function feedback_between_dates() { global $dates, $startdate, $enddate, $CONFIG; if (!empty($startdate)) { if (!empty($enddate)) { if ($dates == 'feedbackin') { $str = "<p>" . sprintf($GLOBALS['strFeedbackBetweenXandY'], ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $startdate), ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $enddate)) . "</p>"; } elseif ($dates == 'closedin') { $str = "<p>Closed between " . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $startdate) . " and " . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $enddate) . "</p>"; } } else { if ($dates == 'feedbackin') { $str = "<p>" . sprintf($GLOBALS['strFeedbackAfterX'], ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $startdate)) . "</p>"; } elseif ($dates == 'closedin') { $str = "<p>" . sprintf($GLOBALS['strClosedAfterX'], ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $startdate)) . "</p>"; } } } elseif (!empty($enddate)) { if ($dates == 'feedbackin') { $str = "<p>" . sprintf($GLOBALS['strFeedbackBeforeX'], ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $enddate)) . "</p>"; } elseif ($dates == 'closedin') { $str = "<p>" . srintf($GLOBALS['strClosedBeforeX'], ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $enddate)) . "</p>"; } } return $str; }
function portal_incident_table($sql) { global $CONFIG, $showclosed; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } $numincidents = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($numincidents >= 1) { $shade = 'shade1'; $html .= "<table align='center' width='70%'>"; $html .= "<tr>"; $html .= colheader('id', $GLOBALS['strID']); $html .= colheader('title', $GLOBALS['strTitle']); $html .= colheader('owner', $GLOBALS['strOwner']); $html .= colheader('lastupdated', $GLOBALS['strLastUpdated']); $html .= colheader('contact', $GLOBALS['strContact']); $html .= colheader('status', $GLOBALS['strStatus']); if ($showclosed != "true") { $html .= colheader('actions', $GLOBALS['strOperation']); } $html .= "</tr>\n"; while ($incident = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $html .= "<tr class='{$shade}'><td align='center'>"; $html .= "<a href='incident.php?id={$incident->id}'>{$incident->id}</a></td>"; $html .= "<td>"; if (!empty($incident->softwareid)) { $html .= software_name($incident->softwareid) . "<br />"; } $html .= "<strong><a href='incident.php?id={$incident->id}'>{$incident->title}</a></strong></td>"; $html .= "<td align='center'>" . user_realname($incident->owner) . "</td>"; $html .= "<td align='center'>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $incident->lastupdated) . "</td>"; $html .= "<td align='center'><a href='contactdetails.php?id={$incident->contactid}'>"; $html .= "{$incident->forenames} {$incident->surname}</a></td>"; $html .= "<td align='center'>" . incidentstatus_name($incident->status, external) . "</td>"; if ($showclosed != "true") { $html .= "<td align='center'><a href='update.php?id={$incident->id}'>{$GLOBALS['strUpdate']}</a> | "; //check if the customer has requested a closure $lastupdate = list($update_userid, $update_type, $update_currentowner, $update_currentstatus, $update_body, $update_timestamp, $update_nextaction, $update_id) = incident_lastupdate($incident->id); if ($lastupdate[1] == "customerclosurerequest") { $html .= "{$GLOBALS['strClosureRequested']}</td>"; } else { $html .= "<a href='close.php?id={$incident->id}'>{$GLOBALS['strRequestClosure']}</a></td>"; } } $html .= "</tr>"; if ($shade == 'shade1') { $shade = 'shade2'; } else { $shade = 'shade1'; } } $html .= "</table>"; } else { $html .= "<p class='info'>{$GLOBALS['strNoIncidents']}</p>"; } return $html; }
function to_row($contactrow) { global $now, $updateid, $CONFIG, $dbg; $str = ''; if (($contactrow['expirydate'] < $now or $contactrow['term'] == 'yes') and $contactrow['expirydate'] != -1) { $class = 'expired'; } else { $class = "shade2"; } $incidents_remaining = $contactrow['incident_quantity'] - $contactrow['incidents_used']; $str = "<tr class='{$class}'>"; if ($contactrow['expirydate'] < $now and $contactrow['expirydate'] != '-1') { $str .= "<td>{$GLOBALS['strExpired']}</td>"; } elseif ($contactrow['term'] == 'yes') { $str .= "<td>{$GLOBALS['strTerminated']}</td>"; } elseif ($contactrow['incident_quantity'] >= 1 and $contactrow['incidents_used'] >= $contactrow['incident_quantity']) { $str .= "<td class='expired'>{$GLOBALS['strZeroRemaining']} ({$contactrow['incidents_used']}/{$contactrow['incident_quantity']} {$strUsed})</td>"; } else { $str .= "<td><a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?action=incidentform&type=support&"; $str .= "contactid=" . $contactrow['contactid'] . "&maintid=" . $contactrow['maintid']; $str .= "&producttext=" . urlencode($contactrow['productname']) . "&productid="; $str .= $contactrow['productid'] . "&updateid={$updateid}&siteid=" . $contactrow['siteid']; $str .= "&win={$win}\" onclick=\"return confirm_support();\">{$GLOBALS['strAddIncident']}</a> "; if ($contactrow['incident_quantity'] == 0) { $str .= "({$GLOBALS['strUnlimited']})"; } else { $str .= "(" . sprintf($GLOBALS['strRemaining'], $incidents_remaining) . ")"; } } $str .= "</td>"; $str .= '<td>' . $contactrow['forenames'] . ' ' . $contactrow['surname'] . '</td>'; $str .= '<td>' . $contactrow['name'] . '</td>'; $str .= '<td>' . $contactrow['productname'] . '</td>'; $str .= '<td>' . servicelevel_id2tag($contactrow['servicelevelid']) . '</td>'; if ($contactrow['expirydate'] == '-1') { $str .= "<td>{$GLOBALS['strUnlimited']}</td>"; } else { $str .= '<td>' . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $contactrow['expirydate']) . '</td>'; } $str .= "</tr>\n"; return $str; }
if (!empty($groupid)) { $gidurl = "&gid={$groupid}"; } // skip over weekends in day view if (date('D', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) == 'Sat') { $day -= 1; } if (date('D', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) == 'Sun') { $day += 1; } if (date('D', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) == 'Mon') { $pdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day - 3, $year); } else { $pdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day - 1, $year); } if (date('D', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) == 'Fri') { $ndate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 3, $year); } else { $ndate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 1, $year); } echo "<h2>{$strDayView}</h2>"; echo "<p align='center'>"; echo "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?display=day&year=" . date('Y', $pdate) . "&month=" . date('m', $pdate) . "&day=" . date('d', $pdate) . "{$gidurl}'><</a> "; echo ldate('l dS F Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)); echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?display=day&year=" . date('Y', $ndate) . "&month=" . date('m', $ndate) . "&day=" . date('d', $ndate) . "{$gidurl}'>></a>"; echo "</p>"; $numgroups = group_selector($groupid, "display={$display}&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}"); if ($groupid == 'all') { $groupid = ''; } echo draw_chart('day', $year, $month, $day, $groupid, $user);
if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } if (mysql_num_rows($result) < 1) { echo "<h2>{$strError}</h2>"; echo "<p>{$strNoFeedBackFormToCompleteHere}</p>"; echo "\n\n<!-- f: {$formid} r:{$respondent} rr:{$responseref} dh:{$decodehash} hc:{$hashcode} -->\n\n"; } else { $reqd = 0; while ($form = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { echo "<form action='feedback.php' method='post'>\n"; echo "<h2>{$form->name}</h2>\n"; echo "<p>{$strRelatingToIncident} <strong>#{$incidentid}</strong> — <strong>" . incident_title($incidentid) . "</strong><br />"; echo sprintf($strOpenedbyXonY, contact_realname(incident_contact($incidentid)), ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], db_read_column('opened', $dbIncidents, $incidentid))); echo ' '; echo sprintf($strClosedOnX, ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], db_read_column('closed', $dbIncidents, $incidentid))) . ".</p>"; if (!empty($_REQUEST['error'])) { echo "<p style='color: red'>{$strErrorRequiredQuestionsNotCompleted}</p>"; } echo nl2br($form->introduction); $qsql = "SELECT * FROM `{$dbFeedbackQuestions}` "; $qsql .= "WHERE formid='{$form->id}' "; $qsql .= "ORDER BY taborder ASC"; $qresult = mysql_query($qsql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } while ($question = mysql_fetch_object($qresult)) { if (strlen(trim($question->sectiontext)) > 3) { echo "<hr />{$question->sectiontext}\n"; }
echo colheader('incidentid', $strIncident, $sort, $order, $filter); echo "<th>{$strOperation}</th>"; echo "</tr>\n"; $shade = 'shade1'; while ($resp = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $respondentarr = explode('-', $resp->respondent); $responserefarr = explode('-', $resp->responseref); $hashtext = urlencode($resp->formid) . "&&" . urlencode($resp->contactid) . "&&" . urlencode($resp->incidentid); // $hashcode=urlencode(trim(base64_encode(gzcompress(str_rot13($hashtext))))); $hashcode4 = str_rot13($hashtext); $hashcode3 = gzcompress($hashcode4); $hashcode2 = base64_encode($hashcode3); $hashcode1 = trim($hashcode2); $hashcode = urlencode($hashcode1); echo "<tr class='{$shade}'>"; echo "<td>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], mysqlts2date($resp->created)) . "</td>"; echo "<td><a href='contact_details.php?id={$resp->contactid}' title='{$resp->email}'>" . contact_realname($resp->contactid) . "</a></td>"; echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:incident_details_window('{$resp->incidentid}','incident{$resp->incidentid}')\">"; echo "{$strIncident} [{$resp->incidentid}]</a> - "; echo incident_title($resp->incidentid) . "</td>"; $url = "feedback.php?ax={$hashcode}"; if ($resp->multi == 'yes') { $url .= "&rr=1"; } echo "<td>"; if ($resp->completed == 'no') { echo "<a href='{$url}' title='{$url}' target='_blank'>URL</a>"; } $eurl = urlencode($url); $eref = urlencode($resp->responseref); if ($resp->completed == 'no') {
$sql = "SELECT *, AS siteid FROM `{$dbSites}` AS s, `{$dbMaintenance}` AS m, `{$dbSupportContacts}` AS sc, `{$dbIncidents}` AS i "; $sql .= "WHERE = "; $sql .= "AND = sc.maintenanceid "; $sql .= "AND sc.contactid = "; $sql .= "AND i.opened > '{$monthago}' "; $sql .= "ORDER BY,"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error("MySQL Query Error: " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $prvincid = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($prvincid != $row->id) { echo "<strong>[{$row->siteid}] {$row->name}</strong> {$strIncident}: <a href=\"javascript:incident_details_window_l('{$row->id}', 'incident{$row->id}')\">{$row->id}</a> "; echo "{$strDate}: " . ldate('d M Y', $row->opened) . " "; echo "{$strProduct}: " . product_name($row->product); $site = $row->siteid; ${$site}++; $sites[] = $row->siteid; echo "<br />\n"; } $prvincid = $row->id; // print_r($row); } } else { echo "<p class='warning'>{$strNoRecords}</p>"; } $sites = array_unique($sites); /* foreach ($sites AS $site => $val)
function display_holiday_table($result) { global $CONFIG, $user, $approver, $mode, $sit; echo "<table align='center'>"; echo "<tr>"; if ($user == 'all' && $approver == TRUE) { echo "<th>{$GLOBALS['strName']}</th>"; } echo "<th>{$GLOBALS['strDate']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strLength']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strType']}</th>"; if ($approver and $mode == 'approval') { echo "<th>{$GLOBALS['strOperation']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strGroupMembersAway']}</th>"; } // else // { // echo "<th>{$GLOBALS['strStatus']}</th>"; // } echo "</tr>"; while ($holiday = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { echo "<tr class='shade2'>"; if ($user == 'all' && $approver == TRUE) { echo "<td><a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?user={$holiday->userid}&mode=approval'>"; echo user_realname($holiday->userid, TRUE); echo "</a></td>"; } echo "<td>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_longdate'], mysql2date($holiday->date, TRUE)) . "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($holiday->length == 'am') { echo $GLOBALS['strMorning']; } if ($holiday->length == 'pm') { echo $GLOBALS['strAfternoon']; } if ($holiday->length == 'day') { echo $GLOBALS['strFullDay']; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . holiday_type($holiday->type) . "</td>"; if ($approver == TRUE) { if ($sit[2] != $holiday->userid and $mode == 'approval') { echo "<td>"; $approvetext = $GLOBALS['strApprove']; if ($holiday->type == HOL_SICKNESS) { $approvetext = $GLOBALS['strAcknowledge']; } echo "<a href=\"holiday_approve.php?approve=TRUE&user={$holiday->userid}&view={$user}&startdate={$holiday->date}&type={$holiday->type}&length={$holiday->length}\">{$approvetext}</a> | "; echo "<a href=\"holiday_approve.php?approve=FALSE&user={$holiday->userid}&view={$user}&startdate={$holiday->date}&type={$holiday->type}&length={$holiday->length}\">{$GLOBALS['strDecline']}</a>"; if ($holiday->type == HOL_HOLIDAY) { echo " | <a href=\"holiday_approve.php?approve=FREE&user={$holiday->userid}&view={$user}&startdate={$holiday->date}&type={$holiday->type}&length={$holiday->length}\">{$GLOBALS['strApproveFree']}</a>"; } echo "</td>"; } else { echo "<td>"; if ($holiday->approvedby > 0) { echo sprintf($GLOBALS['strRequestSentToX'], user_realname($holiday->approvedby, TRUE)); } else { echo $GLOBALS['strRequestNotSent']; $waiting = TRUE; } echo "</td>"; } if ($approver == TRUE and $mode == 'approval') { echo "<td>"; echo check_group_holiday($holiday->userid, $holiday->date, $holiday->length); echo "</td>"; } } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; }
switch ($mode) { case 'edit': $sql = "SELECT bodytext, duration FROM `{$dbUpdates}` WHERE id = {$updateid} AND duration IS NOT NULL AND duration != 0"; $oldduration = cleanvar($_REQUEST['oldduration']); $reason = cleanvar($_REQUEST['reason']); $newduration = cleanvar($_REQUEST['newduration']); // In minutes $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { $obj = mysql_fetch_object($result); if ($obj->duration == $oldduration) { // Double check the oldduration thats been passed is whats in the DB $text = "{$obj->bodytext}\n\n[b]Duration adjusted[/b] by " . user_realname($sit[2]) . " on " . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $now) . " from " . ceil($obj->duration) . "minutes to {$newduration}minutes, reason given:\n---\n{$reason}\n---"; // FIXME should this be i18n? If so which language // $newduration *= 60; $usql = "UPDATE `{$dbUpdates}` SET bodytext = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($text) . "', duration = '{$newduration}' WHERE id = '{$updateid}'"; mysql_query($usql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } // Some error checking if (mysql_affected_rows() < 1) { html_redirect("{$CONFIG['application_webpath']}incident_details.php?id={$incidentid}", FALSE, $strFailed); } else { html_redirect("{$CONFIG['application_webpath']}incident_details.php?id={$incidentid}", TRUE, $strDurationUpdated); } } else { // The value we've been passed isn't whats in the DB
exit; } // Display planner chart echo "<h2>{$strMonthView}</h2>"; $nextyear = $year; if ($month < 12) { $nextmonth = $month + 1; } else { $nextmonth = 1; $nextyear = $year + 1; } $prevyear = $year; if ($month > 1) { $prevmonth = $month - 1; } else { $prevmonth = 12; $prevyear = $year - 1; } $plugin_calendar = plugin_do('holiday_chart_cal'); echo month_select($month, $year, $gidurl); echo "<p align='center'><a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?month={$prevmonth}&"; echo "year={$prevyear}{$gidurl}' title='Previous Month'><</a> "; echo ldate('F Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?month={$nextmonth}&year={$nextyear}{$gidurl}' "; echo "title='Next Month'>></a></p>"; // echo draw_chart('month', $year, $month, $day, '', $user); $numgroups = group_selector($groupid, "display={$display}&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}"); if ($groupid == 'all') { $groupid = ''; } echo draw_chart('month', $year, $month, $day, $groupid, $user);
foreach ($contracts as $contract) { $sql = "SELECT *, AS id "; $sql .= "FROM `{$dbMaintenance}` AS m, `{$dbProducts}` AS p "; $sql .= "WHERE{$contract} "; $sql .= "AND (m.expirydate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) OR m.expirydate = -1) "; $sql .= "AND "; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } $shade = 'shade1'; if ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($row->expirydate == -1) { $row->expirydate = $strUnlimited; } else { $row->expirydate = ldate("jS F Y", $row->timestamp); } echo "<tr class='{$shade}'>"; //echo "<td>{$row->id}</td>"; echo "<td>{$row->name}</td><td>{$row->expirydate}</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($row->allcontactssupported == 'yes') { echo "<select disabled='disabled'>"; echo "<option>{$strAllSiteContactsSupported}</option>"; echo "</select>"; echo "</td>"; } else { echo "<select name='visibility[{$row->id}]'>"; echo "<option value='no-one'"; if ($row->var_incident_visible_contacts == 'no' and $row->var_incident_visible_all == 'no') { echo " selected='selected'";
echo "</td><td>"; if (empty($results['licence_type'])) { echo $strNoLicense; } else { if ($results['licence_quantity'] == 0) { echo "{$strUnlimited} "; } else { echo "{$results['licence_quantity']} "; } echo $results['licence_type']; } echo "</td><td>"; if ($results["expirydate"] == '-1') { echo $strUnlimited; } else { echo ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $results["expirydate"]); } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($results["notes"] == '') { echo " "; } else { echo nl2br($results["notes"]); } echo "</td>"; echo "<td><a href='contract_edit.php?action=edit&maintid={$results['maintid']}'>{$strEdit}</a></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; // free result and disconnect mysql_free_result($result);
} } elseif ($rowcount >= 4) { echo "Various"; } echo "<br /><a href='kb_view_article.php?id={$kbarticle->docid}' class='info'>{$kbarticle->title}"; $asql = "SELECT LEFT(content,400) FROM `{$dbKBContent}` WHERE docid='{$kbarticle->docid}' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1"; $aresult = mysql_query($asql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } list($content) = mysql_fetch_row($aresult); $content = strip_tags(remove_slashes($content)); echo "<span>{$content}</span>"; echo "</a>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], mysql2date($kbarticle->published)) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $kbarticle->author . "</td>"; echo "<td>{$kbarticle->keywords}</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; if ($shade == 'shade1') { $shade = 'shade2'; } else { $shade = 'shade1'; } } echo "</table>\n"; } else { echo "<p align='center'>{$strNoResults}</p>"; } // echo "<!---SQL === $sql --->"; echo "<p align='center'><a href='kb_article.php'>{$strAddNew}</a></p>";
function dashboard_rss_display($dashletid) { global $CONFIG, $dbInterfaceStyles, $dbDashboardRSS, $sit, $lib_path; if ($_SESSION['auth'] == TRUE) { $styleid = $_SESSION['style']; } else { $styleid = $CONFIG['default_interface_style']; } $csssql = "SELECT cssurl, iconset FROM `{$dbInterfaceStyles}` WHERE id='{$styleid}'"; $cssresult = mysql_query($csssql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } else { list($cssurl, $iconset) = mysql_fetch_row($cssresult); } /* Originally from dashboard/ */ require_once APPLICATION_LIBPATH . 'magpierss/'; $sql = "SELECT url, items FROM `{$CONFIG['db_tableprefix']}dashboard_rss` WHERE owner = {$sit[2]} AND enabled = 'true'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } define('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON', TRUE); define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', $CONFIG['attachment_fspath'] . 'feeds'); define('MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING', $i18ncharset); $feedallowedtags = '<img><strong><em><br><p>'; if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $url = $row[0]; if ($rss = fetch_rss($url)) { // if ($CONFIG['debug']) echo "<pre>".print_r($rss,true)."</pre>"; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><th><span style='float: right;'><a href='" . htmlspecialchars($url) . "'>"; echo "<img src='{$CONFIG['application_webpath']}images/icons/{$iconset}/12x12/feed-icon.png' alt='Feed Icon' />"; echo "</a></span>"; echo "<a href='{$rss->channel['link']}' class='direct info'>{$rss->channel['title']}"; if (!empty($rss->image['url']) or !empty($rss->channel['description']) or !empty($rss->channel['icon'])) { echo "<span>"; if (!empty($rss->image['url'])) { echo "<img src='{$rss->image['url']}' alt='{$rss->image['title']}' style='float: right; margin-right: 2px; margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 2px;' />"; } elseif (!empty($rss->channel['icon'])) { echo "<img src='{$rss->channel['icon']}' style='float: right; margin-right: 2px; margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 2px;' />"; } echo "{$rss->channel['description']}</span>"; } echo "</a>"; echo "</th></tr>\n"; $counter = 0; foreach ($rss->items as $item) { //echo "<pre>".print_r($item,true)."</pre>"; echo "<tr><td>"; echo "<a href='{$item['link']}' class='info'>{$item['title']}"; if ($rss->feed_type == 'RSS') { if (!empty($item['pubdate'])) { $itemdate = strtotime($item['pubdate']); } elseif (!empty($item['dc']['date'])) { $itemdate = strtotime($item['dc']['date']); } else { $itemdate = ''; } $d = strip_tags($item['description'], $feedallowedtags); } elseif ($rss->feed_type == 'Atom') { if (!empty($item['issued'])) { $itemdate = strtotime($item['issued']); } elseif (!empty($item['published'])) { $itemdate = strtotime($item['published']); } $d = strip_tags($item['atom_content'], $feedallowedtags); } if ($itemdate > 10000) { $itemdate = ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $itemdate); } echo "<span>"; if (!empty($itemdate)) { echo "<strong>{$itemdate}</strong><br />"; } echo "{$d}</span></a></td></tr>\n"; $counter++; if ($row[1] > 0 and $counter > $row[1]) { break; } } echo "</table>\n"; } else { echo "Error: It's not possible to get {$url}..."; } } } else { echo "<p align='center'>{$GLOBALS['strNoRecords']}</p>"; } }
<?php echo $Form->end(); } ?> <div class="comment"> <div class="author"><?php echo h($comment->author); ?> </div> <div class="content"> <?php echo h($comment->content); ?> </div> <div class="byline"> <?php echo '<time datetime="' . date('c', $comment->created) . '" title="' . ldate($comment->created) . '">' . sdate($comment->created) . '</time>'; ?> </div> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php echo $this->embed('comments/pagination.html');
echo "<img src='{$CONFIG['application_webpath']}images/sitting_man_logo16x16.png' width='16' height='16' border='0' alt='About {$CONFIG['application_shortname']}' />"; if ($_SESSION['auth'] == TRUE) { echo "</a>"; } echo " <strong><a href=''>Support Incident Tracker</a>"; if ($_SESSION['auth'] == TRUE) { echo " {$application_version_string}"; } echo "</strong>"; if ($_SESSION['auth'] == TRUE) { echo " running "; if ($CONFIG['demo']) { echo "in DEMO mode "; } echo "on " . strip_tags($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]); echo " at " . ldate('H:i', $now, FALSE); } echo "</div>\n"; if ($_SESSION['auth'] == TRUE and (!empty($application_revision) and substr($application_revision, 0, 4) == 'beta' or substr($application_revision, 0, 5) == 'alpha' or substr($application_revision, 0, 3) == 'svn')) { echo "<p class='warning'>" . sprintf($strPreReleaseNotice, "v{$application_version} {$application_revision}"); echo ". <a href=\"{$CONFIG['bugtracker_url']}\" target='_blank' >{$strReportBug}</a></p>"; } if ($CONFIG['debug'] == TRUE) { echo "\n<div id='tail'><strong>DEBUG</strong><br />"; $exec_time_end = getmicrotime(); $exec_time = $exec_time_end - $exec_time_start; echo "<p>CPU Time: " . number_format($exec_time, 3) . " seconds</p>"; if (isset($dbg)) { echo "<hr /><pre>" . print_r($dbg, true) . "</pre>"; } echo $CONFIG['working_days'];
function month_select($month, $year, $params = '') { $cyear = $year; $cmonth = $month - 3; if ($cmonth < 1) { $cmonth += 12; $cyear--; } $html = "<p align='center'>"; $pmonth = $cmonth - 5; $pyear = $cyear - 1; $nyear = $cyear + 1; $html .= "<a href='{$SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?display=month&month={$month}"; $html .= "&year={$pyear}{$params}' title='Back one year'><<</a> "; for ($c = 1; $c <= 12; $c++) { if (gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $cmonth, 1, $cyear) == gmmktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), 1, date('Y'))) { $html .= "<span class='calnavcurrent' style='background: #FF0;'>"; } // Current month if (gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $cmonth, 1, $cyear) == gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)) { $html .= "<span class='calnavselected' style='font-size: 160%'>"; } $html .= "<a href='{$SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?display=month&month={$cmonth}&year={$cyear}{$params}'>"; $html .= ldate('M y', gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $cmonth, 1, $cyear)) . "</a>"; if (gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $cmonth, 1, $cyear) == gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)) { $html .= "</span>"; } if (gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $cmonth, 1, $cyear) == gmmktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), 1, date('Y'))) { $html .= "</span>"; } if ($c < 12) { $html .= " <span style='color: #666;'>|</span> "; } $cmonth++; if ($cmonth > 12) { $cmonth -= 12; $cyear++; } } $html .= " <a href='{$SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?month=display=month&{$month}&year={$nyear}{$params}' title='Forward one year'>>></a>"; $html .= "</p>"; return $html; }
} } } } if ($moved_attachments) { // retrieve the update body so that we can insert time headers $sql = "SELECT incidentid, bodytext, timestamp FROM `{$dbUpdates}` WHERE id='{$updateid}'"; $uresult = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } list($oldincidentid, $bodytext, $timestamp) = mysql_fetch_row($uresult); if ($oldincidentid == 0) { $oldincidentid = 'Inbox'; } $prettydate = ldate('r', $timestamp); // prepend 'moved' header to bodytext $body = sprintf($SYSLANG['strMovedFromXtoXbyX'], "<b>{$oldincidentid}</b>", "<b>{$incidentid}</b>", "<b>" . user_realname($sit[2]) . "</b>") . "\n"; $body .= sprintf($SYSLANG['strOriginalMessageReceivedAt'], "<b>{$prettydate}</b>") . "\n"; $body .= $SYSLANG['strStatus'] . " -> <b>{$SYSLANG['strActive']}</b>\n"; $bodytext = $body . $bodytext; $bodytext = mysql_real_escape_string($bodytext); // move the update. $sql = "UPDATE `{$dbUpdates}` SET incidentid='{$incidentid}', userid='{$sit[2]}', bodytext='{$bodytext}', timestamp='{$now}' WHERE id='{$updateid}'"; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); } //remove from tempincoming to prevent build up $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$dbTempIncoming}` WHERE updateid='{$updateid}'"; mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { echo " {$strResult}</h3>"; } else { echo " {$strResults}</h3>"; } echo "<table align='center'>\n <tr>\n <th>{$strContract}</th>\n <th>{$strSite}</th>\n <th>{$strProduct}</th>\n <th>{$strReseller}</th>\n <th>{$strLicense}</th>\n <th>{$strExpiryDate}</th>\n <th>{$strAdminContact}</th>\n <th>{$strTelephone}</th>\n <th>{$strEmail}</th>\n <th>{$strNotes}</th>\n </tr>\n"; // FIXME check data protection fields for email and telephone $shade = 'shade1'; while ($results = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align='center' class='{$shade}' width='50'><a href='contract_details.php?id={$results->maintid}'>{$results->maintid}</a></td>"; echo "<td align='center' class='{$shade}' width='100'>{$results->site}</td>"; echo "<td align='center' class='{$shade}' width='100'>{$results->product}</td>"; echo "<td align='center' class='{$shade}' width='100'>{$results->reseller}</td>"; echo "<td align='center' class='{$shade}' width='75'>{$results->licence_quantity} {$results->licence_type}</td>"; echo "<td align='center' class='{$shade}' width='100'>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $results->expirydate) . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' class='{$shade}' width='100'><a href=\"javascript: contact_details_window({$results->admincontact})\">{$results->admincontactforenames} {$results->admincontactsurname}</a></td>"; echo "<td class='{$shade}'>{$results->admincontactphone}</td>"; echo "<td class='{$shade}'>{$results->admincontactemail}</td>"; echo "<td align='center' class='{$shade}' width='150'>"; if ($results->notes == '') { echo " "; } else { echo nl2br($results->notes); } echo "</td></tr>"; // invert shade if ($shade == 'shade1;') { $shade = 'shade2'; } else { $shade = 'shade1';
echo icon('rightarrow', 16, $strNext) . "</a> "; } else { echo "{$strNext}"; } echo "</p>"; echo "<table align='center' width='80%'>"; $filter['domain'] = 'incident'; echo "<tr>" . colheader(id, $strID, $sort, $order, $filter); echo colheader(incident, $strIncident, $sort, $order, $filter); echo colheader(result, $strResult, $sort, $order, $filter); //echo colheader(score, $strScore, $sort, $order, $filter); echo colheader(date, $strDate, $sort, $order, $filter); $shade = 'shade1'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($incidentresult)) { $url = "javascript:incident_details_window('{$row->id}', 'incident{$row->id}')"; echo "<tr class='{$shade}'>\n <td><a href=\"incident_details.php?id={$row->id}\">{$row->id}</a></td>\n <td><a href=\"{$url}\">" . search_highlight($row->title, $search) . "</a></td>\n <td>" . search_highlight($row->bodytext, $search) . "</td>\n <td>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $row->timestamp) . "</td></tr>"; if ($shade == 'shade1') { $shade = 'shade2'; } else { $shade = 'shade1'; } } echo "</table>"; } //SITE RESULTS $sitesql = "SELECT *,MATCH (name) AGAINST ('{$search}' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score "; $sitesql .= "FROM `{$dbSites}` as s "; $sitesql .= "WHERE MATCH (name) AGAINST ('{$search}' IN BOOLEAN MODE) "; if ($domain == 'sites' and !empty($sort)) { if ($sort == 'id') { $sitesql .= "ORDER BY k.title ";
foreach ($holidaytype as $htypeid => $htype) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$dbHolidays}` "; $sql .= "WHERE userid='{$user}' AND type={$htypeid} "; $sql .= "AND (approved=" . HOL_APPROVAL_GRANTED . " OR (approved=" . HOL_APPROVAL_GRANTED_ARCHIVED . " AND date >= FROM_UNIXTIME({$now}))) ORDER BY date ASC "; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } $numtaken = mysql_num_rows($result); $totaltaken += $numtaken; if ($numtaken > 0) { echo "<tr class='shade2'><td colspan='4'><strong>{$htype}</strong>:</td></tr>"; while ($dates = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $dates->date = mysql2date($dates->date, TRUE); echo "<tr class='shade1'>"; echo "<td colspan='2'>" . ldate('l', $dates->date, TRUE) . " "; if ($dates->length == 'am') { echo "<u>{$strMorning}</u> "; } if ($dates->length == 'pm') { echo "<u>{$strAfternoon}</u> "; } echo date('jS F Y', $dates->date); echo "</td>"; echo "<td"; if ($dates->approved == HOL_APPROVAL_GRANTED_ARCHIVED or $dates->approved == HOL_APPROVAL_GRANTED and $dates->date < $today) { echo " colspan='2'"; } echo ">"; echo holiday_approval_status($dates->approved, $dates->approvedby); echo "</td>";
} else { echo $strNever; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; if ($shade == 'shade1') { $shade = 'shade2'; } else { $shade = 'shade1'; } } echo "</table>\n"; // Debug time issues // Temporary debugging output, doesn't need i18n if ($CONFIG['debug']) { echo "<h2>Debug Time Issues</h2>"; echo "<div style='width: 60%; border: 1px dashed red; margin: auto; padding: 5px;'>"; echo "<p>Timezone: {$CONFIG['timezone']}<br />"; echo "User UTC offset: {$_SESSION['utcoffset']}<br />"; echo "Date: " . date('r') . "<br />"; echo "Date now: " . date('r', $GLOBALS['now']) . "<br />"; echo "LDate: " . ldate('r') . "<br />"; echo "LDate now (system): " . ldate('r', $GLOBALS['now'], FALSE) . "<br />"; echo "LDate now (utc): " . ldate('r', $GLOBALS['now'], TRUE) . "<br />"; echo "</p></div>"; } // TODO add a check to see if any of the above actions are long overdue, if they are // print a message explaining how to set up cron/scheduling } include APPLICATION_INCPATH . ''; }
?> </td></tr> <tr><th>Web Category:</th><td><?php echo $frow['webcategory']; ?> </td></tr> <tr><th>Description:</th><td><?php echo $frow['longdescription']; ?> </td></tr> <tr><th>File Version:</th><td><?php echo $frow['fileversion']; ?> </td></tr> <tr><th>File Date:</th><td><?php echo ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_filedatetime'], $frow['filedate']) . ' <strong>by</strong> ' . user_realname($frow['userid'], TRUE); ?> </td></tr> <?php if ($frow['expiry'] > 0) { ?> <tr><th>Expiry:</th><td><?php echo ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_filedatetime'], $frow['expiry']); ?> </td></tr><?php } echo "</table>\n"; echo "<p align='center'>"; echo "<a href='ftp_delete.php?id={$id}'>Delete this file</a> | "; echo "<a href='ftp_edit_file.php?id={$id}'>Describe and Publish this file</a></p>"; include APPLICATION_INCPATH . '';
$shade = 'shade1'; } } $str .= "<tr class='{$shade}'>"; if ($obj->site != $lastsite) { $str .= "<td>" . site_name($obj->site) . "</td>"; $str .= "<td>" . product_name($obj->product) . "</td>"; } else { $str .= "<td></td>"; if ($obj->product != $lastproduct) { $str .= "<td>" . product_name($obj->product) . "</td>"; } else { $str .= "<td></td>"; } } $str .= "<td>" . ldate('Y-m-d', $obj->maintexpiry) . "</td>"; $str .= "<td>{$obj->cust_ref}</td><td>{$obj->startdate}</td><td>{$obj->enddate}</td>"; if ($obj->foc == 'yes') { $str .= "<td>{$strYes}</td>"; } else { $str .= "<td>{$strNo}</td>"; } $str .= "<td>{$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($obj->creditamount, 2) . "</td>"; $str .= "<td>{$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($obj->balance, 2) . "</td>"; $str .= "<td>{$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($awaitingapproval, 2) . "</td>"; $str .= "<td>{$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($reserved, 2) . "</td>"; $str .= "<td>{$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($actual, 2) . "</td>"; $str .= "<td>{$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}{$obj->unitrate}</td>"; $str .= "<td>{$unitsat1times}</td></tr>\n"; $lastsite = $obj->site; $lastproduct = $obj->product;
} echo "</td>"; echo "<td>{$contract->name}</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($contract->incident_quantity == 0) { echo "∞ {$strUnlimited}"; } else { echo "{$contract->availableincidents}"; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>{$contract->incidents_used}</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($contract->expirydate == -1) { echo $strUnlimited; } else { echo ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $contract->expirydate); } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($contract->expirydate > $now or $contract->expirydate == -1) { echo "<a href='add.php?contractid={$contract->id}&product={$contract->product}'>{$strAddIncident}</a>"; } else { echo $strExpired; } echo "</td></tr>\n"; if ($shade == 'shade1') { $shade = 'shade2'; } else { $shade = 'shade1'; } }
$duration += $billing[-1]['customerperiod'] - $a; echo "<td>" . format_date_friendly($enddate) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . format_seconds($duration) . "</td>"; $closedduration += $duration; $temparray['owner'] = $task->owner; $temparray['starttime'] = $startdate; $temparray['duration'] = $duration; $billing[$task->owner][] = $temparray; } $totalduration += $duration; echo "<td>" . format_date_friendly($lastupdated) . "</td>"; } if ($show == 'completed') { echo "<td>"; if ($enddate > 0) { echo ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $enddate); } echo "</td>"; } if ($mode == 'incident' or $show == 'incidents') { echo "<td>" . user_realname($task->owner) . "</td>"; if ($task->owner == $sit[2] and $enddate == '0') { $engineerhasrunnintask = TRUE; } } if ($mode == 'incident' and $enddate == '0') { echo "<td><a href='view_task.php?id={$task->id}&mode=incident&incident={$id}' class='info'>"; echo "{$strViewActivity}</a></td>"; } elseif ($mode == 'incident') { echo "<td></td>"; }
?> </td> <td align='center' width='50'><?php echo $results['servicelevel'] . "<br />" . priority_name($results["priority"]); ?> </td> <td align='center' width='100'><?php echo user_realname($results['owner'], TRUE); ?> </td> <td align='center' width='150'><?php echo ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $results["opened"]); ?> </td> <td align='center' width='150'><?php echo ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], $results["lastupdated"]); ?> </td> <td align='center' width='50'><?php echo $results["type"]; ?> </td> <td align='center' width='50'><?php echo incidentstatus_name($results["status"]); ?> </td> </tr> <?php // invert shade if ($shade == 1) { $shade = 0;
/** * HTML table showing a summary of current contract service periods * @author Ivan Lucas * @param int $contractid. Contract ID of the contract to show service for * @param bool $billing. Show billing info when TRUE, hide it when FALSE * @returns string. HTML table */ function contract_service_table($contractid, $billing) { global $CONFIG, $dbService; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$dbService}` WHERE contractid = {$contractid} ORDER BY enddate DESC"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $shade = ''; $html = "\n<table align='center'>"; $html .= "<tr>"; if ($billing) { $html .= "<th></th>"; } $html .= "<th>{$GLOBALS['strStartDate']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strEndDate']}</th>"; if ($billing) { $html .= "<th>{$GLOBALS['strAvailableBalance']}</th>"; } $html .= "<th>{$GLOBALS['strOperation']}</th>"; $html .= "</tr>\n"; while ($service = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $service->startdate = mysql2date($service->startdate . '09:00'); $service->enddate = mysql2date($service->enddate . '17:00'); $service->lastbilled = mysql2date($service->lastbilled); $html .= "<tr class='{$shade}'>"; if ($billing) { $balance = get_service_balance($service->serviceid); $awaitingapproval = service_transaction_total($service->serviceid, BILLING_AWAITINGAPPROVAL) * -1; $reserved = service_transaction_total($service->serviceid, BILLING_RESERVED) * -1; $span = "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strServiceID']}:</strong> {$service->serviceid}<br />"; if (!empty($service->title)) { $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strTitle']}</strong>: {$service->title}<br />"; } if (!empty($service->notes)) { $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strNotes']}</strong>: {$service->notes}<br />"; } if (!empty($service->cust_ref)) { $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strCustomerReference']}</strong>: {$service->cust_ref}"; if ($service->cust_ref_date != "1970-01-01") { $span .= " - <strong>{$GLOBALS['strCustomerReferenceDate']}</strong>: {$service->cust_ref_date}"; } $span .= "<br />"; } if ($service->creditamount != 0) { $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strCreditAmount']}</strong>: {$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($service->creditamount, 2) . "<br />"; } if ($service->unitrate != 0) { $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strUnitRate']}</strong>: {$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}{$service->unitrate}<br />"; } if ($balance != $service->balance) { $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strBalance']}</strong>: {$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($service->balance, 2) . "<br />"; if ($awaitingapproval != FALSE) { $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strAwaitingApproval']}</strong>: {$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($awaitingapproval, 2) . "<br />"; } if ($reserved != FALSE) { $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strReserved']}</strong>: {$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($reserved, 2) . "<br />"; } $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strAvailableBalance']}</strong>: {$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($balance, 2) . "<br />"; } if ($service->lastbilled > 0) { $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strLastBilled']}</strong>: " . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $service->lastbilled) . "<br />"; } if ($service->foc == 'yes') { $span .= "<strong>{$GLOBALS['strFreeOfCharge']}</strong>"; } $html .= "<td><a href='transactions.php?serviceid={$service->serviceid}' class='info'>" . icon('billing', 16); if (!empty($span)) { $html .= "<span>{$span}</span>"; } $html .= "</a></td>"; $html .= "<td><a href='transactions.php?serviceid={$service->serviceid}' class='info'>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $service->startdate); if (!empty($span)) { $html .= "<span>{$span}</span>"; } $html .= "</a></td>"; } else { $html .= "<td>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $service->startdate); $html .= "</td>"; } $html .= "<td>"; $html .= ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_date'], $service->enddate) . "</td>"; if ($billing) { $html .= "<td>{$CONFIG['currency_symbol']}" . number_format($balance, 2) . "</td>"; } $html .= "<td><a href='contract_edit_service.php?mode=editservice&serviceid={$service->serviceid}&contractid={$contractid}'>{$GLOBALS['strEditService']}</a>"; if ($billing) { $html .= " | <a href='contract_edit_service.php?mode=showform&sourceservice={$service->serviceid}&contractid={$contractid}'>{$GLOBALS['strEditBalance']}</a>"; } $html .= "</td></tr>\n"; } $html .= "</table>\n"; if ($shade == 'shade1') { $shade = 'shade2'; } else { $shade = 'shade1'; } } return $html; }
echo colheader('timestamp', "{$strTime}/{$strDate}", $sort, $order, $filter); echo colheader('event', $strEvent); echo colheader('action', $strOperation); echo colheader('type', $strType); echo "</tr>\n"; $shade = 0; while ($journal = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { // define class for table row shading if ($shade) { $class = "shade1"; } else { $class = "shade2"; } echo "<tr class='{$class}'>"; echo "<td>" . user_realname($journal->userid, TRUE) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_datetime'], mysqlts2date($journal->timestamp)) . "</td>"; echo "<td>{$journal->event}</td>"; echo "<td>"; switch ($journal->journaltype) { case 2: echo "<a href='incident_details.php?id={$journal->refid}' target='_blank'>{$journal->bodytext}</a>"; break; case 5: echo "<a href='contact_details.php?id={$journal->refid}' target='_blank'>{$journal->bodytext}</a>"; break; default: echo "{$journal->bodytext}"; if (!empty($journal->refid)) { echo "(Ref: {$journal->refid})"; } break;
} else { echo "<strong>" . holiday_approval_status($dates['approved']) . "</strong>"; } if ($dates['approvedby'] > 0 and $dates['approved'] >= 1) { echo " by " . user_realname($dates['approvedby']); } elseif ($dates['approvedby'] > 0 and empty($dates['approved'])) { echo " of " . user_realname($dates['approvedby']); } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($approver == TRUE) { echo "<a href='holiday_add.php?hid={$dates['holidayid']}&year="; echo substr($dates['date'], 0, 4) . "&month=" . substr($dates['date'], 5, 2); echo "&day=" . substr($dates['date'], 8, 2) . "&user={$dates['userid']}"; echo "&type={$dates['type']}&length=0&return=list' "; echo "onclick=\"return window.confirm('{$dates['realname']}: " . ldate('l jS F Y', mysql2date($dates['date'])); echo ": {$strAreYouSureDelete}');\">{$strDelete}</a>"; } echo "</td></tr>\n"; if ($shade == 'shade1') { $shade = 'shade2'; } else { $shade = 'shade1'; } } echo "</table>"; if ($approver) { echo "<p align='center'><a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?display=list&type={$type}&user=all'>{$GLOBALS['strShowAll']}</a></p>"; } } else { echo "<p>{$GLOBALS['strNoResults']}</p>";