Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param ldap entry array $ldap_entry
  * @return string user's mail value or FALSE if none present
 public function userEmailFromLdapEntry($ldap_entry)
     if ($ldap_entry && $this->mail_attr) {
         // not using template
         $mail = isset($ldap_entry[$this->mail_attr][0]) ? $ldap_entry[$this->mail_attr][0] : FALSE;
         return $mail;
     } elseif ($ldap_entry && $this->mail_template) {
         // template is of form [cn]@illinois.edu
         ldap_servers_module_load_include('inc', 'ldap_servers', 'ldap_servers.functions');
         return ldap_servers_token_replace($ldap_entry, $this->mail_template, 'ldap_entry');
     } else {
         return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /** populate $user edit array (used in hook_user_save, hook_user_update, etc)
  * ... should not assume all attribues are present in ldap entry
  * @param array ldap entry $ldap_user
  * @param object $ldap_server
  * @param array $edit see hook_user_save, hook_user_update, etc
  * @param drupal account object $account
  * @param string $op see hook_ldap_attributes_needed_alter
 function entryToUserEdit($ldap_user, &$edit, $ldap_server, $direction = LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_TO_DRUPAL_USER, $prov_events = NULL)
     // need array of user fields and which direction and when they should be synched.
     if (!$prov_events) {
         $prov_events = ldap_user_all_events();
     $mail_synched = $this->isSynched('[property.mail]', $prov_events, $direction);
     if (!isset($edit['mail']) && $mail_synched) {
         $derived_mail = $ldap_server->userEmailFromLdapEntry($ldap_user['attr']);
         if ($derived_mail) {
             $edit['mail'] = $derived_mail;
     if ($this->isSynched('[property.name]', $prov_events, $direction) && !isset($edit['name'])) {
         $name = $ldap_server->userUsernameFromLdapEntry($ldap_user['attr']);
         if ($name) {
             $edit['name'] = $name;
     if ($direction == LDAP_USER_PROV_DIRECTION_TO_DRUPAL_USER && in_array(LDAP_USER_EVENT_CREATE_DRUPAL_USER, $prov_events)) {
         $edit['mail'] = isset($edit['mail']) ? $edit['mail'] : $ldap_user['mail'];
         $edit['pass'] = isset($edit['pass']) ? $edit['pass'] : user_password(20);
         $edit['init'] = isset($edit['init']) ? $edit['init'] : $edit['mail'];
         $edit['status'] = isset($edit['status']) ? $edit['status'] : 1;
         $edit['signature'] = isset($edit['signature']) ? $edit['signature'] : '';
         $edit['data']['ldap_user']['init'] = array('sid' => $ldap_user['sid'], 'dn' => $ldap_user['dn'], 'mail' => $edit['mail']);
      * basic $user ldap fields
     if ($this->isSynched('[field.ldap_user_puid]', $prov_events, $direction)) {
         $ldap_user_puid = $ldap_server->userPuidFromLdapEntry($ldap_user['attr']);
         if ($ldap_user_puid) {
             $edit['ldap_user_puid'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $ldap_user_puid;
     if ($this->isSynched('[field.ldap_user_puid_property]', $prov_events, $direction)) {
         $edit['ldap_user_puid_property'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $ldap_server->unique_persistent_attr;
     if ($this->isSynched('[field.ldap_user_puid_sid]', $prov_events, $direction)) {
         $edit['ldap_user_puid_sid'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $ldap_server->sid;
     if ($this->isSynched('[field.ldap_user_current_dn]', $prov_events, $direction)) {
         $edit['ldap_user_current_dn'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $ldap_user['dn'];
     // Get any additional mappings.
     $mappings = $this->getSynchMappings($direction, $prov_events);
     // Loop over the mappings.
     foreach ($mappings as $user_attr_key => $field_detail) {
         // //dpm('field detail');//dpm($field_detail);
         // Make sure this mapping is relevant to the sync context.
         if (!$this->isSynched($user_attr_key, $prov_events, $direction)) {
          * if "convert from binary is selected" and no particular method is in token,
          * default to ldap_servers_binary() function
         if ($field_detail['convert'] && strpos($field_detail['ldap_attr'], ';') === FALSE) {
             $field_detail['ldap_attr'] = str_replace(']', ';binary]', $field_detail['ldap_attr']);
         $value = ldap_servers_token_replace($ldap_user['attr'], $field_detail['ldap_attr'], 'ldap_entry');
         list($value_type, $value_name, $value_instance) = ldap_servers_parse_user_attr_name($user_attr_key);
         // $value_instance not used, may have future use case
         // Are we dealing with a field?
         if ($value_type == 'field') {
             // Field api field - first we get the field.
             $field = field_info_field($value_name);
             // Then the columns for the field in the schema.
             $columns = array_keys($field['columns']);
             // Then we convert the value into an array if it's scalar.
             $values = $field['cardinality'] == 1 ? array($value) : (array) $value;
             $items = array();
             // Loop over the values and set them in our $items array.
             foreach ($values as $delta => $value) {
                 if (isset($value)) {
                     // We set the first column value only, this is consistent with
                     // the Entity Api (@see entity_metadata_field_property_set).
                     $items[$delta][$columns[0]] = $value;
             // Add them to our edited item.
             $edit[$value_name][LANGUAGE_NONE] = $items;
         } elseif ($value_type == 'property') {
             // Straight property.
             $edit[$value_name] = $value;
     // Allow other modules to have a say.
     drupal_alter('ldap_user_edit_user', $edit, $ldap_user, $ldap_server, $prov_events);