params['logged_in_user_guid'] = $user->guid;
echo listEntities($params);
if ($count > $count_shown) {
    $params['offset'] = $params['offset'] + $params['limit'];
    $params = json_encode($params);
    $button = "<button class='show_more btn btn-danger btn-xs pull-right' data-count='{$count}' data-count_shown='{$count_shown}' data-params='{$params}' data-id='{$wrapper_id}'>More</button>";
} else {
    $button = NULL;
echo $button;
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$scope = getScope();
if ($scope == "web") {
    if (loggedIn()) {
        $video_albums = listEntities(array("type" => "Videoalbum", "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => getLoggedInUserGuid(), "view_type" => "videopicker_gallery"));
        <div class="modal fade" id="insert_video_modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
            <div class="modal-dialog">
                <div class="modal-content">
                    <div class="modal-body clearfix">
                        <h3>Select an album/video.</h3>
        echo $video_albums;
                        <div id="videos" class="clearfix"></div>
        echo drawForm(array("name" => "upload_video", "method" => "post", "action" => "UploadVideo", "enctype" => "multipart/form-data"));
Ejemplo n.º 30
 * SocialApparatus CONFIDENTIAL
 * __________________
 *  [2002] - [2017] SocialApparatus ( 
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains the property of SocialApparatus 
 * and its suppliers, if any.  The intellectual  and technical concepts contained herein 
 * are proprietary to SocialApparatus and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign 
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. 
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden 
 * unless prior written permission is obtained from SocialApparatus.
 * Contact Shane Barron for more information.
namespace SocialApparatus;

$guid = pageArray(2);
$topic = getEntity($guid);
$count = getEntities(array("type" => "Forumcomment", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => $guid, "count" => true));
$pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array('count' => $count, 'offset' => getInput("offset", 0), 'limit' => 5, 'url' => getSiteURL() . "forum/topic/" . $guid, "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => true));
echo $topic->view();
$comments = listEntities(array("type" => "Forumcomment", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => $guid, "limit" => 5, "order_by" => "time_created", "order_reverse" => false, "offset" => getInput("offset", 0)));
echo $comments;
echo $pagination;
if (loggedIn()) {
    echo drawForm(array("name" => "add_forum_comment", "method" => "post", "action" => "addForumComment"));