Ejemplo n.º 1
function createOutput($entry_id, $pdf)
    $entry = GFAPI::get_entry($entry_id);
    $makers = array();
    if (strlen($entry['160.3']) > 0) {
        $makers[] = $entry['160.3'] . ' ' . $entry['160.6'];
    if (strlen($entry['158.3']) > 0) {
        $makers[] = $entry['158.3'] . ' ' . $entry['158.6'];
    if (strlen($entry['155.3']) > 0) {
        $makers[] = $entry['155.3'] . ' ' . $entry['155.6'];
    if (strlen($entry['156.3']) > 0) {
        $makers[] = $entry['156.3'] . ' ' . $entry['156.6'];
    if (strlen($entry['157.3']) > 0) {
        $makers[] = $entry['157.3'] . ' ' . $entry['157.6'];
    if (strlen($entry['159.3']) > 0) {
        $makers[] = $entry['159.3'] . ' ' . $entry['159.6'];
    if (strlen($entry['154.3']) > 0) {
        $makers[] = $entry['154.3'] . ' ' . $entry['154.6'];
    //maker 1 bio
    $bio = filterText($entry['234']);
    $groupname = $entry['109'];
    $groupphoto = $entry['111'];
    $groupbio = filterText($entry['110']);
    $project_name = filterText($entry['151']);
    $project_photo = $entry['22'];
    $project_short = filterText($entry['16']);
    $project_website = $entry['27'];
    $project_video = $entry['32'];
    $project_title = filterText((string) $entry['151']);
    $project_title = preg_replace('/\\v+|\\\\[rn]/', '<br/>', $project_title);
    // Project ID
    $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', '', 12);
    $pdf->setTextColor(168, 170, 172);
    $pdf->SetXY(240, 20);
    $pdf->MultiCell(115, 10, $entry_id, 0, 'L');
    // Project Title
    $pdf->SetXY(12, 75);
    //auto adjust the font so the text will fit
    $x = 65;
    // set the starting font size
    $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', 'B', 65);
    /* Cycle thru decreasing the font size until it's width is lower than the max width */
    while ($pdf->GetStringWidth(utf8_decode($project_title)) > 400) {
        // Decrease the variable which holds the font size
        $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', 'B', $x);
    $lineHeight = $x * 0.2645833333333 * 1.3;
    /* Output the title at the required font size */
    $pdf->MultiCell(0, $lineHeight, $project_title, 0, 'L');
    //field 16 - short description
    //auto adjust the font so the text will fit
    $pdf->SetXY(145, 135);
    //auto adjust the font so the text will fit
    $sx = 30;
    // set the starting font size
    $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', '', $sx);
    // Cycle thru decreasing the font size until it's width is lower than the max width
    while ($pdf->GetStringWidth(utf8_decode($project_short)) > 1300) {
        // Decrease the variable which holds the font size
        $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', '', $sx);
    $lineHeight = $sx * 0.2645833333333 * 1.3;
    $pdf->MultiCell(125, $lineHeight, $project_short, 0, 'L');
    //field 22 - project photo
    $photo_extension = exif_imagetype($project_photo);
    if ($photo_extension) {
        $project_photo = legacy_get_fit_remote_image_url($project_photo, 450, 450, 0);
        $pdf->Image($project_photo, 12, 135, null, null, image_type_to_extension($photo_extension, false));
    //print white box to overlay long descriptions or photos
    /*$pdf->SetXY(10, 255); 
    //maker info, use a background of white to overlay any long images or text
    $pdf->setTextColor(0, 174, 239);
    $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', 'B', 48);
    $pdf->SetXY(10, 270);
    if (!empty($groupbio)) {
        //auto adjust the font so the text will fit
        $sx = 48;
        // set the starting font size
        // Cycle thru decreasing the font size until it's width is lower than the max width
        while ($pdf->GetStringWidth(utf8_decode($groupname)) > 240) {
            // Decrease the variable which holds the font size
            $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', 'B', $sx);
        $lineHeight = $sx * 0.2645833333333 * 1.3;
        $pdf->MultiCell(0, $lineHeight, $groupname, 0, 'L', true);
        $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', '', 24);
        //auto adjust the font so the text will fit
        $x = 24;
        // set the starting font size
        /* Cycle thru decreasing the font size until it's width is lower than the max width */
        while ($pdf->GetStringWidth($groupbio) > 1200) {
            // Decrease the variable which holds the font size
            $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', '', $x);
        $lineHeight = $x * 0.2645833333333 * 1.3;
        $pdf->MultiCell(0, $lineHeight, $groupbio, 0, 'L', true);
    } else {
        $makerList = implode(', ', $makers);
        $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', 'B', 48);
        //auto adjust the font so the text will fit
        $x = 48;
        // set the starting font size
        /* Cycle thru decreasing the font size until it's width is lower than the max width */
        while ($pdf->GetStringWidth(utf8_decode($makerList)) > 900) {
            // Decrease the variable which holds the font size
            $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', '', $x);
        $lineHeight = $x * 0.2645833333333 * 1.3;
        $pdf->MultiCell(0, $lineHeight, $makerList, 0, 'L', true);
        //if size of makers is 1, then display maker bio
        if (sizeof($makers) == 1) {
            $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', '', 24);
            //auto adjust the font so the text will fit
            $x = 24;
            // set the starting font size
            /* Cycle thru decreasing the font size until it's width is lower than the max width */
            while ($pdf->GetStringWidth($bio) > 900) {
                // Decrease the variable which holds the font size
                $pdf->SetFont('Benton Sans', '', $x);
            $lineHeight = $x * 0.2645833333333 * 1.37;
            $pdf->MultiCell(0, $lineHeight, $bio, 0, 'L', true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function createJson($year = '')
    global $wpdb;
    $ribbonData = array();
    $data = array();
    $json = array();
    $blueList = array();
    $redList = array();
    $filter = " and year= " . ($year != '' ? $year : date("Y"));
    $sql = "SELECT entry_id, location, year, ribbonType, numRibbons,project_name,project_photo, post_id, maker_name " . " FROM `wp_mf_ribbons` where entry_id > 0 " . $filter . " " . " ORDER BY ribbonType ASC, numRibbons desc, entry_id";
    foreach ($wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A) as $ribbon) {
        $entry_id = $ribbon['entry_id'];
        $link = "/mfarchives/" . $entry_id;
        $post_id = $ribbon['post_id'];
        $project_name = $ribbon['project_name'];
        $project_photo = $ribbon['project_photo'];
        $project_desc = '';
        $maker_name = $ribbon['maker_name'];
        $location = $ribbon['location'];
        $year = $ribbon['year'];
        $ribbonType = $ribbon['ribbonType'];
        $numRibbons = $ribbon['numRibbons'];
        //pull the project information - mf_ribbons data takes precedence
        if ($post_id != 0) {
            //archived record
            $makerSQL = "select post.post_content, wp_postmeta.* " . " from wp_posts post " . " right outer join wp_postmeta on " . "                     post.ID = post_id and " . "                   ((post_id = {$post_id} and meta_key like '%maker_name%') or " . "                    (post_id = {$post_id} and meta_key in('project_photo','project_name')) or " . "                    (post_id = {$post_id} and meta_key like '%project_description%')) " . "  where post.ID = {$post_id} ORDER BY `wp_postmeta`.`meta_key` DESC";
            foreach ($wpdb->get_results($makerSQL, ARRAY_A) as $projData) {
                //wpv1 project data is in the post_content field
                //cs project data is in the meta fields
                if ($projData['post_content'] != '') {
                    $jsonArray = json_decode($projData['post_content'], true);
                    //if there is an error, try to fix the json
                    if (empty($jsonArray)) {
                        $content = fixWPv1Json($projData['post_content'], $post_id);
                        $jsonArray = json_decode($content, true);
                    if (!empty($jsonArray)) {
                        if ($jsonArray['form_type'] == 'presenter') {
                            $project_name = $jsonArray['presentation_name'];
                            $project_photo = $jsonArray['presentation_photo'];
                            $maker_name = $jsonArray['presenter_name'];
                            $project_desc = isset($jsonArray['public_description']) ? $jsonArray['public_description'] : '';
                        } elseif ($jsonArray['form_type'] == 'exhibit') {
                            $project_name = $jsonArray['project_name'];
                            $project_photo = $jsonArray['project_photo'];
                            $maker_name = $jsonArray['maker_name'];
                            $project_desc = isset($jsonArray['public_description']) ? $jsonArray['public_description'] : '';
                        } elseif ($jsonArray['form_type'] == 'performer') {
                            $project_name = $jsonArray['performer_name'];
                            $project_photo = $jsonArray['performer_photo'];
                            $maker_name = $jsonArray['name'];
                            $project_desc = isset($jsonArray['public_description']) ? $jsonArray['public_description'] : '';
                $field = $projData['meta_key'];
                $value = $projData['meta_value'];
                if ($field == 'project_photo' && $project_photo == '') {
                    if (is_numeric($value)) {
                        $project_photo = wp_get_attachment_url($value);
                    } else {
                        $project_photo = $value;
                if ($field == 'project_name' && $project_name == '') {
                    $project_name = $value;
                if (strpos($field, 'maker_name') !== false) {
                    //if maker name has field_ in it, it is not a valid maker name.
                    if (strpos($value, 'field_') === false && $maker_name == '') {
                        $maker_name = $value;
                if ($field == 'project_description' && $project_desc == '') {
                    $project_desc = $value;
        } else {
            //non archived record
            $link = "/maker/entry/" . $entry_id;
            $maker_first_name = $maker_last_name = '';
            //check if this is a GF entry
            $leadSQL = "SELECT  wp_rg_lead_detail.field_number,wp_rg_lead_detail.value,wp_rg_lead_detail_long.value as long_value  " . " FROM wp_rg_lead_detail " . " left outer join wp_rg_lead_detail_long ON " . "     wp_rg_lead_detail.id = wp_rg_lead_detail_long.lead_detail_id " . " WHERE wp_rg_lead_detail.lead_id = " . $entry_id . " order by lead_id, field_number";
            foreach ($wpdb->get_results($leadSQL, ARRAY_A) as $projData) {
                switch ($projData['field_number']) {
                    case '22':
                        $project_photo = $projData['value'];
                    case '151':
                        $project_name = $projData['value'];
                    case '16':
                        if ($projData['long_value'] != NULL) {
                            $project_desc = $projData['long_value'];
                        } else {
                            $project_desc = $projData['value'];
                    case '160.3':
                        $maker_first_name = $projData['value'];
                    case '160.6':
                        $maker_last_name = $projData['value'];
                $maker_name = $maker_first_name . ' ' . $maker_last_name;
        //do not add to ribbon array if $project_name, $project_photo and $project_desc are blank
        if ($project_name == '' && $project_photo == '' && $project_desc == '') {
        } else {
            //build ribbon data array
            $currCount = isset($ribbonData[$entry_id]['ribbon'][$ribbonType]['count']) ? $ribbonData[$entry_id]['ribbon'][$ribbonType]['count'] : 0;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['ribbon'][$ribbonType]['count'] = (int) $currCount + (int) $numRibbons;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['fairedata'][] = array('year' => $year, 'faire' => $location, 'ribbonType' => $ribbonType == 0 ? 'blue' : 'red');
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['project_name'] = $project_name;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['project_photo'] = $project_photo;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['project_desc'] = $project_desc;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['maker_name'] = $maker_name;
            $ribbonData[$entry_id]['link'] = $link;
    foreach ($ribbonData as $entry_id => $data) {
        $blueCount = isset($data['ribbon'][0]['count']) ? $data['ribbon'][0]['count'] : 0;
        $redCount = isset($data['ribbon'][1]['count']) ? $data['ribbon'][1]['count'] : 0;
        $project_photo = $data['project_photo'];
        $project_photo = legacy_get_fit_remote_image_url($project_photo, 285, 270, 0);
        $jsondata = array('entryID' => $entry_id, "blueCount" => $blueCount, "redCount" => $redCount, "project_name" => html_entity_decode($data['project_name']), "project_photo" => $project_photo, "maker_name" => $data['maker_name'], "link" => $data['link'], "project_description" => html_entity_decode($data['project_desc']), "faireData" => array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $data['fairedata']))));
        $json[] = $jsondata;
        if ($blueCount > 0) {
            $blueList[$blueCount]['winners'][] = $jsondata;
            $blueList[$blueCount]['numRibbons'] = $blueCount;
        if ($redCount > 0) {
            $redList[$redCount]['winners'][] = $jsondata;
            $redList[$redCount]['numRibbons'] = $redCount;
    //blue list is an array of data
    //$blueList[number of blue ribbons]= array('numRibbons'=>number of blue ribbons
    //                                         'winners' =>ribbon data
    //                                         )
    //sort blue list and red list, within each group, alphabetically
    array_sort_by_column($blueList, 'numRibbons', SORT_DESC);
    foreach ($blueList as $key => &$value) {
        if (is_array($value['winners'])) {
            array_sort_by_column($value['winners'], 'project_name');
        foreach ($value['winners'] as $winnerKey => $winner) {
            foreach ($winner['faireData'] as $fdKey => $faireData) {
                if ($faireData['ribbonType'] == 'red') {
        $blueList[$key]['winners'] = $value['winners'];
    array_sort_by_column($redList, 'numRibbons', SORT_DESC);
    foreach ($redList as $key => &$value) {
        if (is_array($value['winners'])) {
            array_sort_by_column($value['winners'], 'project_name');
        foreach ($value['winners'] as $winnerKey => $winner) {
            foreach ($winner['faireData'] as $fdKey => $faireData) {
                if ($faireData['ribbonType'] == 'blue') {
        $redList[$key]['winners'] = $value['winners'];
    $return['json'] = $json;
    $return['blueList'] = $blueList;
    $return['redList'] = $redList;
    return json_encode($return);